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Edge Of Forever [BTS Space!AU]

Edge of Forever [BTS Space!AU]

Edge Of Forever [BTS Space!AU]

BTS Space!AU [ ♧ ✪ ✿ ☆ ❂ ☾✘ ] “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts, his acts being seven ages.” The stage is set and the stars are the guide for the lost souls that have congregated to one point. A fixed constant in the universe for others to discover and fulfill their wishes but will it come to ruin for others?

Pairings: BTS X OC (s) Genre: BTS Space!AU Warnings: Graphic Violence, Heavy Language


Chapter 6- New Divide


"I remember black skies, the lightning all around me. I remember each flash as time began to blur."

“Look, if I get one more goddamn message about either the Federation or the Pirates--I’m going to shoot you my own damn self.”

Yoongi growled at the screen while Jimin laughed like it was an everyday occurrence. Jin was overseeing the loading of his ship while Jungkook and Vairuit were making that the load was correct. They had gotten all the parts that they could ever need, plus some for the new ship that Nyala was taking them all to. They all had protested that Yoongi and Jimin shouldn’t go but they wouldn’t hear any of it and even the beautiful Jimin said that they would need someone with his skills once they got there. And Yoongi didn’t go anywhere major without him, so it was a deal for the both of them. Even Jin had complained that there wasn’t enough room for all of them but he was overpowered by the quiet man.

Now it was reaching Zero Hour for them and they had all kinds of people asking for the others, hoping to either collect the bounties on each of them or to get them off the station before real trouble happened upon them. Still, keeping the attention on them instead of the ship was smarter since they were finishing up. Getting out of there, however, would be the main problem as the entire area was flooding with both sides hoping to get a piece of the prize.

Yoongi had thought of that, a grin forming on his face as he placed everyone where he wanted them. It helped that he had such a network of connections and such everywhere he went, which meant that there were some that were fulfilling favors for him. They would be the decoys while they all got away, a simple plan that nobody would expect. After all, one expected the lot of them to blast their way out but any damage to the station would put others at risk. Another reason why both sides didn’t just fire upon it because it was integral to operations for both of them. Still, they laid in wait for them to come out of hiding because they couldn’t just sit there forever--and they were right.

The last of the cargo was secured in place when Jin took to the comms, letting them know that the ship was ready to go. The Broker then broke his silence to let the others know that they were proceeding with his plan, to cause a little chaos inside the station. Soon after, reports started to file in as Jimin caught them of the Outlaw’s last stand inside the station. It was the signal that the troops from the Federation would flood in and then the Pirates because they just couldn’t let them catch their prize. All the while, the group would take the safety junctions through the core of the station to the docks where the ship was waiting on them. It wasn’t as quick as going the direct route but it would see them there with as little conflict as possible.

Upon reaching the ship, Jin started on a tirade about how nobody cared for him and that all he was good for was to get them out of trouble. Everyone took places with Jimin taking Nyala’s place at the station she was previously at. He eased her away from it, a small smile on his face as she stepped aside--unsure about what to do in that situation.

The takeoff procedure was easy enough for them but it was getting through the ships. The space station wasn’t too far from an asteroid field, keeping the defenses of the station busy at all times with the number of stray asteroids that would head that way. Jin had been eyeballing a trajectory since things started to be loaded on the ship. He only had a few options but the field would be the best plan if they were to escape and get to subspace Drive. He just didn’t tell anyone about his plan of attack because he could only hear the opposition that would occur and he didn’t need to be distracted while getting them out of there. Once the ship made its way towards the asteroid field, that was when the concerned voices started to sound off. Even Jimin voiced his opinion about the action but Jin turned around in his seat and eyeballed them all.

“Look, this is our best chance of getting the fuck out of here so if anyone’s got anything else to say about my piloting skills--then they are welcome to take over. It’s either the field or the Armada.”

He waited for a second as silence filled the area before turning back around, resuming what he was doing before the protests broke out. He called out for Jimin to give him assistance, the other man hanging onto every word. The both of them moved at unnatural speeds as the ship sped towards the asteroid field, the words barely leaving Jin’s lips as Jimin was already punching it in. Unfortunately, there were ships that had caught onto to their plan and boldly followed them into the field. Yoongi yelled at Jin to slow down while Jungkook and Vairuit were busy blasting the rocks away from the ship. Nyala decided to help as she started to chant again, the energy gathering all around her before she released it. It sunk into the ship and Jimin reported that shields were actually gaining power because of it.


Jin weaved in and around the asteroids, dodging like he was made of something liquid. There were a few scrapes, a few bumps that just couldn’t be helped but he made it past the field and onto the other side with a victorious yell. The ship sailed right on through and started to prep for the jump to subspace, mere seconds after it was all clear. They wasted no time in getting out of there, leaving the battered ships behind them.

Once at subspace, they all breathed a sigh of relief--relaxing a bit as they took in their new freedom. Jin turned around in his seat and blew Jimin a kiss, who laughed and shook his head. Vairuit jumped up and suddenly ran to the back, where some of the cargo was stashed and brought back some glasses as well as a bottle of liquor. She grinned at everyone, knowing that she had placed it there when Jin wasn’t looking. They couldn’t really deny her the drink as the entire ordeal had been grating on their nerves.

So a drink they had.

It would be at least three days and two jumps to get to where they needed to go, another asteroid field that held an abandoned station. It was once a spaceport--until the planet nearby was destroyed. Some said that the Pirates had done the deed while others said that something had crashed into it, causing it to break up into pieces. The inhabitants had long fled the system, integrated with other parts of society in the System but the wreckage was still there. Still able to be used if one had the guts to do so and they did. The field wasn’t as dense as the one that they had gone through but it still posed some dangers.

