I'm 19 multifandom Request are open. we're all just one big disfunctional and chaotic family here. thanks for putting up with my writing
286 posts
Trigger Warning Blood, Being Shot, Hospitals , Swearing
Trigger warning blood, being shot, hospitals , swearing
Ty borden x female flemming Borden reader
Summary You were ranting to your husband Ty when everything happens so quickly. There was a wolf and you got shot twice you're husband made it out without an bullets and rushed you to the hospital

" Lou has been on my ass about random shit she also asked me how You and I managed to stay together even after having Lyndy. I me I love Lou shell always been my older sister and always will be but sometimes I swear she's going to be the death of Amy and I ." I said in almost one breath and Ty just laughed at me. God I love his laugh. " Well love you can rant to me anytime but about the house if I don't get home and clean it this move isn't going to happen.
I made a pouty face at him . Ty just laughed and kissed me. As much as I love my family it was nice just being the two of us for a while. As he got up and to leave and clean. That's when it happened all to quickly. Ty pushed me underneath him trying to protect me but I had already been shot in the stomach so I switched. Now I was on top of him trying to protect him. Another bullet hit my arm. Once the wolf left and the shooter stopped Ty looked at me worried. I was losing to much blood Ty quickly scooped me up I passed out in his Arms. Ty had made it to the Emergency room. " SOMEONE PLEASE HELP MY WIFE HAS BEEN SHOT!" Ty shouted and 3 different people came rushing out.
Jack and Tim were driving to the hospital when they got there they saw Ty trying to get to Y/n but was being held back by some nurses. " Sir if you don't calm you you'll be asked to leave. " One of the nurses told Ty. He was about to say something when Jack called him . " TY! I'm so sorry he's just worried about Y/n . " Jack told the nurse who just nodded and walked away. 5 hours later. " Y/n's family?" A nurses called. " Let's go home." Y/n said. The nurse handed your husband about 5 different prescriptions for you and let you go.
Everyone anxiously waited the call from Jack but it hadn't come yet. Lou was looking like she was about to cry and Amy was nervously pacing around. While everyone else was just staring at the tables worried. The phone call never came instead you decided to come home early and surprise everyone. Ty gently picked you up and you let out a whine full of pain. " I know love I know. " Ty said sadly. " I'm sorry I should have protected you better. " Ty said as he carried you inside. " it wasn't your fault my love. " You croaked weakly. You were swarmed by your sisters and family.
Ty went into the kitchen to get you some water so you could take your pain meds. " Ughh come on which one did the doctor say was the pain meds again?" Ty asked himself before slamming them down. " Hey Ty you ok?" Peter asked. " Yeah I was just thinking about how I could have lost Y/n and Lyndy could have lost her mother. " Ty replied. Before Peter could saying anything Y/n said something " I didn't though my love and I'm not planning on going anywhere any time soon.
I love you
I love you more Y/n
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Take care of her (Fred and George Weasley x Reader)

request from: @sherbert-pie
SUMMARY ➠ Fred and/or George reacting to their younger sister *y/n* being one of the captives in the black lake that Harry has to save
Y/n the little sister from Fred and George. Everyone knew her and adored her, but the twins allowed no one to date her. Y/n was very close with Harry, and they always supported each other in everything. Just like now, Harry got chosen to attend the Triwizard Tournament. Y/n helped him to figure out what he should do with the golden egg.
„Harry, Harry! I figured out what you need to do.“ You said while running in his dorm. „I talked with Cedric.“ You continued. „Perfect“ he answered. „Ok, so Cedric said you should go in the prefects' bathroom. Then you should take the egg and put it under the water.“ You explained. „Brilliant y/n. I will do this right now“ he said „Good, you know we only have two days left so hurry up!“
Harry's POV
I walked into the prefects bathroom and took a bath. It was pretty silent until I heard someone talking. It was of course Moaning Myrtle. „Hello Harry“ she said. „Hello Myrtle.“ „What are you doing here Harry?“ She asked. „Ohh äh I just wanted to take a bath and open my golden egg“
„So you're going to do the same as the boy before you. Cedric.“ She said. „Yes Myrtle, I really need to do this now, so please stop talking.“ Myrtle flew next to Harry and looked at him „where’s your little friend y/n? Is she not by your side when you open the egg.“ „She’s busy, Myrtle.“ Harry said, grabbed the egg and got under the water.
