independent, selective, experienced written & visual narrative of Tamlin, High Lord of the Spring Court, from the ACOTAR series | writing will often be a mix of canon & non-canon compliant. | always accepting asks & prompts character abuse will not be tolerated. 18+ may be present, but will always be placed under a ‘read more’. penned by Cece @positivelyruined.
368 posts
I Want. A Cicada On One Arm And A Crayfish On The Other
i want. a cicada on one arm and a crayfish on the other
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More Posts from Thehighlordofspring
Tamlin dismounted and tied the reins of his horse to a nearby tree trunk. Both animals trusted him completely and neither had reason to run, but the extra security was actually comforting to his old steed. He reached into his saddle bag and retrieved two apples, one red and one green.
"Red or green?" He asked, before tossing her the one she liked. He liked the green ones. They were just tart enough to wake him up a little. Being a chronic insomniac didn’t do much for his conversational skills either.
He munched on his apple, using a large fallen free branch as a balance beam. He scaled the changing heights easily, occasionally stopping to admire something further off in the woods. There was so much to listen to out here, despite the surface level silence. Tamlin’s ears twitched as he gathered the whispers of the wind and the giggling trill of a nearby brook. “I like the green ones, but that probably isn’t surprising. Green is my favorite color.”

Safe and Sound | Tamlin & Briar @thehighlordofspring
Briar stirs awake as sunshine filters through the delicate curtains of her room. The scent of blooming flowers and fresh earth lingered in the air through a half open window. She stretches, feeling the cool silk sheets slide against her skin, and smiles to herself, humming with pleasure. It was cozy and peaceful here, in a way that always made her feel both at ease and restless--in a way she didn't know if she'd ever get used to.
Slipping out of bed, she dresses quickly in a simple, pale--bordering lime-- green gown that hugs her curves nicely and flows airily around her hips, perfect for the warmth of the morning, before padding softly across the wooden floor down the hall. The grand, sweeping staircase awaited her, sunlight spilling over the banister as she made her way down to the kitchen, where the promise of fresh bread and pastries beckoned her to start the day.
She smiles brightly and thanks Griffin, one of the cooks, as she nabs a slice of blueberry bread and wanders out to the garden, taking in the lightness of the clear day.
Today. Today is the day she saves her soul nephew; takes him home where he belongs. Today is the day she becomes...becomes a mother.
Gods, a mother.
Her nerves rush though her and she chews her food slowly, trying to calm her racing heart. And Tamlin...
She shakes her head, unable to stop the giddy laughter from escaping her as she waits for him.
Her husband. What a thought. Fake husband, obviously, but still. The idea is both absurd and exhilarating. Despite herself, it spreads a warmth through her, flushing her cheeks.
A familiar hum of power seems to surround her then, making the hair on her neck and arms stand on end. Tamlin. He's arrived for the journey across the wall.
She wonders what it will be like to be human again, even for a short time. If it will feel wholly different, or like becoming her true self again.
Turning toward the pulse of magic, she smiles brightly to greet him. "Good morning!", she chirps excitedly.
She lightly tosses her sheet of onyx hair behind her, freckles seeming to dance on her nose as the sun lights up her eyes, making them a paler blue than usual.

“Winnowing is banned within forte miles of each border.” Tamlin said plainly. “The new treaty specified that. If we want to make contact with others, we go the long way. It reminds everyone involved that it takes effort to remain allies.” She’s never ridden a horse? She must be kidding. Tamlin looked over from where he was ready to mount. On top of everything else, I have to teach her how to ride?
The only other option was sharing his own steed and that was not happening. He’d rather walk. When she mentioned her lack of preparation, Tamlin gave her a good look up and down, assessing her size and summoned supplies from the void. It was cold, in the human lands, so he waved his hand and conjured a cloak over her shoulders.

