Loak X Y/n - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

summary: [y/n] and lo’ak are gifted the role of scouting. but, they can’t make it one single day without putting themselves in harm’s way.

lo’ak x oldersister!reader

a/n: okay, so this was formerly titled "strong heart," but i actually ended up rewriting this entire thing because i decided… what the heck was that! the prompt is the same, but i highly recommend rereading because everything else is new (and hopefully improved).

warnings: violence, language, [y/n] being a protective badass older sister, implied killing

tags: @eywas-heir @pinkhotdogsfr​

his protector


“oh, come on, little brother!” [y/n] called, her voice quiet overtop the wind. “tell me you can fly faster than that.” the two siblings soared across the blue skies, their ikrans barely avoiding the tops of each tree. every second that they moved, the flaps of their wings left the trees leaning backwards.

lo’ak groaned from behind her. “i can, but we already took a flight this morning, so i’m sorry that he’s a little tired,” he complained, patting a hand on his ikran’s neck causing a purr to rumble down its body.

the pair sully siblings were on scouting duty, their father sending the two of them off as soon as it became apparent that the day was far too busy for him as the olo’eyktan. it didn’t help that neytiri was occupied with tuk and kiri for the day, and neteyam had to attend whatever leadership meetings with his father. so, naturally, [y/n] and lo’ak immediately volunteered for the job.

normally, the parents would have said no, given the piece of work that the duo was. but, they had no choice that day. plus, even if they did say no, the two would have broken the rules and gone anyway, and jake was tired of scolding the two of them.

“excuses, excuses, brother,” [y/n] teased, turning back with a tempting grin, and just to layer it on, [y/n]’s ikran flicked her tail, lightly slapping the snout of lo’ak’s ride.

“hey!” he yelled defiantly, although the older sister could hear the smile in his voice. she braced herself as she heard the flapping wings increase rapidly, wind blowing faster. soon enough, the boy shot out in front of her and her ikran, not missing the chance to flip her off as he passed.

[y/n] laughed, shaking her head. “you are a child, lo’ak.”

“you are the one who started the competition!” he argued exasperatedly.

“ay, perhaps that is true, but at least i’m not a sore loser!” with that, the girl commanded her ikran downwards, the two ducking underneath her brother before pulling up directly in front of them.

and so, the race was officially on. no, they were not very good at keeping an eye on their surroundings, as scouts were supposed to do, but they were very good at sibling bonding. one after the other, they took the lead, alternating for what seemed like miles.

the two could only hear each other's laughs, breathless and smiling. [y/n] was in such a good mood, she’d almost missed it. she’d almost flown right through it and not even batted an eye. luckily for both of them, her ikran was on high alert ever since they entered the area a few paces back.

the laughter faded from [y/n]’s throat when she felt her ikran clicking her tongue, the soft vibrations sending her eyes up and ears perked. that’s when she finally noticed, immediately slowing to a stop, the two just keeping themselves flying in place.

[y/n] could feel her younger brother hurtling towards her, so as a last second attempt to stop him from ramming into them from behind, she put her hand up with her palm facing backwards. she thanked eywa that lo’ak was paying enough attention to notice, the boy stopping right next to her.

“[y/n]?” he panted, confused. but, it didn’t take long for him to realize either.

below them sat a camp, seemingly empty. but, it was new. the area was littered with human-like belongings—machinery, tents, an old campfire.

“that wasn’t marked on the map, was it?” [y/n] knew the answer, but she wanted to check anyway. as if she had a little bit of hope left. beside her, lo’ak silently shook his head no. “well, shit.”

“at least we have something to report?”

[y/n] quickly pushed a grin off of her lips at his comment, trying to remain serious. “is anyone in the camp? because if not, then where are they?”

lo’ak shrugged helplessly. “maybe they’re sleeping in.”

“it’s evening, skxwang,” she said with a roll of her eyes.

“okay, then they’re going to bed early.”

if she could smack him on the head, she would. “without anyone keeping watch? lo’ak, why do you lack intelligence?”

the boy sputtered, taking major offense to her comment. “hey, at least i’m creative.”

“creative, or stupid?” she muttered under her breath. she inhaled and exhaled a slow, deep breath. [y/n] was currently measuring two different choices. was she, a) going to be a good daughter or b) going to be a good clan member.

lucky for her, she didn’t even have to make a choice. “lo’ak!” she cried as her brother aimed his ikran downwards, slowly decreasing his altitude to land right outside the camp while still being hidden under the cover of trees.

“come on, [y/n], you know you wanted to,” he teased, a knowing smile resting on his lips.

“yes, but i wanted to make the call since i am the leader of this duo. mom said!” she argued bitterly, annoyance threaded through her tone.

the boy hummed, amused. “now who sounds like the child.”

with a huff of annoyance, [y/n] followed her younger brother down, landing their ikrans in the trees. carefully and very quietly, the two dismounted. from where they perched, [y/n] saw a perfect view of the camp’s entrance.

“it’s dead,” she whispered, shaking her head in confusion. with a quick look around at where they were located, storing it in the back of her brain, the girl hopped down. she landed softly on her feet, weight distributed perfectly thanks to the teachings of her mother.

lo’ak was not as quick to understand. “[y/n]?” he hissed, bringing her attention back up to the tree. “what are you doing?”

[y/n] only grinned. “come on, it’s empty! let’s explore a little, get some actual dirt to bring back to dad.” the boy shuffled warrily. “wait a minute,” she teased. “you’re not scared, are you, little brother?”

“what?” he sputtered. “uh, no! i’m just thinking. you know, like a warrior does. i’m willing to bet you didn’t think twice before jumping down there.”

she stuck her tongue out. “what’s the fun in thinking? now, come on, brother! hurry up, we do not have all day.” with that, the girl turned back around towards the camp, taking quick and quiet steps.

she grinned as she heard the huffs of lo’ak his own soft footsteps following soon after her. “the best way to approach this,” she began as soon as he caught up with her, “is to go in together. have your knife ready just in case, but as far as it looks, it is completely abandoned.”

lo’ak nodded. “do you think they have guns we could steal?” he pondered, a smile glued to his features. “because i don’t think dad would be too angry if we returned with some materials.”

“i like how you think, little brother.” and so, they finally entered the camp.


“why would they leave all of their stuff here?” lo’ak wondered aloud, looking around at the ammo and resources left behind. there was far too much to bring all of it back, but they could at least load their ikrans with a few guns and bullets.

[y/n] was thinking the same thing, although she found it hard to believe that they would just drop everything and run. unless there’d been a threat, but this was a typically dormant side of the forest. the only animal that actually caused a hazard around this part were herds of hexapede, but it was clear that a stampede hadn’t been the threat to drive them away based on how put together everything still was.

[y/n] scratch her head as she looked around, ducking under tents to check what other indicators might be around. “the sleeping bags aren’t messy,” she commented. “they didn’t leave in a rush this morning. they at least had time to wake up.”

“they also ate breakfast,” lo’ak added, his fingers brushing against the cinderblock that surrounded the campfire. “and maybe lunch.”

she sucked her teeth, not understanding. “whatever drove them away was either too dangerous to grab their guns, or they just weren’t smart enough.”

lo’ak chuckled at that. “i wouldn’t be shocked if it were the latter.”

“or,” a clicking sound had [y/n]’s ears perked up, eyes alert and hand on her knife. “there was a lot more materials that we don’t know about.”

for a second, time froze. she could feel the change in the air, the smell of gunpowder just before the shot was fired. before the sound had even reached their ears, [y/n] launched herself off the ground, covering the body of her younger brother with her own.

the shot rung out, embedding a bullet into the tree that was previously directly behind lo’ak.

“holy shit,” lo’ak rasped, eyes wide as he stared at the spot on the tree. that could’ve been me.

not a second went by before [y/n] was back on her feet, two guns in her hands from what they ransacked.

lo’ak barely avoided another bullet, rolling to the side and behind the cover of a dead log. he gasped for air, the overwhelming stench of gunpowder clouding his senses. he couldn’t even see the familiar body of his sister.

but, from where he hid, he did watch the mutual interaction as they shot back and forth, one bullet after another. he felt pride swell in his chest as an avatar’s body dropped across from his sister’s side of the forest.

he shakily clutched his intercom necklace, words quiet as he told her, “one down, two more.” he was at the perfect position for spying, if not helpful for the battle field. “more left—your left. a branch above,” he directed, smiling as yet another fell.

