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6 months ago
Badass Thoma Rescuing Traveler
Badass Thoma Rescuing Traveler
Badass Thoma Rescuing Traveler
Badass Thoma Rescuing Traveler

badass thoma rescuing traveler

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2 years ago


Tags :
2 years ago

Broken Loyalties (1)

Yandere! Ayato + Thoma x f!reader

Broken Loyalties (1)
Broken Loyalties (1)

-I originally posted this on ao3 but decided post it here too! mostly thomaxreader but pt 2 will be ayatoxreader <3 sorry for the odd paragraph spacing btw :,)

Thoma finds his loyalties questioned

Warnings: Yandere themes, forced marriage, no explicit sex but contains thoma’s filthy imaginations 💗 descriptions of unstable mental health (?)

Broken Loyalties (1)

You feel like you are withering away.

Every day, it feels a little harder to drag yourself out of bed. The colors around your world seem so bleak and dark and dreary. And the food presented in front of you, has it always been so… unappetizing? Truthfully, the piping hot dishes spread across the oak table is a feast. Steaming soup, fresh fish accompanied with a bowl of rice. The clammy grip you have around your chopsticks tightens.

All of a sudden, you are hit with an overwhelming sense to heave your empty stomach across the lavish meal.

“Miss? Miss?”

You don’t hear your attendant until his warm fingers are prying the trembling chopsticks from your grip. Your heart calms down from its frantic gallop. He?

Immediately, your head shoots upward. Blonde hair, soft emerald eyes, and an even softer look of concern flashing in his gaze. “Who are you?” Your eyes narrow. He isn’t the usual timid servant who trails around you like a second shadow. The second thing you register is the unfamiliarity of his uniform. It’s unlike the typical Inazuman attire adorned by the Kamisato servants, they normally wear gray and blue - a representative of the Kamisato clan’s colors. On the contrary, his clothes seem to be a mixture of traditional Inazuman embellishments paired with… The crimson red of his jacket tugs on your memory. “Where are you from?” The question escapes your mouth before you can stop yourself.

His bright eyes widened in surprise. This man is perfect picture of youthful innocence.

“M-My name is Thoma,” he explains as he snatches his hand away from yours. “I hail from Mondstadt. I must apologize for touching you without your permission, it just looked like you were about to-”

“Mondstadt?” you parrot. Before Thoma can take his hand away from yours, your fingers close around his wrist in a grip that betrays the strength of your smaller figure. Something akin to life seems to flicker alight in your dull eyes. “Are you really from Mondstadt?” you ask him again.

Thoma seems startled by your bold movements. “Y-Yes, my lady.”

“Oh, I’m sorry.” You finally seem to realize that your fingers are still snared around his wrist. “I did not mean to grab you, that was very unbecoming of me.”

“Please don’t apologize! It was an honor for me to meet the mistress of the Kamisato clan. I shouldn’t have touched you without permission.”

That seemed to be the wrong thing to say. The hand around Thoma’s wrist loosens as you turn around to the table again. In the blink of an eye, you’ve withdrawn back to your shell. The spark of interest in your eyes dims like a fire deprived of oxygen. “You may take your leave,” you tell him in a clipped yet polite voice. You cross your hands elegantly over your lap, not a trace of earlier friendliness could be found. “It was nice meeting you.” Smaller in stature, larger in presence. You weren't the young woman who’d gripped his wrist earlier anymore, you were now the Kamisato matron, elegant, poised, lifeless. A title that you clearly despised.

Nevertheless, Thoma bows as he retreats out of the room.

Not once do you turn around.

The second time Thoma meets you, he finds you in the Kamisato gardens. Your hair is swept into a delicate spiral of elaborate braids and held away from your face by a floral kanzashi at the nape of your neck. The dim sunlight glints off the pin in your hair, casting a reflection around your head and setting your skin alight with muted golden rays. A sight that would have left every painter in awe. Thoma swears his heart skips a beat.

But when you turn around, the sound of his footsteps had clearly alerted you, your eyes are dark and cloudy. Like a match about to die out if the wind blew a little too strongly. “My lady,” Thoma calls out respectfully. “It looks like it’s about to rain. My lord has requested for you to return indoors.”

The corners of your lips tug downwards slightly. “I see.”

A few moments pass as you continue to stare off into the distance. Thoma shifts uncomfortably on his feet.

Just as the silence stretches on to the point where it was uncomfortable, you raise an eyebrow. “How did a young man from Mondstadt end up serving an Inazuman clan?” you start.

You look at him properly this time. And faced with the undivided attention of your steely gaze, Thoma nearly stutters over his story.

When he finishes, you smile a bit. It’s a small smile, but Thoma takes it as a victory anyhow. “Are you happy here, Thoma?” Your voice was so soft that Thoma nearly missed it over the rumble of thunder.

Somehow, he had a feeling that the answer to your question was one that he should tread with extreme caution. “The Kamisato siblings have never treated me with anything but kindness,” he says carefully. Emerald eyes scour your face for any sort of emotion. Your features betray nothing. “But my heart still longs for Mondstandt.”

You stared at Thoma for a moment longer before you calmly rose to your feet. “Let’s go. Ayato doesn’t like to be kept waiting.”

Thoma nearly flinches at the direct use of Ayato’s name. You were quite probably the only person who could get away with it.

When the two of you make your way back to the estate, the elder of the Kamisato siblings is at the entrance. “My lord,” you echo emotionlessly when he makes his way to your side. Ayato’s slender fingers drifts to your hip, ghosting over the silk fabric of your kimono. Not quite touching you, but his presence is enough to catch your undivided attention. Thoma feels like an outsider all of a sudden. Like he’d just witnessed something he wasn’t supposed to set his sights on. He watches as Ayato’s larger body curves behind you, almost towering over you. Immediately, you stiffen. The tension between the two of you is so palpable that it hangs thickly in the air.

“My lord, please don’t forget that we are in the public eye.”

“The hairpin I chose for you looks good in your hair.”

Your lips flattens into a thin line as your finger twitches and Thoma half-expects you to rip the bejeweled pin out of your hair just to stab his lord in the eye.

On the contrary, Ayato’s smile broadens, the beauty mark under his mouth follows the upward curve. He’s goading you, dying for you to lash back at him. You refused to give him the satisfaction of your temper. Instead, you step away from the cage of Ayato’s possessive arms and vanish inside without a single word, all while under the watchful eyes of the other loitering servants.

It’s almost unsettling how Ayato seems even more amused. “My dear Thoma, what do you think about my adorable wife?” He continues without waiting for the latter’s response. “She has quite the temper. I’m always afraid she might slip away from my grasps if I take my eyes off her for a minute. Of course, I can count on you to watch over her in my stead, right?”

Thoma gulps. He thinks of your lifeless eyes. The pin in your hair. Your soft voice. “Yes, my lord.”

The more he spends time with you, the more he finds his heart wavering.

Thoma likes you... Alot. He likes to hear your voice, he likes the way your eyes light up when he first gave you a bouquet of windwheel asters that he bargained for from an Inazuman merchant, he likes the way your hair looks in the pretty complicated updos, he likes you.

And you’ve warmed up to him as well. You smile more around him, the heavy weight over your shoulders seems to lighten when you catch sight of him.

It had always been an innocent sort of crush. The type of crush where he’d do anything to see your beautiful eyes light up and crack jokes to make you laugh. He thinks he’d be happy like this if he could just spend the rest of his life seated next to you under the shade of the sakura tree in the Kamisato gardens. He’s content being your husband's servant. If this was all he could get, Thoma could die happy.

Until one day, the collar of your kimono slips. It’s not much. It just so happened that you’d bent down to pet a stray cat that wandered into the gardens. It’s not much , but it allows Thoma to catch a clear view of the smooth expanse of the back of your neck and the purplish mark on your shoulder.

His hand grazes your skin before his brain fully comprehends the sight before him. “Thoma?” you jerk up in surprise and Thoma nearly rears back. All of a sudden, you're straightening back and Thoma yanks his gaze away. He’s no virgin, he knows what that mark means. He can already feel the tip of his ears flushing as hot as the pyro vision hanging by his hip. Even when Thoma glares stubbornly at the grass, his imagination is already running wild.

The innocent crush he’d developed for you begins to spiral out of control. One sinfully wrong glimpse and the blushing servant is hooked.

That night, Thoma excuses himself to his bedroom as soon as he’s done with his chores. Usually, he’d linger around with the other staff to chat and make , but he had a pressing issue that was too hard to ignore even if he tried to.

