thekaykery - your local jk simp
your local jk simp

• kay, 21, writer, roleplayer • roleplays: [open] •

348 posts

Fic Recs

Fic Recs

fic recs




by: hoseokiehopie

type: series

rating: 18+

platform: ao3

member: jeongguk

tooth and claw

by: @johobi

type: series

rating: 18+

platform: tumblr, ao3

member: jeongguk


by: @rohobi

type: series

rating: 18+

platform: tumblr, ao3

member: jeongguk

pink panther

by: @gimmesumsuga

type: oneshot

rating: 18+

platform: tumblr

member: seokjin


by: @gimmesumsuga

type: oneshot

rating: 18+

platform: tumblr

member: hoseok

swing it! handle with care

by: @oftenderweapons

type: oneshot

rating: 18+

platform: tumblr

member: jeongguk

first time

by: @aquagustd

type: oneshot

rating: 18+

platform: tumblr

member: jeongguk


by: @sparklingchim

type: oneshot

rating: 18+

platform: tumblr

member: jeongguk


two photos, two kisses

by: @slightlymore

type: oneshot

rating: 18+

platform: tumblr

member: jeno


by: @amorajae

type: oneshot

rating: 18+

platform: tumblr

member: jeno

step on a crack, dr. lee's gonna break your back!

by: @guanana

type: oneshot

rating: 18+

platform: tumblr

member: jeno

fuck around and find out

by: @lustfuldevils

type: oneshot

rating: 18+

platform: tumblr

member: jeno

star wars:


by: @the-scandalorian

type: oneshot

rating: 18+

platform: tumblr

character: the mandalorian/din djarin

mandalorian's mercy

by: @silver-pieces

type: series

rating: 18+

platform: tumblr

character: the mandalorian/din djarin


by: @djarinsbeskar

type: oneshot

rating: 18+

platform: tumblr

character: the mandalorian/din djarin

the break

by: @quakegf

type: oneshot

rating: 21+

platform: tumblr

character: the mandalorian/din djarin

be like me

by: @tremendum

type: series

rating: 18+

platform: tumblr

character: the mandalorian/din djarin


by: @lavendertales

type: series

rating: 18+

platform: tumblr

character: the mandalorian/din djarin


by: @the-scandalorian

type: series

rating: 18+

platform: tumblr

character: the mandalorian/din djarin

Fic Recs

© thekaykery 2023

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More Posts from Thekaykery

3 years ago

when you wanna follow the writers from the bts network you were kicked from but you're afraid they'll block you :')

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2 years ago

little and the beast

member: kim taehyung

category: ddlg, smut, fluff

word count: 3.2k

warning(s): daddy dom!taehyung, little sub!reader, cursing, mention of safe word but not used, unprotected sex (wrap before you tap), consensual sex, rough sex, ddlg, degradation, begging, biting, scratching, bondage, hickies, breast play, spit play, spanking (pussy and breast), orgasm denial, creampie, aftercare

rating: 21+

note(s): i decided to rewrite this one because i didn't like how it turned out the first time. hopefully this one is more enjoyable. :)

Little And The Beast

You're his beloved girlfriend, and Taehyung loves both sides of you: big and small. But one day, he comes home to find you breaking one of your rules. Now Taehyung has no choice but to punish you for disobeying him.

Little And The Beast

Three rules.

One: Never touch yourself without Daddy's permission.

Two: Use your manners when asking for something you want or would like.

Three: Always use your safe word if you feel uncomfortable or unsafe.

These are what Taehyung set in place for you after your reveal of your little headspace and the little chat that followed afterwards. It took some time to get used to it, of course, since he was unsure how to exactly care for your needs, but he figured it out. For example, when you're little, you have different mannerisms and habits, such as babbling away while playing with your stuffed animals or coloring. Your temper is horrendous too, throwing fits whenever something isn't the way you want or you don't get your way. Your style changes too, dressing in cute, frilly dresses and clothes, making you the adorable, little darling he's grown to love. When you're not in little space, you're the Y/N he's most familiar with, an adult who pretends to have her shit together.

You switch between headspaces often without warning, so much it gives him whiplash, but he easily accommodates to his proper role. It's his job as your caretaker and your boyfriend to love and cherish you the best he can in both states of mind.

Even when you're not little, you thankfully remember your rules.

