Lee Hongbin - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago



Updated: 12/06/2021

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DISCLAIMER - Copyrighted © by biasrekkers. All rights reserved. Reposting/modifying our work is prohibited. Translations are not allowed. Plagiarism/stealing is not tolerated by any means. Legal action will be taken in instances of theft.



[♤] - Modern  [♧] - Sci-Fi [♡] - Supernatural/Fantasy [♢] - Period [✪] - Angst [✿] - Fluff/Romance [❂] - Trigger Warning [☾] - Violence [★] - Safe For Work [SFW] [☆] - Not Safe For Work [NSFW] [✓] - Complete Works [✘] - Incomplete Works


- S E R I E S -

► STAR OF FATE (Vampire!AU) [ ♤ ✿ ❂ ☾ ☆ ♡ ✘ ] by Admin L ⇋ vixx x original characters  TUMBLR | AO3 | WP

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Hongbin Card | Hakyeon Card | Leo Card

- D R A B B L E S -



- S E R I E S -


- D R A B B L E S -

► SHOOTING STAR (Guardian Angel!AU) [ ☾ ♡ ✿ ☆ ✪ ✓ ] by Admin L ⇋ cha hakyeon x original female character AO3 | TUMBLR


- S E R I E S -


- D R A B B L E S -

► Once Upon a Dream [ ♤ ♡ ★ ✓ ] by Admin T ⇋ jung taekwoon x original female character  TUMBLR


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- D R A B B L E S -

► INSTIGATION (Vampire!AU) [ ♤ ☾ ♡ ✿ ★ ✓ ] by Admin L ⇋ lee jaehwan x original female character AO3 | TUMBLR


- S E R I E S -


- D R A B B L E S -

► DOBERMAN 18+ (Mafia!AU) [ ♤ ✪ ☾ ❂ ☆ ✓ ] by Admin L ⇋ kim wonsik x original female character 1 | 2


- S E R I E S -


- D R A B B L E S -

► FANTASY (Vampire!AU) [ ♤  ✪ ☾ ❂ ♡ ☆ ✓ ] by Admin L ⇋ lee hongbin  x original female character AO3 | TUMBLR


- S E R I E S -


- D R A B B L E S -


Tags :
5 years ago

Star of Fate [VIXX Vampire!AU]

Star Of Fate [VIXX Vampire!AU]

STAR OF FATE Vampire!AU [ ♤ ✿ ❂ ☾ ☆ ♡ ✘ ]  “ Our wills and fates do so contrary run, that our devices still are overthrown; Our thoughts are ours, their ends none of our own.”

What happens when fate finally steps in to correct the errors in your life?


Chapter 1- Prologue

Star Of Fate [VIXX Vampire!AU]


It sounded like chimes in the far distance, tinkling away merrily in the breeze. The castle was cold to the touch, but it was like home, welcoming and guiding the way to the faint sound of music. Each step echoed loudly in the hallway, despite having no shoes. But there it was; the sound that added to the symphony of the festive night. The long white dress billowed out slowly, that’s how I knew it was a dream. Well, that and the faint but strange hue of the setting sun. It was an angry, almost bloody, red; the kind sailors would warn others about.

Though, I had to be honest as I stood watching the sunset. This dream was so much more vivid, so much more detailed than the rest of them. Usually, it was a convoluted and jumbled mess that I had to piece together. Now? I could literally watch the rays of sunshine bleed into the night as it approached. I was seeing more and more people pop out of the nothingness to greet the dying sun.

Yeah. It was really fuckin’ vivid, down to the vines that crept up and into the windowless area where they had a drop of blood on the leaves. It left them looking like they were crying out for something. I reached out my hand to touch one but the chimes got louder, almost like a clock was going off somewhere nearby. One final look out of the area where the windows were supposed to be, and I was off. Needing to be somewhere before the chimes entirely stopped.

I raced down the hallway, the dress fanning out even more. I had to lift up some of the skirts to run safely. Finally, after running for what seemed like forever, I came upon solid wooden doors that were guarded by two tall statues. At first, they tensed up at my approach but when they reached out their hands for my invitation; they crumbled. Seeing the powdered marble and chunks there on the floor, it was like something in my soul snapped. Like a tightly wound string in my chest that finally let loose, as if someone had cut it cleanly with a pair of scissors.

And I felt happy about it.

So I pushed the doors open. They slowly parted with mighty groan and creaks from being so still for so long. Oh, but they revealed the most beautiful sight! Multitudes of people were twirling around in their fancy and posh dresses with their masks. It was a masquerade party, and it was in full swing. Pairs of dancers were dancing around and around, their clothing making beautiful arcs in their wake. Smiles and happy laughter wove in along with strings that people were playing on the sides.

Even the twinkling of the chandelier welcomed me as I looked up, walking further in. How I desperately wished that someone would ask me to dance! I couldn’t help but clap my hands together like a little schoolgirl as my eyes eagerly swept the room of dancers. It didn’t matter that I had a seemingly plain white gown on or no shoes but just that the scene was so elegant and beautiful. Each little twinkle of diamond on dresses, the satin feel of someone’s coat brushing up against my skin. My gawking was interrupted, however, as I felt a tap on my shoulder and a whisper in my ear.

“You’re not supposed to be here, little Princess. I wonder how you got in?”

I turned around, slowly, to the source of the voice; curious about such an elegant tone. I was met with a simple mask being placed on my face, and immediately being caught in a grip that I couldn’t escape. The arms and sturdy frame pulled me into dance, but no matter how hard I tried to look at my new partner? I couldn’t get a decent look at him. Only a darker skin tone than mine and an easy smile. The chimes got louder and louder with each pass until they were all I heard. I distinctly heard him sigh before stopping, looking around at the looming clock in the corner. His lips pulled into an apologetic grin before kissing the pale skin of my hand. The flesh nearly bursting into flame from where he pressed his lips.

“I suppose it's time for you to go, Cinderella.”

And with that, he pushed firmly on my shoulders and the action made me stumble back. I fell backward but didn’t hit the ground, instead of falling into the floor? I heard shattering, and I could see the ground in pieces around me as I fell. The falling sensation quickly flipped my center----

Tags :
5 years ago

Fantasy [Vampire!AU] || LHB


Plot: In the dark of night, you find what exactly you’d been searching for. Your fantasy.

Rating: R 18+ // NSFW

Genre: modern day // vampire!au

Pairing: Lee Hongbin x Female OC

Warnings: Some language, mentions of blood, biting

Links: FAQ || VIXX Masterlist || Admin L’s AO3 || [ REQUESTS ARE OPEN ]

Word Count: 1,054

AN: For Admin T! I wrote this a while back and I’m getting around to post my other works on here!