I walked to my dorm and waited for harry to return. After a few minutes, Hermione came in and said „y/n come with me, Dumbledore wants to see us!“ „Wha- why?“ „I can’t explain. Now hurry up“ You got up and followed Hermione to Dumbledore’s office. „But Hermione, why does he want to see us? I know I often do a few illegal things with my brothers. But this time I didn’t do anything.“
„Just wait you will see!“ She answered.
You walked up the stairs and knocked at the door. Dumbledore opened the door and said „Oh, there you are. Then we can start“ You and Hermione walked in his office, and you saw Cho and a little girl standing infant off Dumbledore. „So you may ask yourself why I wanted to see you all. The second task from the Triwizard Tournament is in two days and I need you four for that. I will tell you now what the task is about, but you're not allowed to talk with the champions about that.“ You looked around and got pretty nervous. „The Champions need to find their captives in the black lake. And that’s the part where I need you. Each of you are a captive. Cho you’re the captives for Cedric Diggory. You, Gabrielle, for Fleur Delacour. Hermione, you’re the captives for Victor Krum and you y/n, you’re the captives for Harry Potter. Each of the Champion has one hour to find you. Are there any questions?“ You looked at the others and said, „And what happens when they don’t find us?“ „That's something you don’t have to deal with. Everything will be alright.“
You looked a bit confused at him and wanted to say something back, but he already opened the door for all of you. „I almost forgot, please be in my office on Tuesday at 10 am.“ Then you walked to Hermione and said „What did he mean with *That's something you don’t have to deal with.*?“ „I think you should stop worrying. Dumbledore has always a solution!“ She said while walking away.
You walked back to your dorm and opened the door. As you walked in, you could see Fred and George sitting on your bed. „Y/n where were you? We were worried that something happened to you“ „Sorry guys, I was in Dumbledore's offic-„ „Wait why? Did you prank someone without us?“ Fred said. „No, of course not! He wanted to talk with Hermione, Cho, Gabriella and me about the second task.“ „Oh right did you and Harry found out what to do with this golden egg?“ „Yes I talked with Cedric, and he told me what to do! Harry should be back soon with the result.“
„Perfect, but back to Dumbledore. Why did he want to walk with you about the second task?“
George asked. „Ohh nothing special“ You answered, but it was obvious that you were lying. „Y/n! That doesn’t make sense. Now tell us why. You're our little sister, we need to take care of you“ „ok but don’t get angry! Dumbledore asked me and the other girls to be the captives for the four Champions.“ „What do you mean by that“ Fred and George said together „He said the task will be in the black lake. All four captives will get hidden in the lake and the Champions have one hour to find them.” you're joking, right?” “No, I’m the captives for Harry!” you said happy. “But what happens when he comes back without you?” “You know this Tournament is dangerous. You can die!” “Calm down, I’m not going to die! It’s not dangerous for me.“ You tried to explain. „And I don’t really know what happens when Harry comes back without m-„ „What!! This is not ok. We need to know your safe“ „Yes I know, but I asked Dumbledore, and he said That's something you don’t have to deal with.“. You could see the anger on the twin's faces. „Please calm do-„ you tried to say, but then the twins walked away. You were a little confused but couldn’t think about what happened because the door opened and Harry came in.
He looked Happy and told you everything. You smiled and tried to act like you didn’t know what this all was about. You and Harry knew that you needed to find a plant or a spell that would allow him to stay one hour in the black lake. So you decided to walk in the library.
*two hours later*
In front of you were a lot of books, but in non was the solution. Harry got frustrated and wanted to go because it was almost 1pm. He stood up, but At this moment Neville walked by. You got an idea and ran after him. „Neville, wait“ you said, and he turned around. „Oh hi Y/n“ „Hey do you have a moment?“ „Yes of course“ „perfect, you know that the second task starts in two days and Harry figured out what the task is about, but there is one problem. Harry needs to be in the Blake lake for one hour, and that’s the part where we need you. Do you know any plant that allows him to breathe underwater for one hour?“ You looked at Neville with hope in your eyes. „Hmh yeah actually Gillyweed that would work.“ „Brilliant Neville. But do you know how we become Gillyweed in two days?“ You asked. „That's pretty difficult, but I could talk to Professor Sprout, maybe she can help.“
„Yes, that would be good. Thank you, Neville.“ You said and walked back to Harry. You explained everything, and then you decided it was time to walk back to your dorm’s.