With a stifled groan, Thoma buries his face into his pillow. He can smell you. More accurately, the soap that makes you smell like flowers and clean laundry. Oh, Thoma knows exactly what soap that is. This knowledge only serves to make him harder than ever. Maybe he can put in a good word or two with the maids, would they let him use your soap? The thought of being enveloped in your scent every single day makes his skin flush hotly.

Those same trembling hands have found their way to his pants. A low hiss escapes through his clenched jaw, he’s so hard that it almost hurts to touch himself. Carefully, Thoma wraps his fingers around his cock and rubs his thumb across his pre cum to smear it across his shaft. Slowly, he pumps it once, twice, thrice. The moment his eyes flutter shut, images of you begin to flash in his brain again.

Maybe– Maybe you’ll let him dress you up after your shower. And Thoma can wrap those beautiful silk kimonos around your body, kiss each part of your bare skin as he wraps the ribbons around your waist. His calloused hand slides up his shaft, maybe he’d be rewarded with a soft sigh of appreciation if he kisses your skin. No- he would worship your body. At night, he can undress you again. Make you lie down on the bed as he massages the tension away. You are miserable, aren’t you? And Thoma can sympathize with that. Two foreigners far away from home and trapped in a marriage you never wanted. So maybe… you won’t protest when his deft fingers slip lower down your spine until they are between your soft plush thighs. Maybe you won’t push him away if he pets your warm cunt and makes your slick stain the expensive bed sheets.

Thoma can’t help the pathetic choked whine when his cock throbs in his hand at the thought. His hips buck forward as he nearly weeps into his pillow with each buck of his hips to push his cock through his hand. The warmth of his climax bubbles like a coil in him, he shouldn’t be surprised at how fast it arrives, he should be guilty that the thought of you is making him so aroused that Thoma can barely see straight. His hand speeds up, the wet click of his cockhead slipping past his fingers filling the dark room and Thoma cums so hard that he nearly sees stars. His cock twitches in his grip, the image of you, sprawled across the bed as his fingers are buried in you still embedded in his treacherous mind.

Dimly, Thoma is aware that he just made a big mess on his bed. But the you in his imagination mewls like a kitten when Thoma crooks his fingers just right, and his cock begins to twitch to life again. “Fuck,” an uncharacteristic curse echoes from Thoma’s flushed face. Despite the murky white coating his fingers, Thoma wraps his sticky fingers around his cock again.

One last time. He promises himself. One more fantasy and he’ll swear to put everything behind him. Though he might deny it, the seeds of his love for you had been planted the moment he saw you at the dinner table.

That night, Thoma doesn’t get to catch even a wink of sleep.


“Thoma.” It’s near the end of your little evening session with him. The mere sound of his name rolling off your tongue is enough to send a delicious warm shudder licking down his spine. He tries to imagine how it’d sound like a little more high-pitched, a little breathier and–

“Thoma.” You frown at the dazed look in his eyes. “Are you all right?”

He needs to focus.

“Y-Yes, my lady?”

Before he can blink, you trip over something (a stray pebble, your robes, Thoma doesn’t know) and Thoma’s reflexes move before his brain does. A strong arm catches your body by the waist before you can hit the ground and his other arm braces the two of you against the railings. He thinks his brain short circuits a little because you are so close that he can feel each puff of your warm breath fanning against his skin and you are so soft. “M-My lady, are you all right?” He gulps, the tips of his ears are beginning to burn because the longer he has you in his arms, it makes him feel as if he’s going to explode.

“Thoma,” unlike him, your voice is unwavering. All of a sudden, he feels your hand glide into his front pocket. “Thank you for helping me. I must have tripped over my robes.”

Without another word, you right yourself and give him a pointed look. “Will you escort me to my room?”

“O-Of course, my lady.” The piece of paper you slipped into his pocket seems to sear like a burn against his skin.


Ayato has a routine. One that you’ve memorized until you knew it like the back of your hand. Nevertheless, your heart still slams against your ribs with each shaky step you take. On Tuesdays, he comes to bed much later than usual. Not that you cared what he was doing. But this piece of information was something you tucked carefully in your mind.

Coincidentally, the window to your bedroom is connected to the garden. And after weeks loitering around the garden under the pretense of observing sakura petals, you finally figured out the rotation of the Kamisato guards.

Right now, they were changing their rotations. With your heart in your throat, you haul yourself out of the window and into the garden. Despite the stinging sensation of pebbles biting into your bare feet, you race through the garden until you reach the corner of the wall hidden behind the sprawling estate. Every Tuesday, you’d been sneaking out to add bits of valuable into the silk pouch you hit in the crack of the wall. A small diamond off your hairpin, a small comb, all tiny things that wouldn’t rouse any suspicion. Right next to the crack was a ladder that the gardener forgot to keep this afternoon because you’d instructed him to help you with the flowers in your room. Much to your relief, the aging gardener had forgotten about the ladder entirely. You can only pray that Ayato isn’t too harsh on him after you escape.

The cold wind bites into your skin, but somehow, it’s a comforting sensation. It reminds you of the time when you still had your anemo vision. It reminded you of the time before Ayato stole it away and made you his bride.

You recall the note you slipped into Thoma’s pocket earlier. It seemed unfair to abandon him here as you made your escape. The two of you didn’t belong here, you’ve seen the way the other staff gossipped about Ayato’s foreign status. It served as further motivation for you to send him the note that detailed for him to meet you here tonight.

“My lady?” A hushed whisper yanks you out of your thoughts.

“Thoma!” You could’ve jumped up to hug him at that instant. “Let’s go,” you grab his wrist and begin to yank him toward the ladder. “We can escape right now! I’ve heard that a pirate by the name of Beidou has smuggled foreigners away from Inazuma. With the stash I’ve gathered, it should be more than enough to guarantee us a trip to Mondstadt. We can go home!”

In the midst of your excited rambling, you miss the odd look that crosses Thoma’s face. Without waiting for his response, you turn around and worm your hand into the crack to grab the stash. Yet, your fingers close around empty air.

No… No way. No, it was impossible. It feels as if someone had doused your entire body in cold water. Desperately, you fall to your knees and tried to peer through the crack. Where is the pouch?

“Looking for something?”

Your heart drops to your feet.

You don’t have to turn around to recognize that honeyed voice. Nevertheless, you push yourself upright on shaky feet and come face-to-face with your loathsome husband. A knowing smirk dances across his handsome face. After a few moments, you finally register that Thoma is standing right behind him with his face turned to the side, refusing to meet your eye.

“Thoma?” Even in your ears, your voice sounds oddly strained and tense. Far away, you hear the heavy footsteps of the Kamisato guards resuming their stations, sealing off all of your escape routes.

Amidst your thundering heartbeat, silence is the only response.

“Darling, don’t be too upset,” Ayato coos, “Don’t you think that Thoma’s loyalty is an admirable thing? He– “

Before he can finish his sentence, you lunge toward Thoma and lash your palm at his face so hard that he staggers backward. Your eyes are half crazed, pupils shaking so badly that Thoma doubts that you can even see clearly. “Fuck you,” you hiss as you slam your fist against his chest again. Despite your frenzied blows, Thoma makes no move to defend himself. Instead, he remains silent as you continue to sob. He nearly breaks down at the look of utter anguish on your face. “You betrayed me! I trusted you! Out of every person in this wretched place, I gave you my trust!” Around you, the wind seems to howl in response.

A surprised look flits across Ayato’s face when he feels the strong wind billow at his robes.

Upon his command, two burly guards begin to yank your trashing figure away from Thoma. “What did he promise you?” you hiss at him in a voice full of malice.

Thoma looks like he’s on the verge of a breakdown, with his emerald eyes still downcast and fixed on anywhere but your seething figure. There’s a red angry gash across his cheek from where your nails had scratched him. Instead, Ayato answers on his behalf.


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2 years ago

i like him, not you!

I Like Him, Not You!

synopsis: in which you’ve finally mustered up the courage to express a bashful confession to your best friend and six-year crush…only to accidentally dispatch your heartfelt message to the wrong person.

character/s: albedo, ayato, childe, kazuha, xiao, scaramouche, thoma

a/n: @sohyuki ilysm have a wonderful day queen <3

I Like Him, Not You!

the first thing you do is run away.

in a way, you have always been good at that. scampering from those undivulged words and imminent encounters that instilled fear in you. it spoke to you almost like a natural instinct, left you with a bitter taste on your tongue, tormented you with a sick sensation twisting your stomach.

because of this, you ran from a lot of things. from your parents whenever they frowned upon a low grade on your report card, from a pompous asshole you later mustered the tiniest courage to shove down during fourth grade, from the unwitting attention of sunbeam-amber eyes meeting yours, and from your best friend whom you’ve practically loved for the longest time.

and you decide the last one is something you’ll finally want to quit running away from.

eight little letters and three simple words, yet for six long years they have meant more than the world to you. he has always meant more than the world to you.

so you attempt to construct it all within proper sentences — desperately trying not to jumble up your phrases while trying to provide the impression that you sure as hell hadn’t been shaking tremendously as you wrote it.

but it’s so difficult to even spare a meek glance at it. so annoying that it pesters thrumming vibrations in the depths of your stupid heart. so fucking frustrating that you don’t actually bother looking at it anymore when your fingers hover over the word ‘send’.

you’ve shut your phone off after that singular moment, and stashed it away in a nearby drawer for safekeeping. and for the entire weekend, you convince yourself that you didn’t really care anymore. six years didn’t matter because you weren’t expecting an answer. just an outlet for these emotions and a burden lifted off your weighted shoulders.

and for the first time in a long while, you acknowledge how liberating it feels to not want to run.

