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The Only Source Of Light || Joel Miller X Fem!reader

The Only Source of Light || Joel Miller x fem!reader

Summary: As you return home from the job you were involved in, you realize how much Joel feared losing you

Warnings: none

Word count: 1207

Authors: Cass & Fenrir

The Only Source Of Light || Joel Miller X Fem!reader
The Only Source Of Light || Joel Miller X Fem!reader

After throwing your backpack on the ground and closing the door, you sighed loudly. It was nice to be back home, but you felt like crap. You had dirty clothes stuck to your body. There were a number of problems with the job. The only thing you dreamed of was taking a shower. Announcing your successful return, you shouted, "I'm back... Still alive!"

Joel's exhausted state made him appear limp like wet laundry on a cold, still day. Every muscle in his body seemed to be giving way to gravity. The man wanted to sleep, to be warm in his bed, and to have a good night's sleep. Rather, he had chaos both outside and inside the shared space. 

He nodded briefly at you, his bearded face displaying a look of tiredness. His politeness began to wane. "What the fuck, Y/N? Where have you been?" The stain on the leg of your jeans caught his eye. "What's that?"

"It's nothing," you said, shook your head, and went to the bathroom to wash yourself and remove dirty clothes.

There was no doubt that Joel would not give up and follow you there. "What happened?"

You groaned before removing your shirt and tossing it to the side. "Jesus, some privacy, please! The job got messy, so I had to shoot. Nothing bad happened."

Leaning casually against the door frame as you changed, he paraphrased, "Job got messy, I got shot. I've seen all that before, so don't be prude. Mind if I check this wound?"

"Mind if I change and clean myself up a little before we start?"

With an eye roll, Joel turned on his heel and hurried to the kitchen to retrieve the whiskey glass he had started before your return.

"Thank you!" You yelled after him, and you began to wash yourself as much as you could. You changed into more comfortable pants and Joel's flannel.

Leaning one hand against the counter, he glanced at you as you entered the kitchen. "Y/N, I am very particular with my words, aren't I? I warned you to be careful."

"I was careful. Things can get messy, you should know this." As you spoke, you hopped onto the counter and stared at him. "I am fine. Really."

As he approached you, he shifted another glass filled with alcohol along the counter for you to take. "The fact that things get messy is not an excuse for getting hurt so easily," Joel snarled a little, downing his glass.

"Do not treat me like a child. You get hurt too, and I do not lecture you." Accepting the glass with a smile, you took a sip while grimacing. The taste of alcohol was never appealing to you.

He didn't say anything more, just stared at you for quite a while before putting the glass into the sink. "Did you sell everything?"

Before taking another sip, you answered, "Everything, somehow. After being away for so long, I couldn't wait to get home."

Joel reached into one of the cabinets and pulled out a small plastic bag. "I think we still have some painkillers here," he said, pulling two pills out and handing them to you. "I want to see that leg, too."

You took the pills before showing him your leg, joking, "I think you saw it plenty of time." The wound wasn't serious, and you patched it up right away.

His brow cocked as he inspected the wound carefully. "Just a little graze, isn't it?" As it turned out, it was not deep, but rather superficial, so Joel reluctantly agreed with you.

"It was patched as soon as I could. You don't have to worry. I am a big girl."

Joel decided not to argue with you, so he only nodded. "It's going to be a long and hard day for us tomorrow, so come rest."

"Wait?" You asked, raising an eyebrow. "Why will it be difficult?"

"There is something we need to do on behalf of Marlene."

Then you shook your head, groaning. "No. C'mon, Joel! I just came back. All I need is rest," you sighed. "And her? Really?"

He picked you up and carried you to the bedroom saying, "I trust her. Sort of."

Surprised, you grabbed onto him. "Well, sort of doesn't really make it better, does it?"

"You need to trust me, Y/N."

"Well, I can try, but I need to know what I'm getting into right after returning."

You were placed on the bed and the pillow was improved for you by him. "We're going to smuggle something outside of Boston."

"Oh, I see. So? It's business as usual," you nodded, getting comfortable on the pillow. "But you've always done it alone. Why do you need me this time?"

"I've got a feeling it won't be any of the usual goods. It's going to be a girl."

Girl? A child? He's never tried smuggling people before, so that's something new for him. "You've never done anything like this before."

"Marlene can only trust us in this urgent and unusual situation," he explained quickly.

You couldn't resist chuckling. "Well, then I guess I can tag along, just to make sure you don't get yourself into trouble."

"Don't worry about me. I am more worried about you."

You patted the mattress as you said, "Get your ass into bed or I'll pull you here myself." you said. "You know how worried I am about you, so as we see it works both ways."

As he lay down in front of you, he improved his own pillow, letting your arms wrap around his waist.

In a quiet voice, you looked at him and asked, "Did you miss me while I was away? I sure did."

"Yes. You know I always miss you."

As you stared at him, your head rested on his chest. Soon, your hand rested on his nape as you moved it through his hair. "That's why you were angry about the leg? You thought I wouldn't return this time, didn't you?"

A long moment passed without him saying a word. He stared intently at the dilapidated ceiling with his brown eyes. "I was afraid I had lost you forever.

"Oh, Joel!" Your voice was no more than a whisper as you hugged him tightly. "As far as I'm concerned, I'm not going anywhere."

