the-catmans-offical-2 - You are not immune to Wrathfull propaganda.
You are not immune to Wrathfull propaganda.

Not Spoiler Free!!! 19 in April! Multifandom AU and Art ACC; I'm working on like, 20 FMA AUs rn.

716 posts

I've Seen At Least One Writer Do This And I Loved It (uhh This Great Fic By Zoomster) . I Kinda Wanna

I've seen at least one writer do this and I loved it (uhh this great fic by Zoomster) . I kinda wanna write into this trope too, I have too many au ideas though snnsnd.

If I were to give in and do this, ngl, I'd probably put them into a universe like Sally Face or something of the sort - but then that'd beg the question of would that mean they already had variants of themselves in said universe?

Bc a big thing in CoS is that they have variants of themselves in "our world". So would that then mean that there are variants of Ed, Al, etc, etc, in every franchise unless they already died?

I dunno, something to think about, as if someone were to do what op said (the key word being returning to Germany rather than how Ed just ended up there in the first place), then that'd be something on Ed and Al's minds already. And that probably would fuck up Ed - now bc not only does he have to leave behind his own world again, but now "our world" that he grew somewhat accustomed to over the course of 4 or so years. And he'd have to acknowledge that there'd not only be variants of like... Winry or Al and himself, but of Alfons (in nature) and Noah. And other people he met in "our world" that are uniquely to "our world" as far as he knew.

I dunno, fun thing to think about.

Concept for a FMA 03/your favorite other fandom crossover: when Ed and Al cross back through the gate (hoping to go back to Germany obviously) they end up in the universe of your favorite fandom.

I see a lot of people using crossovers as like a toll from truth but I think this could be a fun little twist on the concept that I haven't seen anyone do before.

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More Posts from The-catmans-offical-2

5 months ago

I saw this post earlier and fucking panicked bc I didn't realize Oct 3rd is tomorrow.. So now I'm working on a doodle for tomorrow lmao, been working on it for hours (。-ω-)

Thanks for unintentionally reminding me lol

very excited for "burning your childhood house down" day tomorrow

5 months ago

reblog to bap prev with your paw

5 months ago

I think he does age for numerous reasons - but mostly because the original body (remains) of what was trying to be brought back that he was a byproduct of is attached to him. But I dunno if that canonically would affect him; I still think he ages, and is just short lmao

Does Wrath age outside the gate.... (Inside when he rips off Ed's limbs we see him as a small child so I'm pretty sure he does age inside it at least.) In Conqueror of Shamballa his face certainly looks older but he's also exactly the same height he was when he's introduced- he's a couple inches shorter than Al who is about 4'10-4'11, the same height Ed was in the series.

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5 months ago

Cracks fingers

Ok so au idea.

Has anyone watched Něco z Alenky (Alice 1988) before? I have, and as I'm typing this up I'm rewatching it!

Basically it's a very unique take of Alice in Wonderland - though the film states it was inspired by it and I'm all for that - made by Jan Švankmajer. There's only one actor, Kristína (Kristýna?) Kohoutová, who plays Alice; The rest of the cast are objects and creations moved about in stop motion animation, which gives the film a very dream-like feeling. It's amazing really, I genuinely enjoy this film even if I don't fully understand it.

Now, I wanna make an au inspired by this; Fma 03/CoS au of course.

Ed would be the main focus of the au, he'd be in the place of Alice - but specifically CoS Ed. Does this make sense to you? No? Good.

Al would take the place of the White Rabbit, I'd think, as the movie starts out with Alice chasing after a taxidermied white rabbit she saw within the attic space and Ed was actively trying to find a way to get back to Al and vice versa.

Or actually better yet - why not Al be Alice and Ed the White Rabbit? Because Al is trying moreso to get back Ed, which is shown in CoS - and Al is 13 or so in CoS which makes Al more likely to have a silly daydream as such (if it really is a daydream, again, I can't tell that much lol) - and the White Rabbit seems to be an elusive concept much like the notion of attempting to get Ed back, as most everyone thinks he's dead most likely.

I dunno, I'll get Ed and Al figured out eventually.

The characters in Něco z Alenky are Alice, White Rabbit, Mary Anne, Bill (rip my buddy bill), there's the whole group of animals wearing red, the sailor mouse, the caterpillar, the fish footman, the frog footman, the pig baby, the mad hatter, the march hare, the Queen of Hearts, the King of Hearts.

I just finished rewatching it so I could remember and now I can be silly.

I lost my train of thought for this but I will probably end up explaining more when I do redraws of some scenes with what I decide. I'm currently focused on Wrath puppet again lol

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5 months ago

thank you black mold. thats a wonderful idea black mold.

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