ASK ME SHIT!! - Tumblr Posts
inspired by boop day, reblog this post if its ok for people to send you random asks and interact on your posts with no judgement. i want to talk to people.
guys plz I'm begging you, DONT ask me any questions, I'll be SOOOO mad if you do (mweheheh they're gonna ask me stuff I'm sooo evil)
Oh, this would be fun. I love askbox games!
snape specific asks for those of you who long to talk even more about snape
Your favorite thing about Snape?
How old were you when you decided you loved this unwashed man? What’s the story, child?
Do you consider Lily a good friend?
What’s your Snape OTP?
Alright, NOTP?
What about BrOTP?
Buttons or velcro? Explain.
What’s one of the dumbest headcanons you have for Snape?
One of your saddest?
Favorite Snape fic?
Book Snape or Movie Snape?
While on the topic of Movie Snape, what’s your favorite Snape-shot from the films?
How do you think Snape treats his own House?
Favorite Snape line/moment? (books or movies!)
If he’d lived, how do you think he would have gone on with his life?
What do you headcanon about his relationship with his parents?
What rubs you the wrong way about how he’s portrayed in fanon/fan fiction?
What’s an aspect of his character you wish more people would explore?
What’s the song that always has you thinking of Snape?
If you could tell Snape anything, what would it be?
Do you think Snape’s love for Lily was romantic, or platonic?
If someone put a gun to Snape’s head and told him to pick a favorite out of the Golden Trio, who do you think he’d pick?
How is Snape with animals?
What music does Snape listen to, though?
What do other professors think of Snape?
How do you think Snape’s first day/year/etc of teaching went?
Would you dress like Snape? Do you dress like Snape? How does Snape inform your fashion choices???
Did you make it through OotP, HBP, and DE not knowing what JKR had in store for Snape’s character? Or had those things been spoiled for you beforehand?
Are you the type to reread just the Snape chapters?
The most pressing question of all… does Snape fuck?
Send a couple for short answers, send just one for more in-depth explanations. :)))
i think its really funny that tumblr is full of people who want asks, more than theyre getting them, who all seem to think everyone else does not want asks.
Ao3 version that lets you open the 'director's cut' where I, the author, explain every detail in excruciating detail to you and what it is in reference to.
Proof: Personality Related or Odd Facts
random questions for fellow army content creators
💿 CD1 💿
CD1-01. Born Singer 🎧 What is your favorite song to sing in the shower or car?
CD1-02. No More Dream 🎧 What is the most bizarre dream you have ever had?
CD1-03. N.O 🎧 A food that absolutely grosses you out.
💿 more under the cut 💿
CD1-04. Boy in Luv 🎧 Tell me your favorite pickup line.
CD1-05. Danger 🎧 If you were a ghost, who would you haunt?
CD1-06. I NEED U 🎧 What is your favorite scent or perfume/cologne?
CD1-07. RUN 🎧 What is one item on your bucket list?
CD1-08. Burning Up (FIRE) 🎧 What quote resonates most with you?
CD1-09. Blood Sweat & Tears 🎧 What was your favorite college class?
CD1-10. Spring Day 🎧 What personal quality do you want to improve most about yourself?
CD1-11. DNA 🎧 What was the craziest thing you did as a child?
CD1-12. FAKE LOVE 🎧 What is your comfort movie?
CD1-13. IDOL 🎧 Who did you idolize growing up?
CD1-14. Boy With Luv (Feat. Halsey) 🎧 Whose opinion(s) do you value most?
CD1-15. ON 🎧 Tell me a hidden talent that people don't know about.
CD1-16. Dynamite 🎧 What kind of things do you like receiving as gifts?
CD1-17. Life Goes On 🎧 If you forgot all of your memories except one, what would it be?
CD1-18. Butter 🎧 What is your ideal job?
CD1-19. Yet to Come (The Most Beautiful Moment) 🎧 What is your favorite BTS song?
💿 CD2 💿
CD2-01. Run BTS 🎧 What is something that keeps you up at night?
CD2-02. Intro : Persona 🎧 What tv show would you like to live?
CD2-03. Stay 🎧 What is your tragic, most fatal flaw? Be honest.
CD2-04. Moon 🎧 Tell me about your worst nightmare/bad dream.
CD2-05. Jamais Vu 🎧 What taboo topic are your fascinated by?
CD2-06. Trivia 轉 : Seesaw 🎧 Who are you in your friend group?
CD2-07. BTS Cypher PT.3 : KILLER (Feat. Supreme Boi) 🎧 What is your biggest pet peeve?
CD2-08. Outro : Ego 🎧 Are you true to yourself?
CD2-09. Her 🎧 If you could dye your hair any color, what would you choose?
CD2-10. Filter 🎧 Describe your favorite outfit in great detail.
CD2-11. Friends 🎧 Do you have a big group of friends or a really tight circle?
CD2-12. Singularity 🎧 What is your favorite zodiac sign that isn't your own?
CD2-13. 00:00 (Zero O’Clock) 🎧 Tell me your coffee or tea order.
CD2-14. Euphoria 🎧 Which celebrity would you like to go on a vacation with, and where to?
CD2-15. Dimple 🎧 What is your favorite physical feature on a person, romantic or otherwise?
💿 CD3 💿
CD3-01. Jump (Demo Ver.) 🎧 What is your favorite holiday to celebrate?
CD3-02. Young Love 🎧 What is something you don't question spending money on?
CD3-03. Boy in Luv (Demo Ver.) 🎧 Do you collect anything? What?
CD3-04. Quotation Mark 🎧 Pick a theme song for yourself.
CD3-05. I NEED U (Demo Ver.) 🎧 What is your favorite book of all time?
CD3-06. Boyz With Fun (Demo Ver.) 🎧 What is the worst way someone has butchered your name?
CD3-07. Tony Montana (with Jimin) 🎧 What would you do if your pet suddenly started talking?
CD3-08. Young Forever (RM Demo Ver.) 🎧 Which family member are you closest to?
CD3-09. Spring Day (V Demo Ver) 🎧 Where is your happy place?
CD3-10. DNA (j-hope Demo Ver.) 🎧 Do you have any siblings?
CD3-11. Epiphany (Jin Demo Ver.) 🎧 If you have to get a tattoo today, what would you get?
CD3-12. Seesaw (Demo Ver.) 🎧 Who was the most embarrassing crush you have ever had?
CD3-13. Still With You (A cappella) 🎧 Tell me the most fascinating fact you know.
CD3-14. For Youth 🎧 What is your Hogwarts house?
Why's your dick so big
I assimulated the dicks of my enemies to make my dick stronger
To the 100 people following me now 💜💜, you guys are amazing ( also the people who constantly likes my posts ) . Thank you all so much , it just helps me to keep going. I adore y'all.