Later on, Nyala had wandered into the cargo hold to inspect the crate that she had brought along. Her device beeped at her, varying symbols popping up as she ran tests to make sure that the cryosleep still held her in there. She didn’t notice that there had been someone behind her as she did so, more focused on her task at hand. Jimin was curious to see what it was that Yoongi had been talking about with Jungkook and Vairuit didn’t know too much about it either. Jin was more concerned about everything else that he didn’t want to bother him. So he went straight to the source.

“Miss Nyala, may I have a moment?”

Nyala almost jumped, never hearing or sensing him come up. She had been on edge about him since the moment she laid eyes on him, unsure of what it was that made her that way. Was it the fact that he just looked too nice, too innocent for his line of work or the company he keeps? Or was it something underneath that ran along the currents of their everyday lives that she was picking up on? She nodded, giving him more room in the cargo hold as she continued on with what she was doing. He peered at the device before looking up at her then to the crate, his words caught on the tip of his tongue as he chose his words carefully--like he always did.

“This crate contains the Bio-Android, yes?” A nod from Nyala signaled him to continue, “Do you think that the Pirates really will abuse her when they take her for their means?”

Nyala paused, hoping that would never happen but there was one thing that she was certain of. And that was the belief that the Armada held such strong beliefs that they would go through great lengths to achieve what they were looking for.

“Yes. And they will stop at nothing to get her and the ship we’re headed to. I understand if this is all too much.” She started to punch some buttons on the device when his hand was suddenly on her arm. His hand was gentle yet still had a firm grip there, for support. She put the device down and looked at him thoughtfully, eyes still red like embers under a dying fire.

“I don’t want that to happen to her. I am… familiar with her struggle and I care not to have the same thing that happened to me--happen to her. If Yoongi will not stay and help, then I will break myself off to help all of you along. No person should be a slave or put through something they wish to not happen.”

His soft words became bitter at the end, a glimpse of his true self breaking through the mask that he always carried. Nyala saw the paths of this man, in that moment and took a moment to realize something that she had neglected to analyze herself. The paths that they were all to tread, how they were all being gathered there. There must have been something more about their meetings than met the eye. She smiled at him, one hand reaching up to pat his cheek before announcing that she was fine. There was no damage and everyone was truly safe.

For the moment.

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More Posts from Thebiasrekkers

5 years ago

Make It Right [BTS Mafia!AU]


Pairings: Jin x OC | Taehyung/Hoseok x OC | Yoongi/Jungkook x OC Genre: BTS Mafia!AU Warnings: Graphic Violence, Heavy Language, Angst, Smut, Slow Burn

“It’s always darkest before the dawn…” It’s a dog-eat-dog world in Seoul, South Korea. One has to dwell in the shadows in order to reach for the light. What are you willing to sacrifice in order to feel the sunlight on your face? What will it take to drag you back into darkness? How long will the journey be to make it right?

AO3 | WP

Chapter 05: Boyz With Fun


"The fun boys go until the dawn moon sets, This is so fun, all fakeness has gone home."

Seoul - Cheongdam; Gangnam District South Korea

Taehyung leaned against the side of the building, the stick of his lollipop poking out from between his lips. After all these years, he still possessed an almost insatiable sweet tooth. It was one of the few things in life that he just couldn’t seem to give up and could also maintain his interest. As much of a flirt that he was, women came and went from his bed. Or he from theirs. The rough and tumble life they led in the earlier days of their beginnings had seemingly lost its attraction. But sweets? Well, those just never got old.

However, there were some people that could keep his attention. It was a feat, yes, but not impossible. One such individual worked in the very building he was leaning against. In fact, he’d been shadowing them for the better part of a few months. They were stubborn and liked to appear that they weren’t interested or even a bit curious as to why he was shadowing them. But that was fine. Taehyung didn’t mind.

It made the chase all the more delicious.

As he spied the time on his watch, he knew that this person was going to be clocking out soon. Their routine in this place was like clockwork; predictable and consistent. There were times when a wrench got thrown in, ultimately ruining the schedule, but those moments were rare. Unable to hide the growing excitement on his face, he pushed himself off the concrete surface and made his way through the automatic sliding doors of the hospital.

Not even a handful of steps into the lobby, he saw the person he was looking for. Or, rather, waiting for. She was dressed in her scrubs – a soft, periwinkle blue – clutching her bag while her coat draped over one of her arms. Tall with brown skin and curling dark hair, her glasses were situated on her face in a way that made her seem almost adorable. She was talking with one of her co-workers, probably about the patients they had for the day and what their plans were for the coming weekend. Would they trade off shifts? God, he hoped not.

She let out a laugh and Taehyung crunched into the hard candy, chewing methodically as he shoved his hands into the pockets of his slacks. He was mentally counting down how long it would take for her to notice him.


When the countdown finished in his head, she looked up and their eyes met. Her smile fell a fraction and she slowed her pace down a measure. Her co-worker seemed confused by the action until the other nurse caught sight of Taehyung. She gave a small wave and he returned the gesture just as she smirked playfully toward the woman whom he couldn’t take his eyes from. The other woman gently nudged her and told her she would see her tomorrow. Taehyung closed the distance between them, standing just a foot in front of her.

“Hey there, Gorgeous,” he said, the candy’s stick clamped between his teeth as he flashed her his trademark boxy smile, “long day?”

The woman, Raelyn Briggs, rolled her eyes as she side-stepped him so she could walk around him. “What is it now?” She asked him the question, but continued walking – as if she really didn’t care one way or the other if he answered or not.

Pivoting on his heels, he jogged up beside her while spitting the stick into the garbage. “Was it a bad day?”

