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A Quiet Moment || Jonathan Levy X Fem!Reader

A Quiet Moment || Jonathan Levy x fem!Reader

A Quiet Moment || Jonathan Levy X Fem!Reader

Summary: when Jonathan returns from work, you and he share some quiet and sweet moments

Warnings: none

Word count: 1659

Author: Fenrir & Cass

A Quiet Moment || Jonathan Levy X Fem!Reader

Loneliness became more like solitude as time passed.

Your life had been filled with loneliness for as long as you could remember. Because there were so many exams and subjects that were so boring that it was sometimes easier to fall asleep on your books than learn from them, being a history student didn't help me have a rich social life. Your entire life changed when you met Jonathan, the philosophy professor. Those lectures were so captivating that you were surprised at how quickly time passed.

Your friendship blossomed into something more; a genuine, serious relationship bloomed like a flower.

When you heard the lock on your door screech with the spare key, you were overjoyed. You dropped your pen, dashed downstairs, and jumped into the arms of a man as soon as he removed his coat.

"Hello there," Jonathan softly greeted you, wrapping his arm around your petite waist. It was actually nice to return to a place where he could relax and be greeted with some affection. Maybe the whole thing wasn't smart or acceptable, but this was where he felt good. This was exactly what he needed to do to feel completely satisfied. He kissed your temple after putting the bag down, keeping you close. "Are you still awake? I was certain I'd find you in bed."

"I've been studying for a history exam and have decided not to sleep until you get home. Are you hungry and thirsty? I made zucchini lasagne."

"I told you not to sit or wait for me for too long. You should rest before the exam," he reminded you as he led you into the kitchen. "Would you like to eat with me?"

"Wash your hands and get comfortable. I'll heat everything!" You joyfully exclaimed. "Tea? Or beer?"

"I'll just go get some water. You appear to be in a good mood today. Did something happen while I was away? Is there any good news?" Jonathan washed his hands while watching you rush around the kitchen. He grabbed the glass and filled it with water before sitting down at the table, pushing glasses up.

"I got an A in European history," you said with a smile. "I didn't get the highest possible score, but that's irrelevant." You quickly served the lasagne and grabbed your portion to join him at the table.

"I'm glad to hear it, and I must add 'I told you so,' because the day before you were freaking out about European history," Jonathan chuckled, remembering how scared you were despite the fact that there was no reason for it. "Is there anything else I should know?"

"Your ex-wife called you. A few times, actually. She left a message for you."

Jonathan came to a halt with his food, staring at you.

He nodded, sighing deeply. "I hope she was pleasant. Did she explain why she called again?"

"No, these are 'your things,' and she 'will not be speaking with a third wheel about your private matters,' yeah?" You informed him simply.

He frowned again, adjusting his glasses. "Did she call you that, or did you interpret what she said?"

"I quoted her," you said, your tone a little sad. "I mean, I don't pay attention to her bragging, as you suggested, but it's annoying."

"I know it is," he nodded, reaching for your hand and gently pulling it closer to kiss your knuckles. "I promise I'll talk to her so she doesn't call here and remember, you're not the third wheel for me."

"Are you certain... I sometimes feel ridiculous for falling in love with you..."

"How come?"

"You're the professor, a promising man. And me? Just another dull student."

Jonathan sighed and pushed his chair back. "Please come here," he said quietly, grabbing your hand with the one he was still holding.

You took an offended position on his lap, instinctively putting a strand of your hair behind his ear. "You know what I'm like. I'm a little overwhelmed."

"I know, but I've also told you numerous times that there's no reason for you to," wrapping his arms around your waist, he reminded you. "Do you think I'd be here if you were just a boring student?"

With a shrug and tilt of your head, you replied, "I don't think so, Jonathan."

"So, why are you saying all of this?" He asked you again, and when he didn't get an answer, he kissed your shoulder. "You are more than a student. You are much more to me than that. I've told you this before, Y/N. I adore you."

You laughed as you wrapped your arms around his neck. "You know I love you, baby, and I fell hard for you," you assured, resting your forehead against his and rubbing your nose against his.

His hand pressed against your nape, keeping you close. "You are a safe haven for me. There is no other place where I feel more at ease. I had a difficult day, but it improved when I returned home to you."

"Do you really mean it, love?" You inquired, nuzzling the back of his neck.

"Of course I'm serious. Why would I deceive you?"

"I never stated that you lied to me."

"Because you ask such a question, it means you don't believe me or doubt my words," he concluded with raised eyebrows.

"I just don't feel like I'm enough."

"You are more than sufficient. I wouldn't be here if you weren't sufficient," Jonathan kissed your cheek and nodded. "Now. Let's eat and then go to bed."

You pressed your lips to his cheek before returning to your seat to finish your meal.

Jonathan eventually began to eat as well. He was always a fan of your cooking. He helped you clean up after the meal and then accompanied you to your bedroom. He smiled as he saw the state of the bed.

Your laptop, books, and notebooks were all turned on, but the most intriguing thing was that his pillow was among them. "Someone missed me."

You began to remove your belongings from the bed in an attempt to conceal your blush. "You know how much I enjoy having you here with me, so I like to have your scent linger on me whenever I'm alone."

He picked up one of the books and handed it to you, laughing "Prepare the bed while I go take a shower. We can then cuddle. Does that sound right?"

You responded with a nod of eagerness.

He kissed you quickly and then went into the bathroom.

You made the bed, changed into fitted shorts and an oversized t-shirt, climbed aboard, and waited for your man to join you.

Jonathan finally joined you in bed after a half-hour wait. He sat on the bed and placed his glasses on the nightstand before falling asleep. "Come here."

Your head was instantly placed to his chest, where you placed a few tiny kisses. "Hi."

"Hello there," he hummed, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you closer. "Would you like me to spoon you? I know you enjoy it."

You simply nodded. "But not yet, because I'll fall asleep right away."

"Is that a bad thing? You require rest, especially after such intensive study."

"Let me store as much as I can with you."

"You cuddly, little Y/N," Jonathan chuckled as he squeezed you tight. "I was just thinking about something."


"One weekend, we can just pack our belongings and go somewhere for three days. We can even bring Ava along, if Mira would let me. I'm sure you like her," he explained his concept. "The entire weekend, away from it all."

You rolled to your back and nodded with heart eyes. "When?! I want to! Ava is a wonderful girl!"

"I'm not sure yet. We'll need to plan it, as well as find a nice hotel and some interesting places to visit, make a hotel reservation," Jonathan shook his head.

You simply nodded. "I'll look into it tomorrow."

Jonathan laughed, nodding his head. "So eager. I am not going to stop you."

"You're too cute."

"Me? You're the cute one here."

"Thanks," you replied. "Do you think your wife will let Ava with us? She doesn't like me."

"It shouldn't be a problem, in my opinion. When I take her on my weekend trip, she will have nothing to say," Jonathan kissed your head while shrugging. "But don't be concerned, pretty little head. Mira and I will deal with it."

"That woman is beyond my comprehension. She was the first to pursue a younger man."

"Believe it or not, I don't understand her either, but I'm used to it."


He hummed in response.

"What do you think, maybe one day we could consider... If we'll be together long enough... Having a... I feel silly."

"Say it."

"A baby. I mean a baby."

Jonathan rolled onto his side, drawing you in closer.

"Y/N. You don't have to ask me about this," he said quietly, moving a strand of hair behind your ear. "I told you openly that I still wanted a baby and agreed to wait until you were ready."

You simply nodded. "Seeing your little girl makes me want to have a baby, but I'm not sure I'd be a good mother, having a child is a huge responsibility. And the last thing I want to do is disappoint you."

"I saw you with Ava, and from what I saw, I know you'll be a great mom," he said, cuddling you. "You won't be alone in this."

A deep sigh escaped your lips as you nestled in his arms.

"I adore you and am confident that you will excel," Jonathan held you close and whispered.

You closed your eyes and listened to his heartbeat, which made you feel more at ease than before.

"Now. Just relax and don't think about it. You require it." Then he turned to his nightstand and switched off the lamp.

