I'm a musician who sometimes makes YouTube videos and art. JMU Class of '22. Buy my albums or else. (He/him, metalhead)
641 posts
So, That New Aggretsuko Season, Huh?

So, that new Aggretsuko season, huh?
Decided to redraw one of my favorite scenes from the new season in my own style. :D
Haida © Netflix, Rarecho Art © me
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deafhorsemoon liked this · 4 years ago
More Posts from Thehappyspaceman

W.I.P. of my next drawing of Toph and Sokka.
Was hoping to post this last week for Tokka Week, but some things came up and I’m going to be a bit late. Hopefully I will have it finished by tomorrow!

Beach Bums
Quick older Tokka sketch. Hope you enjoy!
Sokka and Toph Beifong © Nickelodeon Studios Art © me
Heck yeah! I’m glad to be a part of this zine.
By the way, for anyone who’s interested in seeing the full art in my contributor spotlight, you can check it out here or below:

Today’s spotlight goes to one of our Artist’s, TheHappySpaceman. You can find him @thehappyspaceman and as Happy_Spaceman on Twitter!
can we please bring back “in poor taste” as a concept
Because at some point it got folded in under “problematic,” and now every damn thing that has Unfortunate Implications or deals with sensitive topics indelicately enough to raise hackles or gores somebody’s sacred cow is treated as a grave injustice or a threat to society. Online activism culture has lost the vocabulary to express “this deals with touchy stuff in a way many people might find inappropriate, and you should probably avoid it if insensitivity on this subject gets you angry/upset, but it’s not promoting hateful ideas or demeaning people or affecting anything but my opinion of the creator’s sense of tact.”
Zombieworld - TheHappySpaceman Reviews
For his first Halloween review of 2020, TheHappySpaceman watches the anthology horror film Zombieworld, which just happens to share the same name with one of his songs.
Fist of Jesus Brutal Relax WXJM
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