While Taehyung loves your regular personality, the Y/N he fell for, he adores it when you're little. You're so clingy and talk to him like a young girl, asking him to do things with you, like coloring or watching you play dress up. The power and authority he holds over you is amusing, not only as your boyfriend but as your caretaker too. Especially when you're wet for him, begging for his cock on your knees, wearing his favorite collar and dress.

And since you don't really understand sex when you're little, Taehyung refers to it as 'playtime.' Most of the time, this happens in his bedroom or studio, places you often seek him out for relief. It's one of his favorite things, seeing you beg for him to help you, that uncomfortable bubble in your lower belly.

The two of you mainly have sex whenever Taehyung comes home from work hard, adrenaline and stamina still pumping through him. He adores how you submit to him, listening to you squeal and cry while he uses you like the good cumslut you are, your precious cunt his heaven and hell. You make him feel so good yet so filthy, allowing him to rail you whenever and wherever he desires. Yet you do deny him when you're not in your little headspace, but when you are, you become instantly wet and bend over for him, face down and ass up. One of his favored positions.

Today is one of those days where Taehyung returns from work hard, his cock pounding in his sweats. All he could concentrate on during practice was the events of last night, when you rode him for the first time like a pony. The image of your tits bouncing and your succulent bum clapping against his thighs tortured him, so he wants – needs a second round.

With anticipation, Taehyung steps into the apartment, instinctively looking for you. You're in little space nowadays, which means you greet him with cute hugs and kisses each time he's home. This time you don't, which has him frowning. Closing the door, he sets down his bag and shucks off his shoes. He stays still, listening for you. Then he hears a moan, very quiet and desperate. He stiffens, his features stoning. Silently, he stalks down the hallway and pauses in front of the door to your little room. It's open a crack. Taehyung peeks inside, his jaw clenching.

With your face in the pillow and your pink, frilly dress bunched at your chest, your hand frantically rubs away at your clit, your expression scrunched with desperation and pleasure. Soft noises leave you as you circle your sensitive bud of nerves, your thighs trembling and toes curling in your white stockings. Your panties lie abandoned beside you on the bed, the crotch area soiled with your slick, your hand shining with it too.

Taehyung sighs. He's disappointed to discover you directly breaking your first rule. He had planned on rewarding you for being a good girl last night, but your present display is a great cause for punishment.

One hand tucked in his pocket, he places the other on the knob and opens the door wider, stepping into the room. His features are incredibly serious and cold, his eyes dark. "What are you doing?" he flatly asks. His tone has a stern bite to it, one he knows you hate.

You freeze at the sound of his voice, your head slowly turning in his direction. Your cheeks, originally flushed with arousal, are now reddening in shame. Gulping, you tear your hand away from your sopping center, shifting to sit on your heels and adjusting your dress. You wipe your sticky, dirty fingers on the sheets, then reluctantly twist to face him. You bow your head. You don't dare meet his gaze.

"Wasn't doin' anything," you quietly say in your cute, childish voice. You play with the skirt of your dress, "p-promise."

Taehyung scoffs. How typical of you, trying to talk your way out of the situation when he caught you. This is a common trait in both of your headspaces, and to be honest, it's easier for you to get away when you're an adult. When you're little, however, is a different story. He steps further inside, shutting the door.

"You were touching yourself," he lowly corrects, slowly approaching you like a predator.

You adamantly shake your head. "N-No!"

Quirking a brow at your denial, Taehyung traps you with his arms, hands on either side of you. "Don't even try," he murmurs. "I saw you. It's like you knew I was gonna come home and see you behaving like a slut."

"No, Daddy, I-I promise!" You shake your head once more, your innocent eyes wide with panic. "I didn't, I promise!"

"Then why were you touching yourself?" Your mouth snaps shut, and you look away. He barks out a little laugh. "That's what I thought." He straightens and tugs off his shirt, revealing his gently toned torso. "Do you know your rules?"

Your cheeks deepen to scarlet. "Y-Yes."

He shoves his sweats off. "What's your first rule?"

"N-Never touch myself without D-Daddy's permission."

"That's right." Taehyung combs his hair away from his face and crosses his arms. "And what did you do?"

"T-Touched myself without Daddy's permission..." You refuse to look at him.

"What happens to naughty girls when they disobey their Daddy, hm?" You hesitate. "What happens, slut?" he says stonily.