"The only thing my life has taught me is to be uncertain of what the future holds," he replied emotionlessly. "The reason I got angry was because you were involved in something I was powerless to control. I hate such moments.”

As you played with his hair, you whispered, "I know. You know I didn't mean to worry or anger you. I always try to get back to you as soon as possible."

His hand was soon slipping into your hair as he massaged your scalp and stroked the curve of your spine underneath your shirt with his other hand. "I love you. "I love you too." As you cupped his cheek to pull him closer, you whispered a quiet, come here. The kiss you offered was gentle, as if you were afraid you might hurt him. “For me, you are the only source of light in this dark world of mine.”

The Only Source Of Light || Joel Miller X Fem!reader
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More Posts from Thepaperpanda

2 years ago

A rekindled jealousy || Neteyam & Ao’nung & Tuk x fem!Omaticaya reader

Summary: When you leave the Omaticaya clan behind, your entire life changes. You may have a hard time adjusting to Metkayina's ways, but you use the opportunity to wake some jealousy in Neteyam

Warnings: fluff & a little bit of angst  ( ✓ Tuk being a little naughty, inquisitive shit  ✓ Ao'nung being visibly into the reader  ✓ jealous Neteyam) ♥

Word count: 3490

Authors: Cass & Fenrir

A/N: Divider by wonderful firefly-graphics

A Rekindled Jealousy || Neteyam & Aonung & Tuk X Fem!Omaticaya Reader

We will adapt, his father said. Adaptation is inevitable, it's not like we have a choice. Adaptation had multiple meanings, and the Sully siblings defined it in their own way. For Kiri, adaptation required finding an inner peace that would make day-to-day tasks much easier. As for Tuk, it meant leaving everything she used to know behind and learning anew how to function among the other clan. In Lo'ak's case, the process was about discovering his inner self - knowing your fears was the path to becoming one with the water. Accordingly, for Neteyam adaptation meant being obedient and following his parents' orders. As the oldest, he knew that getting into trouble was the last thing they needed right now; he would again be punished by his father and grounded, for life this time, there was no doubt.

Despite not being a part of Neytiri's family, you became close to her as her friends' daughter, and Neyam was delighted that his parents had taken you along with them - after your parents died in yet another battle against RDA, Jake Sully's wife decided to care for their daughter. You became his best friend after many years spent together, and the fact that you were female didn't change anything - the eldest son of Jake and Neytiri was treating you like the best buddy, hanging out with you as much as possible. Despite moving to a brand-new location because of Quaritch and his buddies, Neteyam still preferred to spend time with you, diligently learning new things from Metkayina.

A Rekindled Jealousy || Neteyam & Aonung & Tuk X Fem!Omaticaya Reader

As you sat on a large rock, frowning, you tried your finest to weave nets. As you tapped your tail angrily against the hard surface, your fingers continued to work on your latest yet unsuccessful attempt; at least this was slightly better than the previous one. As each second passed, you grew more and more annoyed.

Little did you know that Ao'nung and his friends were observing you from a distance. Following a brief exchange of glances with his friends, he approached you. Even though he wasn't a big fan of the Sully family, you seemed so different from them, which made you more appealing. In addition, you had four fingers, so you weren't as strange as those Sullys' demon kids. "Y/N, right? I see you're struggling with weaving," he smiled at you and offered, "Why don't you join my friends and me in the water instead?"

You looked at your messed up work and then at him; maybe continuing wasn't necessary at the moment - your fingers hurt and you were getting frustrated, so you decided a small break was needed. Also, that could be very interesting. You smiled back and nodded, "I'd love to." Rotxo nodded his head in agreement as Ao'nung looked at him. "Let's go, it would be a shame to waste such a beautiful day weaving," Ao'nung encouraged you to leave your work behind.

Tuk, the youngest Sully, saw the entire situation and then decided to inform her older brother about what she had seen.

One last look at your nets convinced you that there was no point in trying. Your curiosity led you to follow Ao'nung after leaving your work behind.

"So, how do you like it here?" Ao'nung asked, glancing at you with a certain amount of curiosity. 

"It's completely different," you replied, your tail flicking from side to side. "There's a lot of water. It's a little unusual for me."

Rotxo laughed a bit at your words. "You tree people can only cling to your lianas, right?" 

Ao'nung glanced coldly at Rotxo, conveying his anger towards him. Tonowari's son told you, "Forgive my friend, he's a little crude. Have you already interacted with ilu?" He asked, trying to change the topic.

Your arms crossed over your chest as you hissed offendedly, "Well, he isn't really funny. Well, we can do a lot more than that. And about your question, I'm sorry but I'm not even sure what ilu is," you admitted a bit embarrassed.

Another Ao'nung's friend commented, "She doesn't even know what ilu is, that's ridiculous," but was instantly hit in the back of the head by Tonowari's son.

"An ilu is intelligent, sociable, and easily domesticated animal serves the reef clans, including our clan, as direhorses serve the Na'vi clans of the forests and jungles," Ao'nung explained softly, looking at you. "Do you feel afraid?"