I Like Him, Not You!


him <3 (kaedehara kazuha)

✉ 4:47 am, april 4th (mon).

[ 1 new message! ] : psst. arcade after class today? :)

ah, but who would be an idiot not to fall for him?

you’ve guessed he’s received so many incessant compliments and heartfelt confessions, that despite how frustratingly courteous he was — could never actually bother wasting his time sorting through each and every one of them.

so you figure that you’re in the clear, and he won’t have to burden himself with formulating a sharp answer.

or at least, that’s what you reassure yourself when monday comes around and he greets you with an ever-familiar and warm smile.

and is also perhaps why he pretends like nothing has actually happened…

because if that happened to be the case, he was rather good at acting pretty normal. you knew that if you’d ever received such a confession from somebody, you would have been freaking out a lot more — and depending on whether you reciprocated their emotions, either avoiding or confronting them.

but this…was a little too cold of a reaction.

and yet, at the same time, you were thankful he still kept approaching and talking to you as usual. above all, kazuha was your best friend before he was the person you wanted to be romantically involved with. you could never really bear the thought of losing him as a close confidante.

but it hurt like hell because he was always too kind, always too impossible not to love. always with the 1 am calls and his soft voice when you couldn’t fall asleep. always with the weekend home visits to his place so you could share a meal together. always with the sleepovers or out catching a midnight film. always a shoulder to lean on when the tears were too much. always, always there.

you know he’ll never love you the way you knew just exactly how to love him. and that’s okay.

but if looks and words could have honestly fooled, it almost seemed like he was ridiculously unaware that you had even confessed to him in the first place.

everything stayed the same.

and you can’t help but feel sick at the reality, because a part of you wanted to believe that kazuha was in love with you, at least once in his life and perhaps never again. in sleepless turned drowsy midnight calls, in fleeting glances inside the deserted cinema, in homemade meals and warm smiles, in drowning tears and comforting hugs. in the briefest of seconds when he realized you were always there.

but the thing about love is that it’s blinded you enough to not think about the probability that he might just like you. that he may or may not have been avoiding all other confessions because he only hoped for yours. that he may be hesitating every time you two get closer because he thinks you won’t want him back. that at 1 am while you’re whispering softly through the phone about your day, kazuha’s thinking about all the pragmatic reasons not to blurt out mid-conversation that he’s always been madly in love with you.

you know one thing for sure when you dazedly stare at your phone later that day. love has blinded you enough to not think twice about why kazuha might not be acting any differently than you had initially expected. why he’s so infuriatingly unfazed. why he should have been having a more violent reaction instead of making the same silly jokes with you.

and boy, you’re bewildered when you find two chat notifications waiting in your message box. one from kazuha, inviting you to the nearby arcade after class…except for some absurd reason, there’s no record of an embarrassingly heartfelt confession registered in your shared chat history.

the second from a boy you barely knew but always subconsciously noticed in class, sitting rather ominously in your DMs with the strangest of messages. and it’s only when you begrudgingly open your shared chat, that you clearly feel how your heart stops in one horrifying instant.

because sitting there in the most unexpected of places, lies the culmination of six long years building up to a terribly emotional confession.

but…it’s not for the boy you had hoped would receive it.

that guy in class (xiao)

✉ 11:54 pm, april 2nd (sat).

[ 1 new message! ] : who are you?

xiao wishes there was a guidebook for how to handle all probable awkward situations, in the unfortunate circumstance that he’d ever find himself impossibly lodged in the middle of one.

but there’s none that exist to date. and he thinks not even the internet can help him figure out what to respond to a sudden and random heartfelt confession sitting peacefully in his message inbox.

he hasn’t exactly done anything to be loved or wanted by anyone. and at first, your contact name barely registers anyone he recognizes in his head. so he sends the first question he thinks of as a response, and shuts his phone to close his eyes and rest.

but then sunday morning comes and it clicks. he remembers. he knows who you are. because of that, xiao finds it all absurd.

it wasn’t like he intended to stare at you. he was always prone to dozing off mid-classes, eyes instinctively sweeping across every inch of the classroom, outside the window to greet the blinding light of the morning sun, and then reluctantly retreating back inside…

only to see you. and for you to see him.

so the odd pattern repeats. everyday.

you’d think he have broken out of such a quirky habit of looking. he’d think you’d have stopped meeting his eyes every single time. but you always manage to see each other — and past that, neither of you dare make the effort to talk to one another.

it was some sort of unspoken understanding between you two, momentary peace that isn’t built on a real connection. just that he finds comfort in your eyes, while you’re left breathless at his.

but for you to confess, and oh so suddenly without any particular reason to make you like him.

so he realizes the message presently occupying his DMs (and unconsciously plaguing his thoughts) isn’t truly meant for him.

monday eagerly arrives, and he stares. more often than usual, more often than he’d want to. he wonders if you’ve noticed how you fucked up, because he’s almost certain he knows who your vulnerable confession is intended for.

and it’s late in the afternoon when you shyly pull him aside to talk about it. how embarrassed you were by your clumsy mistake, how deeply you felt apologetic for sending it to him, but most importantly of all —

“i’m really sorry, but i like someone else and not you!”

strange how your first conversation turns out like this. he’s always imagined it would begin very differently. perhaps with you pointing out the fact that he always gazes at you, him asking you in return why you always look back.

and almost on impeccable cue, you suddenly smile and tell him about all the times you recognized him because of how often your eyes met, even though you’ve never talked to each other. you’re sorry for not talking with him sooner.

but xiao thinks nothing is going to change just because you’ve verbally acknowledged each other.

he was sort of wrong. the next time you met glances, you smiled. several more times after you’ve started doing it, he starts to reciprocate with the smallest of smiles too — the kind that makes you feel like its your shared little secret.

and you’ve both changed in certain ways. you talked with each other more often, occupying vacated classrooms during breaks and making a bit more room for each other within your drastically different lives. he even starts to join you during lunch whenever kazuha was too occupied with homework, and lets you drag him along to amusement parks or anime events you presumed kazuha wasn’t too interested in.

but the craziest part about it all was that you admitted to never actually confessing to kazuha after all that’s happened.

perhaps you were left traumatized by your previous opportunity to confess to your best friend. perhaps because of a certain “someone’s” consistent jokes, you were too horrified to ever want to confess to somebody ever again. perhaps you were simply confused about the new boy weaving his way into your life.

one thing’s for sure, xiao feels strangely relieved that you decided not to send the actual message to your crush.

and maybe even a little dirty part of him hopes you’ll eventually forget about confessing to kazuha at the end of it all.

saturday boyfriend (childe)

✉ 9:06 am, april 5th (tues).

