the-answers-lie-beyond-our-stars - Stardust to Startdust
Stardust to Startdust

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Sigma's Thoughts On Toe Socks?

Sigma's thoughts on toe socks?

[Answered on 07/02/22]

"Toe.. socks? Well ah.. I would say that they are even more uncomfortable to wear than normal socks... They still cover the feet and prevent me from feeling the ground beneath me and what's even worse is that they now wedge fabric between the toes and.. ick.. Just know, that in my opinion they are most definitely a scientific mishap.."

Sigma's Thoughts On Toe Socks?

I know this post is formatted a little differently than normal but hey I wanted to try answering an ask in character! In any case, apologies this is so late Anon and here's hoping you enjoyed my answer!

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[Posted on 08/03/20]

J u s t a N i b b l e

"We can't, we simply can't! Harming another person is wrong!"

"You've been starving us, Siebren. You understand that if we don't feed we die don't you?"

"Yes but..."

"Then there is no other choice. Feed or die."

This was the conversation Dr. Siebren de Kuiper's personal laboratory assistant, Y/N, was treated to as they stood there in the doctor's lab. Following an experiment-gone-wrong on the International Space Station a few years ago, de Kuiper had become a recluse and hid himself away in his lab, away from society. Y/N had discovered just why a few hours before; Siebren had dissociated quite a bit due to the trauma of his accident and developed a second personality to serve as his psyche's shield whom he called Sigma. The two frequently conversed like they were doing now.

Y/N was genuinely confused as to what they were talking about. "Feed"? Feed what? Or feed who? Y/N flinched when the male's blue eyes shift to them. It was Siebren who spoke first.

"I'm so sorry for all of this. I should've been totally honest when you first came to work here with me. Now you've discovered Sigma's existence."

He pauses before taking a deep breath and sighing.

"But there's one more thing I haven't told you."

Y/N's head tilts to the side out of curiosity. What else had he hidden? Y/N chuckles internally at the laundry list of possible (comedic) things it could be.

"I have a... condition. You see-"

Before he has a chance to finish, Sigma breaks in. Siebren's features quickly turn cold and sharp at the shift.

"We're what normal people call a vampire."

Y/N blinks in shock. Vampires were real? As soon as Siebren regains control, he seems genuinely worried by their reaction and reaches to take their arm in his chilly hand. Y/N doesn't move at all, not wanting to seem afraid. The poor Dutchman probably felt bad enough about withholding the information; he'd feel even worse if he scared them now.

"I understand if you want to leave with all this in mind. I won't stop you."

Y/N responds with a head shake. They weren't just going to leave. Sure their lab partner had a second personality and drank bloo- Then it dawned on Y/N... When did he drink blood? They saw him for most of the day so there's no way he had time to. Y/N is broken from their thoughts by a groan from the astrophysicist. He was holding the palm of his free hand to his forehead in reaction to what was likely a headache. When Siebren's expression shifts back to the cold one Sigma wore, Y/N's heart sunk. The male's other hand takes a hold of their other arm and holds them there.

"Siebren has been starving us for months, refusing to drink from not one person to protect the people around us. What he doesn't realize is that doing so is the equivalent of pushing an injured animal into a corner; it's going to attack eventually."

He pauses for a moment to allow Y/N to process the information. It all seemed very logical so there wasn't much confusion. He starts again.

"Are you aware of how torturous it is to be in such close quarters with a human? To hear their heart beat, pumping that crimson nectar across their brittle little form?"

His grip was beginning to hurt a bit as it tightened around their arms. The towering male slowly begins to lean forward and Y/N gets a flash of his glistening fangs. They knew exactly where this was going...

"I want just a nibble. Nothing else, I promise."

Y/N doesn't resist as fangs sink into their shoulder. No use was there? As their blood begins to flow out of their body, a light headed feeling quickly manifests; the world was spinning and blurring together. The tall male pulls away after a moment but the world continues to whirl like a carnival ride. The last thing Y/N sees before blacking out is Sigma's blood stained smirk...

