67 posts

It smells like fresh fruit 🍎
Autumn adorned everything with its yellowish, red, and orange-brown tones from Willow Creek to the medieval town of Windenburg.
The gardens woke up already dressed for the new season, the cold already felt and invited to look for the warm clothes stored in the bottom of the closet.
Autumn was already reigning all over the neighborhood and the day invited to go out to explore and observe what was going on outside, with all the senses on alert.
Autumn is time to love!
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More Posts from Thegoncalves

What a day!
Working to the fullest! 💤
It was another day of hard work in the new house. The works were a little late because of the problems in the old plumbing.

Saint Martin
Flame, nuts and wine 🌰
“Tradition says that in order to have Saint Martin, you need fire, nuts and wine…”
St. Martin’s Day, the tradition tells the family to gather around a campfire to make a magician, jump and sing.
- Hmm. Very good, these warm nuts.

The Playground
Puddles of rain ☔️
Ringed the bell, is playtime!
- Marie, will you come and play with me?- Asked little Jimmy.
- No, ask for someone your age.- Answered Marie.
- Children!- Replied Marie's friend, with a smile on her face.
- To whom you say, my brother is a pain in the ass. - Answered Marie.
- Boring, me! Silly and silly girls! Shouted Jimmy.
- Jimmy, Jimmy!- Someone called.- Do you want to come and play in the rain? - I swear, it's going to be a lot of fun.

Grrr... What ice!! ❄️
Life in the boarding house was a real commotion, or rather a great nightmare. A family within a T1. Can you imagine?! At bath time it was total madness!
Let's make a line, the last one is better pray for not having the bad luck to take a shower of very cold water.

For yesterday!
Works almost stopped ?! ⚒
Noon signals the alarm clock.
It's time to get up and enjoy the day off or not. Jasmine takes the opportunity to move on and put the contractor against the wall again or the change would not happen in 10 years.
Jasmine when she arrives at the work is incredulous with what their eyes saw.
- My God, this work is so late or better stopped! - What's going on here?!- Wondered Jasmine.
- Mr. Gary, is this work so far behind?- Asked Jasmine.
- You know… It's just that...- Said the contractor, a little embarrassed.
- Not half way.- Jasmine interrupted.- I want this work finalized later this month or I will not pay your fees and the dismissal!