Neteyam Fiction - Tumblr Posts
The Art Of Hunting || Neteyam & Lo’ak x fem!Omaticaya reader
Summary: You are interrupted by Neteyam's younger brother during your hunting lesson.
Warnings: none, just pure fluff (and Lo'ak interfering with a hunt lesson😋)
Word count: 1900
Author: Rouge
A/N: prior to reading, it’s important to know that: this is my very first attempt at writing for Avatar ✤ the reader is female Omaticaya ✤ a few things are in Na'vi language (I hope they were translated correctly) ✤ some Pandoran creatures are mentioned in the fic ✤ you'll find a glossary underneath the fic

There was no doubt that Pandoran forests were one of the most beautiful, breathtaking sights on the planet. Those forests, filled with greenery and sometimes interspersed with rivers and lakes, have been home to many creatures, both small and large. Within the darkness entwined with light, harmony, so coveted, seemed alive, bonding everything together.
It was a beautiful sight to see the river in its generous curves, glinting blue amid the leafy green. As she drummed and rustled, the clear water echoed through the canopy of trees. As a result, the river invited all souls to dance, rumbling quietly and flowing with her current. A soil rich in brown hues, along with fleshy, lush green leaves, combined to create a three-dimensional wonderland that captured the attention of onlookers willing to slow down and absorb soft rays of sunlight falling through ancient branches and flowing down to the forest floor.
Upon hearing Neteyam whisper ‘breathe’ in a calm tone, your ears perked up.
As slowly as possible, you turned your face towards him, watching how focused the oldest Sully brother was - his eyes opened wide and his nose twitched as he sniffed the wet scent of the forest floor. “Neteyam…” Attempting to whisper, you were quickly hushed by his hand being raised up in the air and his brief glance that told you to keep silent. Hunting had been one of your most difficult struggles - you weren't much of a hunter and many Na'vi told you not to worry about getting better at it, and instead concentrate on herbology. When the last sun rays kissed the forest and heathland, and when the greens and purples morphed into gray under the eclipse, yeriks went out to forage.
As Neteyam instructed, he kept his tone low, barely moving his lips as he spoke, "Remember, Y/N, bow and arrow are mere tools. You must shoot with the heart." With the last rays of setting sun, his yellowish eyes glistened with focus.
As you nodded, remembering the last time Neteyam took you hunting - because of your careless behavior, the whole yerik flock got spooked and ran before you could strike any targets.
Neteyam stood behind you and made sure you stretched the bowstring sufficiently; soon, his left hand was placed underneath your chest, on your upper tummy; your ears perked as you instinctively drew in some air - when Neteyam was close, especially that dangerously close to you as he was then, you had trouble concentrating.
Neteyam was adept at reading unobvious signs - a little grin glinted across his lips as he kept his composure, not giving you any indication he was aware of the slight change in your behavior.
While supporting your right elbow with his other hand, the oldest Sully brother whispered, "Focus now, Y/N."
Because he had five fingers instead of four, it always made you giggle when he was actually touching you - no exceptions were made this time.
The laughter of yours only lasted for a half-second, but it caused yeriks to stop grazing and look carefully around, turning into attentive mode.
In spite of this, Neteyam did not resign from hunting wild prey. As he moved his head so close to you, only an inch or two separated his lips from your cheek, he whispered directly into your ear, "Y/N, what did I just say?"
Trying desperately to calm your heartbeat, you prayed that he wouldn't feel the heat radiating from your body. “That I need to focus.”
"Focus then," he instructed you, his voice soft as a northern breeze, his tone nothing more than a whisper.
Another brief nod was given by you in response. Using all your strength, you stretched the bowstring as far as you could and aimed for the individual grazing grass on the sidelines. Your focus was the channeling of your spirit, of your true self within, so as you focused you could learn a few things about yourself - for instance, that you could hold your breath long enough to stretch the bowstring to the point where it started to cut into the flesh of your fingers.
“Fire,” Neteyam whispered into your ear.
Your shot was interrupted by another figure approaching, making such a fuss that the entire yerik flock fled.
As Lo'ak crouched against his older brother, inspecting a clump of grass carefully, he tilted his head and looked up at Neteyam, saying, "Mother was looking for you, bro. I won't lie, she was pissed you were out after the eclipse."
Neteyam's response was straightforward, as always - he hit his younger brother's head from behind, lightly enough to not hurt him. "So you've found us, brother. What's wrong with you, though? Didn't you notice we were hunting?"
Lo'ak's shoulder shifted a bit as he spoke, "I observed you for a while, and all I saw was you flirting heavily with our Y/N."
Your cheeks began to flush as you gasped a quiet 'stop’ - turning your head aside to conceal the redness you breathed out deeply.
A snarl of anger was heard from Neteyam as he displayed his teeth at Lo'ak. "Quit it, brother. Let's head home, the last thing I need is for the father to get angry as well."
The younger brother chuckled and poked your ribs with his index finger a little. "How was the hunting? No kills this time as well, huh? Quit trying, Y/N, you're not a hunter. You won't become one because you hang out so much with Neteyam.”
Your ears perked a few times quickly as you hissed at him. "Lo'ak!"
“What?!” Lo'ak leapt nimbly off a rock ledge you and Neteyam were using for vantage point. “Come on, let’s move up!”
You watched the two brothers slowly walk off, smiling gently to yourself - their relationship was so emotional, but despite the fact that they fought easily, it was so beautiful to watch them interact with one another - there was no doubt that they shared a strong fraternal bond. A wooden bow was slung over your shoulder, and you picked up a quiver filled with arrows that you adorned with some leaves and features before joining Sully brothers.
In the dark of night, Lo'ak walked first, leading the way back home. He was always the first one everywhere, always so curious, never satisfied with the status quo, always seeking for something new to discover.
The long steps you took aligned you with Neteyam, who reluctantly followed his brother, holding his bow firmly in hand. As you stared at him, you engaged him in a small conversation, "You seem angry, Net."
As the three of you crossed the large field, a group of resting kentens rose into the sky. This made Neteyam and you stop to marvel at the luminous magenta and purple discs that floated to safety on the branches of an old, nearby tree.
Taking a glance over his shoulder, Neteyam checked to make sure his younger brother was far enough. Putting on his ionar once he was certain, he turned to you. "It's not that," he replied quickly, trying to dismiss the topic.
With your quiver slung over the same shoulder as your bow, you crossed your hands over your chest, giving him a significant glance, the tip of your nose twitching a tad.
“What?” His tail wiggled rapidly.
You touched his chest with your slender fingertips and whispered, "Neteyam, I know you long enough to be sure you harbor anger within you."
Taking a deep breath, Neteyam placed his hand on top of yours that rested on his chest, then placed his other hand on your cheek to caress the smooth surface of your skin. “There was just one thing I hoped for. A few alone moments with you, Y/N."
As you snuggled your cheek into his warm, welcoming palm, you curled your lips into a sweet smile; your eyes never left his. "The plenty of occasion will come, oeyä yawntu," you said, wiggling your tail slowly.
The gaze of Neteyam was intense as he stared down at you. Your smile was the sun, it was the silencing of all the noises, it was both the cage and the ever-wide open door, leading to unknown places. It wasn't long before Neteyam got lost in the depth of your eyes and the warmth of your little grin. “Is your word a promise, yawntutsyìp?”
A slight tilt of your head indicated a nod. “Yes.”
A strong embrace encased your slim figure as Neteyam pulled you closer. After removing his ionar, he lowered his head slowly, resting his forehead gently against yours; his tail danced a bit with yours, wrapping itself around yours from time to time. "I love you, Y/N," he whispered softly.
When you slipped your palm across his chest and rested it against his heart, you replied, "Nga yawne lu oer."
After returning to check on you two, Lo'ak called out, "Guys! Are you two going to stand in the middle of the forest, like idiots, snuggling now? Seriously?”
A low growl escaped Neteyam's lips as he put his ionar back on. “This is none of your business. Get your ass back on the ikran."
"I'm not the one whose shenanigans cause us problems, bro," Lo'ak laughed, but followed his older brother's order.
As Neteyam's ikran spotted him approaching, it roared and wiggled its wings several times, lowering its head to greet his Na'vi.
Ikran's elongated snout was stroked by Neteyam as he jumped on its back, helping you up as well. Neteyam connected his queue to the ikran, and the beast was ready to fly. "Y/N, are you alright?" Neteyam asked softly as he wrapped his arms around your tummy to keep you from falling.
"Yes," you replied shortly. "Let's head home."
Neteyam ordered ikran to take off with a nod.
Before soaring, ikran roared once more, spreading its large wings.
It was fascinating to watch Lo'ak glide smoothly with his ikran in the air. The voice of Neteyam jolted you out of your thinking. “You know what?”
“Hmmm?” You mumbled, holding tightly onto his ikran’s neck.
"The thought of being back home excites me so much."
“Why is that? I thought you sought every opportunity to leave home to taste the adventure and beauty of the world," you questioned as you turned a little to look at him.
“That’s true, indeed. However, the mere thought of snuggling with you to sleep melts my heart," Neteyam replied as he moved his head slightly to kiss your lips. “Don't forget, this is just between us. It is likely Lo'ak would not leave me alone if he knows.”You knew he was right - Lo'ak was the first one to pick on his older brother, and if he only knew Neteyam had a soft side, he wouldn't give up so easily. “Don’t worry, I know.” Your palm rested on his cheek as you kissed his lips once more, a little longer this time. "Oeyä Neteyam, you mean the world to me."
Love was a protector, a defender, a ride-or-die connection that was there for you always and in every way. It had raw power and could roar, but also, you would find comfort in its quietness, if needed. In the end, the real love you were sharing with Neteyam was the greatest blessing Eywa could grant you, and so you chose to cherish it.

