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inside US
Summary: You want to live inside us, like a disease. (X) A/N: Spoilers. A different perspective on a certain line in-game.
For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.
“What does it look like, the shape in the glass?”
Your shape, in which glass?
The window? The looking glass— a mirror?
Your reflection is foggy in every reflective surface, as if this is but a nightmare.
What does your shape look like?
It asks you again, closer now: What does it look like? The shape in the glass.
You’re tired. Stamina low. It’s why you’re only now stopping to listen to what the Phantoms say. They repeat themselves, over and over. Nothing more than nonsense at first, but it’s concise now. It’s understandable.
Catch your breath, and listen.
“They want to live inside us, like a disease.”
We spent years trying to put what you can do into us. We never tried putting what we can do into you.
“The creatures have no mirror neurons. They have no empathy. They don’t see us as we see ourselves. What if?”
We never tried putting what we can do into you—
Inside us like a disease.
Exotic material is the core ingredient to create neuromods.
Parasites. Leeches.
Human word: exploitation. Exploiters.
Don’t let them do this to you.
—until now.
I used to wish we weren’t alone in the universe. (until now)
What you experienced was a reconstruction based on Morgan’s memories.
A foreign body inside named Morgan Yu.
—then another dose of Morgan’s cell lines!
Kill them.
Don’t let them do this to you.
Alex extends his hand out to you.
They want to live inside us, like a disease. Don’t let them do this to you.
You reach for him, into him, hand as black as cold of space. Stars in your eyes, blood throughout the room.
You look into the glass, now shiny and pristine—
What does it look like?
The shape you see in the glass.

>saw the warframe comic #2 >saw THESE FACES >decide to redraw every fkn panel with captain vor >cause he deserves better so, face practice??