[ 1 new message! ] : so you’re the girl who likes xiao?

the thing is, childe could have never actually perceived the day when he’d get a phone call late in the evening from xiao, inquiring about what to say in response to an abrupt confession from a stranger.

his brusque and characteristically quiet best friend — had suddenly gotten some crazy chick to fall for him? with that shitty personality?

oh, the unexpected news gave childe the laughter of a lifetime. and yet, he couldn’t help but feel curious about the idea of it. what kind of interesting person would ever be attracted to someone like that guy? (respectfully, of course.)

fortunately to satiate the whirlwind of questions that night, xiao later sends him a text of your name with a message not to bother you.

and childe’s eyes go wide when he eventually puts a face to the name. you, the weird chick always absently staring over at xiao in classes?

perhaps he should’ve seen it coming. he did think it was weird how he sometimes found you glancing quietly towards his friend. but he sort of assumed you’d have liked kazuha instead — you know, your actual best friend — over some guy you’ve never even talked to in your life.

so with the right determination, he makes it his personal mission the following monday to devote his own precious time for a stakeout. because who’s to say you weren’t secretly some disgusting pervert targeting your uninhibited emotions to an innocent classmate?

childe observes you from afar the whole day. from the moment you found your seat in class that morning, watching you lock eyes with xiao mid-science discussion, routinely tagging along with kazuha for lunch, and even as you’re concentrating on a note-taking phase during the afternoon break.

you haven’t made any explicit moves towards xiao…yet. it’s a rather normal and innocuous day for you.

until afternoon comes — and near the school gates, he watches as you awkwardly tug xiao aside to talk to him briefly. childe pauses in his steps, staring at your huddled silhouettes while attempting to decipher the distinct mood of the conversation. he sees you smile at one point, and how you courteously greet each other goodbye when it’s over.

did xiao accept your feelings then?

that night, he gets your number from a mutual friend, and sends you a harmless text message the next morning. if xiao reciprocated your interest in him that day, perhaps it wouldn’t be so bad to eventually get to know each other during the long run.

but when he arrives in school, he’s greeted by the sight of you staring at him in surprise and asking if you could spare him a minute of his time to talk. and it’s right then that you explain and attempt to clear up the misunderstanding that transpired between you and his best friend.

it still makes childe laugh at the absurdity of it whenever he thinks about the mistaken confession, and how throughly embarrassed you must have been for unhesitatingly sending it to a complete stranger.

from that fateful day on, you two started to become close friends. and to mark that unforgettably momentous occasion for you — childe would routinely find a way to weave his presence into your saturdays, bringing flowers, chocolates, typical department-store love letters, or text you a long ass cheap excuse of a profession — to remind you of your “beautifully executed confession”. even though really, it’s just a dumb excuse to poke infuriating jokes at you.

those continuous, and admittedly humorous endeavors of his, became some part of the reason why you could never bring yourself to confess to kazuha again…or anyone else for that matter.

and you know, maybe celibacy was the way your life was always destined to be. maybe you weren’t supposed to give out your heart to other guys, because you were solely meant to receive any form of romantic gesture every saturday from a certain ginger-haired bastard. and well, maybe it wasn’t the worst thing to have in the world.

or maybe he’s accidentally caught feelings when he suddenly put more thought than he should have, into picking out a gift on a random saturday.

maybe one average saturday, he’ll unconsciously fall for your smile and the sarcastic words of gratitude you’ll throw back at him.

and maybe, just maybe…on some imminent saturday, he won’t know what more to give other than his real and heartfelt confession to you.

homework hotline (albedo)

✉ 6:15 am, april 7th (thurs).

[ 1 new message! ] : hey, coming over to yours later for that project due next week.

you’ve had close friends come over to your apartment often, but none have ever made you feel as utterly relieved compared to when albedo visits.

it’s always been challenging for you to keep track of homework loads, or stay motivated while reviewing for an upcoming test due the end of the week. and albedo’s presence magically helps you to be productive with exactly all of that.

perhaps you feel more motivated, or somewhat pressured to accomplish tasks in the company of a person who’s actually mastered diligence. whatever it is, for the past few years it’s given you higher grades than you’ve ever expected to receive pitted against your previous academic years.

and ever since then, you’ve made it a point to always partner up together during projects, which he easily obliges to. plus, you’ve succeeded as a team in plenty of tasks for so long, that albedo naturally feels more inclined to work with you.

he also can’t deny that the company is indeed familiar and comfortable, therefore making it the most preferable alternative.

besides, he’s made himself at home in your apartment for a handful of years now, that it’s almost as if he practically lives together with you. an extra toothbrush left in your bathroom cupboard, a similar set of pillows and blankets stashed inside your closet, albedo’s hoodies and clothes folded in a neat pile within a separate drawer — his presence in your home was always just there.

which is why later that evening, as you and albedo are busy preparing dinner before you cram an overnight agenda of finishing several projects in advance, he casually suggests the idea of moving in together instead.

and it’s frankly not that terrible of an idea. the rent would be split between you both so you’d save much more, there would be no more trouble commuting to each other’s places to finish school-related tasks, house chores would be divided amongst the two of you, and albedo could occupy the apartment while you were out on weekly visits or sleepovers in kazuha’s.

so the deed is done. by the following week, you’ve already prepared other necessary accommodations, and albedo comes over with a small duffel bag (since most of his stuff was already left at your place) and a brand new key for your shared abode.

neither of you can really feel like something has changed. if anything, it seems more natural to have him permanently living with you because it makes things more convenient.

and ever since then, you’ve been constantly seen together a lot more frequently inside the university premises (causing some familiar faces grow envious at the sight of it), but the both of you preferred to keep your current home status as a personal secret so as not to fuel too many strange rumors.

you do homework with each other a lot more often. you’re also left in awe by the occasional detailed doodles scrawled across the corner pages of his lecture notebook. one late evening, you were wondering if it was the sleep taking over you, or he actually drew a little portrait of you on one of the tightly folded pages.

everyday, you’d take turns doing certain things during your well-deserved breaks. albedo, on one hand, teaches you how to draw and paint. you’re not exactly the best at artistic endeavors, but he was always patient and supportive, going as far as to provide specific remarks on the things you needed improvement with.

on other days, you’d convince him to sit down with you to binge food while watching your favorite films. he’d initially oblige to appease your kindness and hadn’t realized it at first — but at some later point, he ended up loving all the same movies as you did.

it’s slow but anticipated, the way he falls in love with you. perhaps a part of him has always seen this ending coming — recognized the dangerous path he was treading, and yet took it without any complaint.

even though he saw through your heart and how you wanted someone else. even as he witnessed the romantic gifts you carried back home with a giddy smile. even while he listens to you upsettingly vent about the most impertinent guy who keeps making his way back into your life.

because maybe deep down, he’s always hoped to love someone like this. the sound of your laughter filling his ears while making dinner. films on television illuminating your face in the darkness. yawns you stifle when it’s midnight and you’re almost finished with homework. fluttering eyes in the morning. enchanting smiles quirking across your lips. napping soundly on the study desk even though you kindly insisted on waiting up for him before you both slept. how it feels to talk about everything and nothing at the same time.

it’s natural and innate. foreign yet so familiar. a breath of fresh air. and yet, the feeling of home lingers across his fingertips.

a written, unchangeable, and hopeless destiny for albedo to always fall without constraint. and the saddest truth is — he wouldn’t have wanted this love for any other way.

BLOCKED — 4th grader asshole (scaramouche)

✉ 2:35 pm, april 9th (sat).

[ 1 new message! ] : you’re paying for the next meal dumbass.

scaramouche to you was a lot of things. perhaps the first and most notable one of them all was that he was an impressively pompous asshole.

and you suppose he’s always been like that. the same bitchy bully you’ve regretfully crossed paths with during the fourth grade.

the strangest part is, you’ve never actually done anything to piss the boy off. or at least, none you could still vividly remember. but you were certain that you weren’t too shitty as a kid, and your first interaction with scaramouche wasn’t even close to offensive.

it happened on the elementary playground, when you first caught sight of the little boy eagerly chasing after his friends, before suddenly tripping over a rock and diving straight into the ground. you remember the degrading echoes of his friends’ laughter, how you worriedly walked over to him and asked if he was okay. how you stretched your hand out to the kid on the ground, and how he stared at you with an unreadable gaze. and before you even knew it, past that singular moment, every single day of 4th grade became absolute war.

could anyone blame you for simply being courteous? he had terribly shitty friends and you only wanted to help…which yes, unexpectedly backfired with irreparable consequences. how were you to know in that second that something horrible would happen?

maybe you should never have approached scaramouche that day. or maybe you also would’ve regretted never helping him out.

either way, the thought has always plagued the back of your mind, and you wonder if your life would have changed so drastically had you made a different choice in that playground.

even until today, he still somehow manages to wander into your life oh so effortlessly. in the hallways, ramming into your shoulder without sparing a mere glance or an apology. in the middle of class, absently toying with your free locks of hair while you grumble several coherent insults towards the boy. during gratitude day, him stealing your white blouse scribbled in your friends’ messages and writing some of his own unwanted words on it. in the art room, cornering you with that devilish smirk and a finger against his lips as he warns you not to make a single sound, while the hall monitor angrily screeches his name around the deserted corridors…most likely intending to throw him in detention.

even at the comfort of your own home — he’s the neighbor who (unfortunately) moved around the same time as you did, except he lives in the spacious flat two floors below.

and it infuriates you to the ends of the earth. how he’s always been there. how he somehow still is.

when you aced a major test, he was there with an irritated scoff, reminding you not to get too full of yourself. when he saw how you started to fall for kazuha in the early years, he was there to poke fun of you for wanting a “nice” guy, because nice was just an equivalent for boring. when he saw you standing outside your house beneath the rain — soaked, shivering, and frustrated after a big argument with your parents — he shoved an umbrella in your face and told you how you looked absolutely horrendous.

