Willow Creek - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago
Vivian Lewis
Vivian Lewis
Vivian Lewis
Vivian Lewis

Vivian Lewis

Age 64 years old

Worked as the Chief of Staff at Sim City General Hospital. Retired now. Hopes her son will follow in her career footsteps. Has started niggling Olivia about being a doctor too.

Moved in with Eric and Alice recently since she retired. She was lonely.

Has a cat named CeCe that everyone else hates.

The type of lady who wears her Sunday bests and goes off to church. Knows a lot of everyone's business. She gives great advice.

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8 months ago
Garden Plaza
Garden Plaza
Garden Plaza
Garden Plaza
Garden Plaza
Garden Plaza
Garden Plaza
Garden Plaza
Garden Plaza
Garden Plaza

Garden Plaza

To the right you'll find some empty stores, ready to be made into whatever you can think of; with small but sweet apartments on top for your sims to start their lives in.

To the left is a moderately sized family home with 4 bd and 5 ba, a garage, and a backyard that's perfectly fit for a swing set or sand pit for your child sims :)) Built on the Garden Essence lot in Willow Creek, size is 40x30!!!

cc free, basegame, unfurnished!

gallery id : bobeebell

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6 months ago
Brook Bungalow
Brook Bungalow
Brook Bungalow
Brook Bungalow
Brook Bungalow
Brook Bungalow
Brook Bungalow
Brook Bungalow
Brook Bungalow

Brook Bungalow

This beautiful two story colonial home is full of charm; 5 bd, 6 ba, a double door garage, a pool house, and a manicured garden for your lovely sims to ponder in! Built on the Brook Bungalow lot in Willow Creek! Lot size is 40x30!

cc free, basegame, unfurnished!

gallery id : bobeebell

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1 year ago
Eliza Pancakes
Eliza Pancakes
Eliza Pancakes
Eliza Pancakes
Eliza Pancakes
Eliza Pancakes

Eliza Pancakes

So, I made over Eliza a few times before I was happy with her. Then I was watching Charlotte Dobre on YouTube and got inspired.

Eliza Pancakes (nee Hastings)

Aged 29 years old

Traits- Neat, High Maintenance, Short Tempered, Jealous and Nosy.

The Hastings family aim to be seen as Upper Class but they are not. Catherine and Glenn Hastings thought their daughters would be successful in some high profile careers and they could live off their success. Eliza studied Communications at University and her younger sister, Erina studied Medicine. Unfortunately shortly after she graduated, Erina was struck by lightning and died. Now all the pressure of her parents expectations is on Eliza and, with the grief of losing her sister, Eliza crumpled under the stress.

Eliza met Bob in High School. They had nothing in common and weren't close friends but they kept in touch when Eliza went to University and Bob started working in the culinary industry as a dishwasher. When he heard about her sisters passing, Bob made and brought Eliza a dish of his famous (to him anyway) mac and cheese as comfort food. Maybe he'd always had a bit of a crush on her, but anyway they bonded over shared feelings of depression and worthlessness. Bob and Eliza got married and Bob and his siblings became Eliza's family. Now, a few years on, they may not be 'in love' with each other (they still sleep in separate rooms) but they have a lot of love for each other and are a close family. Bob brings a lot of calm and laughter into Eliza's life when she is manic with anxiety and in turn, she encourages Bob to try new things and leave the house when he is depressed.

As for Eliza's career- she is a 'Content Creator' and SimsTuber. That's where the inspiration from Charlotte Dobre comes in. Physically, I gave Eliza a bigger mouth like Charlotte and I think their voices would be similar. I can totally see Eliza making videos like Charlotte; AITA and Bridezilla reactions. Eliza would be very judgmental and love the drama and pettiness. She doesn't make any of her own content, just reacts and talks about other peoples tiktoks, posts and videos.

