the-lost-girl-in-the-tardis - I got Lost in the universe.
I got Lost in the universe.

Comfort characters gonna comfort. Please enjoy the stuff I've got! 23   I also run two other blogs, one for the hobbit and the other for transformers. So please don't be mad if I don't get to write very often here. Tf Blog: @jazz-miester Hobbit: @raisedinerebor

34 posts

Eater Of Time

Eater Of Time

:A sneak peak into what I'm writing next. Trying to keep this blog somewhat active lol:

Last part first

"Help me. Remind me why I'm here."

-Kim Addonizio, from 'Death Poem', Wild Nights: New and Selected Poems.

"What are they?" Your voice shakes. The creatures in front of you move and shift along the shadows. Their eyes are hungry. Feeding off of the very being of you.

"Eaters of time." The Doctor spoke from beside you. Quiet. Soft. Almost scared if one could believe it. You glance up at him as he still stares back at the creatures.

"Eaters of time?" You ask. One of them lurches forward and the Doctor places you behind him. His sonic whirs uselessly against them. The darkness they spread swallows the little green light. "Doctor." You whisper. "Doctor please. What are they?"

You have never seen that look on his face before. So broken. Empty. You've seen his joy, his anger, his sorrow. This. It.

"They eat time, Y/n. Specifically the time someone has lived. They eat it. Consume it. Almost immortal because of their hunger." He pulls you away from him and towards the open forest the two of you had trekked god knows how long ago. "I'm sorry." He gives you a hug. Presses a kiss to your brow. "I am so sorry. But I need you to run. Go. To the Tardis. She'll take you home."

"I'm not leaving you!" The creatures surge as your voices rises. "Doctor. I will not leave you." Your voice is hoarse. Your body strung tight. Muscles and a base primal fear begging you to do just that. Run.

His face hardens and you catch a glimpse of the Doctor that only those who whisper his name in fear have witnessed. Not at you. No. But that foolish heart of yours. The one that begs to stay. To help.

"I need you to run. Now." He begins to push you away from it all. Away from the baying creatures. The forest seems to grow. To swallow the both of you as he pushes you further and further away. "Go! Before they-"

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More Posts from The-lost-girl-in-the-tardis

I have a one shot I'm writing but lord idk if it's any good lol. We'll see.

Hand in Hand

Hand In Hand

Pairing: 10th doctor x reader

Song: Mumford and son's- Beloved.

Warnings: Angst then fluff. F bomb is dropped twice. I am absolutely sorry if this makes no sense.

AN: Enjoy!

Fear will take ahold in many ways. That body shaking kinda fear that leaves you feeling drained and exhausted. The one that roots itself deeply into the pit of your stomach. It makes you feel ill and wishing that you were anywhere else.

Then there's the one that makes your blood run cold. The one where your body loses all warmth and makes it feel as if you've been eating cotton balls. It makes your mind run rampant and go blank at the same time.

It's the one where you don't know wether to scream or cry. Maybe you should run? Would that work? Or should you curl up and into a ball and hope that whatever has a deep rooted hold onto your heart will go away.

But that's never the case.

It never goes away.

It's always there at the back of your mind even if the thing your scared of is light-years away and flung deeply into the past.

But. You know.

Time travel and aliens have a way of throwing the wrench into that one.

So. Here you where. At some unknown point in the future. Standing on a foreign planet with your greatest fear standing before you. Behind you. Whispering honeyed words in your ears.

They travel around you. Trail up your sides and tangle within your hair. Trying to poison every crack and crevice they can get ahold of.

So. You fall back onto what you knew as a little kid. Little tricks you learned when having your parents check the closet and under the bed wasn't quite enough.

You close your eyes and pretend that you can't see them.

Because if you can't see them they can't see you.

You try to think of happy thoughts. Puppy's and kittens and


So they can do that know.

It's face was directly in front of yours. Grinning like a mad man set free. Laughter rings in your ears as you open your eyes.

Screaming you fall back.

Happy thoughts happy thoughts.

Fucking happy thoughts!

That's what The Doctor had told you before you got separated.

These beings fed on fear. Thrived in it. And the only way they could get it was by trapping unsuspecting travelers.

They made the planet to look enticing. To draw you in like a siren's song and down you in a sea of gut wrenching terror.

