Fred Weasley X Reader - Tumblr Posts

Random Ravenclaw: I wonder how Lupin-Black survives dating a chaotic mess like Weasley.

Random Hufflepuff: Right? He's good looking and all but I don't think I could survive the constant pranking and detentions.

~meanwhile with Y/n & Fred~

Y/n: Can I-

Fred: No love, you will not eat the levitation candy.

Y/n, pouts: But I wanna fly like Peter pan.

Fred: And I don't want you to end up on the Great Hall ceiling and never get back down. They're just prototypes, they're still in the works.

Y/n: But-

Fred: No buts, sorry love.

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This was my first post ever on here, and it is shit

Why didn't you tell me? ( How long has this been going on rewrite. )

Pairing Fred Weasley x reader

Warns none

Summary Your dad is Remus lupin and usually on full moons he would take you to the Weasley. You became close with Fred, George and Ron maybe a little bit to close with Fred. It's your first year in Hogwarts.

Also I know probably none will read this which is why I put rewrite also because the how long has it been going on is crap.

Why Didn't You Tell Me? ( How Long Has This Been Going On Rewrite. )

Gif by Dailewis

Your dad a few days before the full moon would talk you to the Weasley so he wouldn't hurt you when he turned into a werewolf. That's also how you got so close to the Weasley. Molly was like a aunt to you and sometimes there for you more than your actual dad.

Y/N ! Fred shouted from the top of the stairs. COMING! I shouted back. Y/n Your dad said he would meet us at the station George said. Ok I replied. Everyone pile in the car no the flying car the muggle car Molly said.

Time skip to later at the train station

DAD! I shouted waking up my owl named Athena. There's my little girl Remus said smiling. Me , the Weasleys and my dad were standing getting ready to go to platform when a boy came up to Molly and asked how to get to it. Is it your first time dear? Asked Molly. He nodded yes. It's Rons and Y/n's first year time too.

Just. Do what Y/n's about to do. Remus interrupted and pushed me forward I wait to slam into the wall but instead I went through it. Huh I guess magic is really it's going be a long year.

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You're beautiful

Pairing Fred Weasley x Poc gn reader

Summary Fred and Y/n having a cute picnic. Fred being adorable

I'm sorry if this sucks

A/n I'm personally white af but I wanted to try and write Poc because I noticed there weren't very many as Poc are some of the hottest/sexist people in my opinion

You're Beautiful

You were currently in your potions class when something hit the side of your head. You looked around trying to find the culprit but everyone even the twins were taking notes which really surprised you. After reading it you knew who it was from your favorite red-headed boyfriend Fred. It was a simple note saying he had a surprise for you after class which luckily potions was the last class of the day for you.

" There you are lovey. " Fred said as he dragged you just in front of the Forbidden forest There was a small picnic setup for you two. Fred stared at you as you sat down leaning on your arms slightly as you tilt your head back enjoying the sun . You are stunning in his eyes . There aren't many people of color at Hogwarts and Fred swears you're the most beautiful human/witch/wizard he has ever seen. Despite all the white chicks practically throwing themselves at him he would never leave you for them never.

" I love you Freddy. "

" I love you more MY love. " Fred replied

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A little about me

I’m 19 and an animal lover. I mostly write comfort ficus

My rules

This is my list of Fandoms I will write for and things I WILL and WON'T write for

Things I really write


Enemies to lovers

Fluff/ comfort

Yandere ( I'm bad at it though and don't condone this behavior in real life)

Female x Female

Male x male ( again not to good at it but I try)

Male x female

Male x Gender neutral

Female x Gender neutral


Things I won't write

Age gaps over 5+ years

Pregnancy ( not good at it and it makes me uncomfortable)


Suicide ( I will write the reader or any other character dying just not by Suicide)

Self harm ( it's triggering to me and others)

Eating disorders


Harry potter characters I will write

Neville longbottom

Luna Lovegood

Hermione Granger

Fred weasley

George weasley

Sirius Black

Remus lupin

The great Harry Potter himself

The owl house







King ( platonic only)

Raine ( can someone tell me if spelled their name right?)

Avatar the last Airbender (NOT the live action version but the animated version)



Suki (she's the only exception where I'll do Live or animated)
















Luke Skywalker

Leia skywalker

Percy jackson/ Heroes of olympus

Charles beckendorf

Silena beauregard

Annabeth chase (book version only)

Percy jackson ( book version only)

Will solace

Tyson ( platonic only)

Jason grace

Piper mclean

Thalia grace

Leo valdez

Nico di angelo ( again platonic only unless you're a guy then I will do romantic since he's gay)

Bianca di angelo

Hazel Levesque

Frank Zhang

Legend of Korra




Avatar Wan ( my personal favorite)


Steve Rogers

Sam wilson

Peter parker ( Toby, Andrew and Tom versions)

Vision (platonic only)






Jean Grey

Scott summers


Barry allen

Cisco Ramon

Kara Danvers

Alex Danvers

Clark kent

Lois lane

Oliver queen

Top gun

Nick bradshaw

Naven Hollywood idk if I spelled his first name right

Leonard Wolfe Wolfman

Blood of Zeus











I think that's all the fandoms I can think of for now please send in request

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I'm thinking of bringing this series back

Would it be troublesome for you to make a part two of the little gem story ?? I would really appreciate it 😄

Would It Be Troublesome For You To Make A Part Two Of The Little Gem Story ?? I Would Really Appreciate
Would It Be Troublesome For You To Make A Part Two Of The Little Gem Story ?? I Would Really Appreciate

Thank you for requesting .

Pairing Weasley twins x reader

Pt 2 of the little gem story

You were annoyed to say the least . “ I’m not some priceless jewel for you the both of you to take!” Y/n said. “We know that little one we just didn’t want you to get hurt.” Fred said . “I was safe at Hogwarts where I belong. “ I protested. “ You don’t know?” George asked. “ I don’t know what?” I asked. “ Dumbledoor was killed.” Fred replied. “No……” I said. “ this has to be some kind of cruel prank that the both of you are playing on me.” I said. “I’m sorry love but it’s not “. George said. " You are safer here with us." George said. “ ok but I want actually food sometimes and not just the fish you catch when you’re both in your animagus form.” I said “ fine.” Fred said. “ Also the fish isn’t that bad.” George said. “ George it’s raw fish plus your in dragon form when you bring it to me so there is usually dragon spit on it so I have to wash it about 5 times before actually cooking it.” I said making a disgusted face making the twins laugh. “ Alright I’m getting kinda tired of fish too. Plus I want to show you are joke shop.” Fred said. “You have a joke shop!?” I questioned. “ yup”. Replied George.

Y/n now on the back of one of twins in dragon form. “ Are you sure this is safe? I mean what if someone sees you?” I asked. One of the dragons just snorted. “ Right you can’t talk in dragon form I almost forgot.” I said. We landed just away from Diagon alley because we didn't want the twins to get spotted. The twins transformed back into humans and Fred covered my eyes. " Fred what in Merlin's name"? I asked. " We want it to be the first thing you see and if you're eyes are open it won't be the first thing you see. " Fred replied. You felt like you had been walking for hours but was really just a couple minutes. Fred uncovered your eyes.

Would It Be Troublesome For You To Make A Part Two Of The Little Gem Story ?? I Would Really Appreciate
Would It Be Troublesome For You To Make A Part Two Of The Little Gem Story ?? I Would Really Appreciate

" It's beautiful......" I said

Tags :

Draco Malfoy and his Rose. Pt. 2


Word Count: 4,861 words

Warning: cursing, slight smut

September 13th, 1996. The Courtyard. 3:29pm.

Hope felt happier then she had felt in an incredibly long time, after that night in the Astronomy Tower she felt like she could conquer anything. She spent all night cuddled up against her best friend, talking about the past 6 years and how they got to where they were at now. Draco tried to leave out as much of the abuse, and harsh words he had endured so the young girl wouldn't take any sort of pity on him.

Maybe after a couple weeks, he could open up to her, but as of right now he had a duty and he wasn't going to let his guard down until it was over. 

