theaudenator - auden

He/SheIf you know who the artist of my pfp is pls lmk, I want to credit I just can't find them 😭

435 posts

Who's Jones? And If He Wants To Go Down, Can It Atleast Be On Me? Like Cmon Now, Man

Who's Jones? And if he wants to go down, can it atleast be on me? Like cmon now, man

More Posts from Theaudenator

6 months ago
Its Funny Though, Cuz I Saw This Reaction Coming A Mile Away. And For That Exact Reason

Its funny though, cuz I saw this reaction coming a mile away. And for that exact reason

Also yeah there's actually an AU in the out there where I'm a genderless orb of light that accepts anything anyone calls it, there's another one where I identify as a giraffe. You can never be too sure with me. I never let 'em know my next move

Also, in retrospect my og response comes off kinda brash and I feel a bit bad for it. If you read it with garfields voice I think that paints a better picture of the tone I meant it in. Initially I was actually just gonna leave it at "Yes. Four days ago." and say NOTHING else LMFAOOO. Idk if that would've been better or worse in the assholery department. But it answered the questions 🤷‍♂️.

My gender is piece of shit, actually. Both as in a literal piece of shit bc that's funny but also as in being a piece of shit person. /j

There are only two genders: loaf of crap and douchebag /j

did you really make me find out not only that you were bisexual through tumblr posting but also that you use she/her as well as he/him through tumblr bio. i thought my eyes were broken bro. i had to check discord to be sure. when did you have this come-to-jesus moment?

Yes. Four days ago.

To me the act of coming out so overtly and seriously over and over again the more you learn about yourself truly overestimates how much people give a shit (they don't. And if they did you'd already know from the first time).

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6 months ago

south park is a normal interest but the way i enjoy it is far from normal

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6 months ago
theaudenator - auden

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6 months ago

look i understand that for whatever weird ass reason people dont really like scene kyle but please could you imagine the field day ike would have with it hed never let kyle live it down hed have so many photos years pass and kyle tries to get a job and ike emails the place with photos of 13 year old kyle to be like 

Look I Understand That For Whatever Weird Ass Reason People Dont Really Like Scene Kyle But Please Could

are you sure THIS is who you want working for you?? think about it. - warm regards ike broflovski

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6 months ago

Alright so who's gonna tell 'em? 💀

This is a really clever crossover btw, love

What Is This? A Crossover Episode?

What is this? A crossover episode?

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