© thebiasrekkers (Admin L). All rights reserved. Reposting/modifying our work is prohibited. Translations are not allowed. Plagiarism/stealing is not tolerated by any means. Legal action will be taken in instances of theft.


You knew looking for him was almost suicide but the moon burned its promise into your mind as you walked around in the dead of night. The area was lit up with city lights and a soft falling of fog that creeped its way from the ocean not too far away. At least, that was what everyone assumed it was but you knew better because it could only be him. He always walked on the soft ground with the slow rise of fog to show him the way. 

He always warned to not look for him when the moon rose but it was so damn hard to resist. You looked high and low for him, in the dark corners to the lit up areas of the city until the moon was high in the dark sky. Maybe not tonight, you thought. That was, until, there was a brush against your neck and the hairs stood up from the cold whisper of his lips. It made you freeze in your steps, right on the edge of your house and the warm city lights in the distance. He was always in the in-between of places, you realized as you turned to see his golden eyes. 


He drew himself, slowly, out of the shadows with a slight smirk that betrayed his bored-like stare. The mischievous side was always drawn out of him when he had someone to tease, to taunt and to take over when he wanted. The golden shade of his eyes seemed to darken when you whispered his name, he that walked out of the shadows of the in-between world. 

“I told you to not look for me but here you are, antagonizing me again. What do you want, besides my company?”

You opened your mouth but no words came out, unable to tell him of the dreams that you kept having of him. Those dreams that left you weak, searching and dripping with want until your mind was just filled with him. He had possessed you since the first time you encountered him, unchaining him from the bonds that held him. You’d left him little gifts by your window, hoping that he would visit after that but only saw him once in a red moon when the fog crept up. His fingers snapped you out of your thoughts, the icy digits touching your dark skin to capture your attention once again. He held onto your jawline with barely any inch of his fingers, to shake you awake and onto him. The icy feeling crept down your jawline and down your spine like he was actually tracing his fingers down the length of your back. 

“If you are looking for me, you should keep your attention on me.”

Without any thought, your hand reached out touch him and landed on his broad chest. You wanted to make sure that it wasn’t a dream again, since he visited them so often. As soon as your fingers made contact, his hand snapped out to capture yours in alarm. He backed away from you, still holding onto your hand but his eyes were glowing now in warning. He came to you so often but the moment you came to him? It was infuriating but this time, you wouldn’t let go. 

“Why are you running from me when you get to visit me so often? It’s not fair..”

“Life isn’t fair and if you reach out for me, look for me… then that life won’t be yours anymore. You need to live and I need to leave.”

He tried to let you go but you held onto him, not wanting your dream to disappear again. The creature whirled on you, a faint glimpse of his fangs snapping at your neck before stopping mere inches from your neck. You stood there, still holding onto him with the same fortitude that you always had. His breath was hot against your skin, making goosebumps form and your blood rush in the veins to sweetly call to him. He couldn’t resist you, which was why he visited you in your dreams so often but he had resigned himself to stay in your dreams. 

For if he got close to you, he would devour you. 

Again, he tore himself away from you.. To leave you for the shadows of the in-between world but you held onto him once again. The both of you tumbled in the void, to his home where the world of the living was long past returning. He panicked, knowing the consequences for a living being that ventured there into the land of the dead. 

“What the hell is wrong with you?! I told you, if you follow me… your life is not yours anymore!”

“Then it’s yours… “

He paused, his mouth opening and closing in bewilderment before gritting his teeth in frustration. He reached forward and enveloped you in his arms, like a dark curtain falling over you to take you back to his home where it was safer. Your feet finally touched the ground and he let go of you, skittering away like you had burnt him. It was almost too much to bear, having you there in his world where you shone like a beacon for others to see. At least, in the living world, other things dimmed your scent and presence so it made it easier to watch you from the shadows. 

But he had to deal with it now. He had to keep you safe from the Others that were out there and just as hungry as he was. 

Yet, he couldn’t bear to do it. He couldn’t get close enough to take her life from her so you did it for him. You stepped closer to him and wrapped your arms around him again, feeling him freeze again. The scratching of the Others soon stirred, your presence now known to them in the Manor. A wave of possessiveness took control of him, eliciting in a rumble that could be heard and felt by them. His hands reached up and grasped your head as well as your body, holding them there for him to feast upon. 

He heard you whisper once more to take her so that way she can stay forever with him. His teeth sunk into her soft flesh, without hesitation this time. 

Tags :
4 years ago
Humans Are Insolent Creatures Because They Know Nothing Of Everything Else Other Than To Destroy. They

“Humans are insolent creatures because they know nothing of everything else other than to destroy. They hate what they don’t understand, even if there is nothing to understand.”

“But you were once human.”

“A long time ago.”

Fandom: VIXX/ Vampire the Masquerade

Fandom work: “Star of Fate” by Admin L of thebiasrekkers

Tags :
4 years ago

Star of Fate [Vampire!VIXX]


Plot: The longer you stare into darkness, the more you realize that something could be staring back. Even more so when that darkness doesn’t want to be brought into the light and will do anything to stay that way.

Rating: NC-17 // NSFW

Genre: Series | Vampire!AU | Angst | Romance/Fluff | Smut

Pairings: OT6 VIXX x OC(s)

Warnings: Graphic Violence (bloody violence), Heavy Language, Angst, Slow Burn, Smut

Additional Warnings: Office Microaggressions | Bullying | Toxic Work Environment

Previous Chapters: Prologue

Links: FAQ || VIXX Masterlist || Admin L’s AO3 || Admin L’s WP || [ REQUESTS ARE OPEN ]

Word Count: 2,682

AO3 | WP

Tag List: If you would like to be added to this list, just drop us an ask!

AN: So…I know we said this was coming soon and I’m very sorry that this got started so late! I hope to have this out every two weeks, maybe more depending on the future. So please give this a lot of love and we hope you enjoy the ride!

Chapter 2- The Ghost Woman and the Hunter

Calling on your sins you're here in my dreams a desert place I'm not alone Do you really want to be me?


Her eyes popped open, the realistic feeling of falling completely disorienting her as she shot up from her bed. It had felt so real to her that her body jerked itself awake. Light danced its way in through the blinds, chasing away all signs of shadow. Never had she been so glad that she hadn’t purchased black out curtains than in that moment. She needed to see the sun and all of its glory to help the dream fade away into existence. Well, at least certain parts of it. There was a wistful part of her that still wished that she could be on that dance floor again with the handsome and darker skinned man. 

“Oh my….FUCK!”

