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2 years ago

A Quiet Moment || Jonathan Levy x fem!Reader

A Quiet Moment || Jonathan Levy X Fem!Reader

Summary: when Jonathan returns from work, you and he share some quiet and sweet moments

Warnings: none

Word count: 1659

Author: Fenrir & Cass

A Quiet Moment || Jonathan Levy X Fem!Reader

Loneliness became more like solitude as time passed.

Your life had been filled with loneliness for as long as you could remember. Because there were so many exams and subjects that were so boring that it was sometimes easier to fall asleep on your books than learn from them, being a history student didn't help me have a rich social life. Your entire life changed when you met Jonathan, the philosophy professor. Those lectures were so captivating that you were surprised at how quickly time passed.

Your friendship blossomed into something more; a genuine, serious relationship bloomed like a flower.

When you heard the lock on your door screech with the spare key, you were overjoyed. You dropped your pen, dashed downstairs, and jumped into the arms of a man as soon as he removed his coat.

"Hello there," Jonathan softly greeted you, wrapping his arm around your petite waist. It was actually nice to return to a place where he could relax and be greeted with some affection. Maybe the whole thing wasn't smart or acceptable, but this was where he felt good. This was exactly what he needed to do to feel completely satisfied. He kissed your temple after putting the bag down, keeping you close. "Are you still awake? I was certain I'd find you in bed."

"I've been studying for a history exam and have decided not to sleep until you get home. Are you hungry and thirsty? I made zucchini lasagne."

"I told you not to sit or wait for me for too long. You should rest before the exam," he reminded you as he led you into the kitchen. "Would you like to eat with me?"

"Wash your hands and get comfortable. I'll heat everything!" You joyfully exclaimed. "Tea? Or beer?"

"I'll just go get some water. You appear to be in a good mood today. Did something happen while I was away? Is there any good news?" Jonathan washed his hands while watching you rush around the kitchen. He grabbed the glass and filled it with water before sitting down at the table, pushing glasses up.

"I got an A in European history," you said with a smile. "I didn't get the highest possible score, but that's irrelevant." You quickly served the lasagne and grabbed your portion to join him at the table.

"I'm glad to hear it, and I must add 'I told you so,' because the day before you were freaking out about European history," Jonathan chuckled, remembering how scared you were despite the fact that there was no reason for it. "Is there anything else I should know?"

"Your ex-wife called you. A few times, actually. She left a message for you."

Jonathan came to a halt with his food, staring at you.

He nodded, sighing deeply. "I hope she was pleasant. Did she explain why she called again?"

"No, these are 'your things,' and she 'will not be speaking with a third wheel about your private matters,' yeah?" You informed him simply.

He frowned again, adjusting his glasses. "Did she call you that, or did you interpret what she said?"

"I quoted her," you said, your tone a little sad. "I mean, I don't pay attention to her bragging, as you suggested, but it's annoying."

"I know it is," he nodded, reaching for your hand and gently pulling it closer to kiss your knuckles. "I promise I'll talk to her so she doesn't call here and remember, you're not the third wheel for me."

"Are you certain... I sometimes feel ridiculous for falling in love with you..."

"How come?"

"You're the professor, a promising man. And me? Just another dull student."

Jonathan sighed and pushed his chair back. "Please come here," he said quietly, grabbing your hand with the one he was still holding.

You took an offended position on his lap, instinctively putting a strand of your hair behind his ear. "You know what I'm like. I'm a little overwhelmed."

"I know, but I've also told you numerous times that there's no reason for you to," wrapping his arms around your waist, he reminded you. "Do you think I'd be here if you were just a boring student?"

With a shrug and tilt of your head, you replied, "I don't think so, Jonathan."

"So, why are you saying all of this?" He asked you again, and when he didn't get an answer, he kissed your shoulder. "You are more than a student. You are much more to me than that. I've told you this before, Y/N. I adore you."

You laughed as you wrapped your arms around his neck. "You know I love you, baby, and I fell hard for you," you assured, resting your forehead against his and rubbing your nose against his.