Your eyes well with tears. "T-They get punished."

"That's right. Now go get what I need. You know what it is."

Shaking, you shuffle off the bed and go to your closet. Taehyung watches you closely while you slide it open and kneel, searching for the item he requested. You return to him with a box in hand. You crawl back to your spot while he opens the box. Your toys beam up at him, all of them innocently pink and adorable. He takes out a sturdy, thick ribbon, snapping it taut.

"Lay down," he orders, climbing on the bed as you obey him, parting your legs for him. Your arms are curled to your chest. "Hands up."

Your lips tremble at his demand. "D-Daddy, no-"

His strict gaze shuts you up. "You know better than that, darling," he says, reaching up and firmly tying your wrists to the headboard, "especially when you've been naughty. Especially when I catch you deliberately breaking your first rule."

"D-Daddy, I'm sorry," you croak.

He shakes his head. "It's too late for that now. You should've thought about this when you touched yourself without my permission. This is your punishment."

You open your mouth to reply, but Taehyung firmly grips your dress by the collar and cleanly rips it in half. A loud wail leaves you, your eyes welling with tears. It was your favorite dress, which adds to your punishment. Licking his lips, he parts the ruined material, freeing your body. Your nipples are rosy and peaked, your chest heaving from the loss of your most beloved dress. His eyes trail down to your pussy, the poor thing still drenched and aching. He thoughtfully hums, dragging his palms along your stockinged thighs, feeling the soft material.

"You look so pretty," he coos, smirking at your pathetic whimpering. You wriggle under his staring as his touch drifts back up to your tits, cupping them. "My pretty princess."

He kneads your breasts, digging his dull nails into your plush skin, pinching your nipples. You softly squeak, arching your back and shoving your chest at him. A little chuckle leaves him. Taehyung hovers above one of the pink buds, collecting his saliva and allowing it to fall from his lips. You gasp when he dips down and captures it, gently suckling and swirling his tongue around it like a lollipop for a second. Then he roughly bites it, and you squeal, jolting beneath him. He peeks at you, seeing your red cheeks and pouty lips.

"Owwie!" you whine. He parts from your nipple to brutally suckle and nibble a patch of skin nearby, soothing it occasionally with his tongue. He continues this until there's several of them circling your nub. You tremble while he admires his handiwork, his eyes sparkling with satisfaction. "D-Daddy..."

"You know your safe word," Taehyung says. He spanks your tit, making you jump again, and he latches on your other nipple, flicking his tongue around it. He repeats his harsh process just moments before, brutally suckling and nibbling. You mewl at his roughness, tugging at your restraints, squirming. He has to pin you down to keep you still.

After painting your breast to match the first, he parts from you, his dark, dilated eyes flickering over his artwork. Shit, you look so gorgeous now that both your tits are marked purple and red.

"Such a pretty slut," Taehyung coos, aggressively handling the squishy mounds before swatting them. He repeats this, and you moan, curving your spine and perking your chest in his direction. The headboard creeks, and he glances up to find you pulling at the ribbon again.

"D-Daddy, please," you mewl, tears rolling down your cheeks. Taehyung tenderly hushes you, leaning in to kiss you. You whimper against his lips, wriggling just a bit. "P-Please..."

"Please what?" he murmurs. His kisses drift down your jaw to your neck, further and further, down your chest and stomach to arrive between your legs. He licks his lips at the sight of your soaked, pink pussy, your juices leaking from your entrance. He hums lightly, gliding a digit through your wet folds. You gasp and buck your hips, which makes him scowl. He lands a sharp spank on your cunt. You screech. "Use your words, slut."

"F-Fuck me!" you plead. "P-Please! It hurts!"

"What hurts?" His hand drifts along your sensitive center, smirking at your sobbing. For a moment, he rubs little circles on your clit, and in response, you buck your hips. His gentle touch becomes another spank, and you yelp. Tears stream nonstop down your face now. "What hurts? Answer me."

You look away in embarrassment. You absolutely hate voicing what you want, which is why Taehyung makes you do it. "M-My pussy," you weakly say. "M-My pussy hurts, Daddy. Please fuck me. N-Need your cock so bad..."