Lucky yelled as she looked over to her alarm clock, realizing that it was the source of the chimes that she heard in her dream. Throwing off her covers, she scrambled to get half-way put together so that way she wouldn’t be late to her job. She even called a cab to get her there faster which was unlike her normal routine. Unless there was inclement weather, of course. 

During the ride, she kept an eye on her phone--it lighting up every few seconds as she checked the time. She made it to her desk just in time to receive the stack of papers from some of the other people there. Normally she wasn’t such a space case, even showing up early to get whatever else she missed the previous day. Lucky was a hard worker, nobody could deny that but it was that fact others exploited hence the reason why the stack seemed to get larger and larger by the week. The world of office politics seemed to be much like high school but it paid well enough for her to put up with the majority of it. 

She straightened out her hair as best as she could with it being so long and settled down to start on her work. Most of it had been reports that she had to pencil push and correct, which was easy enough for her because all the information had been just sitting there inside of her head. However, the more difficult stuff came along when the Vice-President stuck his fingers into everything. She couldn’t help but groan when she looked at some of them, saving the majority of them for last so that way she could take extra time on them. 

“Job finally getting to you, Leonora?”

Lucky didn’t realize how long she had been working on them until the voice pulled her out of the zone she had settled into. Turning around, she saw another coworker standing right behind her with a slight smile on her face. No matter how many times she tried to be friendly to some of them, they insisted on resisting any attempts at professionalism and decorum. Well, unless someone higher up was around. Not to mention the fact that they also insisted on calling her by her government name instead of the nickname that she preferred. She gave the sweetest smile she could muster and stood up, green eyes twinkling. 

“Oh, there you are Nancy! I got so caught up in fixing your mistakes that I forgot to give you this folder back! Everything in there should be up to date now and I even took the liberty of sending off the final draft for you. It was the least I could do since I was the last one that had hands on it. You’re welcome.”

She gaped at Lucky for a moment and flipped open the folder to read what she had fixed. Nancy’s ears started to go red and her thin lips flattened as she pressed them together in anger. Lucky raised an eyebrow at her reaction, knowing that she saw what had been edited by her. It had only been a few mistakes but they were some that would have made their department look bad. Plus Lucky also added her name to the document as one of the contributing factors, more so because she went through the trouble of fixing everything. 

“I hope this teaches you to quit pushing your work off on me, Nancy. Have a good day.”

Lucky turned away from her and sat back down at her cubicle, leaving the sputtering woman there to be embarrassed. Even though she had her own computer there, they all had shared files that they could all access and she lived up to her nickname that she had the time to quickly edit everything before emailing it out. It had been one of the rare times that she was able to stick it to them and it honestly made her feel a sliver of satisfaction at the situation. 

Because she was just a little bit petty. 

The sudden ringing of her phone took her away from the moment, the voice of her boss calling for her. Lucky was a bit confused as she looked at the time as she wondered why he had reached out so early. It normally was after lunch that she would meet up with him to go over various things pertaining to her new position. Lucky had been promoted to be the Personal Assistant for the Vice President. Naturally, he had more than one that would work together with him being at such a high level but most of them had quit because of various rumors of his misogyny and unrealistic ideals. Hell, she was even friends with one of them when she found out that she no longer worked there. Rumors circulated with her leaving and even more when she was appointed in her stead. 

Now, Lucky was one of the very few left so that meant that she had been picking up a lot more work than normal. Not that she went out much anyways with the amount of work she had. 

She walked the halls to his office, only to be greeted by the desk clerk. The tiny lady handed her a folder and suggested she find something appropriate to wear. Confused, Lucky looked through the folder and saw that there were some instructions as well as some papers with details on the new VIP’s that they had recently joined with. 

“What the actual hell? Does he expect me to drop everything that I’m doing to go to this event with him? After hours, no less?”

The lady just shrugged and went back to her work. Lucky could feel her indignation rising but left before causing a scene. It was one thing if it was an actual work trip that she had to attend but that had been some sort of event to flaunt and rub elbows. There wasn’t a real reason why she needed to be there so why all the preparation? She returned to her desk and went through the folder in detail. The only promise that she would receive was an extra amount in pay if she went, something that actually interested her. She grumbled as she leafed through it but decided that it was just for one night and that if it happened again, she would put a stop to it. The bright side to it had been that she could take off early to prepare for the event. That was always something she could look forward to especially that day since she moved like hell to get there on time. 

The one person that she could freely talk to in the office came up to her with a grin on her face. She had originally been offered the position but declined it because of family reasons but she was nice to talk to regardless. 

“So Lucky.. I heard from a little bird that you’re going to the VIP event tonight with Mr. Randall.” She wiggled her eyebrows and elbow at her while Lucky just scoffed. 

“Yeah, I guess. I wonder how in the hell does crap go around here so fast? It’s like the freaking flu!” 

“You don’t sound so enthusiastic about it.”

“Ashleigh, I really don’t want to go but they’re promising extra pay this time if I do. I haven’t been sleeping well lately and now I gotta go to this… grandstandin’ event. I wish someone else could go.”

Her coworker leaned thoughtfully on the cubicle wall before leaning down to whisper. It was only times like that when they would get a bit of privacy. 

“You could always quit and get some more sleep? I heard that the other assistant quit as well. I thought, at first, that you had too when you didn’t arrive when you usually do. They’re saying that the abuse from the VP is to blame.”

“Yeah well, tell the handsome man in my dreams to quit bothering me so I can go by to my normal schedule and ignore some of these chickens.” Lucky’s hand motioned like a beak as they both had a laugh over that before returning back to work. However, Ashleigh’s words stuck with her. The VP hadn’t been shy about voicing his displeasure to her about various things, even requesting that she cut her hair but she respectfully declined his request. All she stated was that it was within the guidelines of the company and left it at that. Something that didn’t win her any favors. 

And if the other girl quit too, then the sinking feeling in her gut proved to be more of an ominous feeling. Either way, she would have to go and see how it played out. 

When time came for her to leave early, Lucky instead went shopping for appropriate attire for that night’s event. Even neatly braided her hair to keep it out of her face. Simple, neat and just a tad bit sexy in the red dress. Once satisfied with her result, she waited outside for the driver to come around and pick her up. Upon seeing the expensive car, Lucky suppressed a shudder when the door was opened to reveal Mr. Randall. It wasn’t necessarily seeing her boss after hours but more of a combination of the car and him. Small vehicles caused her a bit of stress since she was involved in an accident many years ago. Since then, normally she would either take the bus or bike when the weather was nice. 

Thankfully, her boss wasn’t too interested in making small talk with her once they got on the road. The city was left behind soon and various gas stations and trees zoomed by them. She didn’t put too much thought into it until the driver turned onto a long, paved road after a set of gates. The mansion that appeared made Lucky’s eyebrows shoot up, something picking at her brain. She couldn’t quite figure it out but it was as if she had seen that place before. She had to shake those thoughts from her head as she concentrated on remembering the information that was given to her earlier that day. 