With her outfits- Eliza still likes a lot of green, it looks good with her copper hair. The black gown is something she keeps in her closet in the hopes that she is invited to one of Bella Goth's soirée's (it'll never happen). The wedding dress is from her and Bob's wedding, she keeps it and when she is feeling particularly down she will put it on and eat a tub of ice-cream while watching 'Say Yes to the Dress' and judging all the dress choices. Her sleep/lounge wear is a grubby old hoodie and thick wooly socks that she wears when she and Bob are curled up on the couch watching movies together. It is when they are at their most honest with each other and themselves. She takes tennis lessons at the Country Club in the hopes to rub shoulders with Nancy Landgraab but she can't afford to get anywhere near the private courts. She had a little cabana built in her suburban backyard next to the pool so she dresses like shes on vacation and takes selfies for her simstagram.

Eliza Pancakes

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1 year ago
Bob Pancakes
Bob Pancakes
Bob Pancakes
Bob Pancakes
Bob Pancakes
Bob Pancakes
Bob Pancakes

Bob Pancakes

Aged 30 years old

Traits- Gloomy, Slob, Absent-Minded, Warm-Hearted and Creative

Bob works as a line cook at the moment but dreams of owning his own cafe. His wife Eliza encourages him to pursue his dream but Bob's depression and anxiety hold him back.

Bob and Eliza have a different type of marriage. They don't share a bedroom or be overly affectionate with each other but they are best friends and each others biggest supporters. Bob needs Eliza to motivate him to be his best self, otherwise his depression makes him sluggish and he doesn't leave his room for days or wash or anything. He does sometimes wonder what it would be like to be madly in love with someone but he can't leave Eliza. Especially now that they have a son together.

The decision to have a child together was a mutual one. Even though their relationship isn't romantic, they both wanted a child and they consider each other close family so little Iggy was born.

They also have a little sausage dog named Palatschinken or 'Pal' which is a type of Austrian pancake.

Bob loves video games and cooking for his family. He has a sister and brother named Amy and Cooper and they all get together and have a big cook up on the weekends. Amy has expressed she may be interested in going into business with Bob in owning a cafe. Maybe this could be the new start he needs?

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1 year ago
The Drifter Challenge House 008
The Drifter Challenge House 008
The Drifter Challenge House 008
The Drifter Challenge House 008

The Drifter Challenge House 008

(CC List + Links)

World Map: Willow Creek

Area: Pendula View -- Parkshore

Lot Size: 40 x 30

Gallery ID: Simstorian-ish

Packs Needed

Cottage Living

Desert Luxe Kit

Eco Lifestyle

Get Famous

Get Together

Get To Work

Island Living

Jungle Adventure

Spa Day



Build Mode 

Charly Pancakes -- Maple & S Construction Set 2

Harrie – Brutalist (Concrete)

Harrie – Spoons Pt.1

Felixandre – Grove Pt.4

Peacemaker – Clapboard Siding

Peacemaker – GTW Window Add Ons

Peacemaker – Reclaimed Gymnasium Flooring

Peacemaker – Splendid Paneling

Tray Files: Download

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1 year ago

Juana Iris, spellcaster and gemologist (backstory)

Juana Iris, Spellcaster And Gemologist (backstory)
Juana Iris, Spellcaster And Gemologist (backstory)
Juana Iris, Spellcaster And Gemologist (backstory)
Juana Iris, Spellcaster And Gemologist (backstory)
Juana Iris, Spellcaster And Gemologist (backstory)
Juana Iris, Spellcaster And Gemologist (backstory)
Juana Iris, Spellcaster And Gemologist (backstory)
Juana Iris, Spellcaster And Gemologist (backstory)
Juana Iris, Spellcaster And Gemologist (backstory)
Juana Iris, Spellcaster And Gemologist (backstory)
Juana Iris, Spellcaster And Gemologist (backstory)
Juana Iris, Spellcaster And Gemologist (backstory)
Juana Iris, Spellcaster And Gemologist (backstory)
Juana Iris, Spellcaster And Gemologist (backstory)
Juana Iris, Spellcaster And Gemologist (backstory)
Juana Iris, Spellcaster And Gemologist (backstory)
Juana Iris, Spellcaster And Gemologist (backstory)
Juana Iris, Spellcaster And Gemologist (backstory)
Juana Iris, Spellcaster And Gemologist (backstory)

