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Blankets And Cuddles || Sam Drake X Fem!reader
Blankets and Cuddles || Sam Drake x fem!reader
Masterlist ❄

Summary: The winter can be difficult for Sam Drake, especially when his old wounds flare up as the weather changes. Thankfully, you seem to have a remedy for everything 😊
Warnings: none
Word count: 672
Author: Cass
A/N: today’s prompt: blankets and cuddling Devider by Firefly Graphics - ⛄

As for Sam, winter time was about 50/50. It was fun because of Christmas; he enjoyed spending time with his family and friends; playing with Cassy and quiet evenings were some of his favorites. In contrast, Sam sometimes really didn't feel well, all thanks to that stupid, old-fun wounds - those painful souvenirs loved to act up during winter season. Pain made him quiet and blue, he wasn't in the mood for anything.
That was why you were worried most of the time when he wasn't all well. There was always something to worry about. It was Sam who was and always would be your beloved treasure hunter, always willing to take you along to the craziest jobs. You took care of him at home and at work, so you felt bad that you couldn't relieve his pain.

Sam's voice caught your attention as you were cooking soup for the two of you in the kitchen.
“Sweetheart, where are my painkillers?” Drake asked.
It was just one of those days. After gazing over your shoulder, you sighed softly and opened a cabinet to grab the little bottle, fill a glass with water, and go to bed.
Sam was sitting at his desk. During the colder months, when there were no discoveries to be made, Sam enjoyed writing about his adventures. As you approached him, he closed the laptop and looked at you sadly.
As you handed him the pill and the glass, you said quietly, "Here."
While your hand moved through his hair, Sam muttered a soft 'thank you' and swallowed the pill instantly.
"I guess it will be another evening in bed," he chuckled and nuzzled your belly. "I know I promised you a walk this evening, but I don't think I can keep my promise, I'm so sorry."
While shaking your head, your hand rested on his nape; you hated when he apologized like this, he did nothing wrong, it was all beyond his control, yet he still kept on apologizing. "Love, don't be silly. I understand. There won't be an end to the world today. We'll be able to take a stroll some other time."
"I guess I'll lie down," he sighed.
As you stroked his hair, you nodded. "That's a good idea. Warm beds are good."
Likewise, Sam got up from the chair and kissed your forehead before walking away.
As soon as he left the room, you returned to the kitchen to make sure the dinner wouldn't burn down.

As much as you wanted to serve the soup immediately after it was prepared, you stopped yourself. Sam still didn't come down to you, which meant he was still not feeling well, so it wasn't worth forcing him.
Taking a seat on a high chair, you hummed while thinking of ways to relieve your man's pain. After a few minutes of contemplation, you snapped your fingers and figured it all out.

Sam woke up to the door opening, and there you were, standing in your short pjs, holding the few blankets you owned.
You didn't say anything - you simply removed the duvet on your side, took a seat, then patted your legs a little before sliding down.
After watching you for a moment, he settled between your legs, wrapping his arms around you.
Your smile spread across your face as you kissed the top of his head before covering him with a duvet and covering him with blankets to create extra warmness for him.
Thanks to you, Sam was already feeling better. He nuzzled your belly and hummed.
Wrapping your arms around him, you whispered, "I can tell you like it."
He nodded. "I have you close to me. That's the best medicine."
You gently squeezed him before making sure the blankets were properly positioned on him.
Cuddling like this, surrounded by blankets, both you and Sam drifted off into a deep sleep. Your knowledge of how to help even in times of pain was impressive. He never received a better gift than you.

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More Posts from Thepaperpanda
The Best Is Yet To Come || Lo’ak x fem!Metkayina reader
Summary: finally, Lo'ak opens up about his true feelings, not only about the Payakan situation, but also regarding you 💙
Warnings: none, pure fluff & Neteyam interrupting the confession of Lo'ak's feelings for the reader 😤
Word count: 2203
Author: Rouge
A/N: prior to reading, it’s important to know that: the reader is female Metkayina ✤ there is no particular feeling between Lo'ak & Tsireya - he’s more interested in the reader ✤ Neteyam’s into Tsireya ✤ you'll find a glossary underneath the fic

