the screaming from “tell me so”(bikini kill) lives in my head rent free

162 posts

I Made A Mood Collage For Ouran Highschool Host Club!

I Made A Mood Collage For Ouran Highschool Host Club!

I made a mood collage for Ouran Highschool host club! 🌸💕

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More Posts from The-emo-hippie666

4 years ago

How the RFA proposes

How the RFA proposes; 


OHH BOI THis kid’s a hopeless romantic

he definitely had some huge plan

after you came home from running errands for him and yourself you walk through the door to see-

so so so many rose petals obviously creating a path

so you follow it

and where does it lead you? Narnia the roof.

the sun was setting, wind was soft, your favorite song was playing in the background and Zen stood there with a semi-formal outfit on

he turns to you,“MC, you’ve made me the happiest man in the world by being with me, I’ve never wanted to be with someone this badly in my whole life. Will you marry me, MC?” just cuts right to the chase

and you’re all like,“omg Zen yes!” so he slips the ring on and you two just stand there sobbing together while listening to the sounds of the city


poor baby boy

was so nervous

you two  were at a cafe, taking a break from your day of shopping

after you order your drinks, you snap pictures and what not you realize you need to use the restroom, so you step away

when you get back, you notice something off about your drink, but since Yoosung was the only one around, you shrug it off knowing he would have protected your drink. 

so you drink

and drink

and suddenly you choke on something

when you cough it up you see a beautiful ring

you’re all like”???????” and he’s all like “0//^//0″ 


He knows you’re not Rika

so you say yes and spend the rest of the day cuddling and even decide to get a cat!


you two were just cuddling

watching Zen’s musicals on tv

gonna be real honest it was an introverts dream, rainy day, staying inside fangirling with your favorite person in the whole wide world, ordering take-out

fuck made myself sad

In one specific musical, Zen had to play a character who was proposing to a runaway princess, and Jaehee muted it

you were like”Jaehee, you uhm muted it. How are we going to hear Zen’s voice?”

and she sits there looking at you while reciting his lines to you, almost as if she was speaking to you

“Wow Jaehee! You’re getting good at memorizing Zen’s lines!” you praised

she could only giggle,”Mc, i’m serious. I can’t find the words to describe how I feel about you quite yet, but I do know that I want to spend the rest of my life with you. And I am lead to believe that marriage is a step closer to reaching that life goal”

You were in TEARS 


obvi you said yes cause she’s so damn cute 

Spent the rest of the day cuddling 



Mista trust fund kidd

Fucker made you sign a contract 

Probably the least romantic and just came home like”Marry me MC” 

I’m leaving it at that it’s midnight and Jumin lowkey annoys me


Award for worst timing

He proposed as soon as Saeran recovered.


held an engagement party 

all of the RFA was there

y’all got a cat after and named him Dr. Pepurr 

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4 years ago

How to Recognize Compulsory Heterosexuality

Compulsory heterosexuality, also known as coercive heteronormativity* is something that affects all lesbians, everywhere in the world. It also applies to women of other sexualities, and has been observed to occur in men as well (although argued to be to a lesser extent than women). However, it is mostly commonly attributed to lesbians.

*I believe since the creator of the former term was a political lesbian, people have created other terms, but they all refer to the same phenomenon.

What is compulsory heterosexuality?

Also known as “comp het”, compulsory heterosexuality refers to a kind of heteronormativity that affects people on an individual level. Since people are assumed straight until proven otherwise, and society, media, and family life are all incredibly heteronormative, we grow up thinking that we are supposed to be straight as well. For women, comp het also includes the pressure to involve men in every aspect of our lives, including (especially) romantic, as pushed on us by the patriarchy. An example of the effects of comp het is not knowing that liking the same sex was even a possibility, so assuming that you must be straight.

How do you recognize comp het as a lesbian?

This is something I personally have struggled with immensely, and these examples come from both my personal experience and from what other people have told me about their experiences. Of course, not everyone experiences all of these, and there may be other signs of comp het not listed here as well.

Being in relationships with men for validation, attention, popularity, etc, and not because you actually like the men you date

Analyzing every guy you meet to see if you should crush on him (if you choose to have a crush, it’s not real attraction)

Alternatively, randomly selecting a guy to crush on, just to have a crush and fit in with all the other girls

Why you crush on certain men is because of logical reasons and not because of any feelings attached (eg. This guy is responsible and performs well in school, so your parents would approve if you date him)

Thinking that you must be romantically attracted to any conventionally attractive guy you meet, even if you’ve never spoken to him

Thinking you must be attracted to any of your male friends, because girls “obviously” can’t have guy friends without having a crush on them

All your fantasies about men revolve around the future, in order to satisfy a desire of having a “perfect” nuclear family (a house in the suburbs, two kids, husband always at work so you can never see him and be intimate with him)

The thought of doing anything sexual with a man grosses you out

Any sexual fantasies about a man involve a faceless figure that doesn’t feel like a real person

Not being able to relate when your straight female friends talk about guys they like

Only wanting a boyfriend so he can provide you emotional support

Wanting a boyfriend so you won’t be lonely

Wanting a boyfriend to get approval from friends, family, society

Believing those reports that claim every woman finds other women attractive so you can rest safely in the knowledge that even though you find girls hot, you’re still “straight”

Having female friends in childhood or adolescence you were “very close to”, to the extent that you spent all your time thinking about them or followed them around school

Focusing on the woman in sex scenes

All your male crushes were fictional men or unattainable celebrities, so you could be safe in the fact that you’d never have to actually date them

Thinking that a guy being nice to you means you should date him

Thinking guys are cute from afar, but when you get closer to them, you find so many parts of them to be unattractive (eg. hands, hair, body odour, etc)

Liking guys until they reciprocate interest, after which you try to avoid them as much as possible

Knowing that you’re a lesbian from an early age, but try to force yourself to like men because liking girls must “just be a phase” or you’re “just confused”

Testing whether or not you’re attracted to men by trying to like randomly chosen guys to see if it could be possible

Knowing that you only like girls now, but convincing yourself you might like guys in the future, as long as you “meet the right guy”

Assuming you have to like men because that’s what girls are supposed to do

Believing the societal myth that women aren’t supposed to enjoy sex, and that’s why you dislike having sex with men

Misinterpretating anxiety as being romantic butterflies

Convincing yourself that you like men because being a lesbian seems too hard to deal with

Thinking attraction is supposed to feel nauseating and uncomfortable

Having “crushes” on certain men because you admire something they’re able to do (eg. “I must like this guy because I really like how well he plays the guitar”)

Not having feelings for men but being able to tolerate being with men

If anyone has anything to add, feel free to do so in the reblogs, because this is just a small fraction of what compulsory heterosexuality can do to lesbians. Lesbians should not have to “put up” with being with men; we shouldn’t have to “tolerate” relationships with men. Lesbian sexuality is active, not passive, and if you’re not actively desiring men, you’re not attracted to men.

4 years ago

Me; they’re just so perfect! So talented! I love them so much, they’re just so- so...amazing

Me; *hystarically sobs*

Friend; god, will you shut up about the worker who made your dumb Taco Bell order?!

Me; never!

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