Knowledge was power and she needed it to navigate that world if she didn’t want to embarrass or otherwise offend anyone. 

Upon exiting the car and entering the elaborate place, Lucky felt all the eyes in the world stare at them. Putting on a gracious face, she walked slightly behind her boss as they were greeted by some of the others there. A few moments chatting with some of them, she soon found herself alone in the area while the others mingled. She wasn’t anyone of importance and therefore not worthy of anyone’s time, for the moment. She would let her boss do all the talking. 

Lucky gravitated towards the hors d'oeuvres while everyone talked among themselves. Plucking a few to put on a plate, she watched the room for any sign that she would be needed. Several of the clients that were in the folder she received were there and they were laughing alongside everyone else. A couple even approached her, asking questions about the company and trying to get a little information from her about how to deal with her boss. She couldn’t honestly say anything to help in that situation because she usually just listened to him bark his orders before correcting anything she needed to. 

She was left alone for another time, only appearing at her boss’ side when needed as the night went on. Soon she felt herself grow tired of all the people and the politics of said beings. Lucky had several drinks before that point and was in the process of acquiring another when a voice nearly made her jump out of her skin. 

“They’re almost like vultures, are they not?”

She looked around and up at him as he was much taller than her, even in heels. The man knew he was handsome, smiling prettily at her as he held up his own glass of red wine in a toast. Lips full and round eyes, Lucky had to appreciate his looks before replying. 

“Well, I wouldn’t say that in particular.”

He gave a wide smile, eyes almost disappearing as they snickered at the rest of them. Lucky found herself talking more and more to the man who seemed just as bored as she was with the party. The more that she looked at him, the more that he seemed familiar to her and it dawned on her that he was one of the men from the folder. He had a nice voice, a bit higher than most of the men there but he didn’t hide it one bit. 

Lucky also noticed that the attention had been drawn to them just from them standing and talking to one another. He introduced himself as Jaehwan and they talked for another 15 minutes, slipping into easy conversation to keep themselves entertained. His jokes nearly had her spilling her drink, the folder not at all correct with the man before her. He was one of three men with his business, including one brother that rotated about in their company. 

Still, even with the jokes and the amicable banter between the both of them--her boss found that he had only missed the presence of Mr. Lee before her. 

“Ah. Leonora, I didn’t realize you had monopolized Mr. Lee’s time here tonight.” Her shorter framed boss then looked to Jaehwan with an apologetic look on his face, “Otherwise I would have saved you sooner!” Mr. Randall gave a laugh, expecting Jaehwan to laugh with him but didn’t. It surprised Lucky that her new friend didn’t go along with him on that but only sighed, looking to her in apology before speaking. 

“Leonora? And you said you were Lucky…” He grinned at her, ignoring her boss. She could see Randall’s face that he was growing annoyed, a face that showed up when things didn’t go his way. 

“Oh that’s just my assistant’s nickname that she tells everyone to call her even though we should be more professional. I’m her boss, Nicolas Randall. Vice-President of Nexus Assurance.” He held out his hand to shake but Jaehwan kept grinning at Lucky. His eyes suddenly were hyper focused on her, the doe eyed look that he did have--dissolved away. Almost like he had found something he really wanted.

“Uh well, I’ve been known to be lucky--hence the nickname.” She nervously laughed, highly aware that the tension was rising. Her eyes darted between Jaehwan as he continued to ignore her boss and the latter as he was getting more upset that the scene was even happening. That strange and ominous feeling was back, churning about the contents of her stomach. Jaehwan slowly turned from the friendly and open persona that he had while it was just the two of them, to something a bit more aggravated the longer her boss was there. There was a glint in his eyes that suggested something unfriendly was fighting its way out. 

Suddenly Jaehwan blinked rapidly before excusing himself but not before taking her hand and kissing it. Bewildered, Lucky watched him weave expertly through the crowd before taking a peek at her boss. 

And he was not pleased. 

Tags :
3 years ago

Star of Fate [Vampire!VIXX]


Plot: The longer you stare into darkness, the more you realize that something could be staring back. Even more so when that darkness doesn’t want to be brought into the light and will do anything to stay that way.

Rating: NC-17 // NSFW

Genre: Series | Vampire!AU | Angst | Romance/Fluff | Smut

Pairings: OT6 VIXX x OC(s)

Warnings: Graphic Violence (bloody violence), Heavy Language, Angst, Slow Burn, Smut

Additional Warnings: Office Microaggressions | Bullying | Toxic Work Environment

Previous Chapters: Prologue, 2

Links: FAQ || VIXX Masterlist || Admin L’s AO3 || Admin L’s WP || [ REQUESTS ARE OPEN ]

Word Count: 1669

AO3 | WP

Tag List: If you would like to be added to this list, just drop us an ask!

AN: It has been a hot minute, hasn’t it? Life suddenly got a little too real. If you guys wanna know, we put a post for it but for now? Let’s get back into the game

Chapter 3- The Good, the Bad and the Undead

The good, the bad & the undead The party's started and it's better when you're dead


“What was that all about?!”

Her boss rounded on her when everyone else had looked away, going back to their mingling. Lucky wasn’t quite sure what happened either but the tone in her boss’ voice instantly made her want to fight back. It wasn’t like she had done anything to make the situation go downhill. In fact, she thought she was helping everything along. 

“The only thing I brought you along for was your body and your talent for information. You were supposed to help me along, not saddle up with one of the VIP’s! Now you’ve embarrassed myself and the company.”

Lucky’s head turned slowly towards the man in confusion. At first, she couldn’t believe what he said but as he prattled on about his bruised ego--it dawned on her why the other girls quit. It wasn’t about the job being too hard or anything like that. She knew that it could all be handled but it really was the abuse that her coworker talked about and she only dealt with the VP up until then. The same attitude that some of the others had and they weren’t even in his position either. 

“I’m sorry--what?” 

She eyeballed him, waiting for him to say something else. Lucky could put up with a lot of things, statements being said about her and even some bullying. However, she wasn’t going to put up with it when there wasn’t anything to suggest that it was her fault. Her glare infuriated her boss even further and he even took her roughly by the elbow as he tried to drag her away from all the people around them. She dug her heels into the ground and resisted, jerking her arm out of his grasp. At that moment, one of the staff happened to walk by with a plate of drinks. 

In hindsight, Lucky could have done something different in that situation but she reached out and grabbed a flute before flinging the contents into her boss’ face. 

