Heartland - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

d e s e s p e r o não é amor

durante um fim de semana entre casais, sendo a única solteira entre eles. eu experimentei um sentimento totalmente contrário ao sentimento de "desejar ter alguém" como eles tinham.

mas, eu entendi a pressão e como tais situações podem nos deixar vulneráveis e suscetíveis ao desespero em entrar numa relação de qualquer jeito.

uma conversa seguida de risos entre a gente, me fez refletir por um curto e suficiente período de tempo... parte da minha reflexão foi relacionada a como uma pessoa solteira e não-autossuficiente se sentiria nessa situação, em como depois [ou durante], ela tentaria incansavelmente encontrar alguém, ela olharia para os lados, flertaria com algumas pessoas, enviaria mensagens para o ex ou iria se humilhar pro ficante [a velha história do "faz amor comigo só hoje"].

às vezes, tememos tanto ficar sozinha que nos esquecemos que a maior e mais dolorida solidão é aquela que é vivida dentro de um relacionamento, onde por vezes... você ama sozinha.

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3 years ago



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3 years ago


Fandoms I will write for:

-Harry Potter 


-Star Wars (every movie except the last ones were Rey appears)


-Get Even 



-Lost and Found Music Studios 

-The Mighty Ducks

-The Karate Kid

-Cobra Kai

-Avatar: The Last Airbender

-The Unlisted 



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3 years ago

Problematic kid meeting Amy and Ty and them adopting her/him would include…


-So, you are one of that problematic kids Clint is in charge of 

-And he sends you to Heartland like he did with the other kids

-You are like 10-12

-The problem you have is that you can get angry easily and you cause a lot of problems

-They receive you when Lyndy was just a baby 

-At first you didn’t talk much 

-Everyone was very nice to you, except for Tim

-He wasn’t really mean, just he didn’t understand why to bring problematic kids to Heartland, they could cause problems 

-You were there to change, so they convinced him (not fully) that nothing he was thinking was going to happen 

-Not knowing how to ride in a ranch is kind of stupid 

-So Amy offers you to teach you 

-You were hesitant at first, but you accepted 

-They started to teach you with Harley (Ty’s horse)

-For a noobie you were pretty good, and you learned fast 

I have a headcanon for Amy teaching you how to ride and other ones for different situations with this topic in progress

-Your attitude started to change, and you were very enthusiastic to learn new things 

-The whole family took affection to you even Tim especially Amy and Ty 

-One day in diner (when you already have been there a long time) they asked you to meet your parents, because you are family now 

-You look down to your plate 

“My parents died when I was young, I don’t have family”

-Then it’s THE awkward silence 

-Until Jack speaks 

“We didn’t knew that, but you do have a family, us”

-Everyone continue eating without the awkwardness and with a very happy Y/N

-Georgie and you went to ride together some days after that event

-Ty and Amy watched as you two had fun 

-They realized they loved you and wanted to protect you

-They wanted to give you a real family 

-So they decide to adopt you, with your permission of course 

-When you came after the ride with Georgie they asked you

-You obviously said yes 

-And now you live at a ranch with a lot of animals, parents, little sister and a big family 

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10 years ago

キリンのハートランドビール。苦味が美味い。 #beer #KIRIN #HEARTLAND

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10 years ago

キリンのハートランドビール。苦味が美味い。 #beer #KIRIN #HEARTLAND

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4 years ago

Tengo que dejarnos ir, todo lo que siento por ti. Ya no aguanto ver el amor que le demuestras. Mucho menos pensar que decías que me querías cuando solo eras de ella.

-𝐻𝑢𝑟𝑟𝑖𝑘𝑎𝑛. 🌪️

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9 years ago
To Ride A Horse Is To Ride The Sky - Author Unknown
To Ride A Horse Is To Ride The Sky - Author Unknown
To Ride A Horse Is To Ride The Sky - Author Unknown
To Ride A Horse Is To Ride The Sky - Author Unknown
To Ride A Horse Is To Ride The Sky - Author Unknown
To Ride A Horse Is To Ride The Sky - Author Unknown
To Ride A Horse Is To Ride The Sky - Author Unknown
To Ride A Horse Is To Ride The Sky - Author Unknown

To ride a horse is to ride the sky - Author Unknown 

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5 months ago

Imagine being ty's younger sister from Heartland who joins him at the ranch. It starts when you run away from home, you ended up at Heartland and wanted to stay there. Ty, the wonderful older brother he'd be, would stop at nothing to make sure you were safe. Let's just say you definitely stayed. You'd help around the ranch qhen ever you could. Everyone made sure you'd finish school. He'd be an overprotective brother while you're an overprotective sister. Amy's your favorite of all of the girls he dated. You basically begged for them to get married.

