985 posts
Theasexual-jackson - Angelle DiPoetry - Tumblr Blog
Here are all informations about alterhuman term naturesoul (or naturanimae). I hope this term will become one of the official alterhuman terms, along with flag and symbol, will appear in alterhuman and otherkin wikis one day and will help those who can't really identify with all these terms that already exist. If you can reblog this post or share with others, I would be really grateful, I hope more beings will recognize this and there will be beings that identify as naturesoul. :)
Naturesoul or naturanimae (from latin: naturae = nature + animae = soul, can be translated as "natural soul") is alterhuman term (label) for souls who can't feel full connection with their physical bodies.
Soul is primordial/basic living being that is in every physical creature, soul is that living being, with personality and memories, and creatures are physical bodies in different shapes, they can't live without souls, but souls can live without physical body. There is one soul in one body.
Naturesoul identify as souls in human bodies, not humans, they are aware of being just souls and because of that they can't identify as any other beings. They feel disconnection with current physical incarnation and can see it as "clothes" for soul, they can see possibility in being in any body, as any physical creature, physical form isn't that important, or they can prefer some specific body or parts from other physical creatures which they like or they were in previous incarnation (similar to otherlink, but they still not identify as that creature, they still identify as souls). Can also feel spiritual connection between them and nature, their beliefs can be connected to nature and feels as part of nature. In the same time they can partially identify with any creature's characteristics from their previous incarnations in which they felt good, for example as soul they can feel connection with cats (similar to otherhearted), they also can miss qualities they had in previous incarnations such as flying (bird incarnation) or walking on four legs etc. So they can feel some connection in different ways with their previous incarnation.
Contrary to popular belief that soul has no gender, naturesoul can identify with any gender identities (because of previous incarnations or experiences), but agender and gender neutral can be frequent, can use any pronouns. They can experiencing dysphoria because of disconnection with human body or any gender identities they feel, also can be genitalfluid/sexfluid which can be related with seeying their body just as "clothes". Naturesoul can be any sexuality and romantic orientation.
Important note:
Naturesoul can feel connection with creatures from their previous incarnations, they can miss some characteristics and qualities of creatures they were in the past, they even can have their own preferences about what body they want to have, but they can't identify in the same time as any other creatures. Naturesoul can't be combined with other alterhuman terms, this is separate identity which, due to its specificity, doesn't allow you to identify with something else at the same time. If someone identify with something else and at the same time feels spiritual identity, it's probably soulkin, not naturesoul.

・Original - Harmonia mundi (from latin: harmony of the world):
Dot in the central part represents Mother Earth and the energy of life and creation, everything has that energy.
Pentagram represents the elements and nature.
Small drops coming from arms of the pentagram represent that everything has the same beginning and is created from the same energy.
Long drops represent souls, like a circle in a pentacle, they represent the harmony of nature, they are connected with it and are part of it.
The whole harmonia mundi symbol represents world's structure and roots of souls, from dot to drop. Also represents close and spiritual connection with nature and being part of it.
・Alternative - Pentacle:
Represents close and spiritual connection with nature and being part of nature, it's also symbol of nature.

White (and light grey*) represents soul and primordial/basic living being.
Blue, green and brown (shades*) represents colors of nature, sky, plants and soil.
Black (and dark grey*) represents human body/physical incarnation and humans' distance from nature.
Distance between white (and light grey*) and black (and dark grey*) stripes represents disconnection between soul and human body/physical incarnation.
* in alternative version
Some of my personal thoughts about naturesoul, why I'm soul and how I see world as soul you can find here.
'you still listen to music from 10 years ago 🤨?' bitch if prehistoric humans had audio recording technology id be sat up here listening to grog and unga bunga's greatest hits don't play with me
Awwnhonhonhonhonho, which language you gonna do?
idk if this question has been asked but do you ever plan on writing fluff? (like Michael and y/n getting married, or having a baby, or he proposes to her, etc.. etc.)
absolutely! i really wanna write about him proposing to foreigner!reader (cause i wanna write him asking you to marry him in your mother tongue)
My 90yr old Irish Catholic grandpa doesn’t miss with my gender. He’s never gotten my name wrong, or my pronouns, never even faltered over it.
