Dnd Ideas - Tumblr Posts
Dnd idea:
Spell rot/Spell radiation
It's a curse for casters where every night you must tally up the amount of spell slots you didn't use plus your level, then take that amount as damage at the start of the following day.
Easy enough to avoid, sure, unless your worried about fights at night.
Also bonus points if you play a caster with only enemy targeting spells so the choice is either beat up your party or start tomorrow hurt.
Probably impossible DnD campaign idea!
Step one! Have two groups of players. Play with both of them in the exact same setting, but each group is in different kingdom that are in not good terms with each other.
Now. Don't tell them that they are playing in the same world. Preferably, don't show them any maps of the other kingdom, in case both groups know each other, because then they might figure out what you're doing!
The next step is introducing a group of ''villains'' from the other kingdom, who in reality are the other group of players. You can have players hear an NPC talking about "these horrifying bandits from another kingdom''
If players decide to find the ''villains'' you can just say that they escaped before the party came. You will play with both groups at different times probably anyway, so it's not a lie to be honest.
Now find a perfect moment to invite both groups to play at the same time. When they are confused about what the other people are doing there, reveal that there never was a group of villains, only a group of heroes from both kingdoms!
So what were the NPCs talking about? Well, there were no NPCs in the first place! It was a shapeshifting BBEG, who was pitting heroes against each other in hopes that they would destroy each other and won't be able to stop him!
The chances of pulling that off are slim, not gonna lie... But if you were to be successful, it would be epic!!! In my opinion at least...

My DnD character Majora Prestance, a Ranger Swarmkeeper I have been playing since March 2021 ♥ She is very dear to me!
She is an Entler, a homebrew origin I created, based on Tieflings but with insect horns! Find out more about them here.
Credit Card Sized DnD Character Sheets
A neat thing i made, probably useless, and if you decide to use it it won't be very comfortable... BUT you theoretically get everything from stats through spells (made it a tad too small) and even alignment! So yeah, surprise people with your credit card sized dnd or force them to play in the least expected moment.

Just print it 8.5cm wide, cut it out, fold in half, glue and enjoy your portable goober card
!!! About to make an artificer who invents a way to make pretty, flashy signs for the ritzy inns (but it looks like they come with a curse..?)

Strange roadside buildings where you shouldn’t ever go.
Concept: Fantasy with modern elements but like really shitty modern elements
Like you find a cursed amulet sealed inside a ziplock bag
Concept: Fantasy with modern elements but like really shitty modern elements
Like you find a cursed amulet sealed inside a ziplock bag
Concept: Fantasy with modern elements but like really shitty modern elements
Like you find a cursed amulet sealed inside a ziplock bag
Concept: Fantasy with modern elements but like really shitty modern elements
Like you find a cursed amulet sealed inside a ziplock bag
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Transplanar is an ALL-TRANS, POC-led, 100% homebrew D&D 5e livestream set in the decolonized world of Andake based off various AAPI mythologies.
🌟 Our pilot episode airs LIVE on Twitch on Saturday, June 27th at 3pm CDT 🌟
Hi friends — dndaddyissues here! I’m so excited to share a project that the cast and I have been working tirelessly on for the past 8 months. It’s a labor of love and passion and we’re debuting so so soon!
Please check out our socials and give us a follow. Liking and reblogging this post is an incredible help too.
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/transplanarrpg Twitter: https://twitter.com/TransplanarRPG YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuY_ai8244czlxmb1eXcUiQ
Keep your eyes peeled on this blog for player & character reveals leading up to Saturday, June 27th!