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Well my question is, do you have like any headcanons for Sigma and/or Moira? It could be family, love life, etc. because I'm trying to take notes because I have no idea if you saw some of my posts but I kinda drew Sigma and Moira a daughter and I don't want to go over board with it until I know what other people think.

[Answered on 07/17/20]

Hello there! I'm honored you're taking my headcanons into account! ^^ I /did/ happen to scroll through your posts, but I believe I might've missed it, heh. Your art is really good by the way! Anyway, back to the matter at hand! I have some Sigma and Sigmoira headcanons, but I unfortunately don't have any for Moira individually, heh. Here are some of the ones I have though! (Also, I'd like to apologize for this answer being so delayed. I've been a tad bit busy ^^')

Well My Question Is, Do You Have Like Any Headcanons For Sigma And/or Moira? It Could Be Family, Love

Siebren de Kuiper / Sigma

Siebren and Sigma are two entirely different people. Following the accident on the International Space Station, Siebren developed a secondary personality that served as a shield for his broken psyche. Sigma surfaces when Siebren's stress levels are pushed to their limit and a gravitational anomaly is imminent; Sigma shields Siebren from and destroys the stressor. Sigma may be cold and rather psychotic, but he only wishes for the best for Siebren.

Bringing up Sigma or the incident is a big no-no. Siebren will often times beg his questioner not to talk about his other half or the accident on the ISS. Should they continue to press him for information on Sigma or force him to detail the events on the ISS, Siebren will almost always spiral into a stress induced panic attack, and Sigma will surface.

Siebren has a very powerful aversion towards violence, preferring to try and settle things via words. Because of this, he calls on Sigma to perform any absolutely necessary violent acts; however, Siebren is also capable of violence if thoroughly provoked, simply not on the same level that Sigma is willing to perform.

Siebren stands at 8'1" while flatfooted on the ground. This is in part due to microgravity in space and the constant state of anti-gravity his body is in, preventing his spinal disks from compressing like they normally would. Because of his height, Siebren has a habit of ducking or bending down through doorways no matter the height of the door frame.

Siebren is rather muscular, specifically in his upper body, due to his time on the ISS. Though Siebren is not a conventional astronaut, he still had to go through the same conditioning programs on Earth and perform the same workouts on the station to prevent muscle atrophy and the like. Even without his gravitational abilities, Siebren is more than capable of performing heavy lifting because of this.

He actually requires reading glasses but otherwise his vision is near perfect. On the subject of reading, he prefers to read sci-fi or space themed fiction and non-fiction based in his field of study (astrophysics).

Siebren is actually learning the piano in an effort to express his unheard melody. Many people have asked just what exactly it sounds like and the Dutchman has always been at a loss for an explanation so he took to learning piano. He's making quite a bit of progress, but he still has a ways to go.

Siebren is very VERY touch starved. Having been deemed a danger to himself and others, he was denied any kind of physical contact in the government black site he was sent to before being retrieved by Talon. As such, should anyone even suggest physical contact with him they'll receive a very firm yes. He is aware that others have personal space and he doesn't want to be a bother though so he never actively asks for physical contact.


Moira is actually the one who suggested retrieving Siebren. Upon hearing that one of the most renowned astrophysicists of their century was being kept on some military black site, she knew something was fishy. Why would they hold him there of all places? The only solutions were he knew something very important or something catastrophic had happened on the ISS. Moira and the entirety of Talon were in for quite a shock when they discovered just why Siebren was there.

Siebren and Moira's relationship starts in the labs. Having been cleared after his initial interview, Siebren is allowed into the labs and he and Moira begin to work in the same space. The two quickly discover how much they have in common and how intellectually equal they are. And so, a love was born.