It’s all so natural too: son, big man, young man…
We’ve never talked about it. He’s the only one who hasn’t pushed for details. He just accepted it and carried on because it’s not a huge deal.
It’s so comforting.
“femmefacist” yeah, that makes allot of sense 😰
Another block list (sorry if I send you some of this already):
@/69scotty is pro Israel, pro Trump and anti abortion.
@/stanlunter is panphobic.
@/mushroom-home99 is a terf.
@/killallxys is a violent misandrist terf.
@femmefacist is a misandist terf.
Thank you so much for running this blog and as always have a nice day!
thank you for the blocklist !!
Anyways, what's y'all's favourite politician ship?
Mine is Kamala Harris X Dilma Rousseff.
And I say more: tiktok ain't only brainwashed by far right ideals, they also got lots of internalised amatonormativity that they refuse to unpack.
Every day I go on this app just to see standard lookin people dictating nonsensical, monosexist relationship rules that are only there to fuck with the aspec community n the queerplatonic community, along with the polyamorous people as well.
N' let's not even talk about their horrendous, saltless, boring insults.
HEYY so if you have tiktok, there’s this person that’s been posting a lot and I’m 80% sure they are a terf, and they keep saying that the word queer is disrespectful and a slur (which yeah it’s been used as such but it’s been mostly reclaimed, you don’t hear people screaming ‘queer’ at you in the streets) and I saw a post that felt very terfy

This is the account, if you scroll down a bit there’s a few posts that scream terf
yikes 😬
what's worse about this is that if you've ever been on tiktok, you know that people there are VERY susceptible to being brainwashed by far-right fascist movements and ideologies that call themselves "progressive". I avoided posting my "Fascism Vs Art" infographic (idk what to call it) on that site because I knew I was going to get A LOT of hate for it. People there hate admitting that they MIGHT be wrong, and will attack anyone who points that out.
Ah, and about that last part, I actually did accidentally shift to mirror CRs a few times.
I swear to god, that sticker on the bus was on the out side of the window, how else would it go inside? /hj

shifting motivation for you<33
I love shifting bc what do you mean after years of grieving my childhood/teenage years I can just go somewhere and go to high school and just do mundane things and heal…
I never said a genuinier “what” in my entire life, this is so fuckin funny 😭😭
Are you allowed to shift to universes where monks are allowed to fuck?
I tried but I accidentally shifted to a reality in which Catholics were all allowed to have gay sex even if they were a monk or a priest. The only downside was that I was straight in this reality and heterosexuality was banned by the Pope, who was known as the Gope (gay pope) in this dimension. I came back to my current reality with a cold sweat and a fearful boner. Not trying this life hack again!
yo, quick question to the alterhuman/otherkin community, is it possyto be soulkin/spiritkin, or something? Askin for a friend.... /hj
Bffr, people there be judging someone just because they wear somethin different like they ain't a copy-paste version of other teenagers 🤡
I’m honestly so glad my mom didn’t let me have TikTok. Too much bs going on over there
Man, Tumblr really ate my post 🙏🏽
Cringetober Day 1: Screenshot redraw!

Official (Anti) RQ Archive
[PT: Official (Anti) Radqueer Archive. END PT. ]
Last Updated (DD/MM/YY): 08/01/24. This archive will be updated over time, so make sure to check back regularly if you can! If you have anxiety regarding opening links, no worries! All these posts are archived under our "archived" & resources tags.
Anti-RQ Terms/Flags
'PRAT' meaning
'Fluffy Para'
'Atypical Dysphoria Awareness' (Creator Boundary)
Reclaimed Transage, Transracial (Adoptee), Transspecies and Transabled Flags
Reclaimed Transabled Flag 2 + Symbol
BIID Flag + Symbol
RQ Terms/Flags
'Faux Cult'/'Fult' and Flags
Other Terms
'Xenosatanism' and Xenosatanist Flags
The Angel's Web "Fult"
'Not All Radqueers'
Initial 'Fult' PSA
"The Ezra Files" (Content/Trigger Warning: (Pro-C) Pedophilia, Incest, Bestiality, Zoosadism, Toddler/Baby Abuse, Grooming, CSEM Trading, Rape, Abduction, Admissions Of CSA, Admissions Of Incest, Admissions Of Bestiality…)
TransN*zi Symbols
Other Resources
What IS A Radqueer? Why Are They Bad?