“where’s the last one?” his sister questioned breathlessly in his ear. his eyes rose back up, searching the trees. where’d he gone?

it was just a second too late when he felt an extremely unnerving presence rising up behind him.

“[y/n]!” he yelled out loud, alerting his sister of exactly where he was located. the older girl stood up from her hiding place behind a tree, a gun in each hand. her eyes widened at her baby brother stuck in the grasp of an avatar.

from where he struggled, lo’ak watched the eyes of his sister. just tell me when to duck, he begged, his stare desperate and terrified. and then.. she signalled.

the boy dropped all of his weight at once, catching the avatar off-guard. he cursed in confusion at the boy’s problematic antics, the only thing keeping him from having to struggle with the na’vi boy anymore being the bullet that left [y/n]’s gun, embedding itself right between his eyebrows.

as the avatar’s body fell, silence followed. [y/n] collapsed to the ground, exhaustion creeping through her bones. lo’ak could barely move, trying to catch his breath from the major chokehold that avatar’d had on him.

eventually, someway, somehow, the two crawled back to each other. lo’ak felt himself melt in the warm embrace of his big sister, his protector.

“i’m sorry,” she sobbed, clutching his head against her chest. “i’m so sorry, baby brother. i did not mean to put you in harm’s way.”

he only chuckled, tears stinging the corners of his own eyes. “you did not endanger me, sister, you saved me.”

part ii

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2 years ago

HIIII ok so ive been loving all ur works, and i was just wondering if u could do a lo’ak x reader?? maybe like they’ve been fighting their feelings for each other but now as they’re learning the way of the water they just can’t resist each other anymore?? maybe like a late night talk by the beach??

summary: best friends, that's all they are. or, at least that’s what [y/n] keeps trying to convince herself.

lo’ak x fem!reader

a/n: thanks so so much for the request! it’s short and sweet, full of fluff. hopefully you enjoy. feedback, reblogs, and reqs are always appreciated.

warnings: major fluff, best friends to lovers, the result of mutual pining, cutie patooties

tags: @pinkhotdogsfr @eywas-heir

kiss her, you fool !!

HIIII Ok So Ive Been Loving All Ur Works, And I Was Just Wondering If U Could Do A Loak X Reader?? Maybe

the beach was silent that night, the waves calm as they brushed against the shore in a consistent manner. it was rather peaceful, the soft sound of the ocean harmonizing with the breeze.

but, peace could only last for long. threaded into the sounds of the waves crashing came quiet laughter, muffled by hands clasped to each other’s mouths in order to shut each other up. if you were genuinely curious enough to track down the mysterious noises, you would not be shocked to find a pair of teenagers hidden together behind a rock next to the tide pools.

there sat [y/n] and lo’ak, their faces flushed from the laughter they attempted to keep down, although it was clearly a struggle based on their breathless voices.

“lo’ak,” she hissed, trying to push her grin off of her face. “quiet! you know your father will not react kindly to us being out here.”

he rolled his eyes, dropping his head backwards to stare up at the star-lit sky. “does it even matter at this point?” he wondered aloud. “i mean, i don’t think i can disappoint him any further than i already have.”

“nonsense!” she huffed, leaning towards him with a soft smile. “i’ve seen the capabilities of your stupidity, lo’ak, and there is far much more that you could do. trust me!”

he chuckled at that, causing her to feel a pang of pride for making him laugh. “well, aren’t you just a wonderful friend,” he teased with a shake of his head.

at that word, she wrinkled her nose, but quickly willed the expression off of her face. “you do need someone to keep you on your toes, boy.” [y/n] looked away and towards the dark horizon, silently cursing at herself. she needed to stop. stop thinking of him like that.

the girl’d been fighting her feelings since before they left the omaticaya clan, before they left their home. thanks to her history with the sully family and the lack of her own parents after their deaths during a raid, she had quite enough resources and evidence to use against neytiri and jake, eventually convincing the pair of protective parents to let her join.

growing up alongside the sully siblings, even before her parents’ death, led to a very close relationship with the youngest son. she couldn’t help it—he was charismatic, full of energy. it was captivating, really, even when they were just toddlers.

she just wished it hadn’t led to her teenage years being full of heartbreak because her best friend only saw her as.. well, a best friend.

by pulling herself away from the conversation, the two faded into an unfortunate and awkward silence. it was just too damn bad that boys at that age were far too scared of making any sort of move without being one-hundred percent confident that it wouldn’t end badly, and even so, they still hesitated!

so, as an attempt to reel her back in, the boy cleared his throat. damn it, he cursed himself silently when the girl continued to stare outwards at the beach. naturally, he did it again. because he’s stupid. still, no luck!

by the third time, [y/n] turned around towards her best friend, eyebrow muscles furrowed in concern, laughter becoming apparent on her facial features. “are you okay?” she questioned, a smile slowly crawling its way back onto her lips.

almost immediately, his face flushed. “oh, yeah. ‘m fine!” he swallowed, his voice far too high pitched. “just something in my throat.” at that, he coughed again as if to convince her, although this time it sounded extremely artificial.

“right,” she trailed teasingly. “because, if you need water…”

“[y/n], don’t even think about it,” he warned sternly, immediately pushing himself to his feet.

“too late!” she cried joyfully, her tail pulling up and flicking against his ankles. unfortunately for lo’ak, she was weirdly strong, and the rocks were weirdly slippery thanks to the high tide earlier in the evening.

laughter burst from her throat as she watched lo’ak land backwards in the water, barely avoiding the splash. when he resurfaced, he looked less than amused. “you should have seen your face!” she mocked, tears coming to her eyes as she couldn’t catch her breath.

“shut up, [y/n]!” he huffed, but even he couldn’t ignore the entertainment of the moment. “and now who’s being too loud, huh?”

“i’m sorry,” she panted, wiping tears from her eyes. “you just don’t understand! you looked so shocked even though you knew exactly what was coming—ah!” she shrieked, feeling her weight go unbalanced thanks to a tug at her leg.

soon enough, the floated in the water with lo’ak.

when she resurfaced, he held a laugh in his throat at her expression. “please don’t murder me.”

“too late!”

now, if you ignored the sounds of laughter earlier, you would most likely be pissed at the fact that they got even louder. and this time, if you were just too angry to stay in bed, you would definitely not be shocked at the two teenagers who tackled each other in the waves, practically water-boarding the other. but, the moment that you saw the amount of enjoyment in their eyes, only the most soulless creatures would continue to scold them for it.

“[y/n]!” the boy cried, hands going up in defense. “please, please! mercy!” he called, the salty water clouding his vision. immediately, he felt her strain release, only leaving the girl sitting on top of his chest, a prideful grin causing a deep sting at his defeat.

teasingly, the girl flexed her arms. “who’s the champion?” [y/n] joked, sticking her tongue out at him.

he could only stare at her silently, though. his breath was slowly increasing, composure finally restoring. and yet, he still couldn’t speak, words stuck in his throat at he stared at the girl sitting on his chest.

“lo’ak?” she questioned after he hadn’t reacted in any way, shape, or form. that was very much not like the lo’ak she knew. he was always a sore loser!

you only have one chance, a voice deep within his head whispered to him, his eyes flickering to his best friend’s lips. only got one chance… he took a breath in.

kiss her, you fool!

and so, he did, his arm reaching up and gently bracing her neck. he sat himself up with his other elbow, leaning against it to give him a bit more leverage. and so, their lips came together, greeting each other with a yearning they both had been fighting for years.

and it was the best moment of [y/n]’s entire life.

Tags :
2 years ago

summary: three avatars dead, one injured big sister, and two angry parents waiting at home. what could go wrong?

lo’ak x oldersister!reader

a/n: this is a part two of his protector as requested by both @perfectprofessorloverapricot + @lololo392. hopefully i did it justice! it ended up being a longer fic than i originally meant (2.4k), but i’m pretty happy with it. if there are any mistakes, let me know—this is a product of stress and unhappiness inbetween finishing each midterm exam.

reblogs, comments, and requests are always appreciated !!

tags: @pinkhotdogsfr @eywas-heir

warnings: mentions of blood, injury, bullet wound, mentions of death + killing

reckless ( but helpful )

Summary: Three Avatars Dead, One Injured Big Sister, And Two Angry Parents Waiting At Home. What Could

“are you hurt?” lo’ak asked softly, his ear pressed right against her chest. from where she held his head, he could hear her wince every other breath that she took, causing his worry to fluctuate.

it didn’t help his panic when she hesitated. “uh,” she rasped, sniffling thanks to her tears from earlier. “it’s just a little wound. nothing to worry about.”