“That should work.” He shrugged, ignoring her comment on his weapons. She had her independence, he understood that. If she desired to question him, that was her prerogative, but he didn’t have to answer everything. “Daisy is a gentle ride. Good for a beginner.” Tamlin ran his hand down the mane of the white mare. “Do you need help mounting up?”
Safe and Sound | Tamlin & Briar @thehighlordofspring
Briar stirs awake as sunshine filters through the delicate curtains of her room. The scent of blooming flowers and fresh earth lingered in the air through a half open window. She stretches, feeling the cool silk sheets slide against her skin, and smiles to herself, humming with pleasure. It was cozy and peaceful here, in a way that always made her feel both at ease and restless--in a way she didn't know if she'd ever get used to.
Slipping out of bed, she dresses quickly in a simple, pale--bordering lime-- green gown that hugs her curves nicely and flows airily around her hips, perfect for the warmth of the morning, before padding softly across the wooden floor down the hall. The grand, sweeping staircase awaited her, sunlight spilling over the banister as she made her way down to the kitchen, where the promise of fresh bread and pastries beckoned her to start the day.
She smiles brightly and thanks Griffin, one of the cooks, as she nabs a slice of blueberry bread and wanders out to the garden, taking in the lightness of the clear day.
Today. Today is the day she saves her soul nephew; takes him home where he belongs. Today is the day she becomes...becomes a mother.
Gods, a mother.
Her nerves rush though her and she chews her food slowly, trying to calm her racing heart. And Tamlin...
She shakes her head, unable to stop the giddy laughter from escaping her as she waits for him.
Her husband. What a thought. Fake husband, obviously, but still. The idea is both absurd and exhilarating. Despite herself, it spreads a warmth through her, flushing her cheeks.
A familiar hum of power seems to surround her then, making the hair on her neck and arms stand on end. Tamlin. He's arrived for the journey across the wall.
She wonders what it will be like to be human again, even for a short time. If it will feel wholly different, or like becoming her true self again.
Turning toward the pulse of magic, she smiles brightly to greet him. "Good morning!", she chirps excitedly.
She lightly tosses her sheet of onyx hair behind her, freckles seeming to dance on her nose as the sun lights up her eyes, making them a paler blue than usual.

From A Distance | Tamlin & Briar @springcourthighlady
The following two days were sleepless for Tamlin. He spent his mornings buried in his duties and meeting his people to hear them out and provide solutions to their problems. His exhaustion almost revealed itself when he almost laughed aloud over two neighbors arguing over a pair of chickens who’d recently mated. Who owned the resulting chicks?
Mother bless him, if only his own problems were so simple as a pair of chickens in love. Tamlin stumbled back to his desk after court and downed his third headache potion within the last twelve hours. Four was the limit. Four would force any fae, no matter how strong, into sleep.
The blonde rubbed his eyes and reached for a cup of coffee, pouring it from the pot with shaky hands. For being so good at taking care of others, he was quite awful at taking care of himself. The third meeting with Briar was in three hours. He still had notes from the border patrol to review and respond to.
His vision was hazy as he tried to make sense of the swirly penmanship. He couldn’t. Tamlin’s eyes slowly closed and lay his head down on his desk. If I just close my eyes for a moment, just a single moment…
Tamlin closed his eyes as sleep took over the caffeine high. Despite his exhaustion, a desk was certainly not a bed. A soft knock on the door stirred him from his doze, but he was too tired to focus.
A soft thought pushed through his mind. Meeting. Briar. Wake up.
Tamlin grumbled, keeping his face buried in his arms. “Come in…”

Tamlin stood in stunned silence as Briar proceeded to take apart his statements, stubborn, but not selfish. She truly cared. He wasn’t going to scare her away. Something told him that she wasn’t going to be easy to escape. The kind of fire in her eyes when describing his worth was not something he’d seen more than a handful of times. He watched as she rung the bell for Lilia, almost as if it was her place to do; as if she belonged.
He watched her walk away and felt the cold haze of disappointment creep over him. What was he doing? What was he thinking? As passionate as she was — there was no way she was right. He didn’t believe that. He didn’t believe in himself, but she did.
Tamlin winnowed to his chambers, not looking back. Once there, he face planted on the bed, groaning. I am an idiot. What have I gotten myself into?
The soft scent of blueberries and vanilla greeted his nose as he lay against the pillows, still rumpled from the night before. His shoulders relaxed, instinctively; but the panicked urge to fight away rest remained. Tamlin pulled the pillow out from under his head and threw it to the opposite side of the room. It collided with a display of armor and sent it crashing into the ground.
The bed was cold. Lonely. A familiar ache surrounded him as he closed his eyes. This was where he belonged — away, apart, alone. Here, he couldn’t hurt anyone and no one could hurt him. His exhaustion won over his hunger and Tamlin curled up on the bed in the shade of the sun and closed his eyes.
She doesn’t know me. She can’t. I don’t want to be known. Alone…I want to be alone.
Why did it ache so much to lie?