A Quiet Moment || Jonathan Levy X Fem!Reader
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More Posts from Thepaperpanda

2 years ago

“Mine. Only mine.” || Leto Atreides x Reader Smut

Mine. Only Mine. || Leto Atreides X Reader Smut

gif made by Cass - please credit us if you use the gif.

Summary:  The time is finally right for Leto to claim you as his.

Warnings: graphic smut without plot & well… Duke Leto (how is it possible for a man to be that handsome?!)

Word count: circa 2140

Pairing: Leto Atreides x reader

Authors: Fenrir & Cass

Mine. Only Mine. || Leto Atreides X Reader Smut

After the door to the bathroom closed, Duke rested his blanched hands on the edge of the countertop and closed his eyes. 

Within his bathroom, you were removing your clothes and allowing the warm water to splash against your naked skin. The fragrance of his soap was going to linger on your skin and in your wet hair. His hitched breathing was exacerbated by hazy images of you scrubbing your breasts and the length of your legs. Leto's trousers tightened as he thought about the peaks of your breasts, the way your fingers moved within the tightness between your thighs. Leto hadn't touched a woman for a long time; being a Duke of one of the Noble Houses was an incredibly significant role to play, and he barely had spare time. He married you for political reasons. There was never a proper time to consume the marriage, to claim you as his, and as Duke Leto Atreides was a man of honor, he wasn't inclined to push you. Spending time together meant having short conversations at breakfast or supper, saying goodnight once you were long asleep when he returned from important meetings, or just holding hands a little during official parties or meetings. However, the mere thought of your perfect skin and slight curves of your hips and waist was enough to drive him wild.

Under his uncomfortable pants, his cock hardened as his thoughts became clouded with you. He brought his palm onto the throbbing bulge, a small whimper falling from his mouth as he pressed down. A pulse of dull pleasure ran through his body as he rubbed himself over his clothes, drawing his lower lip between his teeth to muffle the threatening sounds. Duke wondered whether you were going to open the bathroom door and see him frantically jerking himself over a risque thought about you.

Although the warm water and your own touch felt wonderful on your skin, they couldn't compare to Duke's. You didn't experience much of it, but from what you did, you could tell you loved it already. Being a considerate wife, you understood that Leto Atreides was a busy man. Instead of pushing him, you gratefully accepted whatever he gave you. It was silly, but you fall for the Duke. It was just a political ploy, which made you feel silly. Though it was your duty, not a pleasure, you were completely charmed by Duke's looks and behavior toward you. Leto was respectful and caring. He always made sure you felt comfortable in every moment he spent with you or even when he was away. It was nearly impossible not to fall for this man.

You finished your shower and walked out of it to dry yourself, smiling at the soft scent lingering on your skin. It was his scent after all. Once you had dried your hair as much as possible, you wrapped the soft towel around your body. You took a deep breath and left the bathroom, not knowing what to expect.

His breath wavered as he fumbled for his buckle and unzipped himself, pushing the material of his briefs to the back of his thighs. A dreary relief filled his mind as he slowly pumped himself. There was a bathroom door between you and him, preventing you from seeing the leaking cock he held in his shaky hand. Before he continued yanking, he placed his hand in his mouth and gently licked it with his tongue. Moans emanated from his open mouth, gentle breaths, and whiny whimpers as he decided to take more comfortable position by sitting on the edge of his bed. As he jerked his hips and dragged his tongue against his bottom lip, he threw his head back. He thought about your fingers soaking into your tight pussy as the shower's waterfall drenched your skin. He imagined the soft moans you would make as he kissed the softness of your breasts, his tongue memorizing your taste as it touched your nipple. Your ass would be squeezed tightly after he sucked on your fingers, the taste of your pussy glistening on his tongue as he moved his fingers across your soaking folds. He wanted you to clench around him as you rubbed his curly hair, his name slipping from your lips.

Since you were barefoot, you left the bathroom quietly. At the unexpected sounds that came from Leto himself, I immediately perked up. Evidently, you weren't the only one who was impatient for any kind of contact. As luck would have it, Duke sat with his back to you on the edge of the bed. It was obvious what he was doing. As you slowly approached the bed, you climbed on it, sitting right behind him. Your only response to his attempt to turn around was a whisper. "Don't move." Your palm rested on his shoulder as your other hand moved down his still-covered chest.

A shiver ran down his spine as he was unaware you had joined him in the bedroom. While he did not respond out loud, he gave a nod to your whisper and leaned into the touch.

As you hummed, you kissed his shoulder before moving to his neck until you reached his ear. Your deep voice whispered, "Undress for me, my love."

Though he wasn't used to being given orders by women, you had control over him; after all, you were a Bene Gesserit sister. After he undressed and tossed his clothing on the marble floor, the Duke looked down at you, gazing into your eyes.

"Sit back down, just like a moment ago." You ordered, patting the place where he had been sitting.

Despite his reluctance, he followed your order.

"There's no need to give me that face." You chuckled as he sat back down beside you. As you moved closer, you wrapped your arms around his waist, nuzzling his shoulder. "I waited so long to finally be alone with you like this," your hand slowly moved up his chest, gently touching his skin as your other hand wrapped around his shaft. "But shall I be offended that my dear husband started without me?"

The moaning came out of his parted lips as Leto rolled his head down, resting its back on your shoulder. "I couldn't help myself, Y/N. Just thinking about you drove me insane."

Kissing him on the cheek, you purred softly. As your small palm moved up and down his cock, your other hand caressed his stomach. "I wouldn't mind if you joined me in the shower, love."

"I could, indeed." His body wash was already oozing from your wet body. This did not help his situation. “God, yes.” The words escaped his reddened lips before he could even think of what was happening. Your hand was gently massaging him, and your pretty mouth was looming closer to his.

With a soft smile on your lips, you whispered, "I waited so long for you and you never claimed me as yours. The image of you and my own hands wasn't enough when you were leaving me all alone here. I couldn't wait for your cock to stretch me out. I couldn't wait to yell your name so loud that everyone here knows that I belong to you."

The man's thoughts were erratic as he tasted your lips and tentatively caressed your tongue. "As I heard all of the sisters are skilled, I presume you can take care of your needs."

You kissed him softly and focused fully on his cock before saying, "You heard right but my hands can't compare to your touch, love. I was sure you knew this." You teased his tip with your thumb. You continued to massage his balls with the hand that was caressing his chest.

Leto rolled his head back and turned his head; he was kissing you, entangling his fingers in your hair as you touched his cock. "Fuck. Take off that towel."

Having asked so nicely, you gave him one last kiss before moving away and further down the bed. As you sat down, you removed your towel and threw it aside, presenting yourself fully to him.

Your naked body was scanned with administration by his eyes. "You're so perfect."

"Thank you," you whispered, moving your hand down your body. "It's all yours."

He touched your curve, repeating, "All mine."

"All yours. Till death separates us." You reminded him. Grabbing his wrist, you gently pulled him closer so you could cup his cheeks. Your thumbs caressed them. "My Duke. So strong, so perfect. Kiss me and claim me as yours only. I am begging you, love."

His lips quickly found yours, crushing on them.

You chuckled as you kissed him deeply, "No need to be so gentle with me, love. I am all yours, and I don't bite." You chuckled as you kissed him deeply. 

He towered over you fully as soon as you lied down on the bed. A boyish smile appeared on his lips as he reached for your breasts and squeezed the mounds. He tentatively pinched your nipples as you gasped, fearing that he had somehow hurt you. Your expression revealed pure bliss when he looked up at you. His hands gently caressed your stomach, hips, and thighs. When you inevitably left his room tomorrow morning, he didn't want to forget how you felt or what your skin felt like. With elation in his eyes, his fingers stopped over your pussy. Leto's hands moved back and forth across your stomach, his calloused hands caressing your hip before inserting two fingers into your pussy.

As your hand grabbed his shoulder, you gasped and let out a whimper. You already felt full from his fingers, and you wondered how full you would feel later. Rolling your hips in excitement, you purred loudly.

