thatonegenshinsimp - Lauren’t

| Not Lauren| An ADHD bitch who obsesses over fictional men | Currently: Tired |

80 posts

I Had To Write Something For This, It Was Too Good To Miss Out On. I Tried Not To Make It Suck But I

I had to write something for this, it was too good to miss out on. I tried not to make it suck but I was pressed for time so apologies for any mistakes.

Warnings: fem!reader


Capitano was surprised to say the least when he found out that you were the one he was to marry. Sure, you were very polite, and a well mannered individual, but you were also very scared of him at first. You mostly kept to yourself, and only spoke to him when it was absolutely necessary. However, Capitano didn’t want that to be the life that you both lived. He wanted to know you as more than just the woman who was forced to marry him, but he did not show it easily. Instead, after many nights spent pondering what to do, he found that you’d decided to take the initiative to get to know him better first.

It started with you timidly inviting him to the library in the manor to do paperwork while you read. You would always sit at least a foot away from him, but that soon morphed into half of a foot, and then right next to him. You were trying to get close to him, and Capitano was always grateful for the effort you put into doing so. In return, he would also try to spend more time with you and open up about his line of work. He didn't want there to be any problems in your relationship, so he refused to lie about his work.

During one such "meeting" in the library, you were reading when Capitano gently wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you into his lap. "I want you to be close to me, if you don't mind." he spoke softly at this time. This was the green light you had been waiting for, a sign that you could be more tactile with him, and you gladly used it to your advantage. You leaned back against his chest and continued to read, before reaching for one of his hands and gently taking it into your own. "I'm glad that you like touch, I was starting to get worried that you might not want to be close to me." You voiced. You couldn’t help but smile as you continued to speak. “If I may, I’m glad that you decided to join me. the first time I asked, I thought that you’d say no and then leave, but you didn’t. That’s why I wanted to continue this, because I wanted to get to know you more, and I knew I had the chance to get to know you more.” you confessed, your cheeks turning pink as the words left your mouth. Capitano sat behind you wordlessly, but he squeezed your hand gently, confirming that he’d heard you. “I am also glad that you continued to ask me to join you. Unfortunately, I am not the best when it comes to words. In fact, I was under the impression that you were not very fond of me and my company until you started inviting me to spend more time with you.” he explained, looking down at you as he spoke. “Oh, I see. Here I was thinking that you didn’t like me very much, either, and only married me because of my parents’ standing in Her Majesty’s court.” you said, your gaze crestfallen at the idea of that being the real reason behind your matrimony. However, Capitano shook his head, turning you around to face him. “I promise that that isn’t the case. If I were looking for someone with greater standing in the Tsaritsa’s court, I would have married someone else.” he tried to make his words sound at least somewhat comforting, but he knew he had done well to comfort you when your shoulders seemed to slouch and your posture relaxed. The rest of that evening was spent in relative silence, with your husband sitting behind you as you read the book you’d chosen from the library.

From then on, your little “meetings” were mostly spent talking to one another. Capitano was surprised that you could be so chatty, but he was glad for it in a way. You helped him deal with conversations, and you were glad to see that he always responded to the questions you asked about his work. Even when the answers themselves seemed brutal and ever so slightly cruel, he never dissuaded you from talking to him. Every time he had to leave for a mission now, instead of leaving an empty and cold house, he left your warmth and your loving gaze. He had come to find out that you also liked to draw, and drew people on occasion. Capitano always wondered if you had ever drawn him, and eventually asked you if you had. It was with the brightest smile he’d ever seen you give him that you showed him the picture you’d drawn of him. You knew not to draw his actual face, having only seen it once, but not until he made sure you understood that you were to never tell or show anyone what his face looked like under the black helmet he wore. You had agreed then, and still respected his wishes even now. He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you close to him, keeping you in his warm hold. You giggled softly, leaning back against him and then showing him a few more drawings. You were both interrupted by a knock at the door, and you watched as Capitano’s body stiffened. He quickly looked you up and down before nodding, getting up and helping you to your feet. “What’s wrong? Why are you so stiff?” you asked. “I forgot to tell you that the other Harbingers are here to discuss the situation in Inazuma, and our upcoming plans for Sumeru. I neglected to inform you of this, and I deeply apologize for such things, because they will be staying the night here.” he specified. You nodded softly, taking his hand as you followed him to the foyer.