He thoughtfully hums at your request, his eyes glancing between your legs, tilting his head. You're visibly throbbing, your entrance steadily pumping out your arousal. A bead of it leaks and slowly drips drown to your asshole. He licks his lips again. He wants to taste you, make you cry on his tongue, but you've been naughty. He can't do that now, can he?

"Are you sure?" he asks. "I don't know if you deserve it. You did directly break one of your rules, after all."

You wail and thrash beneath him, yanking at the ribbon. He stares at you, half-expecting you to tap out, use your safe word and make this torture stop, but you don't. Your lips tremble, refusing to utter the one word that'll free you from his actions and smother you with sweet kisses and cuddles instead. He quirks a brow at you, seeing your silent plea in your shining eyes.

You lift your hips. "P-Please!"

Huffing, Taehyung leaves the bed and shucks off his boxers. His cock, hard, thick and long, slaps against his stomach, ready to be stuffed inside you. His tip is flushed an angry red, precum surging from the slit. He spits in his hand, using it as lube. He crawls back between your legs, pumping himself, expertly twisting his wrist at the tip. You greedily drink him in as he drops a pearl of spit on your pussy. You shive, widening your thighs even more.

"Please," your croak, whining and tossing your head back when he glides his cock along your drenched folds. "Daddy, please..."

Taehyung hums in reply, aligning with your entrance, placing a warm hand on your pelvis to keep you still. He slowly enters you, his lips parting in awe. Your hot, wet cunt eagerly welcomes him, your walls fluttering and clinging to him. Your entrance sucks him in, eating him up for all he is. A hiss leaves him once he's fully sheathed inside you, and you whimper, struggling against the ribbon again.

"D-Daddy!" you mewl, tears steadily flowing down your cheeks like rivers.

He gently hushes you, leaning down and capturing your blubbering mouth with his own. You softly moan at his sudden tenderness, and you don't hesitate to reciprocate. The headboard creaks, another signal of you tugging on your restraints. He growls, biting your lip. You gasp as he parts from you, a dark, dominant expression on his face. Tightly gripping your hips, Taehyung starts a swift, sharp pace, his thighs clapping against your ass. His hands move to your legs to keep them separated for him.

"Oh, f-fuck!" you shriek, sobbing, your tits bouncing in time with the rocking bed. "O-Oh my god!"

"Behave, slut," he grunts, focused on the way your breasts jolt as he bucks into you. God, they're so pretty, especially with his purple marks circling your abused nipples. "Stop trying to free yourself and accept your punishment, yeah?"

Whining, you bury your face in your arm, obediently taking his rough treatment without any further retort. Since you were previously touching yourself, you're close to your high. Your loud noises are enough of a clue. Gritting his teeth, Taehyung keeps rutting into you, ripping himself from within you just when you're about to cum. You squeal at the denial of your orgasm, kicking your feet.

"Daddy, please!" you cry, shivering like a leaf beneath him.

He smirks and spanks you, making you yelp. "Remember, princess," he coos, dipping down to murmur in your ear, "you've been a bad girl. I don't think you earned the right to cum."

"P-Please, Daddy!"

He clicks your tongue at your poor begging. "You can do better than that, slut."

"Lemme cum! P-Please lemme cum!" you gasp, pulling on the ribbon again. "I-I'll be a good girl, I promise! I won't touch myself ever again and I'll dop anything you ask. J-Just please lemme cum, Daddy!"

He lowly chuckles. That's much better. He smacks his cock on your clit a few times, watching you jump before slipping back inside you. He resumes his merciless tempo, fingertips digging into your thighs. You screech, arching your back as he snaps his hips back and forth, sliding in and out of you in tandem with your squelching pussy.

Above you, Taehyung spots you circling your wrists. He checks his bondage, only to see the redness of your skin. Sighing softly, he slows down to reach up and free you. Your arms immediately fly around his neck, clinging to him and digging your nails into his shoulders as he resumes his pace. His balls slap against your ass with each thrust, his dick abusing your poor cunt.

"D-Daddy, 'm cumming," you mewl into his ear, warning him. He hisses when you drag your nails down his back, the pain egging him on. "F-Fuck, 'm cumming!"

"Cum for me, little one," he mumbles, angling a bit better, running like a well-oiled machine. His thighs now sting because of the impact against your ass. "Cum all over Daddy's cock like the good slut you are."

