Thread: Safe And Sound - Tumblr Posts
Tamlin was not a morning person. Waking up at the crack of dawn was less than ideal for the natural night owl. Even when he’d had enough sleep, he required at least two hours of solitude before feeling ready to speak to people in the mornings, but this morning he did not have a choice.
Sun glared through the curtains and Tamlin glared back. Birds chirped in the nearby trees and he listened to their conversations, overhearing the local gossip. The birds themselves were struggling with an early riser, Millie the Mourning Dove, who began singing at three am everyday.
A reluctant smile crept up Tamlin’s face as he listened to the social creatures chatter. He preceded them to people. He ditched his courtly duties and wandered out into the wild of Spring to find animals to talk to whenever possible.
Tamlin reached for his faithful riding boots and shoved his feet into them, summoning his necessary provisions from around his chambers with smooth movements of his hands, as if conducting an invisible orchestra. The things obeyed him and settled neatly into his saddle bags.
He strapped on his baldric and summoned his knives and other weapons from the void, surprised at how easily they appeared. Not long ago, simple magic like that had been quite a challenge.
Tamlin finished and marched briskly down the back stairway, past the kitchen, where he helped himself to breakfast and packed a loaf of bread and some fruit in a canvas bag. After filling his canteen, he was off to the stables to meet Briar.
He wished he had his mask, despite that the curse was over. He hated how vulnerable she made him feel. It was frustrating. It broke past his boundaries. The best thing he could do was keep quiet and hope this mission went smoothly. Once Caiden was rescued, he never had to speak to her again.
Tamlin silently led two horses out of the stables, remaining eerily calm.
Was she bouncing on her toes?
By the cauldron — where did she get all that energy?
He kept his head down and secured his saddle bags. “It’s a two day ride. I hope you like the quiet.”

Safe and Sound | Tamlin & Briar @thehighlordofspring
Briar stirs awake as sunshine filters through the delicate curtains of her room. The scent of blooming flowers and fresh earth lingered in the air through a half open window. She stretches, feeling the cool silk sheets slide against her skin, and smiles to herself, humming with pleasure. It was cozy and peaceful here, in a way that always made her feel both at ease and restless--in a way she didn't know if she'd ever get used to.
Slipping out of bed, she dresses quickly in a simple, pale--bordering lime-- green gown that hugs her curves nicely and flows airily around her hips, perfect for the warmth of the morning, before padding softly across the wooden floor down the hall. The grand, sweeping staircase awaited her, sunlight spilling over the banister as she made her way down to the kitchen, where the promise of fresh bread and pastries beckoned her to start the day.
She smiles brightly and thanks Griffin, one of the cooks, as she nabs a slice of blueberry bread and wanders out to the garden, taking in the lightness of the clear day.
Today. Today is the day she saves her soul nephew; takes him home where he belongs. Today is the day she becomes...becomes a mother.
Gods, a mother.
Her nerves rush though her and she chews her food slowly, trying to calm her racing heart. And Tamlin...
She shakes her head, unable to stop the giddy laughter from escaping her as she waits for him.
Her husband. What a thought. Fake husband, obviously, but still. The idea is both absurd and exhilarating. Despite herself, it spreads a warmth through her, flushing her cheeks.
A familiar hum of power seems to surround her then, making the hair on her neck and arms stand on end. Tamlin. He's arrived for the journey across the wall.
She wonders what it will be like to be human again, even for a short time. If it will feel wholly different, or like becoming her true self again.
Turning toward the pulse of magic, she smiles brightly to greet him. "Good morning!", she chirps excitedly.
She lightly tosses her sheet of onyx hair behind her, freckles seeming to dance on her nose as the sun lights up her eyes, making them a paler blue than usual.

“Winnowing is banned within forte miles of each border.” Tamlin said plainly. “The new treaty specified that. If we want to make contact with others, we go the long way. It reminds everyone involved that it takes effort to remain allies.” She’s never ridden a horse? She must be kidding. Tamlin looked over from where he was ready to mount. On top of everything else, I have to teach her how to ride?
The only other option was sharing his own steed and that was not happening. He’d rather walk. When she mentioned her lack of preparation, Tamlin gave her a good look up and down, assessing her size and summoned supplies from the void. It was cold, in the human lands, so he waved his hand and conjured a cloak over her shoulders.

“That should work.” He shrugged, ignoring her comment on his weapons. She had her independence, he understood that. If she desired to question him, that was her prerogative, but he didn’t have to answer everything. “Daisy is a gentle ride. Good for a beginner.” Tamlin ran his hand down the mane of the white mare. “Do you need help mounting up?”
Safe and Sound | Tamlin & Briar @thehighlordofspring
Briar stirs awake as sunshine filters through the delicate curtains of her room. The scent of blooming flowers and fresh earth lingered in the air through a half open window. She stretches, feeling the cool silk sheets slide against her skin, and smiles to herself, humming with pleasure. It was cozy and peaceful here, in a way that always made her feel both at ease and restless--in a way she didn't know if she'd ever get used to.
Slipping out of bed, she dresses quickly in a simple, pale--bordering lime-- green gown that hugs her curves nicely and flows airily around her hips, perfect for the warmth of the morning, before padding softly across the wooden floor down the hall. The grand, sweeping staircase awaited her, sunlight spilling over the banister as she made her way down to the kitchen, where the promise of fresh bread and pastries beckoned her to start the day.
She smiles brightly and thanks Griffin, one of the cooks, as she nabs a slice of blueberry bread and wanders out to the garden, taking in the lightness of the clear day.
Today. Today is the day she saves her soul nephew; takes him home where he belongs. Today is the day she becomes...becomes a mother.
Gods, a mother.
Her nerves rush though her and she chews her food slowly, trying to calm her racing heart. And Tamlin...
She shakes her head, unable to stop the giddy laughter from escaping her as she waits for him.
Her husband. What a thought. Fake husband, obviously, but still. The idea is both absurd and exhilarating. Despite herself, it spreads a warmth through her, flushing her cheeks.
A familiar hum of power seems to surround her then, making the hair on her neck and arms stand on end. Tamlin. He's arrived for the journey across the wall.
She wonders what it will be like to be human again, even for a short time. If it will feel wholly different, or like becoming her true self again.
Turning toward the pulse of magic, she smiles brightly to greet him. "Good morning!", she chirps excitedly.
She lightly tosses her sheet of onyx hair behind her, freckles seeming to dance on her nose as the sun lights up her eyes, making them a paler blue than usual.