His hand pressed against your nape, keeping you close. "You are a safe haven for me. There is no other place where I feel more at ease. I had a difficult day, but it improved when I returned home to you."

"Do you really mean it, love?" You inquired, nuzzling the back of his neck.

"Of course I'm serious. Why would I deceive you?"

"I never stated that you lied to me."

"Because you ask such a question, it means you don't believe me or doubt my words," he concluded with raised eyebrows.

"I just don't feel like I'm enough."

"You are more than sufficient. I wouldn't be here if you weren't sufficient," Jonathan kissed your cheek and nodded. "Now. Let's eat and then go to bed."

You pressed your lips to his cheek before returning to your seat to finish your meal.

Jonathan eventually began to eat as well. He was always a fan of your cooking. He helped you clean up after the meal and then accompanied you to your bedroom. He smiled as he saw the state of the bed.

Your laptop, books, and notebooks were all turned on, but the most intriguing thing was that his pillow was among them. "Someone missed me."

You began to remove your belongings from the bed in an attempt to conceal your blush. "You know how much I enjoy having you here with me, so I like to have your scent linger on me whenever I'm alone."

He picked up one of the books and handed it to you, laughing "Prepare the bed while I go take a shower. We can then cuddle. Does that sound right?"

You responded with a nod of eagerness.

He kissed you quickly and then went into the bathroom.

You made the bed, changed into fitted shorts and an oversized t-shirt, climbed aboard, and waited for your man to join you.

Jonathan finally joined you in bed after a half-hour wait. He sat on the bed and placed his glasses on the nightstand before falling asleep. "Come here."

Your head was instantly placed to his chest, where you placed a few tiny kisses. "Hi."

"Hello there," he hummed, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you closer. "Would you like me to spoon you? I know you enjoy it."

You simply nodded. "But not yet, because I'll fall asleep right away."

"Is that a bad thing? You require rest, especially after such intensive study."

"Let me store as much as I can with you."

"You cuddly, little Y/N," Jonathan chuckled as he squeezed you tight. "I was just thinking about something."


"One weekend, we can just pack our belongings and go somewhere for three days. We can even bring Ava along, if Mira would let me. I'm sure you like her," he explained his concept. "The entire weekend, away from it all."

You rolled to your back and nodded with heart eyes. "When?! I want to! Ava is a wonderful girl!"

"I'm not sure yet. We'll need to plan it, as well as find a nice hotel and some interesting places to visit, make a hotel reservation," Jonathan shook his head.

You simply nodded. "I'll look into it tomorrow."

Jonathan laughed, nodding his head. "So eager. I am not going to stop you."

"You're too cute."

"Me? You're the cute one here."

"Thanks," you replied. "Do you think your wife will let Ava with us? She doesn't like me."

"It shouldn't be a problem, in my opinion. When I take her on my weekend trip, she will have nothing to say," Jonathan kissed your head while shrugging. "But don't be concerned, pretty little head. Mira and I will deal with it."

"That woman is beyond my comprehension. She was the first to pursue a younger man."

"Believe it or not, I don't understand her either, but I'm used to it."


He hummed in response.

"What do you think, maybe one day we could consider... If we'll be together long enough... Having a... I feel silly."

"Say it."

"A baby. I mean a baby."

Jonathan rolled onto his side, drawing you in closer.

"Y/N. You don't have to ask me about this," he said quietly, moving a strand of hair behind your ear. "I told you openly that I still wanted a baby and agreed to wait until you were ready."

You simply nodded. "Seeing your little girl makes me want to have a baby, but I'm not sure I'd be a good mother, having a child is a huge responsibility. And the last thing I want to do is disappoint you."

"I saw you with Ava, and from what I saw, I know you'll be a great mom," he said, cuddling you. "You won't be alone in this."

A deep sigh escaped your lips as you nestled in his arms.

"I adore you and am confident that you will excel," Jonathan held you close and whispered.

You closed your eyes and listened to his heartbeat, which made you feel more at ease than before.

"Now. Just relax and don't think about it. You require it." Then he turned to his nightstand and switched off the lamp.

A Quiet Moment || Jonathan Levy X Fem!Reader

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