Your interest was piqued by the description of the animal. With your tail moving equally eagerly, you enthusiastically shook your head. "Me? Afraid? No! That sounds fascinating! I'd love to see it." Ao'nung slowly stepped into the water until it reached his muscular calves, then he turned his head to see if you were following. As soon as he was sure you were right behind him, he offered you his hand.

Smiling softly, you took his hand and followed him into the water. Compared to what you were doing moments ago, this was much better, you thought to yourself. The two of you were watched from a distance by Ao'nung's friends, who stayed on the shore. They had no idea that they weren't the only ones watching...

The sound Ao'nung made was like whistling after he clicked his tongue several times. A loud chirping ilu emerged from the water shortly afterward.

"It's loud!" you giggled, feeling even more captivated by the creature. "Are you sure I or you won't be eaten by it?"

"Ilu? Don't worry, they won't bite if they're not bothered. Come, pet it slowly," he advised. 

As you nodded slowly, you drew a little closer and gently petted the animal.

Ilu turned his head to you and chirped loudly in anticipation, blinking both pairs of its eyes. A gentle, inviting touch was evidently enjoyed by the animal, whose skin was soft to the touch.

In response to your very first interaction with the ilu, Ao'nung smiled. "You see? No biting."

A giggle escaped your lips, and you nodded in agreement. "I really like how soft and cute it is, and there is no biting at all. I didn’t know they’re so friendly!”

After seeing a small wave coming, he took a step closer to you and put his hand on your waist, supporting you from falling to your back due to the strong drift. "I told you it was worth trying." 

"It would be appreciated if the waves were not so strong," you joked and politely thanked him for the support he provided. "In fact, it was well worth trying. This creature is so sweet and soft. If I weren't scared, I'd cuddle it."

"There's nothing stopping you from doing so," he said as his hand stayed on your waist. "First, I would suggest creating a bond, it's safer that way."

Meanwhile, Neteyam joined Ao'nung's friends on the shore. Watching you cooperate with the ilu while sitting under the warm sun was a cute way to spend his spare time. Everything would have been perfect if Ao'nung hadn't been doing everything he could to get closer to you. In the end, Neteyam let out a deep sigh - it seemed you were more interested in Metkayina lately, and he was helpless about it; his only concern was your widely understood happiness.

Your eyes widened when you noticed Neteyam with the corner of your eye. You hummed, pretending to think about Ao'nung's offer. This could make things even more interesting. Immediately, you became more flirtatious with Ao'nung. "Are you really bringing me here just to show me the ilu?"

A cheerful smile was given to you by Tonowari's son, who also petted ilu's head. "Why are you asking, Y/N? I was simply trying to relieve you of the unneeded job you were assigned."

With a soft smile, you teased, "Oh, I'm sorry. I was hoping for more from you, but apparently I was mistaken..."

With a bold move, he touched your shoulder with his palm as he asked, "More like? You know how much I value your friendship more than Sullys', so I'm willing to lend a helping hand whenever I can."

"Friendship may always evolve into something more," you shrugged, still petting the ilu's head.

While chirping loudly, ilu poked you in the side with its velvety muzzle. "We could always give it a chance, Y/N. What do you think?" Ao'nung asked as his hand climbed up your shoulder and landed in your crook of the neck.

"Maybe?" You purred as if you were considering it. Of course, you didn't care about any of this, all you cared about was Neteyam's reaction. Although you felt disappointed with the lack of response so far, you decided to keep trying and maybe coax it out of him.

You were so skilled at pretending that Ao'nung leaned forward, closed his eyes, and attempted to kiss you.

It was enough for Neteyam. When he got up to his feet, he got as close to the water as possible without getting in. Neteyam shouted, "What the hell are you doing, Ao'nung?"

Gasping, you took two small steps away from Ao'nung before looking at Neteyam. Oh, he was angry! "Neteyam, what's wrong?" You asked innocently, tilting your head to the side.

The grunt grew louder as Ao'nung opened his eyes and stared at Neteyam as well. "What's your problem, bro?"

"You're acting a bit too brazen, bro, and that's my problem. Leave Y/N alone," Neteyam said after issuing a warning; his eyes were then fixed on you. "Come on, Y/N, I think you still need to finish some things."

Your lips were softly curled into a smile as you whispered, "Yes, I believe I do."

Ao'nung was the first to exit the water, leaving ilu behind. "Well, well, well, look at that, Sully's into our sweet, little Y/N," he mocked, rolling his eyes.

Once you had given the ilu one last pet, you followed Ao'nung towards the shore, thinking how the situation would unfold.

Once Ao'nung got onto the shore, he pushed Neteyam's shoulder strongly with wry words followed by a snort, "Shall I remind you about your position here, Sully? You better be on your best behaviour, as your father suggested."

A frown could be seen on Neteyam's face, but he tried hard to maintain his composure. "Y/N, let's go."

"What's your problem, Net? We didn't do anything wrong, he was just showing me what ilu is." 

Tuk, who was partially hidden behind Neteyam's legs, peered out and frowned at you. "We've been here for a while, and you still don't know anything about ilu? Eywa, please hold me tight, I can't deal with Y/N."

Neteyam ruffled his sister's hair and stared at you before saying, "I heard Ronal asked you to help with nets, and you heard what my parents said about us being guests here? We need to adapt and do whatever it takes to avoid being considered useless."