“[y/n]!” he scolded, immediately pushing his big sister’s arms off of him. his eyes scanned her body, trying to locate where exactly she might be in pain, but as soon as he saw the small pool of blood underneath her thigh, he inhaled sharply. “let me see.”

when she adjusted her weight, freeing her leg from where it formerly sat underneath her body, lo’ak ran a hand over his face. “okay,” he sighed, inspecting the injury carefully. “it could have been worse, but it’s still a bullet wound.”

“well, aren’t you smart,” she teased, reaching up and pushing his head away.

“[y/n]!” he hissed, swiping her hands away. “this is not the time to be joking. we need to get back—sooner rather than later. it’s nearly eclipse.”

she nodded solemnly, dreading the moment in which they saw their parents again. thanks to her injury, it was impossible for the two of them to cover up their dangerous adventure. “go take off that dream-walker’s shirt, brother. i can use it as a bandage.”

lo’ak rolled his eyes at the request. “of course, making your baby brother undress a dead stranger.”

“don’t make it weird, you perv.”

but, of course, lo’ak obliged. he took his knife, sticking it under the dirty t-shirt and angling it upwards. as he ran the knife downwards, the shirt split into two pieces, eventually allowing for lo’ak to grab it off of the avatar’s corpse.

when [y/n] finally had it, she grabbed both the knife and the shirt from her brother’s hand. “let me see this,” she sighed, continuing to cut the shirt down into a long strip of thin fabric.

“here, sister,” lo’ak offered, dropping to his knees beside her. “let me wrap it. it would be easier for me anyway.”

silently, [y/n] nodded, inhaling slowly as she watched her brother grab the bandage. in preparation, [y/n]’s fingers curled inwards towards her palm, looping through pieces of grass. she helped the process by bending her knee ever-so-slightly, allowing for lo’ak to wrap her thigh easier.

“stay still,” lo’ak scolded when she winced as soon as he touched her skin. “it will be done quicker if you keep it together. i promise you.”

as he wrapped her thigh, her ears pressed back against her head, a hiss of pain leaving her throat as lo’ak tightened the pressure. “just keep going,” [y/n] exhaled, eyes closed as she tried to regain her breath.

“almost done,” lo’ak commented, his eyes drifting back and forth between the progress he was making and the pained expression on his big sister’s face. both parties felt immense relief as soon as he tucked in that last tail of the fabric.

[y/n] flexed her knee back and forth, watching as the bandage remained secure, although she immediately regretted her choice when she felt the pain shoot through her leg. at the feeling, her stomach shifted, skin going the slightest shade paler.

“hey, hey,” lo’ak called for her attention softly. “look at me, okay? you’re good, safe for now. our next step is getting home, alright? so, we’re going to call out ikrans, i’m gonna help you get on, and then i’m going to board both of our rides with some souvenirs.” he eyed the barrels full of guns and ammo behind them.

[y/n] dragged a hand down her face, eventually trailing down her neck. “alright,” she sighed. something deep inside of her felt so much immense guilt at their situation. not only did she almost kill both of them, but now she, the big sister, was under the care of her baby brother. oh, how backwards it all seemed.

both siblings put their fingers to their lips, blowing out their own unique whistles to catch the attentions of their ikrans. as soon as the melody rang out, lo’ak’s ears perked up to listen, spinning around to try and locate the direction in which they would come from.

at the familiar sound of flapping winds, lo’ak held his hands up as a signal of where exactly they were, and as a result the two beautiful creatures landed in front of him. their feet were heavy, a shake rumbling beneath them once they stopped flying.

[y/n] immediately tensed nearly every muscle in her body, straining to get up on her own. in exasperation, lo’ak ran over to her, her arms slipping underneath her arm pits to help her balance. “you lack patience, sister,” he commented with a breathy chuckle.

“i’m just independent, baby brother.”

“something like that,” he grunted, eventually pulling her up and adjusting his position so he stood next to her, allowing for the older girl to use him as a crutch of sorts. the two stumbled over to her ikran, the creature kneeling on the ground at the sight of her sister’s injury.

thanks to the lowered height, [y/n] could get on much easier, pulling her leg overtop so she straddled the saddle. tears pricked her eyes, her stomach turning. just stay strong, she told herself.

from where she perched atop her ikran, her eyes gazed upon lo’ak. he moved back and forth across the small campsite, loading the saddle-pockets with guns and ammo. he huffed and puffed, the weight a lot more than he was expecting. she swallowed a laugh as he paused at one point, wiping sweat off of his forehead.

by the time the pockets were completely full, the sky was much darker. although still not quite eclipse, there was absolutely no way that they would return home in time. but, what’s another rule broken at this point? they were already going to be dead.

lo’ak now sat atop his own ikran, breathless and tired. both siblings were more than exhausted, although for different reasons. [y/n] was fighting the urge to close her eyes. she needed to get home first.

“hey,” lo’ak called, catching the fading attention of his sister. “let’s go, yeah?”

“'bout time,” she mumbled, straightening her shoulders and rubbing her eyes. [y/n] looked back over at her brother, and as soon as he gave her the nod, she was in the air.

the flight itself was long, but based on both [y/n]’s inability to understand time and the fact that she kept spacing out, it felt extremely short. the only thing that kept her somewhat awake was the chill of the wind against her skin, her skin that was noticeably burning up.

by the time they neared home, the sky was pitch black and full of twinkling stars. a beacon of bright light shone up into the sky from the nightly campfire in the center of camp. as they got closer and closer, [y/n] could finally make out the image of jake and neytiri standing ready with their ikrans, about to fly off into the night. most likely to find us, she thought, cringing at the scolding they were about to get.

she could tell lo’ak was thinking the same thing when she heard him mumble, “shit.”

the two of them circled downwards, watching as neytiri pointed out their silhouettes to jake. by the time they landed, the pair was looking absolutely furious.

around the parents stood their other children, all three staring with an insurmountable amount of worry. they just knew their parents were about to murder the two of them based on how worried they had been for the past hour or so.

“where have you been?” neytiri hissed, eyes narrowed at her eldest daughter and youngest son. “the first time we entrust you to scout alone, you stay out past eclipse.”

lo’ak was quick to get off his ikran, face cast downwards in shame. but, instead of stopping on the ground like jake and neytiri expected, the boy moved over to his sister, helping her get off her ikran. the parents did not miss how she winced in pain.

immediately, tuk ran over to them, her small hands checking to make sure that lo’ak was safe. behind him neteyam was taking the saddles and whatnot off of their ikrans, eyes widening as he felt the weight to them.

“[y/n]?” jake questioned, his once disappointed eyes now fading into concern. his jaw dropped the slightest when he saw the make-shift bandage wrapped around her leg, the thin material absolutely soaked in blood. at the sight, kiri jumped to run over to her sister.

“look,” their daughter sighed. “i understand, you’re disappointed. whoops, our bad. we can explain later, and you are more than welcome to yell at us then, but until then, i really want to not die, so can i please see grandmother?”

“you two are very stupid,” kiri said, tone flat as she unwrapped the bandage. lo’ak and [y/n] now sat in the tsahik hut, surrounded by about a thousand medical tools and salves. kiri was quick to attend to her sister, knowing that it would take a bit until neteyam could help mo’at wander from the campfire back to the hut.

[y/n] hissed in pain, her thigh tensing involuntarily. “yes, yes, thank you kiri. your words are oh-so helpful.” she barked a curse at her sister when she poked the wound a bit too hard.

beside her sat lo’ak. he was fine, but tuk was forcing to stay until mo’at could clear him. she just didn’t want her big brother wandering around if he was hurt!

kiri inhaled deeply when she finally got a look at the wound. “that’s not very fun, is it?” she muttered, swallowing her anxiety. she didn’t need to freak out her patient—that always led to disaster.

the tension only increased when neteyam, their parents, and their grandmother entered the hut. “[y/n]!” mo’at scolded before even looking at the injury. “always hurt, always making me work.”