Although I really am sorry If I don't follow you back Because I do know I don't follow a few people , it's only to keep my account safe tbh ( it got deactivated last month because of suspected following )
Other than that I ALWAYS follow fanpage's obviously and I love them all . thank you for your lovely follow , you people are incredible .
Ps. 1. I'd take down some posts btw , apparently some are shit
2. I'm taking prompt requests so hop on !
Now on A03 at sorryishipdrarry
A massive hug to @violentlyawesome . I woke up with 99+ notes and most of them is from them. It's great to wake up to thing's like these ( I know today's going to be one hell of a day for me so it's nice) .
And massive thank-you to people actually reading the prompts I've been writing, it's overwhelming.

200 followers appreciation .
You kind, Beautiful, gorgeous, chaotic human beings existing upon this whole Wild world who chose to follow me, I am drowning in your love. I fail to put into words how much your notes on my account and your follow means to me.
So basically I mean thank you by the way for everything. I know I didn't had to go all Oscar Wilde shite, but eh, I'm sleep deprived 🙂
Do you have one those days where you're just
But also
I need someone to hug me right now
Top harry or bottom Harry
I don't believe in top and bottom establishment created by the society. It is purely absurd why there should be such establishment....
( Ps. Tho It keeps changing for me with the things I read, it was top draco before )
List the Drarry tropes that make your heart and stomach go- 😩💗😭🦋🦋🦋😳🥰😍
I think I enjoy anything as long it's a got a good beginning that gets me hooked but here's a few that I like
1. ENEMIES to " I might care about you a little " to " I thought you were different " to " prove me wrong " to LOVERS, TROPE
2. A domestic drarry trope, with friends to lovers. I read this work by @slytherco one or two month's ago and I made a post about it too, it's fairly domestic with fluff and it's my favorite one.
3. The secret relationship drarry. If anyone's ever read it was all just a game by writeme_227, you know exactly what I'm talking about.
4. the " I don't love you but I'm jealous to see you with anyone else " kinda trope when Infact they love each other. So jealousy drarry trope with smut, maybe.
5. Lastly I love any trope with slightly literary language, something that I can't explain, but might have references like " anatomically saying.. " or " according to Greek mythology.." . I don't think it's a trope but this sort makes me jump.
I ask you the same.. tell me what makes you 🦋🦋🦋🥺🥺😭😢🥰😍😩🦋
Hi. Can you please recommend more draco!bottom blog? I feel so overwhelmed by the fact that some blogs with draco!top content specially put the #draco bottom tag It really hurts me as an autistic person.
I'm sure people have very different preferences, tho here are some bottom Draco blogs that I personally know. I may not be entirely sure, but I hope this helps
@drarrywords @drarry-is-my-therapy @dracobottoms @thebusyfangirl @malfoydusk @draco-and-harry-malfoy-pottah
If I'm mistaken please correct me, these are all I am somewhat sure of. And I'm sure there's plenty but these are the few I know.
And I'm highly apologetic for anyone making you overwhelmed. It's a safe place to talk to, personally me if you ever need me.
¿Qué es lo mejor que te ha pasado este año?
Idk I’ve really worked on my self mentally this year feel like I’m really finding myself after being lost for a long time nothing major has happened it has been a hard long process
How was valentines?
My bf has reservations for next week for our celebration but it was great regardless 🩷 my bf treats me so well he’s perfect 😍 😭😭😭

Talk to me in songs and poems
abt the hand itch post u reblogged i bet ed would also use like, an edge of his automail arm or leg perhaps. i bet the way worse thing would be the phantom itches tho, and i wonder if the automail presents its own issues since the nerves are connected? idk the silly post got me thinking dhdhd
Absolutely; Or consider he uses a table corner. Aggressively, just like scratching his hand against it and whoevers around is just like "Uh what the hell is wrong with this kid?"
I think he'd still get phantom pains/feelings because he still can't *feel* the automail. His nerves are connected in the sense of controlling, there's no nerves throughout the automail to contain feeling and pain; Therefore most likely he'd still get those phantom pains.
What I'm unsure about is Al, like he doesn't have a nervous system and all that in the armor; But does he get phantom pains or feelings? I also wonder if he can feel when the armor is groaning against something (e.x. water pressure.) Due to his soul inhabiting the armor. Would his soul feel the pressure?
But real on the thinking, I'm always thinking in this sorta sense; Feel free to ask more questions like this bc they're silly!!!!!!