thaunknowndreadhead - Seeker of the Messiah truth peace and redemption
Seeker of the Messiah truth peace and redemption

*Trigger warning* I STRUGGLE SPIRITUALLY BUT I WONT QUIT AND YOU SHOULDN'T EITHER. I WILL CONTINUE TO FIGHT. I SEEK THE MESSIAH! THESE ARE PERILOUS TIMES! ITS TIME TO CHANGE AND SEEK GOD! Love as you would want to be loved. Forgive as you would want to be forgiven. I say everything on this blog... Everything. and maybe more. I guess I do music?πŸ€” This is a digital journal/diary/collection of poetry/rhymes and thoughts. PRAISE GOD! GOD BLESS. my story prior to my walk with Christ and some recent poetry/music...tread lightly↓↓↓

615 posts

All I Do Is Hate Myself And Stay Inside The House..

All I do is hate myself and stay inside the house..

I'll cut myself if stupid s*** comes out my f****** mouth..

My mother loves me but to her I feel I'm a f****** louse..

I love my family but depression won't let me reach out..

The thought that they know of my struggle? that I f****** doubt

In their mind Im probably a potato on a fuckin couch..

That what they think? / Maybe / I just want someone save me! But Not even Me can save Me!!/All I know is I F****** HATE ME!!!!

A peace of shit / mentally sick / no kids / no fuckin spouse..

My brain's so filled with shit!/ I hate it! Just wanna rip it out!!!

I scream and cut in silence so the neighbors won't hear me shout!!

This so called life I'm urged to call it quits and blow my brains out


  • cheezbot
    cheezbot liked this · 3 years ago

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