“I have put up with a lot of things since joining this company but I have never been blamed for something I didn’t do! I don’t take care of your ego--I am just a piece of ass like you said so you can take this as my resignation!” She very nearly screamed at him. Mr. Randall’s face was in utter shock at the liquid and her statement that was loud enough for everyone to hear. The room grew quiet as she stormed off, out of the mansion. Once outside, Lucky realized that by quitting there--she might not have a ride home. 

Furiously punching in an order for a cab, Lucky didn’t notice that there had been several eyes out there watching her until the hairs on the back of her neck stood up. Looking up from the phone, she eyeballed her surroundings until they adjusted to the dim light outside. There were a few lights that were scattered about out there but trying to see something further out was almost impossible. The way that the feeling was getting to her, she almost went back inside but then the thought of having to see some of those people again made her furious all over again. 

“I think you might have forgotten this.”

Lucky whipped around only to see Jaehwan holding her coat in his hands. All previous traces of his irritation that had built up were now gone from his body. The nice and charming man had made its return and in that moment, she appreciated it. She let out a breath of relief, thankful that it wasn’t whom she just fired herself from and took the coat. The cool air had started to produce goosebumps on her skin so she was even more thankful that he brought it out there. 

“Looks like fall is finally starting to come around…” Lucky commented as they stood there watching the night settle. Fog had started to creep around the area almost like there was a pond or body of water nearby. Jaehwan took in a deep breath, smiling afterwards at her as he enjoyed that moment with her. 

“I love this time of night. It’s almost like a crisp and fun surprise is waiting behind every shadow.”

She looked at him and saw him near vibrating with excitement. Lucky only saw this type of energy from kids when they were about to get on rides or when they were about to play a game. A snicker left her lips as she imagined that type of energy when he was dealing with his company. It seemed like a nice thought, to be able to work for someone like him. 

A car had been spotted in the distance and she felt a bit of sadness by leaving now. It seemed a bit crass to ask him if there were any open positions at his company but the urge wouldn’t stop picking at her brain. So once the car pulled up for her, Lucky quickly turned to him to ask but ended up slipping on the steps. Taking a tumble, she hit her knee pretty hard on the stone steps and scraped open the skin. Jaehwan rushed over to her and took a look at her knee. 

Taking out a handkerchief, he pressed it to the wound and smiled at her again. If Lucky couldn’t get into his company, then she might have fallen for him. 

“Let’s get you home, Leonora.” He grinned at her while she made a face at the use of her actual name. Helping her to the car, he gave her one last smile as her window was rolled down. 

“I think that my knee has stopped bleeding so I should give this back before I’m never able to see you again.” Lucky laughed, handing the soiled thing back to him. He took it, long fingers closing slowly around it as he stared at it. At first, she thought that she shouldn’t have done that but what else was she going to do? Keep it because it was clear that she might never see him again? Though, the way that he was staring at the cloth almost had her nervous that she did something wrong. 

He blinked slowly, twice before backing away. Even though she knew his eyes to be dark, in that moment, Lucky thought that she saw them glow. The car starting and driving away pulled her attention away from Jaehwan so she rolled up the window. Fishing for her phone, she sent a quick text to her best friend, Laoise, to let her know that she was on her way home. The phone lit up with more messages from her, all of them chastising since she hadn’t let her know about what was going on that night. Lucky smiled and called her outright since she had the time on the drive back. Maybe the police woman would have some leads on new jobs that she could let her in on. 


It was nestled into his palm like some sort of secret letter with a kiss on it. The smells and temptation itched at his throat as he held it a bit closer to his face. Jaehwan trembled as he stared at the blood on the handkerchief, trying his best not to run after the car and devour the little miss. He wanted to play with her just a bit more but his fun was ruined when her higher-up wormed his way into their world. Now, all he was left with was a thirst for her blood and the extreme urge to decimate that man.


Jaehwan whipped his head around at the voice, his nose flared in response as well a slight snarl. A taller man came up to him with slow steps and hands held out before him. 

“What?” He growled at his younger brother. He was even more irritated that he just couldn’t be left alone for two minutes, much less do his blasted job without an escort. The baby-faced man looked at him with concern as his eyes flickered from his elder brother’s face to the piece of cloth in his hand. “Is there something you wanted, Sanghyuk?”

“Ravi had a vision of trouble and he sent me to check up on you.”

“I know that’s a cover for keeping an eye on me, so I don’t care.” He retorted, holding up the handkerchief up to his face. His tongue darted out and swept up some of the drying blood as he continued staring at the direction that she went. There was a slight shuffle from his brother, so quiet that only his kind could hear it. He gave a sigh and tossed the cloth to him because he knew that the younger vampire was itching to see it. 

Sanghyuk plucked the thing out of the air so fast that one could almost swear it never happened. Jaehwan knew that he was the only one that could overpower them all by brute strength but had still so much farther to go with his own abilities. So trying to fight him was almost like suicide. He could only guess that was the reason that he was out there checking up on him. He heard his brother take a large sniff of it and smiled, turning his head towards him. 

“I might just kidnap that human.” His smile grew deeper and darker, giving a glance to his younger brother. His head shot up from the handkerchief, eyes as wide as they could go at his statement. “She isn’t normal, as you can tell.”


“I’m bored now. I’m just going to entrance some of these fat cows to do what we want and be done with it.” He turned on his heel and left his younger brother to stand out there by himself. Sanghyuk tucked the piece of cloth in his pocket and pulled out his phone, letting his brothers know what was going on--not in the least happy about what had transpired. 

Tags :
3 years ago

Star of Fate [Vampire!VIXX]


Plot: The longer you stare into darkness, the more  you realize that something could be staring back. Even more so when that  darkness doesn’t want to be brought into the light and will do anything  to stay that way.

Rating: NC-17 // NSFW

Genre: Series | Vampire!AU | Angst | Romance/Fluff | Smut

Pairings: OT6 VIXX x OC(s)

Warnings: Graphic Violence (bloody violence), Heavy Language, Angst, Slow Burn, Smut

Additional Warnings: Alcohol | Stranger Danger

Previous Chapters: Prologue, 2, 3

Links: FAQ || VIXX Masterlist || Admin L’s AO3 || Admin L’s WP || [ REQUESTS ARE OPEN ]

Word Count: 2044

AO3 | WP

Tag List: If you would like to be added to this list, just drop us an ask!

AN: Since I’ve been gone a while, I’m gonna try to post once a week with this!

Chapter 4- Hands Up

Don't stop, let's enjoy tonight And forget all the thoughts That come to mind


Laoise shook her head at the scene before her. One of her best friends had been sitting on the floor in just a large tee and underwear as she stubbornly tried to fix the mess she had made. She knew that with her being home so much now, it was going to drive her crazy without something productive to do. So she watched as Lucky spiraled into unfinished projects and hair pulling as she sent out mass emails about jobs. Eventually, the detective decided to put matters into her own hands. 

