I'm 19 multifandom Request are open. we're all just one big disfunctional and chaotic family here. thanks for putting up with my writing
286 posts
I Found This In My Drafts
I found this in my drafts
Warnings child birth and death
Yes Bradley looked like his father since a young age but every time Goose looked at him he saw you. You had died shortly after giving birth to Bradley and Nick had fallen into a depression. It took Pete months to get Nick out of bed after you had died. That's how Nick met Carole through Pete. He ended up marring Carole because Bradley needed a mother figure. Yes Carole was great but she would never be you.
More Posts from Thatonepersonwhocantwrite
Just some inncorrect quotes with Y/n Wanda and Vision
Wanda , trying to ask Vision out: Would you like to stay for dinner?
Wanda : What do you think Y/n will do for a distraction?
Vision : They’ll probably, like, make a noise or throw a rock. That’s what I would do.
*Building explodes and several car alarms go off*
Vision : ... or they could do that.
Wanda : Are you the big spoon or the little spoon?
Y/n : I'm a knife.
Vision , from across the room: They're the little spoon.
Wanda : I told Y/n their ears flush when they lie.
Vision : Why?
Wanda : Look.
Wanda : Hey Y/n ! Do you love us?
Y/n , covering their ears: No.
Vision :
Wanda : Hey, Y/n ? Can I get some dating advice?
Y/n : Just because I’m with Vision doesn’t mean I know how I did it.
Wanda : We need a distraction.
Y/n : Is anyone here good at jumping up and down and making weird noises?
Vision , whispering: My time has come
Trigger warning blood, being shot, hospitals , swearing
Ty borden x female flemming Borden reader
Summary You were ranting to your husband Ty when everything happens so quickly. There was a wolf and you got shot twice you're husband made it out without an bullets and rushed you to the hospital

" Lou has been on my ass about random shit she also asked me how You and I managed to stay together even after having Lyndy. I me I love Lou shell always been my older sister and always will be but sometimes I swear she's going to be the death of Amy and I ." I said in almost one breath and Ty just laughed at me. God I love his laugh. " Well love you can rant to me anytime but about the house if I don't get home and clean it this move isn't going to happen.
I made a pouty face at him . Ty just laughed and kissed me. As much as I love my family it was nice just being the two of us for a while. As he got up and to leave and clean. That's when it happened all to quickly. Ty pushed me underneath him trying to protect me but I had already been shot in the stomach so I switched. Now I was on top of him trying to protect him. Another bullet hit my arm. Once the wolf left and the shooter stopped Ty looked at me worried. I was losing to much blood Ty quickly scooped me up I passed out in his Arms. Ty had made it to the Emergency room. " SOMEONE PLEASE HELP MY WIFE HAS BEEN SHOT!" Ty shouted and 3 different people came rushing out.
Jack and Tim were driving to the hospital when they got there they saw Ty trying to get to Y/n but was being held back by some nurses. " Sir if you don't calm you you'll be asked to leave. " One of the nurses told Ty. He was about to say something when Jack called him . " TY! I'm so sorry he's just worried about Y/n . " Jack told the nurse who just nodded and walked away. 5 hours later. " Y/n's family?" A nurses called. " Let's go home." Y/n said. The nurse handed your husband about 5 different prescriptions for you and let you go.
Everyone anxiously waited the call from Jack but it hadn't come yet. Lou was looking like she was about to cry and Amy was nervously pacing around. While everyone else was just staring at the tables worried. The phone call never came instead you decided to come home early and surprise everyone. Ty gently picked you up and you let out a whine full of pain. " I know love I know. " Ty said sadly. " I'm sorry I should have protected you better. " Ty said as he carried you inside. " it wasn't your fault my love. " You croaked weakly. You were swarmed by your sisters and family.
Ty went into the kitchen to get you some water so you could take your pain meds. " Ughh come on which one did the doctor say was the pain meds again?" Ty asked himself before slamming them down. " Hey Ty you ok?" Peter asked. " Yeah I was just thinking about how I could have lost Y/n and Lyndy could have lost her mother. " Ty replied. Before Peter could saying anything Y/n said something " I didn't though my love and I'm not planning on going anywhere any time soon.
I love you
I love you more Y/n
I'd say hell yeah to a sticker but also hell yeah to a bounce ball
are stickers still cool? like if you went to someone’s office and before you left they offered you a sticker would you be like “hell yea a sticker” or like “wtf why’d this bitch give me a sticker”
Yandere merman George weasley x reader
Trigger warnings yandere themes and kidnapping don't read if it makes you uncomfortable
This is a long one so y'all are in for a ride
I don't condone this behavior in real life. If you have a relationship in rl that's toxic or in rl yandere, please get your ass out, please.