The planet was washed in seas of blue and draped with blankets of deep green. When you land on it the first thing you notice is the sweet smell of flowers. Maybe even the fresh scent of baked bread. The floor was carpeted on the softest moss you could ever hope to see.

It made you feel at home. It drew you in. You wanted to go in deeper. To explore and see more of the beauty it has to offer.

And we fell for it. Both me and the Doctor. He grabbed ahold of my hand and off we went. Seeing new sights I've never seen before. Finding new soft looking animals the Doctor is just now learning of.

The first howl should have sent us back running to the Tardis. And we would have to. If the Doctor hadn't insisted on staying just a touch longer. I'm not blaming him. Lord no. I wanted to see the waterfall to. I trusted that he would keep me safe. So off we went. Hand in hand to see the world as we always did.

Except this time letting go wasn't something we had planned together. The rocks were slick with wet moss. Little pebbles would scatter with every step we took. The bank to the river was a rainbow of colors. The water the deepest shade of blue.

We went towards the water fall that fed the river. It's great roaring sound as it sailed to the ground deafens us the closer we got. Having to shout at one another to be heard.

And down we went. Laughing to one another as we pointed out some great unseen sight. Birds colored with every fiery hue nauture could create. Fish the same scaley green as the oceans back home.

Oh it's was absolutely stunning!

But. All good things must come to an end.

The howling from earlier had gotten louder. Had gotten closer. We could see them in the corners of our eyes. Heads peering over huge boulders as we swiftly made out way back to the Tardis.

My heart pounded deeply with in my chest as a hollowed filling made itself home in the base of my throat. I gripped tightly onto the Doctors hand. He squeezed back just as tightly.

It was him who figured it out first. Of course. He payed attention to how swiftly they moved. Watched as our breathing became erratic and our hearts drummed out a hurried tune.

"Think happy things y/n" He told me. "Tell me about the happiest thing you can remember. Maybe we can call down." So I did. I told him about the time me and my parents went to the coast for the first time. About the way the salty hair clung to every inch of skin. The way the briney air would fill your lungs. About the tide pools I showed my siblings once they came into the world.

And it worked! Both me and him were calm and it was a few more miles back to the Tardis.

Aliens have a way of ruinning things. Remember that if you ever have the chance to travel with this man.

A glob of mud sailed through the air and landed squarely on the Doctors suit jacket. We both spun on heel as another hit the side of my face.

They had us surrounded from the back. Hands filled with mud balls and rocks.

We took of in a blind sprint. Hand in hand as the forest blurred around us. The Doctor lost his footing as the ground suddenly slanted downwards. We lost each other as we tumbled to the bottom of the large hill.

Which led me to where I was now. In pain. Dazed and confused with monsters surrounding me.

One shuffled closer to me. Snuffling it's way around my neck and into my ear. I breathed in deeply trying to distance myself away. Trying to think clearly.

Trying to think about what the Doctor would tell me.

Help me figure out on my own.

With every ounce of strength I had I pushed the creature back. Yelling and screaming.

"You have no power over me!" I whirled around in my spot. Hair whipping wildly as tears welled up behind my lashes.

"Do you hear me! You'll starve with me here! You are just and insignificant little aspect of my life!" The creatures sunk back. On tried to bravely run towards me. I grabbed a broken branch and waved wildly at it. Breaking the branch in two as it came into contact with a burley arm.

"You don't scare me! The demons I face within my own head have told me scarier lies than you could ever hope to whisper." I walked towards the shrinking group hot tears spilling down my face.

"Don't you see! There are scarier things in this universe. And believe me I've seen them all. But you. Your just the monster under the bed. No one's going to remember you." My chest heaved as I breathed in deeply. The monsters shrunk and skittered away. Leaving me alone in the middle of the woods with nothing but my thoughts for company.

I dropped the branch that was still clutched within my grasp. Tears spilled thickly down the sides of my face. My nose ran an my head began to throb in tune with my rapidly beating heart.

I folded in on myself wrapping my arms around my stomach. I gasped for air as my legs trembled before giving out.

I was alone.

Oh God I was alone.

"Y/N!" I jerked up and off of the ground at the sound of my name. The Doctor was sprinting towards me. His suit jacket torn and dirty a deep purple bruise cradled the side of his face.

"Doctor!" We clashed against one another trembling as we pulled each other as close as we could. The Doctor's hand rested against the back of my head his long fingers weaving through my hair. I grabbed fistfulls of tattered fabric while resting my head against his chest.