Tamlin tilted his head, raising his eyebrows. He’d never moved people like chess pieces outside of a battle before. It tended to undermine their consent. Most didn’t enjoy being forcibly picked up by magic and pushed around.
Was that a joke? He wasn’t sure. He blinked twice. “Well — I was planning on teaching you how to mount yourself. I may not always be around to give you a magical boost into your steed, Lady.”
Confusion flickered in his eyes, momentarily; but didn’t win out. He knelt on one knee and motioned for her to place her foot there. “Step up. Don’t worry. You won’t hurt me.”

Safe and Sound | Tamlin & Briar @thehighlordofspring
Briar stirs awake as sunshine filters through the delicate curtains of her room. The scent of blooming flowers and fresh earth lingered in the air through a half open window. She stretches, feeling the cool silk sheets slide against her skin, and smiles to herself, humming with pleasure. It was cozy and peaceful here, in a way that always made her feel both at ease and restless--in a way she didn't know if she'd ever get used to.
Slipping out of bed, she dresses quickly in a simple, pale--bordering lime-- green gown that hugs her curves nicely and flows airily around her hips, perfect for the warmth of the morning, before padding softly across the wooden floor down the hall. The grand, sweeping staircase awaited her, sunlight spilling over the banister as she made her way down to the kitchen, where the promise of fresh bread and pastries beckoned her to start the day.
She smiles brightly and thanks Griffin, one of the cooks, as she nabs a slice of blueberry bread and wanders out to the garden, taking in the lightness of the clear day.
Today. Today is the day she saves her soul nephew; takes him home where he belongs. Today is the day she becomes...becomes a mother.
Gods, a mother.
Her nerves rush though her and she chews her food slowly, trying to calm her racing heart. And Tamlin...
She shakes her head, unable to stop the giddy laughter from escaping her as she waits for him.
Her husband. What a thought. Fake husband, obviously, but still. The idea is both absurd and exhilarating. Despite herself, it spreads a warmth through her, flushing her cheeks.
A familiar hum of power seems to surround her then, making the hair on her neck and arms stand on end. Tamlin. He's arrived for the journey across the wall.
She wonders what it will be like to be human again, even for a short time. If it will feel wholly different, or like becoming her true self again.
Turning toward the pulse of magic, she smiles brightly to greet him. "Good morning!", she chirps excitedly.
She lightly tosses her sheet of onyx hair behind her, freckles seeming to dance on her nose as the sun lights up her eyes, making them a paler blue than usual.

Tamlin had never wanted to be High Lord. He hadn’t asked for the magic to choose him or transform him. These were duties he’d not asked for and, often, burdens that felt far too heavy to carry alone. He remembered himself before his transformation and Briar was right — it had changed him physically, too. Overnight, his shoulders grew broader and his muscles stronger. Carrying the magic of an entire court requires a strong vessel, he supposed. But I miss when I was more than that.
He wanted to be seen for who he was and not who his power made him. Such jokes, despite their commonality, often made him uncomfortable. Tamlin looked away quietly.
She talked so much and so quickly that he was barely able to wrap his head around one sentence before there was another. It was easy for him to get distracted, not only by the long list of duties prevailing in his mind, but by the nature around them. He could hear them speaking: the birds, the winds, the trees.
His attention was recaptured when she mentioned the horse’s beauty. “Perhaps, with a bit of time, the two of you can become better acquainted.”
His voice was quiet, thoughtful, as he turned back towards his own saddlebags, preparing to mount. It was clear to see that the young lady was nervous. Tamlin wasn’t sure he knew what nervous felt like anymore. It had been a very long time since he’d had the space to feel it.

“I find it hard,” He said finally, and guided their mounts towards the woods. “To speak trivially. I struggle to understand your…jokes.”
Tamlin brushed his hair behind his pointed ear, looking her direction. “As I said before, I don’t let people in very easily, Lady Briar. More often than not, silence speaks so much louder than words.”
Quiet reigned for several more minutes. “I — am sorry, though, if I make you nervous.”
I am trying. Tamlin was trying so hard. This is why everyone leaves me. No one can hear what you can’t say.
Safe and Sound | Tamlin & Briar @thehighlordofspring
Briar stirs awake as sunshine filters through the delicate curtains of her room. The scent of blooming flowers and fresh earth lingered in the air through a half open window. She stretches, feeling the cool silk sheets slide against her skin, and smiles to herself, humming with pleasure. It was cozy and peaceful here, in a way that always made her feel both at ease and restless--in a way she didn't know if she'd ever get used to.
Slipping out of bed, she dresses quickly in a simple, pale--bordering lime-- green gown that hugs her curves nicely and flows airily around her hips, perfect for the warmth of the morning, before padding softly across the wooden floor down the hall. The grand, sweeping staircase awaited her, sunlight spilling over the banister as she made her way down to the kitchen, where the promise of fresh bread and pastries beckoned her to start the day.
She smiles brightly and thanks Griffin, one of the cooks, as she nabs a slice of blueberry bread and wanders out to the garden, taking in the lightness of the clear day.
Today. Today is the day she saves her soul nephew; takes him home where he belongs. Today is the day she becomes...becomes a mother.
Gods, a mother.
Her nerves rush though her and she chews her food slowly, trying to calm her racing heart. And Tamlin...
She shakes her head, unable to stop the giddy laughter from escaping her as she waits for him.
Her husband. What a thought. Fake husband, obviously, but still. The idea is both absurd and exhilarating. Despite herself, it spreads a warmth through her, flushing her cheeks.
A familiar hum of power seems to surround her then, making the hair on her neck and arms stand on end. Tamlin. He's arrived for the journey across the wall.
She wonders what it will be like to be human again, even for a short time. If it will feel wholly different, or like becoming her true self again.
Turning toward the pulse of magic, she smiles brightly to greet him. "Good morning!", she chirps excitedly.
She lightly tosses her sheet of onyx hair behind her, freckles seeming to dance on her nose as the sun lights up her eyes, making them a paler blue than usual.

