Sherlock: Im Gonna Need A Human Skull And I Can't Have You Ask Any Questions Why.
Sherlock: I’m gonna need a human skull and I can't have you ask any questions why.
John: Only if you also don't ask why
John: *Pulls out 7 pristine human skulls* Take your pick.
Sherlock: This one is fine
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More Posts from The-fangirl-diaries
Slowly crawling back into the Moriarty the Patriot fandom. 😁♥️
Hello there! I saw you writing for Moriarty the Patriot and I zoomed on over. If it's okay, may I please request some Sebastian or Sherlock x reader relationship head cannons for a female reader? Or you prefer to write for gender neutral, that's perfectly fine, too.
Thank you!!!!
HELLO, NEW FRIEND! I apologize in advance for all the parts of this that you did not request. I took your request for relationship headcanons with Moran and decided to also include Louis Moriarty, Fred Porlock, James Bonde, and Von Herder. Before I knew it, the simple relationship beginnings headcanons to flesh out the Reader base OC I made for YnM fics was over 3k words--this is the first one I've posted with a female reader, too! Sebastian's headcanons will be first, with the others under the read more cut. I hope you all enjoy! <3
Sebastian Moran
How They Met: Sebastian was on the mission that Y/N had accidentally derailed–how did that happen, you may ask? Well, when they’d started leaving encoded messages at the doorstep of a certain Haberdashery owner, who they’d been informed from a reliable source was fond of puzzles, they hadn’t expected someone else to find them first and take them incredibly seriously. Sebastian found himself assigned to keeping this new player out of their actual mission. However, he’d greatly underestimated her drive for answers and the stealth of his team’s actual encoded communications, which led Y/N directly into the line of fire for this plan. Literally. He got to witness when she showed up on the scene to confront the target Noble through the scope of his rifle. He’d scrambled to signal to the others that a civilian was now in danger and they needed to change the plan–before he could finish getting the message to Fred and Bond, however, the nobleman in question already had a knife to Y/N’s neck. One well-placed shot from Sebastian and a quick evacuation by Fred led to the induction of MI6’s first Cryptographer.
When He First Noticed Y/N: When Y/N was pinned by the nobleman, he’d assumed she would be terrified. To Moran’s surprise, the expression he saw on her face through his scope was one of fearless resolve. She’d figured out the despicable acts committed by the target and had been fully prepared to die in order to right those wrongs, just like the people who had dedicated themselves to William’s plans. Moran saw a kindred spirit with fire in her eyes–that’s what made him bring her to William.
When He Realized He Had Feelings For Y/N: He’d known he had quite the soft spot for the cryptographer due to the time he’d spent observing her–that’s why he brought Y/N back to the Moriarty Manor instead of simply allowing her to return to the life of a normal civilian. He certainly hadn’t expected it to develop past that point, assuming that the interest would stay purely platonic. However, as time went on, he found himself flirting less and less with the strangers he’d find in the bars, with each half-hearted advance causing his heart to twist in an unfamiliar way. Still, it wasn’t until Bonde casually mentioned that Moran had made quite the habit of hanging around the cryptographer’s office after missions that he thought maybe something was up.
When Y/N Realized They Had Feelings For Him: She’d initially despised Moran–not because of anything he’d done to her, of course. It was more his lack of initiative and helpfulness around the class. He seemed like nothing but a lazy slob who preferred to spend as much time as possible drunk and in the company of various women. That image of him remained with Y/N until she was needed for a field mission and got to witness the Colonel in action. She’d known he was competent, sure, but the stories the others told could never really capture the deadly accuracy of Moran’s shooting, his unwavering loyalty to his team and William’s plan, and the often-foolish bravery found in all of his actions. After that, Y/N had spent weeks trying to convince herself that she still viewed Moran the same–it ultimately failed.