The reefs of Pandora were more than breathtaking. The reef amazed you with its diversity, with its wide range of different colors, as well as many types of creatures living there. Having been Metkayina, you have been taught to look beyond the mundane. Water was both life and death, so to immerse yourself in this very specific kind of relationship with it was indispensable.
It was not anticipated that newcomers would arrive, especially forest people, Omaticaya. With Tsireya's assignment to show the newcomers their new home, you also took part in this task. Truthfully, you were curious about this new family that was about to settle among Metkayina. As opposed to your clan - their hands were slimmer and less muscular; their tails had funny fur covering the tips, and they had thinner legs. There was no doubt in your mind that they would have difficulty adapting to your environment.
Nevertheless, within a few weeks, the Sully family made great progress - they learned to ride ilu and how to fish, and Jake Sully's youngest son even developed an unusual relationship with Payakan, a tulkun outcast.
Sunset came in its boldest blaze, as if Eywa had painted rainbow-flames across the evening sky. You were coated in a light mist of salty air from the ocean breeze, blowing gently towards the shore. Sitting on the sand with Tsireya and Lo'ak, who grew closer to the two of you, you watched the eclipse coming across the sky; throughout the area, beautiful turquoise and violet hues began to appear.
"The thought of Payakan choosing you still baffles me," Tsireya whispered to Lo'ak.
With a single nod, you also glanced at the young Omaticaya. "Tsireya's right. It seems to me that Eywa has something great planned for you, Lo'ak."
As he listened to both of your words, young Omaticaya nodded his head occasionally; some of his braids moved back and forth as he did. "I still don't understand why your clan refuses to accept Payakan's innocence."
There was an exchange of glances between you and Tsireya.
Taking a moment to calm herself, Tsireyspoke. "Loak," she started gently, "You know he is the one responsible for those deaths, according to the Tulkun Way."
"It's unfair," he replied, shrugging within his arms as he traced shapes in the sand with one of his fingers.
As if to ease his anger and sorrow, she placed her palm on his shoulder and whispered, "This is how it is, Lo'ak."
After letting out a deep sigh, the young man got up. "Even though I understand, I find it highly unfair that he must pay for the rest of his life for fighting against sawtute." When Lo’ak had finished speaking, he walked along the shoreline alone, leaving you and Tsireya behind.
Tsireya looked after Lo’ak while he walked away. "He's so upset. I don't know how to cheer him up."
You got up and dusted the sand crystals off your legs, saying "I'll try to speak with him once more."
Tsireya nodded in acknowledgement. "I think it's worth a try. Just remember to be gentle."
"I always am," you laughed and hugged your best friend before attempting to locate Lo'ak.
Not long afterwards, you spotted him petting his ilu while sitting on a wooden pier, almost outside the village. You watched him from a distance for a while. Tsireya was right - he was extremely upset over the situation with his spirit brother. As you were considering leaving him alone there so he could collect his thoughts and find his inner peace again, he spotted you out of the corner of his eye. He turned his head to you and laughed lightly, "Have you ever been told how bad you are at sneaking up on people?"
As you approached him, you spread your arms wide. "Too many times, actually," you replied with a shrug. As you sat beside him, you rubbed your hands together and put your legs in the water. "Lo'ak, listen, I know that..."
"I appreciate both you and Tsireya's efforts to comfort me, but..." He paused to rub his temple. "It's not that easy, I'm sure you understand my point of view."
While you gazed at Lo'ak's sadness written on his face, you said, "I understand, even though it might sound foolish. I truly understand how you feel."
A hollow look crossed his face as he watched the horizon, asking, "Do you really?"
“Sran, Lo’ak. Oel ngati kameie.”
Lo'ak looked directly at your face bathed in the last rays of the setting sun after he stopped petting his ilu's head. The way he stared at your huge eyes made it seem as if he was trying to glean every little sparkle from them. There was an obvious attempt to express a thought, but he could not find the appropriate words to do so, so he continued looking at your face, moving his gaze from your eyes to your cheekbones and lips. “Listen…”
With your palm raised, you signaled him to remain silent. While your palm rested on his chest, your eyes were never taken away from his. "Listen to me now, please. The tulkuns were violent creatures who fought among themselves for territory and revenge during the time of the First Songs, one of the earliest recollections of Na'vi history. This way of life was eventually abandoned by the tulkuns, who adopted a pacifistic philosophy in which killing is strictly forbidden, even if it is justified, as in self-defense cases. Thus, any tulkun who acts against the Tulkun Way and kills is outcast from the tulkuns. The tulkuns and my clan share a close relationship, as you might have heard, so any outcast tulkuns are rejected by us as well. It is nonetheless my strong belief that Payakan will have an opportunity to make amends, sooner nor later."
Lo'ak held his breath without even realizing it as his eyes widened. As you spoke in a reassuring tone, Lo'ak's heart calmed a little; the belief you had that Payakan could atone eased Lo'ak's soul as well. "Do you really think it would happen, Y/N?"
“Yes.” Lo'ak grew quiet as he thought once again about everything you had said. Having anxious thoughts was like riding an ikran around the village over and over again, faster and faster - it was more than pointless, so the young Omaticaya decided to push them out of his mind. In view of the beautiful eclipse that swept over the world, Lo'ak raised his head up, letting a quiet sigh out. "I strongly believe that Eywa knows... That Eywa knows he was innocent and tried to fight back after his mother and friends were killed."
