Fullmetal - Tumblr Posts

I saw a meme post, saw the word "mantle" and then immediately thought "MARTEL!?"
I js had a dream someone asked you on here if homunculi slept, and you gave a really confident and decisive answer with a source. But as soon as I tried clicking on the link you posted the dream ended
That's amazing bc that is something I'd do, and will do rn because why not.
In FMA 03 its practically said that homunculi don't need to sleep, the only acception being Wrath because he's partially human or something of the sort; It's also why he has to eat, drink, and so on. The other homunculi don't have to, Gluttony just *wants* to eat but there's no actual need and they don't need to eat philosopher's stones but they do it for the regenerative purposes and whatnot. I have no idea about FMAB, but if I had to *assume* then the answer would also be that they wouldn't.
I can definitely link the ep that Ed and Lust talk in (Ep 46, Human Transmutation, 2003) and Ep 29, The Untainted child (Wrath Centric Ep) if you want though in PMs/DMs; But I can't say I've read articles in regards to FMA/B at all, I've just watched the show and whatnot so im basing my claims off that. Therefore I can't say much about Brotherhood, as I still need to rewatch it.
Here's the quote from FMA 03 I'm talking about in regards to Lust and Ed:
Ed: "I'm the one who should be asking why. Why do you wanna be human? You guys are immortal aren't you, and you don't even age at all from what I can tell. You can't be hurt, and you have powers no human bring can ever top. So why should I believe you when you say you want to give all that up!?"
Lust: "You don't know how cruel you're being, do you? Alright, then why do you want your brother to be returned to the flesh? He's practically immortal too. It's the same thing, Edward."
So it doesn't really talk about sleep, but since it brings up Al I think it's including sleep. As Al can't/doesn't need to exhibit the needs that are typically preformed by living beings, eating, sleeping, breathing, aging, and so on; So it's generally safe to assume that homunculi don't need to sleep but probably can, save for Wrath who does need to sleep. Though in Ep 29 he says that "everyone's dead" when referring to sleep, which Ed then corrects him on but I think he ignores because he's just silly like that.
That's all I got for the topic though lol.
You guys should send me some songs that remind you of FMA 03 or COS, I wanna listen to silly songs

I saw a post at some point where it was like "I wanna see a spin off series of fmab with Al's adventures in Xing!!"
That was like, what, a 3 year gap? I wanna know what my favorite lil homunculus was up to. Give me more Wrath content PLEASE

Silly lil guy, also I think he should've kept his burns from when 47-48. Silly guy
They hate each other and it's funny.
Envy and Ed's sibling dynamic is agressive and hateful whereas Ed and Al's is silly (they still fight and Al rocks Ed's shit but they love each other familally).
I truly don't find enough fics about how much they would get into fights if they saw the over in the woods or just lacking. Bonus points if it happens in front of Mustang like Edward drops everything that he has in his hands when he sees Envy creeping on a rooftop and absolutely runs right at him and they get into a very loud fight
It would be hilarious and I will be so happy.
Watch FMA 2003 first, complete it if you want but after Lab 5 is when it starts to diverge from Canon; I say complete FMA 2003, watch COS (Conqueror of Shamballa) and *then* move onto FMAB and then SSOM (Sacred Star of Milos), and then the live actions.
I have a question for the Fullmetal Alchemist Fandom. I just started watching Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, do I need to watch Fullmetal Alchemist before that or not??
Like I googled it and FAB is like a remake, so like idk but I am curious.

Never drawing again
Today's doodles

Mostly Wrath, I love him.
But also edling!!!
Bonus sketch: Modern AU doodle

Back with another cursed art. Today we got smurf Ed.

....That's it. That's the post
fuck the talking stage, will you braid my hair or not

I won't ask you to wait, if you don't ask me to stay
Some doodles

Last two doodles are for @lingyaoied 's rapunzel au!