yerik - hexapede
kenten - fan lizard
ikran - mountain banshee
ionar - rider’s mask
oeyä yawntu - my beloved
oeyä - my
yawntutsyìp - darling
nga yawne lu oer - I love you
A Sense Of Lightness || Neteyam x fem!Omaticaya reader
Summary: After being accepted as a new Na’vi couple, you decide to mate with Neteyam before Eywa; the ache to be his lifetime partner has been burning inside of you for quite some time
Warnings: smut 🔥(first time)
Word count: 2970
Author: Rouge
A/N: Prior to reading, it’s important to know that: the reader is female Omaticaya ✤ characters are aged up (Neteyam is 20, reader is 19) ✤ a few things are in Na'vi language ✤ you'll find a glossary underneath the fic

The transition from childhood to adulthood is marked by customs and rituals in many cultures. A child who participates in a rite of passage has passed from childhood to adulthood. In this regard, the Na'vi were no exception. It has been said that every blessing and independence comes with a price. The blessings and independence of adulthood require emotional self-containment when faced with stress. The mature adult is able to contain and release stress in a safe and healthy way that protects vulnerable others.
Neteyam, though, continued to feel unprepared - instead he felt like letting everyone down continually on a regular basis, even though his parents seemed to favor him over his siblings.
The only person who really understood him seemed to be you. The two of you grew up side by side, becoming increasingly close over time. It was because of your persistence in walking to the Utral Aymokriyä that Neteyam realized you were considering something important.
During your conversation, you noticed that he seemed to be zoning out. It's possible that you've scared him; you weren't planning on doing this. As you sighed and gently tapped him on the shoulder, you tried to get his attention back. "Hey, did you hear what I just said?"
"Yes, I heard. You chose your profession. I'm glad you chose art. You have a lovely voice, and when you sing for us, everyone is mesmerized," Neteyam replied as he walked with you through the woodland.
A smug smile spread across your face as you teasingly whispered, "Even you, I hope."
The forest was the protective mother, a holy sanctuary away from curious glances of other tribe members.
Trying to grasp the idea he thought was floating through your mind occasionally, he asked, "So, why are we getting there?"
As you looked away, you took a moment to collect your thoughts before looking back at him. "You know..." You started softly, "Nga yawne lu oer, and I don't ever want to be apart. I want to be yours and yours only."
Holding your hand while walking, he squeezed your palm slightly and halted after he heard your confession. "Y/N... Are you sure about that?"
Your gentle nod was accompanied by a low whisper of ‘yes’ as you looked into his eyes.
Neteyam dreamed of sharing this moment with you because you were his beloved one, but he was scared about taking such a step at the same time -he was inexperienced and unconfident on this particular field. Neteyam had overheard older boys talking about these matters, and he was concerned - all he wanted to do in the end was provide you with the best experience possible. His hand squeezed your palm harder and he smiled softly, telling you, "You know how much I love you. I promised you once that no matter what, we'll be together, forever. If you truly choose to spend your lifetime by my side, my deepest gratitude goes out to Eywa for setting you on my path and blessing me with the gentleness of your heart and soul.”
A little gasp escaped you as you stared at him with your best doe-eyes. "Oh, Neteyam! It surprises me that you can be so open about your feelings, since you've always seemed somewhat secretive…”
"You know, yawntutsyìp, normally I show things that need to be shown, but those which are more private sit here," he touched his temple. "And here," Neteyam moved his palm and touched his heart. “I can only be myself by your side, only by your side can I reveal who I really am, and only by your side I don't have to hide my true feelings, and I will never cease to be grateful for that freedom you constantly provide me with.”
The bonds of love were stretched by all the things he said, and as your eyes fixed on his, you only let a single tear flow down your cheek. This moment brought you to realize that you loved Neteyam not only for his outer shell, but also for who he was - a friend, a partner in crime, a shoulder to lean on, and hopefully your mate, soon.
It wasn't long before you reached the Tree of Voices - an important spiritual site of the Omaticaya clan. Through neural queue contact with the tree, you could hear the voices of your ancestors, so it was named after its extraordinary feature.
As Neteyam sat on the grass, its bioluminescence, glowing in purple and bluish hues, responded immediately to his touch.
You soon did the same, at first just nuzzling your face against his chest while remaining silent, listening to his heartbeat, losing yourself in the sweetness of the moment. Soon, you spoke. “Although I am not an expert on these matters, I am aware of the pain it can cause. I am not trying to impugn your honor, Neteyam, nor am I trying to presume you are a monster, but until I know more, I cannot suppose myself secure."
"It is frightening, as is everything we don't know," Neteyam remarked as he traced the grass tufts with his thumb, his fingers were never quite touching the flesh of your leg, which was intertwined with his as you sat next to him. "It's going to be quite different from anything we've ever done before. I have been worried about it for a long time. I am concerned about hurting you."
It was becoming chilly as the eclipse approached, so you rolled a little in his arms and crossed your own over your chest. "I trust you so much, Neteyam. I'm afraid of pain, yes, but I know there's more."
Shivering, you felt the cold air on your skin. "Pxìm, when we kiss, our bodies move without us thinking about it. It feels terrifyingly pleasant, but I'm terrified," you said with a shiver. I'm afraid of losing control of my body, that tiny niche of control that I've carved out for myself despite everything." For several moments, he was silent, long enough for you to consider whether you should have spoken that way.
Neteyam suggested, "Let's explore each other tonight. Each moment we agree to, and each moment we can ask to quash it all." In this way, we won't cross the boundaries we don't want to cross."
There was an intoxicating sensation in your heart - his idea of sharing joy, of discovering, enticed you. If this intercourse was indeed a means to growing closer to each other, you desired it. You gripped his hand tightly and said, "All right, I accept this idea. I wish to explore with you. However, both of us must be in control here and I urge you to ask me before performing any experimentation."
A lusty sparkle ignited in Neteyam's eyes as he moved so close you could feel his breath on your cheek as he spoke just one word - ‘undress’.
In a slightly shy manner, you kneeled next to him, eyeing him attentively. First, you took off the brown fabric covering your breasts and crossed your arms instinctively to cover your flesh. Neteyam gently shook his head ‘no’, and you, regaining your composure, slowly let your hands move down your chest, exposing your privates to his hungry eyes.
When his strong arms wrapped around your almost naked body, you gasped. His hands conformably encircled you, pinning your body to the ground. Neteyam traced circles from your shaking shoulder to your skinny waist, sending goosebumps erupting all over your skin. You could feel his breath pooling on your neck, his fingers abruptly stopping at your hip. As his hands continued down your thigh, a low mewl escaped your lips. The firm grip on your hip, the trace of your knee, the hard thumbs pressed into your flesh - each left you shaking. This reminded you of the passionate kisses you had when you lost yourselves in the divine passion of each other. Your head lifted as you caught Neteyam's lips against yours. You felt blood rushing through your body as skin touched skin. Although the kiss was blissful, there was something searching about the way his tongue brushed against yours.
Getting confident, Neteyam tugged gently on the strings that kept the cloth covering your lower parts, looking you directly in the eyes.
A silent 'yes' accompanied your nod. As you watched him caress your body inch by inch as he kissed down your chest, the sparkles in your eyes grew brighter. As much as the idea of having Neteyam's hand where you were so vulnerable concerned you, once you started fantasizing about it, you couldn't stop - it wouldn't be anything you hadn't done before though, especially while imagining things the oldest of the Sully brothers would have done to you… You were surprised when he first touched your exposed collarbone rather than between your legs. The kisses retraced the trails left by his hands as they moved from your shoulders and down your sides. The moment his lips touched your legs, you felt a wildfire in your core that demanded to be quenched. As his weight settled over you, his lips layered yours, and then heavy hands slipped beneath the piece of fabric, nestling into the warmth waiting there, then sliding into the awaiting wetness briefly. He gently untied the strings of the cloth, taking it off of you and placing it beside you. Then, his lips locked on your aching mound. Your mouth dropped open - the feeling overwhelmed you, and you seemed as if his hands were carrying you upwards, towards some uncharted destination. “Oh, Neteyam,” you sighed slightly, rolling your head backwards a little, nesting it on a soft grass tuft. “It feels so divine…” The sensation of his softness on your slick folds made you shiver - the feeling was strange, and shameful, because you found yourself wanting more. The repeated pressure at your opening soon transformed from an alien feeling into an inviting one. You groaned into the grass, then moaned loudly, as your pussy lips spread apart, his attention deepening as his index finger gently touched your clitoris.
As Neteyam raised his head, he disengaged his lips from your vulnerable spot, gently running the tip of his tongue along them. "It feels good, doesn't it?"
“Yes,” you whispered, barely moving your lips while looking him in the eyes.
With no unnecessary words, he continued eating you out, exploring your private parts with both his tongue and fingers. In just a moment, he slipped a digit gently into your pussy. His tongue flattened, pressing to your clitoris as his finger moved slowly in and out of you.
Moaning was the only logical reaction, and so you did, becoming a little, moaning mess, begging Neteyam for more.
Neteyam discovered with amusement that your pussy soon became incredibly tight, and your inner, soft walls began clenching rhythmically around Neteyam's finger, milking it with your warm wetness. When the overwhelming pleasure became unbearable, you instinctively slipped your fingers into his hair, gently tugging on his braid as a loud whimper rolled over your parted lips. You rolled to the side, panting - you didn't react as Neteyam came to lie beside you, the limbs tossed in a tumble of warm skin; it was a scene you couldn't have ever imagined.
Taking your time to enjoy so craved closeness, the two of you snuggled together, caressing each other solemnly.
"I guess it's my turn to pay the favor back," you whispered teasingly as you kissed Neteyam's lips passionately while his cloth was being taken off.
Neteyam did not flinch when you rolled to him, just blushed a little - he did not complain when you began your investigation - a truly scientific look at a part of man you had never encountered before. Neteyam's penis was long and curved, too turgid to bend, and his scrotum was soft to hold in your hands; his testicles shifted slowly as your fingers gently caressed them.
Straddling his legs, you felt the muscled calves support your ass. "Have your penis experienced pleasure while your mouth was inside me?" You asked curiously.
He grinned at you and replied, "Your pushes against my head were so vigorous that my shaft thrusted the grass, growing larger, so the answer is yes.”
Seeing Neteyam lying still beneath you, you ran the tip of your tongue across your lips and smiled widely, showing off your teeth. It dawned on you that you no longer felt ashamed of your nakedness.
Daintily, your neat fingers brushed up against his shaft.
A deep sigh was emitted from Neteyam, his eyes becoming large as he jerked a little.
"I see you appreciate such contact," you teased, feeling your embers rekindle. When you encircled his shaft in your smooth palm, he began swearing out loud.
Feeling him twitch and squirm beneath you, totally subordinate to your whimsy was intoxicating.
A cat's grin spread across your face as Neteyam groaned in response to your touch.
Several minutes passed before he spoke, "Feels so good... But quite sensitive. I need some moisture."
"I think we should do something about that." As you licked your lower lip and nestled yourself between his legs, you lowered your head; initially, accommodating his shaft in your mouth seemed difficult, but once you relaxed your throat and muscles in general, it became easier.
A fistful of your hair was seized by Neteyam, who cursed out loud, "Fuck."
As you slowly bobbled your head, you kept in mind that you had to also work your tongue - girls had said that this way men were losing their senses completely.
While massaging your scalp with his long fingers, he managed to whimper quietly, "The pleasure is unbearable."
After quickening your attempts to please your beloved boyfriend, he began leaking precum; the salty taste was left on your tongue, but you loved it.
His cock fell out of your mouth with a loud pop, and you moved a little to kiss his lips while stroking his shaft and circling his leaking tip with your thumb. “Did you like fìkem?”
A hand was placed on your cheek by Neteyam as he nodded eagerly. "I loved every moment you gave to me, oeyä yawntu."
A mischievous grin danced across your lips as you decided to try something much more intimidating. His cock was grabbed and jerked several times before being rubbed against your pussy. From bottom to top, Neteyam's cock brushed against the wetness under your labia. You couldn't resist shifting further up his legs, which caused Neteyam's cock to pass your second lips. The experience was strange, it was too much, but it was all you craved for so long.
Suddenly, your grinding turned from exploratory to utterly necessary - your strokes collided your sexes and white-hot explosions in the back of your skull made you moan loudly.
When Neteyam's cock collided with your needing wetness, he instinctively grabbed your tail, caressing its tip, cursing both in Na’vi and English.
"Do you want..." You whispered, slowly grinding against his penis, looking him in the eye. It was hard for you to fully express your desires. "My confidence has never been stronger than now, Neteyam. I need you to be mine fully.”
Neteyam nodded, still playing with your tail, which was wriggling vigorously from the emotions you were experiencing. "I've been dreaming about it, Y/N."
Taking hold of your braid, you swung it over your shoulder, waiting for his reaction.
In a few seconds, Neteyam took his braid into his palm, and soon your neural queues were connected.
The unbearable pleasure now became more intense and welcoming as the warm feeling filled you from within; you felt as if you were drowning in it; your pupils widened rapidly. “Dear Eywa! Neteyam!”
Upon connecting your queues, Neteyam grabbed his shaft and stroked it briefly before slowly pushing himself into your wet core, causing you to roll your head back in a rapture.
Neteyam's hips were bucking up, and his cock was spreading your insides painfully; his hands were placed on your hips, guiding you back and forth, encouraging you to move faster.
Initially bucking your hips slowly, you allowed yourself time to fully accommodate his member; the curve of his penis filled your pussy to the brim, leaving you panting as your hands stroked his bare chest. "Oeyä Neteyam."
His cock was coated with your slick wetness, which made it more sensitive. In a husky voice, Neteyam warned, "I won't last much longer, baby.”
Nothing could stop you from riding your orgasm against his cock as the pleasure shot through your body. “Neteyam!”
The tightening of his grip on your hips was accompanied by sloppily moving hips as he chased his peak. As soon as your name rolled off his lips, he delved his cock deeply into your pussy, cumming within you, milking your inner walls with his seeds.
As you continued to buck your hips several times, you moved your hand down your body to caress the place you were still connected. “I love you, Neteyam. Once and for all.”
As you got off him, Neteyam whistled, nestling you in his arms immediately. "Irayo for taking me to Eywa."
You kissed his nose lovingly and claimed, "I think we didn't do that badly for our first time."
Having agreed with you, Neteyam chuckled softly, "Yeah, we did a really good job. We're an excellent team, aren't we?" While his fingertips brushed against your sweaty skin, his strong arms held you close to his chest.
Instead of replying, you placed your head on his chest and closed your eyes, listening to his mighty heartbeat. There was a sense of lightness - you attributed some of that to your first orgasms, but you knew your joy reached deeper than that.