Tamlin mounted, listening, as she spoke. He understood how much Caedin meant to her. As he'd said before, if Nyx was taken...he would have moved heaven and earth to bring him home. It didn't matter that they were not his sons. Not every son was gifted with a father. His had certainly not been a gift, but rather a burden. Perhaps, by stepping up for these little lost boys it healed a part of him which had been forced to grow up much too quickly. "Great things come in small packages. Every child deserves a home. It's up to the people around them to make that happen."
"It's alright." He nodded. "I am too quiet, so I suppose you can talk for the both of us, huh?"

He urged his own horse forwards and hers followed behind. He'd already given the mare instructions to make things easier for Briar. All she had to do was stay focused. "I don't call you Lady Briar out of concern for rank. It's a gesture. It shows my respect." The quiet between them as the rode through the first several miles of the woods was less uncomfortable now. It just existed, how he liked. However, he knew that he at least needed to try to answer her questions. Lucien may have been the one who handled the courtly small talk in the past, but he wasn't hopeless. He'd been taught etiquette and manners. "It takes me time, Lady Briar, to get to know someone. I appreciate my title for what it is and not what it gives me. I have dedicated my entire life to helping the people of this court. Being the High Lord is...a small symbol of that sacrifice."
Safe and Sound | Tamlin & Briar @thehighlordofspring
Briar stirs awake as sunshine filters through the delicate curtains of her room. The scent of blooming flowers and fresh earth lingered in the air through a half open window. She stretches, feeling the cool silk sheets slide against her skin, and smiles to herself, humming with pleasure. It was cozy and peaceful here, in a way that always made her feel both at ease and restless--in a way she didn't know if she'd ever get used to.
Slipping out of bed, she dresses quickly in a simple, pale--bordering lime-- green gown that hugs her curves nicely and flows airily around her hips, perfect for the warmth of the morning, before padding softly across the wooden floor down the hall. The grand, sweeping staircase awaited her, sunlight spilling over the banister as she made her way down to the kitchen, where the promise of fresh bread and pastries beckoned her to start the day.
She smiles brightly and thanks Griffin, one of the cooks, as she nabs a slice of blueberry bread and wanders out to the garden, taking in the lightness of the clear day.
Today. Today is the day she saves her soul nephew; takes him home where he belongs. Today is the day she becomes...becomes a mother.
Gods, a mother.
Her nerves rush though her and she chews her food slowly, trying to calm her racing heart. And Tamlin...
She shakes her head, unable to stop the giddy laughter from escaping her as she waits for him.
Her husband. What a thought. Fake husband, obviously, but still. The idea is both absurd and exhilarating. Despite herself, it spreads a warmth through her, flushing her cheeks.
A familiar hum of power seems to surround her then, making the hair on her neck and arms stand on end. Tamlin. He's arrived for the journey across the wall.
She wonders what it will be like to be human again, even for a short time. If it will feel wholly different, or like becoming her true self again.
Turning toward the pulse of magic, she smiles brightly to greet him. "Good morning!", she chirps excitedly.
She lightly tosses her sheet of onyx hair behind her, freckles seeming to dance on her nose as the sun lights up her eyes, making them a paler blue than usual.

Tamlin tilted his head at her mention of leaving behind the other orphans. He hadn't thought about that. How many were there? His detailed plan included taking one child and only one across the border. He glanced over at Briar to once again see her tearing up. His heart ached in his chest. Crying was his weakness. He wasn't good at hugs. He wasn't good with people, but Tamlin could not stand to see someone cry. His heart ached. "You don't have to be perfect, you know. I know that you're new to Prythian. Our laws and our culture are all completely new to you."
When she mentioned his dedication, Tamlin reddened and scratched the back of his head. He tried not to bring it up, but the truth was that he hadn't realized just how much Lucien did around his office before the papers began piling up and the knocks on the door turned from rare occurrences to constant interruptions. He'd made it to dinner only one night in the past week and ignored the plate which made it to his office twice. It had been constant and the Vanserra babe was still stubbornly awaiting her due date. He paused, taking in the new surroundings as the trees transitioned from lush oak to spiraling pine. The forest was strangely quiet. "I'm sure with some time, you'll manage to master your magic. There may not be many tutors available, but if you can read, I'm certain our library would have some books on the subject." Tamlin steadied his horse with a soft click of his tongue as they came to an open clearing. The sun was high in the sky and the animals needed a rest. "Are you hungry? I have apples."

Safe and Sound | Tamlin & Briar @thehighlordofspring
Briar stirs awake as sunshine filters through the delicate curtains of her room. The scent of blooming flowers and fresh earth lingered in the air through a half open window. She stretches, feeling the cool silk sheets slide against her skin, and smiles to herself, humming with pleasure. It was cozy and peaceful here, in a way that always made her feel both at ease and restless--in a way she didn't know if she'd ever get used to.
Slipping out of bed, she dresses quickly in a simple, pale--bordering lime-- green gown that hugs her curves nicely and flows airily around her hips, perfect for the warmth of the morning, before padding softly across the wooden floor down the hall. The grand, sweeping staircase awaited her, sunlight spilling over the banister as she made her way down to the kitchen, where the promise of fresh bread and pastries beckoned her to start the day.
She smiles brightly and thanks Griffin, one of the cooks, as she nabs a slice of blueberry bread and wanders out to the garden, taking in the lightness of the clear day.
Today. Today is the day she saves her soul nephew; takes him home where he belongs. Today is the day she becomes...becomes a mother.
Gods, a mother.
Her nerves rush though her and she chews her food slowly, trying to calm her racing heart. And Tamlin...
She shakes her head, unable to stop the giddy laughter from escaping her as she waits for him.
Her husband. What a thought. Fake husband, obviously, but still. The idea is both absurd and exhilarating. Despite herself, it spreads a warmth through her, flushing her cheeks.
A familiar hum of power seems to surround her then, making the hair on her neck and arms stand on end. Tamlin. He's arrived for the journey across the wall.
She wonders what it will be like to be human again, even for a short time. If it will feel wholly different, or like becoming her true self again.
Turning toward the pulse of magic, she smiles brightly to greet him. "Good morning!", she chirps excitedly.
She lightly tosses her sheet of onyx hair behind her, freckles seeming to dance on her nose as the sun lights up her eyes, making them a paler blue than usual.