His fingers pumped as he flicked his tongue across your clit, gently sucking as you throbbed on his fingers. He curled his fingers soon after. Your body moved against him as you moaned his name like a desperate prayer, nearly begging with dwelling tears as his confidence soared. Every night he would have fallen on his knees and pleaded with whoever answered his prayers to let him taste you again, for you tasted like the forbidden fruit, dangerously intoxicating.

While arching your back, you moved your hand into his thick curls to pull them. Every time he touched you, you sang. "Oh, please have mercy on me, Leto!"

Despite the fact that it drove him crazy, he loved it so much. With his cock in hand, he stroked the shaft a few times before guiding it to your entrance and digging his hips deep into your body.

It didn't take Leto long to intertwine his fingers with yours. The sound of his cock gliding in and out of you made you hear how wet you were, which was a sound filthy enough to drive your senses wild. The sound of his skin slapping against yours in a quickening pace coupled with both of you being desperate for release. After eating you out, Duke was so irritable that he knew he wouldn't last long. It was heaven for him to feel your cunt swallow his length with such ease, pulsing around it.

Every time you held his hand, your grip grew tighter. You were turned on more by the sounds of skin hitting skin, your moans mixed with his groans. The climax was near, you could feel it as your walls tightened around his cock.

One of his arms slid under your back to pull your upper body closer to his chest. His thrusts became more violent soon as he increased his pace.

“Oh, sweet Y/N.” As he finally came, Leto grunted deeply, looking down to where your bodies had become one. Hot cords of cum spilled deep inside of you, which felt so right. While your cunt milked his twitching cock, Duke kissed your shoulder and then buried his face in your neck, completely driven by bliss.

With your nails marking his back, you finished with him, screaming his name so loudly that everyone probably heard you.

Instead of pulling away from you just yet, he laid on top of you, kissing your cheeks and neck.

Wrapping your leg around his waist, you kept him close. With a gentle stroke of his hair, you whispered, "Now I can call myself fully your wife. I think everybody heard me..."

"My guards definitely did."

As you kissed his cheek, you laughed, blushing slightly. "Then I hope they enjoyed it as much as I did."

Leto's brows furrowed a little, but shortly after he offered you a soft grin and whispered in your ear, "You are mine. Only mine. You’ll fell me stroking slowly inside of you every night as I whisper to you that you are only mine."

Mine. Only Mine. || Leto Atreides X Reader Smut

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2 years ago

Una experiencia inolvidable || Jake Lockley x fem!Reader

Una Experiencia Inolvidable || Jake Lockley X Fem!Reader

Summary: in response to your complaints about Jake not taking you out like your ‘friends' boyfriends, he arranges an unforgettable date for you

Warnings: smut, minors DNI! (oral - f & m receiving, unprotected sex, some manhandling)

Word count: 3670

Pairing: Jake Lockley x fem!Reader

Authors: Cass & Rouge

A/N: orange italics - Jake speaking Spanish

Una Experiencia Inolvidable || Jake Lockley X Fem!Reader

Jake was under stress. There had been too much happening recently and it was time to let go of everything that was sitting inside him. He decided it would be a wise idea to take care of two things at once. This was because you have complained for at least a week now about him not taking you out like your friends' boyfriends did. You'd stop bothering him and he'd feel better. Once Jake entered your apartment, he loudly announced, "We are going out, so better get ready, princesa."

A soft frown appeared on your surprised face as you put down the book you'd been reading. "Where are we going?"

Jake crossed his arms over his chest and said, "You'll see once we get there so move that pretty ass of yours or I'll go there alone or pick a random girl to go with me."

You rolled off the couch, a slight frown on your face. "That's not a joke. You know I despise it when you try to irritate me. Please allow me a few minutes to change."

"I was expecting you to be delighted that I finally took you on a date like all your friends' boyfriends do."

You almost jumped in your place. "So it's a date, huh? I'm overjoyed now, but I still despise you for being such a teasing fucker, Jake, jumping on with all those I can go out and take a random girl nonsense, do you understand? Wait here."

As Jake waited at you, he rested his back against the wall.


You returned dressed in jeans shorts, and a fitted t-shirt. "Ready," you said as you extended your hand to him.

He grabbed your hand and immediately kissed it, pulling you closer. "You got ready faster than usual, maybe I should use the word date more often as a motivator."

You kissed his cheek briefly before pulling him behind you. "Come on, baby! I'm looking forward to seeing where you'll take me this time. Our last date was almost a month ago. I enjoy it when you surprise me."

"Eventually, you will stop whining and telling me where Alex took Jessica last week," Jake commented with a shrug.

As you walked down the street, you gently poked his side before wrapping your arm around his waist. "Come on, he takes such good care of her, demonstrating how much he cares for her."

"I am still here. This should be the most fitting manifestation of my love for you," Lockley muttered, pulling your head closer to place a kiss on your temple.

You were taken to a bar by Jake. There was more to the bar than just drinking; a pool table and dart board were the first things that caught the eye of anyone who walked through the front door. "¿Qué piensas?"

"Me gusta, este lugar," you replied softly, taking a look around, still holding Jake's hand. "I'll order something. Do you drink as usual?"

"Yeah, the usual. Go place the order. I will go get the pool table before someone gets there. It's time to teach you how to play," he concluded, patting your ass with his calloused hand.

With a brief kiss placed on his cheek, you nodded and proceeded to order two drinks - vodka with juice for you and whiskey with ice for him.

Jake waited for you at the pool table. He smiled, seeing you joining him. "So, ready to play? I can't wait to kick your cute, round butt."

"I've never played before, so you'll have to tell me the rules," you said as you handed him a glass of whiskey. "In fact, I can't wait to see you play."

Jake raised an eyebrow as he picked up the billiard cue. Then you lied to me. Once I asked you about it, you said you had played before."


"Ok, you got me, I lied. I held a cue and even hit a billiard ball but that was all."

"Grab the cue and I will show you everything."


You picked one and stood next to him, awaiting instructions. Your cheek was kissed by Jake as he began his little lesson with you.

In addition to explaining the rules of the most simple game to you, he also told you everything else you needed to know about the equipment and the game in general.

During Jake's demonstration of how to properly play, he touched or kissed you just a little bit; he just couldn't stop himself. Jake decided to be a good boyfriend for once and let you win your first actual game. "Go on, aim for 8, get it in the hole and you're done."

"Oh my God," you lamented. It's ridiculous that these tables are so high! If I knew, I'd wear high heels!" You smiled at Jake as you settled into the most comfortable position, practically laying your chest on the top of the table with one leg yanked over the edge. You took aim and struck the right ball, sending it straight into the hole. "Did you notice that, baby? I finished it!"

"Yeah! ¡Tú ganas! Estoy tan orgullosa, mi niña inteligente," he praised eagerly with a nod. ”Now, come here, you will get something for that win."

Jumping like a bunny, you picked up your glass to empty it. "I did it! I did it! You're the coolest teacher, baby!"

"Nah, you are just a really intelligent student," the man chuckled, grabbing your chin to pull you into a kiss which was your well-deserved reward.

You wrapped arms around his strong neck, kissing him lightly. Jake tasted like the whiskey he drank while watching you play, but you didn't mind. "I love you, you're the best boyfriend."

"You are the cutest girlfriend, cariño," after kissing your nose, he gently spanked your ass. "One more drink and game?"

You blushed when he spanked your ass but nodded eagerly. "Yes, please. I'll place the order."

"I'll set the table. Be aware, little one! I won't take you easy this time," Jake warned.

The game ended in a very unexpected way - Jake won easily with you. A smug smile spread across his face as he emptied his glass. ”Te lo advertí, cariño. Now I deserved a prize."

With a sad whimper, you nodded your head. "What would you like to get, love?"

"Sólo un beso va a estar bien," he said, wrapping arm around your waist.

With a grin spreading over your lips, you wrapped your hands around his neck, climbed on your tiptoes, and crushed your lips on his rough ones, almost moaning at his taste.

"Keep those sounds for later," Jake teasingly nuzzled his nose against yours. Would you like to try darts? Does the thought of me kicking your pretty butt again make you nervous?”