RQ Original Coining Info
RQs are a Cult
RQs and Stochastic Terrorism
The Insult of 'Cisdisabled'
BIID and RQ Grooming
RQ '2024 Calendar'
Talk of Atypical Dysphoria
WHY Misuse of Transrace and the term 'Trace' are Bad
Talk of "Transautism"/being "Transautistic"
You Cannot 'Coin' A Medical Disorder/Talk of "MUDs"
Intrusive Thoughts About =/= Actually Believing in Them
'I have intrusive thoughts about ...' isn't a 'Valid' Excuse
Transitioning When It Comes To TransIDs and TransX Identities
Transethnic People Aren't Valid (Focuses on East Asians & Koreans)
There Are Better Ways to Cope with Atypical Dysphoria
Why Arissomei/Arissodic is its Own Term
Racial Hierarchy and Being "Trace"/"Transracial"
Blackface is Blackface — Your "Intent" Doesn't Matter
Alternative (Non-TERF Rhetoric) Anti-Radqueer Arguments
Suibaiting Radqueers ISN'T Okay
If You're Thinking of Leaving the RQ Community
'Cracker' is Not a Slur
Suibaiting RQs isn't Welcome Here
Radinclus does NOT Mean Radqueer
Misusage of Languages in RQ Spaces
Reporting a RQ for Inciting Violence
(Fighting Against) RQs Rebranding Terms as 'RQ Terms'
Coping with Atypical Dysphoria
Getting Out and Staying Out Of the Community
General Tips
Reaffirmation of Why RQs are Bad (TWs included in the post)
BIID (Body Integrity Identity Disorder) =/= Radqueer (Affirmation)
Just read an article that used the abbreviation ‘msm’ for ‘men who have sex with men’ and I think it’s something we could really utilise within the aromantic and aspec communities.
eg) XLX - loving
wlw/ mlm/ nblw/ nblm/ nblnb/ wlm etc.
eg) XSX - having sex
wsw/ msm/ nbsm/ nbsw/ nbsnb/ wsm etc.
eg) XRX - in a relationship (you can define this however you want: romantic, sexual, neither, both, queerplatonic, other, unlabelled etc)
wrw/ mrm/ nbrm/ nbrw/ nbrnb/ wrm etc.
like this could be such a useful tool for easily differentiating experiences within informational communication!!
radfem lite(tm) and tumblr discourse
identifying radfem dog whistles: that is, radfem ideology when it’s not obviously and blatantly transphobic or anti-sex worker
nobody likes TERFs or SWERFs - or so we like to think, even if we don’t entirely know it means to be a terf or swerf. but the truth is that radical feminism - the overarching worldview that contains within it both TERF and SWERF ideology - is fairly widespread and even popular here on tumblr. it’s just that most of the time it’s not identified as being radfem/terf/swerf rhetoric unless the transphobia (or anti-sex-worker sentiment) is blatant and open.
this is the first of a series of posts intended to help fellow people on tumblr identify and understand what I call ‘radfem lite’ - radfem rhetoric that is not obviously transphobic or anti-sex-work, but naturally points one towards becoming a radical feminist (that is, abandoning intersectional feminism, eroding belief in free will (particularly in regards to consent), embracing binarist thinking & gender essentialism, and denying or belittling all forms of societal oppression that are not directly related to misogyny.)
radfem lite rhetoric is frequently a ‘dog whistle’ as well - a phrase or word that has more than one meaning depending on who hears or reads it. non-radfems hear one thing; radfems and their targets hear another. those who become radfems or radfem targets eventually become familiar with the true meaning of the dog whistle word or phrase, but the majority of those who spread it have no idea what they’re really ‘saying’.
some of the things I’ll post about will have overlap with other types of exclusionist thinking, or will have been adopted by those who aren’t radfems so widely that it might seem absurd that it has radfem roots. I’ll try to be clear about why I am attributing a concept to radical feminism when I introduce it.
some things will also have some grain of ‘truth’ to it - the reason why the radfem lite concept seems reasonable to non-radfems. I’ll try to identify that grain of truth, and dismantle or demystify why the reasoning built around it is faulty.
