67 posts
A Rainy Day

A Rainy Day
Break for a coffee ☕️
The thermometer indicated 14 degrees and the radio alerted to a rainy and windy day.
It rainned a lot last night, so it was necessary to go through the work to see if the rain had not wreaked havoc, but the courage to get out of bed was too little.
- It feels so good to stay in bed, listening to the rain hit the window.- Wondered Josh.
Beep! Beep!
“14 hours at the bistro? With love Jasmine.”
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It smells like fresh fruit 🍎
Autumn adorned everything with its yellowish, red, and orange-brown tones from Willow Creek to the medieval town of Windenburg.
The gardens woke up already dressed for the new season, the cold already felt and invited to look for the warm clothes stored in the bottom of the closet.
Autumn was already reigning all over the neighborhood and the day invited to go out to explore and observe what was going on outside, with all the senses on alert.
Autumn is time to love!

Market Day
Magnolia Promenade 👛
- Yoghurts;
- Milk;
- Coloring to the hair;
- Bread, among other things that were missing at home.
- Kids, I’ll go shopping, be careful!- Shouted Jasmine.
- Wait, Mom!- Shouted the children.
- Can we go with you?- Asked Jimmy.

Terror Runs!
Pumpkin show and contest 🎃💀
Halloween came to school with frogs, crows, tombs, skulls and dozens of pumpkins. There were pumpkins everywhere!
The school seemed like a real horror movie and the best part was saved for the end.
The Pumpkin Cartoons Contest!
- Who would be the winner this year? Questioned Marie. The anxiety was immense that it was almost uncontrollable.
- The winner of the best pumpkin sculpture is ... Alenxandre Goth. - Announced Ms. Frizzle.

Grrr... What ice!! ❄️
Life in the boarding house was a real commotion, or rather a great nightmare. A family within a T1. Can you imagine?! At bath time it was total madness!
Let's make a line, the last one is better pray for not having the bad luck to take a shower of very cold water.

Happy pumpkins, spooky pumpkins... 🎃
On Halloween Eve no one can stay out, especially children. As a homework, Marie and Jimmy had to produce a pumpkin sculpture or a flashlight to present at the school's exhibit.
- Dad, can you help me with a school assignment? Asked Jimmy.
- What’s the task, little thing?- Asked Josh.
- Carve a dome for a Halloween display. - Jimmy answered.
- Let's go to the backyard then. - Ordered Josh.