“It was fine until you showed up.”

She refused to look at him, but this didn’t stop him from smiling or from being persistent.

“Aw, c’mon. That’s not a nice thing to say.” He dramatically placed a hand on his chest, palm resting over the spot where his heart was beating steadily beneath. “I need you to give me a check-up.”

Raelyn scoffed. “Then schedule an appointment.”

Taehyung clicked his tongue against the back of his teeth. “Don’t be like that, Rae Noona.”

"Like what?”

He pouted. “You’re such a meanie.”

“And you’re a menace.”

He tried to maintain his pouty expression, but he soon dissolved into a small fit of laughter. He didn’t know why but annoying her was so fun. Maybe it was because she made it so easy or because she didn’t immediately tell him to go fly a kite in downtown traffic. He couldn’t help his curiosity when it came to Raelyn.

She wasn’t the first transplant to come to South Korea. In this day and age, it was pretty common for foreigners to immigrate to other countries for work. There were all kinds of programs for teaching as well as through vocational or technical skills. Trade skills existed all over the world and like Koreans often went to other countries to learn, the same could be said for others wanting to expand their knowledge in a variety of fields.

From what he was able to glean, Raelyn was one such individual. Even though he’d known her for the better part of three years, she’d lived in South Korea for four. The more scandalous side of it all was that Raelyn used to date Hoseok. Things ended on her terms, though the reason for it was a bit hazy. At least what he was able to learn from the other Hyungs. No one really wanted to talk about it and so Taehyung didn’t pry.

He couldn’t remember why, exactly, the topic had been broached, but he did recall that Hoseok said he was over the relationship. That things ended for the best. Not that Taehyung was in the business of taking someone’s second serving of a dish, but if she was a girl interesting enough to turn Hoseok’s head then he had to know what she was all about.

Imagine his surprise when he discovered that she was a nurse, darker skinned and a foreigner.

Taehyung ran a few paces in front of Raelyn and stopped, forcing her to come to a halt. She had a clear look of irritation painted over her face, but this made his smile widen. He knew that she was just taking off from work and probably wanted to have nothing to do with him, yet he just wasn’t selfless enough to leave her alone. Maybe she was playing hard to get. Who knew? But she kept his interest and that made him even more determined to get her to give him a chance.

“Look, Noona,” he said, brushing his fingers through his silvery blue and black hair, “I know you’ve probably had a long day and that’s why I wanna take you out. Nothing fancy or uncomfortable, I promise.” He held his hands up in a show of playful surrender. “Just dinner and a drink. You think you’d be up for something like that?”

Raelyn gave him the once over, canting her head slightly in a way that made the lens of her glasses shine off from the many streetlights along the corner. There really wasn’t a reason for her to accept his offer. Then again, there really wasn’t a reason for her to decline it either. It was a win-win situation for both. He had a few days of down time before Jimin and he would have to hit the streets again to collect on some things. Normally Taehyung made an effort to get ahead of the game, but he wasn’t sure when he’d be able to get a chance to really get to know Raelyn for who she was. Not just the professional nurse mask she wore, but the real face that hid behind it.

After a few more grueling minutes of silence, Raelyn sighed slowly and Taehyung had to contain his excitement. He knew that he’d won. As he was mentally giving himself a pat on the back, he watched Raelyn setting her purse down on the ground so she could slip into her coat. Taehyung moved so that he was behind her, helping her arms slide into the sleeves. He leaned down and picked up her purse and she set it on her shoulder.

With a wide gesture of her arm, she cocked her head to the side. “After you.”

Taehyung grinned, holding out his arm for her and she shook her head while rolling her eyes. He gently elbowed her persistently and when her arm finally slid through his, he beamed proudly. For whatever reason, he felt like he was suddenly on top of the world.

Like he promised, they walked and talked amicably. It was no secret what circles he ran with and there was no sense hiding it from her. It wasn’t like she was ignorant to his world. He was curious about her day-to-day activities and quickly ascertained that he admired her drive to help people. But she wasn’t above taking care of herself. Self-care was important. People tend to forget that.

He most certainly did not .

It didn’t take them long to arrive to their destination. It was a quiet café with a nice atmosphere that also served modest entrees. He remembered her saying once that after a long shift, the last thing she wanted to do was gorge on food and pass out. It normally gave her indigestion in the morning and she wasn’t about that life. Taehyung could eat enough for three people, but that was just his metabolism and active lifestyle talking.

She ordered a deli sandwich, soup and coffee while he ordered a plate of pasta with tea. Their conversation continued on the tamer side and he ignored the looks that a few patrons gave them. He knew that he was good looking and there were people who also knew that he was part of the underground circuit. He didn’t care for their judgmental eyes or thoughts, keeping his attention on Raelyn as she ate politely while indulging him in conversation. Also politely.

Then the anvil fell.

“So,” she said, raising the mug up to her lips, “do you think it’s a good idea to be gettin’ fresh with your boss’s ex-girl?”

Taehyung was in mid-sip of his tea when he inhaled suddenly, racked with a coughing fit that he thought would never end. People were looking at him for a different reason now. He stared at her, unblinking, wondering just where the hell that even came from.

In fact, he was going to ask.

“Where the hell did that come from?”

She scoffed, sipping from the mug and then setting it down. “Oh come on , Taehyung- ssi ,” she said, putting extra emphasis to the polite way of addressing him, “I don’t know what game you’re playing but I know that you’ve been poking around me because you want to know something, don’t you?” Raelyn pushed her glasses up along the bridge of her nose. “‘What could my boss, Jung Hoseok, possibly have seen in a woman like this?’ That’s what you’re thinking, isn’t it?”