Why am I doing this?
the first and most obvious reason is the number of ‘OP was a terf so I stole this post’ headers i’ve seen that are followed by a post loaded with radfem lite rhetoric. many, many people on tumblr know that terfs (and swerfs) are bad, but don’t know why or can’t identify terf rhetoric if it isn’t labeled ‘terf rhetoric’.
but also: because radical feminist thinking - particularly the anti-porn branch, which bends into SWERF thinking - is highly appealing to fannish tumblr, and forms the basis for a lot of fandom anti-shipper thinking and arguments. I hope that seeing the radfem roots of these arguments will help those leaning into fandom anti-shipper thinking avoid falling victim to radical feminist outreach.
post 1 / some basics
What is radical feminism?
Radical feminism - which encompasses, among others, subgroups such as trans-(women) exclusionary radical feminists (TERFs/TWERFs), and sex-worker exclusionary radical feminists (SWERFs) - is an ideology that holds that the most important and severe axis on which oppression occurs is patriarchal social structure and its inevitable product, misogyny.
By discounting all other forms of oppression and marginalization as being of lesser or no importance, radical feminists (aka ‘radfems’) naturally conclude that those they perceive as men are unable to experience meaningful societal oppression and those they perceive as women are unable to experience meaningful societal privilege. As such:
it is impossible for a (perceived) woman to have a mutually beneficial friendship, business partnership, romance, or sexual relationship with a (perceived) man.
Further, their perception of how oppression works is frequently concerned only with the binary sex organs one is born with (or ‘closest to’/that which was surgically created for intersex people).
The belief that a (radfem-perceived) woman cannot have a good or beneficial interaction - especially sexual interaction - with a (radfem-perceived) man, which (like misogyny) belittles and degrades the ability of women to make decisions for themselves, encourages activists to focus on modifying and correcting the behavior of perceived women rather than focusing on modifying and correcting societal inequalities caused by gender/perception of gender. This misplaced focus disproportionately harms sex workers* and/or any (perceived) woman having sex or in a line of business that radfems consider ‘degrading’ to women**.
The reduction of gender identity and experiences to sex organs alone leads to inclusion and/or exclusion of people from ‘womenhood’ based on whether radfems perceive a person as ‘born male’ or ‘born female’. This causes disproportionate harm to trans people (trans women particularly), leading not only to misgendering, but accusations of sexual assault/attempted sexual assault, (mostly directed at trans women), exclusion from gendered spaces to which they belong, and erasure.** It also harms anyone who does not identify with a binary gender by reducing their experiences to their agab, and anyone who does identify on the gender binary but does not ‘look’ sufficiently like the gender they identify with (which may include those who identify with their agab.)
(*this is because radfems believe that only people they see as women are sex workers and their only clients are people they see as men.)
(**all this potentially leading to even more severe consequences, such as being assaulted, attempting/committing suicide, or being murdered, among others. the consequences of radical feminist ideology are severe.)
Why is all radfem ideology so dangerous?
if you’re wondering ‘what’s the problem with radical feminism when a radfem isn’t a TERF or SWERF’, this is why radfem ideology as a whole is damaging and harmful to embrace:
because its ideology is, at heart, transphobic, and leads to trans people being harmed or killed or otherwise put at severe risk.
because its ideology is, at heart, anti-sex work, and leads to sex workers being harmed or killed or otherwise put at severe risk.
