thehighlordofspring - the ever-fixed mark shall not be shaken
the ever-fixed mark shall not be shaken

independent, selective, experienced written & visual narrative of Tamlin, High Lord of the Spring Court, from the ACOTAR series | writing will often be a mix of canon & non-canon compliant. | always accepting asks & prompts character abuse will not be tolerated. 18+ may be present, but will always be placed under a ‘read more’. penned by Cece @positivelyruined.

368 posts

Tamlin Dismounted And Tied The Reins Of His Horse To A Nearby Tree Trunk. Both Animals Trusted Him Completely

Tamlin dismounted and tied the reins of his horse to a nearby tree trunk. Both animals trusted him completely and neither had reason to run, but the extra security was actually comforting to his old steed. He reached into his saddle bag and retrieved two apples, one red and one green.

"Red or green?" He asked, before tossing her the one she liked. He liked the green ones. They were just tart enough to wake him up a little. Being a chronic insomniac didn’t do much for his conversational skills either.

He munched on his apple, using a large fallen free branch as a balance beam. He scaled the changing heights easily, occasionally stopping to admire something further off in the woods. There was so much to listen to out here, despite the surface level silence. Tamlin’s ears twitched as he gathered the whispers of the wind and the giggling trill of a nearby brook. “I like the green ones, but that probably isn’t surprising. Green is my favorite color.”

Tamlin Dismounted And Tied The Reins Of His Horse To A Nearby Tree Trunk. Both Animals Trusted Him Completely

Safe and Sound | Tamlin & Briar @thehighlordofspring

Briar stirs awake as sunshine filters through the delicate curtains of her room. The scent of blooming flowers and fresh earth lingered in the air through a half open window. She stretches, feeling the cool silk sheets slide against her skin, and smiles to herself, humming with pleasure. It was cozy and peaceful here, in a way that always made her feel both at ease and restless--in a way she didn't know if she'd ever get used to.

Slipping out of bed, she dresses quickly in a simple, pale--bordering lime-- green gown that hugs her curves nicely and flows airily around her hips, perfect for the warmth of the morning, before padding softly across the wooden floor down the hall. The grand, sweeping staircase awaited her, sunlight spilling over the banister as she made her way down to the kitchen, where the promise of fresh bread and pastries beckoned her to start the day.

She smiles brightly and thanks Griffin, one of the cooks, as she nabs a slice of blueberry bread and wanders out to the garden, taking in the lightness of the clear day.

Today. Today is the day she saves her soul nephew; takes him home where he belongs. Today is the day she becomes...becomes a mother.

Gods, a mother.

Her nerves rush though her and she chews her food slowly, trying to calm her racing heart. And Tamlin...

She shakes her head, unable to stop the giddy laughter from escaping her as she waits for him.

Her husband. What a thought. Fake husband, obviously, but still. The idea is both absurd and exhilarating. Despite herself, it spreads a warmth through her, flushing her cheeks.

A familiar hum of power seems to surround her then, making the hair on her neck and arms stand on end. Tamlin. He's arrived for the journey across the wall.

She wonders what it will be like to be human again, even for a short time. If it will feel wholly different, or like becoming her true self again.

Turning toward the pulse of magic, she smiles brightly to greet him. "Good morning!", she chirps excitedly.

She lightly tosses her sheet of onyx hair behind her, freckles seeming to dance on her nose as the sun lights up her eyes, making them a paler blue than usual.

Safe And Sound | Tamlin & Briar @thehighlordofspring
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More Posts from Thehighlordofspring

6 months ago

Tamlin watched Briar try to gather herself with a neutral, but not unkind expression settled onto his face. He was well known for his calm stoicism. Hopefully, she didn’t expect him to smile that often, or — by the cauldron — cry. Despite the commotion, it tugged at his heartstrings. He remembered the desperation that he’d felt when Rhysand had winnowed Feyre away on their wedding day. His entire world had split in two and so had his heart. 

He flinched as a sharp pain in his chest reminded him that some wounds took lifetimes to heal. The physicians still monitored his heart and bid him to be wary of overexertion, particularly the emotional kind. 

Tamlin bit his lip, tapping the pencil on his desk, as she didn’t use it. Could he find a way to allow Briar into the human lands? Generally, it was forbidden. If he made an exception for one…it had to be considered for the rest. She was not the only fae with family stuck outside their borders. 