This is a system for dnd adventures I made that’s been successful at keeping a greater number of friends in the loop who can’t play all at the same time who all have adult lives and jobs to keep up with so schedules rarely line up.
Welcome to the University Corcyra Isle! One could even call it a Multiuniversity. The university is led by a proud gynosphinx, has a drider librarian, a medical doctor tired of stitching young wizards back together, and more.
Players make a character with at least 2 levels of wizard so they have a school of magic they focus on. Upon finishing their entrance exams they are given:
-2 Health Potions -A pearl of power -A driftglobe -An extra spellbook
There is a course catalogue depicting the multitude of courses players can take ranging from CREA 101: Mimic Safety, to ABJU 101: Circles and Wards, to PLNR 101: Echoes in the Shadowfell. Players vote on what class (what session) they want to take next.
Sphinxes (as lair actions) can take themselves and up to 7 other creatures through space and time letting your sphinx Ms Frizzle take them to the heavens, hells, and everywhere in between. You can even revisit important historical events in your campaign world.
One shots are two parters, so if a player can’t make it or has to drop canonically they have to go back to school to study. This makes it so players can drop in and out as necessary.
The loot system is what makes all this work with this many people. It uses a Milestone progression system. Every one shot is a Milestone, and it takes a set number of Milestones to level up every four levels or so (lvl2 is 1 Milestone, but lvl6 is 3 Milestones). The system also uses Down Days, days spent studying as loot. You can spend down days to do anything: make magic item, learn new spells, learn new proficiencies, even learn class abilities, but most importantly gain Milestones. If you aren’t able to play in the one shot you gain 5 down days, the exact amount you need to gain 1 Milestone so you can keep with the “campaign”’s progression if the session was full.
Loot distribution looks like this:
-1 Milestone -3 Down Days (for playing in the one shot) -Grant of 60 Gold -Your choice of one of the following:
A spell scroll (usable as a free spell above your level or can be added to your spellbook regardless of class) of: Ray of Sickness/Silence/Speak with Dead
A magic item from the following list: Potion of Greater Healing/Eversmoking Bottle/Pipes of Haunting/Crawling Hand
Players may select the same loot options if they wish to (but they haven’t yet).
That’s the system! The idea is it keeps everyone involved session to session, makes inspiration for sessions through the courses that are two parters so dm planning is biweekly, and allows for people to jump in or drop even midsession. D&D has been a great way to keep my friends together, and this system is born in that spirit.

Guitara víbora (great club) requires attunement from a bard or a yuan-ti A large guitar that seems to be covered in large snake scales and a giant tooth for a pick. This thing is strong enough to be used as an improvised greatclub and enchanted with bardic magic so you can attack with this using your casting stat and does additional 1d4 thunder damage on hit You know the poison spray and pocket sand cantrips and can cast speak with animals at will, but it only works on snakes (basically you speak parseltongue) Once a day you can cast these spells: Invisibility Fly Protection from good and evil Goodberry Thunderous smite Dominate person Enhance stat (constitution)

Camatoz (claws) very rare, +2 On a hit, the target takes additional 1d6+2 slashing and 1d4 necrotic damage. the user heals half the total damage. While wearing camatoz, the wearer gains a climbing speed equal to there walking speed and a glide speed of 45. The user’s jump distance is doubled while wearing camatoz.
the edgier twin of papillon

Papillon (claws) very rare, +2 On a hit, the target takes additional 1d6+2 slashing and 1d4 radiant and must make a dc 15 con save or be paralyzed for 1 minute. While wearing papillon the wearer can cast feather fall at will and gain a glide speed of 35. The less edgy twin camatoz

Atlas (very rare or legendary) requires attunement A weapon that preys on the question “what if Superman was evil?” Does bludgeoning equivalent to hit die size (E.g. wizard does 1d6 bludgeoning while barbarian does 1d12 bludgeoning) On attunement, the wearer gains these benefits: **hold up the sky**: lifting, pushing, and pulling weight is equivalent to having 50 str **ever vigilant**: wearer has advantage to con and str saves and checks, and no longer requires rest or food Curse: **heroic sacrifice**: the wearer is turned lawful good and is compelled to do heroic acts of self sacrifice, wether to save a burning orphanage, or catch a bullet for a king. Should the wearer die during such a heroic event, the wearer will become chaotic evil with the stats of a solar, believing that they have ascended to cleanse the world of its sins and send the pure to a world where they live forever (not unlike scp-2200) I put a lot of effort into this, both stats and design
Hamon training
Feat (bonus if monk)