Putting yourself behind Ao'nung, you frowned. "I try to be useful, but making nets is boring and not meant for me? This just seems more fun."

Tuk stuck her tongue out at you, her glance full of concern. "Mom won't be happy."

"Hush," Neteyam whispered to Tuktirey while looking at Ao'nung. "As the chief's son, you should be more reasonable and help Y/N with the tasks she's assigned to."

Your head rested on Ao'nung's shoulder as you gazed at Neteyam. You teased, "Is it your only concern? Or are you simply jealous?"

Neteyam had already had enough of your behaviour - he thought he had shown you many times that you were more valuable to him, yet you seemed more interested in that thick piece of a man, called Ao'nung. "Maybe."

Ao'nung smiled even wider as you patted his shoulder before walking up to Neteyam to take his hand. "Maybe? Just maybe?"

From nowhere, the argument grew into a tornado. The intensity of Neteyam's rage blinded him to your heart and soul. His hand snatched back from your grasp as he snapped at you, "Don't. It seems that Ao'nung has nothing but hots for you, and since you seem to be more than interested, we won't bother you anymore in spending your time with our host. Tuk, come."

The little girl followed her brother enthusiastically, but of course she couldn't help but glance back at you, laying her ears and hissing, showing her perfect, sharp fangs.

It didn't work out as you thought it would; you laid your ears down and hissed back at her, crossing your arms over your chest. A deep sigh was heard from you as you excused yourselves and followed them quickly.

The fact that you followed Sullys was mocked by Ao'nung. "Come on, Y/N! We still might have some fun!”

"Apparently Y/N is more into the eldest of the Sully brothers," Rotxo replied to his friend, and Tonowari's son punched him hard in the side, giving him the coldest look he has ever given to anyone as a warning.

"Neteyam! Tuk! Wait for me!” You shouted after them, attempting to line up with the siblings.

Meanwhile, Neteyam sat on the rock where you had left your unfinished nets.

Since she was angry that you were playing with her beloved brother in such a cruel way, Tuk ignored you perfectly.

After softly sighing, you decided to sit right next to him. "Neteyam... Talk to me. I am sorry for angering you so much."

He answered, "I'm not furious," and continued to work on the weave with his long fingers.

While playing with the sand, Tuk giggled, "He's not angry, he's mad."

"Could you play somewhere else? I want to talk to him alone," you hissed at her.

Tuk stood up and placed her hands on her hips. "Don't order me, you're not my mother."

With a sigh, Neteyam told his younger sister to return to their hut and assist Kiri and mother with whatever they were doing.

The young girl complied with her brother's instructions while grunting loudly in annoyance.

You looked at him and sighed, "At least she listens to you. So, will you talk to me?”


Then you moved closer to help him weave the net and whispered quietly, "About what happened. I didn't mean to anger you. I'm sorry for leaving my job. It just seemed like a nice offer and I was super flustered."

Without even glancing at you, he asked bitterly, "The offer or Ao'nung?"

Chuckling, you gently pinched his finger and continued to work. "The offer, as I mentioned earlier."

"Yeah. I bet."

"Neteyam," you said, taking his hand in your palm, "Why did you get so angry about me hanging out with him?"

"Hanging out with him, that's the clue," he said angrily, pulling his hand out of your grasp, weaving angry until his fingertips began to hurt - only then Neteyam threw the net away and after letting out a deep sigh, he massaged his temples. "Is he that interesting? Apparently, you were the one who said reef people were strange and unappealing."

"It wasn't because of him, but because I wanted to see an ilu," you explained, rolling your eyes. "There was a chance it would eat him rather than me in the event of an accident."

Neteyam was trying so hard to keep a straight face, but your comment made him giggle. "If only ilus could be as vicious as akulas, Ao'nung's issue might have been resolved long ago."

A smile spread across your face as you raised an eyebrow at him and asked, "You'd like that, huh?"

Prior to replying, Neteyam improved his necklace and waved his tail. "Maybe."

Your tail wiggled happily as you placed your chin on his shoulder with a mischievous smile. "I'm sure you would love that, hm? You wouldn't have to worry about someone stealing me from you."

"It's not like that, Y/N. We're just friends, you and I."

"Well..." you sighed deeply, "I'm disappointed to hear that, because I really wanted something more."

You were given a serious look as he asked, "Just like with Ao'nung, huh?"

As you gasped, you smacked his back with your tail. "I tried to get your attention by making you jealous. Is that what you wanted to hear?"

He grinned widely as he asked, "So you tried to make me jealous? Well, it appears you are interested in me, and I am flattered by that."

You whined, "Yes! I'm interested in you, but you're only paying attention to me in a friendly manner."

"And how do you know that, smartass?"

Blinking, you shrugged lightly. "That's how I felt."

"Then you must be blind."

You turned away and crossed your arms over your chest, pretending to be offended. "I'm not, it's just that your signs weren't clear enough." 

In this case, Neteyam rested his chin against the crook of your neck, looking at you from your profile. "How many times did I accidentally catch your hand? How many times did I say there was no one but you? How many times did I skip my duties just to spend time by your side?"

You leaned against him, "I just thought it was because I was an orphan who your mother had taken care of and you took care of me because this was what your parents expected you to do."