Tamlin Watched Briar Try To Gather Herself With A Neutral, But Not Unkind Expression Settled Onto His

Those borders were warded, patrolled, and banned from winnowing for a reason. The last several wars had taken a terrible toll on Spring. After finally signing a treaty, the seven realms had agreed to take their time repairing their own lands with limited convoys and trading permitted to pass by their walls. Tamlin did not like living in a box anymore than he liked the idea of keeping his people confined to one. He liked even less the knowledge that there were people outside his gates suffering who needed their aid.

Yet, it had been barely a year. Tensions were high and the torsion which blew through his court was far from fully repaired. 

He knit his fingers together and sighed deeply. “The treaty we signed is still tenuous, Lady Briar. Our position in Prythian’s politics walks a fine line between support and tolerance. An uprise from the humans would cost us more than we can give.”

Tamlin Watched Briar Try To Gather Herself With A Neutral, But Not Unkind Expression Settled Onto His

Tamlin’s eyes were pained as he looked her way, tilting his head, and hoping that she would understand. He held the strings to a bridge that swayed with every breeze. Sending sentries trained in his art of masking was already dangerous. An ill-equipped, traumatized girl with volatile cauldron-born magic? He could forsee the consequences of that choice, easily. 

“I am sorry.” His voice was raw, his apology genuine. “There is simply no way that I can let you cross the border without being flooded with a hundred similar requests for personal justice.” 

Tamlin rubbed his temples as his daily headache returned with a vengeance. “In our current circumstances, that could lead to our collapse.”

He braced himself, preparing for her tears. He may not be able to offer his arms, but Tamlin slowly reached forwards and offered his hand to hold. “Caiden matters. They all matter.”

Her hands were soft, but the worn edges were covered in calluses — a fine demonstration of the hard life of work which he’d suspected. The soft warmth of her fingers around his own made him hesitate. His heart pulsed heavily in his chest. “But the best that I can do is entrust him to my special forces.” 

That’s a lie. Tamlin thought. There is an exception. 

Anyone was allowed to cross the border…provided he was with them. The chest pain returned and he withdrew his hand. He looked away and his expression hardened. “I hope you understand.” 

Stone Walls & Sacrifice | Tamlin & Briar @springcourthighlady

Tamlin was more than ready to leave by the time he finished listening to Briar’s rant. He let her finish — he wasn’t that impolite. His brisk footsteps echoed across the marble flooring and he looked over his shoulder, hoping that he was not followed. 

Yet, he was not that lucky. The prospects of desert with Lucien and Elain were slipping further away by the minute. Tamlin stilled when she called his name, pressing his lips into a thin line. Why won’t she go home? This is life, in Spring, right now. We’re all worried. We’re all frustrated. We all have family in need of aid. No one gets special privileges. Not even me — 

He didn’t even have privacy anymore, or space to think. Though, when he glanced over his shoulder, he was relieved to find some regret in her eyes. 

Only his friends called him by his first name. He wasn’t big on enforcing rank, but found it odd how casually she addressed him. 

He pressed his tongue into the edge of his teeth, forbidding the quick retort which danced on the edge of his lips. I will not lose it. I cannot. They cannot see me as a beast. 

He turned, stuffing his hands deeply into the pockets of his jacket, to hide how they’d tensed into fists. Running from his problems wasn’t effective, but neither was forcing himself into a corner until he lost his temper. 

Tamlin saw her hand reach for him. He wanted to back away. It had been over two years since a woman had touched him, apart from Calanmai. He flinched, but did not move. He wasn’t sure he could. 

She cares for me? I have met this female once. 

Tamlin swallowed, gravely still. “I understand your attachment, Lady Briar. Yet, if you cannot trust me as High Lord of Spring, no plan I create to bring Caiden home will be enough for you.”

Stone Walls & Sacrifice | Tamlin & Briar @springcourthighlady

He stepped away, lowering his green eyes to the ground. “If you’ll excuse me, it has been a long day.” 

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6 months ago

Tamlin cringed when he saw Briar dismount the horse. Oof — how’d he not thought to help her was certainly a blemish on his reputation as a gentleman. He bit into his apple, swallowing, before he answered. “Nature may seem quiet, but to me it never stops.”

He jumped off the branch and ventured a bit further into the forest, waiting for her to follow, before finding an empty spot in the glade of trees. Tamlin knelt and pushed away the debris from the forest floor. Then, he dug his hand into the dirt, until it was wrist deep. He carefully took the core of the apple and twisted it into the ground, covering it again.

Tamlin removed his glove and pressed his bare palm against the ground, whispering something in high fae. Suddenly, a small sapling began emerging from the ground. Soft, green light spun from his finger tips, as the tree sprouted upwards.

He motioned her to step back as he removed his other glove and the warmth of the light spread from both his hands, encouraging the tree to grow. It stopped at his shoulders — tall, for an Apple tree — but not too tall.

