Hello Hello, I’m Beet! ~~ He/Him (Non-binary) ~~ I'm a newgrad nurse who does art on the side ~~ This is my Blog for arts and whatnot......hopefully more art than whatnot. #TheLadArt is my art tag
1300 posts
If It Seems Like I Have No Personality Its Cause I Save It All For My Personal Blog
If it seems like I have no personality it’s cause I save it all for my personal blog
More Posts from Theladart
Tried drawing some bomb plants

Here’s some Katara. I love how her strength progressed through the series
If you ever see me reblogging and/or liking a bunch of your stuff
I’m not trying to be creepy
I swear
It’s usually because I’m looking for something specific and you’re just so goddamn funny/interesting that I have to reblog/like
Or you’re an artist who’s stuff I like and want to see more and it’s all just so damn good that I can’t help myself!
I’m not that creepy, I SWEAR!
I’ve got some Steven Universe fanart for y’all!
A little BG info: I’ve been watching through SU so I can watch the movie & SU future (the movie came out while I didn’t have access so I haven’t seen it yet, still) and that inspired me to draw some stuffs
Here’s Sapphire as a pearl!

She’s basically just sapphire’s appearance but altered to the shape & appearance components of a pearl (flats, sheer fabric, socks/leg accessory, short hair)
I used blue pearl as a ref
Here’s the same concept but with Padparadscha

(A single pale rose spoiler incoming!)

I used Pearl’s appearance from when she served Pink Diamond but with Padparadscha’s outfit
The colors for these were difficult because I don’t reall have that many blues or pinks that fit so I did a lot of marker mixing (man, I miss digital 😭)
Some angsty blue diamond coming up

This ones pretty self explanatory but I’ll explain anyways (it’s my curse to be verbose)
(Change Your Mind Spoilers?)
Basically Depression+White diamond’s mind control power thing
Wow look at that I can be concise. Let’s hope it makes sense
That’s all, folks!