“Leonora Anita Grant. I want you to take a shower, do your hair and put on some clothes because I’m taking your ass out.”

She gaped up at the taller woman, paint all over her face as she tried for a rebuttal but Laoise wouldn’t have it. It was one thing to try and stay busy while playing the waiting game but another entirely when the whole thing stressed everyone out. 

“I don’t want to hear it. You get your lucky little ass in there or I’m going to throw you into the shower.”

“At least take me to a place where I can get a decent burger!” Lucky relented, laying out her terms of the outing. 

Laoise smiled, dark eyes twinkling as she thought of the perfect counteroffer. Lucky looked up at her with her light colored eyes wide and the most expressive pout on her face. She leaned over to whisper to the woman on the floor as if she was divulging some sort of secret that would get her killed.

“I’ve got one better, sug. There’s a street food vendor near the bar where I wanna take you and they have the best tacos.”

She’d never seen Lucky move that fast in the years that she’d known her. That thought did lead her to reminisce about how long they’d known each other. They met some time ago at a bookstore where she witnessed Lucky nearly kill herself by trying to get some of the top shelf books. When she stepped in to help, she realized what books she was trying to get. They chatted for quite a while about practicing magic and how it related to their world. Of course, she never quite told her why she was so interested in that subject--only that she had experience. 

From there, they got along fairly well. They both came from similar regions, missing their hometowns and even helping each other get settled in their places. Granted, they worked too damn much sometimes but they at least made time to get together every once in a while. Her job as a detective had definitely taken up the majority of her time while Lucky’s had just been demanding for fuck’s sake. However, they both needed the outing more than anyone and as a way to recharge, they were going to get drunk and get tacos. 

Laoise sat on the couch, listening to the shower as she waited. It wouldn’t take too long for her to get ready but it was long enough for her to pull out her phone and answer some late-night emails that were sent out. Mainly things that they needed to touch base on and leads that some of them had for different cases. Her own personal case was something of a challenge for a number of reasons. She was a woman and a person of color in the police force. Some of the gangs that had taken root in the city even laughed at her--until she knocked some out of them. She just wanted answers and those answers led her to that city.

Where she was fortunate to meet her best friend. 

“That must be an important piece of work.”

Laoise blinked and realized that Lucky was standing before her, dressed and ready to go. She had opted for something simple and stylish, braiding her hair back to create one lethal thick whip. When she did her hair like that, Laoise almost cringed as she remembered being hit with it by accident. Since then, she made strides to not have that happen again. She never really did pry into the reasoning why Lucky kept her hair so long but the longer their friendship went on, she found herself wondering more and more. 

“So, are we heading out or can I just get tacos?”

“Get out of the door, missy.” She pointed at the door, laughing along with her. 

The ride wasn’t too far, even on the hog that she owned. The hog was a Can Am Spyder F3, large and in charge just like her. The beast she had saved up for was well worth the price and she treated it just like her baby. Everyone at her precinct knew when she was there because the bike would just barely fit into the motorcycle parking but would be shocked at how quiet the motor was. Plus she also had a look for anyone who would try and rib her about the beast. She ran circles around the cops on cycles and there were no shortage of people who wanted to test her on that. Everyone turned to look at them both when they dismounted, hardly believing that two women just blazed right in there on a motorcycle. Laoise loved that feeling, the disbelief of a tall black woman getting off the bike. It stroked her ego just ever so slightly. 

The Tipsy Dog had some good reviews, even from her Sergent so she decided to give the place a try. She stalked up to the bar while Lucky found them a place to sit. The large building had a lot of seating but the majority of the people were moving around to the beat of the music. She moved around easily around the bodies to deliver the brightly colored drinks to her friend who had chosen to get out of the way of the people. 

Lucky gave her a confused look when she set the drink down in front of her. Laoise laughed at her and gestured for her to take the drink while she tipped her own up to her lips. The fruity flavor exploded in her mouth, washing out the taste of alcohol as it went down. They both laughed when they looked at each other a few sips in. They sat back and talked for the majority of their first drink, preferring to relax. The drinks started to flow and they grew more hyped up as the night went along. By the third drink of equally bright colors, they were starting to feel the buzz from the liquor. 

“Get tired of dancing, ladies?”

Both of their heads whipped up to see a couple of guys smiling at them. Laoise would have laughed along with them if it wasn’t for the fact that the hairs on the back of her neck were standing up. They had just sat down from a round of dancing and refreshments when the voice was heard. She could feel her buzz being killed with each syllable that was spoken.

Plus, there was something about them that she didn’t quite trust and she always trusted her instincts. 

“Yeah, it’s gettin’ kind of busy out there anyways.” She responded, hoping that they would just lose interest with her short response. 

However, their grins got even wider as Lucky piped up with her small talk as well. She frowned when they offered to get them more drinks, knowing that she didn’t trust anyone else with bringing her a drink in a crowded nightclub like that. There were too many variables in that situation and she wasn’t about to risk a doping incident--not when there were reports of people going missing in the city. 

“Sorry fellas, but we gotta get going. Early morning shift and all.” She announced, grabbing Lucky and hauling her away. When she looked back, however, she saw that the two guys were standing still where they had left them--the grin etched on their faces but their eyes oddly glowing in the light. Whether or not it was the lighting of the club, Laoise wasn’t having it that night. 

Plus she had promised Lucky tacos.

Leaving her motorcycle parked where it was, they headed down to the taco truck. Like she had said, it wasn’t far from where the club was located and it offered a great riverside view for everyone there. They talked animatedly as they stood in line, waiting for their turn to order a scandalous amount of food. Though the edge from meeting the two strangers had mostly worn off, Laoise couldn’t help but to think back at their eyes. She hoped, since moving there, she had left a part of that life behind her but now her suspicions were rising. Reminders of her own personal case started to make more sense the more she thought about it.

Laoise wasn’t quite sure, but going to the club that night seemed more like providence than anything. Even if it was to relax and unwind from all the crap that had been going on. Or possibly, she was still unnerved by what happened. 

“So, you got any positions there at the Station? I’m a hard worker and awesome at clerical or administrative duties.” Lucky grinned at her once they sat down at one of the tables that had been set up for the evening. 

Laoise pursed her lips and didn’t respond to her, making her friend laugh. If only she could hire her to do all that paperwork that she was constantly saddled with.

The wind started to pick up a bit, blowing over the river that they sat next to as it created a semblance of calm. The twinkling lights from the city and the stars reflected all around them;  people passing by were growing fewer and fewer. They sat there, eating and talking until the taco truck’s lights went out. It was a signal that they were closing up shop for the night. Laoise was sober by that time while Lucky still had a couple more hours to go.