Several days had passed but she hadn't managed to see Draco once, which bummed her out but she brushed it off choosing to spend the rest of her afternoon in the courtyard studying for Snape's upcoming exam. The young girl was currently sitting with her knees tucked into her chest, strands of hair covering her face.The autumn breeze felt nice on her skin, softly running her fingers over her bare calve as her eyes scanned the words etched onto the pages. Hope pushed her glasses further up the bridge of her nose, letting out a frustrated sigh at the difficult words clouding her vision leaning her head back and clamping her eyes shut as she tried to relax.

"You okay there?" The sound of someone whispering in her ear caught her off guard, letting out a surprised yelp sitting up rather abruptly. Hope eyed the red haired twin, whose cheeky smirk was covering his face. George made his way around the bench, taking a seat next to the brunette giving her a soft smile.

"Asshole. I'm doing good. I just... like making sure that all my work is 100% correct, even if it ends up killing me." She muttered, running her free hand through her curls eyeing the blue eyed boy through her frames. He nodded along to her words, gingerly picking up the open book on her lap reading the title.

"Ah, Snape. He's a fun one. You'll learn the tricks around his class rather easily, as long as you pay attention,"

"Oh, his class isn't hard. Especially for it being on level. I'm taking advanced classes so I am learning more advanced skills compared to the kids my age," George whistled, pretend fanning himself in a way of teasing the girl. Her cheeks became rather pink at his mannerism, playfully shoving the ginger. The Hufflepuff fiddled with the quill in her fingers, enjoying the feeling of the feather brushing against her hands.

"Oh, can it, Weasley. Say, where's your other half?"

"That is... an excellent question. I can promise you, he was right behind me as I came into the courtyard. But he must have-"

"Lupin. Professor Snape would like to speak to you. He said it's rather important," The sound of Draco's voice captured her attention, turning her head rather quickly to face the blonde nodding at what he said swiftly placing all of her books and pieces of parchment into her satchel. She turned to face George, giving him a small wave and a warm smile as she followed behind Draco. She felt her heart race at all the endless possibilities of what Snape would need to speak to her about.

"Did Snape say what he needed to talk to me-"

"Snape doesn't need to talk to you, Rose. I just needed an excuse for you to follow me." The young girl looked up at Draco, shaking her head at the slight smirk on his face. Draco didn't speak another word until they had reached a room she had seen before, due to Harry showing it to her. The Room of Requirement. Hope adjusted the satchel on her shoulder, as she watched the door appear in front of them, causing Draco to look behind him to ensure that Hope was following after her. He placed a hand on the small of her back as he ushered her into the room, closing the large door behind them, the thud echoing across the large room.

"Did you take me in here to kill me?" The brunette teased, playfully nudging the blonde as she made her way over to a large sofa and plopping herself down on the soft cushions. Carefully removing her satchel, letting the heavy material set on the side of the couch making sure she didn't accidentally tip it over. Draco eyed Hope, his heart clenching at the sight of her warm grin knowing that she was happy, a feeling he hadn't felt in an incredibly long time.

"Of course not. But, I felt bad for not coming to see you earlier. Which lead me to stealing you from that weasle, I hope you didn't mind," Hope laughed awkwardly, choosing to ignore the comment he made about George looking up at Draco with a soft smile shaking her head to his words. The blonde smiled down at her, eyeing her face rather hard. Hope felt her cheeks turning hot, reaching up with her fingers to trail her hand over her face out of fear there might be something there.

"Is there something on my face...?"

"No no... you just look really pretty. I don't think I noticed how gorgeous your eyes looked that night on The Astronomy Tower ," Hope flushed pink, nearly stuttering over her actions at the kind words leaving Draco's lips. I keep forgetting he's no longer the same boy I know, he's all grown. Her lips were parted uttering a soft thank you, feeling her chest clench as she saw him wet his plump pink lips. This was going to be a long night, she uttered to herself flashing the boy a quick smile noting how he sat with his legs wide open feeling her eyes widen slightly.

September 19th, 1996. Defense Against the Dark Arts Classroom. 4:01 pm.

Hope had a disgusted snarl placed on her lips as she listened to Professor Umbridge drone on and on about the importance of reading about spells, instead of actually practicing them. At every comment she made towards Harry, she wanted nothing more than to throw a hex at the toad. The entire lecture today had been her pointing at a chalkboard and picking on a few students, to see if they had read the endless chapters she always gave out. Hope had managed to scribble a few useful tips, making sure to mark them to know to go back to them not noticing how quiet the room had gotten, the sound of her quill on the parchment being the only sound in the room.

"Miss Lupin?" Hope's head snapped up, her cheeks ablaze as she made eye contact with Umbridge whose scrunched up face looked like it could burst at any given moment, swallowing rather thickly. She felt the endless eyes of her peers eyeing her, feeling her leg start to bounce up and down rather nervously as she stared at her Professor.

"Yes, Professor?"

"Would you mind reading out loud what it is you have written down? Oh, and please come to the front of the class," The sweet sickly tone of her voice sent her into a frenzy, giving a nod of her head delicately picking up her sheet of parchment almost covered in tons of notes making her way to the front of the classroom. Hope put a smile on her face as she made eye contact with her peers, clearing her throat before beginning to read over the neat notes.

"For our O.W.L.S, we will have to go over any and all knowledge over our 4 past years in Hogwarts on Defense Against the Dark Arts. We will have to write a short essay explaining the 5 signs of-"

"That's enough, Miss Lupin. So you weren't writing a note to pass around?"

"No, ma'am." Hope chirped, feeling her body stiffen as Professor Umbridge nearly squealed at her comment wrapping an arm around the witch. She let out a small laugh, looking around nervously. She tried to avoid eye contact with any of her classmates noticing that many of them were trying to muffle their laughter, a teasing glint in their eyes.

"Now students. Hope is a good example of what you all should be doing. 15 points to Hufflepuff!" Right as she finished hollering, the bell rang which sent all the students scrambling to gather their school things including Hope who hadn't had any time to pack any of her things before hand. She slung her satchel over her shoulder, hurriedly making her way to dinner letting out small excuse me's as she accidentally bumped into a few people including the Golden Trio. Hope came to a stop, flashing a quick smile at her friends who smiled right back at her.

"I'm sorry for nearly trampling you there, Weasley. I'm in a hurry to get as far away from Professor Umbridge as fast as possible. She scares me," Hope practically whispered, adjusting her satchel as she walked alongside them. They let out a chuckle, which made Hope join in on their little laughing fest locking eyes with Harry letting out a nervous chuckle, "Are you guys going to dinner tonight? I never see you guys there anymore,"

"No, we're currently trying to practice some stuff. And tonight we're gonna try to come up with a lesson plan for our next meeting." Hermione spoke rather cheerfully, tightening her grip on her books. Hope nodded along to her words, her mind flashing back to Draco whose grey eyes were burned into her mind,"-wondering if you would like to join us? I think the boys need some real competition."

"Oh- of course! That sounds like fun," Hope grinned brushing the stray hairs away from her face, choosing to tag along with the Golden Trio following behind them as they sneaked their way around the herds of students into the Room of Requirement.

Shortly after arriving there they began thinking of good spells for the kids to practice, surprisingly a lot harder than they had thought considering Harry had already thought of the highly important spells Hope's father had taught them. Hope had her head on Harry's thigh her back on the stone floor waving her wand around focusing on the trail of sparks that followed after her wand. She let out a deep breath she never realized she was holding before sitting up rather abruptly. The sudden outburst startled the trio, their eyes wide as they watched the witch intently as she sat up where they could properly hear and see her.

"I'm literally the stupidest person to have ever walked these halls-"

"Now that's just offensive to Ron," Harry mumbled around a mouthful of chocolate, taking a drink from his cup full of water a playful glint in his eyes. Ron's face flushed red throwing his satchel at the wizard, barely skimming over his head as the two girls began laughing as they began throwing the bag back and forth. Hope rolled her eyes, using her wand to throw the satchel against the wall startling them both. Both of their sheepish faces turned to face her, giving her a cheesy grin which she ignored.