Tamlin dismounted and tied the reins of his horse to a nearby tree trunk. Both animals trusted him completely and neither had reason to run, but the extra security was actually comforting to his old steed. He reached into his saddle bag and retrieved two apples, one red and one green.
"Red or green?" He asked, before tossing her the one she liked. He liked the green ones. They were just tart enough to wake him up a little. Being a chronic insomniac didn’t do much for his conversational skills either.
He munched on his apple, using a large fallen free branch as a balance beam. He scaled the changing heights easily, occasionally stopping to admire something further off in the woods. There was so much to listen to out here, despite the surface level silence. Tamlin’s ears twitched as he gathered the whispers of the wind and the giggling trill of a nearby brook. “I like the green ones, but that probably isn’t surprising. Green is my favorite color.”

Safe and Sound | Tamlin & Briar @thehighlordofspring
Briar stirs awake as sunshine filters through the delicate curtains of her room. The scent of blooming flowers and fresh earth lingered in the air through a half open window. She stretches, feeling the cool silk sheets slide against her skin, and smiles to herself, humming with pleasure. It was cozy and peaceful here, in a way that always made her feel both at ease and restless--in a way she didn't know if she'd ever get used to.
Slipping out of bed, she dresses quickly in a simple, pale--bordering lime-- green gown that hugs her curves nicely and flows airily around her hips, perfect for the warmth of the morning, before padding softly across the wooden floor down the hall. The grand, sweeping staircase awaited her, sunlight spilling over the banister as she made her way down to the kitchen, where the promise of fresh bread and pastries beckoned her to start the day.
She smiles brightly and thanks Griffin, one of the cooks, as she nabs a slice of blueberry bread and wanders out to the garden, taking in the lightness of the clear day.
Today. Today is the day she saves her soul nephew; takes him home where he belongs. Today is the day she becomes...becomes a mother.
Gods, a mother.
Her nerves rush though her and she chews her food slowly, trying to calm her racing heart. And Tamlin...
She shakes her head, unable to stop the giddy laughter from escaping her as she waits for him.
Her husband. What a thought. Fake husband, obviously, but still. The idea is both absurd and exhilarating. Despite herself, it spreads a warmth through her, flushing her cheeks.
A familiar hum of power seems to surround her then, making the hair on her neck and arms stand on end. Tamlin. He's arrived for the journey across the wall.
She wonders what it will be like to be human again, even for a short time. If it will feel wholly different, or like becoming her true self again.
Turning toward the pulse of magic, she smiles brightly to greet him. "Good morning!", she chirps excitedly.
She lightly tosses her sheet of onyx hair behind her, freckles seeming to dance on her nose as the sun lights up her eyes, making them a paler blue than usual.

Tamlin cringed when he saw Briar dismount the horse. Oof — how’d he not thought to help her was certainly a blemish on his reputation as a gentleman. He bit into his apple, swallowing, before he answered. “Nature may seem quiet, but to me it never stops.”
He jumped off the branch and ventured a bit further into the forest, waiting for her to follow, before finding an empty spot in the glade of trees. Tamlin knelt and pushed away the debris from the forest floor. Then, he dug his hand into the dirt, until it was wrist deep. He carefully took the core of the apple and twisted it into the ground, covering it again.
Tamlin removed his glove and pressed his bare palm against the ground, whispering something in high fae. Suddenly, a small sapling began emerging from the ground. Soft, green light spun from his finger tips, as the tree sprouted upwards.
He motioned her to step back as he removed his other glove and the warmth of the light spread from both his hands, encouraging the tree to grow. It stopped at his shoulders — tall, for an Apple tree — but not too tall.
He stepped back, admiring his handiwork with a critical brow. “Waste not, want not. From now on, any traveler who gets an ache in their belly while on this path can find something delicious to eat.”

Safe and Sound | Tamlin & Briar @thehighlordofspring
Briar stirs awake as sunshine filters through the delicate curtains of her room. The scent of blooming flowers and fresh earth lingered in the air through a half open window. She stretches, feeling the cool silk sheets slide against her skin, and smiles to herself, humming with pleasure. It was cozy and peaceful here, in a way that always made her feel both at ease and restless--in a way she didn't know if she'd ever get used to.
Slipping out of bed, she dresses quickly in a simple, pale--bordering lime-- green gown that hugs her curves nicely and flows airily around her hips, perfect for the warmth of the morning, before padding softly across the wooden floor down the hall. The grand, sweeping staircase awaited her, sunlight spilling over the banister as she made her way down to the kitchen, where the promise of fresh bread and pastries beckoned her to start the day.
She smiles brightly and thanks Griffin, one of the cooks, as she nabs a slice of blueberry bread and wanders out to the garden, taking in the lightness of the clear day.
Today. Today is the day she saves her soul nephew; takes him home where he belongs. Today is the day she becomes...becomes a mother.
Gods, a mother.
Her nerves rush though her and she chews her food slowly, trying to calm her racing heart. And Tamlin...
She shakes her head, unable to stop the giddy laughter from escaping her as she waits for him.
Her husband. What a thought. Fake husband, obviously, but still. The idea is both absurd and exhilarating. Despite herself, it spreads a warmth through her, flushing her cheeks.
A familiar hum of power seems to surround her then, making the hair on her neck and arms stand on end. Tamlin. He's arrived for the journey across the wall.
She wonders what it will be like to be human again, even for a short time. If it will feel wholly different, or like becoming her true self again.
Turning toward the pulse of magic, she smiles brightly to greet him. "Good morning!", she chirps excitedly.
She lightly tosses her sheet of onyx hair behind her, freckles seeming to dance on her nose as the sun lights up her eyes, making them a paler blue than usual.