Who Confessed And How: Moran’s never been one for subtlety. After testing the waters a few times with her to make sure his advances weren’t unwelcome, Sebastian invited Y/N out with him for the evening. Unfortunately, he discovered he hadn’t made it clear that he’d meant it to be a date. When he showed up at the cryptographer’s office all cleaned up, wearing his best clothes and bearing flowers, she’d greeted him still in her work clothes, prominent ink stains visible on skin and cloth and visible confusion on her face. “Why are you all dressed up? And are those flowers from Fred’s prized rose bush? You know he’ll be upset when he finds out!” “I asked Fred for ‘em–thought that’s what you were s’posed to do when y’were tryin’ to court someone!” “Trying to what!?” It was an unconventional way for Moran to reveal his feelings–he’d hoped to get a few drinks into his system before making the declaration–but Y/N’s enthusiastic reciprocation made it all worth it for him.
Louis Moriarty
How They Met: Louis stood in on William’s meeting with the prospect Moran had dragged back with him. He didn’t trust her in the slightest, keeping a firm grip on the knife concealed behind his back, ready to move to his brother’s defense at the first sign of danger. However, he had to admit that she seemed competent, though not quite as good as his brother, and Louis had often worried about how many facets of the plan rested on William alone. If his brother seemed to trust this person and her services could relieve William of part of his workload, Louis would allow her to live.
When He First Noticed Y/N: He’d dubbed himself as Y/N’s evaluator, taking notes of all her actions and keeping an eye out for anything suspicious. After all, no one would simply be that friendly to him without a good reason. Louis begrudgingly allowed her to assist him with meal preparations after confirming that Y/N didn’t have any poison hidden on her person, though he still handled all of William’s food on his own. Once his suspicions died down, he found himself enjoying the cryptographer’s company–no one besides his brother had ever gone so out of their way for him before. It felt… nice.
When He Realized He Had Feelings For Y/N: William and Y/N had both been out on a field mission–Louis was worried, just as he usually was whenever William was in potential danger. However, when Fred told him that someone had been hurt, he vaguely registered in his panic that it wasn’t just William he was worried for. This realization was confirmed when he saw his brother, completely unscathed, arguing with the bloodied cryptographer in an attempt to get her to sit still until Louis could stitch up whatever injury she’d received. It took all of his willpower to stop his hands from shaking as he tended to her wounds–the relief that her injuries were easily treated, combined with the sheer shock of discovering that his heart had room for someone besides his brothers, was enough to send his normally calm mind reeling.
When Y/N Realized They Had Feelings For Him: Y/N wasn’t quite sure why she felt such a need to make a good impression on the youngest of the Moriarty brothers. She could tell that he didn’t trust her, even though the rest of the team was welcoming. That’s how the cryptographer found herself following Louis around like a lost puppy, eager to help him with all of his tasks in order to prove to him that she wasn’t a threat. As Y/N spent more time with Louis, she grew to admire his work ethic, his unwavering loyalty, and his quiet intelligence, with this admiration only driving her to work harder to get into his good graces. The realization of why his opinion mattered so much to her, however, came when her heart sped up the first time he complimented their cooking. The sudden giddiness and lightheadedness that accompanied his off-hand praise of her to William caused Y/N to choke on her drink, much to the cryptographer’s embarrassment.
Who Confessed And How: The shaking of Louis’s hands as he attempted to stitch up her injury was what gave him away, ultimately. Much to his chagrin, Y/N took his nervous shaking as illness, which caused her to start trying to make him go rest. She insisted she was more than capable of finishing the stitches herself. “Louis, if you’re feeling unwell, please go rest. I can finish this up on my own–there’s no need for you to stress yourself on my account.” “I’m perfectly fine to continue–unless my shaking is causing you pain, of course. I simply have a tendency towards nerves when someone dear to me has been hurt.” The words had tumbled out before he could stop them, something he was not used to, and caused him to tense up in preparation for rejection. However, when Y/N reassured him that the feeling was mutual, he allowed himself to relax enough to start planning his next moves. Any courtship, he knew, would have to be rather unconventional due to their lines of work, but he’d never been one for leading a conventional life.