"As I was saying, I could just ask my father. We have this little journal that we enchanted in my third year, for when he came here to teach and I was at Beauxbatons. I can talk to him just by writing into the journal, and it'll go undetected by Umbridge,"

"I could just kiss you right now, Lupin. You are a genius!" Ron muttered, cupping Hopes face to which she sputtered her face flushing as he pressed a sloppy kiss on her cheek. Harry let out a scoff covering it up with a loud cough, tossing the rest of his chocolate frog with the rest of his trash, offering the witch his leg again as she eyed him curiously to which he faked a smile eyeing Ron. Hope shoved the redhead off wiping the spit from her face, smacking his leg out of spite," you know you love me,"

"Remind me to sit next to you next time instead of this dumbass," Hope directed to Ron which just made Hermione giggle, letting out a gasp as the 6'3 wizard thought it would be a good idea to throw himself at Hope which led her to let out a pained grunt. This is going to be a long night, Hope thought to herself as she jabbed her elbow into the gingers stomach.

November 9th, 1996. The Gryffindor Common Room. 5:53 am.

"-and I see him being a complete ass to all these so called ‘half blood’ or ‘muggle borns’ so I got onto him about it. I don’t think I have ever wanted to kick the living daylights out of anyone as much as him! We haven't spoken since then... I messed things up haven’t I? Fuck, I’m sorry Harry, you’re probably tired. Just forget about it, it's silly-"

"No! It's not silly at all. Draco is a complete arse, and I know it must be weird to see him now after all these years of seeing your best friend as a saint. But, I can assure you. You aren’t silly for feeling upset about this...alright? " Harry murmured his accent thickening near the end of the sentence, running his fingers through his messy black hair, his eyes never leaving the brunette who was currently curled up on one of the many couches strewn around the Common Room.

Her eyes were glossy as she wiped at the tears threatening to fall, tucking her head into her knees that were pressed against her chest. Harry still couldn't figure out how someone as horrid as Draco had someone like Hope wrapped around his finger, rushing to throw his toned arm around her shoulder muttering soft nothings into her ear. She let her knees drop curling into Harry throwing her arms around his waist holding him close as she let out a few sobs.

"I'm sorry, H. I just- he's been my best friend for as long as I can remember. And after being apart from him for so long, I just figured things would be normal. Not-not this mess that it’s turned out to be," Hope mumbled into the dark haired wizards neck, noting the soft scent of his cologne trying to ignore how intoxicating he smelled, "Can you tell me a bit about what Draco did to you guys to make y’all hate him so much? At first I just thought you guys were being over dramatic... but now I realize that isn’t the same Draco Malfoy I grew up with,"

"I don't think that's a great idea, Hope."

"Why not?"

"Look, I might not be super fond of Draco. But, I have no right to go and put even more negative thoughts into that head of yours considering 90% of the kids here first judged me at the sight of my scar and I didn't like it. I felt belittled and like I was some walking trophy." Harry opened up his face flushing at the thought of all those comments he had endured while walking down the hallway, rubbing small circles onto her back noting the thin familiar T-shirt that adorned her body, "Are you cold? We could run up to my room if you'd like,"

"Are you sure? I can endure a couple hours of the cold, it's no biggie-"

"Come 'ere." The boy whispered removing his hold around the witch, helping her up letting out a soft chuckle as she struggled to put on her moose slippers. He grabbed onto her hand setting it on his shoulder so she could balance herself properly, successfully managing to put her slippers on giving the dark haired boy two thumbs up. Harry rolled his eyes leading the way for Hope to follow, trying his best to not make too much noise as he opened the door to his room. Harry motioned towards the only empty bed in the room, Hope gladly made her way over kicking off her slippers sliding underneath the warm covers as Harry closed the door.

"You look so tiny- do your feet seriously not reach the end of the bed?!" Harry chuckled as quietly as he could, playfully shoving her legs noticing the brunette had turned a bright pink smacking his bicep. He yelped rubbing at the sore spot, nudging her over so he could lay down next to her.

This wouldn't be the first time they've cuddled, considering they clicked from the moment they met and both had grown rather close in the last month and a half but this would be the first time they were going to be in the same bed in close proximity. Harry was twice her size, and it almost made this situation impossible because of how small the bed was. They both let out a series of giggles at their comical situation, their bodies incredible close nearly squished into one. Harry thought it would be easier to fit if they were even closer, which is why he proceeded to wrap his arm around her waist letting the witch nuzzle into his chest.

"If you were on me... like on my chest, there might be more room," Hope felt her chest flutter as she heard his husky voice breath out those words into her hair, nodding along to what he said allowing his toned arms to lift her onto him. Harry wasn't wrong. With Hope laying on him, partially anyway, not only was there more room for them he felt even more comfortable. Her fingers tracing random patterns onto his chest feeling his large hands tighten their grip around her.

"I'm sorry again for waking you up this early, I didn't know who else to go to,"

"Hope, you already apologized. And once again, I'm telling you that it's okay. I would have met you out in the freezing lake if you had asked me," He teased, which made the witch blush lifting her head up from its current position locking eyes with his bright green eyes feeling her breath hitch, her gaze flickering down at his lips feeling the air in the room thicken tremendously.

Harry wet his lips with his tongue, tightening his grip on her lightly as he felt himself leaning into her warm touch. The witch closed the gap between them, feeling herself melt into the kiss her hands trailing up his chest to tug on his hair. They adjusted their positions, letting Harry sit up with Hope's legs straddling his waist resuming their kiss feeling it grow heated fast. She enjoyed the feeling of his touch on her hips, letting out a small wine as he dug his long fingers into her exposed skin pulling her closer to his chest. Hope didn't expect this morning to turn out the way she had planned, but she wasn't complaining especially as she felt the dark haired boy growing beneath her. 

Harry couldn't remember the last time he had been in any way intimate with someone, trying to memorize the feeling of her burning skin as she tugged at his hair deepening the kiss as he subconsciously bucked his hips up. At the feeling of his growing member bucking into her, she let out a soft moan to which Harry hushed as he parted from her swollen lips nearly giving in as he saw the needy look in her eyes. He scrambled to grab his wand to close the curtains surrounding his bed, casting a quick muffliato. 

That way if they did end up getting too loud, there wouldn't be any chance of waking up the guys who were currently sound asleep. He stuck his arm through the curtain, struggling to set his wand on the bedside table from how badly his hands were shaking. Hope felt herself smirk as she saw how flustered Harry looked, growing frustrated from his wand not wanting to stay where he set it. Her smalls fingers fiddled with the T-shirt adorning his body giving him a slight pout nearly being thrown back as he swiftly tugged off his grey shirt exposing his toned body off to her. She felt herself growing hot as she pressed wet kisses along his neck, smirking to herself as she heard small gasps leaving his lips.

"Bloody... you are going to ruin me"

"Aww, don't get all shy on me now, Potter. " Hope teased nipping at a small spot above his collar, hearing the groan leave his parted lips. She didn't seem to notice the small change on his face, letting out a squeal as he flipped her onto her back. His eyes had darkened significantly, locking eyes with Hope as he hovered over her. His long arms were on either side of her face, caging her in as his hips ground down on her feeling his arms nearly buckle as he caught the look of pleasure spread across her face.

"I don't like being teased, sweetheart..."

"Holy-" Hope choked out at the choice of his words, throwing her head back onto the pillows as he continued to grind his clothed member against her core. Her hands reached up to tug on his dark locks, leaning her neck to the side as he mouthed at her neck. He sucked greedily on her tan skin, not paying attention to the dark bruises already forming.

"You look so pretty underneath me," He groaned resting his knees in between her thighs nearly losing it as the brunette wrapped her slender legs around his waist pulling him close, running his hands underneath her shirt feeling her breath hitch at the soft touch of his cold fingers.

"Fuck... I need you please," She whined, feeling her breathing grow heavier as his large hands grabbed onto her waist pulling her down closer to him. He leaned down to press a kiss onto her parted lips, moaning into her mouth as her hands brushed over the growing tent in his dark sweatpants.

His hips quickened the pace grinding themselves onto her, trying to create some friction successfully drawing a moan from Hope. The brunette snuck her hands into the waistband of his sweats feeling him groan heavily into the crook of her neck before they stiffened, they sound of people shuffling from outside the curtains caught their attention. Harry let out a few curse words resting his flushed forehead against hers waiting to see if the noise went away. Unfortunately, it seemed to have grown louder as his fellow roommate had woken up somehow managing to wake everyone else around him.

"For Godric’s sake-"

"Put your shirt on, Potter," Hope groaned, feeling rather pissed at the fact that their current actions had to be halted. Harry rolled off of her, tugging the material over his head letting his back rest on the headboard his red cheeks standing out on his pale skin. The brunette leaned against his shoulder, her eyes fluttering shut as his hand rubbed subtle circles on her exposed thigh.