Initially hesitantly, you took his five-finger palm in yours and squeezed it tightly, smiling at him. "Would you be kind enough to smile for me, Lo'ak? I don't like it... I mean, my clan don't like it when our guests are sad."
Observing your face as carefully as he could, he tilted his head to one side, considering your words. "Do they really worry about me or is it you who are concerned?" He mused.
Oh! There were moments when you wished you weren't so sensitive, that you could conceal your emotions more easily; within an instant, your cheeks were rosy and your hidden emotions were evident to everyone around. Those yellowish eyes of his were fixed on you; they were the most beautiful and understanding you've ever seen. “Lo’ak…” You started, but he touched your cheek, he rubbed his thumb against your skin, making you hold back your breath and nuzzle against his palm a tiny bit.
"Oeru lu fpom. I'm glad I met you. My family is so fortunate to have you and Tsireya as friends. You seem like such a sweet person," he complimented.
You whispered, "Oh, stop it" but his closeness had an unusual influence on you; your heart pounded as if you were being chased by akula, your skin was hot, and your pupils dilated. "I like you too, Lo'ak," you whispered back.
Suddenly Lo'ak leaned forward and gently placed his lips against yours, without a thought in his mind.
Initially, you blinked, surprised, but soon lost yourself in the sensation. Despite being messy and uncertain, his kiss was sweet and full of promises of a better tomorrow. During the kiss, you were at your most pure and vulnerable selves. There were a million loving thoughts condensed into one moment in that kiss. His lips tasted like the sweetest nectar you've ever tasted. Immediately after the kiss was broken, you looked into his eyes hesitantly, just like he did. “Lo’ak…”
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have kissed you," he apologized, gathering his composure as he rose from the pier.
"No, no, Lo'ak!" You blinked and got up as well, following him.
Lo'ak's ilu put his head over the surface of the water to observe the situation.
“I'm so sorry, I have no idea what I was guided by. I didn't want to sully your honor," he said, getting from the pier to the sandy beach.
"Lo'ak!" you yelled as you tried to stop him.
The young Omaticaya took no notice at all and tried to walk away as quickly as he could.
"Lo'ak te Suli Tsyeyk’itan!" You shouted after him.
It was only that that made him pause and look back at you.
As you approached him, you shook your head in disbelief. Observing him with your bluish eyes, you asked, "You kissed me and now you are running away? You, the one who survived meeting with Payakan alone? What is it that you are afraid of?”
As he avoided your gaze, Lo’ak whispered, "Rejection. Rejection is what I fear most."
You took a hold of his palms, squeezing them, fixing your eyes on his face. "Please, hear me out, Lo'ak. I need you to know that you matter. Not only to me, but to the fate of this planet. You need to acknowledge your worth. Be confident. Start feeling the difference you actually make," you reached out and touched his cheek lightly, your other hand was put to his chest. “As I told you before, oel ngati kameie. The confidence and certainty you feel about your own self is what I want to see from you, for I admire you, my dear. And about the kiss... Your belief that you sullied my honor is terribly misguided,” you chuckled lightly, blushing yet again.
"I thought you didn't like it," Lo'ak replied, licking his lips as they became so dry he could no longer bear the feeling.
"I've been kissed a few times before," you told him openly, "but none have been as heartwarming and perfect as yours." You could see the gratitude within the sparkles of joy in his eyes.
"Look at that! I didn't know my little bro is such a skilled kisser!" Suddenly, a vibrant tone came from behind, and you saw no one else but Neteyam, Lo'ak's older brother, approaching you.
Your anger about Neteyam destroying the moment full of trust and thrill made you grin at him a little too wryly. "Neteyam."
As Lo'ak asked, his tone was filled with anger, "What are you doing here?"
"What am I doing here? It's well after the eclipse, and mother is worried about you," the older brother explained with a shrug. “Come on, let’s get you back home.”
Upon seeing his brother's smug grin, Lo'ak rolled his eyes and requested, "Just give us a minute."
When Neteyam walked away into the substantial distance, Lo'ak focused on you again. "I was wondering if you would like to hang out tomorrow? We might go to Payakan.”
"I think I'll be able to join you if you help me with fishing and net weaving," you told him with a smile, but deep inside you were really more than thrilled by the thought of spending more time with Lo’ak.
"You got it!" He smiled eagerly, and kissed you again, harder this time.
The actions of Lo'ak had not gone unnoticed by Neteyam, who whistled a few times. "Well, well, look at you, kiddos! It might be a good idea for me to tell mother to start preparing for your wedding, bro. Love is in the air!”
"Lay off of him, Neteyam," you warned as you leaned closer to him, "Or I'll have to open up about what I saw a few days ago."
In an instant, Neteyam stopped grinning; his eyes narrowed, turning into tiny gaps. "Don't you dare, Y/N."
Lo'ak exclaimed, "Hey, I wanna know!"
A smirk danced around your lips as you looked hardly at Neteyam and said, "Your older brother was making out with Tsireya."
Lo'ak chuckled loudly and opened his eyes wider. "Knew it! I saw you staring at her. Look at you, bro, you aren't wasting your time."
After shaking his head and groaning loudly, Neteyam turned and walked away, gesturing at Lo'ak to follow.
Lo'ak kissed your cheek briefly. "See you tomorrow!" He bid you farewell as he chased after his brother, lining up with him shortly after.
While watching him leave, your heart raced within your chest. There was no doubt in your mind that the best was yet to come.