oeyä yawntu - my beloved
oeyä - my
Utral Aymokriyä - Tree of Voices
yawntutsyìp - darling
nga yawne lu oer - I love you
irayo - thank you
pxìm - often
fìkem - this (action)
Sneaking Away || Neteyam x fem!Omaticaya reader
Summary: You might be a bit mistaken if you thought that escaping Neteyam's hut was a good idea
Warnings: smut without plot 🔥
Word count: 1665
Author: Rouge
A/N: prior to reading, it’s important to know that: the reader is female Omaticaya ✤ characters are aged up (Neteyam is 20, reader is 19) ✤ a few things are in Na'vi language ✤ you'll find a glossary underneath the fic

Your legs and arms were tangled after what seemed like a long nap; his naked body pressed against yours, his breath bathing your nape.
Slowly, you tried to stretch a bit, but couldn't since Neteyam was tightly hugging you. The fact that you were completely naked didn't stop you from getting up. After slipping away from Neteyam as quietly as possible, you ran for the door.
It was not long before his voice reached every corner of the room. "Why are you getting up?" Neteyam asked, his tone devoid of sleepiness.
"My limbs feel sore, so I need to move a bit. I think I’ll get dressed and have a little walk," you explained with a sigh, "I'll be back soon, you can get back to sleep," you promised, but hesitated to take another step.
Before he even spoke, you knew he was standing behind you. Even though he hadn't touched you yet, you could feel chills running down your spine as he whispered right into your ear, "Nìawnomum, there's no need to leave this place to move your body, oeyä 'eve." His lips brushed your earlobe slowly, and you whined quietly.
After turning you around, he grinned widely when he saw that you were turning bright red up to your pointy ears. Neteyam cupped your face, as he had done countless times before, planting kisses along the outline of your jawline while his fingers reached to your lower, exposed regions.
You couldn't resist giving in no matter how hard you tried, and this time was no different. The contact between his thumb and your clit caused you to inhale sharply as you turned your head away from him as you were trying to hide the blush showering your face, though it made no difference, since he already kneeled down, grabbed your thighs, and bit lightly on your soft skin while kissing your flesh tenderly.
In no time at all, your moans would be heard outside the hut, and you knew that they'd only get louder, so you decided it was pointless to hide your pleasure.
Knowing he could bring you to the point where you would be unable to control your own actions gave Neteyam immense satisfaction, and it was impossible to deprive him of it.
That's the exact look he gave you when he pulled away so he could push you back onto the bed.
"I have not moved an inch even though you told me I could by staying in here with you. So, among other things, you are a liar too, Neteyam," you responded and watched his eyes widened; in spite of your willingness to give him all the satisfaction he wanted, you continued to make your usual sarcastic remarks.
Hissing, he said, "You'll regret those words soon enough." After these words he tenderly kissed your breast.
You closed your eyes and drove your nails into the cot; your pulse increased at the mere thought of his taste.
While he pinched your nipples and kneaded your breasts, you ran your fingers through his hair and wrapped your legs around his slender waist.
His kisses were like torture as you needed him right there and then already, yet Neteyam seemed to gloat whenever quiet whimpers escaped your parted lips; he slowly kissed your body, tasting your warm skin, trembling like a leaf on a northern breeze under his every kiss as he kissed his way down, between your legs. Soon, using two fingers, Neteyam rubbed his fingertips along your outer lips until he found you were wet enough. Even though you knew he was holding back in order to get you to apologize, something you didn't intend to do, your body was begging for something much greater. "Nì'ul!" you moaned without thinking, trying to push your hips more into his touch.
Neteyam heard your pleas out and stuck another finger into you, never separating his lips from your pussy.
Your hips trembled as you whimpered, "Deeper, Neteyam."
A brief chuckle passed through his lips, but as soon as it vanished, his fingers curled into you, even though it wasn't enough to satisfy your desires.
Reaching out, you took his hand in yours, positioning it so as to allow him to reach deeper; your pleas for greater things were mixed with cries of pleasure.
His thumb put more pressure on your clit as he watched your facial expression with a wry smirk dancing in the corners of his mouth.
You were only a few seconds away from climaxing when he pulled his fingers out, leaving you looking at him with contempt in your eyes.
"I told you you'd regret it," his huge smirk just annoyed you more, and you attempted to get up from the bed to leave the hut, but he pulled you back under him, pinning your shoulders down with ease.
In an effort to switch places and bring yourself on top, you exhaled, "You're the worst, Neteyam."
As his gaze traveled across your body, he focused on the places you loved to be touched most; he was in a submissive stance, but looked at you as if you were at the bottom.
Even though you knew it was nearly impossible to change that, you still wanted to try. Before you reached his abdomen with your palm, you planted kisses on his neck, moving down to his collarbones. As you stroked the base of his cock, you felt him twitch under your touch. You couldn't help but sneer - it was unusual for him to react that way, which made you even more eager for what would follow. When you first took him in your hand and started pumping, his cock was already rock-hard.
The pace increased faster than usual; you were so excited that you couldn't stop yourself. You pushed him off yourself and rolled on top of him, and he gladly obliged. While bending down, you licked his tip and took him little by little into your mouth. Your greed made you move even lower, causing his balls to come in close contact with your lips as you left behind all signs of restraint.
When Neteyam was close to finishing, you pulled away slowly, ensuring that your tongue slid along his entire cock. In the midst of playing with a hair strand, you leaned against his ear. "What's wrong? You want more?" Your voice was nothing but a whisper; his body was tensed under you as you straddled him slowly, gently grinding your pussy against his erected shaft. "Don't worry, I am not finished yet, yawntutsyìp."
Tugging at his left earlobe, you sucked at the crook of his neck, savoring the warm taste of his sweaty skin. You were almost ecstatic at the mere thought of this man being willing to share his corporeality with you. After you'd finished, you sat up slightly, grabbed his cock, lined it up with your entrance, and lowered yourself onto him until he was inside of you. Upon entering your core, soft moans escaped your lips and you sat on his lap more firmly, regaining your balance and moving your hips fluidly.
Neteyam caressed your breasts and traced the outline of your spine with his hands; his lips parted as he watched you with a bliss. After you leant forward, your chin was raised by him and he kissed you, his tongue running over your teeth briefly before he went deeper, holding you close to him throughout.
"I assume your limbs are not that sore anymore. Why don't you just lay back and relax?" He suggested in the softest tone he could muster.
After nodding, with a last roll of your hips, you rolled off him and lied down on your back, grateful for the cold sheets underneath you.
"Are you willing to apologize for what you said previously, for calling me a liar?" Neteyam asked, tracing the curve of your hips with his index finger. When you opened your mouth to protest, he harshly pressed his lips against yours to silence you in an eager kiss.
Your gaze was fixed on his face as he climbed on top of you and yanked your thighs apart. After jerking his shaft a few times, Neteyam pushed into you without the slightest sign of hesitation. His movements were slow and not without impact as you moaned his name and the occasional harder or quicker, both of which he conveniently chose to ignore.
The fact that he had been waiting for his turn made you realize that he would probably take his sweet time with you. Soon, however, his hips thrust into you faster, his cock so deep inside your pussy that your bodies became one. Moaning, you felt your pussy clenched around his shaft, spasming rhythmically, leaving you trembling in his arms; it was one of the most intense orgasms you’ve ever experienced. In spite of this, he didn't slow down and you could see drops of sweat forming on his brow as his speed increased.
Wrapping your arms around his neck, you caressed the skin of his nape with your nails, whispering sweet nothings into his ear - you expressed how much you loved him, what he meant to you. You clung to him, rocking back and forth in perfect sync, lusting for more even if you'd already reached your climax.
The last time he pushed himself forward, he wanted to get as deep inside you as possible, and you welcomed his cum when it filled you.
As Neteyam gasped for air, he laid on top of you, occasionally kissing your cheek.
In the midst of a long silence, you teased, "So? Are you not interested in my apology anymore, oeyä yawntu?"
As he gazed down at your face, still flushed from the intercourse you two shared, he propped himself on his hands. "Don't even start, little one, or I'll get angry again."
Biting your lower lip, you flicked his nose. "I'm just teasing. You know I mean no harm. Nga yawne lu oer.”

oeyä yawntu - my beloved
oeyä - my
oeyä 'eve - my girl
yawntutsyìp - darling
nga yawne lu oer - I love you
nìawnomum - as you know
nì'ul - more
A rekindled jealousy || Neteyam & Ao’nung & Tuk x fem!Omaticaya reader
Summary: When you leave the Omaticaya clan behind, your entire life changes. You may have a hard time adjusting to Metkayina's ways, but you use the opportunity to wake some jealousy in Neteyam
Warnings: fluff & a little bit of angst ( ✓ Tuk being a little naughty, inquisitive shit ✓ Ao'nung being visibly into the reader ✓ jealous Neteyam) ♥
Word count: 3490
Authors: Cass & Fenrir
A/N: Divider by wonderful firefly-graphics

We will adapt, his father said. Adaptation is inevitable, it's not like we have a choice. Adaptation had multiple meanings, and the Sully siblings defined it in their own way. For Kiri, adaptation required finding an inner peace that would make day-to-day tasks much easier. As for Tuk, it meant leaving everything she used to know behind and learning anew how to function among the other clan. In Lo'ak's case, the process was about discovering his inner self - knowing your fears was the path to becoming one with the water. Accordingly, for Neteyam adaptation meant being obedient and following his parents' orders. As the oldest, he knew that getting into trouble was the last thing they needed right now; he would again be punished by his father and grounded, for life this time, there was no doubt.
Despite not being a part of Neytiri's family, you became close to her as her friends' daughter, and Neyam was delighted that his parents had taken you along with them - after your parents died in yet another battle against RDA, Jake Sully's wife decided to care for their daughter. You became his best friend after many years spent together, and the fact that you were female didn't change anything - the eldest son of Jake and Neytiri was treating you like the best buddy, hanging out with you as much as possible. Despite moving to a brand-new location because of Quaritch and his buddies, Neteyam still preferred to spend time with you, diligently learning new things from Metkayina.

