he/him-22 y/o

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TW:Body Horror

TW:Body horror

TW:Body Horror
TW:Body Horror

Frey is literally perfect for this trend so I had an obligation

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More Posts from Thenocarts

1 year ago

That's it, I'm killing myself

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1 year ago

Hey so I get why you would think this, but this viewpoint is actually really harmful for 3 reasons

1- it turns transness as a whole into it's own thing, it alienates trans women from womanhood and trans men from manhood, not even like separately, it turns everyone under the trans umbrella into the same thing (think the thingies that make you choose your gender online and it's like; male, female, transgender) that is obviously a very small minded way to view gender and all it's complexities so maybe we shouldn't reverse ingeneer it

2-It has some biphobic/panphobic/omniphobic undertones, as it's afraid to be seen as straight as that would erase the queerness of it all, Wich it isn't, it's okay to be in a straight relationship, you're still queer (and I get why that would be a feeling, often people attack those in a straight relationship despide their queerness) the people are still queer, the relationship is not

3-it lead up to a very dangerous road, this is baby terf ideology in it's core,I don't think anyone here is dumb enough to fall into the pipeline, but who knows dude, it starts as this and ends up as "well technically you still got those bits"

It is completely fine for anyone to call themselves gay if they're queer, because it has become a general word for queerness, but if you don't at least aknowlege that you're in a straight relationship, you're treating transness as an alien thing, if you wouldn't call a relationship between a man and a woman gay why would you call this one that? , It's a complex topic yes, and this does not apply to anyone who isn't a trans binary person as that's just free road, anything can happen there and it's cool, but with binary trans people it gets bad really easily when you start treating trans men and women differently from cis men and women

Also another point is that whenever I see people like this in the wild it's often a cis person with a trans person that isn't having a medical transition , so that's kinda sus in my eyes (not that there's anything wrong with not wanting to transition medically, but you know, kinda weird isn't it?)

gender and sexuality is a fickle thing. sometimes two gay cisgender men will be dating for decades and one of them will turn out to be a transgender woman. a lot of times that won't work out but sometimes it will. her partner may still choose to identify as gay. She might even identify as gay, and they continue to be happily in love. Queer politics isn't going to get any better if you don't accept that situations like that happen every day.

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1 year ago

I'm sorry I nuzzled your chest, while purring for 45min. That wasn't very Twisted Creature from the Deep Torments Your Every Waking Moment of me. Do you still think I'm Incomprehensible?

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1 year ago

Okay so clearly you didn't understand what I was getting at, I understand the fluidity of gender and labels, I myself am very fluid in my gender, as I do not have a label put to myself besides trans most of the time ,but this specific type of thinking, as I said, makes transness as a whole it's own gender, Wich alienates trans binary people, same thing as saying oh well it's trans women and women, it makes a difference between the two, Wich is as you know not a very good thing to do, I am just saying that you shouldn't treat a relationship with a man and a woman differently from one in witch one of the parties is trans because that leaves a bad mouth taste that leads to very ugly places Wich envolver genitalia fans and fetishizing (+terfs are not the ones that divide and conquer, those are the conservatives)

what I meant by that this doesn't apply to non-binary people is that MY whole rant didn't apply, because well, there's never been as many open and proud non-binaru people as these days, so anything like labels and stuff like that do not matter, because well, you all are outside of that whole thing, a trans femme could be with a cis gay guy and that would be gay as hell for me, because the trans femme is outside of the binary of gender

Also if labels don't matter and they're so in love that they can accept the fact that they're now with a woman instead of a man, why would they be so set in stone in defining as gay?, I'm just saying, that's a little weird as someone who has had experiences with people who say they respect my gender but they really don't

Labels should be feeble, but not in a way that is hurtful towards the people you supposedly love

gender and sexuality is a fickle thing. sometimes two gay cisgender men will be dating for decades and one of them will turn out to be a transgender woman. a lot of times that won't work out but sometimes it will. her partner may still choose to identify as gay. She might even identify as gay, and they continue to be happily in love. Queer politics isn't going to get any better if you don't accept that situations like that happen every day.

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1 year ago

I love you grandmother who helped me pin a trans flag to my battle vest, I love you leather daddies checking on us, I love you trans dykes driving the forklift loaded with water and ice, I love you queer kids in your renfair outfits, I love you faggot punks sizing up the cops, I love you drag queens laughing in the dressing room, I love you i love you I love you I love y

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