If he shared all of his magic with the world, there would be none left for him. Tamlin knew that there were many more ways he could benefit Spring through his own powers. He did often call upon them, but also ensured it was done anonymously. The attention was exhausting and never ending. Still, he appreciated the genuine expression of happiness that Briar displayed at his simple trick of growth acceleration.
Joy? His brow wrinkled. Joyous was not a word that he’d use to describe himself. Tamlin shrugged, but accepted her own apple core, and duplicated the spell, this time taking a handful of apples from the branches.
“I like my privacy.” Tamlin quipped, turning, and heading back towards the horses. He was not sure what kind of magic Briar possessed, despite seeing it function twice. He’d seen her summon wind and relieve his headache. Those two gifts were seldom related and most born with gifts had one. He’d only ever been a shapeshifter until the Cauldron chose him as High Lord.
Briar’s existence must place her somewhere in the middle. He aided her in mounting and mounted himself, as they started up again, quickly losing himself in thought for the next five minutes. Cauldron magic is unpredictable. She will need to be trained.

Safe and Sound | Tamlin & Briar @thehighlordofspring
Briar stirs awake as sunshine filters through the delicate curtains of her room. The scent of blooming flowers and fresh earth lingered in the air through a half open window. She stretches, feeling the cool silk sheets slide against her skin, and smiles to herself, humming with pleasure. It was cozy and peaceful here, in a way that always made her feel both at ease and restless--in a way she didn't know if she'd ever get used to.
Slipping out of bed, she dresses quickly in a simple, pale--bordering lime-- green gown that hugs her curves nicely and flows airily around her hips, perfect for the warmth of the morning, before padding softly across the wooden floor down the hall. The grand, sweeping staircase awaited her, sunlight spilling over the banister as she made her way down to the kitchen, where the promise of fresh bread and pastries beckoned her to start the day.
She smiles brightly and thanks Griffin, one of the cooks, as she nabs a slice of blueberry bread and wanders out to the garden, taking in the lightness of the clear day.
Today. Today is the day she saves her soul nephew; takes him home where he belongs. Today is the day she becomes...becomes a mother.
Gods, a mother.
Her nerves rush though her and she chews her food slowly, trying to calm her racing heart. And Tamlin...
She shakes her head, unable to stop the giddy laughter from escaping her as she waits for him.
Her husband. What a thought. Fake husband, obviously, but still. The idea is both absurd and exhilarating. Despite herself, it spreads a warmth through her, flushing her cheeks.
A familiar hum of power seems to surround her then, making the hair on her neck and arms stand on end. Tamlin. He's arrived for the journey across the wall.
She wonders what it will be like to be human again, even for a short time. If it will feel wholly different, or like becoming her true self again.
Turning toward the pulse of magic, she smiles brightly to greet him. "Good morning!", she chirps excitedly.
She lightly tosses her sheet of onyx hair behind her, freckles seeming to dance on her nose as the sun lights up her eyes, making them a paler blue than usual.

“Thank you.” Tamlin smiled politely as they continued down the path. They needed to make the next ten miles before dark. It required some extra concentration on his part, as he was leading both horses. He kept his eyes on the path and his ears on the alert for any potential predators.
The woods remained calm and he remained uneasy. There was something off and he could feel it. The High Lord rubbed his temples and slowed the horses from a brisk canter to a quick trot. Was he imagining things? The last time he’d taken this exact path had been the time he discovered Andras’ body. It’s just my imagination. He told himself. I’m just overreacting.
For once, he was thankful the next time her voice broke the silence. He needed a distraction — badly.

Safe and Sound | Tamlin & Briar @thehighlordofspring
Briar stirs awake as sunshine filters through the delicate curtains of her room. The scent of blooming flowers and fresh earth lingered in the air through a half open window. She stretches, feeling the cool silk sheets slide against her skin, and smiles to herself, humming with pleasure. It was cozy and peaceful here, in a way that always made her feel both at ease and restless--in a way she didn't know if she'd ever get used to.
Slipping out of bed, she dresses quickly in a simple, pale--bordering lime-- green gown that hugs her curves nicely and flows airily around her hips, perfect for the warmth of the morning, before padding softly across the wooden floor down the hall. The grand, sweeping staircase awaited her, sunlight spilling over the banister as she made her way down to the kitchen, where the promise of fresh bread and pastries beckoned her to start the day.
She smiles brightly and thanks Griffin, one of the cooks, as she nabs a slice of blueberry bread and wanders out to the garden, taking in the lightness of the clear day.
Today. Today is the day she saves her soul nephew; takes him home where he belongs. Today is the day she becomes...becomes a mother.
Gods, a mother.
Her nerves rush though her and she chews her food slowly, trying to calm her racing heart. And Tamlin...
She shakes her head, unable to stop the giddy laughter from escaping her as she waits for him.
Her husband. What a thought. Fake husband, obviously, but still. The idea is both absurd and exhilarating. Despite herself, it spreads a warmth through her, flushing her cheeks.
A familiar hum of power seems to surround her then, making the hair on her neck and arms stand on end. Tamlin. He's arrived for the journey across the wall.
She wonders what it will be like to be human again, even for a short time. If it will feel wholly different, or like becoming her true self again.
Turning toward the pulse of magic, she smiles brightly to greet him. "Good morning!", she chirps excitedly.
She lightly tosses her sheet of onyx hair behind her, freckles seeming to dance on her nose as the sun lights up her eyes, making them a paler blue than usual.

