Full time multi fandom shitposter, part time artist.
472 posts
What If, And Hear Me Out, The Amazing Digital Circus X The Magnus Archives Au.
What if, and hear me out, The Amazing Digital Circus x The Magnus Archives au.
My brain likes combining my interests and almost all of the characters in TADC did get their consciences put into computers and thus, got sergey ushankad. theoretically it could be possible for TDAC to take place in the TMA universe, so what if Jon and Martin put on a headset and got transferred into the digital world. Granted timelines don’t really make sense given the age of the computer we saw in TDAC, however the fun fact about TMA is that if I make it post cannon in somewhere else that problem dissapears! So Jon and Martin are probably still both avatars, but the big question is wether or not that would end up transferring to a computer? I mean personality wise sure those aspects will stay. Martin will still like being alone and Jon will absolutely be trying to figure out why everyone is there and why people abstract and be very curious about everything while having a panic attack the whole time. Anyway this was my silly little ramble.
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More Posts from Thatmoththoth
My silly little brain feels guilty for not producing art as frequently as other people and for not constantly working on my prodject. Why is my brain like this? I don’t owe anyone anything and I’m just doing this shit for fun so why must my brain feel the need to make me feel guilty for things I have no obligation to.
You know what FUCK IT I’m making spiderverse Annabel Cane real >:3
Leitner idea
Contents: A stranger/flesh themed copy of the rainbow fish where it’s much darker. Rather than the fish just asking for the rainbow fish’s scales they keep asking for more and more parts of the rainbow fish until the rainbow fish is just a skeleton. Even then the fish still ask for more. “Give us a rib” they say, and the rainbow fish cries as he gives all his ribs to the fish. This goes on until the rainbow fish is gone completely, just showing an sandy ocean beach where the rainbow fish once was.
Affects on the reader:
The reader will find after reading that their friends and family keep asking more of them. Asking for loans and favours, until they eventually start asking if they can have personal belongings, and the reader will find themselves unable to refuse. Once there is nothing left to give the family members will begin to ask for pieces of their body like their ears and nose, untill the reader ends up just like the rainbow fish, with nothing left to give. The reader doesn’t die throughout this entire process. They still exist afterwards too even if a more ghostly metaphysical presence. They aren’t dead, and now they have to eternally exist with nothing left… nothing left but the book that caused this. No one wanted the book an now they are tied to it until someone finally takes it from them. And the cycle starts anew.
Someone remind me to work on this again when I’m not sick with a cold and feel like crap ;-;
Working on monster!martin
This has brought several insights to my attention.
1. Most of my followers a very nuerospicy and queer (like me so no big surpise there)
2. I know one of my followers in real life. Not naming names but you know who you are.
3. Bugs are cool.
Also please dm me/ask me what your bug is because I wanna talk about my bug choices but also don’t want to make people uncomfortable by mentioning them publicly if they don’t want that.
I feel like my followers are like a little bug collection. Sure I have like 100 followers on instagram but my 19 here feel much more important and more personal. Also I stopped posting on instagram because that place is hell for artists.
Anyway y’all are my bugs, and I’m going to keep y’all in a little terrarium. Since There’s not many of you I’m going to give you each individual bug species to go with you. I’ll make sure their cool ones (to me atleast)