sawtute - humans (“sky people”)
tulkun - a large, intelligent marine creature native to the oceans of Pandora
ilu - a sea creature, the direhorse of the Pandoran oceans
sran - yes (colloquial)
oel ngati kameie - I see you
oeru lu fpom - I’m happy
akula - a Pandoran ocean animal
A Little Snowball Fight || Ivar the Boneless x fem!reader
Masterlist ❄

Summary: Your friendship with prince Igor dates back to when you cared for him as a child. One day, he introduces you to Ivar, the Viking prince from the far north. After first courtesy, a little snowball fight ensues. At the end of the meeting, Ivar makes a very interesting offer that you cannot refuse
Warnings: none
Word count: ~ 2215
Authors: Fenrir & Cass
A/N: today’s prompt: Snowball Fight

Ice skating was one of your favourite pastimes, so you couldn't say no when young Igor invited you to skate - skating was especially fun when you had someone to skate with.
"Do you want to meet my new friend?" Igor asked, holding your hand as you glided across the ice together.
You glanced at him while humming softly. "Does this refer to this Viking prince? What was his name again... Ivar?"
After nodding immediately, the boy raised his head up and waved at Ivar.
Standing on top of a deck that provided a vantage point, Ivar nodded gently at Igor who was ice-skating below. Despite spending almost an hour outside, Igor was far from fatigued; Ivar was impressed by his stamina. The wooden railing was a perfect place for Ivar to rest his folded hands while watching Igor and rethinking his own matters.
In the same way that Igor did, you waved your hand to attract strangers' attention as well. Despite hearing about Ivar, you never had a chance to speak with him personally.
He kept his face straight, attempting to stay polite as he waved his hand back at you.
Soon, Igor pulled you off the ice so the two of you could join Ivar on the deck.
Ivar's lips were tinged with a smile as Igor and his female friend joined him. "Hope you are tired now, my boy," Ivar said as he placed his hand on the boy's shoulder. "There is nothing better than returning to the warmth of the indoors when you are freezing."
"Who said I was freezing?" Igor asked, raising his eyebrow and tilting his head as he looked at Ivar. "I am fine, but I would like you to meet Y/N. I used to be cared for by her when I was younger."
Ivar's blue eyes inspected your face and features with ease. A tone of pride permeated his introduction, "My name is Ivar, Ivar the Boneless."
"My name is Y/N. It is nice to finally meet you in person," you said, bowing your head a little.
The smile on Igor's face was contagious. "You see, Ivar? I told you I have a very pretty friend."
In response, Ivar nodded his head a little, his smile growing wider. "There is no doubt in my mind that you did not lie in the slightest."
As Ivar's eyes slipped over your body, he met your gaze and had no choice but to admit you had the most stunning eyes he had ever seen on a woman.
You gazed at Igor, then grabbed some snow to rub into his cheeks, causing him to whine and laugh simultaneously. "As I told you before, Igor, be careful not to say things like this. It is rude to suddenly speak in such a manner."
It would have never occurred to Ivar that you would be the first to initiate a fight. He watched the scene with amusement. His question came out of the blue moments later, "Are you Russian, Y/N?"
A smile spread across your face when Igor hugged you, hugging him back you looked at Ivar "Как думаешь, красавчик?"
"My first impression of you was that you're one of the most temperamental women I've ever seen."
Laughing softly, you bend down to whisper something into Igor's ear; a smile spread across Igor's lips. Looking back at Ivar, you smiled. "Thank you so much for your kind words. I really appreciate them."
Observing Igor interacting with you, Ivar slowly cocked his eyebrows. "My lady, aren't you aware that whispering in company isn't considered polite?"
"Aren't you aware that strangers shouldn't listen to certain matters?"
In spite of a temperature way below zero, Ivar's soft chuckle that escaped his lips was accompanied by a little cloud of steam. "That's right."
"Don't worry, I didn't say anything derogatory about you, or did I?" You teased, looking directly into Ivar’s eyes.
"She said she loves your eyes," Igor revealed your little secret without hesitation.
Ivar observed the two of you and decided not to comment on what Igor said, instead he nodded his head. "Maybe we should take a stroll back inside?"
Igor shrugged and said, "The two of you can go inside, I'd like to stay a little longer."
As you sighed, you looked at the boy and shook your head; he was impossible to get fatigued easily.
After politely waiting for you to move, Ivar followed you to the stairs and down on the ground level.
Taking a look at Ivar, you asked, "How's it going here for you? I hope Igor isn't bothering you too much."
The man shook his head eagerly, "No, he isn't bothering me at all. Igor is such a wonderful young man. He reminds me of myself when I was his age," Ivar's tone faded into silence. "Are you from here or did you come from somewhere else?" He asked, smoothly changing the topic.
"It's funny how you are so curious, aren't you? I was born and raised in this place, so I can truly say that I am from here," you replied politely, raising an eyebrow.
While walking through the ice and snow covered path, Ragnarsson listened to your words. A crutch-dependent person found walking in such conditions to be a challenge, so Ivar was stopping from time to time.
A worried look crossed your face as you looked at the young man. "Ivar, I am sure all the snow must be a great burden for you. Can I help you in any way?"
Your polite pleas for assistance went unanswered. Who did you think he was? Although he was crippled, he was capable of walking on his own, so he didn't need any kind of assistance. "Isn't our winter beautiful?" He asked, again changing the topic.
The hint was taken and you did not press any longer. "Despite the cold, it's beautiful. As usual."
"Do you like winter?"
"Well, not really. It's cold, and I don't really like skating because of it, but it's still fun."
"What other winter activities do you fancy?"
As you walked behind Ivar, you quietly grabbed some snow and moulded it into a ball and threw it at Ivar's back. "Snowball fights."