Wolves liked to play in these parts of the woods as evening rose. When he heard the sound of them baying in the distance, he abruptly stopped both horses and held a finger to his lips, to ask for quiet. Tamlin grouped their horses closer together and placed a reassuring, warm hand on her shoulder as he noticed her eyes spark with fear. The last thing they needed was unpredictable magic thrown into an unpredictable situation. He was powerful enough to censor her magical meltdowns, but it required them to be touching. He nodded, eyes focused on the horizon, slipping his glove off his right hand and keeping it on her shoulder. He hadn’t needed to do this in several years. Hopefully, it felt calming, not suffocating. The last time he’d tried to calm cauldron magic, it hadn’t gone well.
“Very well.” He said quietly. His baldric reappeared against his chest and he silently drew his bow from the quiver, notching it in his left hand. Shooting one handed wasn’t a problem. Controlling the horses, two streams of magic and answering questions while playing guard was going to get difficult — but Tamlin liked a challenge. “Ask away.”

Safe and Sound | Tamlin & Briar @thehighlordofspring
Briar stirs awake as sunshine filters through the delicate curtains of her room. The scent of blooming flowers and fresh earth lingered in the air through a half open window. She stretches, feeling the cool silk sheets slide against her skin, and smiles to herself, humming with pleasure. It was cozy and peaceful here, in a way that always made her feel both at ease and restless--in a way she didn't know if she'd ever get used to.
Slipping out of bed, she dresses quickly in a simple, pale--bordering lime-- green gown that hugs her curves nicely and flows airily around her hips, perfect for the warmth of the morning, before padding softly across the wooden floor down the hall. The grand, sweeping staircase awaited her, sunlight spilling over the banister as she made her way down to the kitchen, where the promise of fresh bread and pastries beckoned her to start the day.
She smiles brightly and thanks Griffin, one of the cooks, as she nabs a slice of blueberry bread and wanders out to the garden, taking in the lightness of the clear day.
Today. Today is the day she saves her soul nephew; takes him home where he belongs. Today is the day she becomes...becomes a mother.
Gods, a mother.
Her nerves rush though her and she chews her food slowly, trying to calm her racing heart. And Tamlin...
She shakes her head, unable to stop the giddy laughter from escaping her as she waits for him.
Her husband. What a thought. Fake husband, obviously, but still. The idea is both absurd and exhilarating. Despite herself, it spreads a warmth through her, flushing her cheeks.
A familiar hum of power seems to surround her then, making the hair on her neck and arms stand on end. Tamlin. He's arrived for the journey across the wall.
She wonders what it will be like to be human again, even for a short time. If it will feel wholly different, or like becoming her true self again.
Turning toward the pulse of magic, she smiles brightly to greet him. "Good morning!", she chirps excitedly.
She lightly tosses her sheet of onyx hair behind her, freckles seeming to dance on her nose as the sun lights up her eyes, making them a paler blue than usual.

What was with human girls learning archery and ending up Prythian? Tamlin’s expression likely expressed the sheer oddity that he felt at the coincidence, but he nodded, reluctantly. He always had a spare bow in his quiver. It was slimmer and couldn’t let loose anything at the speed of his own, but it was functional. Feyre had learned to make it dangerous. He winced and slowly offered it to Briar.
Don’t be an idiot. The only reason you still carry that is purely sentimental. Survival over sentimentality any time, Tam. Anytime.
He had to let go of her shoulder to allow her the use of a weapon. Not everyone could shoot upside down, backwards, or one handed. He hadn’t been able to at her age.

“Thanks.” He said numbly. Somehow, his quiver felt lighter without it, yet seeing another girl bearing it was far from easy.
They slowly advanced through the woods and Tamlin replaced his glove as silence reigned again. Darkness was falling. The howling of the wolves grew further and further away. “We’ve lost some ground, but we should make camp soon. Traveling in the dark won’t do any good.”
Safe and Sound | Tamlin & Briar @thehighlordofspring
Briar stirs awake as sunshine filters through the delicate curtains of her room. The scent of blooming flowers and fresh earth lingered in the air through a half open window. She stretches, feeling the cool silk sheets slide against her skin, and smiles to herself, humming with pleasure. It was cozy and peaceful here, in a way that always made her feel both at ease and restless--in a way she didn't know if she'd ever get used to.
Slipping out of bed, she dresses quickly in a simple, pale--bordering lime-- green gown that hugs her curves nicely and flows airily around her hips, perfect for the warmth of the morning, before padding softly across the wooden floor down the hall. The grand, sweeping staircase awaited her, sunlight spilling over the banister as she made her way down to the kitchen, where the promise of fresh bread and pastries beckoned her to start the day.
She smiles brightly and thanks Griffin, one of the cooks, as she nabs a slice of blueberry bread and wanders out to the garden, taking in the lightness of the clear day.
Today. Today is the day she saves her soul nephew; takes him home where he belongs. Today is the day she becomes...becomes a mother.
Gods, a mother.
Her nerves rush though her and she chews her food slowly, trying to calm her racing heart. And Tamlin...
She shakes her head, unable to stop the giddy laughter from escaping her as she waits for him.
Her husband. What a thought. Fake husband, obviously, but still. The idea is both absurd and exhilarating. Despite herself, it spreads a warmth through her, flushing her cheeks.
A familiar hum of power seems to surround her then, making the hair on her neck and arms stand on end. Tamlin. He's arrived for the journey across the wall.
She wonders what it will be like to be human again, even for a short time. If it will feel wholly different, or like becoming her true self again.
Turning toward the pulse of magic, she smiles brightly to greet him. "Good morning!", she chirps excitedly.
She lightly tosses her sheet of onyx hair behind her, freckles seeming to dance on her nose as the sun lights up her eyes, making them a paler blue than usual.