His mouth opened to protest, but he soon closed it when he realized that she wasn’t completely wrong.

But she wasn’t completely right, either.

However, instead of answering, all he could do was remain silent – his lips pressing together in a thin line.

Raelyn chuckled because she knew she’d gotten the upper hand. It wasn’t in his nature to not throw something back at her in rebuttal. But he knew he couldn’t regain the advantage. Not in this conversation.

“I’m pretty sure you already know that I was the one to end things. You’re wondering why that is, aren’t you? Why a woman like me would walk away from the benefits and opportunities that come with being the boss’s girlfriend?”

His eyes narrowed slightly. Anger flared behind his eyes, but he couldn’t pinpoint just what he was angry for . If it was because he’d been outsmarted, or if it was because Raelyn was taking Hoseok lightly.

No , he thought, his grip tightening around his cup of tea, she knows exactly what he is capable of.

“I’ll tell you why, Taehyung-ssi, so that you’ll finally get an idea of who I am and maybe, just maybe, you’ll leave well enough alone.” Raelyn finished up her coffee and began digging through her purse. She pulled out a black and silver clutch, removing a few bills from within. “As glamorous as your world is in movies and in books, it’s ugly on the inside. Turf wars were happening constantly and, if I’m not mistaken, they still are. Hoseok was good to me. In fact, he was great. But that charm and goodness wasn’t enough to keep me away from the one thing I treasure most in this world.”

She paused and Taehyung let out a breath he hadn’t even realized he’d been holding. Once again, their eyes met and the deep purple glint that shined behind her glasses caused his lips to part slightly.

“My freedom.”

Raelyn stood up from her chair, laying the bills on the table. Taehyung jumped from his seat, almost knocking the chair over.

“Rae Noona, wait—”

“You’re cute, Taehyung-ssi.” She smiled at him; a genuine one. The same smile he’d seen her giving to her co-workers after they clocked out for the evening, time and time again. “But not cute enough to give up my freedom for.”

Without another word, Raelyn left him in the café alone. There was nothing he could say that would stop her in her tracks. In fact, everything she’d just said stunned him. After a while, he slowly sank back into his chair – staring at the seat she’d once occupied.

And then a slow smile crept over his face.

This just got a lot more interesting, Raelyn Noona…

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5 years ago

Edge of Forever [BTS Space!AU]


BTS Space!AU [ ♧ ✪ ✿ ☆ ❂ ☾✘ ] “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts, his acts being seven ages.” The stage is set and the stars are the guide for the lost souls that have congregated to one point. A fixed constant in the universe for others to discover and fulfill their wishes but will it come to ruin for others?

Pairings: Jin x OC | Jungkook x OC Genre: BTS Space!AU Warnings: Graphic Violence, Heavy Language


Chapter 3- Party Poison


"This ain't a party Get off the dance floor You want the get down Here comes the gang war.”

Vairuit looked at her new companion with great interest. She’d heard all about the Ifrit from her Clansmen but never had the opportunity to see one up close. They were true to the tales, taller than the Heavens and with skin as dark as the space they traveled through. Her clansmen varied from Clan to Clan, different colors but all with the vibrant eye shades that had one thinking that their eyes were glass. All the better to see you with, some said. Being of the Mao, her clansmen were called the Ngeru-Ngeru; a noble line which prided themselves on bringing about the most highly decorated and ferocious Mao.


Vairuit always wanted a life of adventure over rank. That’s how she found herself all the way out there, looking at the Ifrit who offered her a deal. One that would benefit both of them and she would get the adventure she was seeking. Truthfully, she’d been wandering around for far too long as she was a social creature but one that had been around her other clan members. Hopping from place to place and hoping that there would be something on the other side was starting to get weary when all along? She should have just waited for something to settle in her lap there on Sagittarius. And to think that it would involve the Pirates again, something that made her lick her lips in excitement.

There was always time to fuck over Pirates, even more so when they had been doing too much. And getting into everyone’s business like they owned the space around them, that was something she had said before about them.

“20 thousand credits and we have a deal.”

They were currently at another bar, one on the far side of the town as a place to hide out for a moment. Nyala recognized her ability the moment that she quite literally burst in the scene and if she remembered her lore correctly, the Mao were known for their fighting skills. So she would be a great asset, especially once she got Lirael back on her feet because she could not fight herself. Only had abilities that she was still discovering while she was out and functional. The Ifrit grinned, a bit wolfish herself with the action as she shook Vairuit’s hand in agreement, quite pleased with the price of a bodyguard. It seemed that the other that she had been waiting on had just missed out but it wasn’t any matter to her anymore. She had what she had originally come down there for, even if it wasn’t on the ship she arrived in.

Vairuit stretched and laughed, happy with how things turned out before ordering another drink for the both of them. Nyala had to admit that this adventure was going to turn quite fun despite the circumstances. The threat of death, no matter how painful, was always more tolerable when one could say that they didn’t regret anything that they did in the process.

Was that the life of an Outlaw?

Nyala reminded Vairuit that drinking excessively would have to wait until they retrieved a piece of equipment that she had hidden from the pirates. The Mao laughed and reassured her that it would take a lot more than that to get her even remotely tipsy, though she didn’t want to test that theory because her body possibly could not handle it. After a few more drinks, they finally left the bar but not without someone noticing their movements.


“Jungkook, I’m picking up multiple reports of pirates in your region. It seems that they’re gathering in one spot like they’re about to ambush something or someone. I don’t recognize the symbol but I don’t trust it so I’m about to close shop-- permanently.”

