Iris West - Tumblr Posts

OMG OMG OMG!! We could possibly get a thirst Tweets buzz feed interview with Grant and Candice?!?!! Im loosing it. I hope she can make it happen. Also would love for it to be a joint interview we never get those between the two.

That’s a wrap for Candice Patton as Iris West-Allen every body🎬. 🥹💐💐

The lovely Candice Patton at the flash wrap party on March 4, 2023
Pictured with Vanessa Morgan (1) and Brandon McKnight (3) with some of the crew. 🖤

I’m shocked. At a loss for words. I really believed Eric wasn’t gonna give this to us (granted there was a lot of things I wanted to see drying the duration of Iris’s pregnancy but I digress, it’s to late for that) anyway I’m happy and excited to see Iris like this.
(even though this is gonna be the only scene she’s in this episode 🥲)

“to answer your question, yes we are happy”
“You’re just as beautiful as the day we got married”
“Everyday I love you more then I even thought was possible”
Iris gagged me and Barry 🥹😭😭

Nobody knows how to make an emotional post like Candice on that set. I was seeing and listening to everyone else’s post and I was sad but I was moved to tears with Candice. I grew up with her as my Iris, as one of my Idols, and now next Wednesday I won’t be able to turn on the tv and see her as Iris again.
I’m grateful and happy to have had Candice Patton as my Iris West-Allen. 🫶🏽
Can't say how the days will unfold // Can't change what the future may hold // But I want you in it // Every hour, every minute
Loved this so much yesterday! I love that we got to see Grant Gustin sing again, and the lyrics of this song were absolutely perfect for the scene. This was so beautiful!
character: *shows the slightest disgust/disinterest in romantic or sexual anything*
me, grabbing them and shaking them violently around, chanting: ASPEC ASPEC ASPEC!!!!!!!!
It's a unique type of frustration when you agree that a character is deeply flawed but other people keep missing what's actually wrong with them and assigning them new flaws that they don't even have it's like free my man he did none of that. He did a bunch of other shit tho.
Being Barry & Iris's child would include

Gif by nashwells
Calling cisco uncle and calling caitlin aunt .
Having super spead
Messing around with Barry
Random jokes and puns with Cisco.
Going to Star labs with Barry
Meeting the Justice league
Diana becoming like an older sister to you
Barry getting jealous because start spending more time with Diana than with him.
Having little to no love life cause Barry would just pick you up and run out of there.
Or he'd dump boyfriend in a lake
Meeting them.
Barry allen x reader.
Summary The reader is also a meta who goes missing in the future like her husband Barry allen. Then Barry and Y/n's future child shows up.
Notes I don't own any of the Gifs used. The readers meta power is that she can copy anyone else power. Rebloging is greatly appreciated.
S/n son's name

" So that's why you really came here? Not because you needed help but because you wanted to get to know your parents "? Iris asked. " Yes. They never returned after they disappeared. " S/n said. " Then who raised you "? Joe asked. " Iris did with the help of you and Cecile. You guys would always tell me stories about my parents. How they meet and feel in love. How both Y/n and Barry were like Joe's son and daughter. " S/n said. None said anything for a while after that. Then Wally asked the dreaded questions.
"What happened to Y/n and Barry "? Wally asked. " None is sure everyone thinks that they are dead. I try living up to the legacies. " S/n said. " I'm sure you do a wonderful job. " Y/n said. " We've changed the future once we can change it again. " Barry said.