"It's ok." He whispered. "We're safe now. They're gone." He pressed a kiss to the top of my head swaying side to side. I sniffled and wiped away still falling tears.

"Are you okay?" It came out in a ragged whisper. The Doctor smiled softly. His deep brown eyes shimmering with unshed tears. He pressed another kiss to my forehead and grabbed ahold of my hand.

"I'll be okay when once we get into the Tardis and away from this planet." We began the slow trek forward. His hand held mine tightly and deep down I knew that he needed this more than I did.

I looked down when the ground suddenly felt a little more wet and a lite more squishy.

"Y/n?" He turned to look at me one brow curved towards the sky.

"I... I lost my shoe." We met each other's gaze and burst out laughing heads resting on each other's shoulders. Hands held together in a gentle embrace.

We began laughing even harder when the Tardis whirred a little ways away from us.

Hand in hand we would take on the world. Heaven forbid we were one without the other.

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Eleventh Doctor x insecure/ anxious reader?

🫀REQUESTS ARE OPEN🫀 || Doctor Who-inspired playlist

"Cold feet" - 11th Doctor x Reader

Eleventh Doctor X Insecure/ Anxious Reader?

SUMMARY: Funnily enough, after facing death and vicious aliens, it's small talk with strangers that gives you cold feet. Fortunately enough, you found yourself in the company of an expert on running away.


A/N: As an anxious person I cannot be thankful enough for people in my life who casually roll with my anxiety and don't try to "fix" it with cheap advice

Eleventh Doctor X Insecure/ Anxious Reader?

"Time Lord to human! Are you listening to me?"

The sudden yelling shook you awake. Only then did you realize you zoned out in the first place, letting Doctor's rushed words brush right by you. You looked at him only to see pure annoyance seeping from his expression. Although you never meant to hurt him, the guilt still gnawed at you.

"Sorry, missed the last bit," you explained yourself as you awkwardly rubbed the back of your neck. "What were you saying?"

Instead of repeating his scientific ramblings which definitely would have been a little too fast and complex for you to understand, he shifted his posture to rest his hands on his hips. You felt as if he had caught you red-handed doing something he had absolutely prohibited you from doing.

"Oi, what's going on with you? It's like you've lost your head."

You absentmindedly shook your head to dismiss his worry. "Yeah, sorry, it's no-"

"Are you in love?"

For a moment you couldn't get any sound to leave your mouth. "What?" It was a bizarre conclusion to jump to. You couldn't tell what on Earth could even get him that idea. "No, it's on-"

"Good for you!" he said as he clapped his hands. "Now, moving on. Focus, eyes on me."

"Look, it's just that I've got a..." you suspended your voice thinking of the right word to use. The Doctor stared at you with wide eyes, clearly awaiting the second part of the sentence. "Thing."

"A thing?" he repeated in confusion. It seemed as if with each of your words he only grew more offended at your misplaced attention.

"Yes, a thing." Out of all the words you could have used, your choice seemed to have fallen on the worst and least exhaustive one. "My friend, Ada, is throwing a party for some of her college friends but apart from me everyone invited is from her course, so she's going to be the only person I know there."

"And that's what you've been thinking about while I was explaining my clever, clever plan?"

The Doctor stared at you with closely knit eyebrows. In some way, he couldn't fathom how a party invitation could be in any way more interesting than him showing off his extraordinary intellect and creativity. Choosing between a college party and aliens should have been a lot easier than it truly was.

"It's not as simple as it sounds, you know?"

"Alright, then tell me." By his hand-flapping and surprisingly undivided attention, you couldn't tell whether he was growing more upset or actually wanted to hear about what was troubling you.

"Honestly, I don't want to go but it's important for Ada. Also, I haven't seen her in ages. On the other hand..." your voice drifted away. Now that you've started this little heart-to-heart, it was pointless to lie to the Doctor - if successful, fooling him wouldn't gain anything anyway. "It's a party full of strangers."

For a moment he stared at you in silence, visibly expecting you to elaborate but truthfully, there wasn't anything more to say. The hypothetical group of strangers, as faceless as they were, was already stressful enough, even without giving them imaginary traits or habits.

