theneurodivergentnerd - TheNeurodivergentNerd

That pretty much sums me up. I'm Neurodivergent and I'm a nerd.

98 posts

Yay! I Finished My Hunter Bandana! Currently Being Modelled By The Lovely Stanly. Unfortunately, I Sewed

Yay! I Finished My Hunter Bandana! Currently Being Modelled By The Lovely Stanly. Unfortunately, I Sewed
Yay! I Finished My Hunter Bandana! Currently Being Modelled By The Lovely Stanly. Unfortunately, I Sewed

Yay! I finished my Hunter bandana! Currently being modelled by the lovely Stanly. unfortunately, I sewed the skull on the wrong side… despite using a reference. I don’t know weather to blame my dyspraxia or my dyslexia but I know one of them did this. it’s fine I just flipped the photo.

  • ashtons-rocks
    ashtons-rocks liked this · 2 years ago

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2 years ago

The yellow mod (space power ranger)

Ok so this guy:

The Yellow Mod (space Power Ranger)

my brain has very helpfully decided to hyperfixate on this random dude for some reason and i have questions.

first of all: why is he wearing a sweater? Does he not realise he’s on tatooine? Because like, mate i hate to be the one to break it to you but you’re gonna melt. There’s two suns and you’re in a sweater and a trench coat.

also why is it under his body modification? This guy seriously went to the modifier and was like ”no, no, no just put it through the cloths”

ngl though i do like the commitment to the style… whatever thats supposed to be.

we don’t know anything about this guys char because he doesn’t have any lines but he strikes me as the dumb golden retriever type. also he’s giving me asexual mlm vibes and i could totally see him following Skad around.

yeah, i’m the person sat by themselves shipping background characters. its a sad life i live.

anyway my other question is: what is his mid even doing? it looks like it’s just a hunk of scrap metal thats serving literally no purpose. is it meant to be like armour?

also, also, also: the character has no name, right? and that makes sense because he’s just a background dude but you know whats strange? i cant find the actor who played this guy anywhere. i’ve tried searching and theres just no referance to sweater guy on any cast list I’ve found.

anyway i hate my brain, it’s midnight and i still have no idea who this guy is but i think he deserves a name and a background. any ideas?

The Yellow Mod (space Power Ranger)

So i can’t draw but i like to give it a good go, sorry for this but i’m hoping once iv’e posted this i cam forget about this guy and go to sleep. i’ve included this abomination of a sketch for some kind of closure.

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Please reblog if you're here for the story.

Please Reblog If You're Here For The Story.

I watch The Bad Batch as an exploration of the beginning of the Empire from the perspective of a group of fugitives trying to get by in a galaxy that doesn't always make sense.

I'm here for their story.

I'm here for WHATEVER the writers, artists, and composers give us in their own good time. I want the plot to be given to me slowly. I want a character's redemption or further fall to have so much meat to it that I sit back and think, "Wow. They went through hell to get here."

I want to find out what makes the characters tick one morsel at a time, and I'm NOT going to complain about where the writers take them if it's not what I envisioned for them because it's the story.

Honestly, I'm finding this fandom to be a tedious place lately. A lot of people only seem to enjoy the show if they are given exactly what they want by the writers and the moment the show deviates from that, they complain.

I'm here for the story. Please reblog this or leave me a comment if you are too because I want to surround myself with other fans who are here for the Batch's story in whatever direction it takes us.

In case anyone needs it, I have the "library" of every clone that has an official name in the Clone Wars.

It's a sheet of gifs but it still has everyone (except the newest characters from Bad Batch they haven't been added yet.)

In Case Anyone Needs It, I Have The "library" Of Every Clone That Has An Official Name In The Clone Wars.
In Case Anyone Needs It, I Have The "library" Of Every Clone That Has An Official Name In The Clone Wars.
In Case Anyone Needs It, I Have The "library" Of Every Clone That Has An Official Name In The Clone Wars.
In Case Anyone Needs It, I Have The "library" Of Every Clone That Has An Official Name In The Clone Wars.
In Case Anyone Needs It, I Have The "library" Of Every Clone That Has An Official Name In The Clone Wars.
In Case Anyone Needs It, I Have The "library" Of Every Clone That Has An Official Name In The Clone Wars.
In Case Anyone Needs It, I Have The "library" Of Every Clone That Has An Official Name In The Clone Wars.
In Case Anyone Needs It, I Have The "library" Of Every Clone That Has An Official Name In The Clone Wars.
In Case Anyone Needs It, I Have The "library" Of Every Clone That Has An Official Name In The Clone Wars.
In Case Anyone Needs It, I Have The "library" Of Every Clone That Has An Official Name In The Clone Wars.

A gift.

(you Know The Drill: Click For Better Quality Or Whatever.)

(you know the drill: click for better quality or whatever.)

I love/hate this drawing. Like, they look so stupid I love them but also they look so stupid I wish I could draw.

(Rant under the cut)

I did this scene redraw or whatever it’s called because i was supposed to be mind-mapping ideas for my A-Level art Personal Project but couldn’t because the idea of such a big project felt too daunting to start and I had so many ideas in my head I was rendered completely unable to write or articulate any of them. Then I felt so guilty for drawing this instead that I sat down and wrote a far-longer-than-necessary essay about my initial ideas and two artists I could investigate because I have systems in place for writing essays through executive dysfunction but not mind mapping through executive dysfunction. I’m actually irrationally terrified I’m going to be in trouble for not doing the task properly even though I overcompensated out of guilt and my teacher has never been mad at me before. I’m pretty sure he secretly hates me though, expect rationality I know that’s not true and I hate that I can’t convince myself that my teachers are not completely lying to me about everything. i need therapy.

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