With you by his side, Neteyam was able to relax his nerves as he closed his eyes, enjoying the warmth of the sun kissing his skin. "How wrong you were, Y/N."

"Now I know. What should we do about it?"

"Have you thought of anything in particular?"

Shrugging, you replied, "No. How about you?"

"My guess is that it's the part when you kiss her, Neteyam," tiny tone suggested. Nobody else but Tuk observed the entire situation while hiding among nearby bushes.

While eldest Sully facepalmed for not expecting his little sister to spy on him, he knew deep down she was right. In barely a second, he placed a hand on your cheek and rubbed you there with his thumb, before leaning forward to rub his nose against yours and briefly kiss your lips.

Wrapping your arms around his neck, you giggled quietly and kissed him back. The happiness made your tail move like crazy.

A small Omaticaya girl shook her head and kept quiet during the scene.

As your taste spilled over Neteyam's tongue, he murmured in pleasure.

With a mischievous smile, you pulled away and rubbed your noses together. "It was worth it to piss you off."

"Prove it."

"I love you, not Ao'nung," you rolled your eyes and kissed him once more.

Tuk's tone was filled with happiness as she chanted, "I feel love in the air! Y/N and Neteyam, Neteyam and Y/N! Nanana! Love is oh so in the air!"

When Neteyam returned the kiss, he felt all his angst and anger disappear quickly, having been eased by your words and feeling that they came from the depths of your heart.

After letting him kiss you for a moment, you pulled away when you needed to breathe deeply. "Is this proof enough for you, my love?"


"What did our little spy think of what she saw?" You asked Tuk loudly.

With a stick she found in the bushes, Tuk emerged from her hiding spot and approached the two of you. "It was pretty cute, but still eww, just like mom kissing dad. Just remember I will keep a close eye on you, Y/N, and I won't hesitate to inform Neteyam if I see you hanging out with those beefy, turquoise fellas again," she warned, getting on her brother's lap. "And now tell me: will you two eventually tie the knot?"

You rolled your eyes and ruffled her hair. "One day, maybe, when we decide we want to be together forever."

"Tuk, please," Neteyam poked Tuktirey's shoulder. "Little one, that is none of your business."

"What? I have to be ready," Tuk looked at you while shrugging her shoulders. "I believe you'd make a stunning bride! I could look after your future kids! I would play with them!"

"TUK!" Neteyam paled a little, pulling on his sister's braid. "That’s enough."

A smug smile appeared on your face. "I would like to have kids, so long as they aren't like their future aunt."

Neteyam laughed, shoving Tuk off his lap and returning to weaving. "Please, don't encourage her, Y/N."

Tuk initially nodded joyfully in response to your comments, but when she realised what you were saying, she crossed her arms over her chest, which, unfortunately, was the same moment she slipped from Neteyam's lap. She snarled at you while sitting on her butt in the sand. "I'll keep it in mind, Y/N, and I'll tell mom!"

Laughing, you took Neteyam's hand. "I guess we'll see about that. Right?"

As he stroked your palm, he smiled at you brightly. "Yes. The feelings I have for you are something I am looking forward to discovering and exploring."

A Rekindled Jealousy || Neteyam & Aonung & Tuk X Fem!Omaticaya Reader

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2 years ago

The Zone Of Comfort || Joel Miller x fem!reader

Summary: As soon as Joel gets home, he has some concrete plans for what he'll do with you in his spare time

Warnings: SMUT

Word count: 1904

Authors: Cass & Fenrir

The Zone Of Comfort || Joel Miller X Fem!reader
The Zone Of Comfort || Joel Miller X Fem!reader

There was no way he could take his eyes off you, that was the truth. 

Upon returning home, he dropped his bag on the floor and locked the door; he didn't even think about getting refreshed.

The day had been filled with scummy, dirty work, and he was not only exhausted, but wanted to get relaxed first and foremost. He started considering other ways of dealing with his condition after realizing that the pills mixed with the old whiskey he had kept in a secret stash under the wardrobe were no longer effective.

Then there you were, bustling in the kitchen, in his kitchen, looking goddamn fine.

The world was hard to find yourself in, everything you knew one day crumbled to dust, leaving nothing behind, forcing you to leave in every way you could. Joel's side wasn't always easy, but it didn't change your love for him.

As soon as you heard his backpack hit the ground, you perked up. Finally, he was home. "Joel, you're back! I got some good food, so let's have a nice meal together."

"No rats' meat today, huh?" He laughed slightly darker than he intended to, while he approached you and wrapped his strong arms around your waist from behind. "Missed me?" As he shifted your hair aside to kiss the crook of your neck, his breath was a blend of cigarette scent and warmth. "Because I certainly missed you, Y/N."

The thought of it turned your face into disgust, but you soon smiled as he kissed you. Your hand moved into his hair. "That's what I always do, you know." Suddenly, you turned in his arms, wrapping your arms around his neck. "I always miss you and I’m worried every time you're out."

With a smug smirk, he buried his face in your neck's crook, still kissing you there, grazing his rough lips across your soft skin. "Oh, did you miss me?"

"I missed you so much," you giggled, stroking his hair. "I think you missed me too."

You were picked up and placed on the kitchen counter by Joel as easily as if you were a leaf. His hands began to stroke your legs through your jeans instantly. "Prove it then, little one," he dared.