You had to sit in the lounge during the meeting, but immediately rose from your place on one of the comfortable plush chairs the moment the door to the meeting room opened. Each of the Harbingers exited, with Capitano taking the back of the group and closing the door to the room with a faint click. You walked over to him and wrapped your arms around his bicep, leaning against him. You were reminded of the other people in the room when you heard one of the other Harbingers speak. “Oh? Who, pray tell, Captain, is this?” questioned a man with black hair and glasses. His eyes were closed, and he wore a sickeningly sweet smile on his face. “This is my wife, (Y/N).” Capitano answered gruffly. It was obvious that he didn’t want you here with these people, but it seemed that the other Harbingers had plans of their own. You were soon swarmed with questions from Childe, the only thing holding Capitano back from killing him being Pierro. You eventually answered all of them, chatting with them about what their lines of work entailed in the Fatui. “So, enough about us, what about you? I never expected Capitano’s wife to be so outgoing like you are.” Arlecchino voiced, her deep red gaze transfixed on you. you looked at her before speaking. “Actually, our marriage was-” a pair of arms encircling your waist interrupted you, and you looked back to find Capitano. “You ought to retire for the night, I shall join you shortly after this.” he spoke. “Oh, alright, have a wonderful night, everyone.” you called, waving to the Harbingers as you retreated up the winding stairs to your bedroom on the second floor of the mansion. You changed out of your day clothes and took a shower, before changing into your nightgown and crawling into the bed. About ten minutes later, Capitano opened the door slowly, closing it as gently as he could. He quickly got in the shower as well and then changed into his night clothes as well. You felt his arms wrap around you yet again, and looked back at him as you turned around to face him. His helmet had been set down on the nightstand, and his uniform hung by the door on its rack. Your arms snaked around his neck as you spoke. “I love you.” you whispered, causing his eyes to widen ever so slightly in the flickering light of the lamp you kept on your bedside. Capitano closed his eyes and thought for a moment, before gently tilting your chin up and pressing his lips against yours in a kiss. You tensed up slightly, having never been kissed by him before, but melted into his embrace soon after. Though he did not say anything, you could tell that, in his heart, he loved you as well. You drifted off like that, holding onto him as sleep took you over. Just before Capitano fell asleep, he spoke softly to your own sleeping form. “I love you, too, my dear.” he whispered, closing his eyes and nodding off soon after.

One of my favorite things to think about with Capitano is an arranged marriage with a reader who is initially very shy, quiet, and kinda scared of him. But the more they get to know him and spend time with him, they get much more louder and excited and talk a lot- Capitano is taken aback by this change of behavior and frankly surprised because absolutely no one acts like this with him which leaves him unsure of what to do. He didn't expect you to open up like this and do stuff like grab onto his arm so casually - but he's not complaining. He likes to let you do what you want, it's rather endearing.

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More Posts from Thatonegenshinsimp

2 years ago

Miso Soup (Thoma x reader)

Notes: I decided to write for Thoma today because I’ve never written for him before so sorry if it’s not exactly all that great but I hope you enjoy!