"Strangers, right," he said as he clasped his hands. The sound echoed throughout the console room. He looked away for a moment, basking in enlightenment, before looking back at you. "How exactly is that a problem?" he dwelled on the subject. It seemed as if the discomfort of a company of strangers was hardly conceivable.

"You wouldn't get it." You vaguely waved your hand at him in a dismissive manner. Maybe it was unfair towards him but you really couldn't imagine a scenario in which he doesn't throw in a sarcastic comment about your anxiety. "I mean, how could you? Socializing has never been a problem for you."

"How could it be? People, party, cake, dancing. I love dancing! Great times, nothing to be scared of."

"Yes, there is: small talk and thirty people I've never met. And that's only the beginning."

Even the mere mention of that situation made a cold shiver run down your spine. A flutter of anxiety in your chest brought an unpleasant, suffocating sensation. Unconsciously, your face contorted in a grimace.

"You just go up to them and talk, what's hard about that?"

"Everything!" you exclaimed as you made a broad movement with your hands. "It's just... I can't do that. I physically can't make myself go up to a stranger and ask how they're doing, I'd rather hit my head against a wall. I know the theory, the 'walking through a house' metaphor, it's just... I can't force my body to do that. And when I do find myself talking to a stranger, I want it to end immediately. And the silence! Oh God, the silence... Like when you ask them a question, they answer and then the silence. The awkward silence of my anxiety, lack of social skills and being a generally uninteresting person. Just a bit of quiet and everyone knows I'm weird, awkward and-"

"Hey, hey, stop it!" he scolded you in a whiny voice as if you were a child. "Don't say that. You're not awkward or weird, you're brilliant!"

"Thanks, that's nice of you but unfortunately, I am self-aware."

He may have known you for weeks but you've known yourself for decades.

"No, really." He refused to let go. If the Doctor was going to spout cliche pick-me-ups, he appeared exceptionally committed to the meaningless act. "You crossed the universe as it is wide and long. Fought aliens and risked your life because a toddler couldn't sleep at night. Blimey, you told a Sontaran with a bomb bigger than your head to piss off. And it's house party small talk that gives you cold feet?"

Contrary to his presumption, the context didn't give you any comfort or motivation - it only made you feel worse. If you really were as brave as he made it seem, why couldn't you just start a conversation with your friend's guests? By the measure of saving the universe multiple times, you should be more than capable to do so.

"I know it sounds ridiculous and I agree it's stupid but it's not the same. When we're saving worlds it's a mission, a puzzle to solve." You paused for a moment but by your expression, the Doctor could tell there was something else on your mind. "And I've got you," you added.

"Me?" he asked sheepishly. The Doctor vaguely pointed his finger at himself. "What does that have to do with me?"

"You make me a little braver. I mean, you don't look scared even when you are, so it gives me a little push. I feel a little less anxious when I know that you've got my back."

"So what do you do when I'm not there?"

"Bail," you answered with a shrug. Were you really the same person who criticized the fashion choices of an alien with more guns than limbs? "I rarely go but when I do, I just run off around midnight like Cinderella." You made a small pause when you lowered your gaze, avoiding the Doctor's face. "Honestly, it always makes me feel ashamed like I'm making myself miss out on something but it's either that or panicking in the bathroom."

A silence fell between you. The Doctor's typical hand flapping came to a strange halt as he continued to stare at you with an inexplicable expression. He would have agreed on your resemblance to Cinderella, your regent-esque charm and princess-like beauty but there seemed to be a matter more important at hand:

"Has that ever happened?"

His voice was surprisingly quiet, hesitant even as if he didn't want to actually know the answer. Maybe he wasn't sure he was ready for the responsibility the knowledge would bring. The Doctor's words were barely audible over the whirring and wheezing of the TARDIS's engineering.

"Which part?"

"Panicking in the bathroom."

"Yeah," you said quietly. Your gaze fell to the floor. Looking for some kind of comfort, you slowly rubbed your arm. "It was New Year at my friend's, didn't know anyone there except for him. At some point, I just needed to take a break from being around so many people. I sat in the bathroom wearing a silver sequin ballgown and fought back tears. Funny, I probably looked equally pathetic and great. The only thing I could think about was how rubbish I was at just hanging out with people and, you know, being a normal teen at a normal teen party filled with normal teens. I just..." you stopped yourself at the last moment possible. A heavy, defeated sigh left your lips before you continued in a voice barely above a whisper. "I just wish I was a little less anxious."