“sorry, grandmother,” [y/n] offered with a small smile, a layer of slick sweat surfacing on her forehead. she felt her own stomach growing nauseous at the sight of the bullet wound, the area soaked in her blood.

jake cleared his throat, catching the immediate attention of all five of his kids. “while your grandmother surveys that—” he gestured towards her leg—”why don’t you fill us in on your afternoon?”

lo’ak scratched the back of his neck, his eyes meeting the pained expression of his older sister. “well,” he started slowly, a sheepish smile on his face. “we were scouting. like we were supposed to!’

[y/n] nodded in agreement. “yes, doing just as you told us.”

“and then we found this new sky-people camp. it was completely empty, too! so, we did as you would, sir. we went and took notes, counting the supplies and surveying the area.” lo’ak barely met the eyes of his father.

as to distract herself from the poking and prodding of mo’at, [y/n]’s hand gripped lo’ak’s wrist. “but, it turned out that the only reason it was empty was because they heard our arrival as we were scouting. they shot at us, and, well…”

jake took a deep breath, pushing down the urge to yell at the two of them. “how many are there?”

[y/n]’s eyebrows furrowed, a gift given to her by her father’s dna. “‘are there?’” she questioned. “father, there are none left. i killed all three.”

lo’ak found himself beaming with pride. his older sister was the coolest. “yeah, and she even shot the last one right between the eyes as he was holding me. she didn’t even harm me!”

“what can i say, baby brother. i’m a good shot.” she swallowed a cry as her grandmother’s long tool reached into her wound, trying to locate the bullet. poor lo’ak was suffering her iron-grip on his wrist.

immediately noticing her discomfort, the siblings gathered around her. none of them seemed to notice the look exchanged between their parents. they were impressed. and proud!

“it is okay, sister. it’s almost over,” neteyam told her, holding her head up so, if she did pass out, it wouldn’t slam against the table. eywa forbid she got any dumber than she already was. tuk’s eyes were teary as she rested a small hand on her big sister’s shoulder, kiri holding her other hand.

once mo’at got a firm grip on the small metal capsule, she mumbled words of warning before she tugged. a bedraggled scream left [y/n]’s throat, tears trailing down her cheeks. the faces of lo’ak and kiri were priceless as they felt their hands lose feeling for a split second.

“you did it!” tuk cheered, rubbing up and down [y/n]’s hand as a sense of comfort. “you are done!”

[y/n] sniffled, a smile appearing on her lips. “yes, yes. thank you, tuktuk,” she said with a slight chuckle.

“hold still,” mo’at scolded, immediately causing [y/n] to roll her eyes.

the gesture of annoyance had everyone laughing. “don’t worry guys, she’s still herself!” lo’ak teased.

from where [y/n] laid back, her forearms now resting overtop her eyes, she gasped. everyone looked over, still on edge from moments before. “the.. the—whatever! the things, lo’ak!” she recalled, her brain going too fast to locate the exact words.


everyone watched in utter confusion as the younger boy practically sprinted out of the hut.

“you will see,” [y/n] promised, taking a deep breath of relief as she felt the cool salve against her wound, her grandmother’s fingers soft as she applied it.

it was even more confusing as lo’ak sprinted back in, two guns in hand.

“woah!” neytiri warned, immediately grabbing the weapons from her reckless son. “explain.”

lo’ak grinned. “they were at the camp. we grabbed a bunch before we left—there’s more of those in the saddle.”

neytiri and jake blinked. “you’re telling me you killed three sky-people and stole their weapons?”

“and ammo!” lo'ak exclaimed time as his sister corrected them, “they were avatars.”

a grin sat itself on mo’at’s lips. “ah, so much like your parents. reckless, but helpful.”

“that’s us,” [y/n] agreed, sharing a look with her baby brother. “reckless, but helpful.”

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2 years ago

we need to see reactions from the sully family of subtle romance and displays of affection between y/n and fali

a/n: oh my goodness, absolutely. this has been on my list to complete for a while , but the influx of requests recently ( thank you all so so much ) has kept me from fully focusing on this. i'm trying to release as often as possible , and so far i've been pretty solid. i sometimes will skip requests if i don't have current inspiration just so i don't fall into a writing slump !! anyway , thank you so much. feedback + reblogs are always appreciated !!

tags: @pinkhotdogsfr @liyahsocorro @bonnibuckets @hjkshshjkhklhkl @wxnderingthoughts

young love ( sullys reacting to fali + [y/n] )

We Need To See Reactions From The Sully Family Of Subtle Romance And Displays Of Affection Between Y/n

jake sully

okay so, yes... at first he was skeptical i supposed you might say

he trusted his daughter's judgement and all, but he still needed to check for himself

and he did, as presented to us by a previous fic when fali met the family

after that, though, he actually loved fali

he was a respectful kid who jake could trust to protect his daughter ( not that she needed much protection, but a father still worries )

he loves watching the young couple just because it always throws him back to the early days of him and neytiri

loves watching them bicker, always finding it hilarious because... well, it isn't real bickering, more like dumb things

fali makes his genius daughter turn into a stupid teenager and he loves it just because he is fully aware that he stole her childhood ( and lives with that guilt every day )

always smiles when he catches them holding hands, walking together, sneaking little kisses

it's actually adorable

except he gets so sad knowing his baby girl is growing up

but he always feels better knowing that she's growing up with someone that she loves


she has always loved her daughter

when [y/n] was first born, she became her pride and her joy

she became the reason to continue surviving

she became the reason to fight

to say she was extremely proud of her daughter for finding her own source of happiness in their new home

well, that would be an understatement

sure, she was a tad depressed her baby was beginning to leave the nest

but that sadness always disappeared when [y/n] returned home with the happiest look on her face

and then she would yell at her when she didn't miss the marks on her daughter's neck

but also she immediately goes from upset to teasing after her daughter turns bright indigo

she smiles every time she catches their subtle antics

a hand on her thigh, his fingers playing with her hair, small kisses, their sunsets spent on the beach

neytiri finds is beautiful. beautiful that her eldest daughter, once her baby girl, is finally finding her own reason to survive. to fight.


he loves his big sister

but oh my eywa, fali is literally stealing her! she used to spend every moment of her life with her siblings, and now she just leaves them!

although, he understands

but he hates it nonetheless

how dare she find happiness before he does! ( joking !! )

but, otherwise, he loves the two of them together

he honestly--and do not tell [y/n] he said this--looks up to their relationship

like that's what he wants

despite him gagging every time they kiss and narrowing his eyes at their held hands

it's actually quite adorable

he supposes


ah, this sisterly relationship

they are the cutest

and kiri was the first to catch on when [y/n] and fali first started getting together

although she didn't fully make the connection, she was more than aware of the change in her sister's attitude

and kiri absolutely adored this version of [y/n]

just living and loving and thriving

in a home that wasn't theirs

but fali was helping make into [y/n]'s home, too

so, with that, kiri always enjoyed the small glances at their small romances

kiri noticed that [y/n] seemed to love tracing her fingers over fali's scars

it seemed to remind her that their tribes weren't so different

they all truly cared about the safety of their people, of their homes

kiri loved [y/n], but she absolutely adored happy [y/n]

and so, as a result, kiri adored fali as well


he is so obnoxious

which is rich coming from him! please, we have all seen the way he states at tsireya

and yet he still manages to embarrass himself in front of his crush as he makes fun of fali and [y/n]

maybe it's because he's jealous of what they have

or maybe it's because he thinks he's funny

( it's a bit of both )

either way, he always catches when they interact intimately while in public

they aren't big on the dramatic pda, but they're always holding hands at the very least

both are quite possessive of each other

lo'ak always rolls his eyes as he catches them

but he also secretly smiles

it's kind of cute


ah, this baby

she loves them together

she loves that fali makes her biggest sister happy

she loves that fali brings her seashells for her necklaces

she loves them!

she always hides a smile and giggles when they kiss or hold hands or do anything that is even remotely romantic

she is still so young and innocent, she thinks any display of affection is scandalous

she's so cute

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11 months ago

“You’re Mine Now”

Youre Mine Now

Pairing: Aged!Up!Lo’ak x fem!omatikayan!reader

W/c: 2.5k (oops)

Warnings/content: MDNI, heavy smut, non-con, dacryphilia, innocence/corruption kink, possessive & rough Lo’ak, reader is a virgin, cream pie, (lmk if I missed any!)