he’s seen too much of you, both in your happiest and at your worst. not even others like kazuha or close family friends have witnessed or known such dark parts of you. why did it have to be him? this boy who has been constantly tormenting you for several years of your life?

even as you surround yourself with better people, you still think about the insolent asshole roaming around the hallways. still overly conscious about his presence whenever you’re in the same room (more than you would have wanted). still thinking about his umbrella in the rain.

and perhaps that was the most perplexing thing which unknowingly drew you to scaramouche. that you never really knew which side of him you were going to get everyday.

one moment he’s explicitly arguing with you in the middle of plain daylight (which unfortunately, later lands you both in detention) — then all of a sudden, you’re riding a bus at midnight to your apartment alone, and he’s the person coincidentally seated next to you, flinching at your snot as he hurriedly juts a handkerchief towards your teary face.

he’s always headed towards the apartment at the same time you exit the bus coming from the university. and although you two constantly bicker and fight along the way back to the building, he was there to accompany you on the lonely walk home.

he pokes fun about your painfully obvious crush on your best friend, but tones it down on the sunday he sees you with puffy red eyes after confessing and attempting to convince yourself you didn’t care if he didn’t want you back.

even more so when you’re unwillingly forced to share a table with him inside a popular and crowded restaurant during lunch — him insulting you for the way you scarf down your food like a pig, and yet his hand subconsciously reaches out to wipe the sauce smudge on the corner of your lips before casually licking it off his thumb.

you’re staring at him in confusion, grateful yet weirded out at the…generous gesture. but all he does is scoff disapprovingly at your face, because there’s no masking the strange red flush that creeps up your cheeks from the uncharacteristic tension and his sudden physical contact.

and for the first time in the years you’ve known him, you’ve only made yourself presently aware of the reddish tint that sets the tips of his ears aglow.

what you’ll never actually realize is how much effort he’s been constantly making to conceal that singularly instinctive (and frankly, repulsive) action that reminds him of how vulnerable you’ve always made him feel — ever since you gave him your hand back in fourth grade.

it would’ve helped him a lot more if he had never noticed you prior to that. how nice you were to the other kids and teachers. how adorable you looked in those neat pigtails. how you had unknowingly charmed every single person into the palm of your hand, and how you were still so infuriatingly enchanting and oblivious at the effect you had on others…even until today.

he hated feeling vulnerable more than anything else in the world, knowing that he was also one of those idiots helplessly wrapped around your finger. just that unlike the rest of them, he’d never actually stoop down so low with his pride to say it out loud.

and he hated that everyday, you were always making it all the more easier for him to admit it to himself. to scream out to the world that scaramouche hated how much he has somehow, foolishly, and quite impossibly, always been in love with you.

organization hottie (ayato)

✉ 5:23 pm, april 9th (sat).

[ 1 new message! ] : see you on monday.

you tried not to squeal too loudly when you suddenly received the text message. but albedo could see the way you tightly pressed your lips together to stifle back a wide whooping grin.

and why wouldn’t you be thrilled? you had just gotten accepted into your university’s official charity organization! it was certainly the perfect opportunity to expose yourself to more learning experiences and activities past the fields of academics.

obviously, it wasn’t like a super attractive person was currently heading the committee and had just sent you a text saying you got accepted a couple minutes ago…


so maybe there’s a bit of an influence. i mean, was it that bad to find a guy who devotes his time for others insanely charming?

of course, it wasn’t anything serious like the way you felt for kazuha. it was more of a happy crush, if you would call it — someone you have a slight romantic admiration for, but don’t exactly harbor any deep feelings towards them.

admittedly, you had naturally considered the prospect of finding yourself with nothing to do over the course of summer, and you figured applying in the organization wouldn’t do much harm for you anyway…even though you had some reservations about the final decision to sign up for it.

and then, you heard about how ayato was recently elected to oversee the committee activities for the following year. thus, the rest was simply history.

the next week, you’re swamped with exchanging introductions among several new members and almost immediately busying yourself with the upcoming project meeting.

oddly enough, you’ve been assigned in the same team as ayato for your first project. and although you began on a rather rough and awkward start together, he guides you through the transitioning process until you’ve learned at least enough things to handle some separate tasks independently.

you’ve always assumed ayato was an overly formal and aloof person to approach compared to the others — however on the contrary, you were pleasantly surprised to discover that he also beheld a mischievous side conflicting his own outer demeanor.

there were days when even he would occasionally reach out to talk about things past organization-related matters. simple questions such as asking about some input on a certain movie, if you had completed this previously given assignment, or merely checking how your day was going.

and maybe it was just strange for you to suddenly realize how human ayato feels.

sure, he was often distant and burdened under plenty of responsibilities. you’ve heard your fair share of rumors and how he was always seemingly placed on a pedestal above all — perhaps you’d almost forgotten that at the end of the day, he was still just trying to get his own shit together, like everybody else.

he was precisely nothing short of a normal guy. the kind who pokes good fun around and plays chess on breaks. the kind who still asks if you want to accompany him to springtime festivals. the kind who smiles at you when he sees you standing across the hallway. the kind who elbows you subtly when you’ve dozed out in the middle of somebody’s monologue. the kind who feels like you‘re somehow beginning to know him better than you know yourself.

and ayato thinks you’re the kind he wondered what would happen had he met you all those years ago instead. if he had an opportunity to know you better before, than he did today. if he would have liked you any sooner, or always just a little later.

maybe it’s true that ayato could work hard to be a lot of things. after all, he couldn’t have become half the man he was today if he hadn’t convinced himself to put in more effort than anybody else.

but maybe there were also some things ayato could just never bring himself to have, no matter how hard he tried. maybe there were always meant to be some moments and people he wasn’t possibly cut out for.

and maybe he could try all he wanted, but he could never really work hard enough to ever make you notice his own lonesome heart — always patiently waiting.

BONUS CONTACT ! — a short side story.

radio boy (thoma)

✉ 3:07 pm, april 5th (tues).

[ 1 new message! ] : hey y/n! do you mind stopping by the broadcasting room for a bit?

although thoma has always been well-favored among people of all ages, he feels that there’s nobody else he’d rather spend his company with than you.

it’s not that he’s wanted you for ill intentions or in a romantic perspective. just that you were his favorite person who was so invariably easy to talk to.

you first met thoma inside the broadcasting room, randomly paying a visit out of curiosity to ask the title of a particular song played during the morning break. and then the following day, you came back to ask on behalf of your friend about another song.

before either of you knew it, you were making regular yet brief appearances to the little recording area — not just to ask about songs, but also to initiate small talk about how the other’s day was going. it was later on you discovered that thoma was a student from another class in the same university who volunteered to work for the campus radio station.

on most days, you’d bring him pastries or coffee to satiate his empty stomach, since thoma preferred to spend most of his free time in the broadcasting room. sometimes, he’d also be generous enough to let you borrow some of his cd’s or flash-drives of music playlists that he thinks would suit your taste.

during periods when you were too busy to pay a visit, you’d send him a quick text apologizing in advance. but not even five minutes later, a familiar song would suddenly blast through the classroom speakers in response, and you couldn’t do anything to hide the contented smile from quirking across your face.

when thoma begins to fall in love with you, he finds himself secretly dedicating certain songs to you on the campus radio — either playing tracks he knows you love, or music that he thinks reminds him of you.

of course, you’re not really sure when the boy behind the radio started liking somebody. just that all of a sudden on an average weekday, you belatedly noticed how his choice of tunes changed, and never became the same as before.

and every time you’ll teasingly question thoma about his arbitrary selection of songs in hopes of prying him for a name drop, all he does is shrug with a quiet smile — saying that you, out of all people, should know her all too well.

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2 years ago

“I give you this ring as a symbol of my love”


synopsis: little snippets about Genshin men and their wedding rings

pairing: Albedo, Ayato, Diluc, Childe, Kaeya, Thoma, Xiao, Zhongli (separately) x reader

tw: established relationship, pure fluff, mention of Childe’s real name, spoiler for Zhongli’s identity

word count: 2.3k+ words in total



The Chief Alchemist is the most creative on this whole list when it comes to your wedding rings. First of all, they are undoubtedly matching, have the most intricate design he put a lot of meaning into and everything from the sketch to the final product was done by his own hands with your preferences and additions kept in mind. Secondly, he wouldn’t be himself if he didn’t make use of his vast knowledge and alchemy skills.

You have absolutely no idea how he managed to do it, but the man made some sort of connection between the two rings. Since both of you never take it off, even in biting cold both bands remain warm - because the skin of one another keeps it as such and transfers it to the twin ring, creating a constant heat exchange.