Thoma was a busy man during the day, and rarely got a day off. When he wasn’t helping Ayato with his tasks, he was accompanying Ayaka around Inazuma and helping her. However, he had the next week off for vacation, and he wanted to spend it with you. He dropped by Komore Teahouse and got Taroumaru, before going back to your shared home with him. When he got to the house, he saw that you were cooking dinner, humming softly to yourself as you stirred the Miso Soup you were making. You heard the door close and turned to see your husband walking over to you. “Hey, what’re you making? It smells delicious.” He asked, wrapping his arms around you and hugging you. “It’s Miso Soup, and it should almost be ready if you want to go clean up and change into something more comfortable.” You replied, reaching one of your hands up and running your fingers through his hair. He sighed deeply, leaning further against you as he let you play with his hair. After a few minutes, you pulled your hand away and he grumbled a little bit from the loss of touch. He then pulled back and nodded at you, walking to your shared bedroom and changing out of his work clothes. He then changed into something more comfortable and walked back out to the kitchen. You took the pot off of the stove and got a ladle, before grabbing two bowls and two sets of cutlery from the cabinet and drawers. You were about to serve the soup when Thoma gently caught your hands as you reached for the ladle and a bowl. “Let me, you cooked tonight.” He coaxed, watching as you sat at the table before he served you a bowl and got a bowl of Miso Soup for himself as well. He then sat at the table beside you and took a bite of the soup, humming softly to himself at the taste. “Thank you for cooking tonight, it’s so good, (Y/N).” He said, looking at you as the two of you ate. “You’re welcome, I know how stressful work can be for you sometimes.” You replied, finishing your bowl and walking back over to the pot to put the leftover soup in a container. You then put it in the icebox and closed it, before going back over to where Thoma was seated. He finished his soup and took the dishes over to the sink to clean them, before he walked with you to the bedroom and watched as you got under the covers. He joined you shortly after, pulling you close to him and wrapping his arms around you. He usually would talk to you before bed, telling you about his day and going on about what he did, but tonight, he was silent, nuzzling his head into the crook of your neck as he sighed deeply. “Thoma, is everything alright?” You asked, looking at him and watching as he slowly pulled away from your warmth. “I just missed you today, that’s all.” He replied, hugging you slightly tighter. You returned his embrace and leaned against him, feeling drowsy from the comforting warmth he provided. “G’night, Thoma, I love you.” You mumbled sleepily, drifting off in his arms. He looked down at you and gently pressed his lips against your forehead before he spoke. “Good night, (Y/N), I love you too.” He whispered, closing his eyes and falling asleep with you nestled comfortably in his arms.

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1 year ago

Under the Moonlight (Alhaitham x fem!reader NSFW)

Notes: Since it’s my birthday I’ve decided to treat myself and give you guys this smut I’ve been working on for a while. Sorry if it’s not that great since it’s the first one I’ve ever written but anyways, enjoy!


NSFW content below, Minors DNI, by scrolling down, you have decided to read the content below of your own accord!

Warnings: NSFW(duh), slight cursing, missionary (sex position), doggy style (sex position), sappy shit below, fem!reader, slight dacryphilia if you squint.

Alhaitham wasn’t one to show emotion often. Hell, he almost never did, aside from whenever he was around you. It was obvious that he adored you and loved you to anyone observant enough to see the way he acted around you. You hailed from the Ragnvindr family of Mondstadt, meaning that you came from money and your family had high expectations of you and the one you married.

At least, that was what Alhaitham thought when he started dating you.

Although he was perfectly well prepared to meet those expectations, Alhaitham learned many things from his time with you. You were the first and only girlfriend he’d ever had, eventually becoming his wife a few years later. He learned how to speak to someone in a tone that wasn’t full of sarcasm. He learned that your cooking was the best thing he’d ever had. He also learned that your family, save for Diluc, who thought he wasn’t a good match for you, approved of his matrimony with you when they welcomed him warmly to the Ragnvindr family once you introduced him to them.

However, he also learned on your wedding night how to make passionate love to you every time the moon hung high amidst the stars in the sky above Sumeru City, as they were now. The only problem with him doing that tonight was the fact that, despite Kaveh’s absence from Alhaitham’s home, you weren’t alone because your older brothers were over to visit the two of you, and you didn’t know if the walls of his home were soundproof or not. However, your husband didn’t care what others thought of him or his relationship with you, and you knew that. So, you obliged his wishes, and let yourself fall into bliss with him on this night filled with passion, love, and most of all, sex.

