Flags - Tumblr Posts

pride flag stamps!
[feel free to use, no credit needed :3 please reblog if you use tho!]
{edit: added leather pride and puppy play flag stamps}
{edit... 2!: added intersex flag}
{edit the 3rd: added demisexual and demiromantic flags and queer flag}
{edit 4ever after: added gender fluid flag, two bi-gender flags, the alternative polyam flag and demi-boy and demi-girl flags}
Autistic + ADHD AroAce thank you ily

anything for you babygirl. from left to right: autistic aroace, audhd aroace, adhd aroace

Partner Flags
girlfriend (top left), boyfriend (top right), girlboyfriend (bottom left), partner (bottom right)
made by my boyfriend @iconcupidflags

✙𓈒 autistic transmasc ❞
a flag for those who are autistic and transmasc.

dividers by @/iv-ry , flag requested by @yourbelgianthings

Here are my designs for a transfem & transmasc flag! They’re based on my trans woman and trans man flags.
They are free to use obviously! If you are transfem or transmasc, please lmk what you think!!!!

♡ — Transfeminine / Transfem ; Here ' s squid take on the transfeminine flag since squid didn ' t see any that she liked !

♡ — Transmasculine / Transmasc ; Here ' s squid take on the transmasculine flag , same thing with transfeminine ♡(≧∇≦) ! 🍮
These flags are inclusive all of transfemmes && transmascs !

could you make a flag for a gender that is very hard to describe but in a boyish way? like the best way i can describe it i know i am a boy in a trans way but my gender is also very queer and i am not a boy or a girl but i am also not non binary (but not anonbinary). im a bit like an agender but i have gender (i really dont know how to describe it)
oh my god relateable!! if you need something more generic/umbrella term Id suggest using "genderqueer guy" or bxy :0 I did my best coining something new anyway + girl alternatives

pseudoboy flag(s)
a gender that is indescribeable other than it feels like a boy, but its not "male" made 2 flags, one loosely based on the transmasc flag and the other based on my usual style of rainbows alternate names: pseudoguy, pseudomale, pseudoman

a gender that is indescribeable other than it feels like a girl, but its not "female" alternate names: pseudofemale, pseudowoman
hope these help ^-^
New Gender Labels - Masculine version of Lotusfeminine

Orchidmasculine or Orchidgender - someone of any gender identity other than binary male (aimed specifically at genderqueer individuals but anyone can use it) who experiences a connection to "manhood", the terms "boy", "man", or "male", or masculinity Colors - blue = connection to masculinity/manhood, white = all genders, black = genderless, agender

Orchidfluid (or Orchidgenderfluid) - someone who's gender is fluid, who experiences a connection to "manhood", the terms "boy", "man", or "male', or masculinity at all times no matter what gender they currently identify as (genderfluid version of Demimasculine) Colors - blue = connection to masculinity/manhood, light blue = masculine genders, white = all genders, lavender = nonbinary genders and xenogenders, pink = feminine genders, black = genderless, agender

Orchidflux (or Orchidgenderflux) - someone of any gender identity who experiences a flucuating level of connection to "manhood", the terms "boy", "man", or "male", or masculinity Colors - blue = connection to masculinit/manhood, pink = feminine genders, white = all genders, light grey = stolen from genderflux flag, represents flucuating levels of connection, lavender = nonbinary genders and xenogenders, light blue = masculine genders, black = genderless, agender
All labels are similar to Solarian on the Galactian Alignment System, but I created these for those who rather use them over the Galactian Alignment System. (Edited because I just found out that their is in fact a demifeminine and demimasculine label already who knew)
Not sure if this is already a thing but I can’t find anything anywhere but I’m really vibing with the term Boy Lite. Another friend of mine also does too, so I made a flag but if it’s already coined let me know! 💙

Boy Lite: a gender that is heavily masculine and boy aligned, but not understanding/conforming to all the standards set by and influenced by the gender binary. Different from demiboy as one can feel wholly a boy, but not feel a strong connection to parts of the gender binary. Also not necessarily as non conforming as non binary, but can be used interchangeably with demiboy, enboy, and any related terms.

