I'm 19 multifandom Request are open. we're all just one big disfunctional and chaotic family here. thanks for putting up with my writing
286 posts
The Cursed Twin
The cursed twin
Pairing Leta lestrange x twin reader
Summary This takes place before Leta goes to Hogwarts. You two were as close as can be then something went wrong.
Warnings none really
A/n I tried to keep it gender neutral
I don't own any gifs used.

" Newt, Theseus there's something I should tell you. " Leta said starting at the group of Newt, Theseus, Queenie, Tina, Credence and Nagini standing in front of her. " What is it?" Newt asked in a soft voice. " You guys might want to sit down for this. " Leta said.
" Before I came to Hogwarts I had a twin his/her name was Y/n. One day we were playing in the near by forest when Y/n pushed me out of the way." " The reason he/she did that is because I didn't realize this before but he/she saved me from a curse that makes him/her become an out of control dragon when he/she feels pain or anger. We never find out who cursed him/her. The coward that cursed my brother/sister left as soon as Y/n got knocked unconscious. " Y/n disappeared shortly after we both received our Hogwarts letter and I haven't seen he/she since. " Leta lestrange finished her story looking up at the others.
" And you think that the dragon that's been terrifying Muggles is Y/n"? Newt asked. " Yes ". Is all Leta said. " If it is him/her I don't think he/she's doing it on purpose. There's only one way to find out..." Leta said trailing off. " And what's that"? Asked Theseus.
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More Posts from Thatonepersonwhocantwrite
Stay together
Pairing Aang x daughter reader

Gif by itsbyme
You sigh as you sit at the edge of the Air temple. Today had been a rough day. You had gotten into a fight with Katara, almost broke your hand and you were just plain tired of your annoying older brother Tenzin. There you are Y/n. I thought I might find you here. Hi dad you responded while watching the set .

gif by kasugano
The sunset is pretty. Aang said as he sat down next to you. You been having a rough day today Y/n? He asked. Yeah You replied as he hugged you close and the two of you watched the sunset.
This story isn't mine it belongs to starksinner.
Be My Hero
Summary: Being Deadpool’s daughter isn’t easy, especially when you have the Avengers and X-Men watching your every move.
Pairings: Peter Parker x Reader, Father!Wade Wilson x Daughter!Reader
Other Characters: Bucky Barnes, Tony Stark, Gambit, The Avengers, The X-Men
Warnings: Mentions of Suicide, Violence, Blood, Angst, Chessy Romance

Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters
Real Name: (Y/N) Nessa Wilson
Current Alias: Mortál
Age: 17
Citizenship: Canadian
Relatives: Wade Wilson (Father) Vanessa Carlysle (Mother)
Affiliations: X-Men, Avengers, S.H.E.I.L.D, Remy LeBeau, Rouge, Sebastain LeBeau, Logan Howlett, Laura Kinney, Peter Parker
Education: High Park Middle School, Richardson Square Secondary School
Identify: Known to Authorities
Abilities and Powers: Regenerative Healing Factor, Superhuman Reflexes and Agility, Hand-to-hand Combat Skills, Expert Knife Thrower

“When’s this shit gonna stop, (Y/N)?”
Wade gripped the handle of his apartment door, pulling it shut with a loud thud.
“The shit’s gonna stop when you stop pushing, Dad. That’s how it works … or you know, just clench up like you usually do …”
(Y/N) chewed on the piece of gum stuck in her mouth dramatically, making the chewing sound with her teeth as loud and dramatic as possible.
Plopping down on the blood-stained couch in her living room, she grabbed her phone from the back pocket of her jeans and began scrolling through the notifications that flooded her screen.
“Shit, really?” Wade gasped, acknowledging her little head tilt and eyebrow raise.
“Wow, okay, holy fuck! Look! I’m a teenage girl!” He mocked, whipping his head back, along with his imaginary hair.
“Ugh, I know you’re a little girl trapped inside a man’s body, Dad, I get it. There’s no reason to be so damn dramatic all the time — you know — there’s a reason why I just tell people you’re my mother.”
Wade hummed to himself softly, gripping the back of his mask and letting the red and black material fall to the floor.
Singing How Far I’ll Go from Moana, Wade twirled around the living room like a princess, sticking out his arms and pointing out his fingertips.
He hopped his way over to his daughter, imitating the look of boredom plastered on her face.
“Look at me,” he teased, gracefully kneeling in front of her with an innocent, puppy dog look.
“I’m (Y/N) —” He swiftly grabbed her cell phone from her fingers, tossing it across the room without looking back.
As it smashed against the ground loudly, Wade unblinkingly started at her as the sound of shattering glass filled the framed living space.
“I’m all about long, sullen silences,” he rolled his eyes, mimicking her usual attitude, “followed by mean comments, followed by more awkward silences.”
(Y/N) grunted, letting her head drop back against the dirty couch as Wade placed his hands on her knees, keeping her from escaping his dramatic limbo. “Can I go? Are you gonna let me go?”
“Aw! What’s it gonna be my beautiful daughter?” He ignored her deadly look as she pried at his hands for freedom.“Long sullen silence, or mean comment? C'mon, go on.”
Keep reading
Pairing Anakin x reader
Summary Y/n is Anakin Skywalkers wife who is also a jedi and Anakin trys to get her to come to the dark side with him. She also watches Anakin all most die.
Warnings Blood