A/n: this is for prompt 4 of Pandora’s Bloody Moon. I know Bia’s acc is deleted but @hidden-snow asked that we continue the event. So here ya go, ya filthy sluts 💖

Also credit to @sugarsong78 for creating the idea of the Blood Moon! ❤️

P.S. if any of you have watched the movie Fear with Mark Wahlberg and Reese Witherspoon— it’s kinda giving that whole psychopath vibe 🤭👀

Lo’ak had always had eyes for you. Sure, he got around and had his fair share of girls, but you made him unbelievably curious and he came to the conclusion that he needed to corrupt you before anyone else did, or he would never be satisfied.

Maybe it was because you were so untouchable. He was certain you were a virgin because he knew almost all the other guys have tried to sweet talk you and always end up failing, just like he did. He had thought he would have an advantage as the Olo’eyktan’s son but you still turned him down, much to his frustration.

It wasn’t that he was desperate for sex, he could easily hook up with many of the other omatikaya girls. But something about you always intrigued him and drew in his attention. Maybe it was the chase that he liked so much, the fact that you wouldn’t give into him made him want you more, like a challenge. He spent far too much time thinking about you and wanting to know more about you. He would talk to you and joke with you whenever he could, constantly trying to just earn a spot with you. There was even times he thought of you when he was fucking another girl so that he could finish. He was infatuated and wanted to have you and ruin you. He wanted to show you how good he can make you feel and watch you crumble over and over again though multiple orgasms until you were shaking from being overstimulated. He wanted to be the first. But how could he if you wouldn’t even give him the slightest chance?

Tonight was the night the Blood Moon would make its appearance; all Na’vi knew and many prepared themselves the best they could. A lot of families essentially locked themselves inside their houses and took sleeping medicine so that they wouldn’t be awake and outside roaming in their demon form.

On the other hand, a lot of Na’vi embraced this phenomenon. They thought of it as a natural way of life and it should be able to take its course through them for just one night of the year. Eywa made no mistakes to them, so surely there was a reason for this too.

Lo’ak was aware this was tonight and he made up his mind and had a plan in order. He was going to find you and have you, no matter what. And the scheming bastard was so clever that he already knew he was going to blame his shameful behavior on the Blood Moon’s effect on him, so that hopefully you would forgive him afterwards.

You on the other hand, were one who didn’t want to participate in this and you were going to take all the precautions to avoid everyone and the consequences. This wasn’t your first rodeo, you’ve done this before on this night each year and have been fine. Your process was to close off your entrance so one would come in and so the moonlight wouldn’t touch you and make you possessed. Once the Blood moonlight hit the Na’vi skin, it was game over.

To trap yourself in, years ago you had made a woven covering supported with wooden beams that covers where your opening to your hut is. It was still evening but you would rather be safe then sorry so you put it up and tied it securely to the sides of your hut to keep it in place.

Then you sat and waited and ate your dinner alone. Praying to Eywa nothing would happen to you tonight.

You lifted the covers on your cot to tuck yourself in, deciding to try and go ahead and go to sleep.

Your ear twitches as you hear a sound outside your living space, as if someone was walking up to your blocked-off entrance.


Your heart dropped as you stared fearfully at your makeshift door being banged on repeatedly.

“YAWNEEEE!! ITS LOAKKK!!” He shouted loudly while still banging the door.

What in Eywa’s name? Lo’ak?? Yawne???

You were so shocked you didn’t speak, not knowing what to say and hoping maybe he’d go away. He wouldn’t be in his right mind right now.

The banging continued. “You gonna let me in??? Or do I have to break in myself??” He yelled while obnoxiously laughing.

“L-Lo’ak, please go away! I’m trying to sleep,” you tried to deny his request politely.

“Nahhh baby, why would I leave when I need you so bad?? Think I’ll dieee if I don’t get you!”

What the hell? This cannot be happening. Your heart was pounding and your hands were clammy in fear. He was literally insane right now.

Then he used all his strength which was heightened right now to shake and break your barrier down, snapping the ties loose and it fell forward with a thud in front of him.

Standing at the door, he instantly made eye contact with you sitting on your bed.

The sight of him was enough to make you nearly piss yourself. His skin was grey and his freckles were bright red, a much different look from his normal vibrant blue. But his eyes were the most horrific part; replacing the normal yellow tint, they were now red orbs glowing in the dark of the night. He smiled devilishly from ear to ear, flashing his even larger fangs and ran his tongue over his teeth like you were his delicious prey. He looked deranged, like a psycho.

“Hi, yawne,” he whispered eerily, still smiling and staring deep into your soul. It seemed to make him smile bigger seeing how terrified you looked trying to cower back onto the bed. You noticed the tent in his loincloth and tears started forming in your eyes. You knew another effect of the Blood Moon was heightened sexual urges.

“Lo’ak please!! Don’t do this!!” You begged.

He quietly stalked closer to you until he could kneel next to your bed. He was even scarier up close.

“Why not? I don’t think I can wait a second longer, baby,” he rubbed your leg and you jumped at the contact.

“I don’t want to!” You cried, warm tears cascading down your cheeks.

You looked into those eyes and didn’t see the Lo’ak you normally knew. No, he was possessed right now, of course it wasn’t really him.

He ran his calloused hand up your leg to cup your pussy through your cloth. You barely whimpered in both terror and sudden pleasure shooting up your spine as you continued crying.

He grinned more. He thought you looked so pretty when you cried.

He then moved your loincloth to the side to touch your bare cunt.

“You’re wet already. You may not want this but your pretty pussy is crying out for me,” he tried convincing you; and subconsciously himself.

He slid a finger inside you swiftly and watched your face intently for a reaction. You were trying so hard not to give him any reaction but you have never felt this before so the pleasure was an unknown feeling for you that you couldn’t control.

All you could do was stare at him as your chest heaved up and down, adjusting to the new stretch his long finger provided.

He pulled it back and slammed back in. A gasp slipped out of your mouth as your pussy fluttered, gripping him perfectly.

“Fuck, that little virgin pussy is sucking me in so tight. Don’t worry, I’ll stretch you out a bit before you have to take my cock,” Lo’ak said.

“Please stop,” you begged again and shook your head ‘no’, yet feeling betrayed by your body succumbing to the pleasure.

Your unwillingness seemed to only make him want you more. He was determined to make you take it and make you cum and feel good. By the end of it you were gonna like it, he promised himself in his mind.

“But you’re doing so good. I gotta claim you as mine now,” he stated plainly, as if that wasn’t a big deal nor required your consent.

He pumped his finger into you and you felt an unfamiliar tightening and gooey feeling in your lower stomach. It felt so good after the initial stretch. You tried to not moan but you couldn’t help it, so you threw your head back so you at least wouldn’t have to look at him. You spread your legs more without even thinking. He didn’t want to wait any longer to ravish you, and ruin you and your innocence.

He suddenly yanked your loincloth off and decided your top needed to go too so he ripped it off as well, leaving you on display for him.

He nearly drooled at the sight, you were like a fresh meal set out and prepared for him, all for his taking.

“Gonna make you cum first before I fuck you,” he told you.

He lowered his head to lick at your clit and continued pumping his single digit. The feeling of his rough tongue was something else, it was entirely foreign and nothing like you could’ve ever imagined. It was heavenly.

He then added another finger, assuming you were ready for it by the way your wetness coated his fingers and knuckles. Your sounds of pleasure tumbled from your lips and he savored every one of them like the sweetest song to his ears.

“Feels good, right?” He asked sensually.

You nodded your head and gave a whiny, pathetic “mhmm”

“Yeah I know it fucking does. Should’ve done this to you a long time ago”

Your brain didn’t register that he wanted to do this before now, too. Your adrenaline coursed through your veins and all your senses were heightened. So many unfamiliar feelings all at once and you had no choice but to lay and take it.

“I-It feels weird,” you panted “like I’m about to pee” your eyebrows scrunched up.

He laughed at your pure innocence, it filled him with so much pride and his ego swelled.

“That means you’re gonna cum. Poor girls never felt an orgasm before, huh?”

Your heart sped up faster and the pleasure increased more and more, rushing you towards the climax.

“You never even touched yourself? Really?”

You shook your head no, barely processing his words.