He sighed at the message from his partner, feeling a bit frustrated by the turn of events. Jungkook was finally starting to like Sagittarius after being there for over 2 years. Jin and himself had settled there after being on the run for so long from the same enemy. It had taken a while for Jin to recover after what was done to him. So he had struck out on odd jobs until he was well enough to participate. And now? All of that was going down the pipes with the arrival of this client, who had drug their worst fears to them. Or was it only just a matter of time? That was something he would have to ask fate or whoever it was that was up there in the sky, dictating their lives.

“A camera caught the picture of the client, speeding down the highway towards the southern sector. That would put them near us but the way that they seem to be going, there’s nothing out there but rural houses and caves. Oh, and you should know that she’s accompanied by a Mao.”

“It seems that she no longer needs protection with her around, huh? I don’t trust it, Jin.” replied Jungkook, taking the next exit that would put him on the path that his client took. He heard his partner sigh in his ear, humming in agreement. Whatever they were doing was bringing the whole damn calvary down upon them all and that wasn’t good for anyone. And he wasn’t about to have those fuckers chasing after them once they realized who all was converged there. His foot pressed on the pedal harder, making the engine roar louder as he himself sped down that same highway.


“Are you sure this is the place? There’s nothing out here but grain and mammals.”

Nyala looked up at the area where she had stashed Lirael in her cryosleep container. She was absolutely sure that it was the place, bringing out a device from a pocket. She punched in a few of the buttons and the field that she had placed over the building fell, revealing a two-story home that had been long abandoned. They both grinned at each other and headed in, the second floor where she had been put. However, neither of them noticed that there was someone hot on their tail. Just one person that had been speeding his way to get to them, hair flying in the wind.

It wasn’t until Nyala had the crate almost up to their car when the sound of his engine could be heard by Vairuit. Hackles rising, she turned towards the vehicle as it approached as she was ready to attack if needed. Still, the car did not fire upon them nor did it make any aggressive movements towards them which Nyala noted. She held up a hand to her companion and eyeballed the car herself. She couldn’t be sure if the person coming towards them was friend or foe with all the energy brewing.

It wasn’t until the man roared up to them that she could sense things clearly. He harbored some animosity but not to the point where he wanted to interfere with them.

“What in the actual fuck are you two doing? You’re bringing pirates on all of us?!”

“Excuse you but we are busy here so run along.”

The newcomer and Vairuit almost immediately butted heads while Nyala stopped what she was doing to intervene. She stepped between both of them and looked down at the male, eyes glowing with urgency.

“We are leaving now. There is no need for you to be here if pirates are coming but they are coming for us and not you.”

The male sighed sharply and ran a hand through his hair as he thought about what she said. It wouldn’t be long if they had already tried to ambush them at the bar, which meant that they were probably on almost on top of them. He turned on his heel and went around the car to inspect what she was doing. Nyala followed him and slapped his hands away from the crate, making him turn a full circle when she threw him off. His eyes hardened when he faced her again and Vairuit stepped closer to the Ifrit, eyeballing him as well.

“Is that why they’re after you? Whatever it is, the Demon Armada is after you. When you were supposed to meet up with me at the bar, I saw the aftermath of what happened. I don’t care what it was that you did but you just jeopardized my being here. So like it or not, we’re working together. So tell me what’s in the box.”

“I am not splitting my pay with you. I’m all that she needs so back off!”

“Then I’m doing it for free. What’s. In. the. Box?”

The argument that was starting to break out between Vairuit and the newcomer was getting heated but Nyala felt a strange disturbance. In the distance, there had been several others that started to gather there and if they left soon--they might have a chance to escape. She opened her mouth to tell them of the developments but a bullet ricocheted off the side of his car, alerting them to the danger that had gathered. The man whipped around and pulled out a pistol, aiming it at where it came from while Vairuit growled as she dropped into an attack stance. Nyala covered the box with part of her body in response, checking to make sure that it wasn’t hit. A voice floated above them, or was it around them? The voice seemed disembodied as it spoke to them, slowly and as if it was enjoying seeing them squirm.

Nyala of the Ifrit. You took something you weren't supposed to and we need the both of them back. Give us the Android and the Antares back. You and your companions will die merciful deaths should you comply.

She sucked in a breath at the words, ready to defy them regardless. The male cursed and hit the car, glaring at both of them. He was right, she realized and whether or not she wanted it--they were now all working together, regardless of who was getting paid. She turned to the male and held up a hand to calm him down. He was ready to fire at someone, she could tell but if they were to get out of there safely then all hands needed to be calm.

“You said you waited for me at the bar? Then you must be Jungkook. Listen, they absolutely cannot get what is inside this box. If they do, then they will be able to act on their delusions and that will cause many lives to be lost. Please, help us get out of here and to my ship.”

At her words, he paused and looked her dead in the eye as if he was trying to ascertain whether or not she was telling the truth. There was something in his eyes that seemed to know what she was talking about. Something flickered in the back of his mind, a warning or was it something from long ago? He couldn’t be sure but helping them out, they all now had no choice in the matter. He grunted and went to his trunk, grabbing some chains to hook up his car to the back of theirs. Nyala took that as a sign to get the crate in the back of her car.

When the voice spoke, the group was still fairly far off but by the time they were ready--they were now within her eyesight. And they had quite a few people there gathered to stop them, where ever they decided to go. The voice called out again for their surrender between the three of them, each of them showed their disinterest in the group as they sped off. Vairuit was in the front seat with Nyala, whom was driving and Jungkook was in the back with the crate. He had taken off one of his energy shields and placed it on the crate because he knew that there would be gunfire.