You let go instantly. You scream, arching your back and squirming while your body soars with euphoria, your pussy sporadically spasming around him. Taehyung shakily groans, growing sloppy. He slams into you a few more times before stuffing his dick deep inside you, emptying his hot, thick load. You wantonly moan in satisfaction, happily rolling your hips.

Taehyung slumps on top of you, slowly grinding to ride you both through your highs. He pants, attempting to regain his breath, his body hot and cold at the same time. He closes his eyes, using your plush chest as a pillow.

Then he looks up at you with a concerned gaze. "I wasn't too rough, was I?"

You shake your head. "No, but I'm kinda sore."

He frowns. Carefully, he sits up and withdraws himself from within you. Your mixed cum soon follows, leaking and dripping from you like gold. Taehyung tenderly picks you up and carries you to your adjacent bathroom, setting you on the toilet to prepare your bath. While the tub fills with warm water, he adds bubble bath and your favorite bath toys.

After disposing of your ruined dress and stockings, he gently lowers you into the water.

"Relax, princess," he says, undoing your braids. "Let Daddy clean you up, okay?"


He wets your hair and massages your shampoo into your scalp, rinsing and following with your conditioner. You hum, playing with your toys while Taehyung takes care of you. After your hair, he moves on to your body, wiping you down, being extra careful when he arrives at your center. He kisses your cheek to distract you, and you giggle, smiling at him.

He loves this, adores spending time with you and giving you the best aftercare. You are his baby, and he's your caretaker, a teddy bear underneath the beast. Soon you're squeaky clean, and he pats you dry. He dresses you in your favorite unicorn onesie, wanting you to be all nice and warm.

"Let's watch a Disney movie now, okay?" he suggests, changing the sheets and stucking you in afterwards. He hands you your stuffed bear. You beam and nod. "I'll grab you some snacks and your sippy."

"Okay, Daddy!" you chime.

With a loving look, Taehyung leaves for the kitchen, chopping up strawberries and a banana, placing them in a container with three slots. He puts cheezits in the biggest one, then he fills your sippy cup with apple juice, watering it down a bit. He returns to you with your promised treats. You clap your hands in delight.

"Thank you, Daddy," you say as you accept your snacks and drink, popping a sliced strawberry into your mouth.

"You're welcome, baby," he murmurs, lying beside you with the remote in hand. He turns on your favorite Disney movie, cradling you as you nibble away on your cheezits.

While the intro plays, Taehyung whispers, "I love you."

You smile. "I love you, Daddy."

© babiekaykes 2022

Tags :
3 years ago


Hes So Stunning For @taeyungie
Hes So Stunning For @taeyungie
Hes So Stunning For @taeyungie

he’s so stunning for @taeyungie ♡

Tags :
3 years ago

roleplay ad

Roleplay Ad

Currently looking for some new partners. Most of my beloved roleplays are inactive yet still reply here and there but not as often as I'd like. So I'm putting this out to see if there's anyone interested.

I do have some rules.

1. I roleplay BTS and NCT.

2. I love roleplaying smut. Please do not message if you're under 18 years old. If you're not comfortable with smut, I respect that.

3. I only do member x oc. I am extremely uncomfortable with doing member x member as I only view them as brothers/friends.

4. I will not roleplay any triggering topics such as: death, self-harm, assault, abuse, or anything of the sort.

Here is some info about me and my style!

My most favored plot is a werewolf au, or abo, since they're both similar. I also do mafia, CEO, vampire, and hybrid aus.

I am not comfortable doing yandere aus.

I am a literate roleplayer, which means I roleplay like a writer. Please no astrix (*).

I am open to idol x idol, but please know I am inexperienced with this kind of plot.

I often write in 3rd person!

I also often roleplay in private messages, but I do discord too! If interested in rping on discord, please let me know!

If you are interested, shoot me a message :) Please be aware I am a human, that I have work and a personal life. I also have depression which impacts my motivation to do anything, but I will try to respond at least once a day!

My preferred members are Jungkook and Jeno. This means you'll be playing Jungkook/Jeno against my OC. But if you want them as well, that's okay!

If you message me, please be sure to send:

Your name


Preferred pronouns

Preferred member


Kinks (if you're doing smut)

Triggers/no nos

And anything else I should be aware of, such as: you're a student, you go to work

I think that's all for now. Oh, I forgot one thing!

Have fun!

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