Girl Lite: a gender that is heavily feminine and girl aligned, but not understanding/conforming to all the standards set by and influenced by the gender binary. Different from demigirl as one can feel wholly a girl, but not feel a strong connection to parts of the gender binary. Also not necessarily as non conforming as non binary, but can be used interchangeably with demigirl, girlby, and any related terms.

Gender Lite: a gender that is heavily neutral and neutral aligned, but not understanding/conforming to all the standards set by and influenced by the gender binary, or societies expectation of a gender neutral experience. Can also be used as an umbrella term for any under experience which doesn’t fully conform/fit under the gender binary while still identifying largely with it. Different from demigender as one can feel wholly a their gender, but not feel a strong connection to parts of the gender binary. Also not necessarily as non conforming as non binary, but can be used interchangeably with femigender, enby, and any related terms.

Andro Lite: a gender that is heavily androgynous and andro aligned, but not understanding/conforming to all the standards set by and influenced by the gender binary, or societies expectation of an androgynous experience. Different from demigender as one can feel wholly a their gender, but not feel a strong connection to parts of the gender binary. Can encompass feeling both masculine and feminine, either at once, at different times, or fluidity between them. Also not necessarily as non conforming as non binary, but can be used interchangeably with androgyny related terms.

Neutral/Neutrois Lite: a gender that is heavily neutral and neutral aligned, but not understanding/conforming to all the standards set by and influenced by the gender binary, or societies expectation of a neutral experience. An alternative to my original “gender lite” for the specific neutral/neutrois gender experience. Different from demigender as one can feel wholly a their gender, but not feel a strong connection to parts of the gender binary. Also not necessarily as non conforming as non binary, but can be used interchangeably with neutral related terms.

Agender Lite: (I’m not agender myself so I tried to make a couple of variations based off the flag) a “gender” label to describe a heavily genderless and unaligned experience, but not understanding/conforming to all the standards set by and influenced by the gender binary, or societies expectation of an agender experience. Different from demiagender as one can feel wholly a their gender, but not feel a strong connection to parts of the gender binary. Also not necessarily as non conforming as non binary, but can be used interchangeably with agender related terms.
Coined for me, by me, but feel free to use with credit!
Chronic Fatigue Pride Flag

Chronic fatigue is characterized by a state of intense exhaustion that continues for at least six months for no apparent reason. The cause(s) of chronic fatigue are multiple. It can be caused by a neurological disorder, a chronic illness, a psychiatric disorder, depression... And many more.
Everyone with chronic fatigue can use this flag!^^
Hi I don’t talk here much so I’m gonna just blurb this out :3 I made a flag for queerplatonic affection/attraction and queerplatonic relationships. This isn’t an attempt to put a label on it or make anything official bc I just made this in ibis paint for fun so I can use it with my QPP and with friends and wanted to offer it as a concept for others. I’m ok with alterations, inspiration being taken, and the like so you may use it as long as it isn’t for hateful use. Also don’t claim as your own but that totally would never happen on the internet

Explanation of thoughts and process :3
YELLOW- represents happiness, friendship, and platonic love.
LIGHT ORANGE/GOLD- stands for sanctuary and trust, as well as deep emotional bonds
RED- stands for love within queerplatonic relationships, particularly stemming from aromantic communities and platonic affections for friends
PURPLE- represents the aroace community and how it differs from the societal norms of platonic love and affection, including aplatonic members of the community
WHITE HEART- represents those with allo identities who are connected through queerplatonic relationships as well, and additionally represents the nonconformity of queer love in every sense, as it cannot always be labeled or contained in a boxed description
If you’d like to use this in anything, please tag me if you’d be comfy! You can make your own versions as well, I’d love to see everyone’s interpretations and own experiences with queerplatonic affection and love. You are not broken. You are valid. You choose how you would like to receive love.
And as an additional note, queerplatonic love and relationships should not and will not ever be the standard for aromantic Or alloromantic people! You are just as valid if you are aplatonic or affection repulsed, just as every other aromantic and asexual person is and always will be. Happy Pride month to everyone :3 I love you aromantic and aromantic allies I love you aromantics who are okay with romance as an option I love you aromantics who could never love someone in a romantic way I love you cupioromantics I love you demiromantics I love you greyromantics I love you arofluxs I love you acefluxs I love you asexuals and demisexuals and greysexuals and queerplatonic partners and everyone with squishes they don’t wish to pursue and every transfem and transmasc aroace person and every black aroace person every indigenous aroace every Palestinian aroace every questioning aroace I love you alloaros I love you alloaces I love you every allo ally who is in QPP relationships and polyamorous aromantics and asexuals I love you I love you I love you and you are so loved and deserving of love that You wish to receive on your terms and nothing less
Also surprise jokey flag below the cut