“Jin, I’m going to be coming in hot. Meet us at the ship, we’re going to blow this place.” He had pushed the earpiece to talk to his partner, who grumbled the entire time. As they sped along, the car behind them being drug faithfully--the pirates had slowly started to catch up to them as it was now a race to see who could get to whom first. Shots were soon fired, making Nyala swerve a bit. Vairuit and Jungkook both fired back while she drove. She gritted her teeth as a thought passed her mind but she shoved that thought back.

She would not use that just now.

The gun and shells were warm against her ribs, where she had them holstered. A constant reminder of what destructive things she learned during her time abroad. Ducking from another shot, Jungkook handed Vairuit a couple more weapons that he had on his body before taking aim again. That was getting them nowhere and the distance was slowly being shortened between the both of them.

“Slow down a bit! I’ve got a surprise for them!” He called out over his shoulder to Nyala. She gave him a panicked look through the rearview mirror but complied. Just a little closer, he thought. His hand reached inside his jacket to grab a grenade that he had stashed there, just in case. After doing so, he took off the jacket that he had on and tossed it to the winds. He pulled the pin in the same action, the jacket flying out of his hands and towards the pursuers. They jerked away from the object, thinking that there was something in it. Jungkook tossed the grenade in the cockpit of the car and shot the chain off.

The car, now released, spun out of control backward towards the group. The majority of them could not avoid the large object so suddenly and when it exploded, it took out a good chunk of them. The car was used for an even bigger explosion and shrapnel damage as well. Nyala slammed her foot down on the pedal while Vairuit cheered, their speed increasing greatly. That would only give them a certain amount of time but it gave them time to get away.

For the time being.

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5 years ago

•{~Welcome to BTS Writers’ Corner~}•


We are a new Network available for Tumblr writers (will possibly expand to more platforms) . We aim to launch an exclusive network that gives writers on various platforms an easier opportunity to have their voice heard as well as give them an opportunity to learn and better their skills in a community of fellow writers~


For Writers:

We want to give the opportunity for you to expand your writing style, learn new techniques, and have a community you can turn too. BTS Writers’ Corner is what it sounds like~ A little place you can go to if you seek assistance or advice for a story. This little corner of Tumblr is here to promote your stories and give you the opportunity to make your works known on a bigger scale. (More details will be in the application and specifies after the application is closed).

Writers’ Application 

Beta Readers:

Become a Beta Reader for the team~ Offer advice and give pointers for the chosen writers above~ Anyone can join, and all will be accepted, no previous experience needed~ (More details will be in the application and specifies after the application is closed).

Beta Reader Application

Other Positions:

If none of the other positions are calling to you, our network offers many other opportunities if you are interested in the community. If you make BTS edits and would like to help the authors make edits for their stories, the edit by itself could promoted if you liked, do you happen to speak another language and wouldn’t mind helping out and translating the stories~ More positions are listed on the application, but ‘other’ is an option if you have any ideas for other positions that you think would be helpful to the community~ (More details will be in the application and specifies after the application is closed)

Other Positions Application

5 years ago

Star of Fate [VIXX Vampire!AU]

Star Of Fate [VIXX Vampire!AU]

STAR OF FATE Vampire!AU [ ♤ ✿ ❂ ☾ ☆ ♡ ✘ ]  “ Our wills and fates do so contrary run, that our devices still are overthrown; Our thoughts are ours, their ends none of our own.”

What happens when fate finally steps in to correct the errors in your life?


Chapter 1- Prologue

Star Of Fate [VIXX Vampire!AU]


It sounded like chimes in the far distance, tinkling away merrily in the breeze. The castle was cold to the touch, but it was like home, welcoming and guiding the way to the faint sound of music. Each step echoed loudly in the hallway, despite having no shoes. But there it was; the sound that added to the symphony of the festive night. The long white dress billowed out slowly, that’s how I knew it was a dream. Well, that and the faint but strange hue of the setting sun. It was an angry, almost bloody, red; the kind sailors would warn others about.

Though, I had to be honest as I stood watching the sunset. This dream was so much more vivid, so much more detailed than the rest of them. Usually, it was a convoluted and jumbled mess that I had to piece together. Now? I could literally watch the rays of sunshine bleed into the night as it approached. I was seeing more and more people pop out of the nothingness to greet the dying sun.

Yeah. It was really fuckin’ vivid, down to the vines that crept up and into the windowless area where they had a drop of blood on the leaves. It left them looking like they were crying out for something. I reached out my hand to touch one but the chimes got louder, almost like a clock was going off somewhere nearby. One final look out of the area where the windows were supposed to be, and I was off. Needing to be somewhere before the chimes entirely stopped.

I raced down the hallway, the dress fanning out even more. I had to lift up some of the skirts to run safely. Finally, after running for what seemed like forever, I came upon solid wooden doors that were guarded by two tall statues. At first, they tensed up at my approach but when they reached out their hands for my invitation; they crumbled. Seeing the powdered marble and chunks there on the floor, it was like something in my soul snapped. Like a tightly wound string in my chest that finally let loose, as if someone had cut it cleanly with a pair of scissors.

And I felt happy about it.

So I pushed the doors open. They slowly parted with mighty groan and creaks from being so still for so long. Oh, but they revealed the most beautiful sight! Multitudes of people were twirling around in their fancy and posh dresses with their masks. It was a masquerade party, and it was in full swing. Pairs of dancers were dancing around and around, their clothing making beautiful arcs in their wake. Smiles and happy laughter wove in along with strings that people were playing on the sides.

Even the twinkling of the chandelier welcomed me as I looked up, walking further in. How I desperately wished that someone would ask me to dance! I couldn’t help but clap my hands together like a little schoolgirl as my eyes eagerly swept the room of dancers. It didn’t matter that I had a seemingly plain white gown on or no shoes but just that the scene was so elegant and beautiful. Each little twinkle of diamond on dresses, the satin feel of someone’s coat brushing up against my skin. My gawking was interrupted, however, as I felt a tap on my shoulder and a whisper in my ear.

