12 posts
Sleeping Beauty AU For Tim Tales Zine

Sleeping Beauty AU for Tim Tales Zine
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More Posts from Thattoxicshipper
Ok, but I think we’re forgetting something.
It said Superman grabbed him in the middle of the fight.
And I don’t know about you, but if Danny’s rouge’s are attacking him like this, I don’t think they’ll stop if he’s restrained.
So imagine, Superman grabs him, worried for his teammate and then, suddenly, that teammate takes the kind of damage they usually see him inflict (ectoblast).
I think Superman might drop him out of shock.
Danny gets right back into the fight, and eventually the thermos is opened.
And maybe, just for a moment, the JL can see a sillouette in the bright light, just before its sucked into the thermos.
DP x DC Prompt #15
Danny didn't realize not everyone sees ghosts. That when the portal had opened, it has released so much radiation everyone in the town had been affected. He just thought everyone could see ghosts.
In the aftermath of a battle with the League, one of his rogue's decided it was a perfect opportunity to show up and cause Danny problems.
He was confused why Superman restricted him mid-fight. Superman was ... asking him if he was okay? And why he was shooting at the air and talking to nobody?
Now, how did Danny explain to them that he was fighting ghosts they couldn't see without revealing his halfa status.
After a while, he gets bored of doing these things on his own, or with just him and Dani.
He brings in all his other friends!
Tucker is Pharaoh, an expert hacker that hacks and codes circles around Oracle and Cyborg. He’s also an the avatar for the Egyptian Gods and a reincarnated Egyptian demigod who can cast magic on par with Dr.Fate and Klarion.
His evil deeds include computer viruses that absolutely bug out systems but only destroy truly malicious information and minor luck curses on people who he feels deserve good or bad things!
Sam is Nightshade, a vocal activist and slight eco terrorist. I’m a sucker for Sam getting plant powers from Undergrowth. Maybe Danny dropped her off with Poison Ivy when he first brought her with him, and she learned a couple new things, like growing plants that are extinct in their dimension.
Her villainous behavior is destroying slaughter houses and freeing animals from cruelty and captivity. She also viciously tears into organizations that purposely ruin environmental health. This often has her branded as the second most dangerous. She also makes community gardens for the lower class and the homeless and creates little shelters out of bushes or trees.
Valerie (because Val knows in this universe, because I’m also a sucker for that) either took a page out of Danny’s book and goes by Gray, or maybe goes by Rage or something. Either way, she’s a combatist and martial artist on level with the Bats, and she lets people know it. She’s considered the most dangerous.
Val’s misdemeanors are generally beating the shit out of people, like criminals, abusers of children, abusers of power, and the occasional rapist she can get her hands on. She steals great sums of money from rich assholes to donate to charities and organizations that support a good cause. She finds jobs for struggling families and gets them interviews.
I like the idea of Dani working with Danny. They can be Fenton and Fenton, or maybe Fenton and Nightingale, because Danny’s family’s full last name is FentonNightingale.
Dani’s record is just light thieving of things rich assholes don’t need that she can give to people, or things that can be returned to their original owners for a reward, and she gives them to the homeless. Donates a lot of money and supplies to homeless shelters, too. Where she got those last things is not something she’s going to tell you!
(she stole them from Vlad)
Maybe Jazz, maybe as Bo (like Bo-staff), or Dr.Fenton, or Analysis, comes through sometimes. The first time was to yell at everyone else for running off without telling her and making her worry. Maybe she fires a bazooka to get people’s attention. This is probably where the heroes realize the crazy/ gremlin/imp like behavior is a family thing.
From there though, she occasionally comes through to aid in Danny and Dani’s escapades. She likes to Psychoanalyze heroes and villains alike, the Gotham Rouges and vigilantes are her favorite. She doesn’t do the Red Hood, though, because she likes to flirt with him and make him flustered. She steals his helmet for the singular purpose of seeing him blush when she flirts. She also tells him she knows who he is out of costume. Like, she followed him home once because she was interested in talking to him. And just saw. And maybe he likes her too, but can’t communicate this with words or actions outside of seeking her out and staying around her when he could leave, because he’s a Bat, The Bat’s don’t do communication.
Clockwork sees how stressed Danny is from trying to be the goodest boy and never do anything remotely bad that could turn him evil and thinks he may have overdone it. At this rate his panic over never doing anything evil is going to force him to emotionally burn out and stop caring. Then he'll turn evil anyway.
So Clocky does something that sounds completely ridiculous in theory. He scoops Danny up and drops him into a universe full of superheros and villains and tells him to "Do whatever you want. There will be no consequences for you." Then he leaves.
And just like that, Danny goes apeshit. He decides to do the one thing he always wanted to do but was too afraid to because he didn't want to be judged, or worse, forced to join his parents.
He becomes a supervillian. Not as Phantom, no. But as Fenton! He goes full super genius mad scientist and terrorizes whatever city he's in. The local superhero is being driven insane as Danny builds death rays, shrink rays, his own modified version of the GAV, ect.