It's not that you were surprised, just that you didn't expect this right now. You gasped and rested your hands on his shoulders. ”You missed me that much?”

The man did not reply, instead he drew his head back and looked at you, his eyebrows cocked, a cocky smirk dancing across his lips. "As you can see."

A smile spread across your face as you gently touched his chest. "I bet you missed my moans when you fucked me," you teased and slowly removed your shirt. "I bet that's all you come back for."

As you took off your shirt, he watched your boobs bouncing a little without saying anything. "What do we have here?" He murmured, cupping one of your breasts and gently squeezing it, strongly but lightly enough to not hurt you in any way.

"Something you really like." When he touched you, you couldn't help but moan. "Dinner can wait. Since you're back, you deserve dessert." Following those words, you tossed your pants aside. There was nothing else on you except your panties as you sat before him.

After stroking your waist with calloused hands, he slipped one of his palms onto your thigh to massage the flesh there. "The little one is so eager today. Are you already wet for me, hmm? Are you getting aroused thinking of me taking you on a dinner table?" Asked Joel, once again kissing your neck, he applied his thumb to your clit and rubbed you there through your panties. "Oh, yes. You are fucking wet," he grinned at you, gently biting the flesh on your neck, leaving a hickey there, and slipping his index finger beneath the fabric of your undies.

A quiet gasp escaped your lips as you shuddered. "Yes, I was eagerly anticipating your return. I couldn't wait for your touch and love. I imagined you touching me each night before sleep and each morning when I awoke."

Taking a step back, Joel started to unbutton his flannel shirt and removed it soon, not breaking eye contact with you for a moment.

"And you said I'm eager," you teased, swinging your legs innocently while watching him with the same innocent smile.

Having tossed his shirt on the floor, he returned to you, wrapped one hand around your waist and helped your legs wrap around his waist before picking you up, grunting deeply.

"Am I getting too heavy for you?" You raised an eyebrow, wrapping your arms around his neck. "Or are you getting too old for this?"

He placed you hardly on the top of the kitchen table and pushed the papers off before he stared into your eyes. "Just the smell of your wet pussy makes me crazy, baby."

Angrily, you huffed at the papers spilling on the floor, turning your attention back to him. "Then prove it, not just talk about it and ignore my work."

As soon as he unclasped your bra, he took it off. As soon as he finished, his lips locked around one of your erected nipples while his hand pinched the other.

"Fuck," you groaned, pulling his hair carefully with your hands. "I missed this so much, and I needed it so badly."

The hand that pinched your nipple slowly moved down your body, soon reaching your panties' fabric. As his lips continued working on your nipple, he slipped his hand beneath your panties and viciously rubbed your clit.

In an effort to get closer to him, you moaned and arched your back. After being away for so long, you craved his touch more than ever. "Joel! Please, I need you."

In an instant, he moved and started kissing your lips hungrily, slowly sliding his middle finger into your pussy, moving it back and forth while making out with you. His free hand unzipped his fly and unbuckled his belt.

You moved your hands to help him, while kissing him back just as eagerly. You weren't going to let him dominate the kiss so easily now that he was back.

It made Joel grunt loudly, as your tiny hands were helping him with his jeans. Having slipped his finger out of you, he brought his hand to his lips, licking and tasting your wetness while gazing at you, almost naked on the kitchen table, with your best deer-eyes fixed on him. By pushing your panties aside, he uncovered your dripping pussy, already glistening with the wetness he spread all over your clit with his hand moments earlier. With his eyes traveling back to your face, Joel smirked. "Who's a good girl, huh? Who's already dripping for me?"

While biting your lip, you replied, "I'm a good girl. I'm always waiting for you and thinking about you."

Joel spat on his open palm and jerked his already erected cock several times before spreading your legs wide. After sliding his tip past your pussy lips gently, he pushed hard enough to bury his shaft deeply inside your wet core, grunting at the long missed tightness. "Fuck."

As he filled you up and stretched your walls, you hissed in delight. You wrapped your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist. As you kissed him, you murmured, "Fuck indeed."

As he kissed your lips briefly, he grabbed your waist, and quickly began fucking you, grunting and groaning at various times, looking at the place where your bodies were connected to see the bulge forming within your abdomen whenever he was pushing his cock in. "I'm so impressed with you, little one, taking me so well. You're a fine young lady, aren't you?"

As you pressed your hand against the bulge, you let out a loud moan at the pleasure feeling that sent shivers down your spine. "I always take your cock so well whenever you need it. Fuck, I love it."

As he increased his pace a little, he picked up one of your legs and rested it against his broad shoulder, massaging your calf a little while squeezing one of your breasts. "So tight, I love it," he praised within a husky tone. Soon, he pulled out of you, pulled you off the table, turned you around and pressed hard on your back, so you had to lay face down on the table. "Stick your sweet ass up, sweetheart."

As a good girl, you nodded and raised your butt in appreciation. Obviously, you didn't stop yourself from rolling your hips for Joel just to tease him.

He spanked you a few times, leaving red marks on your buttocks. He snarled, grabbing his cock and rubbing its tip against your slick folds. He grunted, "Did I tell you I love your fucking ass?"

Nodding, you grabbed the edge of the table. "You did. Many, many times."