He stepped back, admiring his handiwork with a critical brow. “Waste not, want not. From now on, any traveler who gets an ache in their belly while on this path can find something delicious to eat.”

Tamlin Cringed When He Saw Briar Dismount The Horse. Oof Howd He Not Thought To Help Her Was Certainly

Safe and Sound | Tamlin & Briar @thehighlordofspring

Briar stirs awake as sunshine filters through the delicate curtains of her room. The scent of blooming flowers and fresh earth lingered in the air through a half open window. She stretches, feeling the cool silk sheets slide against her skin, and smiles to herself, humming with pleasure. It was cozy and peaceful here, in a way that always made her feel both at ease and restless--in a way she didn't know if she'd ever get used to.

Slipping out of bed, she dresses quickly in a simple, pale--bordering lime-- green gown that hugs her curves nicely and flows airily around her hips, perfect for the warmth of the morning, before padding softly across the wooden floor down the hall. The grand, sweeping staircase awaited her, sunlight spilling over the banister as she made her way down to the kitchen, where the promise of fresh bread and pastries beckoned her to start the day.

She smiles brightly and thanks Griffin, one of the cooks, as she nabs a slice of blueberry bread and wanders out to the garden, taking in the lightness of the clear day.

Today. Today is the day she saves her soul nephew; takes him home where he belongs. Today is the day she becomes...becomes a mother.

Gods, a mother.

Her nerves rush though her and she chews her food slowly, trying to calm her racing heart. And Tamlin...

She shakes her head, unable to stop the giddy laughter from escaping her as she waits for him.

Her husband. What a thought. Fake husband, obviously, but still. The idea is both absurd and exhilarating. Despite herself, it spreads a warmth through her, flushing her cheeks.

A familiar hum of power seems to surround her then, making the hair on her neck and arms stand on end. Tamlin. He's arrived for the journey across the wall.

She wonders what it will be like to be human again, even for a short time. If it will feel wholly different, or like becoming her true self again.

Turning toward the pulse of magic, she smiles brightly to greet him. "Good morning!", she chirps excitedly.

She lightly tosses her sheet of onyx hair behind her, freckles seeming to dance on her nose as the sun lights up her eyes, making them a paler blue than usual.

Safe And Sound | Tamlin & Briar @thehighlordofspring

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6 months ago

Tamlin tilted his head at her mention of leaving behind the other orphans. He hadn't thought about that. How many were there? His detailed plan included taking one child and only one across the border. He glanced over at Briar to once again see her tearing up. His heart ached in his chest. Crying was his weakness. He wasn't good at hugs. He wasn't good with people, but Tamlin could not stand to see someone cry. His heart ached. "You don't have to be perfect, you know. I know that you're new to Prythian. Our laws and our culture are all completely new to you."

When she mentioned his dedication, Tamlin reddened and scratched the back of his head. He tried not to bring it up, but the truth was that he hadn't realized just how much Lucien did around his office before the papers began piling up and the knocks on the door turned from rare occurrences to constant interruptions. He'd made it to dinner only one night in the past week and ignored the plate which made it to his office twice. It had been constant and the Vanserra babe was still stubbornly awaiting her due date. He paused, taking in the new surroundings as the trees transitioned from lush oak to spiraling pine. The forest was strangely quiet. "I'm sure with some time, you'll manage to master your magic. There may not be many tutors available, but if you can read, I'm certain our library would have some books on the subject." Tamlin steadied his horse with a soft click of his tongue as they came to an open clearing. The sun was high in the sky and the animals needed a rest. "Are you hungry? I have apples."

Tamlin Tilted His Head At Her Mention Of Leaving Behind The Other Orphans. He Hadn't Thought About That.

Safe and Sound | Tamlin & Briar @thehighlordofspring

Briar stirs awake as sunshine filters through the delicate curtains of her room. The scent of blooming flowers and fresh earth lingered in the air through a half open window. She stretches, feeling the cool silk sheets slide against her skin, and smiles to herself, humming with pleasure. It was cozy and peaceful here, in a way that always made her feel both at ease and restless--in a way she didn't know if she'd ever get used to.

Slipping out of bed, she dresses quickly in a simple, pale--bordering lime-- green gown that hugs her curves nicely and flows airily around her hips, perfect for the warmth of the morning, before padding softly across the wooden floor down the hall. The grand, sweeping staircase awaited her, sunlight spilling over the banister as she made her way down to the kitchen, where the promise of fresh bread and pastries beckoned her to start the day.