You have learned how to conduct solar energy through your body via breathing methods. You age half as fast, have advantage on CON saves and are resistant to poison damage. Your unarmed strikes do 1d double proficiency (1d4 at lvl 1, 1d6 at lvl 5, 1d8 at lvl 9, 1d0 at lvl 13, and 1d12 at lvl 17) +wisdom radiant damage.
If conducted through a weapon, It does one die size lower (1d4+wis is just +wis). If taken by a monk, you can spend 1 ki point to channel hamon through an object, get creative.
This is a bit broken so talk to the dm before adding this
I'm a big fan of wizards-as-programmers, but I think it's so much better when you lean into programming tropes.
A spell the wizard uses to light the group's campfire has an error somewhere in its depths, and sometimes it doesn't work at all. The wizard spends a lot of his time trying to track down the exact conditions that cause the failure.
The wizard is attempting to create a new spell that marries two older spells together, but while they were both written within the context of Zephyrus the Starweaver's foundational work, they each used a slightly different version, and untangling the collisions make a short project take months of work.
The wizard has grown too comfortable reusing old spells, and in particular, his teleportation spell keeps finding its components rearranged and remixed, its parts copied into a dozen different places in the spellbook. This is overall not actually a problem per se, but the party's rogue grows a bit concerned when the wizard's "drying spell" seems to just be a special case of teleportation where you teleport five feet to the left and leave the wetness behind.
A wizard is constantly fiddling with his spells, making minor tweaks and changes, getting them easier to cast, with better effects, adding bells and whistles. The "shelter for the night" spell includes a tea kettle that brings itself to a boil at dawn, which the wizard is inordinately pleased with. He reports on efficiency improvements to the indifference of anyone listening.
A different wizard immediately forgets all details of his spells after he's written them. He could not begin to tell you how any of it works, at least not without sitting down for a few hours or days to figure out how he set things up. The point is that it works, and once it does, the wizard can safely stop thinking about it.
Wizards enjoy each other's company, but you must be circumspect about spellwork. Having another wizard look through your spellbook makes you aware of every minor flaw, and you might not be able to answer questions about why a spell was written in a certain way, if you remember at all.
Wizards all have their own preferences as far as which scripts they write in, the formatting of their spellbook, its dimensions and material quality, and of course which famous wizards they've taken the most foundational knowledge from. The enlightened view is that all approaches have their strengths and weaknesses, but this has never stopped anyone from getting into a protracted argument.
Sometimes a wizard will sit down with an ancient tome attempting to find answers to a complicated problem, and finally find someone from across time who was trying to do the same thing, only for the final note to be "nevermind, fixed it".
How to keep someone's mind hostage in DnD
The sending spell lets you send 25 words to someone.

The longest word in the English dictionary is Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, which has 19 syllables. A google search claims people talk at 4-5 syllables per second, so let's assume that this word takes four seconds to say. That means that with all 25 words you can occupy someone's head for 100 seconds, which isn't a lot but is certainly annoying.
Now, a discerning dm might argue that you can't use this word since it's unlikely your character knows the technical word for silicosis. This is where you pull out your pet rat, and give it a fun name, something like:
This is a real name which existed, and assuming an average of 4 letters per syllable (I'm not going to count them), is around 150 syllables, or 33 seconds of talking. This name repeated 25 times will give you around 14 minutes of talking. You could probably invent a longer name, this is DnD after all, but this gives you a baseline grounded in reality.
The sending spell has no save against it, is not constrained by distance, and to my knowledge has not way of being blocked (though I'm sure one exists).
So, if an NPC is annoying, but you can't do anything violent about it, feel free to beam 14 minutes of gibberish into their brain as many times per day as you have the spell slots for. If they want to, they can return the favour, but if you're the kind of bastard to do this in the first place you're petty enough to make that sacrifice.