"We can bet I will win. I am a pro at darts!"

"Oh, really? We will see. Go start then. I really want to see that."

As you jumped to the dartboard and picked a few darts, you took aim and fired, getting almost a bullseye.

Nodding at your successful first attempt, Jake watched with arms crossed over his chest.

He could easily win, after all, he was skilled at throwing knives and other things, but Jake was a good boyfriend as well, so he let you win at least for tonight.

You were as happy as a child given candy by their parents. Becoming snuggly was your way of manifesting happiness.

Any hug you wanted to give Jake, he gladly accepted. As he smiled cockily, he requested another round, which he lost as well.

After the game, you sat with him at the table, drinking yet another drink. "It was a perfect night."

Would you mind stopping pestering me with stories about your friends and their guys?"


"Take me out more often, and I'll do my best to follow your request."

I guess it's a fair deal," Jake sighed deeply before kissing you passionately.


When Jake kissed you, you felt a chill run down your spine. "Are you angry?"

"It is true, I am, a tad."


"Let's go shopping to get some snacks and alcohol at the store. If you want to get home, I'll follow your every step," you told him eagerly, a mischievous grin dancing on your lips as you knew what he had in mind, basing on his darkening eyes.

Jake nodded his head, picked you up, and spanked you not so gently. Squeezing your ass cheek, he chuckled, "Now it's time for my part of the date."

Una Experiencia Inolvidable || Jake Lockley X Fem!Reader

As soon as the front door of your flat was closed behind the two of you, Jake promised, "I'll make you feel good tonight, baby." He wrapped his strong arms around you from behind, pressing your back to his chest.

You could feel his mound growing larger and larger. You wished to open his trousers and see what lay beneath, on the spot. A pretty moan escaped the man's lips as he threw his head back. 

You bit back a cry as Jake rutted his hips, a smirk spreading across his lips as you burned bright with embarrassment. It seemed that his flirting attempts were working. The redness spread down your ears, neck, and shoulders. 

"Cheeky," Jake cooed as he pulled your jeans shorts off as well as your panties, running curious hands down your pale legs and marveling at how pretty and small they looked against his slightly tanned, big palm. "You're so pretty, baby. So so beautiful. This is all for me. They're mine for tonight."

Jake picked you up easily and walked to the couch with you in his arms. Only then did he set you down and laid down, with you straddling him flippantly. He grabbed your waist, pulling you upwards as he said, "Fuck my face, baby. Come up here, I want to taste you first."

A thrill ran down your spine as you inched forward, passing his waist, up to his well-built torso, and hesitated slightly when you hovered above his neck. Jake's hands guided you, his fingers grabbing your hips tightly. Looking down at your boyfriend, you nibbled your lip ring in worry and awkwardness. In the end, you nodded as you lifted your hips and slowly lowered yourself to Jake's mouth, where he caught you whole. As you let out a sigh of delight, your body shivered, and your eyes closed as you surrendered to pleasure without reservation. As Jake squeezed your ass once again, he made himself comfortable by hooking his arms over your wide hips.

As you relaxed, Jake could feel your thighs slacken, making it easier to reach your pussy. He let his tongue drag across, from one end to the other, listening to your quivers, sighs and moans attentively. He let himself explore, taking his sweet time as his tongue licked, prodded, and swirled against the sensitive flesh of yours.

As Jake flicked his tongue against your clit, you gasped and made a mumble as you ground your hips, letting Jake taste everything. "Your tongue feels so delicious," you said, rocking your hips slowly again while gasping. You wanted him to remember your scent.

"You're doing just fine, daddy," you whispered. "Let your tongue go a tad to the left there, just like that."

Listening to your instructions made Jake feel intrigued. As he focused on you, he gripped your waist, trying to hear the lewdest sounds you could make. Every breath, every shiver, and every sound you made was tailored to his movements, and Jake let you take charge.

In response to the alcohol and adrenaline coursing through your veins, you adjusted your legs and raised your torso in order to get a better angle for resting your hands on Jake's chest. As you rutted and rolled your hips more, Jake helped you prop yourself up and a lewd moan rippled out of your lips. "Oh God, daddy!" You whined loudly, rolling your head back.

Your every thrust was met with Jake's tongue thrusting in, matching every movement, as he watched in fascination. It was so beautiful to see you above him. You shifted your position once again, this time hunched forward, thrusting into his mouth at a brutal pace as you quickened the pace. "Yes, yes!" You groaned and shivered. "So fucking good!"

Obviously, by this point, you were purely motivated by pleasure, and you didn't care what happened after this. You didn't care how you looked or how you sounded. There was a white-hot burning sensation filling up your navel, and you just wanted to chase it, chase the high you were feeling right now.

Grabby hands squeezed and slapped your ass hard, but you didn't mind - you enjoyed every minute of it. "Jake," you moaned. The white-hot pressure was begging to be released. It felt so good, you were about to combust. "Oh, Jake!!!" You heard a muffled reply, so you claimed within a shallow tone, "Jake, I wanna cum."

A broad-shouldered man loomed over you with an evil glint in his eye before you could comprehend. "I'm gonna fuck you like never before," he warned. When your legs were thrown open, the white-hot pressure against your navel tightened. "And you're gonna take all of me,” Jake said, undoing his trausers and pushing them down along with his fitted, black boxer shorts.

When you slipped your glance down his body and saw the size and girth of his delicious dick, you gasped loudly, slowly licking your lower lip; oh, how you lowed this sight!

As he angled his dick to you, you felt your breath catch in your throat as he pulled you down to him. Your wetness allowed his dick to enter you with ease, and fill you up whole making you moan.

You let out a soft groan, closing your eyes as you sank onto the couch cushion, slipping hands down your body to lift your t-shirt along with a bra, to gain access to your round breasts to give them a soothing massage.

Jake watched you like a hawk. He could feel you twitching; your soft insides were clenching and unclenching, it was enough to drive him over the edge. It was the right time to drive you crazy. His grasp on your hips tightened to the point you could be sure he would leave some bruises on your pale skin.

"You're such a naughty girl tonight," Jake crooned as he pulled out, watching you gasping while thrusting back into you hard; every single movement was made with a watchful eye. "There was no doubt in my mind that you could handle me completely, Y/N."

Throughout your entire being, you felt his dick buried deep within you. You felt so full, so sated and you still craved more. “I need more…”

Jake grinned as his dick twitched at your command. Grinning, he cupped your breasts, squeezing them and rubbing your nipples with his thumbs and index fingers. 

As you squirmed underneath his grip, he started moving his hips a little. Both movements were synchronized.

He grinned again as he obliged your request. He grabbed your legs, and picked them up, placing them on his strong shoulders. "Hold your legs open for me, darling," he ordered.

You moaned incoherently as Jake started to buck his hips into yours. His dick moved in and out of you so smoothly. Your pussy accepted his girth so easily, and you marveled at how adorable his dick looked coated in your wetness. You watched as his thumb was brought to your pussy and started rubbing your clit viciously.

"Harder!" You begged in a weak voice.

He thrust into you even harder, the sound of his balls slapping onto your ass was loud as fuck, and your cries were escalating louder and louder; your begging was starting to turn into mewls and mumbles so he knew you were in the right place. One of your hands slid in-between your thighs to stimulate your clit, your breathing getting higher and higher in pitch.

"Tienes coñito prieto,” Jake grunted deeply. “Eres una puta, Y/N.”

“Jake! I’m gonna fucking cum!” You whined loudly, a deep gasp followed.

"Are you gonna cum for me, Y/N?"


Jake pulled out, grabbed you, and turned you around, pulling your ass up so he could fuck you doggy style. You were a spluttering mess as he thrust into you without warning, your hands grabbing hold of the armrest of the couch as you were fucked by a damn good dick.

“Fuck, Jake!” You moaned loudly, slipping one of your hands in-between your thighs once again to rub your clitoris.