She smiles brightly and thanks Griffin, one of the cooks, as she nabs a slice of blueberry bread and wanders out to the garden, taking in the lightness of the clear day.

Today. Today is the day she saves her soul nephew; takes him home where he belongs. Today is the day she becomes...becomes a mother.

Gods, a mother.

Her nerves rush though her and she chews her food slowly, trying to calm her racing heart. And Tamlin...

She shakes her head, unable to stop the giddy laughter from escaping her as she waits for him.

Her husband. What a thought. Fake husband, obviously, but still. The idea is both absurd and exhilarating. Despite herself, it spreads a warmth through her, flushing her cheeks.

A familiar hum of power seems to surround her then, making the hair on her neck and arms stand on end. Tamlin. He's arrived for the journey across the wall.

She wonders what it will be like to be human again, even for a short time. If it will feel wholly different, or like becoming her true self again.

Turning toward the pulse of magic, she smiles brightly to greet him. "Good morning!", she chirps excitedly.

She lightly tosses her sheet of onyx hair behind her, freckles seeming to dance on her nose as the sun lights up her eyes, making them a paler blue than usual.

Safe And Sound | Tamlin & Briar @thehighlordofspring

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6 months ago

i want. a cicada on one arm and a crayfish on the other

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6 months ago

Tamlin mounted, listening, as she spoke. He understood how much Caedin meant to her. As he'd said before, if Nyx was taken...he would have moved heaven and earth to bring him home. It didn't matter that they were not his sons. Not every son was gifted with a father. His had certainly not been a gift, but rather a burden. Perhaps, by stepping up for these little lost boys it healed a part of him which had been forced to grow up much too quickly. "Great things come in small packages. Every child deserves a home. It's up to the people around them to make that happen."

"It's alright." He nodded. "I am too quiet, so I suppose you can talk for the both of us, huh?"

Tamlin Mounted, Listening, As She Spoke. He Understood How Much Caedin Meant To Her. As He'd Said Before,

He urged his own horse forwards and hers followed behind. He'd already given the mare instructions to make things easier for Briar. All she had to do was stay focused. "I don't call you Lady Briar out of concern for rank. It's a gesture. It shows my respect." The quiet between them as the rode through the first several miles of the woods was less uncomfortable now. It just existed, how he liked. However, he knew that he at least needed to try to answer her questions. Lucien may have been the one who handled the courtly small talk in the past, but he wasn't hopeless. He'd been taught etiquette and manners. "It takes me time, Lady Briar, to get to know someone. I appreciate my title for what it is and not what it gives me. I have dedicated my entire life to helping the people of this court. Being the High Lord is...a small symbol of that sacrifice."

Safe and Sound | Tamlin & Briar @thehighlordofspring

Briar stirs awake as sunshine filters through the delicate curtains of her room. The scent of blooming flowers and fresh earth lingered in the air through a half open window. She stretches, feeling the cool silk sheets slide against her skin, and smiles to herself, humming with pleasure. It was cozy and peaceful here, in a way that always made her feel both at ease and restless--in a way she didn't know if she'd ever get used to.

Slipping out of bed, she dresses quickly in a simple, pale--bordering lime-- green gown that hugs her curves nicely and flows airily around her hips, perfect for the warmth of the morning, before padding softly across the wooden floor down the hall. The grand, sweeping staircase awaited her, sunlight spilling over the banister as she made her way down to the kitchen, where the promise of fresh bread and pastries beckoned her to start the day.

She smiles brightly and thanks Griffin, one of the cooks, as she nabs a slice of blueberry bread and wanders out to the garden, taking in the lightness of the clear day.

Today. Today is the day she saves her soul nephew; takes him home where he belongs. Today is the day she becomes...becomes a mother.

Gods, a mother.

Her nerves rush though her and she chews her food slowly, trying to calm her racing heart. And Tamlin...

She shakes her head, unable to stop the giddy laughter from escaping her as she waits for him.

Her husband. What a thought. Fake husband, obviously, but still. The idea is both absurd and exhilarating. Despite herself, it spreads a warmth through her, flushing her cheeks.

A familiar hum of power seems to surround her then, making the hair on her neck and arms stand on end. Tamlin. He's arrived for the journey across the wall.

She wonders what it will be like to be human again, even for a short time. If it will feel wholly different, or like becoming her true self again.

Turning toward the pulse of magic, she smiles brightly to greet him. "Good morning!", she chirps excitedly.

She lightly tosses her sheet of onyx hair behind her, freckles seeming to dance on her nose as the sun lights up her eyes, making them a paler blue than usual.

Safe And Sound | Tamlin & Briar @thehighlordofspring

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