"Oi, Harry, why are your curtains closed-"

"-I betcha he's got a girl in there! Are y'all shaggin'! " Her cheeks grew pink, giggling at the words of the Irish boy using her own wand to undo the muffliato opening the curtains with a flick of her wand making direct eye contact with Dean and Semus. She flashed a teasing grin, making her way off of Harrys bed not before stuffing her feet into her moose slippers.

"It was like 5 am two seconds ago, what time is it?" Hope questioned, stretching out her limbs from being in one position for a long time. She let out a small yawn, covering her mouth with her hand looking at the two boys for an answer. The pair of friends both looked at one another before a voice off to the side caught her attention.

"It's 7 am, although I have no idea why they're awake at this time. I'm still half asleep” Neville mumbled groggily, “Maybe just asleep...", His blonde hair laying messily over his face nuzzling further into the pillows. Hope let out a soft thank you, running her hand through her curls feeling herself grow nervous at the pair of eyes watching her, "Okay, well thank you for keeping me company, H. Sorry if I intruded... I best be off."

"I'll walk you out," Harry stood up from his position, adjusting the newfound hoodie lower on his hips most likely to hide his erection which made her giggle. She flashed him a knowing smile, ignoring the glare he sent her as he walked her down to the Common Room where there were thankfully no students lingering.

Hope was about to make her way towards the portrait stumbling as she felt a hand pull her back. She crashed into Harry's chest, looking up at the green eyed boy whose eyes were scanning her entire face. He let his large hands rest on her hips, holding her in place as he nervously bit his lip.

"About what happened upstairs... w-what does that mean for us?"

"I mean... I think we should play it out and see what happens then. I do like you, H. But, I still have to figure out where in the world I stand with Malfoy,"

"Okay. I can live with that... so, theoretically, if a so called boy wanted to kiss you-" Hope rolled her eyes at his words, grabbing onto his soft hoodie pulling him down to press a very much needed kiss onto his lips. He rested his hands on her waist tugging her closer, feeling his body melt into the soft kiss nearly leaning back in to recapture her lips as she pulled away. They both simultaneously grinned at one another, parting from one another as Hope began making her way towards the exit.

"Wait!" She spun on her heel, letting out a soft laugh as she saw the boy struggle to remove the Quidditch hoodie off of his body, handing her the warm material giving her a cheesy grin. Hope felt her heart swell at the endearing gift, pressing a long kiss on his cheek uttering a soft thank you. Wow... I thought Ron was exaggerating when he said he couldn't get enough of Lavender, the boy thought to himself sheepishly scratching the back of his head as he jogged back upstairs to talk to the boys awaiting in their dorm room.

November 10th, 1996. The Courtyard. 1:46 pm.

"Hopeeee!" The sound of someone screaming her name made her jump, dropping her book onto the hard floor as she looked around for the source of the noise coming face to face with the Weasley twins who were carrying several bags in their hands, "Why weren't you at Hogsmeade today? You never miss a chance to buy your precious chocolate,"

The twins made their way over to the brunette who had just bent over to pick up the book that had fallen out of her hands, wiping it off rather briskly. Just as Hope had opened her lips, George popped a chocolate ball into her mouth a grin on his lips. She chewed on the sweet candy happily, humming appreciatively at their choice of sweets focusing her attention back on the large book yelping as Fred slammed the book shut.

"We free our schedules, just for you to read in front of us? Nuh uh, not in front of us, love."

"And look, we went out of our way to buy you your favorite candy. Even that fancy chocolate you like so much-"

"You did not!"

"Oh yes we did." Fred chirped, taking a bite out his licorice wand as he watched the look of awe on the witch's face as George handed her a rather full bag of candy. A large grin made its way onto her face, wrapping her arms around both of her favorite twins hugging them tightly, "Don't kill us yet, love. I would like to open our shop first, then I'm all yours."

"Oh can it, Weasley." She chuckled, shoving the both of them off looking down at the bag on her lap sifting through it to try to find another chocolate ball happily popping it into her mouth," You guys are so sweet."

"Anything for you, love. Now would you mind telling us what has had you in such a prissy mood these past few weeks,"

"I appreciate the concern you guys, but it's nothing. If anything, today, I'm in a really good mood." She grinned, thinking back to the heated kisses and the sensual touches that were burned into her memory. The twins shared a look, choosing to pester her about it later watching her stand up from her seat on the stone bench holding her book and the bag of treats they had brought her close to her chest, "It was nice to see you guys. Don't forget about Tuesday after school, don't get your panties in a twist after I beat both of y'alls arses."

"You wish, Lupin." The both shouted out simultaneously, the smile on both of their faces growing as she swiftly flipped both of them the bird watching as she made her way inside.

"Hey, Fred?"

"Yea, George?"

"Was it just me, or were those hickeys on her neck?"

"Oh no, those were definitely hickeys. Our little Hope is all grown up,"

"Yea... she sure is." George mumbled, feeling his chest tighten at the thought of another guy marking her up. The red head hadn't said a thing out of fear that he would get rejected but seeing her today with those dark love bites on her neck only fueled the jealousy coursing through his veins, wanting nothing more than to kill the little boy who had his hands on her. George shook his head of those thoughts, choosing to focus on Fred's ongoing plan on pranking Filch.  As long as Hope is happy, then I'm happy. And if he hurts her, then I'll gladly throw him into the Lake.

Draco Malfoy And His Rose. Pt. 2

send requests! i’m always up for writing anything, just send me a quick little inbox and i’ll make sure to write it as quickly as possible. and if you have any suggestions or criticism, feel free to make it :)

a/n: let me know if you guys would like a part three! thanks for all the love <3

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2 years ago

30 Fluffy Fic Recs for 300 Followers - Weasley Twins

(Oh my gosh thank you so much for 300 followers. Ima go cry in a corner now. You guys are the absolute best I can’t handle it 🥲)


Fred Weasley

1. “technicolor” by: @weelittleweasley

2. “tired eyes are the death of me” by: @nancybycrs

3. “Jacket Thief” by: @emf005

4. “I Hate You” by: @saintlike78

5. “smiling kisses” by: @plant-flwrs

6. “it was all yellow” by: @ickle-ronniekins

7. “madly in love with you.” by: @eatingcloudsxx

8. “excuses” part 1 | part 2 by: @wondernimbus

9. “unlike me” by: @panda-noosh

10. “You’re lucky you’re cute, Weasley” by: @bl597

11. “Games” by: @wreckofawriter

12. “not morning yet” by: @damn-stark

13. “The Bet” by: @gobletofweasleys

14. “That’s Definitely You” by: @rons-wheezely

15. “mornings sighs (what a sight)” by: @butterbeerblurbs

George Weasley

16. “ink stains” by: @accioxreparo

17. “too cold for that” by: @lovequills

18. “Shower Buddy” by: @george-fabian-weasley

19. “Golden” by: @nancybycrs

20. “Early Practice” by: @law-nerd105

21. “love at first sight” by: @wondernimbus

22. “Stupid Soulmates, and Valentines Day” by: @scarletwidowvibes

23. “Pathetic” by: @bl597

24. “the one I was meant to find” by: @ickle-ronniekins

25. “Never Let Go of You” by: @awritingtree

26. “how to carve a pumpkin” by: @moonlitmeeks

27. “Greenhouse Suprises” by: @iliveiloveiwrite

28. “Work until late” by: @angelblacksmith

29. “if I’m smiling it’s because of you” by: @butgilinsky

30. “knitted sweaters and fuzzy socks” by: @weasleysandwheezes

(Again, I can’t thank you guys enough, honestly. I love you all so very much. 🥰 So, any ideas for what I should do for the next milestone?)