As Lockley let his dick satisfy you, getting deeper and deeper with every heinous thrust, he grabbed your silky hair with one hand and your throat with the other so you were half-bent, hovering above the couch. He licked your ear and bit into the earlobe gently. "Ahora eres toda mía. Say it, princesa."

“I’m yours, Jake!”

As he fastened his pace, he laughed at your words and tightened his grip on your throat.

Jake was fueled by your cries, knowing that you were riding your pleasure. Continuing his fast pace, he watched your body tremble and twitch with each passing wave before slowing down and pulling out completely, letting you drop back onto the couch. His dick was rock hard and twitching, but he was elated that you had your orgasm. 

Panting from the orgasm, you perked up suddenly, your eyes flitting across his body until they settled on the still rock-hard dick. You licked your lips and swallowed the saliva. 

Your eagerness led you to sit down and make yourself comfortable on the couch. As you approached his dick, you ran a wet tongue along the shaft, earning a gasp from Lockley. Salty pre-cum tasted on your tongue as you moaned and bobbed your head, letting your tongue and jaw do all the work. Playing with his balls, you let your tongue run across the tip, sucking and gently biting the sensitive area before you went down on him again, filling his hard dick with the warmness of your mouth.

"Oh my god baby, your tongue feels so good," he groaned, slipping his hands in your hair.

Again, Jake groaned at you, and you smiled, glad that you could make him feel better. Sucking and swirling your tongue at the same time, you increased the pace. His hands were again reaching down to your head, and he grabbed your hair tighter than before, guiding you as he thrust into your mouth.

"You can take me, baby," he said softly as he thrust deeper and deeper.

You could feel the tip of his cock hitting the back of your throat. Your throat relaxed as you met his dark, brown eyes - allowing you to meet every deep thrust with ease. 

"You're doing good, eres buena chica esta noche, princesa."

Jake held your throat with one hand and the back of your neck with another and thrust deep, feeling his dick fill your throat. He stayed there for a few seconds, reveling in that feeling and pulled out as you started choking for breath. 

Jake laughed as he flopped onto the couch. "Ride me, baby," he said as he gestured for you to come on top of him. "Show me how good you are."

Grinning and not one to turn down a request, you climbed up on top of him, making your way towards his dick with a hand guiding you. As his dick filled you again, you closed your eyes and adjusted your legs before you began moving again, quickly taking your t-shirt and bra off, throwing them aside.

Putting your hands on his chest, you began to lift your hips, setting a rhythm you could follow as the squelches and moans filled the room. Jake simply let you do whatever you wanted now that you were in full control.

As you pecked his lips, your groans filled his ear as you trembled with pleasure. He gasped as you sucked his skin and swirled your tongue around before biting his throat. Not that he doesn't like it either, but you were getting feisty.

Keeping up with your movements, Jake held your hips as you shared a hot kiss, tongues battling for dominance before Jake took control, quickening the already fast pace. Throwing your head back, holding your breasts as you matched his thrusts, rolling your hips as he fucked you hard, you let out a cry.

As Jake pushed you onto the couch, deep inside you, he whispered, "¡Quiero hacer yo que te corras!"

Jake slammed into you once again when your legs wrapped around him. As gibberish escaped your pearly lips, you let out a cry, arching your back. He squeezed and kneaded your boobs as he fucked you. His thumbs flicked at your nipples, as his hips did God's work; his dick was pulsating in you and he never felt more alive and in the moment. As you met each thrust with a sheen of sweat, your skin shimmered in the dim light.

As you kept whining, your eyes rolled back, and your hips ground against his dick, Lockley grinned wryly. Watching you closely as you let out a cry, his hips stuttered and he milked your pussy with thick ropes of his warm cum as you convulsed. "Fuck you, princesa," Jake whispered, resting his forehead against the crook of your neck. “Te quiero, Y/N.”

You slipped your hand in his thick locks, gently scratching his scalp while kissing his temple. “I love you too, Jake. You’re the best to me. Thank you for making me feel alive again.”

“Siempre para servirle, mi amor,” Jake replied softly, cupping your cheeks in his hands to steal yet another kiss from you. “But if you complain about me as your boyfriend, I swear I won't be nice to you anymore.”

You chuckled softly, knowing well Lockley wasn’t joking. With a nod, you kissed his cheek. “I promise.”

Una Experiencia Inolvidable || Jake Lockley X Fem!Reader

Tags :
2 years ago

A Haircut || Kyojuro Rengoku x reader

A Haircut || Kyojuro Rengoku X Reader

gif made by Cass - please credit us if you use the gif.

Summary: Flame Hashira is in desperate need of a haircut after returning from a successful mission.

Warnings: none

Word count: 1024

Pairing: Kyōjurō Rengoku x fem!Reader

Authors: Cass & Fenrir A/N: a creation I found on Instagram served as inspiration for this fic ❤️ ~ Cass

A Haircut || Kyojuro Rengoku X Reader

You knew he'd be late, really late, but that didn't keep you from waiting. All you wanted to do after returning from a mission not long ago was see your love and mentor.

Since everyone else at Rengoku estate had fallen asleep a long time ago, you decided to sit on the egawa and read the book you bought on your way back. The weather was pleasant, and the soft light from the lantern made the wait bearable.

Kyōjurō's heavy footsteps could be heard on the porch. He walked slowly to the door, trying not to wake anyone, until he noticed you, sitting comfortably on egawa. "Y/N, is it late and you're not sleeping?"

"I couldn't wait to see you in the morning. I just missed you too much," as you said this, you lifted your head from the book and blinked, your brows furrowed. You were used to seeing him return in poor health; fighting demons wasn't easy, but this was the first time Kyōjurō looked like that. He stood there in front of you, his left cheek cut and still bleeding slightly, but what surprised you the most was that the hair on the same side was cut in a strange way. With his hair so uneven, he looked odd. "What occurred?"

"Nothing special. As you know, demons can be nasty," he smiled and pressed his hand against his bleeding cheek. "Don't worry, my hair will regrow and the cut will heal."

"I've been worried about you since the first time I saw you," you told him as you rose to your feet. "Let's go inside and deal with this cut."

Rengoku followed you inside, albeit reluctantly. "It's not necessary, Y/N."

"It is necessary for me. It's still gushing," you told him as you rolled your eyes, sitting him on the tatami mats. "It needs to be cleaned and covered. It'll only take a second."

He sat in the room, expecting you to come back with something to clean the cut on his cheek.

You soon returned with a small box containing everything required to treat his injury. You pressed a disinfectant-soaked cotton ball against his cheek. "It's a shame it also got your hair..."

"Apparently, sharp claws can have a very wide reach," Kyōjurō joked, shaking his head slightly. "Don't be concerned, it'll grow back soon."

"You should get a haircut then," you concluded with a smile. "I'm not going to let you walk around like that."

"No," he said, shaking his head with a wide grin on his lips. "This gorgeous, magnificent hair isn't going anywhere."

"Kyo? I adore you and your hair, but you look ridiculous in this. Because the demon only got to the left side, I cut your hair a little on the right side to make it even," you shrugged slightly, finishing with the wound by bandaging it.

"Not going to happen," he said as he rose from his seat and crossed his arms across his chest. "You must obey my words, Y/N, I am your mentor."

You gave him a gentle facepalm before looking up at him. "You're also my partner, and I don't want you acting like this. Kyōjurō, that looks bad."

"It looks good, and please don't cut my hair with scissors."

It was difficult to believe what he was saying because his left side had a large chunk of hair missing while the other side was nice and long. You nodded softly, there was no need to argue with him about it at that hour. "If you insist."

"I'll agree to it if it makes you happy."

As you stood up, you smiled. "I'll go get some scissors and a comb. Don't be concerned. I'm not going to cut all of your hair. You will look just as good with short hair as you would with long."

When you left, he mocked your tone, saying, "As perfect as with long hair." Rengoku trusted you with all of his heart, no matter how unhappy he was with his decision.

You returned a few minutes later with a mirror and other items you required. "Sit down and allow me to work."

He complied with your request. "Just be cautious with it. My hair is the most beautiful in the world. When did you return, by the way? Do you have any sweet potatoes? I'd eat something delicious."