Juana is an apprentice spellcaster and aspiring gemologist. She moved in her Grandmothers old home in Willow Creek after she sadly passed, which she's made her own. Her grandmother introduced her to crystals at a young age, as they're very common in Willow Creek, and they fascinated her, and she also told her of legends of spellcasters. In one of her old journals during her move in, she found out how to access the magical realm and couldn't believe it was all true. Unfortunately she is neither a good spellcaster yet nor a competent gemologist, as tends to find only fossils which are actually valuable and great for paying the bills or buying supplies, but to her they just look like junk. She sells them to get money to buy crystals in the realm of magic, but really feels like she should find her own to have more connection with them. She works extra hard improving her skills and studying magic, as well as spending many hours digging for crystals. She hopes to one day fill all her cabinets with beautiful cut or uncut gems and handmade jewellery, and down the line sell them or even open her own store to sell crystals and potions. Juana has no other family and gets lonely sometimes but she wants to get a cat familiar soon to keep her company once she can stabilise her career. She travels to the magical realm quite often, to spend time at the academy meeting other spellcasters. Her mentor is Simeon but aside from granting her access to magic he doesn't teach her much. She is quite moody and tends to get a bit depressed, especially during the day, she likes sleeping a lot during the light hours, as she's a night owl. She only goes out during the day to collect gems with better light for a few hours, which makes her quite uncomfortable, her skin is very delicate to the sun and it makes her feel moodier. That's something she loves about the magical realm, it isn't too bright even during the day. She'd like to find a cave nearby where she can mine for crystals in a darker cooler setting. She also talks to all her plants, mainly her mushrooms every morning before bed and every evening when she wakes. Her garden is haunted by little spirits which scared her at first, one of the reasons she wasn't sure about living here, but she is getting used to them. Other hobbies of hers include looking through her telescope, watching horror movies and making japanese food.

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8 months ago
Garden Essence Apartments 40x30 - No CC
Garden Essence Apartments 40x30 - No CC
Garden Essence Apartments 40x30 - No CC

Garden Essence Apartments 40x30 - No CC

6 units (technically 7 but only 6 are allowed - who knew? not me lol each unit has 2br | 1 ba download gallery ID: jennie366 download tray files: here

*I also uploaded my new version of the bff household to the gallery

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4 years ago


A small but comfortable one bedroom house, built mostly out of sustainable materials, that is situated on a charming lot backing up to the canal in Foundry Cove. Perfect for a single Sim or a young couple who have not yet started a family. 

Ground floor: living room - kitchen/dining - laundry - toilet - studio (converted garage) - backyard

First floor: bedroom/office - bathroom - storage space

The triangular windows above the front and back door are custom content (created by mutske at TSR); you can find them here: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1412177. You don’t need the windows for the house to function, but it will look slightly less nice without them :)  

Lot size: 20 x 15 (Streamlet Single in Willow Creek)

Cost: §75,395

Required packs:

EPs: Get to Work - Get Together - City Living - Cats And Dogs - Seasons - Get Famous - Island Living - Discover University - Eco Lifestyle

GPs: Outdoor Retreat - Spa Day - Dine Out - Parenthood - Jungle Adventure - Strangerville

SPs: Perfect Patio Stuff - Cool Kitchen Stuff - Movie Hangout Stuff - Romantic Garden Stuff - Backyard Stuff - Vintage Glamour Stuff - Bowling Night Stuff - Laundry Day Stuff - Moschino Stuff - Tiny Living Stuff - Nifty Knitting Stuff

Please enable the moveobjects cheat (bb.moveobjects on) before placing the lot in build mode to make sure everything stays in place.

