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Made some Gyoza! (Japanese dumplings) With some soy sauce to dip it in, of course.
I love trying to make food from different cultures! There are so many different flavors to discover!
Life doesn't have to be just work and sleep.
So get out there! Sieze the day! Carpe Diem!
This is your encouragement to try something new.
● Plant some flowers (I have a little succulent in a coffee mug. It's nice because it doesn't need water too often.)
● Get a kite from the dollar store and try to get it to actually fly
● Paint a sunset (P.s. It doesn't have to even look good!)
● Look at the stars
● Make a pool noodle lightsaber and have a battle with your friends
● Make a homemade slip-n-slide with a hose and garbage bags.
● Call a friend out of the blue
● Look for pretty rocks
● Try a new food (Crunchy bell peppers on deli sandwiches guys, I'm telling ya...😋)
● Just relax for a bit and read or listen to a good book (If you have a library card, download the app "Libby". It has tons of audio and digital books, depending on what your local library has cataloged in the system.)
● Dance like nobody's watching
● Look up interesting facts about your favorite animal (Bearded Dragons have a third "eye" on the back of their head. It senses light and shadow so they can detect if something is coming up behind them)
● Do a cartwheel
● Write a poem
● Do you have a favorite character in some sort of media? Write a funny situation they find themselves in
● Learn how to knit or crochet
● Make a friendship bracelet
● Or even...make Gyoza at 1:00 in the morning
Life is meant to be enjoyed! So find something new that makes you happy!
God Bless!

Anyone know what these things are called?
I used to use them a lot as a kid and we just called them mushrooms. But now I found a few with some old knitting stuff and wanted to google what one can make with them exept long snake like thingies but I can’t google them because idk what they are called...

TommyIsntIt but small and chrosheted (still annoying)

Yay! I finished my Hunter bandana! Currently being modelled by the lovely Stanly. unfortunately, I sewed the skull on the wrong side… despite using a reference. I don’t know weather to blame my dyspraxia or my dyslexia but I know one of them did this. it’s fine I just flipped the photo.