“You’re not supposed to be here, little Princess. I wonder how you got in?”

I turned around, slowly, to the source of the voice; curious about such an elegant tone. I was met with a simple mask being placed on my face, and immediately being caught in a grip that I couldn’t escape. The arms and sturdy frame pulled me into dance, but no matter how hard I tried to look at my new partner? I couldn’t get a decent look at him. Only a darker skin tone than mine and an easy smile. The chimes got louder and louder with each pass until they were all I heard. I distinctly heard him sigh before stopping, looking around at the looming clock in the corner. His lips pulled into an apologetic grin before kissing the pale skin of my hand. The flesh nearly bursting into flame from where he pressed his lips.

“I suppose it's time for you to go, Cinderella.”

And with that, he pushed firmly on my shoulders and the action made me stumble back. I fell backward but didn’t hit the ground, instead of falling into the floor? I heard shattering, and I could see the ground in pieces around me as I fell. The falling sensation quickly flipped my center----

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5 years ago

Edge of Forever [BTS!Space AU]


BTS Space!AU [ ♧ ✪ ✿ ☆ ❂ ☾✘ ] “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts, his acts being seven ages.” The stage is set and the stars are the guide for the lost souls that have congregated to one point. A fixed constant in the universe for others to discover and fulfill their wishes but will it come to ruin for others?

Pairings: Jin x OC | Jungkook x OC Genre: BTS Space!AU Warnings: Graphic Violence, Heavy Language


Chapter 4- Coup d’Etat


"The revolution will not be televised The revolution is in your mind The revolution is here!" 

The spaceport was usually fairly crowded with various species as well as bustling activity to loading and unloading of the ships that were docked there. The fact that there were barely any people there at all to tend to the various things going on was already odd to Jin. Even at that time of night, it should have been just as bustling then as it was in the daytime. After all, Sagittarius was a planet full of trade, commerce, and activity since it was near the center of the system. Everyone could find it, all one had to do is head to the center of the system.

Which meant that the Pirates could find them as well.

The tall, dark-haired man watched from the platform for his companions. Jin crossed his arms over his chest as a rare frown had been on his face for quite some time. His eyes had some scarring around them but the unnatural color of them showed that he had them replaced. His eyes worked to gather information from all around them, even picking up when Jungkook and the company roared in. He already had his ship running hot, prepared to blow the spaceport should he need to. He pressed his plump lips into a thin line, trying hard not to pace as he waited for them to get to the dock. The more time that he was standing there was more time that the unsettled feeling to sink in, the thought that they weren’t alone. People were quick to change sides when palms were greased, even more so in that sector.

He breathed a sigh of relief when he could see them practically running up the ramps. Jungkook and the Mao were handling the crate while the client was bringing up the rear. He already had a space that they could place the crate, safely and securely while they got away. Directing Jungkook on where to put it, the pair ran past him to get everything secured while the Ifrit came up to him. He had to crane his neck a bit to get a look at her, surprising since he was rather tall himself. Even with all his enhancements, he found it difficult to look her directly in the eye.

“I will give you the coordinates of the ship I have where you can leave us. Before that, however, I require components to fix both the ship as well as other things.”

Jin hummed and waved her on, giving another good look at the surroundings. As he turned to climb in after Nyala, a bullet ricocheted off the hull and caused him to duck behind a crate that had been near him. Nyala turned and started to chant, the Chi gathering in her eyes again as she assisted Jin. The same voice that she had heard in the clearing of the abandoned building sounded through the area again but this time, it was more annoyed than ever.

Nyala of the Ifrit. You have disobeyed the Armada, for this--you are sentenced to death. Your companions will die as well and we will take back the Antares without you. Goodbye.

Suddenly a spray of bullets started to overwhelm them as well as various energy weapons launched their way. It was all that they could do to stay undercover because they couldn’t make the run to get into the ship. Jungkook and Vairuit tried to assist them but even they could not make it outside without getting overwhelmed. Whomever was after the client had brought a lot of people and the spaceport authorities were nowhere to be found.

“Jungkook, set the coordinates for Dragons’ Den! Let Yoongi know that we’re coming in hot!” Jin yelled out to Jungkook, who hesitated before running and polarizing the hull plating. They couldn’t have the ship breached before they even took off. Nyala, however, had a plan of her own but it was one that she had no choice now to use. Taking a moment, she reached inside of her jacket to the holster--grabbing the black and heavy gun that rested there. It had strange markings on it, little turbines lining the barrel and had some strange aura around it. Jin ducked his head again as a chunk of the crate finally came off, his line of sight catching what she was doing.

Vairuit saw as well what she was doing and grabbed a flash grenade from the storage. Counting the bullets, she waited for the small break in fire before throwing it. Nyala reached in the other side of her holster while that was happening and pulled out a strange-looking shell, popping it into the butt of the gun. Once the grenade went off, she crouched as low to the floor as she could and pointed the ominous gun at the enemy. She yelled for Jin to hold on as she squeezed the trigger. The turbines on the gun suddenly lit up, red as her eyes and spun as the gun took a couple of seconds to fire. The result was something that he would never forget, feeling the hairs on his body stand up from the energy produced.

The bullet wasn’t like normal bullets, lighting up the entire area with light. The color of the beam suddenly turned from white to an alarming red as it reached its target. The effects triggered an explosion at the end of it and started to crumble the platform that they were attached to. The firing stopped, as most of the enemy was dead but now they had to run to get to the ship which had thankfully released from the securing clamps. They barely made it to the ship as the floor quite literally fell away from their feet as the platform fell to the ground below.