To install, download the ZIP file from the link below. Extract the folder and copy its contents (there should be 7 files total) into your My Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/Tray folder.

Download link: https://simfileshare.net/download/2006516/

If you don’t want to install it using the Tray files, you can also find it in the Gallery under my EA ID Suanin89. Make sure to tick the ‘show custom content’ box, otherwise the build won’t show up. 

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4 years ago
Derelict Victorian
Derelict Victorian
Derelict Victorian
Derelict Victorian
Derelict Victorian
Derelict Victorian
Derelict Victorian
Derelict Victorian
Derelict Victorian
Derelict Victorian

Derelict Victorian

After author and avid gnome collector Betty Shaw died, her house long stood abandoned, slowly falling into disrepair and becoming a popular hangout for the local kids. But now her son, in need of some money, is looking to sell it. One of the interested parties is a rich investor who wants to divide the house into trendy flats, the other a couple who wish to return it to its former glory and transform it into a SimB&B (themselves moving into the attic). Who will it be? 

I would love to see what you guys do with this place (of course it doesn’t have to be either of the options mentioned above), so make sure to tag me if you post any pictures! :) 

Ground floor: entry hall - living room - library - dining room - kitchen with breakfast area - toilet

First floor: master bedroom with sitting room and en suite - two guest bedrooms with en suites - laundry room

Second floor: study - storage room - bathroom

Lot size: 40x30 (Umbrage Manor in Willow Creek)

Cost: §109,236

Required packs:

EPs: Get to Work - Get Together - City Living - Cats And Dogs - Seasons - Get Famous - Island Living - Discover University - Eco Lifestyle - Snowy Escape

GPs: Outdoor Retreat - Dine Out - Parenthood - Jungle Adventure - Strangerville

SPs: Cool Kitchen Stuff - Movie Hangout Stuff - Laundry Day Stuff - Moschino Stuff - Nifty Knitting Stuff

Please enable the moveobjects cheat (bb.moveobjects on) before placing the lot in build mode to make sure everything stays in place.

To install, download the ZIP file from the link below. Extract the folder and copy its contents (there should be 8 files total) into your My Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/Tray folder.

Download link: https://simfileshare.net/download/2207925/

If you don’t want to install it using the Tray files, you can also find it in the Gallery under my EA ID Suanin89.

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6 months ago
I've Decided To Try And Build A Complete Save File For Myself.. And It's Going A Lot Better Than I Had
I've Decided To Try And Build A Complete Save File For Myself.. And It's Going A Lot Better Than I Had
I've Decided To Try And Build A Complete Save File For Myself.. And It's Going A Lot Better Than I Had
I've Decided To Try And Build A Complete Save File For Myself.. And It's Going A Lot Better Than I Had

I've decided to try and build a complete save file for myself.. and it's going a lot better than I had anticipated ~

Here's a lil view into my take on Foundry Cove in Willow Creek 🩵

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8 years ago
Welcome To The 145!
Welcome To The 145!
Welcome To The 145!
Welcome To The 145!

Welcome to the 145!

The visit of the new house 🏡

 Josh and Jasmine set a date with the owner of the house. While the parents argued with him about the price of the house, the childreen were chasing after frogs in the poll, that looked like a lake.

- This house looks like it was abandoned for yeas. – Said Jasmine.

- Yes, for 15 years that nobody lives here, the house belonged to my wife’s aunt. We never wanted to get rid of the property, it’s a great neighborhood. – Said, in answer, the owner.

- We’ll stay with it. - Said Josh.

 Josh received the keys. The house was a great property, but it needed works, which was going to delay the change.

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8 years ago


Trick or treat? 🍬

 The big night finally arrived, trick or treat?

 It was time to put on the disguises and take to the street to celebrate this special day.

- It's Halloween! It's Halloween! Everyone shouted on the street in an euphoric state.