He made a noise almost like a growl. “Fuck, you’re driving me crazy. So fucking sweet and innocent, all for me to corrupt”

And just like that, you felt a release rush through you and taking over your body. You shook uncontrollably and yelled loudly, conquering your first ever orgasm. He kept licking and pumping to prolong it. It then turned into oversensitivity and you pushing his head away the best you could. He decided to be nice and let off you.

You panted and tried to come back down from it, exhausted already. He chuckled and smiled at you as he licked up all your mess off his face and hand. Your eyebrows were still crunched, but right now it was in confusion and horror at how nasty he was— that just seemed so dirty.

Without saying another word, he pulled down his loincloth to let his cock spring out. You looked at it in curiosity and fear.

“Never seen one of these before, have you?”

You weakly shook your head no, wondering how in the world that was supposed to go inside you?

He started jerking himself slowly and you watched him, frozen in your place. He didn’t take his eyes off you, those red eyes boring into your soul.

“Get on your hands and knees,” he roughly commanded, pointing at the floor in front of him.

You knew you had no choice but to obey, so you slowly and hesitantly did so.

“Good. Now arch that pretty back some”

You again did as he said, poking your ass out more for him.

“Mmmm. What a beautiful sight,” he spoke in awe and approval. He was checking out every part of you like this, staring mainly at your glistening, puffy cunt all eager and ready to be taken.

You were scared of him in his current state and trying to get this over with. You were sure he was gonna hurt you with his cock, judging by the size of him.

You heard him lower himself to his knees behind you and then felt his hand grab onto your hip. He lined himself up and you gasped when you felt his tip make contact with your hole.

“Gonna make you mine now. Your mind, body, and soul will be connected to me now. You never forget your first. And don’t worry, you’re gonna love this cock,” he said.

You weakly turned your head towards him and nodded, not wanting to anger him while he was like this. He could kill you right now if he wanted to.

“Beg for it”


“I said fucking beg for it. Act like you want it.” He demanded harshly. “Good girls say please”

“Please, Lo’ak” you whimpered weakly.

He spanked your ass hard. “Say it like you mean it!”

“Please! Please! I need it!”

“Good girl,” he finally praised.

Shifting his hips forward, he pressed inside you. The stretch due to his thick girth was even better than he imagined. You were so warm and wet and tight for him.

You winced in pain at the stretch but honestly took it like a champ. You didn’t want to sound pathetically in pain because of him and let him win this.

“You feel so good,” he groaned deeply.

He started thrusting, setting a brutal pace. He was lost in the feeling, he had never felt a pussy this good.

You moaned and tried to cover your noise with your hand. You felt so full and his dick was reaching to where his fingers couldn’t get to. He pressed his back over you and grabbed under your jaw to bring your face next to his. This caused your back to arch more, your flesh smacking and getting louder and louder

“Taking it so well. Be a good girl and cum on my cock, will you?” He asked while tilting his head to look at your face, sloppily kissing your cheek.

You hummed and moaned, not really answering him. Your face was scrunched up and your eyes occasionally opened to look at the ceiling. You were caught up in your pleasure too and were losing all your thoughts.

Before you could register, the feeling came again and your orgasm ripped through you. You made a mess on his dick as your juices flowed out while you convulsed on his length.

“Fuck! That’s so hot,” Lo’ak grunted, watching your pussy cream on his cock. It was more than enough to make him finish too.

“Gonna fill you up now so you’ll smell like me and all the guys will know I claimed you for myself before they could”

His cum spurted inside you and painted your walls pearly white. You felt the warmness and the way everything got even more slippery as his dick was still fucking you, getting every last drop of cum out.

He finally slowed down and you slumped to the floor, absolutely exhausted.

“Good job yawne, I’m so proud of you,” he praised sweetly, quite contrary to the way he appeared— looking like a demon from a nightmare.

He rose up to go over and grab the boundary he broke through earlier. Your ears perked up and wondered what he was doing.

“Gotta make sure no one else wonders in here with us,” he answered your unspoken question.

“You’re mine now.”

Taglist/moots: @neteyamssyulang @bambithewriter @professional-yapper @ikeyniofthetayrangi @loakstahni @inolaphoenix @property-of-neteyam @loak-te-suli @nonamevenus (if you don’t wanna be tagged just lmk!!)

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2 years ago

Someone New

Someone New
Someone New

“Someone New” || Avatar: TWOW

Synopsis: You and Rotxo have been courting each other for a while now. Tsireya notices this and gets jealous,but in secret Y/n and Rotxo have mated.

Warnings: Mentions of sex, jealousy, angst & fluff, secret relationship, a little Tsireya & Lo’ak at the end

Request: I'm a total sucker for torment, so i come to humbly ask for a part two on Tsireya and sully y/n, but i wanna see how thing's between the two go when their older and y/n reluctantly falls in love (genuinely in love at that, slightly more relaxed and less guarded and defensive compared to when others had tried courting them) with Roxto after a while of him courting them? Y/n is scared that their parent's might separate them from him like with what happened with Tsireya? Perhaps the pair become secret mates and it's later revealed?

A/n: Yes!! I’ve been planning on doing a part 2 but never knew how I wanted it. This was great idea, I appreciate it anon! Hopefully I did this nicely!! 💛 Even though I totally forgot the whole plot to the other 😛.

Rotxo x Metkayina! Reader | Taireya x Metkayina! Reader | Tsireya x Lo’ak

Someone New

You and Rotxo were sitting together on the sand talking with one another. Then you heard laughter coming from afar, being as curious as you were you turned your head in the direction only yo quickly turn back to your mate.

Tsireya was coming near.

The two of you haven’t talked since the incident when you two split. It’s been almost a year since then. Over time you’ve tried to get over her but somehow failed.

But one day though, you’ve finally caught feelings for another. Rotxo. You were overjoyed that you’d be able to move on from your past love.

Your feelings towards Rotxo were very obvious to everyone, including Tsireya. To say she wasn’t happy about it would be an understatement.

She was furious. With herself and you. Had it been so long that you’ve finally gotten over her? Have you finally found another? Her heart started to crack but deep down she knew it was for the best.

For the both of you.

It hurt seeing you happy with someone else but she has to suck it up and pretend like she wasn’t hurting on the inside.

Meanwhile you and Rotxo has had a blast getting to know each other over time. Even to the point where you’ve started courting one another. Your parents never knew, you told him that you’d be devastated if the two of you got separated.

So he agreed to keep it between the two of you.

He always brought you gifts like seashell necklaces or pearl bracelets and you’d always accept them with a huge smile on your face. Tsireya saw this too. She was fuming with anger inside her but nonetheless she kept it to herself.

Your parents found you on their own, but they were overjoyed once you had found a potential mate! Very supportive of you and Rotxo.

Someone New

You and Rotxo have been so close relationship wise that you both thought it was time to take it to the next level.

He brought you to the closest place to Eywa where every couple goes to mate.

It was beautiful, to the glowing tendrils & the night sky above you. It was perfect. “Rotxo, I love it here. Thank you for bringing me.”

The two of you were so close, so close that your noses were touching. “It’s my pleaser, my love.” The two of you looked into each other’s eyes before you closed the gap into a passionate kiss.

You both slowly started to descend on the rock beneath the both of you. You reached down to untie is loin cloth, but before doing that you looked up at him with curious eyes.

“Love, are you sure you want to do this with me?” He cupped your chin to tilt your head towards him. “I’d want to do anything with you, my love. It is okay.”

Then before you knew it, the both of you were bare before each other. Everything was so perfect. Down to the part where he was entering you and when you connected your Kuru’s to each other. That whole night was every thing you could imagine and more.

Someone New

Somehow Tsireya over heard you that night. She was going to see Eywa until she heard the both of you. She was seething with anger as she went back to the island, storming off after that.

It was time for dinner with her family anyways, so she’s right on time. She went to dinner angry though, her mother asking her what was wrong but she shrugged it off. Saying it was from her having a bad training that day.

She went to bed angry too. It was horrible to think she could pray to Eywa for you to come back to her. Only to have mated with someone else before she could even get there.

You didn’t even have a proper mating ritual ceremony for crying out loud, so why were you mating? She didn’t know, she couldn’t think all that good at the moment with her tears flooding her vision every few seconds.

That night she cried herself to sleep.