Joel wrapped an arm around your waist, holding you close as he slowly entered you once more. "Oh, fuck, I love it when you got so fucking tight." His other hand grabbed your left hip as he was slowly bucking his hips into you.

Your moaning became louder as you said, "And I am all yours to fuck however you want! I love this thick cock abusing my pussy.”

The hand slipped under your belly, holding you there, moved to rub on your clitoris as he fucked you in the steady pace.

It was impossible not to whimper in pleasure as he made endless promises and praises for how good you made him feel as you moaned his name so sweetly.

Your warmness mixed with wetness, and your pussy's tightness sent him on edge. Soon, his pushes turned sloppy, and he started grunting more and more. As Joel pulled out his throbbing dick from you, he turned you around and jerked his shaft several times before cumming on your belly. "Fuck, Y/N."

You sat up and used your finger to taste some of his cum while moaning sadly at the feeling of emptiness. Your arm encircled his hand as you hummed. "Feeling better, sweetie?”

He wiped the last drops of cum from the tip of his cock with his thumb and sucked it clean, glaring at your body, still shivering from the pleasure you both shared. As he rearranged his boxers and jeans and zipped his fly, he casually replied, "Yeah, of course, that's what I missed." It wasn't long before he touched your swollen pussy again, eliciting another groan from you. "I love you so much. You're my only source of comfort."

After getting off the table, you walked to the kitchen and found a rug there. Before returning to him, you cleaned yourself up and put on your clothes. Wrapping your arms around him, you looked up at his face. "I love you too, and I'm glad I can help you feel better."

One of his brows cocked up. "What the fuck are you doing getting dressed?"

You blinked, whispering, "Uhm... As I'm planning to finish the food now, I'd like to dress appropriately."

A smirk spread across his face as he touched your cheek and stared deeply into your eyes. "Food can wait," he told you. "There is still a lot to make up, and I am not done pledging you yet."

The Zone Of Comfort || Joel Miller X Fem!reader

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2 years ago

Christmas Spirit || Hawks x fem!reader

Masterlist ❄

Christmas Spirit || Hawks X Fem!reader

Summary: Hawks decides to motivate you to prepare your apartment for Christmas.

Warnings: none

Word count: 1351

Authors: Bear & Cass

A/N: today’s prompt: Decorating a House

Christmas Spirit || Hawks X Fem!reader

Due to his childhood memories of Christmas, Hawks enjoyed it a lot. There was a genuine love of Christmas in his heart. Due to Keigo's unhappy childhood, he chose to keep the best, most joyful memories from the family home.

When the holiday season was at its peak, he decided to visit you to see if you needed decorating assistance.

A tune played in the background while you worked on your cookies in the kitchen.

A few knocks were heard on the balcony's door. You opened it immediately with a smile.

Hawks was standing on your balcony, leaning comfortably against a wall with his left leg bent at the knee. "Finally. I've been waiting for so long, I assumed you weren't at home."

As you walked toward him to fix his jacket's collar, you rolled your eyes. "Don't be such a drama queen and get inside. I am sure you are cold from flying around."

Before entering your living room, he brushed some snow from his wings and said, "It's chilling, certainly, but I'm used to this." After he entered and took a look around, he asked, "Wait. And what is that?"

"What is what?" You asked, eyebrow cocking as you closed the door so that more cold wouldn't enter your apartment.

He held up both hands, pointing at your living room. "This. Basically, I mean this. Your decorations, where are they?"

As you returned to the kitchen, you questioned, "Ah! You mean Christmas decorations? I don't decorate much. I'll probably put a few things on tomorrow morning, and that'll be enough for me."

At you, he made a finger gesture, raising one eyebrow. "Oh no, dear, no, no. The holiday spirit is desperately needed here."

"Aren't my special cookies enough?" You teased.

Keigo gave his chin a few taps while he was looking at you. "Oh, no, they're not sufficient, I'm afraid."

As you sighed, you questioned simply, "What's the point in decorating this place when I'll have to take it all down, pack it all up, and put it away soon?"

"Because it's enjoyable! Decorating can add charm and beauty to your area and is a lot of fun. It will spread holiday cheer in this area. It is necessary."

As you turned to him, your arms crossed over your chest as you watched him talk. Everything he said didn't make the idea of hanging stuff around for you any better. "For me it's not enjoyable."

Hawks flopped on your couch and crossed his legs. "Why is that?"

Sweetie, that's a lot of work just to take it down in a few days. The fake tree and some lights will be put up tomorrow morning," you shrugged. "I will probably spend Christmas alone, so there's no need to overdo it."

Keigo once more arched a brow. "So you won't be inviting me over or paying me a visit on Christmas Day? Is this a sign that you don't want my attention anymore?"

Your eyebrows raised as you asked, "How can I invite you when you openly announced you would work a few days ago?"

He rose from the sofa and began to circle the room. "Really, how difficult is it to comprehend? I was hoping that you would ask me for a day or two of vacation so that we could have fun, but of course you never did."

As you groaned, getting frustrated with his behavior, you said, "Keigo. I didn't ask because I know it's difficult for you to get a single day off."

"You are aware of the fact that I would stop at nothing to earn a day off for you. Come on, I'll assist you with decorating the apartment."