Fred Porlock
How They Met: Fred hadn’t had to cross paths with the nosy civilian who’d interrupted the original mission. Since his skills in disguise and acting were particularly needed, that honor fell to Moran. Fred had seen her as nothing but an annoyance, the flaw in an otherwise perfect plan. However, when Moran signaled for someone to get Y/N out after their target was killed, Fred didn’t hesitate to grab her by the hand and drag her after him. Unfortunately, that would be his only interaction with the new cryptographer until a few weeks later when she cornered him, adamant at properly introducing herself to her rescuer.
When He First Noticed Y/N: The fact that Y/N had cared enough to track him down and thank him for his help left a big impression on Fred. After all, he’d grown used to not receiving recognition for his actions outside of William and the rest of the team who he’d known and worked alongside for years. That sincerity and kindness were what drove him to put in serious effort to get to know the cryptographer. It also helped that she was more willing to contribute to the housework than Moran was–Fred especially appreciated having someone to help him in the garden.
When He Realized He Had Feelings For Y/N: It was during one of the missions where Y/N had to accompany them, leaving the safety of the house. She still wasn’t used to fieldwork and made an amateur mistake, not enough to ruin the plan but still enough to put her in danger. Fred had immediately dropped his part of the mission to run to Y/N’s aid, despite Moran’s orders to the contrary. The panic that he’d felt when he knew she was in trouble was what finally put all the pieces into place for him.
When Y/N Realized They Had Feelings For Him: For Y/N, developing feelings for Fred was less of an “if” possibility and more of a waiting game until “when”. She’d immediately taken a liking to the quietest of her new teammates, going out of her way to spend extra time in his presence, whether that be helping him with his chores or learning how to assist him in the gardens. However, Y/N didn’t realize how deep she was in until she broke a plate after Fred’s hand accidentally brushed against hers as he went to take it from her while helping clean up dinner.
Who Confessed And How: Moran did it. He got tired of watching the two dance around each other awkwardly and Fred seemed to reject all of his brilliant advice on how to woo someone. The moment was far from romantic, with Moran dragging Fred by the collar of his shirt and unceremoniously dumped him in front of the cryptographer’s desk. “Sort out how you two feel already. I’m tired of yer starcrossed lovers, stolen glances bullshit.” Fred would have preferred to make his declaration on his own time, ideally with a planned speech and some flowers. However, it did work, much to his surprise and delight.
James Bonde
How They Met: Bonde had met up with Fred after he extracted Y/N from the scene of the crime. He’d been the most friendly of her rescuers, introducing himself politely and placing a gallant kiss on the back of her hand. After all, James always liked to make a good impression, especially on pretty girls. He was also the one to explain exactly what Y/N had gotten herself into, and the person who offered to help her settle in after William decided the cryptographer would be joining them.
When He First Noticed Y/N: Immediately. James’s type is pretty, intelligent, and capable, and Y/N checked all of those boxes. He knew better than to press her with any flirtation off the bat, instead focusing on building up a proper friendship with her and getting to know her as a person. He was a frequent visitor to the cryptographer’s office, often insisting on being the one to bring her instructions from William, and he’d always offer to be her guard during field missions.
When He Realized He Had Feelings For Y/N: Bonde knew he was smitten the first time Y/N responded to one of his flirts with her own. After all, it takes more than a pretty face to get him to fall. Once he’d established that they had chemistry, he’d be more forward with his advances towards her. Unlike Moran, however, his focus would be on charming and romancing his target. Flowers on her desks, little gifts in front of her door, and going out of his way to be a gentleman in front of her, et cetera. However, he made sure to leave no doubt that his intentions were genuine–he’d want Y/N to know that, if she was interested in him, he’d happily be hers.
When Y/N Realized They Had Feelings For Him: She’d been flattered by his flirtations–after all, who wouldn’t be when showered with attention from an attractive man? However, it wasn’t until she started noticing that his actions were giving her butterflies that Y/N started earnestly trying to learn if he was being genuine. She knew Moran was a scoundrel only interested in getting her into bed, but something about James made her trust that he was after more than that. That confidence allowed her to firmly decide that she reciprocated his feelings.
