thehappyspaceman - TheHappySpaceman Productions
TheHappySpaceman Productions

I'm a musician who sometimes makes YouTube videos and art. JMU Class of '22. Buy my albums or else. (He/him, metalhead)

641 posts

Pro-Tip For All Filmmakers

Pro-Tip for All Filmmakers

If two characters who are just friends have more or better chemistry than the main romantic couple in your movie, don’t include romance in the movie.

  • samueldeckerthompson
    samueldeckerthompson liked this · 7 years ago

More Posts from Thehappyspaceman

7 years ago

TheHappySpaceman’s Patreon Campaign

Support me on Patreon!

If I want to make this my full-time career, I will need to start making more videos, which will take more money to do so, so I created a Patreon page!

If you can't donate but still want to support the channel in some way, spread the word around about my videos. It helps out a lot.

Thumbnail photo of me by Clara Castle.

P.S.: Sorry my Rainbow Rocks review is taking so long to make; give me a few more days!

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8 years ago

Nobody trusts anybody now, and we're all very tired.

R.J. MacReady, The Thing (1982)

This quote is so applicable right now.

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7 years ago

Okay, but what if you’re cosplaying as Jareth?

Okay, But What If Youre Cosplaying As Jareth?

Attention: Guys who cosplay/want to cosplay spandex-clad superheroes

OK dinguses, here’s something that’s gonna make your life and the lives of everyone who sees you at the con so much better.

This is called a Men’s Dance Belt.


It’s for male ballet dancers to wear under their tights. Its purpose?


when I’m at a con, nothing kills a potential good superhero costume more than seeing the cosplayer’s friendly neighborhood spider-cock through the costume.


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8 years ago

I don’t usually reblog stuff like this, but this was a really good performance. And I got all teary when Carrie showed up. Like, wow guys. You need to watch this.

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