thaylineves - ThayliNeves

Love reading books, writing stories, skincare, makeup, food and music are life!

127 posts

Listening To #hobgoblin By The Group #CLC On Spotify. It's Awesome! #kpop

Listening To #hobgoblin By The Group #CLC On Spotify. It's Awesome! #kpop

Listening to #hobgoblin by the group #CLC on spotify. It's awesome! #kpop

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8 years ago
Another #quote From #blairwaldorf #gossipgirl #fashion

Another #quote from #blairwaldorf #gossipgirl #fashion

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8 years ago

BTS Wings Theory

Why do I get the feeling that after the circles will be shown, the shape in the middle could be a bird?  Look closely!


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8 years ago

Write a fic about this please @nightcloak ?

Jem - Silent Brother / ending / Will x Jem

In my opinion it was so unnecessary to make Jem suffer so much, making him the Silent Brother. Come on, I can’t even imagine how a young boy had to feel leaving his home, letting go of everything, changing into a silent brother, all those painful transformations, and then he could only see all the people he loved once something serious happened so really not often. I don’t want to know how he had to feel seeing everyone moving on, living in the place he once lived, Will marrying Tessa, making babies, everyone had a happy ending, apart from him after having a really bad life already.

Why not write how a vampire attacked him, or he even agreed to change? Or even come up with some new vampire-like creature that would make him something like Simon in TMI.

I know he said he does not want to be a vampire because he wants to see the sun. But he also said that he does not want to change into a silent brother because he would not be able to play music.

But then he chose to change into a silent brother.

And isn’t that a much worse decision? 

He could change into a vampire that would not let him walk in the sun, but he could play music, he could see everyone especially Will all the time, he could live a pretty much normal life. He would also become stronger. He could still fight with shadowhunters, with Will. Party like an idiot with Will, getting drunk on happiness that he finally can, that they finally got the happy ending they deserved the most. Not perfect but still more than he could wish for. Something interesting about Jem having an urge for Will’s blood? Lol. Even if he would not be able to live in the institute, he could have a flat right by them, and you know Will would totally moved in with him.

But he ended up as a silent brother, painful transformations, losing eyes and sewed mouth, separated from everyone, forbidden from visiting, forced to live alone, have pretty much no contact, stripped from emotions… Well I don’t need to list more.

I get that it was against his beliefs, but he could simply be begged by Will to change or attacked so he had no choice. Or make the storyline interesting by not making him a full vampire but something else because vampire+opium=something new.

You know.

Imagine him and Will getting attacked, and then discovering Jem got beaten, them hiding it from everyone because Jem would suddenly change (haircolour and eyes) and yet he would actually walk in the institute like nothing or the sun would not bother him, anything. Trying to discover what exactly Jem is now, seeking Magnus to change his looks to old ones so no one will notice so they can continue their research… There were so many possibilities. 

But I’ve got a feeling that he was simply made a silent brother just so Tessa does not need to make a choice - Jem had to leave, so she ended up with Will, and once Will was gone (because of course we did not find the cure when he was still alive) Jem was allowed to come back. Easy way out, isn’t. It makes me think that for the sake of the girl great ideas were not used. 

To be honest once Will got the permission to look for the cure I thought that he will stand on his head to find anything, that the third book will be Will getting desperate to find the cure for Jem, for example playing some dangerous games with demons believing they have the answer; everything for his brother. And that he would end up finding it, or he would make some sacrifice for it, or he would beg Jem to change into some creature just so he won’t lose him. Maybe he would stop being a shadowhunter for the cure too, they both would end up being downloaders. You know, people do everything to save those they love. Then from Jem’s side focusing on Will and trying to spend those last days together with him, telling him everything he wants Will to know, showing some special place he had, anything, more focused on how his condition is getting worse and how even though he does not want to, he is getting scared, how he does not want to leave Will without a parabatai. They were pretty much kids. Their relationship was made so important since the beginning, I expected a lot to happen between them in such tragic situation. I mean, can you imagine losing your sister/brother? Who you are REALLY close to? Who for many years was the only person you had? Who you shared the biggest secrets with? Who maybe would live if you just did something? Would you put your teenage love above such person? Uhh?

But all I got was just everything being pretty much about the triangle and who Tessa will choose, which ended up fixed for her anyway by making Jem leave and come back once she was done with Will… Will pretty much did nothing to find the cure for Jem, instead he seemed too busy whining that he wants Tessa, and I’m just like… this book had fucked up priorities. It could have been so interesting, full of action, suspense, looking for the cure and all… I don’t think teenager love should have proved more important than dying brother, and fiancee. But everything was about silly love. And then just oh well he died, so we can jump in the bed finally. Not what Jem deserved, and not what I expected from Will either. Jem was pretty much suddenly treated like a side-character whose death did not bother anyone. I really did not need to read about Will taking his FIANCE to his parents and whether his sis hooked up with Gabriel or not, instead I wanted a lot more of Jem. He was so important but suddenly… not. I don’t get it. Those boys deserved soooo much more in the third book, because their relationship was made very important, so suddenly treating it like not much really was crap. Goodness you could at least let Jem come back when Will was still alive. 

Meh! It could have been so good! 

… And now I have an urge to write a fic.


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8 years ago

min yoongi is not lazy. min yoongi is not untalented. min yoongi is not worthless.

min yoongi deserves happiness. min yoongi deserves reassurance. min yoongi deserves love. min yoongi deserves peace. min yoongi deserves recognition.

remember this.

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