“It’s…nothing.” Tamlin’s voice sounded far away when he spoke, guiding the horses to a slow stop in a nearby clearing, and began silently conjuring a campsite from midair. With a swipe of his hand, two tents appeared around a glowing fire pit. He took provisions from the linen sack that he’d packed that morning and left the rest for her on a small tin plate outside her tent.
He chose a spot near the fire and quietly began his meal, remembering that his next five minutes of quiet were being bought by two questions. Possibly three, since she’d only asked for a weapon the first time. He’d nearly forgotten the spare bow was there. It had been a long a month or two since he’d cleaned and repaired his quiver and a lot could change in that amount of time, including his resolution to stay away from his ex and everything to do with her. It was often like she still haunted him, as the distant howls of the wolves did the woods.
Feyre. He cursed under his breath. He would of let the world burn for her. He nearly did. Briar was one of the casualties of that war. She’d lost her entire family, her humanity. He owed her. Love was for fools and he was not a fool.
Tamlin swallowed his food and then stared into the fire, watching images of his life flash before him in his mind. As the wrong ones did, the High Lord flinched, standing, and taking his weaponry. “Stay here. Eat. I’m going for a walk around the perimeter to make sure none of those beasts have strayed from their pack.”

Safe and Sound | Tamlin & Briar @thehighlordofspring
Briar stirs awake as sunshine filters through the delicate curtains of her room. The scent of blooming flowers and fresh earth lingered in the air through a half open window. She stretches, feeling the cool silk sheets slide against her skin, and smiles to herself, humming with pleasure. It was cozy and peaceful here, in a way that always made her feel both at ease and restless--in a way she didn't know if she'd ever get used to.
Slipping out of bed, she dresses quickly in a simple, pale--bordering lime-- green gown that hugs her curves nicely and flows airily around her hips, perfect for the warmth of the morning, before padding softly across the wooden floor down the hall. The grand, sweeping staircase awaited her, sunlight spilling over the banister as she made her way down to the kitchen, where the promise of fresh bread and pastries beckoned her to start the day.
She smiles brightly and thanks Griffin, one of the cooks, as she nabs a slice of blueberry bread and wanders out to the garden, taking in the lightness of the clear day.
Today. Today is the day she saves her soul nephew; takes him home where he belongs. Today is the day she becomes...becomes a mother.
Gods, a mother.
Her nerves rush though her and she chews her food slowly, trying to calm her racing heart. And Tamlin...
She shakes her head, unable to stop the giddy laughter from escaping her as she waits for him.
Her husband. What a thought. Fake husband, obviously, but still. The idea is both absurd and exhilarating. Despite herself, it spreads a warmth through her, flushing her cheeks.
A familiar hum of power seems to surround her then, making the hair on her neck and arms stand on end. Tamlin. He's arrived for the journey across the wall.
She wonders what it will be like to be human again, even for a short time. If it will feel wholly different, or like becoming her true self again.
Turning toward the pulse of magic, she smiles brightly to greet him. "Good morning!", she chirps excitedly.
She lightly tosses her sheet of onyx hair behind her, freckles seeming to dance on her nose as the sun lights up her eyes, making them a paler blue than usual.

Tamlin stepped outside the boundary of the camp, eyes focused on the woods. The blurry of the trees on the horizon screamed freedom and every step he took towards it gave him a rush of relief to step away from the responsibility of carrying more strangers on his back. Yet, this wasn’t something he got to choose. Even when his soul urged him to run, his heart forbid him to take another step. He clenched his fists at his side and ground his teeth, dropping his weapons to the side as her soft whimper threatened to overwhelm the current of unstable magic within her.
He jumped back, ripping his gloves off with his teeth, and wrapping his arms around her in a firm embrace just before a bright flash of blue light flooded from her body. The pulse of energy flooded through his abdomen as he absorbed it. It was strong magic, yet a flicker against his own. A glimmering, tickling flutter. As soon as it was over, Tamlin dropped his arms, stepping back as if he’d been standing on an anthill.

“By the cauldron, Briar Rose!” He rapidly shook his arms, like a puppet released from its chains. “You…are a tickle monster.”
Safe and Sound | Tamlin & Briar @thehighlordofspring
Briar stirs awake as sunshine filters through the delicate curtains of her room. The scent of blooming flowers and fresh earth lingered in the air through a half open window. She stretches, feeling the cool silk sheets slide against her skin, and smiles to herself, humming with pleasure. It was cozy and peaceful here, in a way that always made her feel both at ease and restless--in a way she didn't know if she'd ever get used to.
Slipping out of bed, she dresses quickly in a simple, pale--bordering lime-- green gown that hugs her curves nicely and flows airily around her hips, perfect for the warmth of the morning, before padding softly across the wooden floor down the hall. The grand, sweeping staircase awaited her, sunlight spilling over the banister as she made her way down to the kitchen, where the promise of fresh bread and pastries beckoned her to start the day.
She smiles brightly and thanks Griffin, one of the cooks, as she nabs a slice of blueberry bread and wanders out to the garden, taking in the lightness of the clear day.
Today. Today is the day she saves her soul nephew; takes him home where he belongs. Today is the day she becomes...becomes a mother.
Gods, a mother.
Her nerves rush though her and she chews her food slowly, trying to calm her racing heart. And Tamlin...
She shakes her head, unable to stop the giddy laughter from escaping her as she waits for him.
Her husband. What a thought. Fake husband, obviously, but still. The idea is both absurd and exhilarating. Despite herself, it spreads a warmth through her, flushing her cheeks.
A familiar hum of power seems to surround her then, making the hair on her neck and arms stand on end. Tamlin. He's arrived for the journey across the wall.
She wonders what it will be like to be human again, even for a short time. If it will feel wholly different, or like becoming her true self again.
Turning toward the pulse of magic, she smiles brightly to greet him. "Good morning!", she chirps excitedly.
She lightly tosses her sheet of onyx hair behind her, freckles seeming to dance on her nose as the sun lights up her eyes, making them a paler blue than usual.