*the next day*
Neville walked to Harry in the great hall and gave him the Gillyweed. Then he explained to him how to use it.
*the day of the task*
You walked to Dumbledore's office and arrived at 10 am. The other three girls were already there.
„So girls, I want you to drink these. After that, you shouldn’t worry about anything.“
You took a glass and drank all of it. It tasted kind of funny and after a few minutes you started to feel dizzy and suddenly everything went black.
Harry’s POV
I woke up pretty early and got ready. Actually I wanted to meet y/n in the great hall, but she never showed up, instead the twins came up to me.
The Twin’s POV
We walked up to harry „Hey Harry you know what the second task is about right?“ „Yes of course! But do you saw her, she wanted to meet me here before the task, but she never showed up.“
„Oh yeah, we know where she is. We always know.“ We said and winked at him. „So can you tell me I really want to talk to her before my task“ „We don’t think that this is possible, Harry. She got chosen“ „What do you two mean by chosen“ „We don’t think we should tell you, but she is something like a captive. It’s about the second task. She left her dorm at 10 am“ „What do you mean with captives?“ „Ok so in the second task you need to find captives and your captives is y/n.“ „Wait really?“ Harry said „Yes, and we hope for your life that you find her because otherwise we're going to kill you!“ With that words we walked away.
*a few hours later*
The task started, and we saw how Harry jumped into the water. Now we had to wait.
Harry’s POV
I jumped into the water and started sourcing for her. It felt like hours. I looked at my watch and saw that I only had 10 Minutes left. Suddenly I saw four people. I swam closer and saw four girls, one of them y/n. I looked at her, and she looked like she was dead. She looked awful. I took her by the hand and pulled her up with me. As soon as we got out of the lake, she opened her eyes.
I opened my eyes and saw Harry looking at me. I hugged him tight. Then I felt someone putting a towel around my shoulders. I turned around and saw my brothers Fred and George. I smiled at them, and they said „Were happy you're back. We missed you.“ „We told Harry we would kill him if he doesn’t bring you back“ Fred said, and we all laughed.
Please send in requests for
Harry potter
Percy jackson / Heroes of Olympus
I can't stop laughing at this 🤣
Dadpool knocking on the Batcave door in a dressing gown and comedy boxers like "Welp, I'm here to pick up my kid." Not even caring that he's got hit by 7 batarangs and got stabbed by Damien's sword as he just picks up Y/N. (There's also a 7/10 chance he'd also try and adopt Jason right there too.)
Yan!dad!Wade, pulling up to Wayne Manor in a baby pink nightgown, bunny slippers and a old lady wig with rollers sticking out of it all the while still wearing his Deadpool suit underneath: I’m here to pick up my kiddo!
Yan!Batfamily: Whose man’s is this??????👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀
*Yan!dad!Wade proceeds to pick up the Reader and carry them under his arm like nothing, not caring how much bigger or smaller they are compared to him or the various weapons/injuries he’s taken from the Batfamily’s attempts to keep their new weird bby*
Also, Yan!dad!Wade on his way out still carrying Reader under his arm like luggage, stopping to look over at Yan!bro!Jason: *pointing* You, you look like you’ve been through some shit. You’d be a great brother for Y/n! You’re more than welcome to come home with us and be a part of our fucked up family!
Yan!bro!Jason, quickly weighing over the pros and cons: ………..Okay🤷🏻♂️
Yan!Batfamily:😶😶😶😶😶😶😶😶 n o
Also, Yan!Batfamily: The annoying stranger only came for one and he left with two, what the actual fuck just happened….🙃🫠???
Ok so here's a random yandere weasley twins

They would spoil you so fucking much. Like yeah they might end up kidnapping you but they would still spoil you so fucking much even after kidnapping you. George (with little help from Fred mostly George though ) would make you delicious treats and your favorite food for your meals. Fred on the other hand would be trying to make you feel at home and more comfortable by telling you stories about their pranks and playing games with you. George is the more touchy Feely one but Fred won't say cuddles with you. Fred loves cuddle time with you but he's not as clingy as George. In the end they both love you very much and just want to see you happy.
There's probably so much more they would do to spoil you
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