From A Distance | Tamlin & Briar @springcourthighlady
The following two days were sleepless for Tamlin. He spent his mornings buried in his duties and meeting his people to hear them out and provide solutions to their problems. His exhaustion almost revealed itself when he almost laughed aloud over two neighbors arguing over a pair of chickens who’d recently mated. Who owned the resulting chicks?
Mother bless him, if only his own problems were so simple as a pair of chickens in love. Tamlin stumbled back to his desk after court and downed his third headache potion within the last twelve hours. Four was the limit. Four would force any fae, no matter how strong, into sleep.
The blonde rubbed his eyes and reached for a cup of coffee, pouring it from the pot with shaky hands. For being so good at taking care of others, he was quite awful at taking care of himself. The third meeting with Briar was in three hours. He still had notes from the border patrol to review and respond to.
His vision was hazy as he tried to make sense of the swirly penmanship. He couldn’t. Tamlin’s eyes slowly closed and lay his head down on his desk. If I just close my eyes for a moment, just a single moment…
Tamlin closed his eyes as sleep took over the caffeine high. Despite his exhaustion, a desk was certainly not a bed. A soft knock on the door stirred him from his doze, but he was too tired to focus.
A soft thought pushed through his mind. Meeting. Briar. Wake up.
Tamlin grumbled, keeping his face buried in his arms. “Come in…”

Startled was not enough of a shock to describe how confused Tamlin was upon opening his eyes. By the cauldron, she is rambling too. That wasn’t odd though. It was quite clear that Briar did that a lot. Tamlin scrambled, trying to keep track of her words and decipher what had just happened. All he knew was that for a moment, he’d fallen asleep at his desk in severe pain and now he was standing up straight, pain free, and completely bewildered.
He didn’t even bother to take her word for the state of his hair. As soon as she said something, he knew it was true. He’d never been a peaceful sleeper and that often resulted in a terrible bed head in the mornings. The headaches did nothing to help. He said nothing, slowly drinking the water, and forcing his nerves to settle. The rapid beat of his heart, however, refused to slow. He reddened, pressing his lips into a firm line.

She sent her magic through my head. Through my mind — without permission. Tamlin squeezed his eyes shut. He hated the idea of being so vulnerable that someone had been able to slip past his mental guard. He wasn’t sick. Headaches and High Lords had a high rate of co-occurance.
“I…am fine. Thank you.” He said gruffly, as his expression shifted from shocked to stern. “But you should be careful about running magic through someone’s mind without asking. I may not like it, but I won’t punish you either. Be careful.”
Tamlin sighed, rolling up his sleeves and reaching for the papers which he’d set aside. “Good news or bad news first?”
From A Distance | Tamlin & Briar @springcourthighlady
The following two days were sleepless for Tamlin. He spent his mornings buried in his duties and meeting his people to hear them out and provide solutions to their problems. His exhaustion almost revealed itself when he almost laughed aloud over two neighbors arguing over a pair of chickens who’d recently mated. Who owned the resulting chicks?
Mother bless him, if only his own problems were so simple as a pair of chickens in love. Tamlin stumbled back to his desk after court and downed his third headache potion within the last twelve hours. Four was the limit. Four would force any fae, no matter how strong, into sleep.
The blonde rubbed his eyes and reached for a cup of coffee, pouring it from the pot with shaky hands. For being so good at taking care of others, he was quite awful at taking care of himself. The third meeting with Briar was in three hours. He still had notes from the border patrol to review and respond to.
His vision was hazy as he tried to make sense of the swirly penmanship. He couldn’t. Tamlin’s eyes slowly closed and lay his head down on his desk. If I just close my eyes for a moment, just a single moment…
Tamlin closed his eyes as sleep took over the caffeine high. Despite his exhaustion, a desk was certainly not a bed. A soft knock on the door stirred him from his doze, but he was too tired to focus.
A soft thought pushed through his mind. Meeting. Briar. Wake up.
Tamlin grumbled, keeping his face buried in his arms. “Come in…”