But that’s not all! Albedo is truly a genius, because he made metal receptive to the touch. If you rub your ring, your lover will receive a feeling as if you are gliding the tips of your fingers right where his own ring is wrapped and vice versa. This helps a lot when his work requires his presence on Dragonspine for a long period of time. You can exchange small kisses and caresses like this and it is really comforting and gives both of you strength to carry on with your tasks until you meet again.

And believe me, Albedo is aware how special and unique you feel ever since he presented you with such an invention for you two to share. Thus, if one day someone learns of your rings’ secret and comes to him with a request to create the same pair - he’ll refuse no matter how much mora offered. He worked hard to make you happy and every moment he managed is sacred to him.

Keep reading

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1 year ago
 , , ...

Повторяю я себе всякий раз, когда понимаю, что этими навыками владею так себе...

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1 year ago

Яэ Мико объединяет...

Artist: enzumeii~

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2 years ago
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

A new chapter of my Bungou Stray Dogs x Genshin crossover fanfic is up now! I'll be putting updates for my AO3 fics here too, so watch out for that!

A New Chapter Of My Bungou Stray Dogs X Genshin Crossover Fanfic Is Up Now! I'll Be Putting Updates For

Also, here's a little bit of art for this AU, feat. Thoma as Atsushi, Kazuha as Dazai, and Kujou Sara as Kunikida!

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2 years ago
You're Actually Kamisato, Right?

“You're actually Kamisato, right?”


“Are you going to cooperate with me in battle?”


“What did you have for dinner last night?”



here, have a low-quality screenshot redraw for my bsd x genshin crossover... i was gonna do more but i got lazy and posted this one early, so look out for more scenes i guess?

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1 year ago
I Cant Believe That From All The Things I Decided To Draw It Were His Shoes

I can’t believe that from all the things I decided to draw it were his shoes

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On your post abt looking for ur favourites in sagau

Imagine the reader just taking a nap on Thomas lap AUGHHHH

lap naps with thoma drabble

a/n: anon I love this so much, napping on the walking green flag / portable furnance / boyfriend malewife material is on my bucket list

note: making the reader a ditzy simp because it's funnier that way.

sagau m.list | masterlist | based on this work

"Um your holiness, not to question your actions or anything, but are you... sure this is okay?" Thoma questions, looking down on you as your head rests on his lap.

"Of course it is! Why wouldn't it be?" You chirp happily, turning to snuggle your face on his abdomen. His breath hitches as he nervously looks to the side where his masters are watching from afar.

Unbeknownst to you, Ayaka jealously looks on with her doe eyes while Ayato throws him a sinister smile. Thoma just knows his workload would double this week.

"Um... If I may offer a suggestion, perhaps you'd like to... nap on a more comfortable area?" He suggests, gesturing to one of the many lounges in the estate.

"Why? Is this uncomfortable for you?"

"O-of course not! It's all right for me- but maybe you're the one uncomfortable? There are softer places to rest on-"

"Oh! Well if that's the issue then it's fine! I like napping on you way more!" You smile, arms wrapping around his waist to snuggle his stomach again. Ah~ the feel of abs! Housekeeping truly does wonders for his muscles.

You were starting to doze off. The melodic sound of birds and quiet whispered complaints of the Kamisato siblings lulling you. "Besides, Thoma feels so warm... as expected of a pyro user."

At this, the blonde's face turns a shade of red.

"O-oh, thank you, your holiness.."

Far from you two, Ayaka and Ayato sobs about wanting a pyro vision.

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♡ genshin boys when they get jealous pt. 1

୨୧ ₊˚๑︶꒥︶꒷︶︶꒥꒷︶꒥︶︶꒷

hey everyone !! took a long break but i’m back and with the infamous arataki itto :) might continue this with more characters, (Including the genshin girls) but this is part one! this was really fun to write and i hope you all enjoy ^^

୨୧ ₊˚๑︶꒥︶꒷︶︶꒥꒷︶꒥︶︶꒷

: ̗̀➛ thoma:

 Genshin Boys When They Get Jealous Pt. 1

➸ thoma rarely gets jealous, he trusts you and knows you won't look anywhere else.

➸ keyword being: rarely.

➸ you and thoma were going to meet up this afternoon to have a little lunch date together at komore teahouse.

➸ the two of you haven't been spending that much time together lately, so you were very excited to catch up with your little housekeeper.

➸ although, you were waiting at the teahouse for over an hour and he still hasn't shown up.

➸ you were starting to get worried so you went out to find him, until you bumped into none other than kazuha.

➸ "oh, y/n. what brings you here this brisk afternoon?"

➸ kazuha's calming voice made you relax a bit, so you take a deep breath and carefully explain what you're doing.

➸ "thoma is a little late for our lunch date, so i went looking for him."

➸ kazuha just smiles and says, "he was training with the kamisato siblings today, he's probably done by now."

➸ you take a sigh of relief, thankful that nothing has happened to him.

➸ "hey, as a thank you why don't i buy you some lunch? unless you've eaten already?"

➸ "oh thank you y/n, i am hungry. but don't feel the need to thank me for answering your question."

➸ you and kazuha walk into komore teahouse and take seats across from one another.

➸ after maybe 30 minutes, you hear two knocks on the door.

➸ you stand up to get it and see thoma standing outside with a big smile, as he hugs and twirls you around.

➸ "hey, y/n! i missed you!"

➸ you give him a small kiss on the cheek, in courtesy of the fact that kazuha was still there and pda made you shy.

➸ after thoma finishes returning your kiss, he finally notices kazuha sitting over at the table.

➸ "oh...why is kazuha here?" thoma asks, tilting his head a bit.

➸ "he kept me company while you were out training! we just shared some tricolor dango, nothing too filling."

➸ before you invite thoma over to sit down, kazuha notices thoma's...upset expression.

➸ "i will be taking my leave now, y/n. thank you for the meal, it will be going on my tab, i insist." kazuha says, getting up from the little pillow he was sitting on.

➸ you nod and wave goodbye to the little poet as he takes his leave from the restaurant.

➸ you remember that you gave back the menu before thoma arrived, so you stand up to get it, but then an unexpected back hug stops you.

➸ you look to your right and see thoma resting his head on your shoulder, pouting a little bit.

➸ "what's wrong?" you ask, stroking his hair.

➸ "it's nothing you did...i'm just a little upset that you and kazuha were here together."

➸ you smile and cup his face in your hands, giving him many little kisses.

➸ "stop it...i don't deserve those kisses. jealousy is an ugly emotion i shouldn't even be feeling it!" thoma says, turning his head away.

➸ you gently face his head back to you and give him a soft kiss on the lips. when you try to pull away, he pulls you back in, both of you smiling into the kiss.

➸ when you finally pull away, you're a little out of breath but seeing thoma's smile just warmed your heart.

➸ "thank you, y/n. i love you." thoma says, stroking your cheek.

➸ you both smile at each other and finally get the menu so you can have the lunch date you planned.

: ̗̀➛ zhongli:

 Genshin Boys When They Get Jealous Pt. 1

➸ in your entire relationship, you have never seen zhongli jealous. you never knew how he reacted when he felt that way.

➸ you never made a big deal out of it, because you found it so endearing that he trusted you that much.

➸ and even though he trusted you with his life, today was...different.

➸ you were doing some commissions with zhongli today, since he was free from the parlor.

➸ you were just about to head off to your second commission when you heard a faint, "good morning, comrades!"

➸ the two of you turn around and see...childe?

➸ you weren't used to seeing childe outside of third-round knockout, so you were a little surprised to see him.

➸ "hey, childe!" you say, giving him a hug.

➸ "mind if i join you two on your little adventure? or am i intruding on a romantic getaway?" childe teases, poking fun at the two of you.

➸ "not at all. you're welcome to join us!" you said, gesturing for him to come walk with you.

➸ you all walk and chat until you arrive at your next destination, where you're supposed to defeat some hilichurls.

➸ "this is gonna be fun." childe says, seeing the many mitachurls roaming around the camp.

➸ the three of you all get ready before jumping out the bushes and defeating those monsters faster than lightning.

➸ although, suddenly an abyss mage appeared behind you, too fast for you to notice.

➸ "y/n!" zhongli yelled, wanting to run to you but can't because he was still fending off some mitachurls.

➸ before the abyss mage strikes you, childe leaps to your aid, pushing you aside and one-shotting the pathetic little mage.

➸ as you both tumble down, childe somehow ends up on top of you and you thank him multiple times for his rescue.

➸ "no problem! it's what i do." he said, a little bit cockily but he deserved that much after saving you.

➸ you all walk to your last commission where you were supposed to cook a meal with smiley yanxiao, way easier than the others you've done today.

