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1734 posts

Theclose Bond-requirement Can Happen Very Quickly Or Very Slowly, Its A Very Individual Thing, And Is

The “close bond”-requirement can happen very quickly or very slowly, it’s a very individual thing, and is different from person to person. There is no time-limit, if it feels right calling yourself “demi”, call yourself that. 

I struggled with this myself. I felt like a fraud, because I had experienced primary sexual attraction once a couple of years back. But then it hit me, that it was probably more a case of “the exception confirms the rule”, more than “proof” of allosexuality. 

I call myself demisexual, because  it feels right, and nobody can tell me, or you, that what you identify with is wrong. It’s really only your decision what you call yourself, and you don’t have to explain yourself to anyone. 

Am I still demisexual if I don’t require a super close bond?

Like, what it’s someone I’ve been friends with for a few months?

Would I be gray-asexual then?

  • thehappyearth
    thehappyearth reblogged this · 6 years ago

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