You had been told many times not to go close to the sea however you never listened you always felt the sea was calling you. Maybe if you had listened to your friends not to go to the sea you wouldn't be where you were now.
You had found a mermaid er sorry a merman washed up on the shore around two or three months ago tangled in fishing nets. He thrashed around more when he saw you coming his way. " DON'T TOUCH ME!" He yelled. " It’s ok. I'm not going to hurt you. " You replied in what you hoped was a soothing tone as you started cutting away at the fishing net. " I'm sorry for assuming you were going to hurt me. " He said. Now that he had stopped struggling, you could get a better look at him, and Merlin was he beautiful. He had ginger hair and brown eyes his tail was a beautiful silver color.
" It's ok. Most people would harm a magnificent creature like yourself, but I'm not most people." You replied. " I see that now. I'm George. " George said. " I'm Y/n." You replied. That was the start of a beautiful friendship and your worst nightmare. You would be George once every other day. Eventually, he insisted you meet each other every day. George had grown obsessed with you he knew he had to have you. You weren't like the other humans who he had heard stories of you were ugly you were quite stunning and you definitely weren't greedy and evil no you were the opposite of that a sweetheart who he had to have but first he needed to find a way to turn you into a mermaid.
" Hey Freddie?" George asked. " Yes, George?" Fred replied." Say theoretically if you wanted to turn someone into a mermaid. How would you do that? George asked his twin. Fred paused what he was doing to look at his younger twin brother. " Is this about the human Y/n? I think her name was." Fred asked his twin.of course Fred knew about you, he had gone looking for George that night. You found George washed up on the beach. Fred was about to go save his brother from you when he saw you do something unexpected. You helped him back into the water." Just answer the question, Fred." Fred sighed before answering.
" Well, there is the legend about the plant that can turn anyone into anything, or you can still our dads powerful staff." Fred replied." Thank you, Freddie ! " George exclaimed. So that night, George stole his father's kings staff and turned you into a mermaid. That's how you ended up a mermaid and where you were now. Locked in George’s room in the underwater castle. The door opened, and in came George and his clone??! The mermaid next to George looked almost exactly like George. However, instead of an all silver tail his tail fins where black while the rest of his tail was silver.
" Hello love!" George exclaimed excitedly and swam over to hug you, but you just backed away clumsy since you weren't used to your tail yet. " I want to go home. " You muttered. " You are home, my beautiful seashell." George replied, and the other merman cleared his throat. " Should I come back?" The other merman asked. " No, stay, Freddie. Y/n, this is my twin Fred. Fred, this is my love Y/n ." George said to which Y/n just looked away. " Awww, come on, love, don't be like that. " George said." I'll come back later. " Fred said . After Fred left . " Y/n, I know you're scared, but you'll adjust eventually. " George said
You just looked away, and George sighed. " Is there something particular you want for supper?" George asked still, no answer. " I'll be back with your supper, love. I hope you know I only did this because I love you and didn't want you to be tainted by the cruel human life. " George said. He left to go get your dinner. You knew one thing for sure you should have never gone near .
George Weasley, Cat Rescuer Extraordinaire

George had never been much of a cat person. But, all that changed when he met you. It all started when you convinced him to rescue Kit-Kat, a hungry and injured stray kitten you found while out shopping in muggle London.
By the end of the week, Kit-Kat had George wrapped around her tiny paws.
Then came Butters.
And Lucy.
And Skimbleshanks.
And Yeti, the 21 lb. Main Coon that dwarfed most small dogs.
It seemed like every few weeks, George was bringing home a new kitty.
Pretty soon, you had over a dozen cats and kittens running around inside your tiny apartment.
While you could never say no, because every one of them was in need of a good home, you were beginning to feel a bit overwhelmed.
"Please, Georgie, don’t tell me that’s another cat in your arms."
"It is a cat. Very well done, babe." He leaned down and kissed your cheek.
"It’s not ours, is it?"
"It is ours. Well done, two for two. You’re on fire today, love. I’m gonna go find somewhere to put this little guy’s litter box."
"Hey darling," he called as he disappeared down the hall. "Try to think of a cute name for our newest Weasley!"