As you sat on a large rock, frowning, you tried your finest to weave nets. As you tapped your tail angrily against the hard surface, your fingers continued to work on your latest yet unsuccessful attempt; at least this was slightly better than the previous one. As each second passed, you grew more and more annoyed.
Little did you know that Ao'nung and his friends were observing you from a distance. Following a brief exchange of glances with his friends, he approached you. Even though he wasn't a big fan of the Sully family, you seemed so different from them, which made you more appealing. In addition, you had four fingers, so you weren't as strange as those Sullys' demon kids. "Y/N, right? I see you're struggling with weaving," he smiled at you and offered, "Why don't you join my friends and me in the water instead?"
You looked at your messed up work and then at him; maybe continuing wasn't necessary at the moment - your fingers hurt and you were getting frustrated, so you decided a small break was needed. Also, that could be very interesting. You smiled back and nodded, "I'd love to." Rotxo nodded his head in agreement as Ao'nung looked at him. "Let's go, it would be a shame to waste such a beautiful day weaving," Ao'nung encouraged you to leave your work behind.
Tuk, the youngest Sully, saw the entire situation and then decided to inform her older brother about what she had seen.
One last look at your nets convinced you that there was no point in trying. Your curiosity led you to follow Ao'nung after leaving your work behind.
"So, how do you like it here?" Ao'nung asked, glancing at you with a certain amount of curiosity.
"It's completely different," you replied, your tail flicking from side to side. "There's a lot of water. It's a little unusual for me."
Rotxo laughed a bit at your words. "You tree people can only cling to your lianas, right?"
Ao'nung glanced coldly at Rotxo, conveying his anger towards him. Tonowari's son told you, "Forgive my friend, he's a little crude. Have you already interacted with ilu?" He asked, trying to change the topic.
Your arms crossed over your chest as you hissed offendedly, "Well, he isn't really funny. Well, we can do a lot more than that. And about your question, I'm sorry but I'm not even sure what ilu is," you admitted a bit embarrassed.
Another Ao'nung's friend commented, "She doesn't even know what ilu is, that's ridiculous," but was instantly hit in the back of the head by Tonowari's son.
"An ilu is intelligent, sociable, and easily domesticated animal serves the reef clans, including our clan, as direhorses serve the Na'vi clans of the forests and jungles," Ao'nung explained softly, looking at you. "Do you feel afraid?"
Your interest was piqued by the description of the animal. With your tail moving equally eagerly, you enthusiastically shook your head. "Me? Afraid? No! That sounds fascinating! I'd love to see it." Ao'nung slowly stepped into the water until it reached his muscular calves, then he turned his head to see if you were following. As soon as he was sure you were right behind him, he offered you his hand.
Smiling softly, you took his hand and followed him into the water. Compared to what you were doing moments ago, this was much better, you thought to yourself. The two of you were watched from a distance by Ao'nung's friends, who stayed on the shore. They had no idea that they weren't the only ones watching...
The sound Ao'nung made was like whistling after he clicked his tongue several times. A loud chirping ilu emerged from the water shortly afterward.
"It's loud!" you giggled, feeling even more captivated by the creature. "Are you sure I or you won't be eaten by it?"
"Ilu? Don't worry, they won't bite if they're not bothered. Come, pet it slowly," he advised.
As you nodded slowly, you drew a little closer and gently petted the animal.
Ilu turned his head to you and chirped loudly in anticipation, blinking both pairs of its eyes. A gentle, inviting touch was evidently enjoyed by the animal, whose skin was soft to the touch.
In response to your very first interaction with the ilu, Ao'nung smiled. "You see? No biting."
A giggle escaped your lips, and you nodded in agreement. "I really like how soft and cute it is, and there is no biting at all. I didn’t know they’re so friendly!”
After seeing a small wave coming, he took a step closer to you and put his hand on your waist, supporting you from falling to your back due to the strong drift. "I told you it was worth trying."
"It would be appreciated if the waves were not so strong," you joked and politely thanked him for the support he provided. "In fact, it was well worth trying. This creature is so sweet and soft. If I weren't scared, I'd cuddle it."
"There's nothing stopping you from doing so," he said as his hand stayed on your waist. "First, I would suggest creating a bond, it's safer that way."
Meanwhile, Neteyam joined Ao'nung's friends on the shore. Watching you cooperate with the ilu while sitting under the warm sun was a cute way to spend his spare time. Everything would have been perfect if Ao'nung hadn't been doing everything he could to get closer to you. In the end, Neteyam let out a deep sigh - it seemed you were more interested in Metkayina lately, and he was helpless about it; his only concern was your widely understood happiness.
Your eyes widened when you noticed Neteyam with the corner of your eye. You hummed, pretending to think about Ao'nung's offer. This could make things even more interesting. Immediately, you became more flirtatious with Ao'nung. "Are you really bringing me here just to show me the ilu?"
A cheerful smile was given to you by Tonowari's son, who also petted ilu's head. "Why are you asking, Y/N? I was simply trying to relieve you of the unneeded job you were assigned."
With a soft smile, you teased, "Oh, I'm sorry. I was hoping for more from you, but apparently I was mistaken..."
With a bold move, he touched your shoulder with his palm as he asked, "More like? You know how much I value your friendship more than Sullys', so I'm willing to lend a helping hand whenever I can."
"Friendship may always evolve into something more," you shrugged, still petting the ilu's head.
While chirping loudly, ilu poked you in the side with its velvety muzzle. "We could always give it a chance, Y/N. What do you think?" Ao'nung asked as his hand climbed up your shoulder and landed in your crook of the neck.
"Maybe?" You purred as if you were considering it. Of course, you didn't care about any of this, all you cared about was Neteyam's reaction. Although you felt disappointed with the lack of response so far, you decided to keep trying and maybe coax it out of him.
You were so skilled at pretending that Ao'nung leaned forward, closed his eyes, and attempted to kiss you.
It was enough for Neteyam. When he got up to his feet, he got as close to the water as possible without getting in. Neteyam shouted, "What the hell are you doing, Ao'nung?"
Gasping, you took two small steps away from Ao'nung before looking at Neteyam. Oh, he was angry! "Neteyam, what's wrong?" You asked innocently, tilting your head to the side.
The grunt grew louder as Ao'nung opened his eyes and stared at Neteyam as well. "What's your problem, bro?"
"You're acting a bit too brazen, bro, and that's my problem. Leave Y/N alone," Neteyam said after issuing a warning; his eyes were then fixed on you. "Come on, Y/N, I think you still need to finish some things."
Your lips were softly curled into a smile as you whispered, "Yes, I believe I do."
Ao'nung was the first to exit the water, leaving ilu behind. "Well, well, well, look at that, Sully's into our sweet, little Y/N," he mocked, rolling his eyes.
Once you had given the ilu one last pet, you followed Ao'nung towards the shore, thinking how the situation would unfold.
Once Ao'nung got onto the shore, he pushed Neteyam's shoulder strongly with wry words followed by a snort, "Shall I remind you about your position here, Sully? You better be on your best behaviour, as your father suggested."
A frown could be seen on Neteyam's face, but he tried hard to maintain his composure. "Y/N, let's go."
"What's your problem, Net? We didn't do anything wrong, he was just showing me what ilu is."
Tuk, who was partially hidden behind Neteyam's legs, peered out and frowned at you. "We've been here for a while, and you still don't know anything about ilu? Eywa, please hold me tight, I can't deal with Y/N."
Neteyam ruffled his sister's hair and stared at you before saying, "I heard Ronal asked you to help with nets, and you heard what my parents said about us being guests here? We need to adapt and do whatever it takes to avoid being considered useless."
Putting yourself behind Ao'nung, you frowned. "I try to be useful, but making nets is boring and not meant for me? This just seems more fun."
Tuk stuck her tongue out at you, her glance full of concern. "Mom won't be happy."