Who Confessed And How: Bonde left a rose and a handwritten note inviting her to dinner with him on Y/N’s desk once he was certain she would be comfortable with the offer. When he came by her room to pick her up, he was stunned by how beautiful she looked with her nervous smile and simple dress clothes. He immediately told her that, with his praise for her continuing well into their evening together. “Your beauty is always so effortless, my dear. Until tonight, I thought nothing could improve it. Now I’d do anything to keep that smile on your face directed at me~” James’s smooth-talking and charming nature net him a second date, then a third, until finally developing their relationship into a passionate courtship.
Von Herder
How They Met: Y/N was sent over to his workshop to pick up some technology William had requested specifically for her work. Of course, William had neglected to inform Herder of her impending arrival and Y/N of Herder’s blindness, which led to Herder assuming the unfamiliar footsteps belonged to an intruder. He found his mistake rather embarrassing, but still welcomed Y/N enthusiastically after offering a sheepish apology. It only took a few moments to completely forget his embarrassment, however, as he excitedly launched into an explanation of the inventions she’d been sent to pick up.
When He First Noticed Y/N: Unlike everyone else, Herder wouldn’t have a specific moment where he started seeing Y/N in a more complex light. He doesn’t often give his attention to things outside of his work unless given a compelling reason to.
When He Realized He Had Feelings For Y/N: Herder found himself actively anticipating visits from Y/N much quicker than he thought he would. When she came by, he’d make an actual effort to engage in conversation with her, even starting to keep things to make tea in his workshop just in case she stopped by. He initially brushed it off as simply being happy to have a new person to listen to his ideas, but that changed when he realized that the sound of her footsteps gave him butterflies. Unfortunately, Herder had never really dedicated time and energy to romantic pursuits, so the outcome of this discovery was an increase in his nervous energy. He’d ramble at top-speed until he started tripping over his words–it would have embarrassed him more if he didn’t find her laughs so enchanting.
When Y/N Realized They Had Feelings For Him: Y/N had initially found Herder kind of odd in an endearing way. He was incredibly intelligent and passionate about his work, but she could also tell that he was a bit lonely. Herder had almost no reasons to leave the workshop, and he only received visitors to pick up his inventions. She initially started visiting more often and staying longer out of pity, but it eventually became something she greatly enjoyed. One day, however, while the two were having tea together, she found herself simply staring at the eccentric man as he talked, a soft smile on her face and a warm feeling in her heart, instead of focusing on his words. When she realized he’d obviously asked her a question and is waiting for a response, she was incredibly glad that he can’t see her flustered expression, feigning fatigue from an early mission to excuse her rudeness.
Who Confessed And How: Y/N tried her hardest to subtly hint to him that she had feelings for him. Then she tried being obvious, bringing him small gifts, making more physical contact, and being more affectionate with his words. Unfortunately, his genius did not extend to the realms of flirting or courtship, leaving him oblivious to her advances while moping over his inability to tell her how he felt. Y/N’s frustration finally reaches a boiling point during one visit that she’d made specifically on her day off with no requests from William for Herder to fulfill. “Herder, I like you. Do you like me?” “Well of course I like you, Y/N– I mean, not in any improper manner. I’d never want to make you uncomfortable like that, and I know I’m not– Mmph!” Occasionally, the best way to get something through to a genius is to be direct, and cutting him off with a kiss definitely did the job. Y/N now has a pet inventor dedicated to keeping her safe–after all, dangerous inventions are Herder’s love language.
Whew, that was kinda longer than I meant it to be, but also incredibly fun. Please, please request more like this if you like my writing, or even just send me asks about Yuukoku no Moriarty! I love talking about things I'm into (it's the autism). Also, even though this one is a female reader, I tend to do gender neutral but am also willing to go with any gender or pronouns requested <3
70 Thoughts I Had While Watching Moulin Rouge.

Okay, so we know she dies in the end. Spoiler alert.