because its ideology is, at heart, based on the existence of a gender binary created by sexual dimorphism, and leads to erasure and harm of anyone who does not identify on the gender binary
because its ideology is non-intersectional and therefore belittles or ignores many axes of oppression and marginalization that can have as much as/greater effect on any given person’s quality of life
because it flattens societal structures to a single dimension (sexism), encouraging black and white thinking: namely, all (perceived) women are inherently good and all (perceived) men are inherently bad
this harms (perceived) women by putting them on a pedestal, expecting them to be ‘better’ than other genders in every way, only to be knocked off if they don’t appease radfem standards of female behavior
it erases the harm that women with axes of privilege over other women can do to those other women
it erases the harm that women with equal privilege can cause to one another (abuse in a relationship between two lesbian women), and the harm that women can do to those who are not women (predatory women who prey on men/children are erased, for example)
dismisses the victimhood of victims/survivors of oppression or harm who are not seen as women
because its aggregate societal effect is to reinforce patriarchal social structure, misogynistic dismissal of (perceived) women, and magnify sexism, primarily by putting pressure on (perceived) women to perform womanhood to radfem standards while ignoring (perceived) men as being beyond hope of reform.
because all of this hurts everyone, regardless of their gender, and disproportionately harms those marginalized by additional axes of oppression (such as race, sexual orientation, etc).
Further reading:
Below the cut, there are (or will be, depending on when you’re reading this) links to posts talking about specific ‘radfem lite’ concepts or dog whistles.
this will never be exhaustive, and my hope is that by illustrating how radfems perceive the world, it will be easier for others to identify radfem rhetoric that isn’t explicitly mentioned.
It’s also important to remember that radical feminism does not exist in a vacuum. it gets its power (ironically) by aiding and reinforcing bigger, much more powerful societal engines: gender essentialism, misogyny, sexism, and patriarchy. (this doesn’t mean that radfems don’t do serious harm as a group or as individuals, but rather that radical feminist ideology and its offshoots should be seen as only part of a whole, widespread societal problem.)
Thanks for reading this far.
Keep reading
reblog if you’re a safe place for:
hopeless romantics
non binary folks
the whole spectrum etc…
follow everyone who reblogs ;)
I hope my american moots don't get offended by the things I write, because I know you guys are nice, but it's almost impossible not to hate your country as a whole
especially when I'm from Brazil
say it with me: kawaii ≠ femme
Michael Jackson literally screamed in our ears in earth song, and he sure wasn't talkin about the lady in his life.
"why is EVERY song about love" I'm begging you to dig just a tiny bit deeper, there's literally thousands of songs that aren't love songs. You don't even have to look for the most obscure underground artists ever, the fucking Beatles of all people have a song about a guy who kills people with a hammer
Tbh, I am pro-religion. Religion is plural and personal cultures, specifically when we talkin about marginalized religions (african, asian and amerindigenous folk religions are a GIGANTIC example of that) and marginalized people, specially non-white people.
The huge problem comes when religions are used as a cult, when people are religious extremist, as a way of sustaining an oppressive system or when it is mixed with conservatism. Outside of that, there ain't nothing wrong with religion (and detail: the problems I mentioned above are problems that is 90% of the time going hand in hand with Christianity, and Christianity is a whitewashed religion, but that's a topic of another post).
So no, religion ain't something inherently bad, it's just conservatives being conservatives and ruining everything that's fun.

what do u rhink of religion. a lot of radfemz r against it (not one of them personally) and i wanted 2 ask some tranz people if they also thought it was harmful:P
ok i want to make it clear to everyone that this person is pro-radfem, and occasionally talks about their eating disorder on their blog. So just be aware before you enter their blog.
secondly, to answer your question, i believe that religion is not inherently bad or evil. What IS bad or evil is when people try and push their beliefs on other people, or use their religion as an excuse to be queerphobic, misogynistic, racists, xenophobic, etc.
I actually used to be religious myself as a way of coping with the fear of death, and it helped me immensely. So i would say that religion is actually very important for some people! it helped me through a lot over the years. (of course, if you couldn’t tell, being religious didn’t last very long for me, but it was a healthy way for me to ground myself when i was having panic attacks)
tl;dr: religion is fine and can even be helpful just don’t be an asshat.
Man, niggas on tiktok are so fuckin ignorant and stupid and unintelligent that it makes my blood fuckin boil.
Hah.... I feel relieved now.
Eu ia sofrer tanto, mais tanto hate se eu usasse essa minha foto de perfil lá no tiktok...