Gif by anakinskywalkerpls
Anakin you don't have to do this. Y/n said looking at Anakin then at Obi-Wan. Yes I do but I don't have to do this alone join me Y/n . Anakin said. NO I WILL NEVER! Y/n shouted. Then you will die with Obi-Wan. Anakin replied.
You continued to help Obi wan fight Anakin until Anakin cuts off your leg and now you're bleeding badly also you're half conscious. You hear Obi wan scream somth at Anakin before Obi wan picks you and brings you back to the ship so you can get the medical help you need.
Sorry this sucked. I suck at life and fanfiction that's probably why this sucked.
Why didn't you tell me? Pt 2
Pairing Fred x reader
Summary So the reader and Fred have finally
decided to tell everyone one about them officially dating. Y/n is kind scared to see how her father will react.
I made this because I felt like the first one was kinda just random

Gif by Rainbowwolfpups
Ok so right now it's winter break a lot had happened over the school year. You had played alot of pranks on people with Fred and George. You and Harry had became closer friends but sometimes it made Fred jealous seeing you and Harry alone talking. So this year you, your dad Remus Lupin , Sirius and Harry were all going to the Weasleys this year for Christmas.
Breath love . I'm sure your father will be fine with us dating said Fred trying to calm you down. Ok I said holding onto Fred. I HATE TO INTERUPT YOU TWO BUT IF WE DON'T LEAVE NOW WE'LL BE LATE! George shouted from down the stairs. COMING GEORGIE! Fred shouted back at his twin.
Are you ready love? Fred asked me. Yup I replied before we used floo powder to get to Uncle Sirius's house. I had always considered Sirius to be part of the family even though people still thought he was guilty of telling Voldemort about James and Lilly Potter. But I always believed he was innocent and now so did Harry. Uncle Sirius was doing dinner this year. Anyways when we Sirius's house.
Y/N! Remus shouted loud enough to let the world know that you were there. Hi dad I said as he gave me a big hug. Oi vey how I'm I ever going to explain Fred to him. I wondered to me.
Time skip to later that day
You and Fred were talking to each other in private and Remus being Remus was eavesdropping. Just tell him Love and if he doesn't agree then we can run away Fred said. I chuckled and started to learn in to kiss him that's when dad bursted in saying it was time for dinner. Oi vey this is going to take a lot of explaining and a long night.
Being Oliver queens sister would include
Notes I don't own any gifs used.
N/n nick name

You are the middle child. So Oliver is older than you and Thea is younger than you
Life going down hill when Oliver and your dad are killed
Being there for your mom and sister and also Laurel Lance because her sister "died "
You relize how much you have in common with Laurel and become good friends with her. You also support Laurel and Tommy
You started taking archery classes also self-defense classes
Also you started going out late at night
You were surprised when Oliver came back alive
He became extremely overprotective of you and Thea.
He caught you going/sneaking out late at night
N/n where are you going?
Ummmm I wanted pizza?
Your a terrible liar Y/n.
Yeah that didn't end well. Oliver followed you around for the rest of the month.
Being sad when Tommy died
Being there for Laurel when Tommy died
Not being surprised at finding out Oliver is Green Arrow
Being surprised that Sarah is still alive
Somehow convincing Oliver to let you join team Arrow. That somehow made him even more protective if that were possible.
Meeting Barry allen and thinking he was cute.
H-i Mi. ss Queen.
Hi Barry just call me Y/n
Ok Y/n
Thinking it was cute how Barry stuttered
Oliver giving Barry the death stare
You and Barry end up dating even after he becomes the flash. You know he's the flash.
Oliver always threatening Barry if he hurts you.
I feel like this was really long and I just thought of more I could add to this so I might make another one.