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2 years ago

˗ˏˋ꒰ 𝗪𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗧𝗶𝗺𝗲 𝗜 𝗦𝗵𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝗚𝗿𝗼𝘄 | 𝗠.𝗟

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𝗦𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆: 𝗙𝗿𝗲𝗱’𝘀 𝗮𝗹𝘄𝗮𝘆𝘀 𝗮𝗱𝗺𝗶𝗿𝗲𝗱 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗳𝗿𝗼𝗺 𝗮𝗳𝗮𝗿, 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘄𝗵𝗲𝗻 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗰𝗮𝗺𝗲 𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗼 𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝘀𝗵𝗼𝗽 𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝗱𝗮𝘆 𝗶𝗻 𝟮𝟬𝟬𝟯 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗿𝗲𝗲 𝘆𝗲𝗮𝗿 𝗼𝗹𝗱 𝘀𝗼𝗻, 𝗵𝗲’𝘀 𝗳𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗹𝗹𝘆 𝗴𝗼𝘁 𝗲𝗻𝗼𝘂𝗴𝗵 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗿𝗮𝗴𝗲 𝘁𝗼 𝘁𝗮𝗹𝗸 𝘁𝗼 𝘆𝗼𝘂.

𝗣𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: 𝗙𝗿𝗲𝗱 𝗪𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗹𝗲𝘆 𝗫 𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿

𝗣𝗿𝗼𝗻𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘀 𝗨𝘀𝗲𝗱: 𝗜 𝘂𝘀𝗲 𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝗶𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗳𝗶𝗰! 𝗘𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘆 𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗮𝗰𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗿𝗲𝗳𝗲𝗿𝘀 𝘁𝗼 𝗬/𝗡 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗻𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘀 𝗶𝘁 𝘀𝗵𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝘀𝗮𝘆 “they/him/she”.

𝗪𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: 𝗘𝗮𝗰𝗵 𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝗶𝗻𝗱𝗶𝘃𝗶𝗱𝘂𝗮𝗹 𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀.

𝗣𝗼𝘀𝘁 𝗪𝗮𝗿 𝗔𝘂! 𝗙𝗿𝗲𝗱 𝗮𝗹𝘀𝗼 𝗹𝗶𝘃𝗲𝗱 (𝗼𝗯𝘃𝗶𝗼𝘂𝘀𝗹𝘆).

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𝗣𝗿𝗼𝗹𝗼𝗴𝘂𝗲 - 𝗙𝗿𝗲𝗱 𝗵𝗮𝘀 𝗮𝗹𝘄𝗮𝘆𝘀 𝗮𝗱𝗺𝗶𝗿𝗲𝗱 𝘆𝗼𝘂.

𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟭 - 𝗧𝗵𝗿𝗲𝗲 𝘆𝗲𝗮𝗿 𝗼𝗹𝗱𝘀 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗱 𝘁𝗼 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗮𝗶𝗻, 𝗯𝘂𝘁 𝘀𝗼𝗺𝗲𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗲𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗲𝗻𝗱𝘀 𝘂𝗽 𝗯𝗲𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗮 𝗴𝗼𝗼𝗱 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴.

𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟮 - 𝗖𝗼𝗳𝗳𝗲𝗲, 𝗦𝗹𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗿𝘀, 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘁𝗮𝗹𝗸𝘀.

𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟯 - 𝗧𝗶𝗺𝗲 𝘀𝗽𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗯𝗲𝘁𝘄𝗲𝗲𝗻 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗙𝗿𝗲𝗱 𝗶𝘀 𝗮𝗹𝘄𝗮𝘆𝘀 𝘀𝗽𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝘄𝗲𝗹𝗹.

𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟰 - 𝗬𝗼𝘂 𝗺𝗲𝗲𝘁 𝗙𝗿𝗲𝗱’𝘀 𝗳𝗮𝗺𝗶𝗹𝘆 𝗮𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗶𝗿 𝗦𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗲𝗿 𝗦𝗼𝗹𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗰𝗲 𝗽𝗮𝗿𝘁𝘆 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗴𝗲𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗯𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝗖𝗵𝗿𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗺𝗮𝘀 𝗽𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗹𝗶𝗳𝗲.

𝗘𝗽𝗶𝗹𝗼𝗴𝘂𝗲 - 𝗔 𝗺𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗮𝘂𝗴𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝗹𝗶𝗳𝗲 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗙𝗿𝗲𝗱.

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𝗧𝗮𝗴𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁- @ghostofscarley @nstosmmr

𝗜𝗳 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝘄𝗼𝘂𝗹𝗱 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝘁𝗼 𝗯𝗲 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗶𝗳𝗶𝗲𝗱 𝗻𝗲𝘅𝘁 𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗲 𝗜 𝗽𝗼𝘀𝘁 𝗮 𝗳𝗶𝗰 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀, 𝘀𝗲𝗻𝗱 𝗮 𝗿𝗲𝗾𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝘁𝗼 𝗯𝗲 𝗮𝗱𝗱𝗲𝗱 𝘁𝗼 𝗺𝘆 𝘁𝗮𝗴𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁 ꨄ

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2 years ago


** Indicates smut for those of you that really do, or really don’t, want to read it

Harry Potter

So, You Can’t Dance

Your Turn**

Ron Weasley 


Cockblock Kings

Ron Weasley Headcanons

Hermione Granger

Bed Time

Bad Dreams

Books and Kisses

Fred Weasley

It’s All Fun and Games 

Movie Night

Fred Thingy 

Soft Boy

Hide and Seek**

Fred Weasley Headcanons

Come to Jesus Moment**

Love Song in the Attic

A Love Letter From Fred Weasley

Red Rope and a Whiny Puppy**

George Weasley

A life For a Life 

Confessions, Kisses, and a Jumper

Pet Names**

George Weasley Headcanons

The Tree Incident

More George Headcanons


Clouds, Leaves, and a Broken Promise

Love Language Headcanons

Taking Care of Sick George Headcanons

Draco Malfoy

Too Forgiving

Is That a Threat or a Promise 

Sister’s Secrets - Brother’s Pain


Kiss Me - Distractions**- Love Me

Waiting For Him

Scorpius Why

World’s Okayest Brother

What A Day

A Pair Of Jeans 

Amortentia ~Part 1~ - Amortentia ~Part 2~

What The Heart Wants

Drop the Accent


Beauty and the Beast

Piggyback Rides

Cheater, Cheater

Do You Know?

A Letter From Draco Malfoy

Another Letter

A thing?

It Started Innocent**

Idk what this is 


Should Have Been Me

Nightmares and Hot Chocolate

Working Out**

Draco Malfoy Headcanons

Golden Angel**

Bickering Waltz


Speed Demon**

Love and Ridiculously Expensive Champagne 

Neville Longbottom

Borrowed Notes

What if I Kissed You?

Getting Caught

Pretty Boy**

Better Than Your Pillow**

Newt Scamander 


 Friends Forever

Credence Barebone


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2 years ago

Pairing:Fred Weasley x reader

Warnings:smut ,mentions of death,sad

Sorry if it's cringe or uncomfortable fore some of youI tried my best .

One Saturday night yn was getting ready for bed when she heard a knock at the door.She got up and opened it just to find Fred standing there with tears in his eyes.She pulled him in and hugged him ,letting him cry into her shoulder.

They pulled apart and yn calmly said"what's wrong baby ?Did something happen?"Fred just shook his head and pulled out a letter.She carefully grabbed it and read it slowly.It said that his great aunt passed away from dragon pocs this morning.

Yn took Freds hands and led him to the bed where they sat for a minute him just resting his head on her lap while she ran her fingers through his hair,slowly but surely calming him down.

Freds head then turned and he started planting kisses on yns thighs ,a small whimper then escaped her mouth which caused her to tug at his heir making him groan against her skin.

Soon enough yn pulled him up and started to kiss him passionately.With Fred pressed against her thighs causing her to feel just how hard he is .

From a simple make-out they went to Fred dry humping her thigh and her giving his neck dark red hickies.After a minute or a few of this Fred started getting rid of his clothes .First his shirt then his pants leaving him with just his boxers on.When it came yns turn Fred looked her in the eyes as to asking for permission to take her clothes off to which she gave him a small nod.So he took them off but leaving her underwear still on just for a little longer.

Fred then stood up taking his boxers off and grabbing a condom from his pant pocket,he then ripped the packing open whit his teeth putting it on while yn just stared at him dumbfounded .He was a lot bigger than she imagened which caused her to almost drool.

He slowly walked back to the bed putting his hands under yns thighs and dragging her to the end of it in one swift motion.He took off her bra and then kneeled on the floor before her .He then took of her panties very slowly before gliding his finger over her slit causing her to moan and whimper at the action.Fred then smirked and licked her pussy a few times before sucking on it and adding a finger for more pleasure. Just from one finger yn was a total mess laying back with her hand gripping Freds hair making him groan here and there sending vibrations through her core.