Bruno? What are you doing here?
The Hills Are Alive? I didn’t think this song was written yet.
Look, it’s the Green Fairy we all hallucinated about at least once in our lives.
Gee, Lady Marmalade is a lot more chaotic than it is on the radio.
DIAMONDS ARE A GIRL’S BEST FRIEND! Clearly you don’t have a dog.
Nicole Kidman looks stunning! *I am looking respectfully*
She thinks he’s the duke? Won’t she be surprised!
Wait, she fainted. Guys, I told you corsets are a curse.
Poor man’s trying not to make the audience flip out. Good on you.
Tuberculosis. I am not looking forward to this ending.
Poor boy, you’re talking about two different things here.
*Feral Satine noises*
“He’s got a huge...talent.” ~ Toulouse.
Aww, that little smile. *melts into a puddle of goo*
Getting Greatest Showman vibes here.
Yep, told you she’d be surprised.
Christian. Don’t hide there.
That’s the Duke? Nope, goodbye. *leaves*
Satine. Calm. Down.
Toulouse saves the day.
It’s about love? Gee, I never would have guessed.
Hmm, I’ve heard this tune before.
How did they do this scene without laughing?
“In the end should someone die?” ~ Duke.
How can you write with all that chaos going on? It would drive me insane.
Wow, they didn’t call it The Elephant for nothing.
“Love me, love me, say that you love me.” ~ Christian, definitely.
“Stop, you’re gonna actually make me fall in love.” ~ Satine, maybe.
She doesn’t want to fall in love? Fine, then can I have him?
Love can make you do some crazy things, but GET DOWN FROM THERE!
I love they’re using all the songs I grew up with.
Um, why does the moon have a face?
Aww, Toulouse, my sweet boy!
“Hey, Duke. Whatcha hiding there, bro?” ~ Zidler, maybe.
“Something’s sus.” ~ The Dou - *Ahem* Duke, probably.
You might wanna wipe off that lipstick.
Dallying with the writer? Well, can you blame her?
Professor Slughorn, what have you done?
Stop being adorable, I’m gonna cry.
Shoutout to the pigeon watching them make out.
Excuse me, are you the writer here? No? Then sit down.
“I will try and sleep with him, but I’ll fall asleep instead.” ~ Satine, maybe.
Oh, yes, the song I’ve heard a million times and still get chills from.
To the man who saved Satine’s life, here’s a cupcake.
“I didn’t want to pretend anymore.” Aww, Satine :(
I wanna hug her so bad right now.
Wait, he wants to kill Christian? *sarcastic* Didn’t see that coming.
I have an idea, here me out. Talk to Christian and make a plan together.
Or not.
So, they hired a hitman to kill him? How lovely. Now they’ll both die.
She’s trying to save your life. Maybe not in the best way, but still!
YES, TOULOUSE! The underrated hero.
Turn around and sing with her already.
See? She loves you.
Aw, boo hoo, is the little dukie pookie gonna cwy?
Even the conductor is happy.
Yep, play an attempted murder off like it’s nothing.
Kudos to the lady spying from above.
“I wanted to do that for ages.” ~ Zidler, definitely.
Really? Can’t they be happy for five minutes?
So Ewan just has bad luck with any girl named Satine.
Why did I only bring one tissue?
Jonathan: Why are Rick and Evelyn sitting with their backs to each other?
Ardeth: They had a fight.
Jonathan: Then why are they holding hands?
Ardeth: They get sad when they fight.
91 Thoughts I Had While Watching Cats (2019)

Yes, I had plenty of thoughts about this movie, and while some things weren’t great, it was definitely way better than I thought it was going to be.
Looks like the cat’s out of the bag. (I’ll show myself out now.)
Silver Tabby Cat sounds like Cutler Becket.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mentally prepare for a quiz.” ~ Victoria, maybe.
What’s the Heaviside Layer? Is that like Heaven?