The moment Ivar was hit in the back, he turned around to look at you. "Seriously? Have you thrown a snowball at me? Isn't it kind of silly for someone like you?"
"You asked what winter activities I enjoy, so I showed one to you," you gave him a shrug in a form of response. "You don't have to be so stiff."
Ivar stuck his crutch in a snowdrift and slowly leaned forward to collect some white fluff, which he formed into a ball before throwing it skillfully at you - the ball hit your left shoulder. "I'm not stiff, Y/N, as you put it. I just prefer observing and planning."
"Isn't that exactly what you called? I observe and plan how to..." You threw another show ball at Ivar, hitting him in the stomach, "... Successfully throw snowballs at you."
Observing you, Ivar cocked his eyebrow and threw another ball of snow at you, hitting your cheek with it this time.
You gasped and wiped snow off your face. Your response was, "Oh, you! You're dead!" By saying this you made a big snowball and got ready to aim it.
When Ivar observed you making a snowball, he wondered how a dodge could be made.
The snowball was thrown right at his face as a way to pay him back.
As Ragnarsson couldn't dodge, snow got into his eyes when the ball struck his face. With his vision blurry, Ivar took one tiny step back and flopped on his butt in the snow as he tried to wipe his eyes.
You ran up to him, whispering, "Oh, gods! I should have been more careful!"
Ivar's facial expression initially displayed anger and disbelief; eventually, these emotions dwindled and he laughed as a smile spread over his lips. "Okay, that wasn't what I expected. It was a strong hit, Y/N."
As you wiped snow from his cheek, you quickly began to apologise. "Thank you for not being angry with me, but I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have... Your legs..." Your voice was nothing more than a tiny whisper as you looked at his face. "Forgive me, please."
He caught himself staring bluntly into your eyes - they were huge and had the most beautiful colour he had ever seen. He had a burning sensation in his cheeks from your hands as you slowly rubbed snow off of him; he discovered your palms were so warm and felt cosy. "It's fine."
"You seem to be getting warm... Are you feeling sick? Oh! I shouldn't keep you out too long today, it's cold," suddenly, you started to panic.
Your sudden solicitude surprised Ivar, who raised his hand to signal you to remain silent for a moment. “First of all, it is cold, yes, but I am accustomed to it, so no worries there. Second thing, stop worrying, nothing wrong is happening. Deal?"
Biting your lip, you nodded slowly, still feeling bad and hoping you didn't hurt him. "Let me assist you with getting up."
After a moment of thinking, he accepted your hand and slowly stood up. "Thanks."
A smile of apology appeared on your face as you squeezed his hand. There was still a feeling of guilt in your heart.
Another snowball aimed at Ivar's shoulder struck him suddenly. "For Valhalla's sake, what was that this time?" The young man grunted, looking around, only to see Igor gathering snow into his hands already, forming another ball with a smile on his face.
Looking at Igor, you blinked and shook your head. Before a snowball hit you right in the face, you managed to utter only a quiet, "No, Igor, don't..."
Using his forearm to block another snowball aimed at him, Ivar shouted, "Better stop it now, dear boy!"
"Come on, Ivar! It's fun! You can practise your combat skills with me now! Let's fight!" Igor shouted enthusiastically.
Ivar, instead of responding, slowly leaned down, made a huge ball from the snow he gathered, and then threw it at Igor, hitting him in the face. "It's for aiming at the lady."
A snowball thrown by you hit Igor before the boy could prepare another snowball to throw at Ivar.
"It's time to show the little one what it's like to start a fight with the adults!" You briefly looked at Ivar, a mischievous grin dancing in the corners of your mouth.
Ivar was throwing ball after ball at Igor, occasionally chuckling to himself as he did so.
As soon as you did what Ivar did, poor Igor was scrambling to surrender.
Ivar slowly limped closer to you with his crutch in hand and asked you quietly after leaning closer to you, "Y/N, are we accepting his surrender?"
Keeping your eyes on Ivar, you hummed softly. "It seems like it might be a good idea. What do you think?”
"I agree."
"Then I agree too," you nodded at Ivar, then looked at Igor. "It's time to get inside before we get sick."
After looking at you for a moment, Ivar gave you a nod of approval. Although Ivar wore a thick fur coat and a hat to keep himself warm, he began to feel cold under the clothes. "The idea is good, Y/N. We could get some warm drinks."
Before Igor joined you, Ivar offered you his shoulder after shaking the snow off his thick fur. "Shall we, Y/N?"
In response, you accepted the offer, wrapping your arm around his shoulder and discovering with surprise that his shoulder was very well-built and seemed to be very strong, even with the fur covering it.
Biting inside of your cheek, you tried not to get distracted by thoughts that crossed your mind. "With pleasure, Ivar. Also, I’d like to point out that your combat skills are also impressive, you have a very sharp eye,” you praised him, feeling the blush spreading across your cheeks.
In spite of his crippled appearance, Ivar was far from being an idiot, and he immediately noticed a slight change in your behaviour after you got closer to him. He suggested politely, "I was wondering if we could enjoy a pint of mulled wine and discuss our likes and dislikes a little more?"
Your eyes never left his as you tightened your grip on his shoulder and gently nodded your head. "It will be my great pleasure, Ivar the Boneless."
Both of you didn't seem to notice Igor standing right beside you, hands resting on his hips. "It is not my intention to interrupt your lovely exchange of views, but I am hungry, and I know Oleg will send guards looking for us if we don't return inside soon. I know you two get along really well, but let's leave it for later, shall you?" The young prince gasped and walked to the front door of the palace. “I can’t handle their teeth-rooting sweetness,” he whispered to himself.
Ivar rolled his eyes after listening to Igor's rant and led you back to the palace. "Having Igor between two fires tomorrow might be a wise idea if he continues to behave this way."