Your breathy moans reached Alhaitham’s ears much more clearly when he slowly spread your legs further apart in order to slide himself between them. He slowly withdrew his fingers from your wet cunt and lifted them to his mouth, licking them clean. He undid his pants and pulled them down, throwing them to the side with the rest of his clothing as he dragged his tip over your entrance. You whined softly, reaching up to grab his shoulders as you spoke. “P-please, Haitham, please!” You begged, looking up at him with wide tear filled eyes. He knew better than to deprive you of the touch you so desperately craved, remembering the last time he didn’t let you, and how you ended up being a little overwhelmed the last time you’d had sex with him. “As you wish, lovely.” He cooed, slowly sliding into you and pressing his hips forward until they were flush against yours. You would have cried out loudly if it weren’t for his lips against yours, silencing your cries of pleasure and wiping away your tears of both pain and ecstasy as he held you gently in his arms. “Mmm~ f-feels s’good, Haitham. So good- aHhn~!” You moaned loudly, squeezing his shoulders tightly as his hips jolted forward. Your back arched against his chest as he flipped you over onto your stomach, slowly lifting your hips as he bit his lip and all but slammed into you. He decided on taking you doggy style as he groaned loudly, thrusting his hips forward a little faster. “AhnN~! Mmm~ so f-full I- fuck- love you s’much!” You felt his tip bump up against your cervix as he slowed his thrusts slightly, taking you from behind a little more gently. Your brows furrowed slightly as you were overcome with an overwhelming need to see his face. “Haitham, wanna see you, please lemme see you.” You whined, your eyes almost getting teary again before he flipped you back over and looked down at you. The pace he had maintained was getting sloppier, and he looked to almost be in a sort of haze as he leaned down and pressed his forehead against yours, before leaning further downward to kiss your neck. He sighed into the crook of your neck. His hot breath fanning against the sensitive skin caused you to clench around him, squeezing him tightly and causing his breath to hitch as a choked groan rumbled in his chest. You looked up at him when he pulled away and reached up, gently cupping his face in your hands as you saw the tears welling up in his eyes. Now he was the one getting overwhelmed, having not expected you to ask to be flipped over just to look at him. Alhaitham expected you to be lost in bliss tonight, but he realized now that he was the one who would be lost in bliss before you would. His tear filled teal eyes met yours as you noticed the slightly distressed look in his gaze, reaching up to wipe his tears away. “Hey, what's wrong, honey? Why d’you look so worried?” You slurred, causing him to shake his head and clench his teeth as he slowed down even more, his eyes trained on yours as you looked up at him with that adoring gaze that made him weak in the knees. You gently thumbed away his tears as he leaned into your touch, going slightly faster and hitting that one spot deep inside of your fluttering cunt that made your toes curl and your body arch up into his.

His gaze was full of love and adoration as he spoke. “I love you so much. It hurts to even try and put it into words.” He grunted, feeling himself twitch inside of you. He balanced on his forearms and wrapped you up in a gentle embrace, watching as you smiled shyly and turned your face to the side to hide the red dusting your cheeks. “You’re s’good for me, all for me. Please, don’t look away, my love.” He whispered, keeping you close as he spoke. You felt Alhaitham slam his hips into your sweet spot again, and wailed his name as you came. You squirted all over his lap and his dick as you gripped his shoulders and dug your nails into them, no doubt leaving behind small red crescent moons in their wake. “Mmm~ Ngh~ NahHn~! Haitham~ ohh~ r-right there please~ ahHn~!” You wrapped your legs around his waist as your eyes rolled back into your head, forcing him to stay inside of you. Alhaitham looked down at you and groaned loudly as he buried himself balls deep inside of you and came, his cum filling you up in thick spurts as heavy ropes of white filled you up and made you tremble against him, shivering from the mind numbing pleasure. He fucked you through it, slowly rolling his hips against yours as you sobbed his name.