Also, the reapearance of more abominations created by your's truly. Winrybob.
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist - All Media Types, Fullmetal Alchemist (Anime 2003) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Alphonse Elric & Edward Elric, Heymans Breda & Vato Falman & Kain Fuery & Jean Havoc & Riza Hawkeye & Roy Mustang, Edward Elric & Jean Havoc, Edward Elric & Maria Ross Characters: Edward Elric, Alphonse Elric, Jean Havoc, Vato Falman, Heymans Breda, Kain Fuery, Riza Hawkeye, Roy Mustang, Slicer Brothers (Fullmetal Alchemist), Barry the Chopper (Fullmetal Alchemist), Alex Louis Armstrong, Izumi Curtis, Sig Curtis, Envy (Fullmetal Alchemist), Lust (Fullmetal Alchemist), Greed (Fullmetal Alchemist), Sloth (Fullmetal Alchemist 2003), Wrath (Fullmetal Alchemist 2003), Van Hohenheim, Trisha Elric, Others i'm probably forgetting Additional Tags: Chimera Edward Elric, Kidnapping, things go different, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Hurt/Comfort, Human Experimentation, Alchemy, This is probably 03 based because I like 03 a lot, FMA 2003 spoilers, Just in case that wasnt clear Summary:
Edward hadn't wanted to, though he still felt he had betrayed Alphonse. He was so close, so close to getting what they had been searching for — The Philosopher's Stone. It was within reach, all Ed had to do was activate that damned array. If he had, then maybe things wouldn't have gone as south as they did. After being separated from his brother for several months, he would eventually make his way back to him. But would he be the same as he once was?
With peg-like molars, a clawed hand, and much different anatomy than he did before, will he still be able to try and find a new solution to getting his brother's body back?
Man I'm imagining 2003/CoS Al meeting the Brotherhood Elrics and being like what the FUCK do you mean you just gave up alchemy and everything was fine??
HE'D PROBABLY BE FUCKING LIVID ; CoS/2003 Ed would just be so done, not angry just - fuck hold on let me draw it.

Shinji posed. Ft. Alcohol for my favorite lil alcoholic.
But oh yeah CoS/2003 Al would probably react either verbally or physically violent. I don't hold that above him.

Storge: or familial love, refers to natural or instinctual affection, such as the love of a parent towards offspring and vice versa.
With that mind, hi, We are Sweet and Lynn. And fun fact, we love parental things, so we decided to run a fun event centered around parental relationships in FMA.
For now, we just want to see how many people are interested in joining us!
Because I haven't been posting g as much art recently have a wip

Scarrrr :)
Fun fact he was the first anime character I've ever drawn, though I lost that doodle bc it was years ago; I'm trying to draw him more!
Also I focus his design in my style off 03 Scar rather than fmab, in case anyone was curious.
reblogging this, in case you missed it!
But hi! I am sweet and I am with my bestie Lynn, are in charge of the Storge event that is all about the parental relationships in the FMA universe!
Interest checks are open still, and our asks are open too! If you have questions, feel free to send them to me here or to the events blog or even send them to Lynn’s way!

Storge: or familial love, refers to natural or instinctual affection, such as the love of a parent towards offspring and vice versa.
With that mind, hi, We are Sweet and Lynn. And fun fact, we love parental things, so we decided to run a fun event centered around parental relationships in FMA.
For now, we just want to see how many people are interested in joining us!

Scar :)
Press on the image for better quality!
I really like how this came out, I'm gonna try to draw him more.
Sign ups are open beautiful souls! Come join us! You will have whole two months to create anything you want- and here is the catch, it doesn't matter how many workers you want to share ❤️❤️

Hi everyone!
Lynn and Sweet are here, and both are happy to say that:
Here are the basic information for the event!
♟ So, how does it work? You are here because you have chosen to sign up for our Google form! Then, you must be an artist or a writer or really, a talented person. Our idea centers around: everyone creating something, ( whatever they like.), and then we will create a PDF with the works!
Yes! A PDF. We will add all of the art, all of the media, and the fics in one PDF, for people who are interested in having “ exclusive.” arts and fics that center around the event’s idea Of course, this part can be discussed! Since this should be a fun event for everyone involved We want to make sure that you are okay with the fact that your thing might be exclusive People will get this PDF through their email after they sign up for it Of course, this event will be free
♟Time line:
🦾 signups open: January, 17th 🦾 Signup closes: January, 27th
🦾 creating ( no matter what your media ): Starts the moment you sign up 🦾 last time to send your creations: March 30th
🦾 “ordering.”: March the 31
🦾 Everyone having their copy: hopefully by the 10th of April
♟As for the guidelines- they are nothing extreme, but we think it is worth saying them:
🦾 No NSFW things. ( like full-body nudity or sex. Minors might want to have a copy and everyone should feel safe when reading.)
🦾 Focus should be on the relationship between the parent and child.
🦾 Art yes, comics yes, long and short fics yes, whatever you want- yes yes yes. Someone might be interested in doing a video, we will find a way to add it to the bundle!
🦾 Since we want the focus on the characters we love- we are proposing no oc children as the main focus. If a lot of people voiced otherwise, we will make it more open
🦾 Every FMA parental relationship is open! Izumi and Sig? Yes. Roy and Riza? Yes Scar? Yes Fu? Yes Trisha? Yes Maes and Grace? Yes
You get the idea, everything is open- even Ed and Winry and Al having kids
Or characters having grandchildren
What do you say? Are you in? If so!
This one's an instrumental song, but I think Brusher Patrol from Bastion would be good for CoS Alphonse
I love instrumentals tbh!
This ones kinda chill, I like it a lot. I think it can fit CoS Al when he was in Lior.