"You never said anything."

"Why would I? It's not something I'm exactly proud of." You let out a bitter chuckle as you answered him.

Suddenly you found yourself engulfed in a tight hug. The Doctor's arms were tightly wrapped around you, his slow but ragged breath brushing against your neck. Surprised at the unforeseen affection, you hesitantly reciprocated the embrace. The tweed of his jacket was slightly coarse, some strings were coming out of the seams. He always smelled like burnt wires and a second-hand bookshop. At first, that distinct fragrance wasn't exactly pleasant to you but with time it became a beacon of hope, comfort, adventure and a good laugh.

"Oh, you brilliant, clever you," he quietly said in a sad voice.

Then he stepped away from you just as swiftly and surprisingly as he hugged you in the first place. The first thing you noticed was the change in his facial expression: the Doctor was no longer annoyed or concerned but excited as if he had just come up with a perfect solution to some mind-boggling problem.

"Well then, good thing you're not going alone this time."

"I'm... not?"

"Yes! A plus-one. It's still a thing, right? I'm your plus-one."

"That's sweet of you but you really don't have to. I'm fine on my own," you assured him, although he had no reason to believe you after what you'd already told him.

"Change of plans, sweetheart!" he exclaimed as he pulled one of the many levers. The TARDIS was about to take flight and it was a little too late for arguments and second thoughts. "We're going together and when people become a little too much we attend to an emergency," he said while running between different parts of the flight console. As if he was dancing, he made a whole circle around the control switchboard and stood in front of you once again. The Doctor stuck his index finger in your face as if reprimanding you once more. "No panicking in the bathrooms."

"Wait, what emergency?" you asked as he was already taking directions to your hometown.

"You know, this very real emergency that can't wait and we have to take care of it at the very moment. The crisis that I definitely did not invent just now."

"Right..." you drew out your answer as you caught on to his ruse. A smile crept unto your face. "Time travellers, defenders of the universe. You can never know when you're needed. Any suspicions as to what the emergency is?"

"Laskos' fourth moon. There's that small waffle bar that might need an inspection."

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The Companions as perfumes

I did it anyways lol. Once again let me know if you want a link to any of these.

The Companions As Perfumes

Rose Tyler: Blackberry peach preserves- Nui Cobalt

Fox in the flowerbed- Imaginary Authors

Notes: Blackberry peach preserves-Deep and delicious, this scent recalls the purple skies of Autumn’s sunset. Ripened plump blackberries, vanilla sugar, luscious peach, and subtle spice. Wear for soothing, healing, and protection.

Fox in the flowerbed-Jasmine Tulips Frankincense Wildflower Honey Pink Peppercorns Silver Thistle Alpine Air

I feel like these both complement the ninth and tenth doctors pretty well. And they are both a sweeter and sort of flirty scent which suits Rose's personality. A note about fox in the flower bed is that it isn't a artificial flower scent. It smells exactly like if you laid down in a bed of flowers. I'm not one for florals but this is a perfume I would be reaching for.

The Companions As Perfumes

Martha Jones: Zuma 1975- Thin Wild Mercury

Notes: Top Notes Bergamot, Coriander​ Middle Notes Ocean waves, Jasmine Sambac​ Bottom Notes Sandalwood, Vetiver, Ambrette Musk

I don't have this perfume but from what i've heard it is very good. It's advertised more as a beachy summery perfume I believe.

The Companions As Perfumes

Donna Noble: Yesterday Haze

Notes:Fig Iris Cream Tonka Tree Bark Walnut Bitters Orchard Dust

This perfume immediately draws you in. It's personally one of my favorites and would suit Donna insanely well. It's just one of those perfumes that if you smelled it out in public you would never be able to forget about it.

The Companions As Perfumes

Amelia Pond: O'Unknown- Imaginary Authors

Notes-Black Tea Lapsang Souchong Tincture Orris Butter Kyoto Moss Musk Balsam Sandalwood ???

Another perfume that I don't personally have but just from the name alone I had to pair this one up for Amy Pond. Each of the Imaginary Author perfumes have a story behind them and this one is Amy's. A man that left for adventure ready to leave it all behind.

The Companions As Perfumes

Rory Williams: Classic Old Spice.