"They are, as Tengen would say, flamboyant. Don't worry, I'll be cautious," you sat down next to him and began to gently comb his hair. "I returned this evening, arriving earlier than expected. Thanks to your instruction, I believe I am making progress. Senjuro specially prepared some sweet potatoes for you."

"What a wonderful, wonderful news!" He exclaimed enthusiastically. "When we're finished, we'll have a nice meal to share while we tell stories."

"Oh yes. I'm starving because I waited for your return with my meal," you nodded, grabbing scissors. "Are you prepared?"

"No, but let's have it done, because I'm tired and hungry," Rengoku said.

"I promise to be cautious. I'm not going to cut off your ear. I think," you made a joke and kissed his cheek before beginning to work on his hair. It hurt to cut his hair because you loved it so much, yet it had to be done.

You made the back shorter while keeping the front even and longer. Of course, you didn't dare to touch his adorable ponytail. When you were finished, you patted his shoulder. "Are you ready to see the final result?"

"No, but I'd like to get it done. Please show me the results."

You sat in front of him, rolling your eyes, and picked up the mirror. "What are your thoughts?"

Kyōjurō examined his new hairstyle carefully in the mirror. Actually, it didn't look so bad, but he knew he'd need some time to adjust. "Approved. You did an excellent job."

With a wide smile on your lips, you blushed. "I'm overjoyed you like it. You look stunning!"

"Thank you," Kyōjurō said as he wrapped his arms around you and rubbed his nose against yours. "You did an excellent job. Now! Let's eat something delicious!"

A Haircut || Kyojuro Rengoku X Reader

Tags :
2 years ago

The Loyal Priestess || Khonshu x fem!reader

The Loyal Priestess || Khonshu X Fem!reader

Summary: as a newly appointed priestess in Khonshu's temple, you hold a great deal of responsibility. On one night, the God of the Moon decides to visit his followers in response to their profound prayers 

Warnings: smut (deflowering)🔞 & the body of Marc is being taken over and fronted by Khonshu 

Word count: 3575

Author: Cass & Rouge

A/N: the green sentences refer to Khonshu's speaking

The Loyal Priestess || Khonshu X Fem!reader

It's an ancient ritual performed mostly by high priestesses because it was a skill that took a lot of practice, but you knew exactly what to do and weren't afraid of doing something wrong. Being a newly marked priestess in Khonshu's temple demanded a great deal of self-assurance, skill, and interior renunciation.

You had the honor of leading the opening prayer to the god himself that evening. "Our Lord, hear us out," you began, head bowed and hands pressed together in front of a massive stone figure depicting Khonshu standing proudly with his staff in his left hand. "We have gathered here to seek your protection, our Lord, and your enlightenment."

Marc could feel cold, unpleasant creeps running down his spine, causing him to shake and hiss visibly. "What the hell was that?" He exclaimed, perplexed as never before.

Of course, Khonshu was there with him, unconcerned by Marc's remark. "My followers are praying to me."

"Followers? Praying? To you? Do you still have them?" Marc inquired, raising an eyebrow.

"Of course I do, worm! Who do you think I am?" snarled Khonshu.

"Excellent. I was simply inquiring. There's no need to be so aggressive," Marc sighed and rolled his eyes. "I just hope they're over soon. I don't like the way it feels," the man muttered, uncomfortably rolling his shoulders.

"They will as soon as I acknowledge their presence."

Marc didn't have time to react before the robes encircled him and he swooped up into the night sky, going to the source of chanting. He didn't like what he saw when he landed. This was the temple. The one where he lost his normal life and self.

Candles and incense filled the room with a soft glow and the scent of olive and lilac. Few wicked baskets filled with things like fruits, dates and furs were placed on the stone altar.

Khonshu's followers in the chamber were humming an old melody that matched the words of your fervent prayer. "Our Lord, Master of the Night Sky, please listen to us. Send us your light and wisdom, keep us safe from evildoers. We're offering our modest sacrifices for you, our Lord."

"Modest sacrifices? That sounds intriguing, I'm curious what those are," a loud voice could be heard echoing off the walls. Khonshu entered the chamber in Marc's body, overtaken by the god; Marc's eyes glistened with white light.

All of the followers knelt and bowed their heads to the person who entered the chamber.

You were the only one who raised your head slightly to look the creature in the eyes; eyes gleaming with light that highlighted the god's nature. In the process, you bowed your head and knelt on the sand as well. "My Lord, we are honored that you have chosen to illuminate us with your presence tonight. Long live, Khonshu!"

The greeting was loudly chanted by the rest of the followers.

"Finally, someone who understands how to respect me," Khonshu hummed proudly, smiling at everyone. "However, I think I should punish you all."

Chanting ended as soon as it started; the silence filled the chamber.

You dared to raise your head up, looking at the man with glistening eyes. "Did we do anything wrong, my Lord? If yes, please, say a word and we'll do our best to fix the error."

Khonshu chuckled deeply as he approached you. He grabbed your chin and forced you to look at him. "You want to know what your blunder is? Where have you been all these centuries? I can hear every prayer, and it has been quiet for many years."

A cold shiver jolted your body to its core, and you began to wonder if calling Khonsh was a good idea. "My Lord," you said as you looked into his glistening eyes, "We'd been praying to you all the time, on a regular basis. We'd never forgotten you or your deeds, my Lord, and we'd always admired your wisdom."

He squeezed your chin between his fingers. "Human, don't lie to me!" He yelled. "I couldn't hear any of you praying for years! You've dared to arrive at my temple and now you're selling me a lie!"

"My Lord," you said quietly, trying not to aggravate the deity, "How could I lie to you in your temple? I would never do so. Some of your older priestesses have passed away, they were old and died of old age or were killed in the civil war going on," you elaborated. "My Lord, I and those gathered here tonight are from a new generation. Perhaps our prayers were not loud enough for you to hear."

"Maybe they weren't. You will all try to do better from now on," Khonshu demanded. "What about the offerings? I'm interested in what mortals like you brought me."

You waited for him to let go of your chin, and when he did, you went to the altar and pointed to the wicked baskets. "We don't have much to offer you, my Lord, but we'd like to give you our best. Our crops provide the fruits and dates, and our animals provide the furs. We also have the best wine in Egypt, fresh olives, and gold, all for you, our Lord Khonshu."

"That's all?” He asked, raising an eyebrow. "Some poor fruits and old wine?”

You bowed your head and knelt again. "This is all we have, my Lord. As I said, we can't offer you much more than our faith in you."

"And what do you think I'm going to do with it?" Khonshu inquired, looking at you. "I am the god! Not some pitiful, mortal being like you all or that meat puppet I had to use to see you. I'm not interested in wine or food."

You bowed your head even more, being afraid to look at the god. "Forgive us, my Lord. Please, have mercy!"

"You dare to refer to yourself as my follower? My old priestess, they were the ones who always knew what to offer!" Khonshu yelled angrily, his voice echoing off the walls.

A single tear rolled down your cheek; you were truly terrified with the god being angry with you. "Forgive me, my Lord. What can I do to fix this?"

He gave you a low chuckle as he looked at you. You were a lovely, little thing as for a priestess. He could make good use of his ability to gain complete control over Marc. "I'll tell you what I want as a gift, and you'll grant it to me."

"Of course, my Lord, I'm here to fulfill all of your wishes."

"Clean the altar," Khonshu ordered, waving his hand.

As he wished, you took all the baskets off the altar.

Khonshu turned to face the others. "Tonight, you all let me down. I have nothing else to say to you, worms, no blessings or encouraging words. Leave. Everyone except you," his gaze fixed on you again.

His strong voice echoing off the stone walls made you shiver once more as you watched your fellow citizens get up and leave with bowed heads.

You dared to look at God after everyone else had left the chamber except you. "Your wish, my Lord, is my command."

Khonshu was overjoyed. Finally, someone was listening to him and acting in accordance with his wishes. "I want you as an offering."

You tilted your head and blinked few times. "Excuse me, my Lord? You want me? In what meaning?"