You and Rotxo were no secret to anyone anymore after that. After you two made it official you almost told the whole village!

The only person you told the people to not tell was Tsireya. It would hurt your heart to tell her.

Hell, even her parents knew!

One day though, her parents were talking about hosting your and Rotxo’s mating ritual ceremony. She over Heard them that night too. When they heard a sob they turned their heads to the curtains to find a silhouette of their daughter out side walking off.

They groaned to themselves for letting it slip knowing their child was awake.

Tsireya knew she had to tell you how she felt about you still.

Someone New

The next day she thought about confronting you about it telling you how she felt so she can get over you already.

You were in your Marui doing crafts when she came in. Her fuming with anger made you confused “What is wrong Tsireya? Has something happened?” “Yes, something has happened and I need to you tell me why!”

Her voice had a booming anger to it which frightened you. You’d never seen her get so angry like this. “Why did you and Rotxo mate last night? Why ____?” She had a pleading look on her face while you had a shocked one.

Her question was met with silence and she looked at you in disbelief. She started confessing her longing feelings for you afterwards, mentioning that she had to get them off her chest.

She wanted you to say something. She wanted you to come back to her, but she knew that couldn’t happen. “I am sorry Tsireya, but I have already chosen.” You we’re just as hurt as she was. Seeing her like this. She just looked at you and scoffed, walking out of your tent.

You started to tear up at her words, you didn’t know that she had felt that way about you still. But it was already too late.

She thought that to get her mind off the whole thing she would take a swim on her Ilu. It’s been almost an hour since then and she’s calmed down, feeling better.

She was playing with all the fish in the water when she heard something. There was a horn that caught her attention, so she got on her Ilu and went back to the village.

She came back to see her people surrounding what looks like newcomers. She swam off her Ilu and got off the water to take a closer look.

Then she saw a boy. With a darker blue skin tone and braided hair. Her heart couldn’t help but race at the sight of him. He caught her eye and looked back at her, then followed up by a short wave.

She giggled and turned her attention back to her people. Her eyes wandered around until she found you. She quickly looked away,seeing standing by Rotxo with your arm around his. You smacked his head when he had fun of the two boys in front of you with a glare.

Her father and the Olo’eyktan of the Omatikaya comes to terms that they will stay and learn their ways to not be failures.

Tonowari mentioned that Tsireya & Ao’nung would show them around with no take backs. “But father-“ “It has already been decided.” He had a firm tone to his voice when she said that.

Tsireya was more than happy to show them around and get a chance to talk to the boy she had her eyes on.

Maybe this’ll be her chance to find someone new. To have a new relationship with another just like you did.

That was the first time she met Lo’ak.

Someone New

© 2023 whatisthatmae - please do not steal my work,upload, nor copy any of it on any other websites. All of the rights of my work goes to me. If you have any inspiration please tag me as well!

Tags :
2 years ago

The Best Is Yet To Come || Lo’ak x fem!Metkayina reader

Summary: finally, Lo'ak opens up about his true feelings, not only about the Payakan situation, but also regarding you 💙

Warnings: none, pure fluff & Neteyam interrupting the confession of Lo'ak's feelings for the reader 😤

Word count: 2203

Author: Rouge

A/N: prior to reading, it’s important to know that: the reader is female Metkayina ✤  there is no particular feeling between Lo'ak & Tsireya - he’s more interested in the reader ✤ Neteyam’s into Tsireya ✤ you'll find a glossary underneath the fic

The Best Is Yet To Come || Loak X Fem!Metkayina Reader
The Best Is Yet To Come || Loak X Fem!Metkayina Reader

The reefs of Pandora were more than breathtaking. The reef amazed you with its diversity, with its wide range of different colors, as well as many types of creatures living there. Having been Metkayina, you have been taught to look beyond the mundane. Water was both life and death, so to immerse yourself in this very specific kind of relationship with it was indispensable.

It was not anticipated that newcomers would arrive, especially forest people, Omaticaya. With Tsireya's assignment to show the newcomers their new home, you also took part in this task. Truthfully, you were curious about this new family that was about to settle among Metkayina. As opposed to your clan - their hands were slimmer and less muscular; their tails had funny fur covering the tips, and they had thinner legs. There was no doubt in your mind that they would have difficulty adapting to your environment.

Nevertheless, within a few weeks, the Sully family made great progress - they learned to ride ilu and how to fish, and Jake Sully's youngest son even developed an unusual relationship with Payakan, a tulkun outcast.


Sunset came in its boldest blaze, as if Eywa had painted rainbow-flames across the evening sky. You were coated in a light mist of salty air from the ocean breeze, blowing gently towards the shore. Sitting on the sand with Tsireya and Lo'ak, who grew closer to the two of you, you watched the eclipse coming across the sky; throughout the area, beautiful turquoise and violet hues began to appear.

"The thought of Payakan choosing you still baffles me," Tsireya whispered to Lo'ak. 

With a single nod, you also glanced at the young Omaticaya. "Tsireya's right. It seems to me that Eywa has something great planned for you, Lo'ak."

As he listened to both of your words, young Omaticaya nodded his head occasionally; some of his braids moved back and forth as he did. "I still don't understand why your clan refuses to accept Payakan's innocence."

There was an exchange of glances between you and Tsireya.

Taking a moment to calm herself, Tsireyspoke. "Loak," she started gently, "You know he is the one responsible for those deaths, according to the Tulkun Way."

"It's unfair," he replied, shrugging within his arms as he traced shapes in the sand with one of his fingers.

As if to ease his anger and sorrow, she placed her palm on his shoulder and whispered, "This is how it is, Lo'ak."

After letting out a deep sigh, the young man got up. "Even though I understand, I find it highly unfair that he must pay for the rest of his life for fighting against sawtute." When Lo’ak had finished speaking, he walked along the shoreline alone, leaving you and Tsireya behind.

Tsireya looked after Lo’ak while he walked away. "He's so upset. I don't know how to cheer him up." 

You got up and dusted the sand crystals off your legs, saying "I'll try to speak with him once more."

Tsireya nodded in acknowledgement. "I think it's worth a try. Just remember to be gentle."

"I always am," you laughed and hugged your best friend before attempting to locate Lo'ak.


Not long afterwards, you spotted him petting his ilu while sitting on a wooden pier, almost outside the village. You watched him from a distance for a while. Tsireya was right - he was extremely upset over the situation with his spirit brother. As you were considering leaving him alone there so he could collect his thoughts and find his inner peace again, he spotted you out of the corner of his eye. He turned his head to you and laughed lightly, "Have you ever been told how bad you are at sneaking up on people?"

As you approached him, you spread your arms wide. "Too many times, actually," you replied with a shrug. As you sat beside him, you rubbed your hands together and put your legs in the water. "Lo'ak, listen, I know that..."

"I appreciate both you and Tsireya's efforts to comfort me, but..." He paused to rub his temple. "It's not that easy, I'm sure you understand my point of view."

While you gazed at Lo'ak's sadness written on his face, you said, "I understand, even though it might sound foolish. I truly understand how you feel."

A hollow look crossed his face as he watched the horizon, asking, "Do you really?"

“Sran, Lo’ak. Oel ngati kameie.”

Lo'ak looked directly at your face bathed in the last rays of the setting sun after he stopped petting his ilu's head. The way he stared at your huge eyes made it seem as if he was trying to glean every little sparkle from them. There was an obvious attempt to express a thought, but he could not find the appropriate words to do so, so he continued looking at your face, moving his gaze from your eyes to your cheekbones and lips. “Listen…”

With your palm raised, you signaled him to remain silent. While your palm rested on his chest, your eyes were never taken away from his. "Listen to me now, please. The tulkuns were violent creatures who fought among themselves for territory and revenge during the time of the First Songs, one of the earliest recollections of Na'vi history. This way of life was eventually abandoned by the tulkuns, who adopted a pacifistic philosophy in which killing is strictly forbidden, even if it is justified, as in self-defense cases. Thus, any tulkun who acts against the Tulkun Way and kills is outcast from the tulkuns. The tulkuns and my clan share a close relationship, as you might have heard, so any outcast tulkuns are rejected by us as well. It is nonetheless my strong belief that Payakan will have an opportunity to make amends, sooner nor later."