He proceeded to add another finger then after a minute he added the third one making yn almost cum the second it entered.Fred fingered her fast and rough makingh her cum extremely fast but he slowed down and ride her trough her high.

He slowly pulled his fingers out of her making her whimper at the empty feeling.Fred stood up and licked one of his fingers tasting her and moaning at her sweet juices,he hovered over her and taping his other two fingers on her lips for her to open her mouth which she did.In one motion he had her sucking his fingers while pumping himself a few times, when he was satisfied with yn he pulled his fingers out and turned both of them around so that she was sat on top of his thighs.

Fred held her up by her waist so that she was right above his cock, then he slowly made her sit down both of them moaning like crazy at the sensetion.Yn then slowly started rocking her hips back and forth to get used to his size but it was like Fred had other plans cus he had her bouncing up and down on his cock at a very fast speed causing her to put her head on his shoulder while he begane kissing her neck.

It felt to the both of them as if an hour went by but it was just a few minutes when yn started to feel her orgasm building."fre-ed i-im clo-ose" she told him breathlessly,"me to darling me to".then a few seconds later yn was coming even harder then before ,her pussy griping on Fred cock .Fred then came hard just a little after her , letting her slow down and she then collapsed against him exhausted.He pulled her of him and putting her on the bed.

Fred stood up trowing the condom in the trash waving his wand casting a cleaning charm on both of them.He then pulled on his boxers and dressing yn in his shirt and new panties.

After that was done he turned off the light and joined yn in bed cuddling her seeing a smile pop on her face from a simple ation as that even in her sleep.

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9 months ago

Paring(s): Fred Weasley x reader

Summary: Fred forgot your anniversary and you got into an argument

Warning(s): argument,strong language

Part 1.

Y/n pov

Today I woke up super early because it was me and my boyfriends 2 year anniversary, I was so excited, I got him a joke kit he always wanted but could never afford. After I got dressed and ready I went to the kitchen to get some food and snacks for later. After an hour I was back in my dorm waiting for Fred to show up and see all the decorations and stuff I did but he never showed, another hour went by, then two and when the clock hit the three hour mark I decided on getting back into my PJs and called Hermione, Ginny and Luna over for a girls night to try and get my spirit up. ten minutes later I hear a knock and the girls come in and give me a much needed hug after seeing my tear stained face. We watched movies, talked about boys and ate all the food. We all fell asleep cuddle up on my bed.

- next day -

An alarm sounded through the room waking us all up, we got ready and went to breakfast. Once we stepped into the great hall all eyes turned to us. I locked eyes with Fred who was waving me over smiling but I ignored him instead going to the ravenclaw table with the girls. I eat in Peace listening to them argue over which sweets was better couldren cakes or chocolate frogs.

- time skip(after class)-

Once the classes were over, I speed walked to my dorm trying to avoid Fred. Someone grabbed my arm and I instantly knew it was him by the Colone I bought him and I said "leave me alone please", "no I want to know what I did , you've been avoiding me all day"he said back to me, "you should know what you did" I snapped at him before running to my dorm and locking the door and lying on my bed falling asleep with tears rolling down my cheeks. I was then rudely awoken by someone banging on my door I slowly got up cracking the door only a little to see who it was and upon seeing Fred I almost instantly went to shut it but he stopped it with his foot."I just want to talk""no go away" I say back at him"please I'll be quick I swear"." Fine you get 3 minutes" I anwser sitting on the bed." I am so sorry my love I forgot and I know there's no excuse for it bit please forgive me " he begs kneeling down before him.

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9 months ago

Paring(s): Fred Weasley x y/n

Summary: Fred forgot your anniversary and you got into an argument

Warning(s): argument,strong language


Y/n pov

I stare at him as he begs me to forgive him " stop talking" I say and he stops looking up at me with teary eyes " where were you?" I ask him " I um I was with George and Lee planing another prank" he say quietly looking down ashamed." So they're more important than me" I look at him " no no love never I was just I was stupid I didn't think I'm so so sorry" he says kissing my hands ." I'll forgive you but remember I don't forget ever so this happens again I won't be so forgiving now you're sleeping in your own dorm tonight got it" I say sternly knowing he loves to cuddle at night " yes of course anything for you my love thank you" he says relieved as he stands up." Can I kiss you please?" He asks me softly and I nod . He leans in and kisses me with so much love and guilt . After 5 minutes he goes to his dorm.

Time skip( next morning)

I go through the door To the great hall as I search the tables I see Fred sitting with George and Lee I head over and sit besides him kissing his cheek. " oh morning love you sleep well? " he ask as he wraps an arm around my shoulders. I nod putting some waffles ok my plate . After we finish breakfast me and Fred go to the black lake and sit on a blanket as we paint portraits of each other.its like an apology date Fred came up with .

( sorry that it's so short I couldn't really think of anything might update it later but I didn't want to be that person that doesn't do a part two)

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2 years ago

𝙙𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙛𝙧𝙚𝙙 𝙬𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙡𝙚𝙮

fandom- Harry Potter

pairing(s)- fred weasley

a/n-requests are always open for you my darlings with all the love i can possibly muster, teddy

currently playing- forever favourite

warnings- wave crashin sense of loneliness? enemies to lovers, rain confession, gender neutral and sfw

dating this Weasley would be such a rollercoaster with its ups and downs

honestly, would've hated him at first, i loathe the snark

but the thing is, the charismatic personality would just draw you to that magnet of a man

but it was a bit cute (maybe)

“You’re short enough to have to go onto your tippy toes to kiss me.” “I’m short enough to elbow you directly in the gut, with ease.”

picking fights is just his love language before he realizes you feel the same

so much drama before y'all actually got together

i picture it as how you both would have picked a fight which got you very upset since you've finally come in terms with your feelings and he's here trying to hurt them

it would be rainy day and you'd be making your way back from the green house as quickly as possible as he waits a bit further away

You noticed him, you always notice him first. He had his robe on the grass, and his sleeves rolled.

as you tried to avoid the whole meltdown you realized that his feelings shouldn't be spared and thus starts the argument

from one to another your feelings were in the air, an air full of love and hope

love confessions in the rain>>>

and suddenly how shy you were with a blush plastered on your face wherever he was.

such a shy baby to his thick british accent

i think he's a bit more calmer and steadier than all of you give him credit for

oh but the flirting- give me a break already

he's just the more outgoing and daring type yk

he's the type who would continue to win you over for the rest of your lives after fullingly knowing that he was yours

he'd be so quick w those remarks thats would personally send me of blushing

lets talk about fred's motto: an eye for an eye

it doesn't have to mean anything in a negative sense or even related to you

but if someone was out for you, weasley will be out for them and oh how cruel he could be

he's driven by instict

and if he wants something then he would have it then and there

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electric guitar w fred weasley

𝙚𝙡𝙚𝙘𝙩𝙧𝙞𝙘 𝙥𝙪𝙡𝙡

fandom- Harry Potter

pairing(s)- fred weasley

a/n: my favourite redhead, and i love the idea of this and tysm for requesting, p.s requests are open love, tiya :)

requested- yes

warnings- none i think-

Electric Guitar W Fred Weasley
Electric Guitar W Fred Weasley
Electric Guitar W Fred Weasley
Electric Guitar W Fred Weasley

you're on the bed in the Gryffindor boy's dormitory with fred. you're legs were sagged over fred's shoulders as you admired his pretty hands tuning his guitar. your pretty wannabe punk boy.

you wish he'd tune you like that. his soft hands fiddled with the strings running them up and down. you sat their flustered, how can someone manage to look so good?

he was making you feel electric godamnit.

shirtless with his overgrown hair put back with a hairband you found and his veins clearly shown was the view you had. abs flexing as they roamed the red electric guitar.

you feel a jolt as he pulls you down by your thigh falling not-so-angelically on to his lap as his guitar was now placed to his side.

fuck he looked prettier above me

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Having a nightmare and George comforting you

i n v i s i b l e p r o m i s e s

fandom- Harry Potter

pairing(s)- george weasley

a/n: im so sorry it took so long, istg there are over 200 requests and im really trying my best to be able to write all of these to a decent standard and im very new to all of this so it takes a while but regardless my requests are open luvs :)

requested- yes

warnings- nightmares, close intamacy, physical touch?