“You know, I think I did have some fun tonight.” Lucky commented as they walked back to Laoise’s motorcycle. 

“Well good. That was the point of the night.” She looked down at Lucky who had her hands on her head as she walked. 

The beast in question was in view and it gave Laoise a moment of relief seeing it. She always worried about someone stealing it but not enough to where she couldn’t track them down. She was, after all, a detective at a precinct. 

“You know what would be more exciting?” She gave Lucky the side eye as they approached the bike, knowing that her friend was about to say something off the wall. “If a handsome man came swooping in and was like I’m here to save you.”

“The fuck? Are we in danger?” Laoise laughed as they reached the bike, bending over to pull out a helmet for Lucky. “I don’t have to flash my badge to scare anyone because I am a 6’1” black woman. Who is going to mess with us?”

“Well…only us, I suppose,” came a voice from behind them. 

Both girls turned around to see the two strangers from earlier, eyes still glowing despite the lack of fluorescent lights around them. Laoise immediately walked in front of Lucky and stared them down but before she could say anything, they spoke again. 

“Yes, we know what business you are in and that doesn’t affect us at all. We have a different set of rules than someone of your caliber, Witch.”

“Lucky, run as far and fast as you can and call my station.” 

She started to protest but saw that Laoise was taking off some of the bandages on her hands. The tone in her voice brooked no argument, a stark contrast to earlier. She wasn’t playing any games and knew how she was going to deal with them while Lucky got away. All she heard was the sharp huff and the sound of her friend running away. She grinned at the pair, drawing herself up to her full height. 

“Now that she’s out of the way, how about we have some real fun, boys?”

Tags :
3 years ago

Star of Fate [Vampire!VIXX]


Plot: The longer you stare into darkness, the more  you realize that something could be staring back. Even more so when that  darkness doesn’t want to be brought into the light and will do anything  to stay that way.

Rating: NC-17 // NSFW

Genre: Series | Vampire!AU | Angst | Romance/Fluff | Smut

Pairings: OT6 VIXX x OC(s)

Warnings: Graphic Violence (bloody violence), Heavy Language, Angst, Slow Burn, Smut

Previous Chapters: Prologue, 2, 3, 4

Links: FAQ || VIXX Masterlist || Admin L’s AO3 || Admin L’s WP || [ REQUESTS ARE OPEN ]

Word Count: 1724

AO3 | WP

Tag List: If you would like to be added to this list, just drop us an ask!

AN: So this was supposed to go out on Sunday and I kinda forgot. Please enjoy!

Chapter 5- Uebok (Gotta Run)

Holy shit, holy shit, this is the run and hit the Make a hit, the make a hit, like a machine gun


“So just who in the hell are you?”

The two men looked at each other and grinned, making Laoise narrow her eyes. She wasn’t going to repeat herself. She was unimpressed with the both of them already and she hadn’t even flexed her muscles yet. The stare down was brief but full of meaning as she assessed them, picking out points that she could exploit. 

“Well since we know what you are, I suppose we could indulge.” The one that was speaking was a tall thing, long and lanky like he hadn’t had a proper meal in months. Sharp, dark red eyes with some darkness underneath it. The other one was shorter than him with some plumpness to his cheeks and she realized that the carefree attitude that they both had was just a ruse for her. Anger colored her body as she readied herself to fight, with everything she had. 

“We are vampires and you? A simple mortal with a few special abilities--” 

Laoise shut him up after softly crooning out a word. A fireball blasted him in the face, knocking him backwards to the ground. Her hand slowly oozed out blood as she held it out from the aftermath of throwing the fire. The vampire that had been talking screamed and clawed at his face, the smell of burnt flesh starting to waft about in the wind that had started to pick up. She raised another hand and the flames that were just about extinguished suddenly jumped back to life as they engulfed the vampire. Soon he was nothing but a mess of ash on the concrete as the other vampire stood wide eyed at her. 

“Yes, I am a simple mortal but I’m not one to be fucked with.” The other vampire bared his fangs at her but someone had materialized behind him. The man was just as lanky as the previous one but he looked much older than his skin looked. It was the eyes that Laoise watched, those pale grey eyes that studied her just as much as she did him. He moved to the vampire that was prepared to attack her and grabbed his shoulder, making him cry out loud. He was forced down to his knees by the new man and once he was satisfied, he then stood in front of him. 

“You clearly are one of the Pythonissa, a grade above the regulars that practice Wicca in this day and age. I am Bastian, leader of this small group of vampires. The one cowering behind me is Christopher and on behalf of our Coven, I would like to apologize to you.” 

He bowed to Laoise, who was just as surprised as the one called Christopher. She backed down and continued to keep everything just at the tip of her fingers. 

“Ok… so what the hell were two of your minions doing attacking us like this? Don’t you guys have like… rules or something?”

“Don’t you worry your head about it, Pythonissa. I will attend to them accordingly, you may go now.”

Laoise bristled at being told to leave but she had no choice if she wanted to keep the peace. They were already on the ropes so there wasn’t any need for her to stick around. Plus she had to find Lucky. The fact that she hadn’t heard any sirens bothered her because she should have been able to call someone by now. The whole thing seemed super suspicious to her from the start, when the vampires arrived but with them around and Lucky gone--a pit of worry gnawed at her stomach as she turned around. 

She pulled out her phone to call the woman but after a few rings, it went to her voicemail. Laoise’s instincts were hardly ever wrong and that time, she had a very bad feeling.


Lucky ran with everything she had, trying to get distance from whatever they were. However, when she could no longer hear their sounds--she stopped. She would have taken the motorcycle had she known how to drive it but it was no use now. She had her phone out and ready to call the police, looking around for any street signs to tell them where she was located. 

However, the streetlights flickered as they drew her attention. 

She noticed a little shop that was just now closing and the neon lights flickering along with the streetlights. There was no one in sight and the sense of danger was still going strong, despite the area looking empty. It almost was eerie, the way that everything seemed abandoned and quiet as if it was winding out after a long day. As she walked up to the store, her fingers dialed the numbers but everything was knocked out of her hands when a sudden push threw her into the window.

A hand was on her throat and a body was in front of her, looming over her small stature. And it wasn’t just one being, there was another that she could see come out of the shadows with a neutral look on his face. She cried out as she felt the pain hit her and the window start to crack from the pressure he was exerting on her body. Trying to kick him, she tried to get him off of her as her hands grasped his wrist but it did nothing for the situation.