After a deep sigh, you rubbed the bridge of your nose. "Okay. Fine. Let it be."

"Where do you have your decorations hidden?"

"They should be in the closet. I have a big box stored there."

Hawks calmly made his way from your living room to the hallway, where you had your closet, with his hands in his pockets. He opened the door and flew up a little, using his beautiful wings to get the large, cartoon box.

"You could at least remove your shoes!" You shouted at him.


Taking a deep breath, you left your current work to assist him in the living room.

After the box was brought, Keigo placed it on the carpet and then, for you to notice, he took care to take off his shoes in a theatrical manner.

After ignoring his little show, you opened the box and took some decorations out.

Keigo looked into the package and concluded, "You have some wonderful Christmas ornaments here." He took out some glitter stars and paper chains.

"You want to see something cringy?”

"Now I'm curious," Hawks rolled his head back a little as he chuckled.

You went to your bedroom and returned a few moments later only to show him the ornament that looked like a mini version of him. With a blush, You explained, "I bought it yesterday while shopping."

He grinned, "Well, well, look at that! We have some little, decent Hawks here. I won't lie, as much as I find it sweet, it's also a little creepy, not to mention the fact that they weren't able to duplicate the beauty of my face."

"It's not my fault, you have so much merch!" You grumbled. Furthermore... I found it cute. So, Mr. Christmas Spirit, what's next?"

He threw the glitter stars at you. "Start hanging those around."

With a nod, you followed his little order and started to hang the stars around your living room.

Hawks got up and placed a few paper chains on the shelves.

As you work, you start humming a quiet tune. Once you were done, you looked at him. "I am done here."

Meanwhile, Hawks was already done with chains and some small baubles.

As you looked around, you agreed, "This actually looks nice."

"Right? Can you feel the Christmas spirit now?"

Shrugging, you replied, "Not really, but I like how it looks."

Hawks came to you and booped your nose. "Don't make me ask that again?"

The nose boop made you giggle. "Oh, okay, fine. I kinda feel it!"

He stole a kiss from your lips, humming.

You booped him in the nose this time. "I'll get the tree. Just so you know, it's a fake one."

Keigo sat back on the carpet and dug further through the box.

Dragging the tree back to the living room took some time. You set it up straight and put it in its proper position with a loud groan. "Here. Did you find anything interesting in the box?"

"Just more baubles," he raised his head, and you could see two baubles hanging off his ears.

"You really like Christmas, don't you?"

"Yes... The only happy childhood recollections I have are of these times."

You kissed his cheek, removing the ornaments from his ears with a small smile. "Let's make it a good memory this year too. Let's decorate the tree together."

Keigo worked tirelessly to adorn your tree with decorations, chains, and other trinkets he discovered inside a box. Hawks placed his arm around you and got out his phone to take a picture of you with the tree in the background after it had been fully adorned.

Just to get a picture, you laughed and kissed his cheek. Then you looked over your shoulder and rubbed his shoulder. "Babe, we forgot something. Can you lift me up?" You asked with a gold star in your hand.

Hawks took you into his arms and used his wings to lift you both up to the tree's top.

With a happy sound, you placed the star on top of the tree and clapped your hands.

There was a certain charm to this whole thing, and it certainly gave you a feeling of Christmas cheer. "Now it's perfect."

Hawks kissed your cheek briefly and nuzzled your neck after landing back on the floor with you, setting you down carefully. "Merry Christmas, little doll."

Before kissing him, you said, "Merry Christmas to my hero."

Christmas Spirit || Hawks X Fem!reader

Tags :
2 years ago

Winter Writing Event

Winter Writing Event

Winter has arrived! It’s that magical time of year again. Winter Writing Event will feature holiday-themed fanfictions to spread joy and cheer ✨

Essential information:

❄️ all of the works will be SFW

❄️ due to the fact that we celebrate both Yule and Christmas, we will often keep the type of winter celebration vague ❄️ christian symbolism/mentions of Christmas might appear here and there, but only in relation to characters with presumably that religion. We will always note this in the warnings as well

❄️ between December 5th and December 31th, we will post fics written for this event ❄️ we'll be featuring a different character with each fic, possibly from a different fandom, so stay tuned

❄️ our event-specific tag will be applied to all works: #paperpanda winter writing event

❄️ following the cut you'll find the full list of prompts we have selected for our event. We would like to point out that the order on the list does not reflect the order of posting

❄️ reblog to help spread the word!

Winter Writing Event


Enjoying the Christmas music

Decorating a house

A visit to a Christmas market

Go ice skating on a frozen lake

Building a snowman

Kissing under a mistletoe

Blanket and cuddling

Making snow angels

Watching the northern lights

Matching Christmas sweaters

Stuck inside a snowstorm

Snowball fight

Winter Writing Event

Tags :
2 years ago
A New Year Is Like Starting A New Chapter In Your Life. Its Your Chance To Write An Incredible Story

A new year is like starting a new chapter in your life. It’s your chance to write an incredible story for yourself. With the new year 2023 on the horizon, PaperPanda team wishes that you embrace it with an open heart and go forward with faith, hope, and courage. As you pursue your hopes and dreams, may this year bring you much success and may your journey be wonderful. May you discover everything you are looking for in the new year right inside yourself ❤️

~ PaperPanda Team 🐼