Its One Of Those Things: Its Good When You Do It By Yourself, Its Better When You Go With Someone, And

It´s one of those things: it´s good when you do it by yourself, it´s better when you go with someone, and it´s the merriest when is with Petit Monsieur.
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Hobbies. August 2024
Introduction letter
I´ve always been afraid of showing myself: showing my appearance, showing my thoughts, showing my feelings… It´s always been a safe place for me to remain in the anonymity (not exactly hiding in the shadows, though). Over time, I´ve realized this might have multiple reasons: I´m an introvert, I´m a very shy and anxious person, this way I can avoid feeling ashamed and to be judged. This last not because I misbehave (…all the time :P), but mostly because I´m very insecure (I know I have a lot of defects, that there is a lot of things I don´t know; I don´t need people to make it explicit all the time).
I´m starting this blog as an exercise for me to record the things that I like, my desires, my dreams, my fear, the thoughts that cross my mind often or rarely (but that certainly represent the way I perceive the world) … in general to use it as a diary.
Why here where literally anyone with internet can access this blog and get to know me? Well, this is part of the test (game?). I´ll try to show only pieces of me, of my life that either might or might not be interconnected. Nevertheless, I promise myself to always write and post the truth or at least my most sincere thoughts. Let´s see how it goes… hopefully no one will get to read this.
Let me give a first clue: I´m not a native English speaker (it was not obvious yet? :P).
I hope this blog brings entertainment and certain joy. May this journey enrich the way I perceive myself and help me to build a better me.
To be continued… M.