➸ although during your walk to the destination, zhongli was silent. you wanted to ask him what was wrong but he avoided eye contact with you.

➸ you just brushed it off and decided to wait until childe was gone to ask him, so you wouldn't have to stir up some drama in front of other people.

➸ you arrived at the destination, which was wangshu inn. you met up with yanxiao and his request was pretty straight-forward.

➸ "10 golden shrimp balls and 1 big pot of bamboo shoot soup, finish it by an hour." he said, immediately going back to chopping up some vegetables.

➸ the three of you got to work, you let zhongli handle the bamboo shoot soup, because it was his favorite meal to make.

➸ "oh wow, that looks delicious!" you say to zhongli, hoping he at least mutters a "thank you."

➸ but he doesn't. he simply nods and continues to place more ingredients into the soup.

➸ childe talks to you a bit more while you make the shrimp balls, but all you can do is look over at zhongli.

➸ you're worried that you may have not helped him enough in the last commission? maybe you offended him but didn't mean to? the worst scenarios just came rushing into your head.

➸ as you finished, you all placed the food in front of yanxiao to taste.

➸ "delicious! you all know your stuff. thank you, good day now folks!" you all waved goodbye to yanxiao and left the inn.

➸ "thanks for bringing me along today, you two. enjoy the rest of your day!" childe said, waving goodbye and running off to...wherever he goes throughout the day.

➸ now that it was finally the two of you, you turn to zhongli, but...he isn't there?

➸ you look around and can't see him anywhere. you start to panic a little and walk around, trying to find him.

➸ still seeing no sight of him, you try to go back into the hotel when you feel someone grab you tightly into a secluded corner below the inn.

➸ before you almost punch him, zhongli grabs your arm and stares right into your eyes.

➸ "y/n. please tell me, are you tired of me?" hearing this just made your heart sink. tired of him? what could that even mean?

➸ "tired of you? god, zhongli i can't get enough of you." you say, putting your hands on his cheeks.

➸ zhongli places his hand on yours, and quietly says, "i'm...sorry i didn't rescue you. childe is probably the hero you want."

➸ you laugh a little, stunned by the fact that zhongli actually was jealous.

➸ "you are my hero. now and forever. you make me smile, you keep me safe and you give me life."

➸ zhongli smiles and gives you a kiss, a slow one. a passionate, loving one. those were rare, but you loved them so much.

➸ feeling his hands wrap around your waist, his fingers comb through your hair, you absolutely melted.

➸ when he pulled away, you hugged. you said nothing else, you just hugged for over 5 minutes, enjoying each other's warmth.

➸ " you, y/n. more than you'll know." zhongli whispers.

➸ "right back at you, love."

: ̗̀➛ childe:

 Genshin Boys When They Get Jealous Pt. 1

➸ childe definitely got jealous a lot, not because he didn't trust you, he just never felt good enough for you. you were a perfect person in his eyes, and he never thought he was the same.

➸ you found it cute, but you never failed to remind him that he was so very important to you.

➸ today, you and childe took a little trip to inazuma. you both wanted to go back, since it was such a beautiful place.

➸ when you arrived, you were both greeted cheerfully by thoma. "ah, y/n! tartaglia! glad you made it safe."

➸ you both shook thoma's hands, and you all proceeded to walk around inazuma.

➸ childe told you beforehand that he was going to spoil you today, (which he always does anyway) but you didn't really want much. you just wanted his company.

➸ thoma lead all of you to a quaint little restaurant that served all kinds of inazuma snacks.

➸ you were clearly drooling just looking at the menu, and childe noticed that.

➸ before childe could call up a waiter, someone already came to your table holding an array of different treats on a tray.

➸ "i recall that you guys favored these snacks in your last visit, yes?" thoma said, giving each of you a treat.

➸ you thanked thoma for the gesture, but he wasn't finished with you yet.

➸ "i know you also liked these sakura mochi, but didn't buy enough because they were a tad bit pricy." thoma added, pushing a plate of beautiful sakura mochi towards you.

➸ "a tad?! these are like 1,000 mora a piece! i can't accept this, thoma." you said, clearly flustered from the offer.

➸ thoma shook his head and said, "i insist. come on, you're not even here that often, i missed you! this is my thank you for coming back."

➸ you just smiled at him and thanked him once again before digging into your delicious snacks.

➸ you all chatted throughout the afternoon, but childe seemed to ignore thoma's questions.

➸ "hey, tartaglia. do you like your onigiri?" childe didn't respond. he just continued to talk to you about his adventures in the fatui.

➸ after a few more repeats of this, you excused yourself from the table and yanked childe along with you.

➸ when you were out of earshot from thoma, you asked childe, "what is your problem with thoma?"

➸ he just avoided eye contact with you and stayed silent. this was starting to piss you off.

➸ "look at me." you said, your death glare getting more and more intimidating.

➸ he still kept his gaze away from you, so you grabbed his face and faced it towards yours.

➸ "answer the question. thoma is being super welcoming and you're not even batting an eye in his direction!"

➸ childe takes a deep breath and pulls you into a spot without anyone around.

➸ "only...i can spoil you like that." he finally mutters, hugging you a little too tightly once you two are alone.

➸ "the look in your eyes, the flustered look on your face...i don't want anyone else to give you that. just me, only me." he said, burying his face into the crook of your neck even further.

➸ you have never seen childe like this. whenever he did get jealous he never showed it in such a forward manner.

➸ you pulled his face out of your neck and gave him kisses in his favorite spots.

➸ starting with the forehead, the nose, and then the lips.

➸ you both start to melt into the kiss, falling deeper and deeper into a total lovesick state.

➸ before things escalate, childe pulls away and puts his head against yours.

➸ "you're gorgeous." childe whispers, making your face heat up from embarrassment and look away from him.

➸ when you look back, you stare into his beautiful blue eyes, and say with all integrity, "i love you."

➸ childe smiles and gives you one last kiss before saying, "let's head back to that thoma fellow. he's probably thinking we got kidnapped by now."

: ̗̀➛ kaeya:

 Genshin Boys When They Get Jealous Pt. 1

➸ kaeya is definitely the jealous type. no matter how cocky he may seem, he gets jealous at the many friends you make on your adventures, let alone how close you get to some of them.

➸ you don't know this though. as far as you know, you two are friends with benefits and nothing more. you did want more, but you never knew how kaeya would react.

➸ you and kaeya were training together one day, not official favonius training, just challenging each other to see who would buy drinks tonight again.

➸ while you were taking a break, a big group of people came rushing towards the two of you.

➸ they all showered you both with compliments, because you were both pretty popular throughout mondstadt. whenever you had combat training like this, you were always watched by a crowd.

➸ after almost all of the crowd left, one guy stayed and continued talking to you.

➸ "wow, you really are amazing! you can fight and you're gorgeous. what a perfect combo." hearing this made you feel warm inside, obviously you blushed a little bit and thanked him.

➸ he continued to compliment and flatter you, but when your conversation came to a close, he suggested, "hey, would you wanna go out with me sometime? maybe to good hunter?"

➸ this caught you off guard, since you had some sort of situationship with kaeya, but maybe this guy could help you get over him.

➸ before you could accept, kaeya steps in front of you and holds your hand tightly with his.

➸ "sorry. she's taken, fella. run along, now." the guy scoffed and turned away, clearly intimidated by kaeya's terrifying death glare.

➸ kaeya turned back to you, and held your face with his hands for a moment.

➸ "this has been on my mind for a while now, and that bastard flirting with you was the final boost of encouragement i needed..." kaeya took a deep breath and looked right into you eyes.

➸ "please be mine, for as long as you'll have me." you could see the a shade of red creeping up kaeya's face as he said this, but you were in too much shock to tease him at this point.

➸ after a little too much silence, kaeya quickly removes his hands off your face and says, "uh--! nevermind, ignore what i said bye bye!" before he can run off, you grab his arm.

➸ "i never even got to tell you my answer." you say, pulling him closer to you.

➸ he winces, shutting his eyes, probably waiting for a rejection. you chuckle a bit before leaning in to kiss him.

➸ kaeya's eyes widen, but he quickly melts into the kiss. pulling you in by the waist, combing his fingers through your hair and moving his hand all around your body.

➸ when you pull away, kaeya continues to comb through your hair, a big smile painted on his face.

➸ "i love you." you say, catching kaeya off guard a little.

➸ " you." kaeya says. before you can kiss him again, he continues, "more than you'll ever know."

➸ you both smile and laugh a little in embarrassment, and walk home together, hand in hand.

: ̗̀➛ itto:

 Genshin Boys When They Get Jealous Pt. 1

➸ you didn't know whether or not itto was the jealous type, he was usually too dense to even notice other people flirting with you at times.