"Hush," Neteyam whispered to Tuktirey while looking at Ao'nung. "As the chief's son, you should be more reasonable and help Y/N with the tasks she's assigned to."
Your head rested on Ao'nung's shoulder as you gazed at Neteyam. You teased, "Is it your only concern? Or are you simply jealous?"
Neteyam had already had enough of your behaviour - he thought he had shown you many times that you were more valuable to him, yet you seemed more interested in that thick piece of a man, called Ao'nung. "Maybe."
Ao'nung smiled even wider as you patted his shoulder before walking up to Neteyam to take his hand. "Maybe? Just maybe?"
From nowhere, the argument grew into a tornado. The intensity of Neteyam's rage blinded him to your heart and soul. His hand snatched back from your grasp as he snapped at you, "Don't. It seems that Ao'nung has nothing but hots for you, and since you seem to be more than interested, we won't bother you anymore in spending your time with our host. Tuk, come."
The little girl followed her brother enthusiastically, but of course she couldn't help but glance back at you, laying her ears and hissing, showing her perfect, sharp fangs.
It didn't work out as you thought it would; you laid your ears down and hissed back at her, crossing your arms over your chest. A deep sigh was heard from you as you excused yourselves and followed them quickly.
The fact that you followed Sullys was mocked by Ao'nung. "Come on, Y/N! We still might have some fun!”
"Apparently Y/N is more into the eldest of the Sully brothers," Rotxo replied to his friend, and Tonowari's son punched him hard in the side, giving him the coldest look he has ever given to anyone as a warning.
"Neteyam! Tuk! Wait for me!” You shouted after them, attempting to line up with the siblings.
Meanwhile, Neteyam sat on the rock where you had left your unfinished nets.
Since she was angry that you were playing with her beloved brother in such a cruel way, Tuk ignored you perfectly.
After softly sighing, you decided to sit right next to him. "Neteyam... Talk to me. I am sorry for angering you so much."
He answered, "I'm not furious," and continued to work on the weave with his long fingers.
While playing with the sand, Tuk giggled, "He's not angry, he's mad."
"Could you play somewhere else? I want to talk to him alone," you hissed at her.
Tuk stood up and placed her hands on her hips. "Don't order me, you're not my mother."
With a sigh, Neteyam told his younger sister to return to their hut and assist Kiri and mother with whatever they were doing.
The young girl complied with her brother's instructions while grunting loudly in annoyance.
You looked at him and sighed, "At least she listens to you. So, will you talk to me?”
Then you moved closer to help him weave the net and whispered quietly, "About what happened. I didn't mean to anger you. I'm sorry for leaving my job. It just seemed like a nice offer and I was super flustered."
Without even glancing at you, he asked bitterly, "The offer or Ao'nung?"
Chuckling, you gently pinched his finger and continued to work. "The offer, as I mentioned earlier."
"Yeah. I bet."
"Neteyam," you said, taking his hand in your palm, "Why did you get so angry about me hanging out with him?"
"Hanging out with him, that's the clue," he said angrily, pulling his hand out of your grasp, weaving angry until his fingertips began to hurt - only then Neteyam threw the net away and after letting out a deep sigh, he massaged his temples. "Is he that interesting? Apparently, you were the one who said reef people were strange and unappealing."
"It wasn't because of him, but because I wanted to see an ilu," you explained, rolling your eyes. "There was a chance it would eat him rather than me in the event of an accident."
Neteyam was trying so hard to keep a straight face, but your comment made him giggle. "If only ilus could be as vicious as akulas, Ao'nung's issue might have been resolved long ago."
A smile spread across your face as you raised an eyebrow at him and asked, "You'd like that, huh?"
Prior to replying, Neteyam improved his necklace and waved his tail. "Maybe."
Your tail wiggled happily as you placed your chin on his shoulder with a mischievous smile. "I'm sure you would love that, hm? You wouldn't have to worry about someone stealing me from you."
"It's not like that, Y/N. We're just friends, you and I."
"Well..." you sighed deeply, "I'm disappointed to hear that, because I really wanted something more."
You were given a serious look as he asked, "Just like with Ao'nung, huh?"
As you gasped, you smacked his back with your tail. "I tried to get your attention by making you jealous. Is that what you wanted to hear?"
He grinned widely as he asked, "So you tried to make me jealous? Well, it appears you are interested in me, and I am flattered by that."
You whined, "Yes! I'm interested in you, but you're only paying attention to me in a friendly manner."
"And how do you know that, smartass?"
Blinking, you shrugged lightly. "That's how I felt."
"Then you must be blind."
You turned away and crossed your arms over your chest, pretending to be offended. "I'm not, it's just that your signs weren't clear enough."
In this case, Neteyam rested his chin against the crook of your neck, looking at you from your profile. "How many times did I accidentally catch your hand? How many times did I say there was no one but you? How many times did I skip my duties just to spend time by your side?"
You leaned against him, "I just thought it was because I was an orphan who your mother had taken care of and you took care of me because this was what your parents expected you to do."
With you by his side, Neteyam was able to relax his nerves as he closed his eyes, enjoying the warmth of the sun kissing his skin. "How wrong you were, Y/N."
"Now I know. What should we do about it?"
"Have you thought of anything in particular?"
Shrugging, you replied, "No. How about you?"
"My guess is that it's the part when you kiss her, Neteyam," tiny tone suggested. Nobody else but Tuk observed the entire situation while hiding among nearby bushes.
While eldest Sully facepalmed for not expecting his little sister to spy on him, he knew deep down she was right. In barely a second, he placed a hand on your cheek and rubbed you there with his thumb, before leaning forward to rub his nose against yours and briefly kiss your lips.
Wrapping your arms around his neck, you giggled quietly and kissed him back. The happiness made your tail move like crazy.
A small Omaticaya girl shook her head and kept quiet during the scene.
As your taste spilled over Neteyam's tongue, he murmured in pleasure.
With a mischievous smile, you pulled away and rubbed your noses together. "It was worth it to piss you off."
"Prove it."
"I love you, not Ao'nung," you rolled your eyes and kissed him once more.
Tuk's tone was filled with happiness as she chanted, "I feel love in the air! Y/N and Neteyam, Neteyam and Y/N! Nanana! Love is oh so in the air!"
When Neteyam returned the kiss, he felt all his angst and anger disappear quickly, having been eased by your words and feeling that they came from the depths of your heart.
After letting him kiss you for a moment, you pulled away when you needed to breathe deeply. "Is this proof enough for you, my love?"
"What did our little spy think of what she saw?" You asked Tuk loudly.
With a stick she found in the bushes, Tuk emerged from her hiding spot and approached the two of you. "It was pretty cute, but still eww, just like mom kissing dad. Just remember I will keep a close eye on you, Y/N, and I won't hesitate to inform Neteyam if I see you hanging out with those beefy, turquoise fellas again," she warned, getting on her brother's lap. "And now tell me: will you two eventually tie the knot?"
You rolled your eyes and ruffled her hair. "One day, maybe, when we decide we want to be together forever."
"Tuk, please," Neteyam poked Tuktirey's shoulder. "Little one, that is none of your business."
"What? I have to be ready," Tuk looked at you while shrugging her shoulders. "I believe you'd make a stunning bride! I could look after your future kids! I would play with them!"
"TUK!" Neteyam paled a little, pulling on his sister's braid. "That’s enough."
A smug smile appeared on your face. "I would like to have kids, so long as they aren't like their future aunt."
Neteyam laughed, shoving Tuk off his lap and returning to weaving. "Please, don't encourage her, Y/N."
Tuk initially nodded joyfully in response to your comments, but when she realised what you were saying, she crossed her arms over her chest, which, unfortunately, was the same moment she slipped from Neteyam's lap. She snarled at you while sitting on her butt in the sand. "I'll keep it in mind, Y/N, and I'll tell mom!"
Laughing, you took Neteyam's hand. "I guess we'll see about that. Right?"
As he stroked your palm, he smiled at you brightly. "Yes. The feelings I have for you are something I am looking forward to discovering and exploring."