i designed an alternative queerplatonic flag quickly! while i appreciate the history behind the original flag, the colours irritate me and i felt as if i could do something about it.
the pink and yellow represent the “typical” relationships of romantic and platonic respectively, and the orange is the blur between what is typically accepted for each into its own unique experience, something that as someone in a QPR i feel fits!
feel free to use this anywhere with or without credit. this was not created to replace the original, however if you enjoy it enough to use, go for it!

7-stripe vers of this queer flag that i made soley bc i wanted to do split pride icons & it bothers me if they arent the same number of stripes
hello! so, im aroace right. and i recently found labels that fit me! angled and oriented aroace!
angled aroace - being on the arospec and acespec, not necessarily being 'strictly' aro and/or ace (ex. aromantic demisexual, demiaroace, asexual lithoromantic...)
oriented aroace - aroace but with an orientation (ex. lesbian, bi, etc.)
and i went to search if there was a flag that combined the two.. and nothing!
so, i made it.
i present to you, oriented + angled aroace flag!
EDIT: i decided to give it a particular name, Euclidean AroAce!
it comes from Euclidean geometry, in which there's this thing called an oriented angle lol.

please let this reach the right people and help it grow!

Need to post this Somewhere I’ve been putting it off for like 2 years but hi here’s my queer flag. Partially as a heads up that if you see me use this flag anywhere you know what it is and also because I think it’s pretty and I want more people to use it. I also use one based off my fursonas colors but it’s still pretty similar :3c
Do you know if there's a queer pride flag in the same way that there's the gay pride rainbow flag or like the lesbian flag. But specifically for people who identify as queer? I've been looking for one but mostly I just find a lot of the other flags and not one specifically for queer identified people. I hope that makes sense. Thanks!!!
Of course, anon! There are quite a few options but here’s three that might interest you:

Currently, this flag is the most popular and the one most folks know as the ‘queer’ flag! The link I’m putting here is gonna bring you to a VERY long list of different versions of this flag, in case you want to represent different parts of your identity while also identifying as queer.

This one is the second most popular queer flag that I’ve seen some folks use! I don’t remember where it came from or the origin (if anyone knows, hit me up 🤙🏽) but as far as I know, it’s not ‘problematic’ and it’s really pretty tbh!

And this one is relatively newer! I haven’t seen a lot of folks use it but I really like the colors and the meaning behind it. The creator has made other ‘alternate’ flags, like their version of the butch and femme flags!
I hope you find one of these flags to your liking, anon! 🐻🌻✨

boygender ! a gender associated with boys and being a boy without being a man/male. it can also be tied to the user's autism and how they perceive their gender. boygender people like being called a boy without being a man. their gender might be masculine, but not totally male.
if you are not autistic or if you are cis, please do not use this gender!!

This is a flag I made for a gender term I think I coined but IDK.
This flag is for those who identify with the term boy, as opposed to man. For those who feel a disconnect from the word man and the toxic masculinity that comes with it and hyper-macho feel the word gives off. For those that want to stay boys forever, and keep that sense of innocence “boy” holds that “man” doesnt. I chose the purple blue for the more feminine boys, the pale blues for a younger version of masculinity, green for the more… neutral feel of the word boy (vs man), and yellow for all the nonbinary boys.