➸ you definitely got jealous more, with itto being the confident, suave type, everyone in inazuma had a thing for him. you never showed it though, just in case itto found jealousy to be...gross.

➸ you and itto were taking a stroll around inazuma, getting some snacks and chatting about literally everything.

➸ at one point you discussed if you could build a house purely out of cheese, which was basically a whole monologue by itto.

➸ while you were both chomping down on some tricolor dango, gorou walked up to you both.

➸ gorou was your best friend, and you actually haven't seen him in a while due to his own personal duties. you were glad to finally see him.

➸ "hey! y/n! itto!" gorou greeted, taking a seat across the table from the two of you.

➸ you both smiled and greeted him as well, both glad to see him this afternoon.

➸ "how've you both been?" gorou asks, curiously leaning towards you two.

➸ itto starts to talk about all the adventures you two have been on ever since dating, and his sudden compliments made you blush a little bit. (by a little i mean a lot)

➸ gorou inches closer to you while you both listen to itto talk about the time he got stuck inside a slime, and quickly bites off half of your tricolor dango.

➸ "hey! what the-" you put the snack in your other hand and put it as far from gorou's mouth as possible.

➸ gorou continues to lean into you, his hands gripping your thighs to stay steady.

➸ you try to lean back a bit, but it makes you fall over onto a grass patch nearby.

➸ gorou grabs the dango and continues to eat it whilst pinning you down to the ground.

➸ "fine. take it then, it's a reward for coming back here." you say, raising your arms in surrender.

➸ you both laugh and gorou stands up and puts out his hand to help you up from the ground.

➸ you decide to get yourself some sakura mochi as compensation for the stolen dango.

➸ when you get back, gorou and itto are nowhere in sight. but then you hear someone scream, "go itto!!" from behind you. what you see is a crowd of people surrounding something.

➸ when you make your way through the crowd, you see itto and gorou having what looks like a...standoff?

➸ gorou's face looks absolutely terrified, it's clear he was probably forced into this by itto. but itto never picks fights with gorou, they're really close.

➸ "you wanna have y/n? huh? come fight me!" excuse me...what?! you could not believe what you were seeing.

➸ "oh my archons, i have told you a billion times when you dragged me over here, i'm not into them!" gorou shouted, starting to get irritated.

➸ before things can escalate, you run to the center of the fight and call it off immediately. "okay folks, shows over."

➸ the crowd groans and walks away, and you call over gorou while pulling itto by the ear to a secluded area.

➸ "what the hell was that?!" you shout, causing itto to wince a little.

➸ "it's just that...i forgot how close you and gorou were. seeing you and him fight over that stupid dango a while ago made me feel...odd." taken aback, your eyes widen at itto's response.

➸ itto was...jealous? and he wanted to fight poor gorou for your honor? no matter how old schooled that sounded, it was still very sweet.

➸ you place your hands on itto's face and pull him down to yours. "you know that i love you, right?" itto nods. "so there's no need to be jealous. gosh, you are so amazing, if anything i'm the one who should be getting jealous of all your fans!"

➸ itto laughs a little bit, and kisses you. it was a short one, so you pull him back in for one more.

➸ his kisses were always so sweet. never too rough, it's just a genuinely loving kiss that you absolutely melted for.

➸ when he pulls away, you stare at each other until you here a sigh from behind the two of you.

➸ "i'm right here. get a room, will ya?" gorou was with you the whole time and you barely noticed.

➸ you apologize and gorou just scoffs as you all wave goodbye to each other.

➸ itto holds your hand tight and gives you a big, bright smile. you smile back and lean on his shoulder as you walk back home.

: ̗̀➛ albedo:

 Genshin Boys When They Get Jealous Pt. 1

➸ albedo rarely got jealous, let alone show any other form of anger towards you. you were the beacon of joy in his life, and absolutely nothing you did failed to give him a smile.

➸ you never got jealous either, you and albedo were together constantly and he didn't really like spending time with others besides you, aether and sucrose.

➸ one day you and albedo were painting together, like you did every week. you were painting a beautiful view of mondstadt. while albedo was painting

➸ you were just about done when you felt someone blow into your ear.

➸ "arh--! what was-" you look behind you and see kaeya. of course, he always did stuff like this to you. although as his best friend, you learned to let it go.

➸ "good afternoon y/n, albedo. pleasant day, isn't it?" kaeya says, looking out at the view you were painting.

➸ you all chat until nightfall and kaeya offers to buy all of you drinks at angel's share.

➸ you both agree and follow the young cavalry captain to the bar to have a drink together and chat.

➸ when you arrive, kaeya orders drinks for the table and you and albedo take a seat beside one another.

➸ kaeya places his hand on yours, which startles you a bit but you don't say anything.

➸ he keeps it there, which doesn't faze you since he's done things like this ever since you were kids but you catch a glance of albedo and he's looking right at your hands.

➸ you try to take your hand off when kaeya grabs it and says, "i'm a little bored. i suggest a staring contest." while holding your hands in his.

➸ before you can say no, albedo grabs kaeya's hands and glares right at him. "i'd like to play, kaeya."

➸ poor kaeya was forced to stare deep into albedo's piercing glare until he decided it was better to lose than to keep staring.

➸ "i-i'll get our drinks, be right back!" kaeya says, scuttering off to the bartender.

➸ you look back at albedo who is...grinning? in a mischievous way, may i add.

➸ "hey, what are you smiling about?" you ask him. he takes your hand in one of his and uses the other to comb through your hair.

➸ "i may have been, what you call, jealous." albedo mumbles, slowly getting redder and redder.

➸ you chuckle a bit, but quickly pull him into a hug and run your hands through his soft hair.

➸ "there's nothing to be jealous about, alright? there's a reason i'm with you and not that silly pirate boy." you whisper, continuing to slowly caress his head with your hands.

➸ "could we abandon him? i have a project i'd like to work on with you at home." albedo says.

➸ "oh? what project?" you ask, curious. he's never wanted your help with projects before.

➸ "i just need to study...the human body." he says, smirking a bit.

➸ it only took a few moments until you understood and your face turned bright red just imagining it.

➸ "what do you say, darling?"

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 Would You Be So Kind, Just To Fall In Love With Me?

“ would you be so kind, just to fall in love with me? ”

 Would You Be So Kind, Just To Fall In Love With Me?

so this is love — a short series !

SYPNOSIS. years has passed since the both of you had gotten married. going through your old photo album of one another, you went to a trip through memory lane with the one you love. memories flood back as it almost felt like it was yesterday where he had confessed to you… you swore that nothing could compare your memories with him than with anything else.

PAIRING. thoma x gn!reader

TIME. new chapter will be posted every week at 00:00 / 04:00 AM GMT+8

TAGLIST. just send me an ask!! @eenie-teenieweenie

AUTHOR’S NOTE. listen, this is just me recalling back my memories of how me and my gf got together. for the sake of privacy, not all of this is true, but it is inspired by my own experiences. also, this is like my way of coping from fear for @versadies ‘s evermore series. im worried as hell people—


prologue — cliché ( 2 MAY, 00:00 AM )

chapter one — mr.loverman ( 2 MAY, 00:00 AM )

chapter two — i hear a symphony

chapter three — line without a hook

chapter four — would you be so kind

chapter five — somewhere only we know

epilogue — so this is love

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2 years ago

Warnings: TOP/DOM reader, SUB/BOTTOM chracter, gn reader, worshipping kink, free use, masochist thoma, sadistic reader, exhibitionism kink, slight yandere themes

Just imagine Thoma being your slut, only meant for your personal use

Whenever the two of you are in your house, it doesn't matter what you're doing, Thoma is always prepared to have sex with you, his ass lubed up and stretched out with a buttplug

Thoma knows how horny you can get. One moment the two of you could be leaning on the kitchen counter, having a little chat

And the next moment, you could have him bent over that same kitchen counter, fucking him so hard that he can't think straight

Your horniness doesn't stop at the privacy of your own home

Thoma makes sure he's all plugged up and ready for you even when he's outside. You never know when you'll get horny again and fuck Thoma's brains out in an alley in broad daylight!

And while Thoma tries his best to make it seems like he's only doing this to please you, he can't help but think about how good it makes him feel.

How good it makes him feel to be used like a toy,

How good it feels when you fuck him roughly with no remorse,

How good it feels to know that his reputation would be ruined if one unfortunate person saw how much of a whore he was for you,

He loved it all!

Thoma loved being your free use slut

Step on him, choke him, spank him, edge him, anything can and will send him off the edge

Thoma will always accept it with an obsessed smile, waiting for what you would bring to the table next<3

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