Fondle Me || Neteyam x fem!Omaticaya reader
Summary: Your friendship with Neteyam came with a little benefit of fondling and sharing steamy kisses from time to time. Now, you are ready to take your relationship to another level
Warnings: smut & sweetness ❤🔥
Word count: 3390
Author: Rouge
A/N: prior to reading, it’s important to know that: the reader is female Omaticaya ✤ characters are aged up (Neteyam is 20, reader is 19) ✤ a few things are in Na'vi language ✤ despite being seriously injured during Skirmish at the Three Brothers, Neteyam survives ✤ you'll find a glossary underneath the fic
Divider by wonderful firefly-graphics

My first kiss is still fresh in my mind. The spring afternoon was steamy, and a deserted hut was muggy, despite the lack of doors that allowed the air to circulate. Sitting on the cot, I pondered who I would like to become in the future. In some cases, I needed time for myself, time I could spend thinking and losing myself in distant thoughts. After peeking inside, Neteyam sat next to me to ensure that I would not be alone. His prowess at finding me everywhere made it impossible for me to stay alone for too long.
As we sat and talked, we discussed everything, including our hunting classes and our teachers. Our friendship began at an early age, since his family was well known in the neighborhood. Neteyam was the first boy who truly became a friend to me. The tease he gave me was not aimed at hurting me, but rather at making me laugh or blush. His jokes suddenly came to a halt, and he looked at me in a completely different way he had never done before. Suddenly he leaned over and kissed me, just like that. It was a gentle, sweet, hesitant kiss at first, but once he was sure there was no resistance within me, his lips brushed more firmly against mine. In a soft, brushing motion, he kissed me again; Neteyam's tongue flickered over his lips and onto mine. After I sighed, he embraced me and we kissed again. Although we were both so young, only fifteen at the time, we were extremely curious about everything, especially corporeality. My mouth parted soon after, and his tongue snaked in and ran along mine. It was the first time I'd kissed anyone, and I felt my body reacting, even though I was slightly afraid. As I ran my hand through his dark hair, I felt a sense of comfort. The kiss deepened as we shifted. His hand reached down and rubbed along my breast, teasing the nipple through my clothing as I felt myself becoming wet. It was no secret to me that Neteyam's hands and mouth were turning me on. When Neteyam drew back and gazed at me intently, he traced my face with his hands before touching my lips with his slender fingers. When he stuck one in, I suckled it, and I realized I had made the right choice when I saw the look on his face: so blissful and primal. In no time at all, the finger was gone from my mouth and Neteyam kissed me once more, this time more hungrily, and I moaned into his mouth. A raised voice from his parents searching for him tore us apart faster than if someone had walked into the hut. As I jumped off my previous position, I cupped my cheeks as if I were cooling them down and wiping them off blush. As our eyes locked, we began a new chapter in our lives. We grabbed each other's hands and walked out of the abandoned hut. As we got outside, he squeezed my hand before releasing it; it was obvious that he wanted to keep a poker face so as not to draw unnecessary attention and questions, and I fully agreed with him. While waving at his mother, he walked away, somehow managing to hide his flushed expression from her. The first kiss I ever had was that one.

My memory of that moment is still vivid years later. The few moments we shared over the next few years - never extending beyond kissing and cuddling - proved that we were better as friends, regardless of how hot we felt together. Yet the more time passed, the less hesitant Neteyam became in showing his affection towards me; he wanted more, I was certain.