Having A Nightmare And George Comforting You

tall, black-cloaked figures with rotten, skeletal hands; they have the ability to suck a person's soul out through their mouths draining all happiness and joy.


you woke up sweaty and panting on george weasley's bed trying not to stir him up. there was something about them that frigtened you, but you didnt know what. prehabs how they look with those ragged clothes or that they could take everything that had ever made you smile go away in a kiss? you had too much to loose when you had so very little and that is terifying

you failed to let georgie remain asleep. he wasnt new to the episode of nightmares and knew better than to verbally comfort you.

he rested his back on the bed and inched you closer. it was such a gentle thing that would make your heart swell

he pampered you with the softest kisses as if one could hurt you and carassed your hair as if he's never seen such prettier strands

his comfort was being there. georgie knew best what to say and when to not and that was the reason that he was so dear after such disturbances to your sleep. just holding you was enough because everything else was aldready said

i love you

i will always love you

im gonna keep loving you

and george fucking weasley will never let that smile leave your face

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so, i was listening to lover by taylor swift and that made me create a fictional scenario in my head (again) well the part where taylor says "And you'll save all your dirtiest jokes for me" reminds me of george weasley 😭 😭😭 (I'm still in love with him 🤧)

I would be very excited if you wrote a one shot where the reader is a friend of hermaione and they spend all their time together with harry and ron. At one point fred notices this and befriends the reader (let's assume george was not there when fred approached the reader)

In short, the reader is someone quite funny and has a really charming laugh. At a time before one of snape's classes begins. Harry Ron and Mione next to the reader burst out laughing and as almost everyone was silent some turned to the group responsible for such a "rumble" the twins looked attentive and one of them (cofcofgeorgecofcof) was perplexed to see someone as cute and adorable as the reader will laugh like this, ""the most beautiful laugh you've ever heard""

As the days go by, George gets Fred to include him in a conversation with the reader to get to know each other more.

George and the reader become good friends and whenever George has the chance to be around the reader he doesn't miss it.

The reader is the type of person who also listens to everything the other says (and since the reader had a secret crush on georgie he was comfortable hearing him tell any bad joke or funny anecdote.)

Once in the great hall at howarts george and the reader were talking animatedly. Fred noticed how the reader smiled more and more every time George spoke to him and he also saw how her brother looked at her as if she were seeing the most beautiful thing in the world.

Anyway, at the Christmas ball, George stumbles over her words when he wants to invite the reader, which she ends up accepting.

They dance together, have fun and have their romantic moment when at that moment Fred enters throwing hints at her brother and her friend to confess her feelings.

When the party ends. On the way to the rooms. The reader and geoge end up confessing in a somewhat embarrassing way stumbling over their own words as well. (I love these cheesy 😭💗💗)

And the reader steals a kiss on the lips from George before going to sleep. Leaving georgie with a face the color of a tomato.

I would like the reader to be female if it is not so much to ask hehe.

I'm sorry if he is too dense to read, I hope you can understand what I wrote, my native language is not English and I'm literally translating this, I'm so sorry 😭😭

At first I was embarrassed to request this because of how corny it is but OH GOD HOW I LOVE THE FRIENDS TO LOVERS TROPE 😭😭😭😭😭😭

P.S. I love how you write, it's very beautiful 💓

s m i l e s

fandom- Harry Potter

pairing(s)- george weasley

a/n: tysm for requesting this with so much detail, im gonna attempt it to do it justice and thank you for taking the trouble to write this all out for me

p.s i love you and this literally has me giggling and smiling

requested- yes

warnings- none i hope

Fred Weasley was a trouble maker. He was a see it and do it kind of learner. His sense of eyesight has never failed him and it never will. So what he saw infront of his eyes must be true, dear Georgie was falling in love.

You were maybe two years younger than the Weasley twins when Fred came running behind you to return your quill you forgot in the great hall. This caused a freindship to blossom and set the path of when the both of you would be in laws.

Hermione Granger had spent all day teasing about the wrong twin who's going to fall head over heels for you.

the five times Fred Weasley took notice of Georgie falling in love:

(1) shared portion class-

There were many things you couldnt do that would get you in trouble in potions with snape. But the one that lost you 10 points from your house was your laugh.

Last period on a hot friday evening was potions, but not just any class but the infamous joined classes with your senior year used to finish shared portions much quicker and that was the time where snape was most insuferable.

Sitting next to the trio was trouble in all kind of ways. When you couldnt contain a smile and laughed at everything indiscriminatley. Ron had retorted to one of snape's remarks had you giggling.

And that was when a certain weasley came into view or you to his. Georgie's head turned to the adorable laugh that filled his ears to face the most adorable girl he'd ever seen. Her nose was scrunched and shoulders lightly shaking and the prettiest smile stretching her lips.

And for once in his life he was speachless at the prettiest thing he's seen for all he could think was how he'd get drunk on that laugh everyday if he could have poured it all into a bottle and kept for himself.

As slick as georgie tried to be, fred noticed hid brother asking around for you, creating very difficult methods to get your attention and making the dumbest possible excuses to talk to you. That was the day freddie decides to play match maker.

(2) corny jokes-

"What did the fish say when he swam into the wall?" asked georgie looking very proud of himself. Fred did not know if it was because he managed to convince harry to let him beside her or of his new horrible joke he thought of all night.

"What?" you replied, looking as curious to hear. You took your concentration off your notes and paid attention.

"Dam, get it?"

You had tour head tilted back laughing that same damn way you did the first time and holy god.

(3) the look-

It was a saturday evening and almost no one was in the great hall. most on their way back from hogsmedge while a few stayed back. George and you had found your place is the corner of the grand table with the most exiting extanges. Freddie was maybe a few feet far, they 2 could never stay apart too long was having a great laugh with his batchmates. Turning around to share the joke with George he noticed the two extanging smiles and laughs and the twinkle they had in their eyes.

her smile could'nt get any bigger

and he couldnt look at anything with so much love

(4) dates-

You were a woman of many admirers, so why were you turning everyone down? Fred was hurting his head wondering if this would increase Georgie's confidence or inflate it.

To speak for you, you had made up your mind. if it wasnt Georgie then why bother?As much as you tried not to lead yourself on like this, how could you imagine anyone but him beside you. he'd be the only one you'd want to talk to when you're sad, the first to tell when you were happy over something, the someone who'd you'd hug and dance and twirl with. how could any other man compare when he was infront of you.

But when it comes to him it leaves you to be the confident one while he's a stumbling mess

"so i know..ball-"

"you asking me to the ball weasley?"

"uhr, not like that-"

"then like what love?"

"i mean like as- just us-"

"yes darlin"

(5) dancing

Swaying and stepping on eachother's feet kept both of you to keep bursting up with fits of laughter, but the star of the night? Fred.

He was always looming around dropping his comments to both of you playing the double agent.

"she looks so pretty in that dress, makes u wanna oohlala"

"georgie's eyes are so gliterry, you could get lost in them"

"her lips are pretty nice eh, you keep wandering around there"

"georgie is more than a nice arse, he could be your nice arse"

His words of aproval kept looming over eachother's conciousness. was it time, would i regret it? one thing leading to another, both of you found yourselves at the end of the night and the both of you were ready to take a leap of faith in the all might merlin who watches over you

"so-uh you know that you were- i mean are-"

"before you say anything, i uh-"

"m trying really hard here woman, you're- I like-"

"me- you like me georgie"

and with that he was utterly confused. how did she know? who told her? and then hit his realization. you liked him back too.

"you like me back"

"no shit sherlock"

you were trying very hard to keep your cool but georgie looked so kissable didnt he? and why not take a chance, might as well

you pressed him to a wall with your palm flattened next to him, caging him even if he was towering over you. with the other, you pulled his tie, pulling him in to a kiss to last a few mere seconds and walked away, leaving georgie looking as similar to a tomato

holy shit she kissed me

she kissed me

i have just been kissed-

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A enemies to Friends to lovers with george weasley 😭💖?

s a f e a r m s

fandom- Harry Potter

pairing(s)- george weasley

a/n: tysmm for requesting agaainn, im sorry this took some time, i wasnt sure how to lead with this but i hope you're happy with how this turned out :)

p.s i love you and this literally has me giggling and smiling

requested- yes

warnings- none i hope

A Enemies To Friends To Lovers With George Weasley ?

george weasley, the king with all his pride which no one could strip from him, all the cockiness no one could touch, the one so high from all, that no one would play against his will.

then why oh why was everything he had built for himself, his charm, his walls, his cool, all fumbling and crumbling beneath him when you arrived?

why did his heart flutter? or why did heat rise to his cheeks and why did he feel so weak to a pretty smile? you had every power over him and he despised you for it. he despised himself on how easily you could walk all over him and he'd say thank you. he could'nt fathom why he was so desperate for your attention even if it was for a mere second.

walking around the hallways in all his glory he'd immediatley caught you making her way. it was peak rush hour, everyone was squirming their way from one class to another and his girl had seemed to lost her footing

George sweeped in catching her from having a meet with the floor. her arms were hugging him. georgie took a second for him to teach himslef how to breathe again.