Siebren finds some sort of comfort in the sound of Moira's voice. Moira was there throughout Siebren's many ordeals in Talon and as such she is associated with comfort and grounding for the Dutchman. Whenever Siebren would spiral into one of his raving episodes or panic attacks, Moira would be the first to come running. Even as the gravitational field surrounding the male would distort, Moira would oh so calmly approach and quell his raging sea of thoughts with just a few simple words.

Moira herself connects rather well with Siebren but Sigma taps into her immoral side. Perhaps it's the cold, calculating, near chaotic nature of the entity or that he is just as protective of Siebren as Moira is. Whatever it is, he and Moira get along quite well.

Both relate very highly to being viewed as monsters. Moira's work is deemed unethical and her own alterations to her body cause others to view her as a monster. Siebren's broken psyche and his volatile abilities coupled with his genius cause others to see him as simply a dangerous individual or a broken man ripe for manipulation.

One of several things the biologist and astrophysicist have in common is their fierce dedication and passion towards their work. Moira was willing to alter herself and Siebren was willing to put his own life at risk in the name of progress in their respective fields.

Saturdays have become dedicated star gazing nights. Siebren takes Moira outside of Rome's light pollution and into the forested areas outside the city where only the light of the stars and moon are visible. There Siebren and Moira will simply watch the sky while suspended in zero g's, watching the night sky. If Siebren's in a particularly chatty mood, he'll explain the stories behind the constellations and the names of the stars that make them up even though Moira has heard it all several times over by now (she doesn't mind though because it makes Siebren happy).

Moira is not one for physical affection but is willing to accept it if it's from Siebren. Moira is well aware of how touch starved Siebren is and doesn't even put up a fight when he asks to cuddle. If she was completely honest, the closeness and the affection were actually quite nice. She would be perfectly content simply laying back onto his strong chest, wrapped in his strong arms, listening to his every word if she was given the opportunity.

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I’d love to do something- not sure about the plot yet, but i love angela contending with scientists of different ethics

[Answered on 11/12/20]

First of all, hello 🥺. I didn't expect to get an ask from you. I love your blog! I'm really sorry for leaving over a year between your ask and my actual answer; I've been doing college stuffs! Second, I would love to do something with you! If you ever get the urge to do some stuff with Angela and the local Dutchman! Thank you so much for the ask!

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What kind of relaxation headcanons do you have for Sigma? I really like your take on the character and I'd love to know more ;w;

[Answered on 07/18/20]

Pyro, hey! I appreciate you sending me an ask! Great to know you enjoy my portrayal of gravity grandpa uwu! You're not here to hear me babble though so I'll go ahead and get straight to the answers!

What Kind Of Relaxation Headcanons Do You Have For Sigma? I Really Like Your Take On The Character And

R e l a x

Probably the most obvious, but most definitely Siebren's favorite, is stargazing. There's something inherently calming about the beauty of space and its vastness. If he were given the chance, the Dutchman would simply kick back in zero g's and watch the night sky until dawn.

Another obvious one is listening to music. Music serves as an escape for most people but for the astrophysicist it means so much more. Siebren has an affinity for classical (specifically piano pieces but he enjoys full orchestra as well) and old, 2000's pop. Shockingly, Sigma has different tastes than Siebren; Sigma does also enjoy classical but he prefers the sad rock songs over pop.

Reading is another one of Siebren's favorite things to do to relax. As I've already mentioned in a previous ask, he enjoys sci-fi and space themed novels in terms of fiction and astrophysics based books for non. At the moment, he's reading a trilogy called "The Movement".

And last but most certainly not least is cuddling. As I've mentioned in a previous ask, Siebren is extremely touch starved. Knowing that there's a physical person in his arms that he can touch and hold is a very calming sensation. His broken psyche churns his thoughts and constantly creates things he knows are not there, so knowing that at least one thing is real is grounding and relaxing for him. And we all know who'd be happy to cuddle with our gravity man. *cough* Moira *cough*

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