Sneaking Away || Neteyam x fem!Omaticaya reader
Summary: You might be a bit mistaken if you thought that escaping Neteyam's hut was a good idea
Warnings: smut without plot 🔥
Word count: 1665
Author: Rouge
A/N: prior to reading, it’s important to know that: the reader is female Omaticaya ✤ characters are aged up (Neteyam is 20, reader is 19) ✤ a few things are in Na'vi language ✤ you'll find a glossary underneath the fic

Your legs and arms were tangled after what seemed like a long nap; his naked body pressed against yours, his breath bathing your nape.
Slowly, you tried to stretch a bit, but couldn't since Neteyam was tightly hugging you. The fact that you were completely naked didn't stop you from getting up. After slipping away from Neteyam as quietly as possible, you ran for the door.
It was not long before his voice reached every corner of the room. "Why are you getting up?" Neteyam asked, his tone devoid of sleepiness.
"My limbs feel sore, so I need to move a bit. I think I’ll get dressed and have a little walk," you explained with a sigh, "I'll be back soon, you can get back to sleep," you promised, but hesitated to take another step.
Before he even spoke, you knew he was standing behind you. Even though he hadn't touched you yet, you could feel chills running down your spine as he whispered right into your ear, "Nìawnomum, there's no need to leave this place to move your body, oeyä 'eve." His lips brushed your earlobe slowly, and you whined quietly.
After turning you around, he grinned widely when he saw that you were turning bright red up to your pointy ears. Neteyam cupped your face, as he had done countless times before, planting kisses along the outline of your jawline while his fingers reached to your lower, exposed regions.
You couldn't resist giving in no matter how hard you tried, and this time was no different. The contact between his thumb and your clit caused you to inhale sharply as you turned your head away from him as you were trying to hide the blush showering your face, though it made no difference, since he already kneeled down, grabbed your thighs, and bit lightly on your soft skin while kissing your flesh tenderly.
In no time at all, your moans would be heard outside the hut, and you knew that they'd only get louder, so you decided it was pointless to hide your pleasure.
Knowing he could bring you to the point where you would be unable to control your own actions gave Neteyam immense satisfaction, and it was impossible to deprive him of it.
That's the exact look he gave you when he pulled away so he could push you back onto the bed.
"I have not moved an inch even though you told me I could by staying in here with you. So, among other things, you are a liar too, Neteyam," you responded and watched his eyes widened; in spite of your willingness to give him all the satisfaction he wanted, you continued to make your usual sarcastic remarks.
Hissing, he said, "You'll regret those words soon enough." After these words he tenderly kissed your breast.
You closed your eyes and drove your nails into the cot; your pulse increased at the mere thought of his taste.
While he pinched your nipples and kneaded your breasts, you ran your fingers through his hair and wrapped your legs around his slender waist.
His kisses were like torture as you needed him right there and then already, yet Neteyam seemed to gloat whenever quiet whimpers escaped your parted lips; he slowly kissed your body, tasting your warm skin, trembling like a leaf on a northern breeze under his every kiss as he kissed his way down, between your legs. Soon, using two fingers, Neteyam rubbed his fingertips along your outer lips until he found you were wet enough. Even though you knew he was holding back in order to get you to apologize, something you didn't intend to do, your body was begging for something much greater. "Nì'ul!" you moaned without thinking, trying to push your hips more into his touch.
Neteyam heard your pleas out and stuck another finger into you, never separating his lips from your pussy.
Your hips trembled as you whimpered, "Deeper, Neteyam."
A brief chuckle passed through his lips, but as soon as it vanished, his fingers curled into you, even though it wasn't enough to satisfy your desires.
Reaching out, you took his hand in yours, positioning it so as to allow him to reach deeper; your pleas for greater things were mixed with cries of pleasure.
His thumb put more pressure on your clit as he watched your facial expression with a wry smirk dancing in the corners of his mouth.
You were only a few seconds away from climaxing when he pulled his fingers out, leaving you looking at him with contempt in your eyes.
"I told you you'd regret it," his huge smirk just annoyed you more, and you attempted to get up from the bed to leave the hut, but he pulled you back under him, pinning your shoulders down with ease.
In an effort to switch places and bring yourself on top, you exhaled, "You're the worst, Neteyam."
As his gaze traveled across your body, he focused on the places you loved to be touched most; he was in a submissive stance, but looked at you as if you were at the bottom.
Even though you knew it was nearly impossible to change that, you still wanted to try. Before you reached his abdomen with your palm, you planted kisses on his neck, moving down to his collarbones. As you stroked the base of his cock, you felt him twitch under your touch. You couldn't help but sneer - it was unusual for him to react that way, which made you even more eager for what would follow. When you first took him in your hand and started pumping, his cock was already rock-hard.
The pace increased faster than usual; you were so excited that you couldn't stop yourself. You pushed him off yourself and rolled on top of him, and he gladly obliged. While bending down, you licked his tip and took him little by little into your mouth. Your greed made you move even lower, causing his balls to come in close contact with your lips as you left behind all signs of restraint.
When Neteyam was close to finishing, you pulled away slowly, ensuring that your tongue slid along his entire cock. In the midst of playing with a hair strand, you leaned against his ear. "What's wrong? You want more?" Your voice was nothing but a whisper; his body was tensed under you as you straddled him slowly, gently grinding your pussy against his erected shaft. "Don't worry, I am not finished yet, yawntutsyìp."
Tugging at his left earlobe, you sucked at the crook of his neck, savoring the warm taste of his sweaty skin. You were almost ecstatic at the mere thought of this man being willing to share his corporeality with you. After you'd finished, you sat up slightly, grabbed his cock, lined it up with your entrance, and lowered yourself onto him until he was inside of you. Upon entering your core, soft moans escaped your lips and you sat on his lap more firmly, regaining your balance and moving your hips fluidly.
Neteyam caressed your breasts and traced the outline of your spine with his hands; his lips parted as he watched you with a bliss. After you leant forward, your chin was raised by him and he kissed you, his tongue running over your teeth briefly before he went deeper, holding you close to him throughout.
"I assume your limbs are not that sore anymore. Why don't you just lay back and relax?" He suggested in the softest tone he could muster.
After nodding, with a last roll of your hips, you rolled off him and lied down on your back, grateful for the cold sheets underneath you.
"Are you willing to apologize for what you said previously, for calling me a liar?" Neteyam asked, tracing the curve of your hips with his index finger. When you opened your mouth to protest, he harshly pressed his lips against yours to silence you in an eager kiss.
Your gaze was fixed on his face as he climbed on top of you and yanked your thighs apart. After jerking his shaft a few times, Neteyam pushed into you without the slightest sign of hesitation. His movements were slow and not without impact as you moaned his name and the occasional harder or quicker, both of which he conveniently chose to ignore.
The fact that he had been waiting for his turn made you realize that he would probably take his sweet time with you. Soon, however, his hips thrust into you faster, his cock so deep inside your pussy that your bodies became one. Moaning, you felt your pussy clenched around his shaft, spasming rhythmically, leaving you trembling in his arms; it was one of the most intense orgasms you’ve ever experienced. In spite of this, he didn't slow down and you could see drops of sweat forming on his brow as his speed increased.
Wrapping your arms around his neck, you caressed the skin of his nape with your nails, whispering sweet nothings into his ear - you expressed how much you loved him, what he meant to you. You clung to him, rocking back and forth in perfect sync, lusting for more even if you'd already reached your climax.
The last time he pushed himself forward, he wanted to get as deep inside you as possible, and you welcomed his cum when it filled you.
As Neteyam gasped for air, he laid on top of you, occasionally kissing your cheek.
In the midst of a long silence, you teased, "So? Are you not interested in my apology anymore, oeyä yawntu?"
As he gazed down at your face, still flushed from the intercourse you two shared, he propped himself on his hands. "Don't even start, little one, or I'll get angry again."
Biting your lower lip, you flicked his nose. "I'm just teasing. You know I mean no harm. Nga yawne lu oer.”

