Operator - Tumblr Posts
How does your Operator react to Event Horizen?
A: Call the crew wimps for not being able to handle a little hell, before firing a void beam at a random noise screaming at their long dead parents.
B: Enter void mode with their eyes closed to find out if they can see there without their eyes.
C: Facepalm and groan because they acquired a new fetish along the way.
D: Breakdown crying and calling for the Lotus/Ortis while clinging to their Kubrow/Kavat/Moa.
E: Complain that there was no one as sexy as Laurence Fishburne in the void.
F: just goes “I know that feel.”

i have no explanation

The Operator
"You can trust us and our beloved company"

I don’t know
At the start of this thing I was intending for human centipede (red flags) meme with Alex kralie but now the back ground is just the operator and some of Ross wood.

Alex kralie heaven says meme

He’s Finally Finished!! Thank You All So Much For The Likes On His WIP, It Really Means A Lot To Me!! :33

grandpa deserves all the hugs
(I didn't think I would be able to do anything due to lack of time BUT here it is (3 days late but still))

some sketches of my tenno (before zariman, operator and drifter from left)
rainbow 6 Ukrainian operator
i kinda want a deference R6 operator from the Ukraine that hard counters 1 of the Russian attack R6 operators... this has no connections to any IRL events. Just wanna operator from the country who's flag is a picture of a golden wheat field
Ye know what would be cool in rainbow 6? an attacking operator with an EMP-pulse generator backpack, with only 2 charges... and maybe have it tern off near-by drones. or how about a defender that can use some sort of sound making device to fake footsteps and gunshots? or how about an opperator that can place a device that when an enemy walks by it the adversary gets sticked with a trackering chip that every 1.5s relays where the sticked foe is? or how 'bout an operator that can "borrow" fallen teammate's gadgets? or an operator with x-ray Polaroid, only pics not track. just ping of where were not now, but then
rainbow 6 Ukrainian operator
i kinda want a deference R6 operator from the Ukraine that hard counters 1 of the Russian attack R6 operators… this has no connections to any IRL events. Just wanna operator from the country who’s flag is a picture of a golden wheat field

Mini draw #2
So I wanted to work on saturation, but this one has a little more to it. So this is based off of a military-esc vigilante peace keeping group I dubbed, “Castle”. I wrote up this story featuring 7 of my characters all fully written and developed. It took place on various planets and included a vast selection of races, most furries but also like bugs and slimes and stuff. I really wanted to continue development of the story, but I can’t look at the story the same way after my abusive ex twisted and mangled it to fit his own needs. I may scrub it after some time, but have this. This is the emblem I’ve designed for my character named Persephone Lockhart, an avian furry with a DMR and aggressively sexual and social tendencies. Her callsign was Apex.

I tried to draw my operator from Warframe. His name is Jovan, and he doesn't so calm as in this sketch xD He's active and agile. Jovan loves himself very much and tries to look cool in any situation. Also he loves his friends, but doesn't show them that. His inspirer is Alad V. Jovan has a little statue with this man :"""

Я нарисовала этот арт неделю, может две назад. За основу взяла позы с арта ниже, немного изменив. Кто автор, не знаю, изображение изначально нашла обрезанным.
В общем, попыталась изобразить своего оператора - Йована и операторов моих очень хороших друзей. Два оболтуса и девуля @edelsid :)

More Marble Hornets + accidental Jeff