The guy was one of the ones she saw earlier with Laoise and a lance of panic washed over her, fearing for her friend. He was much stronger than her, that much was certain just by the unwavering grip that he had on her. Lucky couldn’t break free, no matter how much she tried to twist and turn. Even digging her nails into his skin, breaking the surface from how viciously she was trying. The guy just smiled before smashing her back into the windows even more mercilessly than before. The window cracked and dug into her back, cutting the bare skin that was showing. 

“This is the smell from before, Christopher. I wonder what she was doing there with the Dominus?” 

Now the warning tick was a full blown alarm as the questions swirled around in her head. Or was that just the lack of air? Just a weak little sound and she started to see spots, the edges of her vision starting to dim. The man holding her suddenly drew her close to his face, eyes glowing like they had before. Lucky figured she had one good hit left in her, so she summoned the rest of her strength to kick him full in the face with everything she had. What surprised the man the most, was the fact that she had that much in her and he dropped her in response. The other man didn’t even wait until she hit the ground before kicking her right back into the windows, sending her straight through it. 

Lucky landed on the floor, making the owner of the place scramble from his place to go to her aid. She gasped gratefully for the air, ignoring the sharp pain in her side from where she was kicked. There had been a good chance that she had broken a few things with that action. The owner had his own phone out and was talking very fast into it before a hand went right through his chest. She opened her mouth and screamed as loud as she could, hoping that someone could hear her over the phone.

However, that didn’t last long due to the other man reaching for her. He snapped his hand out to place a firm slap on her face. Though, it wasn’t just a firm slap to her as it sent her to the ground again. The new man licked the blood of his fingers with a sick smile on his face but after doing so, he paused. The two of them looked at each other before looking back at her, wide-eyed. 

“This blood--”

“Well, that wasn’t very nice.”

A third voice rung out, making the two whip around. Lucky struggled away into a corner, away from the lot of them She could see the newcomer’s nose flare as he narrowed his focus on her. Even still, he still had a bit of baby face as he looked around and kicked some of the glass around. One of the men seemed to shimmer and had disappeared into thin air, making Lucky question her sanity while the other one bared his teeth at the newcomer.

“What can a fledgling do to me?”

At the last word, the newcomer disappeared. The man that had previously been hounding her--quite literally lost his head. It rolled over to her feet and even though it turned to ash, Lucky screamed again as she grabbed for whatever she could find to defend herself. The pain and the adrenaline had been the only thing keeping her going as her hands grasped a bottle.

The man appeared again in her sight, smiling at her with that cute grin on his face. If she were to die, she supposed, Lucky wouldn’t have minded it then with him around. He frowned a little at the pained sounds she was making, nostrils flaring again as if he was trying to hold himself back from doing something. 

“Aw man. They’re all gonna kill me but I can’t just leave you here! You’re bleeding and I can’t control myself well so I’mma take you somewhere safe for now. Plus you saw what happened so maybe I could get Ravi to do something to you.”

Before she could do anything else, the man scooped her up as gently as a box of rocks. Lucky couldn’t help another sharp yelp as her side continued with the piercing pain but her instinct was to bring down the object she had in her hands down on his head. He gave her an alarmed look before trying to be gentle getting out of the building. The object shattered on his head like she had hit it against concrete, cutting her hand in the process. 

“Uh… please don’t make yourself bleed more. It’s already hard enough being near you. I’m gonna run so if you get sick, then turn your head.”

Lucky fainted from the pain and stress. The phone that had been dropped was now squawking with the operator's voice, its owner long gone from the scene. 

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5 years ago

Happy Birthday Hongbin 💜♥️





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6 years ago

VIXX Mafia Reaction: You wanting to go on a “business” run with him


Cha Hakyeon:

Absolutely not. Not in a million years would he let you put yourself in danger like that. Even though he’d never admit it out loud when anyone but the two of you were in the room, he loved you and cared about way too much to put you any where remotely in harms way. Not even your puppy eyes, which was your secret weapon to get him to do anything you’d like, would work now. Every time you asked him why he wouldn’t let you go with him, he would always say the same thing.

“Y/N, honey. Please, try to understand, but you mean too much to me to take you out into the line of fire. Maybe one day I’ll take you out, but until then I’m not letting you in my line of business. But if you really want to see some danger, how about we get you out of the clothes and I’ll show you how dangerous it could get.”


Jung Taekwoon:

Just like Hakyeon, Taekwoon would immediately refuse your idea. He would immediately sit you down on the closest piece of furniture he could get you on and immediately start showing you how much you mean to him. Whether it be slight touches or passionate kisses, he would lightly mumble to you how much you meant to him.

“Baby, please, believe me, if it wasn’t as dangerous as it is, I’d love to take you with me. Unfortunately, I love you too much to put you in harms way but I can give you all my attention, right here, right now.” 


Lee Jaehwan:

Jaehwan wouldn’t know how to tell you no as sweetly as possible but would end up just disagreeing with everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, you said from there on out. Even if you told him you loved him, he would make damn sure that he knew he loved you more than you loved him and that’s why he couldn’t take you to ANY of his runs.



Kim Wonshik:

Wonshik would be somewhat surprised you even wanted anything to do with the mafia let alone go out on runs with. He’d be very hesitate but you’d eventually get him to say yes, very grudgefully. Your first run with him was supposed to be a simple drug run, nothing big and shouldn’t have ended in a gun fight because someone had their panties rammed to far up their ass. When you guys finally got out, thankfully unharmed, he immediately took you home, both mad at you for asking him to go and himself for being as stupid as he was to actually AGREE to take you.

“Oh my fucking god, are you okay baby? Fuck I should’ve never agreed to this. I almost got you killed. I’m so sorry Y/N. I’ll live the rest of my life making this up to you. I’ll never let anything happen to you, I promise.”


Lee Hongbin:

Hongbin wouldn’t hesitate at all at saying yes. He would be so happy that you had some interest in the family “business” that he wouldn’t even think about the consequences. That is until you got shot in the leg and he had to rush you to the emergency room because you were bleeding probably more than you should. Luckily, it didn’t hit any serious arteries. Well, not dead on but it did graze the artery in your left leg, which explains why you were bleeding so profusely.

“I’m so happy you’re okay. God that was probably the stupidest thing I’ve ever done in my life. Y/N, I’m so sorry that this happened. It’s my fault that you’re here right now. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.”   


Han Sanghyuk:

Hyuk would be the one to tell you yes then go back on his word right before you guys were supposed to leave. He would realize that it would be an incredibly stupid idea to put you in harms way and he knew that if something happened to you, he’d never be able to forgive himself.

“I’m sorry Y/N, but it’s way to dangerous for you to be there. I promised you and myself that I would take care of you and never let anything or anyone hurt you, and I’m not about to let that happen.”

Tags :
7 years ago




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