Neteyam pays me an unannounced visit one day and stands near my cot, watching me, completely silent.
My focus is on making arrows and I do not notice anything around me, humming a soft song my mother used to sing for me when I was a toddler.
“Y/N,” Neteyam whispers and only his tone breaks my state of thoughtfulness.
Looking up at him over my shoulder, I whimper, "Dear Eywa, you scared the hell out of me. Please don't do that again. What do you want, Net? You were on patrol with your parents, I thought.” As he places both of his hands on my shoulders, gently rubbing me with his long fingers, I stiffen. "I missed you, Y/N," he replies simply, but his voice has a dark quality to it.
I put the arrow down; my eyes are closed and I am enjoying his warmth and firmness of his touch - it is a feeling I have yearned for. I can hear a small shift behind me, and then, suddenly, I feel a hot sensation spill over the crook of my neck - his lips brush gently against my skin, leaving me breathless. “Neteyam,” I whisper, barely moving my lips.
As he bites my ear shell, he asks simply, "Don't you want to try?"
Turning my face toward him, I place one of my hands on his already flushed cheek - all I see in his eyes is an unfulfilled, primal longing. My voice is no more than a whisper as I ask, "Are you certain nobody will bust in here on us?"
"Yeah," he replies, nibbling on my earlobe once again, and I sigh profusely.
While I want to tell him this is not a good idea, the other side is far stronger - I crave him, and this craving cannot be silenced anymore. Oh shit, I think to myself after the contractions in my lower abdomen that are the pure sign of arousal building in.
It's clear that Neteyam knows exactly what he is doing to me, and his expressions make me confident he will not stop; that cocky grin of his dancing in the corners of his lips.
After resting my forehead against his for a few moments, I nod in approval. My waiting has been long, but I wanted to make sure Neteyam felt the same way about me as I did about him. On the cot, I let him lay me down; my eyes never left his.
A much-longed kiss is a real beatitude when he leans forward and starts making out with me. His hands move to the piece of clothing covering my breasts, and within the blink of an eye, he removes the piece of clothing covering them, leaving my chest bare, exposed to his hungry eyes. After undoing the strings of my loincloth, he throws it aside - now I'm completely naked in front of him and blush covers my cheeks even more. Neteyam watches my hips flexing in tiny circles as pleasure builds. As his palm brushes against my engorged clit, he cups my pussy with his hand, and I moan as my hips jerk. My soaking entrance is rimmed by his finger for a brief moment as he chuckles. I spread my legs for him as he dips his finger inside me, teasing me while my hands knead my breasts slowly. Neteyam's finger slips out soon, and he removes his hand, bringing it to his face so he can lick my juice from it before bringing it down to my mouth. Taking in a mouthful greedily, I enjoy the taste while pleasing him with my tongue and mouth.
As I cup him boldly between his legs, Neteyam's cock throbs under my hands. It feels larger than I remember, but I caress it lovingly and his eyes close as he enjoys the sensations I am bringing. His finger is finally removed from my mouth and he steps back.
I lay down, as Neteyam slowly undoes his loincloth and slips out of it, and I run my fingers along my inner thighs, caressing the outer lips of my pussy, watching him carefully. When I see his semi-hard cock, I lick my lips, and he smiles, knowing what I want.
Neteyam strokes my hair as I sit up and reach out and caress the hot velvet skin as I improve my position on the cot. It twitches and I watch it lengthens. I lick the head of his dick and he gasps. Just as I'd heard other women speak about those matters before, I swipe my tongue along his shaft while cupping one of his balls lightly in my hand. Neteyam gasps heavily.
I can't completely wrap my fingers around Neteyam's thick base as I finally suck the head fully into my mouth. Saliva runs down my chin as I fondle his balls with one hand and rub his dick with the other. I feel his hands on my head as I move my mouth back and forth, my tongue rubbing against the sensitive skin on his shaft. Before dipping down to lick his balls, I pull back and run my mouth and tongue down one side, then back up the other side of his shaft, earning a deep, animalistic grunt from him.
Grasping at my hair, Neteyam pulls me away from his balls and back to his cock.
My hands and tongue ran along his shaft, making him moan again as I sucked him in greedily. I take him in deep and suck him as I slowly pull my mouth back. I slip one of my hands down to play with my pussy, I am able to relieve the burning sensation built there already.
"Not yet," he orders firmly, taking my hand away. As I moan sadly around him in my mouth, he gasps, "Do it again, Y/N."
Neteyam's hips start to fuck at my mouth as I moan and hum for him. As my hand rubs faster and faster along the shaft, his balls begin to tighten up. I pull my mouth back to concentrate on the blood-engorged head of his cock.
He clenches his fingers around my head as he tenses up, grunting.
After the first stream of cum hits my back of the mouth, I choke for a moment, yet I swallow and continue to jack him into my mouth. My tongue pools with warm cum as he releases a few more streams. My cum-coated tongue runs along the highly sensitive head of Neteyam's dick while he moans and shakes, just for me. A few more spurts and he finishes cumming. Before I pull away, I lick his cum from my mouth and scoop up a few drops of it with one of my fingers as I doe-eye him, smiling innocently.
Using his finger, he wipes off the last drop of cum from the corner of my mouth and smears it across my lips. In the same way he kissed me the first time, Neteyam bends down and pulls me to my feet, licking my lips with his tongue.
Suddenly, my pussy twitches as his tongue licks up his own cum and dives into my mouth, slowly dancing with mine.
He gently pushes me back to the cot, murmuring, "Sit down." When I follow his command, he kneels down in front of me.
As his hands sweep down my legs, they are lifted up and thrown over his shoulders. My labia were lightly skimmed by his fingertips as they traced along the inside of my thighs. His breath runs through the sticky wetness of my arousal as he leans forward and breathes in deeply. I feel my hips buck slightly as his breath triggers my senses.
As Neteyam holds my hips still, he says lowly, "Easy. Mmmm, I love your scent, oeyä 'eve."
My senses are set ablaze by his words, so I whimper. I feel and hear him inhale the scent of my arousal, as if savoring it. Neteyam's tongue snakes out to scoop up the moisture gathered on the outer lips of my pussy before I can catch my breath. As he continues to lap, he hits all of my sensitive spots except the one I want him to lick; I moan loudly, closing my eyes. The pulse in my head, heart and clit is pounding as his tongue works its way between my folds and rim along the outer edge of my hot pussy, pushing in. Neteyam's nose barely brushes my clit, and I whimper as his tongue licks up inside me. I writhe on the cot as he giggles and pulls back. "Rutxe," I beg.
I can feel a tremor running through me as Neteyam asks, "Please what?" His voice is rough from arousal. "I want your tongue to fondle my cunt," I moan helplessly, grasping my nipples and pinching them hard.
Again, he chuckles as he presses his face back to my hot pussy, attacking my clit and making me shriek and moan as his teeth gently nibble it before he begins to suck on it, then I feel him inserting two fingers into me, stroking my velvety inner walls. He moves his mouth lower and his thumb strokes the highly sensitive nubbin as his tongue enters me again and again.
My orgasm peaks as Neteyam takes my hot clit into his mouth and sucks on it again, then begins to hum, sending shivers throughout my body - then I start to shudder. While my hips lift off the cot and I cry, I can feel my eyes roll back from the unbearable pleasure. It takes a few minutes for me to recover from that, as he lightly licks and nibbles at my pussy still, his eyes never leave my flushed face. As I finally stop shaking, he kisses his way up my slender body, nestling himself at the apex of my legs. I reach down and take Neteyam's cock in my hand - he's hot and hard again.
It's Neteyam's turn to moan as I rub the head of his cock along my slick clit; my body shivers in response, my lips parted as I watch his blissful expression. He takes my hand away and replaces it with his own when my juices coat the head of his cock. My legs wrap around Neteyam’s waist and help him slide deeper in as he guides his dick deep into me. Upon reaching the end, he lets out a husky grunt.
There has never been anyone who has filled me with as much as he does. The pulse of his body throbs in tangent to mine. My hips flex and Neteyam smiles before pulling out slowly. When his penis slips out, he bites his lower lip a little, then pushes in all the way back in with one powerful move.
As he continues pushing in followed by slowly, agonizingly pulling out, the feeling and sensation within me grow more intense.
My voice is breathy, "Nì'ul, Neteyam!"
A look of concern crosses his face as he looks down at me, stopping.
I doe-eye him while running the tip of my tongue along the bottom of my parted lips as my hair is spilled on the cot, my nipples are dark and hard, and my body is flushed with desire.
Even though he's already aware of the answer, Neteyam asks, "What do you want me to do, little one?"
"Fuck me," I plead, "I want you to fuck me, to possess me, to claim me yours."
With a dark chuckle, Neteyam picks up the pace, soon pounding into me hard; the cot is rocking back and forth with the rhythm of Neteyam's powerful thrusts. Upon hearing my moan, he dips his head down to bite and lick my nipples. Neteyam gasps and takes one of them into his mouth, sucking hard; I cry out and rake my nails along his back, leaving red marks on his sweaty skin. He shudders and moans. In order to grind his hipbone against my clit, Neteyam pushes into me as hard as he can, grunting sharply. As my hips twitch towards his, I pull him down for a hot, tongue-filled kiss. Once again, Neteyam picks up his pace; he rubs my calf with the free hand as he leans into the other one, frowning at the painful throbbing on his cock. “Y/N… Fuck, I-I can’t any longer…” With one arm around his neck, I pull him closer, and the other I wrap around his waist. I whisper, "Cum for me," directly into his ear. "Your seed in me is what I want, yawntutsyìp."
I watch Neteyam's facial expression changes as he begins to come. "Ma Eywa! Sran!" “Neteyam! ” I yell as my fingers work on my clit, rubbing it viciously and bringing the most intense orgasm to me. The first spurt of his cum lands inside my hot, clenching pussy and milks my inner walls. Neteyam pulls out of me quickly and he lands another one on my abdomen. More cum spurts and oozes out as he straightens up and strokes himself rapidly.
Watching me lean over for a soft kiss, he lies on his side. "It was fucking amazing," Neteyam murmurs. As his breath still needs to be calmed, he allows me to rest my head against his chest that rises and falls rapidly.
I lightly trace the edges of the old bullet wound left on his chest with one finger. "I'm glad you're with me, and that you're safe. I thought I had lost you then..."
Neteyam grabs the blanket situated nearby and covers us both. Taking my palm in his hands, he places a kiss on its surface. "Don't think about it anymore, Y/N. Nga yawne lu oer.” In the end, he turns me onto my side and spoons up behind me, and we fall asleep together; his warm breath bathing the back of my neck, sending some shivers down my spine.