oeyä yawntu - my beloved
oeyä - my
oeyä 'eve - my girl
yawntutsyìp - darling
nga yawne lu oer - I love you
nìawnomum - as you know
nì'ul - more
A Perfect Snowman || Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw x fem!reader
Masterlist ❄

Summary: Bradley visits you in Boston. A winter attack surprises you both, so you decide to build a snowman together
Warnings: none
Word count: 1231
Authors: Bear & Cass
A/N: today’s prompt: Building a Snowman

The first day of winter was a paradise, with snowflakes the size of feathers falling from a grey cloud. From your porch to the road and beyond, it quickly turned into a completely white desert. Bradley started clearing a path that day, cheerfully holding a snow shovel in his hand. Unfortunately, a few days later his newly formed road had been banked up above hip level, and the infantile thrill of excitement that had accompanied those first flakes had been replaced with a calm resolve and a sense of responsibility appropriate for adults. "Baby! I'll have to shovel!" As he was putting on his jacket downstairs, he spoke louder to make sure you could hear him in the restroom on the floor. Bradly started regretting traveling to Boston to spend Christmas with you for the first time in a while.
"Wait!" You yelled loudly, then ran down the stairs. Looking at him with joy, you grabbed your jacket and said, "I can help."
"No, you stay home, it's cold outside."
"It's winter, so the cold is to be expected," you commented, pulling on your shoes before tying them up firmly.
"I said something, Y/N, so don't fuck with me."
Crossing your arms over your chest, you pouted, "You got bossy recently. My assistance will not be provided to you, don't worry."
"So why are you going out with me?"
"For some fresh air," you shrugged, wrapping your thick scarf around your neck tightly. "I love smells and atmosphere of Christmas... But it's too much for me."
"You've always been the one who has been obstinate in our relationship," Rooster grumbled while rolling his eyes. Being the gentleman he was, he opened the door and moved aside to allow you to enter the outside area first. “After you.”
As you walked through the door, you bowed slightly, thanking him. As soon as you saw all the snow around you, you instantly jumped with excitement.
Bradley watched you with his eyebrow slightly lifted. "Y/N, you behave like a puppy seeing snow for the first time."
You smiled at him and went your own way. "I almost feel like it!"
"What are you doing?!'
Jumping into the snow with a loud giggle, you yelled, "I'm being the playful one!" Soon, you flopped into the fluffy snow to make a snow angel.
Bradley watched your lighthearted actions, but he quickly turned his attention to shoveling your driveway.
"Sweetie! Could you help me get up right now!" You asked, waving your hands in the air as you were unable to get up on your own.
"Am I resembling a crane? I don't believe so," Bradley responded with a sneer, yet he walked over to you and quickly raised you up with one strong pull.
With an eyeroll, you grabbed his jacket collar. "Why are you so grumpy today, Bradley? What's up with you?"
"I understand why you're so excited about all the snow, but you don't even try to help me with shoveling, even though you are well aware of how much time I lost doing it the last time."
"Baby? I just offered you help, and you told me not to fuck with you when you say no," you replied. "If I were you, I wouldn't do it. There's a chance it'll snow tonight. Let's build a snowman instead!"
Bradly put the shovel down after giving your proposition some thought. "Then let's do it then."
After squeaking joyfully and kissing his cheek, you moved away to find a perfect place for the snowman. Once you found the perfect spot, you created a snowball and started rolling it around, creating a base.
Bradley imitated your actions by first creating a tiny snowball, placing it on the snow, and then beginning to roll it about while observing how the snowball doubled its size.
As you watched him, you giggled, "My ball will be a base! I already know how we'll dress him up!"
"Do I need to be afraid? He posed the query while rolling the ball around, making it bigger and bigger.
"There's no need to be afraid. You'll love it, I think," you shrugged, continuing to work on the base until it met your standards. Then you helped him with the middle ball.
Bradly placed the center ball on the base with a bit of your assistance, then made another snowball to roll it through snow in the attempt to form the head for the snowman.
It wasn't long before the ready head was placed on top of the snowman. With pure excitement you run home, saying, "Okay! Now wait... I'm going to grab the stuff!"
Bradley, waiting for you to return, started shoveling the driveway at least a little bit.
Looking at him from the porch, you yelled, "I'm hiding the shovel from you!" You walked up to the snowman. "Leave it now, Bradley."
Bradley sighed and set the shovel down before coming up to you. "What exactly do we have here?"
"Just stuff," you summed it up before you began working.
The snowman was first given aviator sunglasses, a smug smile with a toothpick, and then a pilot-like jacket was wrapped around the snowy figure.
As soon as you were finished, you looked proudly at the final result, then glared at Bradley. "The snowman looks familiar, right? Who is he?" You chuckled softly.
The snowman now looked just like Pete "Maverick" Mitchell, and Rooster was unable to contain his laughter. "Have you seen my phone? I must snap a picture and send it to him."
"I grabbed it while I was at home," you smiled, pulling his phone out of your pocket but not giving it to him. "As a result of your stubbornness today, you have to pay for it."
"I need to pay? For my phone? Is this enough?" He asked, leaning forward to kiss your cheek.
A hum escaped your lips. "It's not enough."
Bradly kissed your lips after that remark.
"I think that's enough, sir," you giggled as you handed him his phone. "Quickly! I want to see his reaction."
Bradly first snapped a picture of the snowman by itself, and then he posed with you next to it. He hid the phone in his jacket pocket after sending images to Maverick.
"Do you think he will like me still? Or should I never show up near him again?" You asked with a raised eyebrow.
Bradley gently reprimanded, "You know well enough you're his favorite pupil and even if you'd kick his ass, he'd forgive you instantly. Of course, he'll claim that I made you build this snowman. He has no idea, though, that we should have added a massive dick to the top of the snowman's head if we had really meant to create him."
"No, no. Our snowman would get a massive dick if we try to build our beloved Hangman," you joked.
"Oh. My. God. Yes. I'll admit it - you're fucking right," Bradley readily agreed with what you said, and after giving it some thought, he raised an eyebrow at you. "Are you having the same thought? Let's build a snowman resembling Hangman, let's add a dick on top. I'll be happy to send him a pic," he said and a mischievous grin spread across his lips.
As you rubbed your hands together, you were already giggling uncontrollably. "We have to do this! To work!"

