themarcellaeffect - digging in the dirt
digging in the dirt

chatterings from a girl who never fully grew up whilst trying to juggle a full time day job and a freelance design night job....this spoon may not stir fluidly at all times!

157 posts

Cutest Wood Buddha Chainsaw Carving Made By Tim. #Buddha #chainsawcarving #chainsaw #woodart #timdankanich

Cutest Wood Buddha Chainsaw Carving Made By Tim. #Buddha #chainsawcarving #chainsaw #woodart #timdankanich

Cutest wood Buddha chainsaw carving made by Tim. #Buddha #chainsawcarving #chainsaw #woodart #timdankanich ❤️ I want to keep it so bad but it's a commission. 😭

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Jack Benny and Bob Hope, 1957 by Leonard McCombe.

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Pig Slipper Thief. #pig #puppy

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8 years ago
Early Enemies Concept Art For BioShock Will Haunt Your Nightmares.
Early Enemies Concept Art For BioShock Will Haunt Your Nightmares.
Early Enemies Concept Art For BioShock Will Haunt Your Nightmares.
Early Enemies Concept Art For BioShock Will Haunt Your Nightmares.
Early Enemies Concept Art For BioShock Will Haunt Your Nightmares.
Early Enemies Concept Art For BioShock Will Haunt Your Nightmares.

Early enemies concept art for BioShock will haunt your nightmares.