You slowly came down from the ecstatic euphoria he lifted you into, relaxing against the bed as his hips stilled against yours. Your eyelids felt heavy as drowsiness started to take you over, but you forced yourself to stay awake, looking up at the man whose face was now buried in your hair. Alhaitham took deep breaths as he slowly came down from his own high, waiting for a few minutes until he lifted his head from your hair and looked down at you. “Are you ok? Was I too rough tonight?” He asked, reaching down with one of his hands to wipe away your tears. You shook your head softly, leaning into his gentle touch and sighing quietly. “No, heavens, no, it just all felt so… good. Archons, it felt wonderful.” You breathed, trying to catch your breath. You then looked up at him, worry twinkling in your gaze yet again as you spoke. “Why were you crying earlier though? Did something happen?” You asked, reaching up and cupping his face in your hands yet again. “No, it’s just that I didn’t expect you to ask to look at me like you did. You caught me off guard a little.” He responded, before looking down to where the two of you were connected. You felt him slowly start to withdraw his hips, pulling out slowly so as not to hurt you. You whined quietly at the sudden emptiness you felt, but relaxed slowly, your body glad to finally get a break. Alhaitham watched as his and your mixed release gushed out of you, soiling the sheets below. You whimpered softly against the pillow below you, before feeling weightless as Alhaitham picked you up and slowly got out of the bed. He then went to the bathroom connected to his room, and turned on the faucet to the bath, waiting until the water was warm to plug the drain and wait for the bath to fill. He locked the bathroom door for good measure and then slowly lowered you and himself into the warm water. Alhaitham grabbed the shampoo from the side of the bath and squirted some into his palm, rubbing his hands together and then slowly and gently massaging it into your hair. You sighed deeply and relaxed in his gentle hold as he shampooed and then conditioned your and his hair. You then felt his hands start to massage your back, his palms rolling against the sore muscles in your tired body. You felt like you were floating on a cloud, and decided to try returning the favor, turning back and massaging his shoulders gently. He hummed softly and pressed his lips against your forehead. “Thank you.” You mumbled tiredly, smiling up at him dreamily. Alhaitham nodded and then slowly lifted you out of the water, grabbing a few towels and drying you off. He then set you down on a chair in the bedroom before he wrapped one of the towels around his waist and went to get a clean set of sheets for the bed from the linen closet down the hall. He had just gotten the sheets and was about to head back to his room when he heard someone clear their throat behind him. He rolled his eyes, turning around after, only to be greeted by the sight of your older brother, Diluc, glaring at him.

Diluc and Alhaitham butted heads often whenever they saw each other, and Diluc looked furious as of now. “Can I help you?” Alhaitham asked, his tone one of boredom and his facial expression the same. He knew that your older brother was going to be angry at him regardless of what he said, so he gave up on trying to downplay what he did with you tonight. “The audacity you have to do that when there are other people here, you arrogant bastard, I’ll-” “You know what, I enjoyed fucking your sister into that mattress so hard she was crying.” Alhaitham interrupted him, smirking at him. “And I’ll do it again tomorrow if it pisses you off this much.” He finished, shoving past him to get back to your shared room with him. He quickly changed the sheets and looked back at you, who was now asleep in the chair. He locked the bedroom door once again and turned back to look at you with a sigh. You were a blessing in his eyes, and he knew he didn’t deserve your love, but you insisted that he did. He slowly lifted you up into his arms and used the towel to dry off your hair, drying his own hair off after he had set you down under the covers. You mumbled in your sleep and stirred slightly, before opening your eyes and looking back at your lover as he finished drying himself off. You slowly sat up and rolled over to face him as he walked back out of the bathroom. “You should be asleep, we went at it for a while, and you’re no doubt exhausted.” he advised, a concerned look on his face as he got under the covers with you. “Diluc heard us, didn’t he?” you asked, knowing the reason for said concern. Alhaitham sucked in a sharp breath before averting his gaze and suddenly becoming interested in the wall. “Yes, he did. Your brother and I don’t exactly get along all that well, you and I both know that, and the fact that we eloped and didn’t get his blessing doesn’t exactly make things better.” he iterated, causing you to slowly lift your upper body to balance on one of your palms before reaching out and gently taking his hand into yours as you spoke. “I wanted to marry you, Kaeya said he thought you were a good person and that you treated me well, so I took that as his blessing for me to marry you. I knew that Diluc would never say yes, and whether or not I had gotten his blessing doesn’t matter to me, I was always planning to elope anyway. Besides, Diluc has no right to give it, my father told me that if I wanted to marry someone, that he trusted my judgment and would let me marry whoever I saw worthy enough to do so. You, Alhaitham, are that person. No blessing or lack thereof will ever change the fact that I love you.” you reassured him, threading your fingers with his. He looked over at you and leaned in closer to you, pressing his lips against yours. “Come on, let’s get some sleep, I’m exhausted.” he said, wrapping you up in his arms and holding you close as he laid down against the soft mattress and pillows beneath the two of you. Just before the two of you fell asleep, you heard him speak softly. “I love you too, (Y/N), I always will.” he whispered, hugging you tightly before his hold loosened and his breathing slowed a few minutes later. You snuggled up closer to him and smiled softly, falling asleep in his arms soon after.

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2 years ago

Hey there!

Hello! I just wanted to introduce myself. I’m Lauren. I write for Genshin Impact and I take requests as well. I hope that you enjoy my content and feel comfortable reading my stuff! Feel free to drop a request in the ask box (when it’s open) and if not, then feel free to chat with me!