Tamlin stepped back, brushing off his clothes, and swiping at the invisible tickles, but when he looked back up she wasn’t laughing. Oh no — his heart fell into his boots. Why did I say that?
Briar wasn’t a monster. Cowering in front of him, she looked much more like a wounded animal or scared child. He bent to his knees, reaching down, and placing his hand on her cheek. “Take a deep breath. It’s okay.”
He remembered the days not long ago when his own magic had been linked to his emotions. He had hurt people — people he loved. His hands felt cold and story dropped back by his sides. “You aren’t a monster, Briar. I shouldn’t have said that. I was wrong.”
He reached to the ground where her food had rolled from the plate and onto the dirt and carefully picked it up, wiping it clean on his shirt. It wasn’t perfect, but food was meant for sustenance, not staring. “It tickled, just a little. That’s all. I’m not…I don’t like being tickled.”
He took a red apple from his pocket and placed it on a nearby rock, slicing into it with one of his claws, and offering her a piece. “I understand that it feels like an avalanche, but your power is not a burden. You can be taught. You are far from hopeless, my lady.”

“I know many who…have needed a much heavier hand to survive their transformation. You’re doing just fine. Believe me.”
Safe and Sound | Tamlin & Briar @thehighlordofspring
Briar stirs awake as sunshine filters through the delicate curtains of her room. The scent of blooming flowers and fresh earth lingered in the air through a half open window. She stretches, feeling the cool silk sheets slide against her skin, and smiles to herself, humming with pleasure. It was cozy and peaceful here, in a way that always made her feel both at ease and restless--in a way she didn't know if she'd ever get used to.
Slipping out of bed, she dresses quickly in a simple, pale--bordering lime-- green gown that hugs her curves nicely and flows airily around her hips, perfect for the warmth of the morning, before padding softly across the wooden floor down the hall. The grand, sweeping staircase awaited her, sunlight spilling over the banister as she made her way down to the kitchen, where the promise of fresh bread and pastries beckoned her to start the day.
She smiles brightly and thanks Griffin, one of the cooks, as she nabs a slice of blueberry bread and wanders out to the garden, taking in the lightness of the clear day.
Today. Today is the day she saves her soul nephew; takes him home where he belongs. Today is the day she becomes...becomes a mother.
Gods, a mother.
Her nerves rush though her and she chews her food slowly, trying to calm her racing heart. And Tamlin...
She shakes her head, unable to stop the giddy laughter from escaping her as she waits for him.
Her husband. What a thought. Fake husband, obviously, but still. The idea is both absurd and exhilarating. Despite herself, it spreads a warmth through her, flushing her cheeks.
A familiar hum of power seems to surround her then, making the hair on her neck and arms stand on end. Tamlin. He's arrived for the journey across the wall.
She wonders what it will be like to be human again, even for a short time. If it will feel wholly different, or like becoming her true self again.
Turning toward the pulse of magic, she smiles brightly to greet him. "Good morning!", she chirps excitedly.
She lightly tosses her sheet of onyx hair behind her, freckles seeming to dance on her nose as the sun lights up her eyes, making them a paler blue than usual.

Tamlin sat back on the cold ground and listened as Briar explained her emotions and their story. He wasn’t much for small talk, but he was a good ear and he understood what it was like to be in pain. Lucien had been his crutch for many years. Now, all he had was himself. Often, it felt like walking on an injured limb. His body ached and his voice was tired. He couldn’t sleep, so his mind remained foggy throughout the day. He wanted to give Lucien time — a break, even, from being his caretaker. He was about to become a father, after all. He had enough on his hands.
Tamlin rested his elbows on his knees and shrugged. “I get it — I suppose. The nightmares. They aren’t easy to dodge once they start. Sometimes it takes months.”
At least his company wasn’t as much of a pain as he thought, Tamlin sighed. Comforting was not a word people had used to describe him in the last. Strong? Steady? Sure. Comforting requires vulnerability and he was not comfortable being so.
“I have a sense of responsibility.” He acknowledged. “The war with Hybern was not easier for my place in it. I will be working for the rest of my life to restore Spring to what it once was, under my mother’s graceful leadership. What happened to you was a result of my own ambition to restore something I can never have.”
His eyes glazed in the dark, equally bold and uncertain. “Perhaps if I’d been content to let things go, it never would have been necessary. Perhaps, you’d still be human.”
A ghost of a smile echoed on his face before fading into the night air. “I will be in my tent if you need anything, Lady Briar. Try to get some rest. We have an active ride ahead of us tomorrow.”

Safe and Sound | Tamlin & Briar @thehighlordofspring
Briar stirs awake as sunshine filters through the delicate curtains of her room. The scent of blooming flowers and fresh earth lingered in the air through a half open window. She stretches, feeling the cool silk sheets slide against her skin, and smiles to herself, humming with pleasure. It was cozy and peaceful here, in a way that always made her feel both at ease and restless--in a way she didn't know if she'd ever get used to.
Slipping out of bed, she dresses quickly in a simple, pale--bordering lime-- green gown that hugs her curves nicely and flows airily around her hips, perfect for the warmth of the morning, before padding softly across the wooden floor down the hall. The grand, sweeping staircase awaited her, sunlight spilling over the banister as she made her way down to the kitchen, where the promise of fresh bread and pastries beckoned her to start the day.
She smiles brightly and thanks Griffin, one of the cooks, as she nabs a slice of blueberry bread and wanders out to the garden, taking in the lightness of the clear day.
Today. Today is the day she saves her soul nephew; takes him home where he belongs. Today is the day she becomes...becomes a mother.
Gods, a mother.
Her nerves rush though her and she chews her food slowly, trying to calm her racing heart. And Tamlin...
She shakes her head, unable to stop the giddy laughter from escaping her as she waits for him.
Her husband. What a thought. Fake husband, obviously, but still. The idea is both absurd and exhilarating. Despite herself, it spreads a warmth through her, flushing her cheeks.
A familiar hum of power seems to surround her then, making the hair on her neck and arms stand on end. Tamlin. He's arrived for the journey across the wall.
She wonders what it will be like to be human again, even for a short time. If it will feel wholly different, or like becoming her true self again.
Turning toward the pulse of magic, she smiles brightly to greet him. "Good morning!", she chirps excitedly.
She lightly tosses her sheet of onyx hair behind her, freckles seeming to dance on her nose as the sun lights up her eyes, making them a paler blue than usual.