Under the Mistletoe || Keigo Takami xfem!reader
Masterlist ❄

Summary: Hawks found the perfect way of using mistletoe against you.
Warnings: none
Word count: 672
Author: Cass
A/N: today’s prompt: Kissing Under a Mistletoe Devider by Firefly Graphics - ⛄

Despite all the hype, you didn't really celebrate Christmas. Your family was mostly out of the country, and you couldn't simply leave because of work. It's not that you hated this particular time of the year or anything, you simply didn't have anyone to celebrate it with.
You were honored to be a sidekick of number two here and to participate in a little celebration Hawks organized to soothe everyone a bit.
You turned around, checking yourself in the mirror. Often you could also dress up a bit more fancy for work - of course you loved your costume, but it was nice to have a chance to dress up a little differently.
As soon as you were satisfied with how the dress lay on you, you nodded at yourself and left for work.

There was something odd about it - even though you knew these people, it was strange to see them out of their gears for so long, but it was still enjoyable to meet up with them. It was actually fun chatting with your friends about something other than work or training. The whole thing lasted until you felt a red feather tickle your cheek. Excusing yourself, you went to the door and immediately got snatched into the empty office.
"Well, well, well. Look at you! Always in your gear, and here you are. All dolled up in your dress, with those high heels on!" Hawks laughed, kissing at your cheek before nuzzling you to his neck. "Maybe we should change your dress code for this type of outfit?" Hawks suggested.
Shaking your head, you laughed. "Don't you dare! Do you realize how hard it is to run in those hills? You seriously expect me to keep up with you?"
Hawks looked at you and shrugged before hugging you tightly; he hated hiding your shared relationship from others, but it made him feel safer.
"Don't be like this. I would have a nice view to see every day," Keigo taunted.
"Keigo, I don't mean to be rude, but if they notice us missing, they will all find out about us, after connecting all the dots." You kissed him gently and promised, "I'll wear this outfit more often in private for you."
As he pulled away, he nodded with an annoyed grimace on his face. "I want to see you later, okay? Promise?"
After agreeing, you left the office, pretending nothing had happened.

In the middle of chatting with your friends, you felt an arm wrap around your shoulders.
It was none other than Hawks himself asking, "I see most of you are enjoying yourselves here. Mind if I take Y/N for a moment?"
As a result, no one objected or dared to say no to number two, so you were pretty soon dragged away.
After raising your eyebrows, you looked at Keigo and then at everyone else as he stopped right in the open door. You were the center of attention for some reason; it was confusing.
Your confusion was noticed, and he smiled cockily, pointing his index finger up.
There was mistletoe hanging right above your head, and you could have sworn that there had never been mistletoe there before! That meant he did it on purpose just so he could kiss you without revealing too much.
You were flung into a needy kiss after Hawks gave you an innocent shrug.
Grabbing his jacket, you kissed him back with a soft, annoyed growl. As soon as he pulled away, you shook your head and smiled at Keigo. "You couldn't stop yourself, couldn't you?"
"What can I say? I was never too patient, and Christmas time I had to take advantage of this little window of time," he shrugged and snatched the mistletoe before waving it in front of you. In a quiet voice, Keigo explained, "I need to keep it. It will be useful." Then, he walked away like nothing had happened.
Standing completely stunned, you were soon surrounded by slightly jealous friends asking many questions about the kiss.