"the words are you're welcome" supplied george when your mouth lied open. george weasley had his arms swung around your waist having you pressed to his chest.

georgie didnt want to let go. he wanted to keep you pressed to him, his hands were everyone could see. he wanted to hold on forever and not let go.

"are you planning on letting go georgie?"

fuck. george was officially pudding after he heard georgie roll out of your mouth, he was fullfilled.

"so you can go and fall all over again? let them finish scavengering the halls or you'll become squash." how he managed to sound so confident and steady he didnt know?

maybe it had something to do with rodger holmes on the other side of the corridor, his face filled with jealousy. it gave georgie a kick. the girl he's been pinning for in georgie's arms, pressed against him whispering into eachother's ears. Holmes did not need to know what as long as he could see she was in her weasley's arms. it helped him establish his dominance. you were to be his even if you didnt know it yet, even if you'd thought him to be the cold hearted prankster, and rodger better sit the hell down.

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dancing in the rain with fred weasley

d a n c i n g i n t h e r a i n

fandom- Harry Potter

pairing(s)- fred weasley

a/n: I havnt gotten as much as fred as i have george, so im delighted with his presence to my inbox. im ngl, this month itself has given me a writter's block, but i'm working on it, hope you're happy with how this turned out :)

requested- yes

warnings- none i hope

Fred Weasley has always been known to be the more reckless of the two, the more impulsive one if i might aknowledge. but beng asked to dance in the rain with him? it was probably the most fred weasley thing to ask.

shirt stuck to his body as if his figure had been freshly craved with a chisel, his hair kept back with on of your hairbands and his hands just dangled everywhere he could keep it. It might have been roaring thunder but it seemed just like the two of you behind the quidditch bleachers.

These were the times Fred Weasley just falls in love again, it was how she'd smile so rarley that it made him yearn for each one. He'd do the stupidest to the most devil things to look at her to see,

did a smile take over her face yet? did she see?

she was smiling, and such a lovley one. a one that would want you to stop everything and look, the one you'd take millions of photographs of, a one which he felt his darn heart was blessed with

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Hi! I love your writing and I’ve been literally binging through all the fics! I was kinda hoping for a fluff / angsty fred fic 👀

So we all know our beloved Fred dies and I’m kinda wanting to have a fic around that. It starts very warm and calm with possible memories before the war and how happy the two were waiting to get married, start a family etc. maybe a little moment in the morning of their house together waking up and it’s just stolen kisses and happiness 😩

Until the war begins and they both want to fight in it, very bittersweet moment of goodbye between them while Fred tells reader to be safe and how it’ll come back on both of them. During the war we know Fred gets killed and how it could be the reader protects a younger person during the war and that’s how they are killed too. The Weasley family not knowing they were dead until they saw her being placed down on a stretcher beside Fred. It’s just SAD and ya know ANGST. Anyway could be the two of them reuniting in the afterlife Idc!

But if this is too much don’t stress you’re amazing 😩

b i t t e r s w e e t

fandom- Harry Potter

pairing(s)- fred weasley

a/n: ahh i'm so happy you've been enjoying my writting, that makes my day. this brought back plenty of unhappy memories of a ten year old reading it for the first time, but what this really remiend's me of this is the line, "it's been a long day my friend, i'll tell you all about it when i see you again". i hope you don't mind as i hav'nt really written a proper fic on this and i'm willing to try again to reach your expectations, i wish this enlightens your day, and makes you smile a little brighter with love, tiya

requested- yes

warnings- unexperienced writer, not thoroughly edited

Hi! I Love Your Writing And Ive Been Literally Binging Through All The Fics! I Was Kinda Hoping For A

the five times fred weasley was effortlessley in love

sometimes being the funniest person in the room was tiring, but being the most handsome, charming and the funniest was just absolutely exhausting. Fred was the type to always brighten the mood. he was the vibe, but sometimes its difficult to always light the room and be that positive ray of sunshine all the time, for it did take effort but he'd give it his all. But when it came to you? it felt so effortless.

(1) on his knees

Fred Weasley has never gotten on his knees for anyone, he'd never belittle himself to begging and he would certainly never find himself in a position where he would have to bend down. and for a girl? pfft

but he did, oh he did, he did, he did.

he found himself on his knees tying you laces with so much adoration. and a thought went across his mind.

is being this in love even real?

(2) oh for a hello

mind you, you were minding your business and making your way to the next class when the hem of your skirt was pulled, spinning you to the proximity of Fred Weasley's handsome face. you were cornered to a wall with him leaning in as if he owned the world.


(3) privellages

Fred was going of about god knows what and he was being quite annoying. he was upset about you doing some reckless things as if he did not partake in any such activities.

"Freddie". that had shut him up so well ah.

"can i call you that?" you pestered on, watching him immitate a fish. he turned himslef around and started smiling in hopes you wouldn't notice how flustered he's gotten. it was astounding how effortlesley happy you would make him and it drove him crazy.


imma marry this girl

(4) that not so little sensation

Weasley had somehow gotten into your dorm, and to be honest you didn't bother to wonder how. Beacause, when he had a will, he'd find a way, and if he could not find a way? he would pave with his own hands.

he springled and peppered your face with kisses and had his arm tightly around you as if you'd disapear if he let go.

what was that sensation he felt everytime he saw her smile and laugh? it was him being effortlesley in love

(5) die for you

it says you see what you have loved the most in your last, and he was happy it was them, cause its always been them. He felt all the stress, the anxiety and the worry leave him, it was just her, and who could be stressed after seeing that face. it was like a sponge absorbing anything and everything that made you worry.

it's been a long day, he'd tell her all about it when he saw her again

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cuddles with a needy fred weasley


c â l i n e t

fandom- Harry Potter

pairing(s)- fred weasley

a/n: caline means to embrace, and it sounded fitting. latley i feel like i need a hug right now but its going to be allright. this was inspired by something happened in a dream with love, tiya

requested- yes

warnings- unexperienced writer, not thoroughly edited

Cuddles With A Needy Fred Weasley

Fred Weasley just adored picking the most obnoxious and utterly stupid topics to fight over. it was a love language, just a one you haven't uncoded yet but he was more than ready to wait. He just adored seeing you perplexed and infuriated with him, he just loved how all of your attention was put in to prove him wrong.

But this time it didn't play as to Freddy's hand. It usually was a small disagreement and it led to noting problematic.

You found yourself going out of the way to not look at him, touch him, or even being near him. You wanted to, you really did but you felt a heavy sense of hatred whenever he flashed that devilishly hansome smile of his. you ought to pour a bucket of chillies on him, lord.

it was'nt his intention that the fight to hit a spot, he just wanted to see that annoyed look that made him skip a beat. well, what not a better time to take the situation into his own hands.

Friday, last period where you had herbology with professor Sprout while he had a free. She had to pass the courtyard if she planned on leaving the class and that would be exactly where he would stand waiting.

You noticed him, you always notice him first. He had his robe on the grass, and his sleeves roled. he was supported by the bench and was manspread taking all the space.

But before you had the chance to get away he pulled you on your wrist, the movement caught you off balance and you found yourself on his lap.

"i'm sorry, i did'nt know you'd get angry darlin, it was just to see you annoyed"

"why do you always go out of the way to get me so upset?"

he couldn't answer that, atleast not to her face. they lived in ignorance and they woul'dnt thrive if they aknowledged their feelings.

"I am not sitting on your lap, did you miss the part where I'm mad at you?"

"you can sit on my lap and be mad at me my love."

he put his hands around her waist and brought her closer while taking her book bag and gently placing it on the floor.

"shutup and hold me"

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