The best part if that the local heros can never catch him for long and when he is caught he always escapes before he is transported to whatever facility they wanted him in. He always ends up back in his home dimension where he goes back to acting normal and no one from either human dimension or the Infinite Realms knows what he's up to (except the stop watch of course)
After a particularly fun day in which Danny highjacks all broadcasting services to teach everyone in the world how to make insulin at home so you didn't have to pay a ridiculous amount for necessary medication, the Justice League was now on his tail.
Danny just laughs, thinking there's no way they'd ever be able to arrest him. Little does he know some guy calling himself Batman is leading the mission and he has no intention of arresting him. Danny, much to his horror, becomes far to familiar with adoption papers. As in he keeps having to set them on fire.
Let’s add this little thought in:
Sam is Damian
Rich, overly aggressive vegan environmentalist, and one of Danny/Jon’s best friends.
How do you think she’d react to her best friend being stolen from her?
A crock of thunder split the air, a glowing green portal opening three feet away
“Oh, you’re in for it now.” Danny mutters, a smirk making its way onto his face.
“Pardon?” Damian asks, an eyebrow raised. A figure walks out of the portal, their silloette completely black. The Lazarus green portal behind them closes in an instant as they march their way towards the gathering of people, violet eyes trained on Danny.
“Which,” the young woman growls out, “of you bastards decided to steal my best friend!”
Everyone froze. Black hair pulled up, snarling face, and a sword in hand, she definitely looked like a female Damian.
“Hi Sam.” Danny let out, slightly raspy and obviously relieved. Sam’s face darkened.
This wasn’t going to be peaceful or pretty.
Danny is Jon Kent.
Danny was in English class when it happened. A portal opened under his desk and he fell into it, desk and all. When he was able to get his bearings of whatever he’d been dropped into, he was considering going ghost, but something deep inside of him told him to wait and watch. That his ghost half wasn’t needed yet. So he did.
He looked around. He noticed a teenager, around his age, that was dressed in a gray, black and red costume with a R on the chest, who was standing next to a blonde guy in a long trench coat.
“There you go, Batbrat. One Jon Kent for ya. Don’t kill this one, eh?” Constantine winked and teleported out of the room after clapping the ‘Batbrat’ on the shoulder.
The teen turned to him, walking over slowly. Danny was unnerved. He didn’t know who ‘Jon Kent’ was, or why he was summoned, but he didn’t want to have to defend himself with his English final and a pencil. He pulled the hidden Fentonbat from his pocket and extended it, aiming it at the teen.
“Don’t come any closer.” Danny hissed, “Who are you and why was I summoned here?”
The teen tilted his head. “You don’t recognize me?”
“Am I supposed to?” He kept the bat steady in his hands, but he doubted that it would do much against the teen. Something in him told him that the teen was more highly trained than he was and that he could decimate him without any effort.
The teen reached up and pulled the mask off of his face, looking slightly hopeful. “My name is Damian Wayne.” The teen looked him up and down, “The Jon Kent of my world is dead and you will take his place.”
“Alright, look, uh—Damian, was it? First off, I’m not Jon Kent, don’t even know who that is. Second off, I’m not taking some dead teens place. No way. That’s just creepy and it’s not happening.”
He was starting to get creepy vibes from Damian, and the only other person that creeped him out like this was Vlad, and Vlad was… well, Vlad.
“The world is in danger. Superman is going mad with his grief. He needs his son.” Damian looked into his eyes, “And I need my best friend back.”
“That’s a whole lot of nope from me.” He backed away, but found himself with the desk blocking his retreat. “Look, I’m honored but uh, my sister will get worried if I don’t come home and trust me, you don’t want that.”
“You don’t have a sister.” Damian took a few steps forward.
He stepped around the desk and kept it between him and Damian. “You’ve got the wrong guy! I don’t know who Jon Kent is! My name is Danny! Danny Fenton! And for once in my life, can you please send me back to school so I can take my English test?”
“I thought we would be friends in every universe.” Damian mumbled, “But I guess I was wrong.”
“Cool. Cool. Cool. Uh, quick idea, sending me home sounds fantastic.”
“The world needs you, Jon. I need you.” Damian frowned, “But if you won’t go willingly, I will force you.”
Loosing his temper, he spat: “I’m not Jon, you arrogant ass—“
He was cut off when he saw Damian pull a glowing green rock from his pocket. Instantly, Danny fell to his knees, dragging the desk down with him as he fell. He clutched his chest, making it feel like it was hard to breathe. He lost unconsciousness.
I Need help finding a Fic (the sequel)
DC, specifically Batfam this time
It’s a modern magic au, or urban fantasy, I don’t remember which, but Jason Todd could turn into a giant Cat, and he always sought out Tim. He also couldn’t remember anything he did as a cat, because he didn’t know he could do it. He showed up on Christmas Eve or something, and a blizzard always came with him. Jason would cuddle Tim all night, and when Tim woke up in the morning, he’d be gone. Last chapter I read, Tim finally got a DNA sample.
I also remember Bruce being fae or something similar, Tim’s parents were hunters of the supernatural, and the specific supernatural Jason was was called a giantess’s pet, except they used the giantess’s name, and it was the three fates who told Tim this.
I’m pretty sure it was unfinished last I saw it as well, but I’m not sure anymore.