"You good know. You seem like a smart girl."

Your brow furrowed. "Oh, Lord... I think I know what you're thinking about, but I can't give you what you want because I've never done those things before, and I don't want to disappoint you. We have a lot of lovely ladies, just say the word and I'll bring one over."

"I want no one else but you," Khonshu said, gently taking a lock of your hair between his fingers. "You are young and attractive."

"My Lord," you whispered and closed your eyes at the touch of his warm, calloused hand. "I see. Your wish is my command, but I'm scared of letting you down."

"You'll do fantastic, I'm confident you will, little priestess," Khonshu gave you his assurance. "Now. Remove those robes."

You nodded and began taking off your clothes. You began by slipping the sleeves of your long, beige gown, revealing your bare chest and round breasts. Second, you pushed the silky material of the dress down your body, allowing it to fall to your ankles. You stood fully naked in front of the god in human form with hesitation.

One of his hands boldly cupped your breast. "So soft and pleasant," he claimed as his thumb rubbed your nipple, which hardened within the seconds. "My precious, little priestess. Little, innocent thing, you belong to me."

You gasped quietly when his calloused palm cupped your breast, squeezing it. You looked up at the man with your eyes wide open, sighing. "Whatever you order, my Lord. I'm yours."

Khonshu nodded before grabbing one of the furs brought as an offering and tossing it over the stone altar. "Lay down."

You climbed the altar and did as he asked - you laid on your back, rubbing your thighs together, attempting to cover your breasts with your arms crossed lightly across your chest. As you looked up at him with sparkles in your eyes, your Y/H/C hair spilled over the fur.

Khonshu smiled and gently kissed your lips before moving the kisses to your neck and then collarbone.

"My Lord," you whispered lightly, your head rolled back a little, providing him with better access. "Can I touch you?"

"You can," he whispered into your ear.

You gasped quietly and put your hands to his arms, your heart beated faster when you sensed his tensed muscles under the shirt he was wearing. Soon, you moved one of your arms around his neck and begged him for another kiss.

"Little priestess, you're so needy. Your desires will be granted tonight," Khonshu hummed and gladly pressed his lips against your cheek, cupping one of your cheeks.

You shifted in his arms, giving the kiss back, letting your tongue slip past his lips, tasting him and imagining all of the things he was about to do to you.

Soon after, he drew back and began undressing himself before joining you on the altar.

You watched his perfectly shaped body, wondering if the man he picked for his avatar was someone random. If yes, Khonshu had a very good taste.

"Do you like what you're seeing, little one? I wouldn't choose a random mortal as my avatar," Khonshu reassured you, just as he would be able to hear your thoughts, and kissed your neck again, this time moving down to your chest and wrapping his mouth around one of your nipples.

You grabbed by the edge of the altar and arched your back a little, moaning at the feeling. With a little, hesitant smile, you nodded your head. "Yes, my Master, I like everything I see," your tone was nothing more than a whisper. "My Lord Khonshu, please."

"Please what? Use your words."

"I want you to..." Your voice cracked as you blushed hardly; realization hit your mind clouded already with overwhelming pleasure. "I want you."

"So now you want me? I was sure you're terrified of this. You're not anymore?" He hummed as he moved his hand down your body.

"I've never been so scared in my life, my Lord, but I trust in you, I trust in everything you do," you assured Khonshu, your cheeks flushed.

Khonshu moved between your legs with a low laugh. He picked your legs up and set them on his shoulders, then began to place kisses and bites on the inside of your thighs.

You moaned quietly, arching your back slightly and sucking your lower lip in. You initially felt compelled to run your hands through his hair, but quickly dismissed the thought as too daring. His lips on your thighs felt like a blazing fire, and you couldn't stop being vocal about how good he made you feel. "Please, My Lord, I need to feel you," you pleaded quietly.

He decided to grant your wish and gently sucked his lips around your clit, observing your reaction carefully.

Your back arched even more as a loud moan escaped your lips. Your hands slid down instinctively to meet his palms on your hips; you placed your hands on top of his rough ones. "I've never felt anything like it..."

His fingers intertwined with yours, squeezing your hand. Khonshu didn't respond to your words, but he continued to eat you like a starving man.

Your moans became louder; you barely could bear the tight knot forming in your abdomen. "Khonshu, my Lord, please, I want more!" You begged, holding stronger onto his palms.

"Is that so, my little priestess? And what do you want?"

You bit your lip. "I want to do this, but I've never... You'll have to guide me, my Lord."

"Do what? Use your words or I won't please you," Khonshu continued the teasing.

You propped yourself on elbows and looked at him; he looked perfectly sweet with his head between your thighs. "I want you to take me, my Lord."

He got off the altar and began to completely undress himself, tossing the pants and Marc's boxers to the side. Then he returned to you and wrapped your legs around his waist tightly.

Of course, you watched him with your heart beating fast and strong within your chest, like a tiny animal trapped in a cage trying to escape danger. When he removed his boxer shorts, his already rock-hard cock sprung free and stood proudly against his abdomen, making you blush and gasp. You did just what he expected you to do. With a moan, you pulled him into a kiss. "My Lord..." You whispered. "I'm all yours."

"Of course you are. You're my sweet, little priestess," Khonshu agreed, gently pushing inside of you so as not to injure you too much with his force.

You rolled your eyes back and let out a quiet scream mixed with a moan, your eyes close shut and you hissed at the sudden feeling of being stretched out painfully. "Ah!"

Khonshu smiled wryly as he observed your body's reaction to him. Your little whimpers and arched back were adorable. He'll definitely miss it once Marc is back in charge.

You wrapped your palm around one of his hands placed by either of your sides, then looked up at him, right into his eyes. "It.... hurts and stings..."

His palm moved over your belly and lover. "Hush. Just breathe, relax."

You followed God's instructions and went a little quiet. It didn't last long though - the pleasure and knot developing in your abdomen were impossible to ignore, igniting the lust in your soul. Your palm squeezed his hand, and other one wrapped around his neck as he kept on thrusting into you. Soon, you were moaning for him like all those whores you've heard about from your friends visiting public houses.

"You're a good girl. My dear priestess. You will be the only person to ever experience this," Khonshu murmured as he began to move his hips carefully while still stroking your belly with his calloused palm.

You looked at his face; the man whose body the god was using was dangerously handsome, with dark, brown eyes and fluffy, dark hair. "Kiss me," you whispered.

He couldn't say no to you, so he pressed his lips to yours, swallowing your whimpers and moans as he quickened his pace.

With a loud moan and overwhelming dizziness, you rolled head back when the kiss broke and let him fuck you the way he wanted. You wrapped your legs around his waist to guide him deeper into your dripping cunt.

He continued to fuck you hard and deep, kissing you on the neck. "My tiny priestess. You're taking good care of your god."

Holding tightly onto his neck, you moaned loudly. "Can we, ah! Try some else? I want to be on top."

Khonshu chuckled proudly before flipping you both over so you were on top of him. His hands were pressed against your hips, squeezing the tender flesh.

You began rolling your hips, smacking them back and forth, resting both hands against his broad chest, quietly moaning whenever his cock hit the right spot within you. "It feels divine, so good."

"Good. Excellent work. Please me, little priestess," Khonshu praised you, moving his body slightly to match your movements.

You increased your movements, moaning louder and louder. After leaning forward, you placed your palm to one of his cheeks and kissed him deeply, your tongues dancing together in a slow, passionate dance. "I feel so full, it's unbelievable."

"This is insignificant. I will continue to fill you up, little human. You'll be so full of me that you'll never forget how it feels," Khonshu assuredly moved his hand to your clitoral region. He began to play with your bundle of nerves, watching your reaction.

Your curses filled the chamber; your head rolled back and your pace quickened. His clit teasing didn't help at all, it only heightened the sensation. With a loud scream, the knot in your abdomen ruptured, and incredible wetness floated down, coating his member still buried within your tight cunt. "Oh, fuck!"