Happy Halloween!

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8 years ago
Saint Martin

Saint Martin

Flame, nuts and wine 🌰

“Tradition says that in order to have Saint Martin, you need fire, nuts and wine…”

 St. Martin’s Day, the tradition tells the family to gather around a campfire to make a magician, jump and sing.

- Hmm. Very good, these warm nuts.

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8 years ago
For Yesterday!
For Yesterday!
For Yesterday!
For Yesterday!
For Yesterday!

For yesterday!

Works almost stopped ?! ⚒

Noon signals the alarm clock.

 It's time to get up and enjoy the day off or not. Jasmine takes the opportunity to move on and put the contractor against the wall again or the change would not happen in 10 years.


Jasmine when she arrives at the work is incredulous with what their eyes saw.

- My God, this work is so late or better stopped! - What's going on here?!- Wondered Jasmine.

- Mr. Gary, is this work so far behind?- Asked Jasmine.

- You know… It's just that...- Said the contractor, a little embarrassed.

- Not half way.- Jasmine interrupted.- I want this work finalized later this month or I will not pay your fees and the dismissal!

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8 years ago


Jumping mountains through valleys 🚌

 The season at Shang Simla will come to an end and I would expect a long drive to Willon Creek…

 I missed the children a lot and Josh was about to leave home and say goodbye or one even to new friends.

 I will miss you very much, I promise to return very soon but next time on vacation and family.

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8 years ago


We are here for the Singing of the Kings  👑🎶 

  In accordance to my homeland’s tradition, on the eve of King’s day people use to go door-to-door to present the Singing of the Kings. (…)   The children barely set foot at home, they grab a pair of scissors and some cardboards and they engage in the fine arts with the task of creating paper crowns.

 - Kids? What are you up to? – Questioned Jasmine.

- We are drawing crowns so that we can go and sing the Kings. – Replied Marie.

- Do you need any help? – Asked Jasmine.

- Yes, Mom, could you help us to crop them? – Requested Jimmy.


“…You all knew before and you all know now It’s today that we sing to the Kings You all knew before and you all know now It’s on the eve of the King’s Day…“

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8 years ago
The Closing
The Closing
The Closing
The Closing
The Closing
The Closing
The Closing
The Closing
The Closing
The Closing

The Closing 

The new house 🏡

- It’s always the same; Marie is allowed to do everything and I am not. – Muttered little Jimmy.

Jasmine was finishing lunch as Josh arrived home.

- The kids? – Asked Josh.

- Jimmy is throwing a tantrum in his bedroom and Marie went out to play at Arrietty. – Replied Jasmine.


- So my little boy, what’s going on? – Questioned Josh.

- Nothing. – Answered Jimmy.-       That’s not an answer. – Said Josh.

 – Come here and give dad a hug.

- Sorry Daddy. – Said Jimmy whining.

- You did nothing to be sorry for, my champion. You know, being a child is a tough task. There will be moments when you’ll feel that no one notices you but you’re never going to be alone. Remember that being a dad or mom may imply sometimes in saying  no. It’s a complicated thing, grown-up stuff. – Said Josh.


- The renovation is amazing! - Asserted Josh. 

- I'm in love, I must confess. - Said Jasmine.


 - Jasmine, Jasmine, wake up! - Screamed Josh. - Jasmine you´re fine?

 - Are you alright? Yes, I think it was the smell of paints. - Said Jasmine.

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6 years ago
Spring Feelings

Spring Feelings

The sun always shines again  ☀️

 As it's a beautiful afternoon, Josh decides to take Marie for a walk in the neighborhood. Nature had changed color.

  The leaves of the once green trees were now turning red, yellow, or brown. Some reached the end of their life stage and fell.

 As the days go by, they fall more and more, forming a rug on the floor. During the walk, a squirrel, nervous and pesky, climbs a big oak, because he does not know that strangers come on a mission of peace...

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