Aww, look at the little kitty in the top hat! He’s so cute! I love him already!
Take a shot every time they say Jellicle.
Cirque du Soleil what now?
I wanna be a Jellicle cat, too.
They even have a statue where they go and pray? Nice.
How many more adjectives can these guys think of?
Magic kitty loves Victoria, guess he’s no longer single. Sad.
Macavity? Like what I had removed at the dentist once?
A name change is definitely part of the initiation. Don’t question it.
Mr. Mistoffelees. I will probably name my future cat that.
So all these cats basically wanna be reincarnated? That’s kinda sad.
Is no one going to address the fact that the mice are children?
Dinner and a show, but which is which?
Oh, hey, look, human cockroaches, yummy, lol!
*sings* Jason Derulo!
Rum Tum Tugger? I’m sorry, but who was in charge of naming these guys?
Okay, he’s kinda cute, actually.
The soundtrack has no right to be this good!!!
A Milk Bar? GENIUS!!! I totally wanna go to one of those.
Why are y’all being so mean to Grizabella?
I mean, she went off with Macavity but can you blame her?
You’re going to, though.
Poor baby. She looks like she could use a big hug.
And who comes to lighten the suddenly depressing mood? James Corden!
Buster? Christopher? Pick one. Just pick one.
Look at that distinguished gentleman. Excuse me, sir-
Okay, um, I did not need to see that, haha!
Jenny, Jenny, Jenny. You don’t get out much do you?
HE’S THE BAD GUY...DUH. (Sorry, again.)
*High pitched, sing-song voice* MACAVITY!!!!
Look, they even managed to squeeze Thing One and Thing Two into this.
Why are they just holding her by her arms?!
So their names are Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer?? M’kay, not gonna read too much into that.
Wow, this song makes me wanna destroy something for no reason!
Why did Victoria lift her leg like that? I know she’s a ballerina, but why?
*Thing one laughs like a psycho and I yeet my phone into another dimension*
“Draw me like one of your French Cats!” ~ Mungojerrie. Definitely.
This is a dating simulator and no one can tell me otherwise.
Choose your route.
Mungojerrie eating steak ASMR.
“I prefer my competition chained. Up.” An actual line in the movie.
Misto covered for Victoria. Such a sweet boy.
Mother, I am in love.
But wait, if they know about the twins’ antics, wouldn’t they just assume....?
“So which one of you wants to die?” ~ Old Deuteronomy, maybe.
Finally, we get to go to the Jellicle Ball.
I see the twins there, too.
Aww, Victoria left to help Grizabella.
Or sit with him and talk about life.
“I’ve acted with Tree.” Guys, this is Gandalf in a cat form.
*Lightning strikes courtesy of our friendly neighbourhood magician, Mr. Mistoffelees*
*Gus looks at his paws* Yep, I’ve still got it.
Forget about the Polar Express, I wanna go on whatever train this is.
“I like trains.” ~ Skimbleshanks, probably.
Skimbleshanks, why are you spin - Oh.
She’s getting everyone high on catnip, seems legit.
Why are all the villain’s songs the most catchy, like dang!
I’m loving all of these -
And there goes Old Deuteronomy.
Growl Tiger definitely deserved more screen time.
“Why won’t you let me die?!” ~ Macavity.
And the award for best supportive boyfriend goes to Munkustrap!
She’s the Jellicle Choice! You bet she is!
A cat is not....a dog.
Tell that to my dog who acts like a cat!
Please stop staring at me! It’s getting weird now.
Victoria! Stop making me cry.
It’s over?
Yep, that was - ahem - terrible. A nightmare. Never watching it again.
*dries eyes and sniffles and presses restart*
I love you, my beautiful man!
In The Game of Love ~ 15

< previous chapter
Word Count: 2,110ish
Summary: Y/N, John, and Sherlock head to the gypsy camp. Sherlock and Y/N’s relationship takes another step in the right direction.
Notes: some fluff before the angst.

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