Masterlist here!

Requests are currently: Closed

2 years ago

Good Morning (Diluc x reader)

Notes: You guys get soft content today because I’m feeling sappy. Kinda short but anyways, enjoy!


Warnings: Slightly suggestive.

Diluc wasn’t what others would call a soft individual. In fact, the word “soft” and the name “Diluc” were two things that clashed quite often.

But not when it came to you.

You were the only one he was like this around. His gentle words and hushed confessions of adoration and love were reserved for your ears only. It was in moments like these that you truly saw how gentle he could be.

You woke up slowly, blinking away the last remnants of sleep as you lazily gazed over and smiled softly when you saw your husband. His red hair was down and covered most of his face, and he looked peaceful in the clutches of sleep. You scooted over to him and laid back down beside him, gently brushing his hair out of his face to get a better look at him. He had dark eye bags that worried you to no end, but he’d never sleep enough to get rid of them if he kept going like this. You were about to pull away when he spoke. “It’s rude to stare, (Y/N).” Diluc said, opening one of his eyes to look at you. You were about to apologize when he gently wrapped an arm around you and pulled you close, holding you in his arms as he spoke. “Good morning, did you sleep well?” You asked him, your voice barely above a whisper when you spoke. He nodded before leaning down and pressing his lips against yours, kissing you slowly before pulling away with a smile. “I don’t have anything to do today, and Elzer is handling most of the things I would have to do, so do you mind if I spend the day with you?” He asked. “I don’t mind, I’d love to have your company.” You replied, cupping his face in your hands and running your thumbs over his cheeks. Diluc put one of his hands over yours and leaned into your touch, smiling just a little more when you giggled at the sight. “Alright, come on. We need to get up, dearest.” You said. The word falling from your lips so naturally, even now, still caught him off guard, and you watched as his face reddened slightly. He turned his face to the side to hide his red cheeks, causing you to giggle quietly as you pressed your lips against his forehead. “We don’t really have to do anything today if you don’t want to. In fact, we don’t even have to leave this bed if you don’t want to.” You mused, tracing nonsense shapes on his chest. Diluc buried his red face in the crook of your neck as he held you close, causing you to laugh softly. “Be careful what you ask for, you might just get it.” He grumbled, watching with a playful smile on his face as you pulled away. “Come on, you dork, get up. We still have to do commissions.” You laughed, throwing the covers off of the two of you and getting up to get dressed. Diluc gazed over at you as you buttoned up your shirt and grabbed your pants from the dresser. “What are you staring at? Come on and get dressed.” You asked. He grabbed his shirt and vest, buttoning them up and dressing quickly before gently grabbing your hand as you got to the door. “I was staring at you. You look wonderful today, my love.” He said, lifting your hand to his lips and kissing your knuckles gently. You could feel your face heating up as your cheeks turned red. You cleared your throat and then looked back at him. “Well then, shall we go, dear husband?” You asked, walking downstairs with him. Diluc nodded softly, turning the door handle and opening it, holding it for you as you walked out. “Yes, we shall, dearest.” He replied, closing the door behind him.

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2 years ago

Scaramouche x Youkai!reader

Notes: I’m sorry if this isn’t that good since I really don’t know how to write for Scaramouche but anyways, enjoy!


Warnings: Spoilers for Scaramouche’s backstory, the Sumeru Archon Quest, and the Interlude Chapter in Sumeru!


He recognized that voice, the same one he’d heard right before he’d left Inazuma. It was you, one of the few youkai left in Inazuma. Miko, although the two of you weren’t even remotely related, took you in and all but raised you, being the older of you two. You would be forever grateful to her for her kindness. It was because of her that you met the one now known as the Wanderer. However, you only knew him as Kunikuzushi, the puppet that the Shogun had all but thrown away and left to erode into dust in the harsh torrent that was eternity. However, you had always been very kind and very caring toward him, and even when he was known as The Balladeer in his previous Incarnation, he still remembered you with perfect clarity, no matter what life you saw each other in last. In fact, you were the first person that the Traveler asked about what you knew of him when he had changed his history in Teyvat. Thankfully, nothing in your mind had changed about his origins at the Grand Narukami Shrine or about when he left, but the one thing that had changed was the fact that you no longer remembered him taking on the title of The Balladeer, and now only remembered him as Wanderer. He let only you use his original name.