Jin took one last look at the damage before the port doors closed before him. There was significant damage, structurally and superficial as the beam scorched the surrounding area when it widened from the point of origin. He didn’t stand there long as he ran to the cockpit, securing himself in the main seat. Jungkook resumed his position at one of the main weapons chairs while Vairuit did the same. Nyala sat in one of the navigations chairs, strapping her long-form in. They slowly floated away from the now ruined dock and prepared to fire their thrusters to get them out of the hangar.

Hello?! This is spaceport 5! What in the hell have you done to the dock?

An aggravated voice came on the comms and the sound of the buzzing caused Jin to grin. He tapped the button that would allow him to speak to the voice, voice full of mischief when he spoke.

“Ah yes. So sorry about that, this is the Persona. It appears that there were pirates on the dock but we took care of them. Now we’re requesting clearance and weather patterns to successfully depart planetside.”

How dare you?! We’ve received no reports of pirates! You are in direct violation of Section--

“Oh? No pirates? Shame, I sent the video and audio to authorities. So you should be able to investigate thoroughly. Now, the weather patterns and clearance?”

You will dock at number 3 and prepare to be boarded!

Various shouts of disobedience came from the others with a very hearty and colorful cursing from Vairuit before Jin could respond. He laughed, a sound that was very much like someone wiping a cloth over glass very rapidly. Shrugging his broad shoulders, he couldn’t really deny what was being said to the person over the comms. He pushed the button to end the communications and prepared the ship for space. Pressurizing the ship, reinforcing the outer hull and plotting a course for their destination. They would have to do an alternative type of liftoff since they couldn’t get the clearance or other information. They would have to blast off horizontally until they reached velocity to ascend to liftoff. He just hoped that there was nothing around them as they charged the engines.

“Well, since we don’t have clearance or even a wide-open space like normal, we’re gonna have to do a blast and run. How comfortable is everyone with G-forces?” He didn’t give anyone time to respond as he threw the switches into gear, the ship propelling forward at an alarming speed. The ship cleared the dock in a matter of seconds, burning everything behind them. They blazed past the shipyards, gaining distance between themselves and the ground far below them. Jin dodged the liftoff platforms that were out there in the fields that they were supposed to be taken to once they had clearance, yet never received it. It was a lot easier to achieve spaceflight once out there but they just had to do things the hard way, didn’t they?

The velocity was rapidly being approached as the G-forces started to press against the crew. Jin took a deep breath as he knew that this would only be the start, his body used to such forces. Setting his jaw, he pressed another set of buttons that increased the output of the engines for their next step. Gripping the sticks, he pulled them towards him as the ship climbed upwards. There was a grunt from just about everyone as the G-forces started to climb as the ascent into the clouds started. The ship started its roll maneuver as it got higher and higher in the stratosphere, passing quickly into the mesosphere. The thrusters had stopped firing and the ship was relying solely on the engines to get them through the layers of the atmosphere at a punishing pace. They climbed through the thermosphere before finally switching to their Drive engines as they exited the planet’s gravity zone.

They were all able to breathe much better in the zero-gravity of space as the ship accustomed itself to the frozen outside. Jin gave a small cough to push more air through his chest as he reached over to prepare the ship for subspace Drive mode. It would take a few minutes for the engines to calibrate and about a day’s journey to the space station that was aptly named Dragon’s Den. After all, all the sharks that traversed the waters of space traveled there for their more serious business as well as other trades. It was more of a spaceport for merchants than the planet Sagittarius was and better equipped to get what they needed for the trip.

Suddenly, alarms started to sound as a proximity warning to let them all know of surprise visitors. Everyone was glued to their screens as they tried to figure out what was going on now, their brief respite had been taken away from them.

“Jin--this is about to turn into a clusterfuck. I’m getting pirates and Federation ships, closing in fast. What do you want to do?” Jungkook called out, swiveling in his chair a bit to look at the pilot. Jin sighed sharply, slapping his cheeks to make sure that that moment was real. They had no real choice, did they? They were just about to piss everyone off that day.

“I’ll maneuver through them, you two blast whoever gets near us and you Miss Client, let me know when subspace Drive is active so I can get us the hell out of here. In the meantime, whatever I call out--I want you to punch in.”

“My name is Nyala and that is Vairuit, not Miss Client or you. And yes, I will do so.”

Nyala responded curtly, eyes pouring over the screen as her fingers flew over the buttons. Vairuit gave a laugh, ready for more action as she swung back to her screen as the weapons array lit up for her. Jungkook grinned and turned back to his as well, the same happening for him. The lights dimmed for Jin to see better and his eyes lit up as he was able to access the helm better. He had connected them to get the best maneuverability possible, that as well as his enhanced reflexes would almost make him the best pilot around. But he wasn’t going to brag in that moment as the ships descended upon them.

Taking a hard right, Jin called out for thrusters on the left to careen them faster so they wouldn’t take a hit from a Federation ship. They took a sharp arc as Jungkook lit them up on that side while Vairuit sent a volley of torpedoes to meet a section of pirates on the other side. Nyala called out that they had one minute left before the Drive would be active. Taking them through a particular dense squad of pirates, the forward cannons didn’t stop as they blew the enemy away when they pushed through. It was honestly helpful that the Federation arrived when they did so that they would be more busy with the pirates, instead of bothering to chase after one ship.

Nyala announced that the Drive was ready and the weaponry was put away, prepping for the jump. Jin took one last look at the planet before punching the buttons needed for the jump to Subspace. Hopefully, they would be out of danger’s way for the next day or so as they made their way to the Dragons’ Den.

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