Look. I love Rory. I really do. But I have a pretty good feeling the only thing he wears is old spice. It's comforting and well known scent. Not only that but it's dependable and I feel like that Rory to a t. In order to have Rory wear something else I'd feel like it would have to be a gift. And if that were the case I'd choose Painted Fires by death and floral.

‘Painted Fires ’ - Dry desert rose & dusty ground, sweet summer citrus, leftover bonfire ash, white sage distilled in New Mexico, sun-warmed ghostly glow

The Companions As Perfumes

Clara Oswald: Saint Julep- Imaginary Authors

Notes:Sweet Mint Tangerine Southern Magnolia Bourbon Grisalva Sugarcube

This smells like drinking a sweet tea with some bourbon in it during the summer time. It's not over powering but it still lets you know that it's there. It's a delicate sounding perfume that gives a nice hit once you smell it.

The Companions As Perfumes

Captain Jack Harkness: Apre's - Ellis Brooklyn

Notes: Juniper Berries, Bourbon, Cedarwood

I have heard this perfume is that it is the embodiment of cutting up wood all day out in the forest and coming back home to sip on a glass of bourbon. There's also some notes of sweet vanilla to some. It's a more masculine leaning scent that envelops all who smell it.

The Companions As Perfumes

River Song: Whiskey 1969- Thin Wild Mercury

Notes: Top Notes Pink Pepper, Cardamom Middle Notes Raspberry, Nutmeg, Ylang Ylang Base Notes Cedarwood, Bourbon Amber

This is a perfume I wish I had. From what i've heard its a more sexy and sultry scent that breathes of something wild. Another perfume oil I had in mind for River Song was Two cups of tea a summer monsoon and me and you by Death and Floral. It's a sweet summery petrichor scent that I just adore.

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The Doctors as perfumes

Look. I should be working on a fic I started.

I'm doing this instead.

All of these a perfumes I have and many of them are unisex. If anyone wants a link to these just ask!

The Doctors As Perfumes

Ninth Doctor: Memoirs of a trespasser - Imaginary Authors

Notes: Madagascar Vanilla



Benzoin Resin

Ambrette Seeds

Oak Barrels

This is one of my favorites. It's nice and smokey and reminds me of old books and the smell of woodsmoke. It's also a very comforting smell. If it were a person it would be someone who's very comforting in a protective way.

The Doctors As Perfumes

Tenth Doctor: Lightning Storm- Nui Cobalt

Notes: An intense blend for calling down the thunder. Petrichor and ozone, electrified metal, cold musk, bergamot, lime zest, cracked pink peppercorn, copal smoke, Indian myrrh, and teakwood. Wear when you're ready to turn your magic all the way up.

This perfume oil smells like spice and something warm. Kind of like drinking a spiced tea and sitting near a warmed wood stove. It's as close as I can get to what I imagine he would wear. Something suitable for The Oncoming Storm.

The Doctors As Perfumes

Eleventh Doctor: Middle Earth- Hexennaught

Notes: chocolate, amber, nag champa, dark patchouli.

Look. It's the name in a good classic book. That's the reason why I personally bought it. The patchouli in this is not overpowering at all and is a good balance for the chocolate in it. Its not overly sweet but its not dark and bitter. Something I think suits this generations sweet and goofy to dark and serious demeanor.

It also lasts and lingers no matter what you do. It's rememberable in the way that your incapable of letting it go. That being said I wear this one all the time.

The Doctors As Perfumes

Twelfth Doctor: Telegrama- Imaginary Authors.


Lavender Absolute

Black Pepper



Vanilla Powder

Fresh Linens

The moment I thought of this generation it was this perfume that sprung to mind. There's no lavender to my nose but it definitely smells like fresh laundry and a nice spiced cologne.

The Doctors As Perfumes

Thirteenth Doctor: Sundrunk- Imaginary Authors Elish Eau de Parfum

Notes: Sundrunk -Neroli



Rose Water

Orange Zest

First Kiss

Elish Eau de Parfum- top notes Sugar, Red Berries and Mandarin Orange; middle notes are Vanilla, Cacao, Spicy Notes and Rose; base notes are Tonka Bean, Amber, Musk and Woody Notes.

I have yet to fully get to watch thirteen's run but this is what id imagine she wear. Sundrunk is such a beautiful neroli perfume and perfect for summer. It's very fun and outgoing.

Billie Eilish's perfume smells like a warm spiced chai tea. It's warm and comforting and really draws you in.

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