He turned around and looked at you, standing a mere ten feet away from where he himself stood. He nodded softly in affirmation, acknowledging that he’d heard you. Your ears twitched slightly, moving around and checking for any signs that the two of you were being watched or eavesdropped on.

“Kunikuzushi.” You breathed, the name sounding like it was meant for only your lips.

When you didn’t find any signs of immediate danger, you hesitantly took a step forward, before sprinting at him and tackling him to the ground below. “Umph-!” He grunted, taken by surprise when you collided with him. You wrapped your arms around him and sighed deeply, squeezing him tightly as you hugged him. “I thought I’d never see you again.” You whispered, relaxing only when he returned your embrace. “What are you doing here? You shouldn’t be here. What if Ei catches you?” You asked. He shook his head. “I’ve met the Traveler, and if things were to come to that, then I’d ask them to help me stop her from doing anything.” His hold on you tightened. “But I had to see you again. I couldn’t take being without you anymore. It’s all been a mess, and it turns out that there was another incarnation of me in a different timeline that destroyed and killed so many people, and-" He stopped when you gently cupped his face in your hands, your hands just as soft as he remembered. “Kuni, slowly. I can’t help if I don’t know what’s going on.” You pressed your forehead against his and sat up fully to let him have some space. “Come on, I’ll take you somewhere we can talk.” You offered, getting up and gently taking his hand into yours.

You kept walking until you reached an old, abandoned shrine, and sat down before patting the ground beside you in an invitation for him to sit. The Wanderer quickly did so, sitting as close as he could to you. “Ok, start from the beginning.” You coaxed, and it all came crashing down from there. You heard about how he used to be a Harbinger who mercilessly killed and tortured those around him, destroying and fighting whatever and whoever he was told to. You heard about him changing his past and becoming what he was now, and you heard about his time with the Traveler, and with Lesser Lord Kusanali. You heard about how he got his memories back, and how he finally got back to Inazuma. By the time he was done, Kunikuzushi was shaking, and you could tell he needed comfort. You were willing to give that comfort, and gladly did so. “That is a lot to handle, and I don’t even know where to start, but what I do know is that you’re the most important person to me in the whole of Teyvat. It doesn’t matter to me whether you’re The Balladeer or The Wanderer, you’ll always be Kunikuzushi in my eyes, and I’ll always be here for you.” You said, hugging him yet again. You saw the tears rolling down his face as he leaned against you, trembling in your arms. “Hey, hey, look at me.” You cooed, causing him to pull back and look at you. “I want to travel with you. I want to stay by your side from now until the end of eternity, if you’ll let me.” You hummed, confusing him slightly. “But I thought that the last time I saw you, you were-” “Helping Miko at the shrine? Yes, I was, but I stopped a while ago. Ever since then, I’ve been waiting for you to either come back or for me to decide to leave Inazuma. But I just had a feeling that if I left, you’d be here when I wasn’t, so I waited.” You explained, looking down at him as you spoke. “I want to be there for you instead of leaving you alone like the last time you left. I love you, Kuni. I always have and I always will.” You confessed, your face flushing pink as you spoke. He sighed, turning his gaze away from you as he spoke. “And you promise not to leave?” He asked. Without hesitation, you nodded. “I promise.” You replied, hugging him yet again. “Thank you.” He mumbled, his face growing warmer with each word.

At the Grand Narukami Shrine, Miko smirked as she watched you pack. The moment she received word from the Traveler that Kunikuzushi had returned, it wasn’t a surprise to her when, about three hours after you’d left the shrine, you came running back up the steps to the shrine to ask for her permission to leave Inazuma. “I’m surprised it took you so long to get back, little one. Of course you may leave.” She replied, ruffling your hair gently. You smiled at her and then rushed to get what you’d need, packing everything into a backpack and changing into different attire that would be better suited for adventuring. “I best be going. Farewell, Miko!” You called, all but sprinting back down the mountain to join Kunikuzushi. He looked at you and nodded, before holding out his hand for you to take. You smiled and took it, walking with him. You didn’t know where your journey would take you, but so long as you were by his side, you knew there was nothing to fear.

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