Hi! im The Master 72 (or master to abreviate, no its not on purpose i swear-) i like drawing, video games and memes (and food)so, i tought it would be a good idea to share my toughts with the world, so here i am! expect drawings and ocasional meme posting from me, and chatting from time-to-time (dw im perfectly open to critism)just to get this out of the way... i have autism (asperger syndrome, highly functional) and ADHD, have that there in case you dont understand my goblin-like behavior lolso, thats it, thanks for reading this personality bible and... i wish you a nice day! :D👍
80 posts
I Havent Been Very Active, But I Have Plans... Oh Boy I Have Some Great Plans...
i havent been very active, but i have plans... oh boy i have some great plans...

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one day this will be one of those cool songs in NCS that are featured at the background of random videos on youtube, and im all for it
New fun little shit!!!! FUN SHIT!
Soundcloud Link
TADC episode 2 is coming out in a few hours, so remember to prepare some popcorn and barricate your homes for when the internet goes into total meltdown (again), and have fun!
i have been thinking... how did coca cola at some point got a crossover with k-pop? like not even a band, THE CONCEPT ITSELF, like, under that logic we could make a crossover of mozart with mustard and call it mozTardt, and add a label that says "classical flavour" idk i just found it curious

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