Khonshu continued to praise you while thrusting into you in order to quickly fill your nice, tight cunt with his hot load. He used all of his strength to flip the two of you again, to pick up the pace even more, chasing his own release; he hadn't felt so needy and desperate in centuries. When your pussy was still clenching around his shaft rhythmically, his cock throbbed painfully, triggering his orgasm, and he spilled all of his warm seed deep into you with nothing but a curse rolling off his parted lips. ”Fuck. Fantastic. My precious, little priestess. You made your god happy."

You tried to raise your body to kiss him once again. The wetness in you was unbearable and you didn't really want to move to not get rid of the pleasant feeling of warmth and thickness.

While returning the kiss, he almost purred into it. His arm wrapped around your waist with a soft hum, his hand gently tucking some of your hair behind your ear, and he grabbed your chin to take one more good look at you. "You're a lovely, little thing. Even though it was your first time, you did not let me down."

"Did I do well, my Lord?" You asked in a soft tone, putting your head to his chest; his cock still buried in you. "You've made me the happiest person alive, my Lord. I'm grateful and I will never forget it. Can I just have one question?"

"What is it, my beautiful?”

"Can you take me with you? I will give my life to serve you in the afterlife."

"This isn't going to happen," he said simply, playing with your hair. "There are some things I need to take care of myself. Besides, I require the presence of my priestess here."

"My Lord, will I ever see you again then? Or was I daydreaming?"

"If you serve me well, priestess, I will visit you again, and you weren't daydreaming, I assure," Khonshu said as he kissed your cheek. "You are mine now."

"I've been yours since the day I was born, my Lord," you shivered, grumping quietly at the emptiness as he pulled his dick out. As quickly as possible, you put your robes on, gaze lowered to not bother Khonshu.

Khonshu slowly sat up and began gathering his belongings in preparation for dressing up. "Are there any more requests, little one?"

"How could I request anything from you, my Lord? Your wisdom and presence is the best thing that happened to me, my Lord Khonshu. I, your faithful priestess, will preach your word even harder."

"And this shall grant you my visit again," Khonshu's laughter spilled all over the chamber.

The Loyal Priestess || Khonshu X Fem!reader

Marc awoke in his bed, perplexed as he had never been before. He was uneasy and felt bad in general.

He remembered going to see Khonshu's followers, but there was a gap in his memory. "Khonshu! What the fuck?! How come I can't remember anything!"

The god appeared, sitting on the bed, holding the staff. "We came across my followers, led by a dedicated, young priestess. What did you expect?"

"That I will remember a fucking thing!" Marc growled loudly.

"We took part in a little ritual. Don't bother yourself with that. Did you rest?"

"I guess," Spector muttered, rubbing his forehead. ”Shall I be worried?"


"I have no recollection of anything. Who knows what you did while in control of my body."

"Who do you take me for, Marc? Have you forgotten? Your body is mine, you agreed to that on your own."

"Still, you took control of my body and played with it like a puppet," Marc shrugged and flopped back onto the bed, slipping hands under his head.

"As I said, your body belongs to me. And if you only saw her," Khonshu said quietly to himself. "We'll get back there eventually. To keep my followers focused, I must remind them from time to time who they worship."

The Loyal Priestess || Khonshu X Fem!reader

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2 years ago

The Healing Power of Love || Steven Grant x fem!Reader Drabble

The Healing Power Of Love || Steven Grant X Fem!Reader Drabble

Summary: one day Steven starts talking to you about his existential anxiety and how your love healed him. It encourages you to be open about yourself as well.

Warnings: mentions of anxiety & depression

Word count: ~ 1050

Authors: Fenrir & Cass

The Healing Power Of Love || Steven Grant X Fem!Reader Drabble

As Steven sat on a small coffee table with a newspaper in his hands, he suddenly asked, "Have you ever thought about life itself? Occasionally, I imagine life as a playlist of songs playing on shuffle, not knowing what to expect next. There might be a sad song or something upbeat to get us dancing. Whatever the case may be, I know that I enjoy listening to music. Life is just as enchanting to me as music, even when it means some tough times..." His tone was a bit sorrowful as he spoke.

Taking your eyes off your phone, you slowly blinked, feeling a little confused. The timing of Steven's statement was odd and out of the blue. "It's an intriguing way to state it, love. What prompted you to think like this?"

"I would like to be entirely honest with you. Life hasn't been easy - I have spent the last few months trying to get my life in order. This is especially difficult for me since everything I believed in has been shattered. That was the moment I discovered the truth about my past and realised that I was not 'real', but just an alter. I hope you do understand what I mean."

Your head nodded slowly as you placed your phone on the coffee table and adjusted your position on the couch. "According to what I've learned so far, I think I know what you mean."

"In my search for the pieces of the life I thought I knew, I am trying to sort them out. It is challenging for me to find the words to describe the change in my life that occurred. Normal things became huge obstacles, and I don’t want to add those pieces to the new picture of myself. There were trust issues, fears, disgust, and broken family ties. There were panic attacks and a lot of crying, but also numbness. Uncertainty..." Steven's voice fell away, and a single teardrop rolled down his cheek.

You cupped his cheek, gently wiping the teardrop away with your thumb as you moved closer to him. "It's true, there are parts of ourselves that we don't even know about, but look at you," you smiled gently at him. "In spite of the enormous obstacles, you're doing well."

"You know, Y/N... If there was a map explaining how to navigate life, I would take a long look and then hand it to you. But none of this is simple. A map for me might not make sense to you. The places I would love to go or need to go, aren’t the places you hope to or will visit. Life is tricky. It is complicated. Everyone has to figure it out for themselves. Their hopes and dreams, who they want to be, and how they want to spend their days. In the past, there were days of deep depression and despair, not wanting to exist, not wanting to feel the pain, not wanting to feel anything. But I also got to live so many beautiful days because you came into my life..." Steven whispered quietly, looking at you hesitantly. "Do you love me?" He asked. "For who I am?"

You gently kissed his knuckles with the same soft smile you gave him earlier. "You know... I was stuck in that state that was like a heavy stone around my neck. I am sure that no 'life map' would show me the right direction. I was certain there was no place where I had a right to exist," you whispered sadly. "I tried distracting myself from it, hoping maybe in this attempt... I'd be able to escape this overwhelming feeling. But you know what?" You asked sadly.

Steven shook his head soundlessly, his eyes fixed on yours.

When you recalled your first meeting with Steven, you said, "There was this sad smile that gradually started to cut through that bloody rope. It cut the rock off. There have been a lot of bad things I have dropped since I met you, but there have also been a lot of new things I have picked up that are better, but I know one thing for sure," you squeezed his hand softly. "I would never pick up those without you. I would let that stone drag me down until I cut myself off. In other words, I didn't have a life map, but I found a compass. There is someone special who helped me, and I know I love this person so deeply. I can never imagine my life without you."

"I love you," Steven whispered, cupping your cheeks in his palms and rubbing them with his thumbs before crushing his lips on yours. The kiss he offered was sweet like a honey, maybe a little messy but it came from the depths of his passion and love for you. "When life seems hopeless, I want you to know that I have hope for us. When I cannot see my path, I know you have hope for me. On days when you cannot see your path, I have hope for you. When you share hope, it doesn't become less. It becomes more. Even abundant, I would say. So, if you need some hope, I have it for you. Thank you for being my solid ground, my safe haven where I can always be myself. It means a lot to me that you love me for who I am. The way no one else has ever loved me," Steven said, tears gathering in the corners of his eyes.

You didn't even try to stop yourself from crying. There was no need for you to be ashamed of your tears at this point. "Thank you for loving me and saving me from many terrible things. I promise to do the same in return."

"Your hug has woven our souls together in a way that's a forever bond," Steven chuckled, resting his chin on top of your head. With you by my side, the world slowed down on its axis. No time passed, no wind blew, no rain fell, and no sadness existed. Steven's mind was at peace. This was the love he had prayed for, the love he had waited for. Inwardly, Steven thanked God and hugged you even tighter. Love like this should be cherished for a lifetime.

The Healing Power Of Love || Steven Grant X Fem!Reader Drabble

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