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Trigger warning blood, being shot, hospitals , swearing

Ty borden x female flemming Borden reader

Summary You were ranting to your husband Ty when everything happens so quickly. There was a wolf and you got shot twice you're husband made it out without an bullets and rushed you to the hospital

Trigger Warning Blood, Being Shot, Hospitals , Swearing
Trigger Warning Blood, Being Shot, Hospitals , Swearing

" Lou has been on my ass about random shit she also asked me how You and I managed to stay together even after having Lyndy. I me I love Lou shell always been my older sister and always will be but sometimes I swear she's going to be the death of Amy and I ." I said in almost one breath and Ty just laughed at me. God I love his laugh. " Well love you can rant to me anytime but about the house if I don't get home and clean it this move isn't going to happen.

I made a pouty face at him . Ty just laughed and kissed me. As much as I love my family it was nice just being the two of us for a while. As he got up and to leave and clean. That's when it happened all to quickly. Ty pushed me underneath him trying to protect me but I had already been shot in the stomach so I switched. Now I was on top of him trying to protect him. Another bullet hit my arm. Once the wolf left and the shooter stopped Ty looked at me worried. I was losing to much blood Ty quickly scooped me up I passed out in his Arms. Ty had made it to the Emergency room. " SOMEONE PLEASE HELP MY WIFE HAS BEEN SHOT!" Ty shouted and 3 different people came rushing out.


Jack and Tim were driving to the hospital when they got there they saw Ty trying to get to Y/n but was being held back by some nurses. " Sir if you don't calm you you'll be asked to leave. " One of the nurses told Ty. He was about to say something when Jack called him . " TY! I'm so sorry he's just worried about Y/n . " Jack told the nurse who just nodded and walked away. 5 hours later. " Y/n's family?" A nurses called. " Let's go home." Y/n said. The nurse handed your husband about 5 different prescriptions for you and let you go.

Everyone anxiously waited the call from Jack but it hadn't come yet. Lou was looking like she was about to cry and Amy was nervously pacing around. While everyone else was just staring at the tables worried. The phone call never came instead you decided to come home early and surprise everyone. Ty gently picked you up and you let out a whine full of pain. " I know love I know. " Ty said sadly. " I'm sorry I should have protected you better. " Ty said as he carried you inside. " it wasn't your fault my love. " You croaked weakly. You were swarmed by your sisters and family.


Ty went into the kitchen to get you some water so you could take your pain meds. " Ughh come on which one did the doctor say was the pain meds again?" Ty asked himself before slamming them down. " Hey Ty you ok?" Peter asked. " Yeah I was just thinking about how I could have lost Y/n and Lyndy could have lost her mother. " Ty replied. Before Peter could saying anything Y/n said something " I didn't though my love and I'm not planning on going anywhere any time soon.

I love you

I love you more Y/n

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5 years ago
Heart Of The Matter Of The Heart (June 16, 2019) (with Closeup)

Heart Of The Matter Of The Heart (June 16, 2019) (with closeup)

by ©️sophia D. S. wright

Digital mixed media

Composed on iPadPro

With Procreate


Heart Of The Matter Of The Heart (June 16, 2019) (with Closeup)


A florid digital art portfolio and art blog by sophia D. S. wright


Please note that I do not authorize any modification or edit of my art and poetry.

All reproduction rights are retained by ©️sophia D. S. wright.

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4 years ago
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Just me fangirling about the kiss during the season two cattle drive

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3 years ago
I'm Sorry But How Can A Tv Show Couple Be This Cute Together.
I'm Sorry But How Can A Tv Show Couple Be This Cute Together.
I'm Sorry But How Can A Tv Show Couple Be This Cute Together.

I'm sorry but how can a tv show couple be this cute together.

My heart when I watch a scene with them goes ❤️💕❤️💕😍😍

Who agrees with me

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