Lo'ak held his breath without even realizing it as his eyes widened. As you spoke in a reassuring tone, Lo'ak's heart calmed a little; the belief you had that Payakan could atone eased Lo'ak's soul as well. "Do you really think it would happen, Y/N?"

“Yes.” Lo'ak grew quiet as he thought once again about everything you had said. Having anxious thoughts was like riding an ikran around the village over and over again, faster and faster - it was more than pointless, so the young Omaticaya decided to push them out of his mind. In view of the beautiful eclipse that swept over the world, Lo'ak raised his head up, letting a quiet sigh out. "I strongly believe that Eywa knows... That Eywa knows he was innocent and tried to fight back after his mother and friends were killed."

Initially hesitantly, you took his five-finger palm in yours and squeezed it tightly, smiling at him. "Would you be kind enough to smile for me, Lo'ak? I don't like it... I mean, my clan don't like it when our guests are sad."

Observing your face as carefully as he could, he tilted his head to one side, considering your words. "Do they really worry about me or is it you who are concerned?" He mused.

Oh! There were moments when you wished you weren't so sensitive, that you could conceal your emotions more easily; within an instant, your cheeks were rosy and your hidden emotions were evident to everyone around. Those yellowish eyes of his were fixed on you; they were the most beautiful and understanding you've ever seen. “Lo’ak…” You started, but he touched your cheek, he rubbed his thumb against your skin, making you hold back your breath and nuzzle against his palm a tiny bit.

"Oeru lu fpom. I'm glad I met you. My family is so fortunate to have you and Tsireya as friends. You seem like such a sweet person," he complimented.

You whispered, "Oh, stop it" but his closeness had an unusual influence on you; your heart pounded as if you were being chased by akula, your skin was hot, and your pupils dilated. "I like you too, Lo'ak," you whispered back.

Suddenly Lo'ak leaned forward and gently placed his lips against yours, without a thought in his mind.

Initially, you blinked, surprised, but soon lost yourself in the sensation. Despite being messy and uncertain, his kiss was sweet and full of promises of a better tomorrow. During the kiss, you were at your most pure and vulnerable selves. There were a million loving thoughts condensed into one moment in that kiss. His lips tasted like the sweetest nectar you've ever tasted. Immediately after the kiss was broken, you looked into his eyes hesitantly, just like he did. “Lo’ak…”

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have kissed you," he apologized, gathering his composure as he rose from the pier.

"No, no, Lo'ak!" You blinked and got up as well, following him.

Lo'ak's ilu put his head over the surface of the water to observe the situation.

“I'm so sorry, I have no idea what I was guided by. I didn't want to sully your honor," he said, getting from the pier to the sandy beach.

"Lo'ak!" you yelled as you tried to stop him.

The young Omaticaya took no notice at all and tried to walk away as quickly as he could.

"Lo'ak te Suli Tsyeyk’itan!" You shouted after him.

It was only that that made him pause and look back at you.

As you approached him, you shook your head in disbelief. Observing him with your bluish eyes, you asked, "You kissed me and now you are running away? You, the one who survived meeting with Payakan alone? What is it that you are afraid of?”

As he avoided your gaze, Lo’ak whispered, "Rejection. Rejection is what I fear most."

You took a hold of his palms, squeezing them, fixing your eyes on his face. "Please, hear me out, Lo'ak. I need you to know that you matter. Not only to me, but to the fate of this planet. You need to acknowledge your worth. Be confident. Start feeling the difference you actually make," you reached out and touched his cheek lightly, your other hand was put to his chest. “As I told you before, oel ngati kameie. The confidence and certainty you feel about your own self is what I want to see from you, for I admire you, my dear. And about the kiss... Your belief that you sullied my honor is terribly misguided,” you chuckled lightly, blushing yet again.

"I thought you didn't like it," Lo'ak replied, licking his lips as they became so dry he could no longer bear the feeling.

"I've been kissed a few times before," you told him openly, "but none have been as heartwarming and perfect as yours." You could see the gratitude within the sparkles of joy in his eyes.

"Look at that! I didn't know my little bro is such a skilled kisser!" Suddenly, a vibrant tone came from behind, and you saw no one else but Neteyam, Lo'ak's older brother, approaching you.

Your anger about Neteyam destroying the moment full of trust and thrill made you grin at him a little too wryly. "Neteyam."

As Lo'ak asked, his tone was filled with anger, "What are you doing here?"

"What am I doing here? It's well after the eclipse, and mother is worried about you," the older brother explained with a shrug. “Come on, let’s get you back home.”

Upon seeing his brother's smug grin, Lo'ak rolled his eyes and requested, "Just give us a minute."

When Neteyam walked away into the substantial distance, Lo'ak focused on you again. "I was wondering if you would like to hang out tomorrow? We might go to Payakan.”

"I think I'll be able to join you if you help me with fishing and net weaving," you told him with a smile, but deep inside you were really more than thrilled by the thought of spending more time with Lo’ak.

"You got it!" He smiled eagerly, and kissed you again, harder this time.

The actions of Lo'ak had not gone unnoticed by Neteyam, who whistled a few times. "Well, well, look at you, kiddos! It might be a good idea for me to tell mother to start preparing for your wedding, bro. Love is in the air!”

"Lay off of him, Neteyam," you warned as you leaned closer to him, "Or I'll have to open up about what I saw a few days ago."

In an instant, Neteyam stopped grinning; his eyes narrowed, turning into tiny gaps. "Don't you dare, Y/N."

Lo'ak exclaimed, "Hey, I wanna know!"

A smirk danced around your lips as you looked hardly at Neteyam and said, "Your older brother was making out with Tsireya."

Lo'ak chuckled loudly and opened his eyes wider. "Knew it! I saw you staring at her. Look at you, bro, you aren't wasting your time."

After shaking his head and groaning loudly, Neteyam turned and walked away, gesturing at Lo'ak to follow.

Lo'ak kissed your cheek briefly. "See you tomorrow!" He bid you farewell as he chased after his brother, lining up with him shortly after.

While watching him leave, your heart raced within your chest. There was no doubt in your mind that the best was yet to come.

The Best Is Yet To Come || Loak X Fem!Metkayina Reader


sawtute - humans (“sky people”)

tulkun - a large, intelligent marine creature native to the oceans of Pandora

ilu - a sea creature, the direhorse of the Pandoran oceans

sran - yes (colloquial)

oel ngati kameie - I see you

oeru lu fpom - I’m happy

akula - a Pandoran ocean animal

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2 years ago

hey guys so this is actually my first ever actual writing. so if there’s any mistake please correct me. also english is not my first language

Lo’ak Headcannons

Lo’ak x gn!reader

Hey Guys So This Is Actually My First Ever Actual Writing. So If Theres Any Mistake Please Correct Me.

• first off this boy is head over heels for you, like he would do absolutely anything for you

• if anyone says something bad about you, better know they’re gonna get a taste of his fists

• you adore and love him a lot but it really stings to know that he’s getting beat up to a pulp because of somebody else saying something bad about you

• you’d constantly reassure him telling him that it’s okay and that you don’t really mind about what others say

• yeah that’s not gonna work with him

• secondly, he loves kissing you like it literally brings him joy

• your kiss is kind of like an energy giver (idk how to say this) and it just gets his tail wagging excitedly and blushing real hard

•whether it be a small peck, a long kiss it doesn’t matter , he loves it

• if you have chubby cheeks, guarantee that he will be squishing them so often

• he just thinks you look so adorable ^^

• we all know how lo’ak can be completely reckless and do things that can put him in danger?

• yeah well, looks like you’re joining in these events too

• but he’d be more cautious around you cause he’s afraid of you getting hurt :(

• lo’ak’s self esteem can get pretty low because of his looks and the way he’s just so different compared to his clan

•so ofc as his s/o you’d comfort him by telling his that you love him so much, kiss his knuckles, you’d remind how every imperfection that he sees in his eyes is what makes him perfect in your eyes

• give him a bit of a snuggle and head rub and he’ll melt in your arms

• he trusts you so much that he’ll spill every single thought that circles around his head

•whether that might be an absolutely ridiculous one or something that needs to be written in philosophical books

•idk i just find that maybe he can get kinda poetic when he’s in the mood or smth

• 10/10 relationship

• he loves you so much, don’t ever leave him :((

authors note: how was it? if you have any requests please let me know! i’m only willing to do headcannons and one shots at the moment!

until then,


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