I woke up some time later, alone. Taking a slow look around my hut, I find no sign of Neteyam; the only thing that reminds me of him is the sex scent filling the air. Whenever I think of Neteyam, I either smile or just sigh, feeling the warmth spreading throughout my body.
All of a sudden, my attention is drawn to something neatly wrapped in a piece of cloth lying beside my bed. A slight frown crosses my forehead as I slowly stand, tightening the blanket around my figure and picking the thing up to examine it closely. It is a handmade necklace decorated with lortsyal's wings - it's a fine piece of craftsmanship. My lips part slowly, and I exhale deeply, covering them with my curled hand. Gifting clothing or jewelry to someone means keeping them close to one's heart; it is a widely practiced act. Therefore, Neteyam has the same feelings for me as I do for him, I think to myself as I cradle the necklace close to my chest. I have never received a gift as beautiful as this one. With a smile I look in the darkest corner of my hut. A waytelem I made for myself gleams in the dim light of the eclipse while hanging on the wall. As I think about adding a bead to it, the bead telling the story of my relationship with Neteyam, a smile spreads across my lips. Although we aren't officially mated, I know Neteyam treats me genuinely and seriously. “Ma Eywa, please hear me out,” I whisper to myself, offering my sincerest prayers to our Great Mother. “The depths of my heart are filled with love for him. Please, please allow me to become his other half, Great Mother.” While I pray quietly, at the gleaming stars above, I don't realize curious eyes are watching me the entire time. I come quiet when I hear my cot cracking, and I smile to myself as I recognize the smell as my nose twitches - it's Neteyam's strong scent feeling my nostrils.
Curling my lips in a tiny smile, I turn to him slowly.
A warm smile spreads across his face as he silently invites me to join him, and I am delighted to do so. After wrapping me in his strong arms, he rubs my back and shoulders in long-lasting strokes. “Oeyä narlor ‘eve,” Neteyam whispers, kissing all over my face.
There is only one thing I know at that moment: I never want to part with him. For that, I'm willing to sell my soul.

oeyä narlor ‘eve - my beautiful girl
oeyä ‘eve - my girl
yawntutsyìp - darling
Ma Eywa - o Eywa
nga yawne lu oer - I love you
nì'ul - more
sran - yes (colloquial)
rutxe - please
lortsyal - shimmyfly
waytelem - songcord
A Cultural Fusion || Neteyam x fem!Omaticaya reader

Summary: Neteyam instructs you on the customs and significance of Valentine's Day, a special day celebrated by humans
Warnings: none
Word count: 1690
Author: Rouge
A/N: prior to reading, it’s important to know that: the reader is female Omaticaya ✤ you'll find a glossary underneath the fic ✤ today’s prompt: learning about Valentine’s Day

Neteyam had always been fascinated by the ways of the humans. He had spent many evenings listening to his father recounting stories about the strange and exotic customs of the outsiders. But one particular story had always stuck with him - a tale about a special day called Valentine's Day.
As he walked through the lush forest, Neteyam spotted you sitting alone by the river, lost in your thoughts. He approached you with a gentle smile, curious to know what was on your mind.
You looked up at him and returned the smile, happy to have some company.
“Oel ngati kameie, Y/N," Neteyam greeted you. "Are you okay? You seem a little troubled."
You shrugged, feeling a little embarrassed. "I'm fine. I'm just thinking about something."
"Would you like to talk about it?" Neteyam asked kindly, taking a look around, smiling as he spotted a few kenten sitting in the nearby bushes.
You hesitated for a moment before nodding. "It's just that tomorrow is Valentine's Day, Lo’ak told me about that, and I don't really know what it means. I’ve never heard about this before. And your brother said it has something to do with love and feelings, but I don’t know if I can believe him."
Neteyam's eyes lit up with recognition. "Ah, I know about this day. My father told me about it. It's a day when humans show their love and affection for one another."
You looked at him curiously. "How do they do that when they do not have anything similar to tsaheylu?"
Neteyam paused for a moment, gathering his thoughts. "Well, they exchange gifts, like flowers or sweets, to show that they care about each other. And they spend time together, doing things they enjoy."
You listened intently, fascinated by the concept of expressing love through such simple gestures. "But why is it called Valentine's Day?" You asked.
Neteyam shrugged. "I'm not sure. My father didn't tell me that part. But I think it's because there was a human saint named Valentine who used to help people express their love. Humans have a lot of saints, after all."
"Saints? What are those?" You asked, puzzled.
"They are people who are believed to have lived holy lives and are now in heaven. Humans pray to them for help and guidance," Neteyam explained, taking a seat by your side, slipping his feet into the water.
You looked at him, surprised. "Really? Humans have so many beliefs and traditions. I can't keep up with all of them."
Neteyam chuckled. "I know it can be overwhelming. But I find it fascinating to learn about all these different customs and beliefs. It helps me understand humans better. My dad was one of them, after all."
You nodded, but you still didn't quite understand why humans would pray to someone who was no longer alive. Neteyam could see the confusion on your face.
"It's hard to explain, Y/N. But I think it gives humans comfort to know that there are people in the heavens watching over them," he said.
You looked at him curiously. "Heaven? What's that?"
"It's a place where humans believe they can be happy forever, with no pain or sadness," Neteyam explained, playing with a tuft of grass.
You nodded, trying to understand this concept. "So it's like a place of eternal peace?"
"Exactly," Neteyam nodded with a smile. "It's like becoming one with Eywa after death. Humans believe that they can reunite with their loved ones who have passed away and be with them forever in heaven."
You felt a sense of understanding dawn on you. "I see. It's like the ultimate reunion."
"Yes. It's a way for humans to find comfort in the face of death, to believe that they can be together with their loved ones again someday."
You smiled, feeling grateful for Neteyam's insights. It was always interesting to learn about the beliefs and customs of humans, even if they were different from your own and usually meant danger. And in some ways, the concept of heaven was similar to your own belief in the afterlife, of becoming one with Eywa and the spirits of your ancestors. It was a reminder that, despite all our differences, there were still common threads that bound everyone all together. You thought about this for a moment, trying to wrap your head around the concept. "I see. I guess it's like how we believe in the spirits of our ancestors who guide us."
Neteyam smiled. "Exactly! It's different, but it's also similar in a way."
You smiled back at him, feeling grateful for his insights into the human world. It was always interesting to learn about their many beliefs and traditions, even if you didn't always understand them.
You nodded, feeling grateful for Neteyam's explanation. "Thanks for telling me about it. It sounds like a nice tradition, that Valentine's Day. But it’s a little strange that humans have one particular day where they are affectionate with their loved ones."
Neteyam had been thinking about Valentine's Day for a while, and he decided to make a small gift for you. He spent many hours working on it, putting all his love and care into each stitch and bead. "Y/N, I made this for you. It's not much, but I wanted to give you something special for Valentine's Day, even if it would take place only tomorrow," Neteyam whispered, reaching for the little bag hung over his shoulder. He pulled out a beautiful bracelet made of woven leaves and colorful beads. It was delicate and intricate, and you could see the time and care that Neteyam had put into making it.
“Neteyam,” you whispered, looking up at him, accepting the gift. “Ma Eywa! It’s beautiful.”
Neteyam smiled, happy to see you enjoying the gift. "I'm glad you like it. I wanted to bring something from human tradition, because that's what father does for mom, and I thought a handcrafted gift would be a good choice."
You nodded, feeling grateful for Neteyam's effort and his understanding of human customs. It was fascinating to learn all that stuff about sky people.
"Thank you, Neteyam. This is a wonderful gift, and I'll cherish it always," you said, putting the bracelet on your wrist and admiring its beauty. “But… I don’t have anything for you, and after what you said I understand that Valentine’s Day is about exchanging gifts.”
Neteyam's smile widened, pleased to have made you happy. It was a small gesture, but it meant a lot to both of you, a symbol of the growing bond as Neteyam had his eye on you for a long while. "There's something you can do for me," Neteyam suggested.
Your head tilted to the side, and you asked, "What's that?"
In a bold voice, he asked, "Kiss me." Neteyam gazed into your eyes, feeling his heart racing with anticipation. He took a deep breath and reached out to gently take your hand in his. Neteyam leaned in closer to her, feeling a surge of courage. "There's something that draws me to you. I feel a connection with you that I can't explain." He paused for a moment, gathering his thoughts, and then he leaned in even closer until your faces were just inches apart.
Your heart skipped a beat as you looked into Neteyam's eyes. You saw the sincerity and vulnerability in his expression, and you felt your own heart begin to race in response. Without a word, you leaned in and met Neteyam's lips with yours, feeling a jolt of electricity pass between them.
For a moment, the world around you fell away as you shared your first kiss. It was a gentle and tender moment, filled with the promise of what could be. As you pulled away, Neteyam looked at you and smiled, feeling a sense of hope and joy that he had never felt before. He looked at you, his eyes wide with awe and wonder. It was as if a new world had opened up to him, and he was seeing everything in a different light. He couldn't believe how soft your lips were, how your touch had sent shivers down his spine, and how his heart was beating so fast in his chest. It was like nothing he had ever felt before, and he knew that he was completely and utterly smitten. For a moment, he was lost in his thoughts, trying to process the overwhelming feeling that had taken over him. As he looked at you, he saw the way your eyes sparkled in the light, the way your smile made his heart flutter, and he knew that he was in trouble. He had never felt this way before, and he knew that he wanted to explore this new and exciting world of emotions that you had introduced him to. Neteyam couldn't wait to see what the future held for the two of you, and he knew that he was ready to take on any challenge as long as he had you by his side.
In that moment, you knew that everything had changed. You felt an intense connection with Neteyam, and you were completely enamored with him. It was a kiss that you would never forget, and you couldn't wait to see where this newfound attraction would take you. “Neteyam,” you whispered softly, trying to find proper words to describe your feelings.
“Shhh,” he whispered, wrapping his arms around your shoulders, pulling you closer to his strong chest. “I’m also lost for words.”
You couldn't help but nuzzle your face into Neteyam's chest, basking in the warmth and comfort that emanated from him. It felt like you were melting into him, and the feeling that rose within your chest was indescribable. As you breathed in his scent, you felt a sense of calm wash over you. It was like you were exactly where you were meant to be, and everything else in the world just fell away. You closed your eyes, savoring the moment, and letting yourself be completely enveloped by the feeling of being in Neteyam's arms. It was a moment you knew you would treasure forever.

kenten - fan lizard
tsaheylu - bond
oel ngati kameie - I see you